remedial law 2 (rule 72 to 80)

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  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURTManila


    G.R. No. !"#$%# Ma& '() '#(#N*TIVID*D DE ROS*RIO VD*. DE *+ERTO) in he, in-ii-ual capacit& an- as

    /u-icial 0ua,-ian of the 1ino,s *NTONIO *+ERTO) 2R. an- OURDES*+ERTO) petitione,s)s.

    THE HON. COURT O3 *PPE*S an- *NTONIO 2. *+ERTO) 2R.) assiste- b& his 1othe,as his natu,al 0ua,-ian) *NDRE* 2ONGCO) ,espon-ents.

    Ta4a-a) Ca,,eon 5 Ta4a-a fo, petitione,s.

    +IDIN) 2.6This is a petition fo, ,eie7 on ce,tio,a,i of the *u0ust 8') '#9( Decision of theCou,t of *ppeals in C*!G.R. No. 8:$%;!R*ntonio 2. *lbe,to) 2,.) th,u his1othe, as his natu,al 0ua,-ian) *n-,ea 2on0co) plainti?!appellant) s. Natii-a- -elRosa,io V-a. -e *lbe,to) in he, in-ii-ual capacit& an- as /u-icial 0ua,-ian of the1ino,s) ou,-es *lbe,to an- *ntonio *lbe,to) 2,.) -efen-ants!appellees>) ,ee,sin0the *u0ust ';) '#9:. Decision of the then Cou,t of 3i,st Instance of Manila.

    The case o,i0inate- f,o1 a co1plaint fo, ac@no7le-01ent an- pa,tition Ale- onSepte1be, () '#9; 7ith the then Cou,t of 3i,st Instance of Manila b& the he,einp,iate ,espon-ent) a 1ino,) '( &ea,s of a0e) assiste- b& his 1othe,) *n-,ea

    2on0co) as his natu,al 0ua,-ian) a0ainst the he,ein petitione,s BReco,- on *ppeal)pp. "!(. In the sai- Co1plaint) p,iate ,espon-ent alle0e-) in substance) that in'#:' his alle0e- fathe,) *ntonio C. *lbe,to) an- his 1othe,) *n-,ea 2on0co) lie-to0ethe, as husban- an- 7ife an- as a ,esult of 7hich) he 7as bo,n on Septe1be,';) '#:" that -u,in0 the ti1e that his alle0e- fathe, an- 1othe, lie- to0ethe, ashusban- an- 7ife an- up to the ti1e of his bi,th) both 7e,e sin0le an- ha- no le0ali1pe-i1ent to 1a,,& each othe, that afte, his bi,th) his fathe, an- 1othe,continue- liin0 to0ethe, as husban- an- 7ife) his fathe, suppo,tin0 the1 an-int,o-ucin0 hi1 to the public as his natu,al chil- that een the fa1il& of his fathe,,eco0nie- hi1 as such that on o, about the &ea, '#::) his fathe, an- 1othe,sepa,ate-) an- subseFuentl&) his fathe, 1a,,ie- he,ein petitione, Natii-a- -el

    Rosa,io that as a ,esult of the 1a,,ia0e) t7o B" chil-,en 7e,e bo,n he,einpetitione,s ou,-es *lbe,to an- *ntonio *lbe,to) 2,. that althou0h his fathe, 7assepa,ate- f,o1 his 1othe,) he continue- to suppo,t hi1 an- ,eco0nie- hi1 as hiso7n chil- that on 2ul& 8) '#:#) his fathe, -ie-) an- 7ithout notice to hi1) petitione,Natii-a- -el Rosa,io V-a. -e *lbe,to) on 2ul& '$) '#:#) institute- befo,e the thenCou,t of 3i,st Instance of Manila an intestate p,ocee-in0s fo, the estate of his-ecease- fathe,) -oc@ete- the,ein as Special P,ocee-in0s No. #;#" that in the sai-intestate p,ocee-in0s) petitione,s -elibe,atel& o1itte- hi1 as one of the hei,s an-

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    fo, this ,eason the& succee-e- in hain0 the p,ope,ties of his -ecease- fathe,a-/u-icate- an- pa,titione- a1on0 the1seles that the sai- intestate p,ocee-in0s7e,e te,1inate- on Noe1be, #) '#%8 that his fathe, left p,ope,ties alue- atP$:)#98.(') an- acco,-in0l&) as a natu,al chil- of his fathe,) he is entitles to at leastP'();;;.;; an- that he ha- absolutel& no p,eious @no7le-0e of the intestate

    p,ocee-in0s an- ca1e to @no7 about it onl& ,ecentl& an- the,eupon 1a-e a-e1an- f,o1 the petitione,s 7ho ,efuse- to 0ie hi1 his sha,e. *cco,-in0l&) hep,a&s that the petitione,s be o,-e,e- to ac@no7le-0e hi1 as the natu,al chil- of*ntonio C. *lbe,to that his one!fou,th sha,e be tu,ne- oe, to hi1 an- thatpetitione,s be sentence- to pa& hi1 the su1 of P%);;;.;; as atto,ne&

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    On Septe1be, ":) '#9() petitione,s Ale- a Motion fo, Reconsi-e,ation) but the sa1e7as -enie- in a Resolution -ate- Octobe, ':) '#9( BRollo) p. $$. Hence) the instantpetition.

    This Cou,t) in a ,esolution -ate- Noe1be, "$)'#9() ,esole- to 0ie -ue cou,se tothe petition BRollo) p. #'.

    Petitione,s assi0ne- the follo7in0 e,,o,s6






  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    :$ -espite p,iate ,espon-ent

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    ,escin- the *0,ee1ent of Pa,tition 7hich 7as app,oe- b& the Cou,t on Noe1be,#) '#%8) ha- al,ea-& p,esc,ibe- 7hen ,espon-ent Ale- the co1plaint in the case atba, on Septe1be, () '#9;.

    hile as a 0ene,al ,ule the action fo, pa,tition a1on0 co!o7ne,s -oes not p,esc,ibeso lon0 as the co!o7ne,ship is ep,essl& o, i1plie-l& ,eco0nie- B*,t. :#:) Ciil

    Co-e) petitione,s he,ein ha- nee, ,eco0nie- ,espon-ent as a co!o7ne, o, co!hei,eithe, ep,essl& o, i1plie-l&. ConseFuentl&) the ,ule on non!p,esc,iption of actionfo, pa,tition of p,ope,t& o7ne- in co11on B*,t. :#: -oes not appl& to the case atba,.

    Mo,eoe,) p,iate ,espon-ent cannot clai1 ee1ption f,o1 the e?ects ofp,esc,iption on the plea of 1ino,it& un-e, the Ne7 Ciil Co-e 7hich p,oi-es6

    *,t. '';(. P,esc,iption) both acFuisitie an- etinctie) ,uns a0ainst6 B' Mino,s an-othe, incapacitate- pe,sons 7ho hae pa,ents) 0ua,-ians o, othe, le0al,ep,esentaties6

    Respon-ent *lbe,to) 2,. 7ho has a liin0 pa,ent) his 1othe,) *n-,ea 2on0co) 7ho infact Ale- the co1plaint in the case at ba, fo, hi1) falls sFua,el& un-e, the aboe!cite- p,oision.

    G,antin0 a,0uen-o that ,espon-ent is a natu,al chil- of the -ecease- *ntonio*lbe,to) S,.) the action fo, ,eco0nition of natu,al chil- 1a& be b,ou0ht onl& -u,in0the lifeti1e of the p,esu1e- pa,ent. *n- if the p,esu1e- fathe, o, 1othe, -ie--u,in0 the 1ino,it& of the chil-) the latte, 1a& Ale the action 7ithin fou, B: &ea,sf,o1 the attain1ent of 1a/o,it& B*,t. "(% '. Ho7ee,) if the 1ino, has a 0ua,-ianas in this case) p,esc,iption ,uns a0ainst hi1 een -u,in0 1ino,it& Benel etc.) et

    al. s. Su,i0ao Consoli-ate- Minin0) Inc.) ';( Phil. %8; '#9;. In such case) theaction fo, ,eco0nition 1ust be institute- 7ithin fou, B: &ea,s afte, the -eath of thenatu,al fathe, BMa0allanes) et al. s. Cou,t of *ppeals) et al.) #% Phil. $#% '#%:.*ntonio C. *lbe,to) S,.) the alle0e- fathe,) -ie- on 2ul& 8) '#:#. The co1plaint fo,ac@no7le-01ent an- pa,tition 7as Ale- eleen B'' &ea,s late,) on Septe1be, ()'#9;. Hence) p,esc,iption ha- set in.

    Neithe, can it be clai1e- that the p,esent action is in substance one fo, ,ecoe,& ofp,ope,t& in o,-e, to aoi- the conseFuences of p,esc,iption) fo, as co,,ectl& state-b& the petitione,s) to be entitle- to the ,ecoe,& of the p,ope,t& f,o1 the estate)*lbe,to) 2,. 1ust A,st ,escin- the pa,tition an- -ist,ibution app,oe- b& the intestatep,ocee-in0s) othe,7ise) the ,ecoe,& of an& p,ope,t& f,o1 the petitione,s is notpossible. +e that as it 1a&) such pa,tition can no lon0e, be ,escin-e- hain0 beenal,ea-& ba,,e- b& the Statute of i1itations.

    3u,the,1o,e) een 0,antin0 that *,ticle '';: of the Ciil Co-e -oes not appl& an-the,e is an in/u,& to the ,i0hts of plainti?) tills action 7oul- still not p,ospe, un-e,*,ticles '':9 an- '':# of the sa1e Co-e 7hich p,oi-e that the action 1ust beb,ou0ht 7ithin fou, an- Ae &ea,s) ,espectiel&) f,o1 the ti1e the ,i0ht of actionacc,ues.

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)



    Petitione,s< clai1 of laches is li@e7ise tenable. The t,ial cou,t in its An-in0s clea,l&an- un1ista@abl& -ecla,e- that ,espon-ent *lbe,to) 2,. is 0uilt& of laches as follo7s6

    *bout '#::) *n-,ea 2on0co sai- she lea,ne- of *ntonio *lbe,to

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    The asse,tion of -oubtful clai1s) afte, lon0 -ela&) cannot be fao,e- b& the cou,ts.Ti1e ineitabl& ten-s to oblite,ate occu,,ences f,o1 the 1e1o,& of 7itnesses) an-een 7he,e the ,ecollection appea,s to be enti,el& clea,) the t,ue clue to thesolution of a case 1a& be hopelessl& lost. These consi-e,ations constitute one ofthe pilla,s of the -oct,ine lon0 fa1ilia, in eFuit& /u,isp,u-ence to the e?ect that

    laches o, un,easonable -ela& on the pa,t of a plainti? in see@in0 to enfo,ce a ,i0ht isnot onl& pe,suasie of a 7ant of 1e,it but 1a&) acco,-in0 to the ci,cu1stances) be-est,uctie of the ,i0ht itself. Vi0ilantibus non -o,1ientibus eFuitessubenit B+uenaentu,a s. Dai-) 8$ Phil. :8%) ,eite,ate- in E-,alin s. E-,alin) 'SCR* ""$ '#9'.

    The othe, eplanation 1i0ht hae been the 1ino,it& of *ntonio *lbe,to) 2,. at theti1e of his suppose- fathe,The la7 se,es those 7ho a,e i0ilant an- -ili0entan- not those 7ho sleep 7hen the la7 ,eFui,es the1 to act BCui an- 2oen s.Henson) %' Phil. 9;9) 9'; +acolo-!Mu,cia Millin0 Co. s. Villalu) Sept. "#) '#%') #;Phil. '%:.> The la7 -oes not encou,a0e laches) in-i?e,ence) ne0li0ence o,i0no,ance. On the cont,a,&) fo, a pa,t& to -ese,e the consi-e,ations of the cou,ts)he... 1ust sho7 that he is not 0uilt& of an& of the afo,esai- failin0s BSa1son s.

    Kateo) *u0ust "()'#%( ';: PMI. 8$(.


    3inall& on the 1e,its of this case) petitione,s 7oul- hae this Cou,t ,eie7 an-,ee,se the conclusions of fact of the Cou,t of *ppeals. *s a 0ene,al ,ule) this is a

    function this Cou,t -oes not un-e,ta@e. The establishe- p,inciple is that the factualAn-in0s of the Cou,t of *ppeals a,e Anal an- 1a& not be ,eie7e- on appeal to thisCou,t ecept6 B' 7hen the conclusion is 0,oun-e- enti,el& on speculation) su,1isesan- con/ectu,es B" 7hen the infe,ence is 1anifestl& 1ista@en) absu,- an-i1possible B8 7he,e the,e is 0,ae abuse of -isc,etion B: 7hen the /u-01ent isbase- on a 1isapp,ehension of facts B% 7hen the Cou,t in 1a@in0 its An-in0s 7entbe&on- the issues of the case) an- the sa1e a,e cont,a,& to the a-1issions of boththe apellant an- the appellee B9 7hen the An-in0s of the *ppellate Cou,t a,econt,a,& to those of the t,ial cou,t B$ 7hen the An-in0s a,e 7ithout citation ofspeciAc ei-ence on 7hich the& a,e base- BManlapa s. C.*.) ':$ SCR* "8(!"8#'#($ Guita s. C.*.) '8# SCR* %$9 '#(% Saca& s. San-i0anba&an) ':$ SCR*

    %#8 '#(9.It is ,ea-il& ei-ent that this case falls 7ithin one of the ,eco0nie- eceptions tothe ,ule) speciAcall& that the An-in0s of the *ppellate Cou,t a,e cont,a,& to those ofthe t,ial cou,t.

    *t the t,ial) the lo7e, cou,t in ealuatin0 the ei-ence p,esente- b& theco1plainants is of the ie7 that the testi1on& alone of *n-,ea 2on0co is suQcientto totall& -isc,e-it not onl& he, testi1on& but also he, enti,e case. *si-e f,o1 bein0

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    inhe,entl& i1p,obable an- the 1e,it of he, clai1 bein0 a-e,sel& a?ecte- b& he,testi1on& an- he, lon0 -ela& in b,in0in0 action) he, testi1on& is cont,a-icte- b&the testi1onies of 2ose) Joilo an- Pila, 7ho a,e b,othe,s an- siste, of the -ecease-*ntonio *lbe,to an- 7ho hae no pecunia,& inte,est 7hatsoee, in the outco1e ofthe cont,oe,s&. The& testiAe- that -u,in0 the pe,io- *n-,ea 2on0co clai1e- that

    *ntonio *lbe,to) S,. lie- 7ith he,) the -ecease- in fact lie- 7ith his 1othe, an-b,othe,s at the fa1il& ,esi-ence ecept fo, his b,ief stint 7ith the a,1& BDecision)Ciil Case No. ::'9: Reco,- on appeal) pp. '''!''".

    Mo,e than that) the t,ial cou,t foun- a1on0 othe,s) that *n-,ea 2on0co has ha- Aechil-,en Basi-e f,o1 he, son *ntonio 7ith fou, -i?e,ent 1en. The assu1ption)the,efo,e) is that she lie- 7ith at least fou, -i?e,ent 1en 7ithout bein0 1a,,ie- toan& of the1. Thus) the t,ial cou,t aptl& ,ule- that his p,opensit& to p,o1iscuous,elationship 7ith -i?e,ent 1en) ,en-e, it un/ust to state 7ith -eAniteness that an&pa,ticula, pe,son is the fathe, of an& one of he, chil-,en.> BIbi-) p. '"'.

    Othe, 7itnesses a,e Euf,acia Cailan 7ho alle0e-l& too@ ca,e of *ntonio) the fathe,)

    since the latte, 7as a chil- an- then of *ntonio) the alle0e- son) an- Enca,nacionPe,alta) an alle0e- fo,1e, lesso, of *n-,ea 2on0co an- *ntonio *lbe,to. Thei,testi1onies 7e,e) ho7ee,) foun- b& the t,ial cou,t to be inhe,entl& i1p,obable)inconsistent 7ith hu1an epe,ience an- -elibe,atel& inente- to confo,1 7ith thetesti1on& of *n-,ea 2on0co BIbi-) pp. ';#!''$.

    On the othe, han-) the Cou,t of *ppeals in its -ecision 0ae 1o,e c,e-ence to thetesti1onies of Euf,acia Cailan an- Enca,nacion Pe,alta an- -ecla,e- that thei,testi1onies hae suQcientl& establishe- the fact that *ntonio 2. *lbe,to) 2,. is theson of the late *ntonio C. *lbe,to an- *n-,ea 2on0co 7hich An-s fu,the, p,oof in thebi,th ce,tiAcate an- the baptis1al ce,tiAcate of *lbe,to) 2,. BRollo) pp. 9!''.

    In this connection) it 1ust be state- that in the case of Re&es s. Cou,t of *ppeals)'8% SCR* :8# B'#(%) this Cou,t) citin0 the cases of +e,cilles s. GSIS) '"( SCR*%8 People s. Villea) '"$ SCR* 8:# Ci- s. +u,na1an) ": SCR*:8: Vu-au,,aa0a s. C.*.) #' Phil. :#" an- Capist,ano s. Gabino) ( Phil. '8%),ule- that a bi,th ce,tiAcate not si0ne- b& the alle0e- fathe, the,ein in-icate-) li@ein the instant case) is not co1petent ei-ence of pate,nit&.

    In castin0 -oubt upon the c,e-ibilit& of petitione, Natii-a-

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    This is an appeal b& ce,tio,a,i f,o1 the -ecision of the Cou,t of *ppeals in C*!G.R.Nos. %::#"!R an- %::#8!R 7hich ,ee,se- the -ecision of the Cou,t of 3i,st Instanceof *lba& allo7in0 the p,obate of the 7in of Don 2esus *lsua in Special P,ocee-in0sNo. 9## an- -is1issin0 the co1plaint in Ciil Case 8;9( afte, -ecla,in0 the t7o-ee-s of sale eecute- b& Don 2esus *lsua le0al an- ali-. The ,espon-ent

    cou,t ' -enie- the p,obate of the 7ill) -ecla,e- null an- oi- the t7o sales sub/ectof the co1plaint an- o,-e,e- the -efen-ants) petitione,s he,ein) to pa& -a1a0es tothe plainti?s) no7 the p,iate ,espon-ents) the su1 of 3ie Thousan- PesosBP%);;;.;;) to ,en-e, an accountin0 of the p,ope,ties in thei, possession an- to,ei1bu,se the latte, the net 0ain in the p,opo,tion that appe,tains to the1 in thep,ope,ties f,o1 the -ate of the A,in0 of the co1plaint up to co1plete ,esto,ationplus 3ift& Thousan- Pesos BP%;);;;.;; as atto,ne&*>

    the,eto un-e, the follo7in0 te,1s an- con-itions6 BPa,afo Fuinto6To 3,ancisca *lsua) 1a,,ie- to 2oseph O. +etts 7e,e allotte- o, assi0ne- all the ,ealp,ope,ties 7ith the i1p,oe1ents the,eon speciAcall& -esc,ibe- f,o1 pa0es '!'" ofsai- inento,& o,) 8: pa,cels of lan- 7ith a total lan- a,ea of %)$";)89: sF. 1ete,s)7ith a boo@ o, app,aise- alue of P9#)$:;.;;.

    To Pablo *lsua) 1a,,ie- to Te,esa ocsin 7e,e allotte- o, assi0ne- all the ,ealp,ope,ties 7ith the i1p,oe1ents the,eon speciAcall& -esc,ibe- f,o1 pa0es '"!";

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    of sai- inento,& o,) "9 pa,cels of lan- 7ith a total lan- a,ea of %)9$#)"9" sF.1ete,s) 7ith a boo@ o, app,aise- alue of P%%)#:;.;;.

    To 3e,nan-o *lsua) 1a,,ie- to Clotil-e Sa1son 7e,e allotte- o, assi0ne- all the ,ealp,ope,ties 7ith the i1p,oe1ents the,eon speciAcall& -esc,ibe- f,o1 pa0es ";!88of sai- inento,& o,) :$ pa,cels of lan- 7ith a total lan- a,ea of 9)98#)('; sF.

    1ete,s) 7ith a boo@ o, app,aise- alue of P(#)8;;.;;.

    To *1pa,o *lsua) 1a,,ie- to 3e,nan-o +uenia/e 7e,e allotte- o, assi0ne- all the,eal p,ope,ties 7ith the i1p,oe1ents the,eon speciAcall& -esc,ibe- f,o1 pa0es 88!:$ of sai- inento,& o,) :$ pa,cels of lan- 7ith a total lan- a,ea of %)98;)$'% sF.1ete,s) 7ith a boo@ o, app,aise- alue of P%()(8;.;;. t4.WhF7X

    Ba Each an- ee,& one of the hei,s na1e- aboe ac@no7le-0e an- a-1it that thetotalit& of the p,ope,ties allotte- an- a-/u-icate- to the hei,s as -esc,ibe- in thep,ece-in0 pa,a0,aph) constitute one half of the p,ope,ties -esc,ibe- in *nne >*>)inclu-in0 an& a1ount of cash -eposite-.

    Bb That all the hei,s ac@no7le-0e an- a-1it that all the p,ope,ties assi0ne- tothe1 as thei, he,e-ita,& po,tion ,ep,esent one!half not onl& of the con/u0alp,ope,ties but inclu-es the pa,aphe,nal p,ope,ties L 7aiin0 no7 an- fo,ee, an&co1plaint o, clai1 the& hae o, the& 1a& hae conce,nin0 the a1ount) alue)etension an- location of the p,ope,ties that a,e allotte- to each an- ee,&one.

    The& also 7aie an& clai1 the& hae o, the& 1a& hae oe, the ,e1ainin0 po,tionof the p,ope,ties) 7hich spouses ,ese,e- fo, the1seles.

    Bc That in case of -eath of one of the spouses) each an- ee,&one of the hei,sac@no7le-0e that the p,ope,ties 7hich a,e left in the possession of the su,iin0spouse) inclu-in0 an& a1ount in cash) a,e een less than the one! half that shoul-co,,espon- in absolute o7ne,ship as his le0iti1ate pa,ticipation in the con/u0alp,ope,ties. In conseFuence the& 7aie an& clai1 that the& hae o, 1a& hae oe,sai- po,tion of sai- p,ope,ties o, an& a1ount in cash -u,in0 the lifeti1e of thesu,iin0 spouse) inclu-in0 an& ,i0ht o, clai1 the& hae o, the& 1a& hae oe, thepa,aphe,nal p,ope,ties of Do4a Tina& in the eent the su,iin0 spouse is Don


    B- The spouses on thei, pa,t in case of -eath of an& one of the1) the su,iin0spouse 7aies an& clai1 he o, she 1a& hae oe, the p,ope,ties assi0ne- o,a-/u-icate- to the hei,s un-e, an- b& i,tue of this -ee-. The p,ope,ties 7hich 7e,e,ese,e- fo, the1 Bthe spouses shoul- be consi-e,e- as his o, he, le0iti1atepa,ticipation in the con/u0al p,ope,ties an- the fai, co1pensation of his o, he,

    usuf,uct on the p,ope,ties that the su,iin0 spouse ,ese,e- fo, hi1self o, he,self7hich sha0 be -ist,ibute- in eFual sha,es a1on0 the hei,s upon his o, he, -eathunless sai- p,ope,ties of so1e of the1 hae been -ispose- of -u,in0 the lifeti1e ofthe su,iin0 spouse.

    Be *n& hei, 7ho 1a& -a,e Fuestion the ali-it& an- le0iti1ac& of the p,oisioncontaine- he,ein shall be un-e, obli0ation to pa& to the othe, hei,s) in the conceptof -a1a0es an- p,e/u-ice) the su1 of P%);;;.;; plus atto,ne&

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    Bf The p,oisions of this -ee- shall bin- the successo,s of the he,ein hei,s.

    B0 In the eent of -eath of one of the spouses) the p,ope,ties assi0ne- o,a-/u-icate- to each an- ee,&one of the hei,s shall be consi-e,e- as his sha,e o,pa,ticipation in the estate o, as his inhe,itance left b& the -ecease- an- each hei,shall beco1e the absolute o7ne, of the p,ope,ties a-/u-icate- to hi1 un-e, this


    On 2anua,& %) '#%%) Don 2esus an- Do4a 3lo,entina) also @no7n as Do4a Tina&sepa,atel& eecute- thei, ,espectie holo0,aphic 7ills BEhs. 9!+ an- $!+) thep,oisions of 7hich 7e,e in confo,1it& an- in i1ple1entation of the et,a/u-icialpa,tition of Noe1be, "%) '#:#. Thei, holo0,aphic 7ills si1ila,l& p,oi-e- fo, theinstitution of the othe, to his o, he, sha,e in the con/u0al p,ope,ties) the othe, halfof the con/u0al assets hain0 been pa,titione- to constitute thei, le0iti1e a1on0thei, fou, liin0 chil-,en in the Et,a/u-icial Pa,tition of '#:#. The 7i0s also -ecla,e-that in the eent of futu,e acFuisitions of othe, p,ope,ties b& eithe, of the1) one!half the,eof 7oul- belon0 to the othe, spouse) an- the othe, half shall be -ii-e-

    eFuall& a1on0 the fou, chil-,en. The holo0,aphic 7ill of Do4a Tina& 7,itten inSpanish ,ea-s) as t,anslate-6 t4.WhF7X


    I) 3ORENTIN* R. DE *SU*) 9$ &ea,s ol-) 3ilipina) 1a,,ie- to Don 2esus *lsua),esi-ent of an- 7ith postal a--,ess in the Municipalit& of i0ao) P,oince of *lba&)Philippines) bein0 in the full possession of 1& 1ental an- ph&sical faculties f,eel&an- spontaneousl& eecute this 1& last 7ill an- testa1ent in 1& han-7,itin0 an-si0ne- b& 1e an- ep,esse- in the Spanish lan0ua0e 7hich I spea@) 7,ite an-un-e,stan-) this %th -a& of 2anua,&) '#%% in the Municipalit& of i0ao) P,oince of*lba&) an- in 7hich I o,-ain an- p,oi-e6

    3i,st6 That in o, about the &ea, '#;9 I 7as 1a,,ie- to 1& husban- Don 2esus *lsuaan- be0ot nine B# chil-,en 7ith hi1) fou, B: of 7ho1 a,e still liin0 an- the& a,e3,ancisco *lsua) Pablo *lsua) 3e,nan-o *lsua an- *1pa,o *lsua. The othe, Ae B%-ie- -u,in0 thei, 1ino,it&) sin0le an- 7ithout chil-,en.

    Secon-6 That afte, 1& 1a,,ia0e to 1& husban- Don 2esus *lsua an- -u,in0 ou,con/u0al union) an- as a ,esult of ou, e?o,ts an- in-ust,&) 7e 7e,e able to acFui,econ/u0al p,ope,ties consistin0 of abaca Babales an- cacao lan-s an- u,ban lan-s,e0iste,e- in the oQce of the Re0ist,& of P,ope,t& of the P,oince of *lba& an- in theCit& of Manila.

    Thi,-6 That I institute as 1& hei,s 7ith ,i0ht to inhe,it the follo7in0! 1& spouse Don2esus *lsua) one!half B'" of 1& p,ope,ties) ,eal an- pe,sonal) an- the othe, half) to1& chil-,en 3,ancisco *lsua) 1a,,ie- to 2oseph O. +etts) Pablo *lsua) 3e,nan-o*lsua) 1a,,ie- to Clotil-e Sa1son) an- *1pa,o *lsua) 1a,,ie- to 3e,nan-o+uenia/e) in eFual pa,ts. It is to be un-e,stoo-) ho7ee,) that the othe, half thatco,,espon-s as le0iti1e to 1& aboe na1e- chil-,en hae al,ea-& been 0ien tothe1) pu,suant to a -ocu1ent -ate- Noe1be, "%) '#:# an- ,atiAe- on the sa1e-a&) 1onth an- &ea, befo,e Nota,& Public Se0un-o G. 3lo,es BRe0. No. %"% Pa0. '%

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    ib. '' Se,ies of '#:# en/oinin0 each an- ee,&one of the1 to ,espect an-faithfull& co1pl& 7ith each an- ee,& clause containe- in the sai- -ocu1ent.

    3ou,th6 That shoul- I acFui,e ne7 p,ope,ties afte, the eecution of this testa1ent)the sa1e shall be pa,titione- a1on0 1& spouse an- aboe na1e- chil-,en o, thechil-,en 1entione- in aboe pa,. 8 in the sa1e p,opo,tion that is) one!half B' '" to

    1& spouse an- the othe, half to 1& chil-,en in eFual pa,ts.

    3ifth6 That I na1e as 1& eecuto, 1& husban- Don 2esus *lsua 7ithout hain0 topost an& bon-.

    IN VIRTUE HEREO3) I he,eb& si0n in 1& o7n han-7,itin0 this testa1ent on this %th-a& of 2anua,&) '#%% in the Municipalit& of i0ao) P,oince of *lba&) Philippines. t4.WhF7X


    B2oint Reco,- on appeal pp. :";!:"8) C*!G.R. No. %::#"!R

    *s p,eiousl& state-) Don 2esus *lsua eecute- a sepa,ate but si1ila, holo0,aphic7ill on the sa1e -a&) 2an. %) '#%% in eactl& the sa1e te,1s an- con-itions as theaboe 7ill of his 7ife.

    On Ma& "') '#%9) the spouses Don 2esus an- Do4a Tina& Ale- befo,e the Cou,t of3i,st Instance of *lba& thei, ,espectie petitions fo, the p,obate of thei, ,espectieholo0,aphic 7ins 7hich 7e,e -oc@ete- as Special P,ocee-in0s No. :(: B2esus *lsua)Petitione, an- Special P,ocee-in0s No. :(% BDo4a 3lo,entina Ralla -e *lsua)Petitione,.

    On *u0ust ':) '#%9) the spouses Don 2esus an- Do4a Tina& eecute- thei, 1utualan- ,ecip,ocal co-icils a1en-in0 an- supple1entin0 thei, ,espectie holo0,aphic

    7ins. *0ain) the co-icils si1ila,l& ac@no7le-0e- an- p,oi-e- that one!half of all thep,ope,ties of the spouses) con/u0al an- pa,aphe,nal) ha- been -ispose- of)cone&e- to an- pa,titione- a1on0 thei, le0iti1ate hei,s in the >Esc,itu,a -ePa,ticion> of Noe1be, "%) '#:#) but that the& ,ese,e- fo, the1seles Bthespouses Don 2esus an- Do4a Tina& the othe, half o, those not -ispose- of to thesai- le0iti1ate hei,s un-e, the aboe a0,ee1ent of pa,tition) an- that the&1utuall& an- ,ecip,ocall& beFueathe- unto each othe, thei, pa,ticipation the,ein as7ell as in all p,ope,ties 7hich 1i0ht be acFui,e- subseFuentl&. Each spouse also-ecla,e- that shoul- she o, he be the su,iin0 spouse) 7hatee, belon0s to hi1 o,he, o, 7oul- pe,tain to hi1 o, he,) 7oul- be -ii-e- eFuall& a1on0 the fou,chil-,en. It 7as also -ecla,e- in both co-icils that upon the -eath of eithe, of the

    spouses) the su,iin0 spouse 7as -esi0nate- 1utuall& an- ,ecip,ocall& as theeecuto, o, a-1inist,ato, of all the p,ope,ties ,ese,e- fo, the1seles.

    The co-icil eecute- b& Do4a Tina&) 7,itten in Spanish ,ea-s) as t,anslate-6 t4.WhF7X


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  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    ette,s testa1enta,& hain0 been issue- in fao, of Don 2esus) he too@ his oath ofoQce an- pe,fo,1e- his -uties as such until 2ul& ') '#9;.

    The,eafte, in the ea,l& pa,t of Noe1be,) '#%#) Don 2esus cancelle- his holo0,aphic7ill in the p,esence of his boo@@eepe, an- sec,eta,&) Esteban P. Ra1i,e) 7ho1 heinst,ucte- to 1a@e a list of all his ,e1ainin0 p,ope,ties 7ith thei, co,,espon-in0

    -esc,iptions. His la7&e,) *tt&. G,e0o,io i1pe,ial S,. 7as then inst,ucte- to -,aft ane7 7ill 7hich 7as -ul& si0ne- b& Don 2esus an- his attestin0 7itnesses onNoe1be, ':) '#%# at Ms ho1e in i0ao) *lba&. This nota,ial 7ill an- testa1entBEh. * of Don 2esus eecute- on Noe1be, ':) '#%# ha- th,ee essential featu,es6Ba it ep,essl& cancelle-) ,eo@e- an- annulle- all the p,oisions of Don 2esustestato,> f,o1 7hich the clea, intent of thela7 1a& be -e-uce- that the p,iile0e of pa,titionin0 one

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    -isposition 1a-e b& pa,ents -u,in0 thei, lifeti1e) 7he,eb& the& 0ie to thei,chil-,en the 7hole o, a pa,t of thei, p,ope,t&

    Consi-e,in0 that) inas1uch as the secon- pa,a0,aph of a,ticle '"$' 1a@es,efe,ence to the afo,esai- a,ticle) in p,oi-in0 that no cont,acts 1a& be ente,e- into7ith ,espect to futu,e inhe,itances ecept those the ob/ect of 7hich is to 1a@e a

    -iision inte, ios of the estate in acco,-ance 7ith a,ticle ';%9) it is ei-ent thatsai- -i?e,ence li@e7ise lea-s to the conclusion that a pa,tition thus 1a-e shoul- beon the basis of a testa1enta,& o, le0al succession an- shoul- be 1a-e inconfo,1it& 7ith the fun-a1ental ,ules the,eof an- the o,-e, of the hei,s entitle- tothe estate) because neithe, of the t7o p,oisions coul- be 0ien a 7i-e, 1eanin0 o,scope than that the& si1pl& p,oi-e fo, the -iision of the estate -u,in0 the lifeti1eof the o7ne,) 7hich) othe,7ise) 7oul- hae to be -one upon the -eath of thetestato, in o,-e, to ca,,& into e?ect the pa,tition of the estate a1on0 the pe,sonsinte,este-.

    Man,esa co11ents on the sa1e a,ticle as follo7s6

    * -istinction 1ust be 1a-e bet7een the -isposition of p,ope,t& an- its -iision an-the p,oision of a,ticle ';%9 autho,iin0 the testato, to -ispose of his p,ope,t& b&acts inte, ios o, b& last 7ill) 1ust be un-e,stoo- in acco,-ance 7ith this-istinction. The I-ea is to -ii-e the estate a1on0 the hei,s -esi0nate- b& thetestato,. This -esi0nation constitutes the -isposition of the p,ope,ties to ta@e e?ectafte, his -eath) an- sai- act 1ust necessa,il& appea, in the testa1ent because it isthe ep,ession of the testato,testato,)> the la7 ei-entl&-esi,e- to -istin0uish bet7een one 7ho f,eel& -onates his p,ope,t& in life an- one7ho -isposes of it b& 7ill to ta@e e?ect afte, his -eath.

    e a,e not in confo,1it& 7ith the hol-in0 of the ,espon-ent cou,t that theet,a/u-icial pa,tition of Noe1be, "%) '#:# 7hich un-e, the ol- Ciil Co-e 7as

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    p,ope,ties 7as sub/ect to he, holo0,aphic 7in an- co-icil) in-epen-entl& of theholo0,aphic 7ill an- co-icil of Don 2esus eecute- b& hi1 on the sa1e -ate. This isfun-a1ental because othe,7ise) to consi-e, both 7ills an- co-icils /ointl& 7oul- beto ci,cu1ent the p,ohibition of the Ciil Co-e on /oint 7ills B*,t. ('( an- secon-l&because upon the -eath of Do4a Tina&) onl& he, estate 7as bein0 settle-) an- not

    that of Don 2esus.e hae ca,efull& ea1ine- the p,oisions of the holo0,aphic 7ill an- co-icil ofDo4a Tina& an- e An- no in-ication 7hatsoee, that Do4a Tina& ep,essl& o,i1plie-l& institute- both the husban- an- he, chil-,en as hei,s to he, f,ee po,tion ofhe, sha,e in the con/u0al assets. In he, holo0,aphic 7ill) 1ention of he, chil-,en ashei,s 7as 1a-e in the fou,th clause but it onl& p,oi-e- that) to 7it6 t4.WhF7X

    Cuat,o. Yue si &o a-Fuie,iese nuease p,opie-a-es -espues -e oto,0a-o este 1itesta1ento se,an las 1is1as ,epa,ta-os ent,e 1i esposo o hi/os a,,iba 1enciona-aen el pa,,afo te,ce,o su la 1is1a p,opo,cion o sea6 la 1ita- B'" pa,a is esposa &la ot,a 1ita- B'" pa,a 1is hi/os en pa,tes i0uales.

    3o, pu,poses of cla,it& an- conenience) this fou,th clause p,oi-e- that >Shoul- IacFui,e ne7 p,ope,ties afte, the eecution of this testa1ent) the sa1e shall bepa,titione- a1on0 1& spouse an- aboe na1e- chil-,en o, the chil-,en 1entione-in aboe pa,. 8 in the sa1e p,opo,tion) that is) one! half B'" to 1& spouse an- theothe, half to 1& chil-,en in eFual pa,ts.> 3,o1 the aboe!Fuote- p,oision) thechil-,en 7oul- onl& inhe,it to0ethe, 7ith Don 2esus 7hatee, ne7 p,ope,ties Do4a

    Tina& 7oul- acFui,e afte, the eecution of he, 7ill.

    i@e7ise) the co-icil of Do4a Tina& institute- he, husban- as sole hei, to he, sha,ein the f,ee po,tion of the con/u0al assets) an- e Fuote that pa,t of the co-icil6 t4.WhF7X

    De/o a 1i esposo 2esus *lsua co1o su le0iti1a & co1o he,encia Fue se saca,a -e nicuenta -e lib,e -isposicion to-os aFuellos bienes -e los Fue no he -ispuesto aun enfao, -e 1is hi/os en la esc,itu,a -e ,epa,ticion p,ecita-a & Fue ece-ie,an -e la1ita- -e 0ananciales Fue le co,,espon-s tal co1o a,,iba -ecla,e) inclu&en-o to-osaFuenos bienes Fue se a-Fui,iesen po, nosot,os -espues -e oto,0a-o po, 1i estetesta1ento.

    Pa,a el caso -e Fue Dios -ispusie,a Fue &o sob,eiie,a a 1i esposo -ecla,o Fue es1i olunta- Fue to-as las p,opie-a-es -e to-o 0ene,o Fue 1e pe,tenecen & 1epu-ie,an pe,tenece,) no -ispuestas aun en la ,epa,ticion) se -ii-an po, i0ual ent,e1is he,e-e,os 1enciona-os -espues -e 1i 1ue,te.

    *0ain fo, pu,poses of cla,it& an- conenience) the aboe po,tion states6 t4.WhF7X

    I leae to 1& spouse Don 2esus *lsua as his le0iti1e an- as his inhe,itance the pa,tof the f,ee po,tion of 1& p,ope,t& 7hich hae not been allocate- in fao, of 1&chil-,en in the Docu1ent of Pa,tition afo,ecite- an- that 7hich shoul- ecee- '" ofthe con/u0al p,ope,t& of 0ains that pe,tains to hi1 as aboe state-) inclu-in0 allthose p,ope,ties 7hich 7e shall acFui,e afte, the eecution of this -ocu1ent.

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    In case it shoul- be Go-* 7in1a& be ,eo@e- b& the testato, at an& ti1e befo,e his -eath. *n& 7aie, o,,est,iction of this ,i0ht is oi-.> The,e can be no ,est,iction that 1a& be 1a-e on hisabsolute f,ee-o1 to ,eo@e his holo0,aphic 7ill an- co-icil p,eiousl& 1a-e. This7oul- still hol- t,ue een if such p,eious 7ill ha- as in the case at ba,al,ea-& beenp,obate- BPalacios . Palacios) ';9 Phil. $8#. 3o, in the A,st place) p,obate onl&authenticates the 7ill an- -oes not pass upon the eQcac& of the -ispositions

    the,ein. *n- secon-l&) the ,i0hts to the succession a,e t,ans1itte- onl& f,o1 the1o1ent of the -eath of the -ece-ent B*,ticle $$$) Ne7 Ciil Co-e. In Ane) Don

    2esus ,etaine- the libe,t& of -isposin0 of his p,ope,t& befo,e his -eath to7ho1soee, he chose) p,oi-e- the le0iti1e of the fo,ce- hei,s a,e not p,e/u-ice-)7hich is not he,ein clai1e- fo, it is un-ispute- that onl& the f,ee po,tion of the7hole *lsua estate is bein0 conteste-.

    *fte, clea,l& establishin0 that onl& Don 2esus 7as na1e- as sole hei, institute- tothe ,e1ainin0 estate of Do4a Tina& in he, holo0,aphic 7ill an- co-icil ,esultin0 inall such p,ope,ties beco1in0 the p,ope,ties of Don 2esus alone) an- afte, clea,l&pointin0 out that Don 2esus can) in la7) ,eo@e his p,eious holo0,aphic 7ill an-

    co-icil) b& 1a@in0 anothe, 7in ep,essl& cancellin0 an- ,eo@in0 the fo,1e,) thenet issue fo, the Cou,t

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    The pa,ties shunte- asi-e the Fuestion of 7hethe, o, not the 7ill shoul- be allo7e-to p,obate. 3o, the1) the 1eat of the case is the int,insic ali-it& of the 7iltNo,1all& this co1es onl& afte, the cou,t has -ecla,e- that the 7ill has been -ul&authenticate-. ...

    ... If the case 7e,e to be ,e1an-e- fo, p,obate of the 7ilt nothin0 7ill be 0aine-. On

    the cont,a,&) this liti0ation 7in be p,ot,acte- an- fo, ou0ht that appea,s in the,eco,-) in the eent of p,obate o, if the cou,t ,e/ects the 7ill p,obabilit& eists thatthe case 7in co1e up once a0ain befo,e us on the issue of the int,insic ali-it& o,nullit& of the 7ilt Result6 7aste of ti1e) e?o,t) epense) plus a--e- aniet&. Thesea,e the p,actical consi-e,ations that in-uce us to a behalf that 7e 1i0ht as 7ell1eet hea-!on the ti1e of the ali-it& of the p,oisions of the 7ill in Fuestion. ...

    The last ill an- Testa1ent of Don 2esus eecute- on Noe1be, ':) '#%# containe-an ep,ess ,eocation of his holo0,aphic 7i0 of 2anua,& %) '#%% an- the co-icil of*u0ust ':) '#%9 a state1ent ,eFui,in0 that all of his p,ope,ties -onate- to hischil-,en in the Dee- of '#:# be collate- an- ta@en into account in the pa,tition of

    his estate the institution of all his chil-,en as -eisees an- le0atees to ce,tainspeciAc p,ope,ties a state1ent beFueathin0 the ,est of his p,ope,ties an- all that1a& be acFui,e- in the futu,e) befo,e his -eath) to Pablo an- 3,ancesca an- astate1ent na1in0 3,ancesca as eecut,i 7ithout bon-.

    Consi-e,in0 these testa1enta,& p,oisions) a close sc,utin& of the p,ope,ties-ist,ibute- to the chil-,en un-e, the Dee- of '#:# an- those -ist,ibute- un-e, theconteste- 7ill of Don 2esus -oes not sho7 that the fo,1e, ha- in fact been inclu-e-in the latte,. This bein0 so) it 1ust be p,esu1e- that the intention of Don 2esus inhis last 7in 7as not to ,eo@e the -onations al,ea-& 1a-e in the Dee- of '#:# butonl& to ,e-ist,ibute his ,e1ainin0 estate) o, that po,tion of the con/u0al assetstotall& left to his f,ee -isposal an- that 7hich he ,eceie- as his inhe,itance f,o1

    Do4a Tina&. The le0iti1es of the fo,ce- hei,s 7e,e left uni1pai,e-) as in fact) notone of sai- fo,ce- hei,s clai1e- o, inti1ate- othe,7ise. The p,ope,ties that 7e,e-ispose- of in the conteste- 7ill belon0e- 7holl& to Don 2esus *lsua

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    inFui,e into the fai,ness o, unfai,ness of an& -eise o, beFueast. The cou,t shoul-not sit in /u-01ent upon the 1oties an- senti1ents of the testat,i) A,st) becauseas al,ea-& state-) nothin0 in the la7 ,est,aine- he, f,o1 -isposin0 of he, p,ope,t&in an& 1anne, she -esi,e-) an- secon-l&) because the,e a,e no a-eFuate 1eans ofasce,tainin0 the in7a,- p,ocess of he, conscience. She 7as the sole /u-0e of he,

    o7n attitu-e to7a,- those 7ho epecte- he, bount&. ...Respon-ent cou,t) in t,&in0 to ,ationalie the 7ill of Don 2esus 7hich alle0e-l&beneAte- an- fao,e- the petitione, to the p,e/u-ice of the othe, hei,s 7ho 7oul-hae been entitle- to an eFual sha,e un-e, the et,a/u-icial pa,tition of '#:#) face-t7o alte,naties!one) to consi-e, Don 2esus as a 1an of cultu,e an- hono, an-7oul- not


    hi1self to iolate the p,eious a0,ee1ent) an- the othe, as one 7hose 1entalfaculties o, his possession of the sa1e ha- been -i1inishe- consi-e,in0 that 7henthe 7ill 7as eecute-) he 7as al,ea-& (: &ea,s of a0e an- in ie7 of his 7ea@ness

    an- a-ance- a0e) the actual a-1inist,ation of his p,ope,ties ha- been left to hisassistant Ma-a,ieta 7ho) fo, his pa,t ,eceie- inst,uctions f,o1 3,ancisco an- he,husban-) 2oseph +etts. *cco,-in0 to the cou,t) the bette, eplanation is the latte,)7hich is not le0all& tenable. Un-e, *,ticle $## of the Ne7 Ciil Co-e 7hich p,oi-esas follo7s6 t4.WhF7X

    *,t. $##. To be of soun- 1in-) it is not necessa,& that the testato, be in fullpossession of all his ,easonin0 faculties) o, that his 1in- be 7holl& unb,o@en)uni1pai,e-) o, unshatte,e- b& -isease) in/u,& o, othe, cause.

    It shall be suQcient if the testato, 7as able at the ti1e of 1a@in0 the 7ill to @no7the natu,e of the estate to be -ispose- of) the p,ope, ob/ects of his bount&) an- thecha,acte, of the testa1enta,& act)

    The test of testa1enta,& capacit& is at the ti1e of the 1a@in0 of the 7in. Me,e7ea@ness of 1in- o, pa,tial i1becilit& f,o1 -isease of bo-& o, f,o1 a0e!-oes not,en-e, a pe,son incapable of 1a@in0 a 7ill. t4.WhF7X

    +et7een the hi0hest -e0,ee of soun-ness of 1in- an- 1e1o,& 7hichunFuestionabl& ca,,ies 7ith it full testa1enta,& capacit&) an- that -e0,ees of1ental abe,,ation 0ene,all& @no7n as insanit& o, I-ioc&) the,e a,e nu1be,less-e0,ees of 1ental capacit& o, incapacit& an- 7hile on one han- it has been hel-that 1e,e 7ea@ness of 1in-) o, pa,tial i1becilit& f,o1 -isease of bo-&) o, f,o1 a0e)7ill not ,en-e, a pe,son incapable of 1a@in0 a 7ill a 7ea@ o, feeble1in-e- pe,son1a& 1a@e a ali- 7ill) p,oi-e- he has un-e,stan-in0 an- 1e1o,& suQcient toenable hi1 to @no7 7hat he is about to -o an- ho7 o, to 7ho1 he is -isposin0 ofhis p,ope,t&. To constitute a soun- an- -isposin0 1in-) it is not necessa,& that the1in- be unb,o@en o, uni1pai,e- o, unshatte,e- b& -isease o, othe,7ise. It hasbeen hel- that testa1enta,& incapacit& -oes not necessa,il& ,eFui,e that a pe,sonshall actuall& be insane o, of unsoun- 1in-. B+u0nao s. Uba0) ': Phil. '98.

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    The Ciil Co-e itself p,oi-es un-e, *,ticle $#( that in o,-e, to 1a@e a 7ill) it isessential that the testato, be of soun- 1in- at the ti1e of its eecution) an- un-e,*,ticle (;;) the la7 p,esu1es that ee,& pe,son is of soun- 1in- in the absence ofp,oof to the cont,a,&. In the case at ba,) the acceptance b& the ,espon-ent cou,t ofthe An-in0s of fact of the t,ial cou,t on the -ue eecution of the last 7in an-

    testa1ent of Don 2esus has fo,eclose- an& an- all clai1 to the cont,a,& that the 7ill7as not eecute- in acco,-ance 7ith the ,eFui,e1ents of the la7. +ut 1o,e thanthat) 0leane- f,o1 the Fuote- po,tions of the appeale- -ecision) the -esc,ibe-behaio, of Don 2esus is not that of a 1entall& incapacitate- pe,son no, onesu?e,in0 f,o1 >senile -e1entia> as clai1e- b& p,iate ,espon-ents. 3,o1 theseaccepte- facts) e An- that6 Ba it 7as Don 2esus hi1self 7ho 0ae -etaile-inst,uctions to his la7&e, as to ho7 he 7ante- to -ii-e his p,ope,ties a1on0 hischil-,en b& 1eans of a list of his p,ope,ties shoul- pe,tain Bb the se1i!Anal -,aft ofthe conteste- 7ill p,epa,e- b& his la7&e, 7!as een co,,ecte- b& Don 2esus Bc onthe -a& of the si0nin0 of the 7ill at his house in i0ao) >Don 2esus 7as in b,i0ht an-liel& spi,its ...) lea-in0 in the cone,sation 7hich ,an f,o1 p,oble1s of fa,1in0 an-the 1e,its of 3,ench!1a-e 7ines> B- the si0nin0 of the 7ill b& Don 2esus an- hisattestin0 7itnesses 7as 1a-e afte, a state1ent f,o1 Don 2esus of the pu,pose ofthei, 1eetin0 o, 0athe,in0) to 7it6 t4.WhF7X

    P,ecisa1ente es po, lo Fue he Ila1a-o a uste-es Fue eaten p,esentes pa,a se,testi0os -e 1i ulti1a olunta- & testa1ento Fue ha si-o p,epa,a-o po, el abo0a-oS,. G,e0o,io I1pe,ial se0un 1is inst,ucciones cu&o -ocu1ents ten0o aFui con 1i0o& encuent,o Fue) -espues -e lo he lei-o) esta satisfacto,ia1ente hecho se0un 1isin0t,ucciones) Co1o saben uste-es ten0o cuat,o B: hi/os to-os ellos.

    Clea,l& then) Don 2esus @ne7 eactl& 7hat his actions 7e,e an- the fun i1plicationsthe,eof.

    In ,e/ectin0 p,obate of the 7ilt ,espon-ent cou,t fu,the, pointe- out othe, -etails7hich) in the 7o,-s of the -ecision >a,e a little bit -iQcult to ,econcile 7ith theo,-ina,& cou,se of thin0s an- of Afe> such as the fact that Don 2esus ha- sou0ht thep,obate of his 7ill of 2anua,& %) '#%% an- his co-icil of *u0ust ':) '#%9 -u,in0 hislifeti1e but insofa, as the 7ill of Noe1be, ':) '#%# is conce,ne-) he ha- nointention of see@in0 the p,obate the,eof -u,in0 his lifeti1e) the alle0e- ,e-un-antan- unnecessa,& p,ocee-in0s un-e,ta@en b& Don 2esus in the p,ope,ties un-e,Fuestion to petitione, 3,anciso *lsua!+etts 7hen the sa1e p,ope,ties ha- al,ea-&been beFueathe- to he, in the 7ill of Noe1be, ':) '#%# an- that >nothin0)absolutel& nothin0) coul- be 1a-e the basis fo, An-in0 that Don 2esus *lsua ha-,e0a,-e- his othe, chil-,en 7ith less fao,) an- that he 7as 1o,e s&1pathetic to

    3,ancisca so as to o, fo,0et the fo,1e, -ep,iin0 the1 of beneAts al,ea-& 0ien tothe1 an- ,e7a,-in0 the latte, 7ith -isp,opo,tionate a-anta0es o, beneAts) to suchan et,e1e as to iolate his p,eious -isposition consec,ate- in the p,eiouset,a/u-icial pa,tition) Eh. (.>

    e a0,ee 7ith the petitione, that these -etails 7hich ,espon-ent cou,t foun--iQcult to ,econcile 7ith the o,-ina,& cou,se of thin0s an- of life a,e 1e,econ/ectu,es) su,1ises o, speculations 7hich) ho7ee,) -o not 7a,,ant o, /ustif&

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    -isallo7ance of the p,obate of the 7in of Don 2esus. The fact that Don 2esus -i- notcause his 7ill to be p,obate- -u,in0 his lifeti1e 7hile his p,eious holo0,aphic 7inan- co-icil 7e,e -ul& p,obate- 7hen he 7as still alie is a 1e,e speculation 7hich-epen-s enti,el& on the -isc,etion of Don 2esus as the testato,. The la7 -oes not,eFui,e that a 7ill be p,obate- -u,in0 the lifeti1e of the testato, an- fo, not -oin0

    so the,e cannot a,ise an& fao,able o, unfao,able conseFuence the,ef,o1. Thepa,ties cannot co,,ectl& 0uess o, su,1ise the 1oties of the testato, an- neithe,can the cou,ts. Such su,1ise) speculation o, con/ectu,e is no ali- an- le0al 0,oun-to ,e/ect allo7ance o, -isallo7ance of the 7i0. The sa1e thin0 can be sai- as to7hatee, ,eason Don 2esus ha- fo, sellin0 the p,ope,ties to his -au0hte, 3,ancisca7hen he ha- al,ea-& assi0ne- the sa1e p,ope,ties to he, in his 7ill. hile e canspeculate that Don 2esus -esi,e- to hae possession of the p,ope,ties t,ansfe,,e- to3,ancisca afte, the sale instea- of 7aitin0 fo, his -eath 1a& be a ,easonableeplanation o, speculation fo, the act of the testato, an- &et the,e is no ce,taint&that such 7as actuall& the ,eason. This is as 0oo- a con/ectu,e as the ,espon-ents1a& o?e, o, as -iQcult to accept 7hich ,espon-ent cou,t beliees. * con/ectu,e isal7a&s a con/ectu,e it can nee, be a-1itte- as ei-ence.

    No7) the annul1ent case. The onl& issue ,aise- anent the ciil case fo, annul1entof the t7o Dee-s of Sale eecute- b& an- bet7een Don 2esus an- petitione,3,ancisco is thei, ali-it& o, nullit&. P,iate ,espon-ents 1ainl& conten- that thesales 7e,e Actitious o, si1ulate-) the,e hain0 been no actual consi-e,ation pai-.

    The& fu,the, insist that the issue ,aise- is a Fuestion of fact an-) the,efo,e) not,eie7able in a ce,tio,a,i p,ocee-in0 befo,e the Sup,e1e Cou,t. On the othe, han-)petitione,s he,ein 1aintain that it 7as e,,o, fo, the ,espon-ent cou,t to set asi-e onappeal the factual An-in0s of the t,ial cou,t that the t7o sales 7e,e ali-.

    It is t,ue that the /u,isp,u-ence of this Cou,t in cases b,ou0ht to Us f,o1 the Cou,t

    of *ppeals is li1ite- to ,eie7in0 an- ,eisin0 the e,,o,s of la7 i1pute- to it) itsAn-in0s of fact bein0 conclusie an- this sa1e p,inciple applies een if the Cou,t of*ppeals 7as in -isa0,ee1ent 7ith the lo7e, cou,t as to the 7ei0ht of ei-ence 7itha conseFuent ,ee,sal of its An-in0s of fact. +ut 7hat shoul- not be i0no,e- b&la7&e,s an- liti0ants ali@e is the 1o,e basic p,inciple that the >An-in0s of fact>-esc,ibe- as >Anal> o, >conclusie> a,e those bo,ne out b& the ,eco,- o, those 7hicha,e base- upon substantial ei-ence. The 0ene,al ,ule lai- -o7n b& the Sup,e1eCou,t -oes not -ecla,e the absolute co,,ectness of all the An-in0s of fact 1a-e b&the Cou,t of *ppeals. These a,e eceptions to the 0ene,al ,ule) 7he,e e hae,eie7e- an- ,eise- the An-in0s of fact of the Cou,t of *ppeals. *1on0 theeceptions to the ,ule that An-in0s of fact b& the Cou,t of *ppeals cannot be

    ,eie7e- on appeals b& ce,tio,a,i a,e6'. hen the conclusion is a An-in0 0,oun-e- enti,el& on speculation) su,1ises o,con/ectu,es B2oaFuin s. Naa,,o) #8 Phil. "%$

    ". hen the infe,ence 1a-e is 1anifestl& 1ista@en) absu,- o, i1possible Buna s.inato@) $: Phil. '%

    8. he,e the,e is a 0,ae abuse of -isc,etion B+u&co s. People) %' O.G. "#"$

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    :. hen the /u-01ent is base- on a 1isapp,ehension of facts BC,u s. Sosin0) !:($%) No. "$) '#%8

    %. hen the An-in0s of fact a,e conZictin0 BCasica s. Villaseca) !#%#;) *p,il 8;)'#%$ an-

    9. hen the Cou,t of *ppeals) in 1a@in0 its An-in0s) 7ent be&on- the issues of thecase an- the sa1e is cont,a,& to the a-1issions of both appellant an- appelleeBEan0elists s. *lto Su,et& 5 Ins. Co.) !'''8#) *p,il "8) '#%( Ra1os s. PepsiCola) !""%88) 3eb. #) '#9$) '# SCR* "(#.

    In the case at ba,) e An- an- so -ecla,e that the ,espon-ent cou,t) a secon- +an@ of Philippine Islan-s Chec@ BNo. D!9#(; also-ate- Noe1be, "9) '#9" in the a1ount of \:$)8%%."#) -,a7n b& 3,ancisco an-pa&able to Don 2esus. B9 Ehibit >[!8 > an- >[!% >) en-o,se1ents on the bac@ of thelast t7o chec@s b& Don 2esus) a0ain) his si0natu,es the,eon 7e,e not assaile-. B$Ehibit >*> Bin the annul1ent case) a +u,eau of Inte,nal Reenue Receipt BNo."8:$"9; -ate- Noe1be, "#) '#9" 7ith a notation ac@no7le-0in0 the ,eceipt of+PI Chec@ No. D!9#(; in the a1ount of P:$)8%%."# f,o1 Don 2esus *lsua inpa&1ent of +alance of T,ansfe, of Ta *ss. No. E*!8%:'%!'# plus inte,est. e a,econince- an- satisAe- f,o1 this a,,a& of -ocu1enta,& ei-ence that in fact) Don

    2esus sol- the sub/ect p,ope,ties to his -au0hte,) 3,ancisca fo, the total

    consi-e,ation of P'%;);;;.;;.The clai1 of the p,iate ,espon-ents that the sales 7e,e Actitious an- oi- fo, bein07ithout cause o, consi-e,ation is as 7ea@ an- Zi1s& as the 0,oun- upon 7hich the,espon-ent cou,t uphel- sai- clai1 on the basis that the,e 7as no nee- fo, fun-s inDon 2esus< ol- a0e asi-e f,o1 the speculation that the,e 7as nothin0 in theei-ence that sho7e- 7hat 1otiate- Don 2esus to chan0e his 1in- as to fao,3,ancesca an- -isc,i1inate a0ainst the othe, chil-,en. The t7o cont,acts of sa1eeecute- b& Don 2esus in fao, of 3,ancesca a,e ei-ence- b& Ehibits >U> an- >>)

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    hea,in0 of the petition atto,ne& Rolan-o Me-alla) ,ep,esentin0 so1e of the hei,she,einafte, ,efe,,e- to as opponents) 1oe- fo, the postpone1ent of the hea,in0 to0ie hi1 ti1e an- oppo,tunit& to Ale a 7,itten ob/ection to the petition. he,eupon)the hea,in0 7as postpone- to 8; 2une '#%9. On "( 2une) the opponents Ale- a1otion to -is1iss on the 0,oun- that a petition fo, the p,obate of the sa1e last 7ill

    an- testa1ent ha- been -is1isse- b& the sa1e Cou,t in a p,eious specialp,ocee-in0s No. 89"( an- constitutes a ba, to the p,esent p,ocee-in0s BNo. 8((8.On $ 2ul&) the petitione, ans7e,e- the 1otion to -is1iss. +& an o,-e, ente,e- on ':

    2ul&) the Cou,t -is1isse- the petition. *fte, consi-e,in0 the 1otion fo,,econsi-e,ation Ale- b& the petitione, on 8' 2ul& '#%9 an- the ans7e, the,eto Ale-b& the opponents on 8 *u0ust '#%9) the Cou,t -enie- the 1otion fo,,econsi-e,ation. The petitione, appeale- to the Cou,t of *ppeals 7hich ce,tiAe- theappeal to this Cou,t fo, onl& Fuestions of la7 a,e ,aise-. .'7ph'.4t

    The p,eious p,ocee-in0s ino@e- b& the opponents to ba, the p,esent is specialp,ocee-in0s No. 89"8 Ale- in the Cou,t of 3i,st Instance of Ne0,os Occi-ental on "$Septe1be, '#%% b& one 3eli *ba&) a b,othe, of Susana *ba& -e *,,o&o) the he,ein

    petitione, an- appellant. The last 7ill an- testa1ent inole- the,ein is the sa1einole- he,ein. Ho7ee,) upon failu,e of 3eli *ba& an- his counsel Pio +. 2apitanato appea, at the hea,in0 on % Noe1be, '#%%) -espite -ue notice) the Cou,t the,e-is1isse- the petition) 7ithout statin0 that it 7as a -is1issal 7ith p,e/u-ice. T7o1otions fo, ,econsi-e,ation 7e,e Ale-) the A,st on '% Noe1be, '#%% an- thesecon- on "( Noe1be, '#%%) but both 7e,e -enie-) the last fo, lac@ of 1e,it. .

    The issue no7 hin0es on 7hethe, o, not the petition fo, the p,obate of a 7ill Ale- inthis special p,ocee-in0s is ba,,e- b& a p,eious special p,ocee-in0s No. 89"() thepetition of 7hich 7as -is1isse- fo, failu,e of the petitione, an- his counsel toappea, on the -ate set fo, the hea,in0 the,eof. .

    The appellant conten-s that the -is1issal of the petition in the p,eious case Bspec.p,oc. No. 89"( -oes not ba, the p,esent Bspec. p,oc. No. 8((8) both fo, thep,obate of the sa1e last 7ill an- testa1ent of the late Can-ela,ia +en0uan)because the -is1issal fo, failu,e of the petitione, an- his counsel to appea, at thehea,in0 set b& the Cou,t 7as not an a-/u-ication on the 1e,its of the case an- isnot ,es /u-icata) because the pa,ties in the p,eious an- p,esent p,ocee-in0s a,enot the sa1e. .

    The appellant

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    b,ou0ht about the -is1issal of the petition Ale- in that special p,ocee-in0s BNo.89"( cannot p,e/u-ice the ,i0ht of Susana *ba& -e *,,o&o) the petitione,) in asubseFuent petition Ale- fo, the p,obate of the sa1e 7ill an- last testa1ent. So thep,oisions of the Rules cite- an- ino@e- b& the opponents!appellees cannot be1a-e to appl& to p,ocee-in0s fo, the p,obate of 7ills) because as al,ea-& state-

    othe, pa,ties inte,este- in the p,obate of a 7ill fo, t,ans1ission of p,ope,t& ,i0hts tothe1 shoul- not be p,e/u-ice- b& the act o, fault of anothe, an- because it is thepolic& of the State to hae such last 7ills an- testa1ents sub1itte- to Cou,t fo,thei, p,obate o, le0aliation) as sho7n o, in-icate- o, ei-ence- b& o, in thepunish1ent p,oi-e- fo, pe,sons 7ho a,e in possession of last 7ills an- testa1entsof -ecease- pe,sons an- fail o, ne0lect to -elie, o, p,esent the1 to Cou,t fo,p,obate o, to -elie, the1 to the eecuto, na1e- in the 7ill 7ithin t7ent& -a&safte, the& @no7 of the -eath of the testato,s o, 7ithin the sa1e pe,io- of ti1e afte,the& @no7 that the& 7e,e na1e- eecuto,s of the 7ill Bsections " to %) Rule $9. Theun-e,l&in0 ,eason fo, the ,ule that a -is1issal of an action o, co1plaint in a ciilcase 1a& be a ba, to a subseFuent action unless the -is1issal is 7ithout p,e/u-iceis lac@ of inte,est o, inaction of the one 7ho b,ou0ht the action in cou,t b& hisco1plaint an- fo, such lac@ of inte,est o, inaction he shoul- be 1a-e to su?e,. .

    The o,-e, of -is1issal appeale- f,o1 is set asi-e an- the petition fo, p,obate of a7ill Ale- in special p,ocee-in0s No. 8((8 ,e1an-e- to the Cou,t of 3i,st Instance ofNe0,os Occi-ental fo, fu,the, p,ocee-in0s as p,oi-e- fo, in the Rules of Cou,t)7ithout special p,onounce1ent as to costs.

    +en0on) C.2.) +autista *n0elo) ab,a-o,) Concepcion) Re&es) 2.+..) +a,,e,a)Pa,e-es) Dion an- De eon) 22.) concu,. .

    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. !:';': Noe1be, "() '#((

    P*CI3IC +*NING CORPOR*TION) petitione,)s.COURT O3 *PPE*S an- ORIENT* *SSUR*NCE CORPOR*TION) ,espon-ents.

    3lo,es) Oca1po) Dion an- Do1in0o a7 OQce fo, petitione,.

    Cabochan an- Re&es a7 OQce fo, ,espon-ents.

    P*R*S) 2.6

    This is a petition fo, ,eie7 on ce,tio,a,i of the -ecision of ,espon-ent Cou,t of*ppeals = in C*!G.R. No. :'$8%!R) entitle- >PaciAc +an@in0 Co,po,ation s. O,iental*ssu,ance Co,po,ation>) 7hich set asi-e the -ecision of the Cou,t of 3i,st Instance

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    SO ORDERED. BReco,- on *ppeal) pp. ':;!':'

    On appeal) the Cou,t of *ppeals ,ee,se- the -ecision of the t,ial cou,t BDecisionp,o1ul0ate- on *p,il "8) '#$%) Rollo) pp. "'!88.

    Petitione, Ale- a 1otion fo, ,econsi-e,ation of the sai- -ecision of the ,espon-ent

    Cou,t of *ppeals) but this 7as -enie- on 2ul& 8)'#$% fo, lac@ of 1e,it BRollo) pp. %:!9$) ,esultin0 in this petition 7ith the follo7in0 assi0ne- e,,o,s



    Ba The ,espon-ent Cou,t -i- not consi-e, the le0al p,esu1ption a0ainst theeistence of f,au-) 7hich shoul- be establishe- 7ith such Fuantu1 of p,oof as is,eFui,e- fo, an& c,i1e.

    Bb The ,eco,- of the case is be,eft of p,oof of such f,au-.

    Bc The p,iate ,espon-ent insu,e, -i- not een plea- o, in an&7ise ,aise f,au- as a-efense in its ans7e, o, 1otion to -is1iss an-) the,efo,e) it shoul- hae beenconsi-e,e- 7aie-.

    B- The total a1ount of insu,ance p,ocu,e- b& the insu,e- f,o1 the -i?e,entco1panies a1ounte- to ha,-l& onehalf B^ of the alue of the 0oo-s insu,e-.





  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    '#8; Union Manufactu,in0 Co.) Inc. s. Philippine Gua,ant& Co.) Inc.) :$ SCR* "$9'#$" Pionee, Ins. 5 Su,et& Co,p.) . Kap) 9' SCR* :8" '#$:.

    The a,0u1ent that notice of co!insu,ances 1a& be 1a-e o,all& is p,eposte,ous an-ne0ates polic& con-ition No. "; 7hich ,eFui,es ee,& notice an- othe,co11unications to the insu,e, to be 7,itten o, p,inte-.

    Petitione, points out that Con-ition No. 8 in the polic& in ,elation to the >othe,insu,ance clause> suppose-l& to hae been iolate-) cannot ce,tainl& -efeat the,i0ht of the petitione, to ,ecoe, the insu,ance as 1o,t0a0eeassi0nee. Pa,ticula,l&,efe,,in0 to the 1o,t0a0e clause of the polic&) petitione, a,0ues that consi-e,in0 thepu,pose fo, 7hich the en-o,se1ent o, assi0n1ent 7as 1a-e) that is) to p,otect the1o,t0a0eeassi0nee a0ainst an& unto7a,- act o, o1ission of the insu,e-) it 7oul-be absu,- to hol- that petitione, is ba,,e- f,o1 ,ecoe,in0 the insu,ance on accountof the alle0e- iolation co11itte- b& the insu,e- BRollo) +,ief fo, the petitione,) pp)88!8%.

    It is obious that petitione, has 1isse- all to0ethe, the i1po,t of sub/ect 1o,t0a0e

    clause 7hich speciAcall& p,oi-es6

    Mo,t0a0e Clause

    oss) if an&) un-e, this polic&) shall be pa&able to the P*CI3IC +*NINGCORPOR*TION Manila 1o,t0a0eet,usto, as its inte,est 1a& appea,) it bein0 he,eb&un-e,stoo- an- a0,ee- that this insu,ance as to the inte,est of the1o,t0a0eet,usto, onl& he,ein) shall not be inali-ate- b& an& act o, ne0lectLecept f,au- o, 1is,ep,esentation) o, a,sonLof the 1o,t0a0o, o, o7ne,t,ustee ofthe p,ope,t& insu,e- p,oi-e-) that in case the 1o,t0a0o, o, o7ne, t,usteene0lects o, ,efuses to pa& an& p,e1iu1) the 1o,t0a0ee t,usto, shall) on -e1an-pa& the sa1e. BRollo) p. "9

    The pa,a0,aph clea,l& states the eceptions to the 0ene,al ,ule that insu,ance as tothe inte,est of the 1o,t0a0ee) cannot be inali-ate- na1el&6 f,au-) o,1is,ep,esentation o, a,son. *s co,,ectl& foun- b& the Cou,t of *ppeals) conceal1entof the afo,ecite-co!insu,ances can easil& be f,au-) o, in the e,& least) 1is,ep,esentation BRollo) p."$.

    Un-oubte-l&) it is but fai, an- /ust that 7he,e the insu,e- 7ho is p,i1a,il& entitle-to ,eceie the p,ocee-s of the polic& has b& its f,au- an-o, 1is,ep,esentation)fo,feite- sai- ,i0ht) 7ith 1o,e ,eason petitione, 7hich is 1e,el& clai1in0 asin-o,see of sai- insu,e-) cannot be entitle- to such p,ocee-s.

    Petitione, fu,the, st,esse- that f,au- 7hich 7as not plea-e- as a -efense in p,iate,espon-ent

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    +e that as it 1a&) it is establishe- that the Sup,e1e Cou,t has a1ple autho,it& to0ie be&on- the plea-in0s 7he,e in the inte,est of /ustice an- the p,o1otion ofpublic polic&) the,e is a nee- to 1a@e its o7n An-in0 to suppo,t its conclusion.Othe,7ise state-) the Cou,t can consi-e, a fact 7hich su,face- onl& afte, t,ialp,ope, BMaha,li@a Publishin0 Co,p. . Ta0le) ':" SCR* %9' '#(9.

    Gene,all&) the cause of action on the polic& acc,ues 7hen the loss occu,s) +ut 7henthe polic& p,oi-es that no action shall be b,ou0ht unless the clai1 is A,st p,esente-et,a/u-iciall& in the 1anne, p,oi-e- in the polic&) the cause of action 7ill acc,uef,o1 the ti1e the insu,e, Anall& ,e/ects the clai1 fo, pa&1ent BEa0le Sta, Insu,ance. Chia Ku) %% Phil $;' '#%%.

    In the case at ba,) polic& con-ition No. '' speciAcall& p,oi-es that the insu,e- shallon the happenin0 of an& loss o, -a1a0e 0ie notice to the co1pan& an- shall 7ithinAfteen B'% -a&s afte, such loss o, -a1a0e -elie, to the p,iate ,espon-ent Ba aclai1 in 7,itin0 0iin0 pa,ticula, account as to the a,ticles o, 0oo-s -est,o&e- an-the a1ount of the loss o, -a1a0e an- Bb pa,ticula,s of all othe, insu,ances) if an&.

    i@e7ise) insu,e- 7as ,eFui,e- >at his o7n epense to p,o-uce) p,ocu,e an- 0ie tothe co1pan& all such fu,the, pa,ticula,s) plans) speciAcations) boo@s) ouche,s)inoices) -uplicates o, copies the,eof) -ocu1ents) p,oofs an- info,1ation 7ith,espect to the clai1>. BReco,- on *ppeal) pp. '(!";.

    The ei-ence a--uce- sho7s that t7ent&!fou, B": -a&s afte, the A,e) petitione,1e,el& 7,ote lette,s to p,iate ,espon-ent to se,e as a notice of loss) the,eafte,)the fo,1e, -i- not fu,nish the latte, 7hatee, pe,tinent -ocu1ents 7e,e necessa,&to p,oe an- esti1ate its loss. Instea-) petitione, shifte- upon p,iate ,espon-entthe bu,-en of Ashin0 out the necessa,& info,1ation to asce,tain the pa,ticula,account of the a,ticles -est,o&e- b& A,e as 7ell as the a1ount of loss. It isnote7o,th& that p,iate ,espon-ent an- its a-/uste, notiAe- petitione, that insu,e-

    ha- not &et Ale- a 7,itten clai1 no, sub1itte- the suppo,tin0 -ocu1ents inco1pliance 7ith the ,eFui,e1ents set fo,th in the polic&. Despite the notice) thelatte, ,e1aine- unhee-ful. Since the ,eFui,e- clai1 b& insu,e-) to0ethe, 7ith thep,eli1ina,& sub1ittal of ,eleant -ocu1ents ha- not been co1plie- 7ith) it follo7sthat p,iate ,espon-ent coul- not be -ee1e- to hae Anall& ,e/ecte- petitione,

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    et al. . Chia Ku) p. $;") sup,a Tau,us Tai Co.) Inc. . The Capital Ins. 5 Su,et& Co.)Inc.) ": SCR* :%( '#9( National Po7e, Co,p. . C*) ':% SCR* %88 '#(9) &et)cont,acts of insu,ance) li@e othe, cont,acts) a,e to be const,ue- acco,-in0 to thesense an- 1eanin0 of the te,1s 7hich the pa,ties the1seles hae use-. If suchte,1s a,e clea, an- una1bi0uous) the& 1ust be ta@en an- un-e,stoo- in thei, plain)

    o,-ina,& an- popula, sense BKoun0 . Mi-lan- Tetile Ins. Co.) 8; Phil. 9'$ '#'#Union Manufactu,in0 Co.) Inc. . Phil. Gua,ant& Co.) Inc.) p. "$$ sup,a Pichel .*lono) III SCR* 8:' '#(" Gonales . C*) '": SCR* 98; '#(8 GSIS . C*) ':%SCR* 8'' '#(9 He,,e,a . Pet,ophil Co,p.) ':9 SCR* 8(% '#(9.

    Cont,acts of insu,ance a,e cont,acts of in-e1nit& upon the te,1s an- con-itionsspeciAe- in the polic&. The pa,ties hae a ,i0ht to i1pose such ,easonablecon-itions at the ti1e of the 1a@in0 of the cont,act as the& 1a& -ee1 7ise an-necessa,&. The a0,ee1ent has the fo,ce of la7 bet7een the pa,ties. The te,1s ofthe polic& constitute the 1easu,e of the insu,e,

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    On *u0ust '") '##%) the p,iate ,espon-ents p,esente- a Motion to Dis1iss8onthe 0,oun-s that the co1plaint faile- to state a cause of action) that plainti?s -i-not hae a ,i0ht of action) that the& hae not establishe- thei, status as hei,s) thatthe lan- bein0 clai1e- is -i?e,ent f,o1 that of the -efen-ants) an- that plainti?sgclai1 7as ba,,e- b& laches. The sai- Motion to Dis1iss 7as 0,ante- b& the

    ,espon-ent cou,t in its O,-e,:-ate- Octobe, "%) '##%) hol-in0 that petitione,shae not sho7n an& p,oof o, een a se1blance of it ! ecept the alle0ations thatthe& a,e the le0al hei,s of the aboe!na1e- Kaptincha&s ! that the& hae been-ecla,e- the le0al hei,s of the -ecease- couple.

    Petitione,s inte,pose- a Motion fo, Reconsi-e,ation%but to no aail. The sa1e7as -enie- b& the RTC in its O,-e,9of 3eb,ua,& "8) '##9.

    Un-aunte-) petitione,s hae co1e befo,e this Cou,t to see@ ,elief f,o1 ,espon-entcou,tgs O,-e,s un-e, attac@.

    Petitione,s conten- that the ,espon-ent cou,t acte- 7ith 0,ae abuse of -isc,etionin ,ulin0 that the issue of hei,ship shoul- A,st be -ete,1ine- befo,e t,ial of the case

    coul- p,ocee-. It is petitione,sg sub1ission that the ,espon-ent cou,t shoul- haep,ocee-e- 7ith the t,ial an- si1ultaneousl& ,esole- the issue of hei,ship in thesa1e case.

    The petition is not i1p,esse- 7ith 1e,it.

    To be0in 7ith) petitione,sg Petition fo, Ce,tio,a,i befo,e this Cou,t is an i1p,ope,,ecou,se. Thei, p,ope, ,e1e-& shoul- hae been an appeal. *n o,-e, of -is1issal)be it ,i0ht o, 7,on0) is a Anal o,-e,) 7hich is sub/ect to appeal an- not a p,ope,sub/ect of ce,tio,a,i$. he,e appeal is aailable as a ,e1e-&) ce,tio,a,i 7ill notlie(.

    Neithe, -i- the ,espon-ent cou,t co11it 0,ae abuse of -isc,etion in issuin0 theFuestione- O,-e, -is1issin0 the Secon- *1en-e- Co1plaint of petitione,s) as itaptl& ,atiocinate- an- ,ule-6

    +ut the plainti?s 7ho clai1e- to be the le0al hei,s of the sai- Gui-o an- IsabelKaptincha& hae not sho7n an& p,oof o, een a se1blance of it ! ecept thealle0ations that the& a,e the le0al hei,s of the afo,e1entione- Kaptincha&s ! thatthe& hae been -ecla,e- the le0al hei,s of the -ecease- couple. No7) the-ete,1ination of 7ho a,e the le0al hei,s of the -ecease- couple 1ust be 1a-e inthe p,ope, special p,ocee-in0s in cou,t) an- not in an o,-ina,& suit fo,,econe&ance of p,ope,t&. This 1ust ta@e p,ece-ence oe, the action fo,,econe&ance BElena C. Monon) et. al.) . *n0elita Tali0ato) C*!G!R No. 888%%)*u0ust '") '##".

    In ita1) etc.) et. al. . Rie,a#) this cou,t opine- that the -ecla,ation of hei,ship1ust be 1a-e in an a-1inist,ation p,ocee-in0) an- not in an in-epen-ent ciilaction. This -oct,ine 7as ,eite,ate- in Soliio . Cou,t of *ppeals';7he,e thecou,t hel-6
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    >In ita1) et al. . Rie,a) ';; Phil. 89:) 7he,e -espite the pen-enc& of the specialp,ocee-in0s fo, the settle1ent of the intestate estate of the -ecease- Rafael ita1)the plainti?s!appellants Ale- a ciil action in 7hich the& clai1e- that the& 7e,e thechil-,en b& a p,eious 1a,,ia0e of the -ecease- to a Chinese 7o1an) hence)entitle- to inhe,it his one!half sha,e of the con/u0al p,ope,ties acFui,e- -u,in0 his

    1a,,ia0e to Ma,cosa Rie,a) the t,ial cou,t in the ciil case -ecla,e- that theplainti?s!appellants 7e,e not chil-,en of the -ecease-) that the p,ope,ties inFuestion 7e,e pa,aphe,nal p,ope,ties of his 7ife) Ma,cosa Rie,a) an- that the latte,7as his onl& hei,. On appeal to this Cou,t) 7e ,ule- that such -ecla,ations BthatMa,cosa Rie,a 7as the onl& hei, of the -ece-ent is i1p,ope,) in Ciil Case No.";$') it bein0 7ithin the eclusie co1petence of the cou,t in Special P,ocee-in0sNo. '%8$) in 7hich it is not as &et) in issue) an-) 7ill not be) o,-ina,il&) in issue untilthe p,esentation of the p,o/ect of pa,tition.g Bp. 8$(.

    The t,ial cou,t cannot 1a@e a -ecla,ation of hei,ship in the ciil action fo, the,eason that such a -ecla,ation can onl& be 1a-e in a special p,ocee-in0. Un-e,Section 8) Rule ' of the '##$ Reise- Rules of Cou,t) a ciil action is -eAne- as one

    b& 7hich a pa,t& sues anothe, fo, the enfo,ce1ent o, p,otection of a ,i0ht) o, thep,eention o, ,e-,ess of a 7,on0 7hile a special p,ocee-in0 is a ,e1e-& b& 7hicha pa,t& see@s to establish a status) a ,i0ht) o, a pa,ticula, fact. It is then -ecisiel&clea, that the -ecla,ation of hei,ship can be 1a-e onl& in a special p,ocee-in0inas1uch as the petitione,s he,e a,e see@in0 the establish1ent of a status o, ,i0ht.

    e the,efo,e hol- that the ,espon-ent cou,t -i- the ,i0ht thin0 in -is1issin0 theSecon- *1en-e- Co1plaint) 7hich state- no cause of action. In T,ael i-e*ssociate- Sales BPhils.) Inc. . Cou,t of *ppeals'') it 7as ,ule- that6

    If the suit is not b,ou0ht in the na1e of o, a0ainst the ,eal pa,t& in inte,est) a1otion to -is1iss 1a& be Ale- on the 0,oun- that the co1plaint states no cause of


    HERE3ORE) fo, lac@ of 1e,it) the Petition un-e, consi-e,ation is he,eb&DISMISSED. No p,onounce1ent as to costs.


    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURTManila


    G.R. No. !('':$ 2une ";) '#(#VICTORI* +RING*S PEREIR*) petitione,)s.

    THE HONOR*+E COURT O3 *PPE*S an- RIT* PEREIR* N*G*C) ,espon-ents.

    +en/a1in 2. Yuito,iano fo, petitione,.

    ina0!*,cilla 5 *ssociates a7 OQces fo, p,iate ,espon-ent.
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    p,ocee-in0 is necessa,& 7he,e the,e a,e no -ebts left b& the -ece-ent an-) B8ho has the bette, ,i0ht to be appointe- as a-1inist,at,i of the estate of the-ecease-) the su,iin0 spouse Victo,ia +,in0as Pe,ei,a o, the su,iin0 siste, RitaPe,ei,a Na0ac\

    *nent the A,st issue) petitione, conten-s that the,e eists no estate of the -ecease-

    fo, pu,poses of a-1inist,ation fo, the follo7in0 ,easons6 A,stl&) the -eath beneAtsf,o1 P*) P*E*) PES** an- the SSS belon0 eclusiel& to he,) bein0 the solebeneAcia,& an- in suppo,t of this clai1 she sub1itte- lette,!,eplies f,o1 theseinstitutions sho7in0 that she is the eclusie beneAcia,& of sai- -eath beneAtssecon-l&) the sain0s -eposits in the na1e of he, -ecease- husban- 7ith the PN+an- the PCI+ ha- been use- to -ef,a& the fune,al epenses as suppo,te- b& see,al,eceipts an-) Anall&) the onl& ,eal p,ope,t& of the -ecease- has been et,a/u-iciall&settle- bet7een the petitione, an- the p,iate ,espon-ent as the onl& su,iin0hei,s of the -ecease-.

    P,iate ,espon-ent) on the othe, han-) a,0ues that it is not fo, petitione, to -eci-e

    7hat p,ope,ties fo,1 pa,t of the estate of the -ecease- an- to app,op,iate the1 fo,he,self. She points out that this function is este- in the cou,t in cha,0e of theintestate p,ocee-in0s.

    Petitione, as@s this Cou,t to -ecla,e that the p,ope,ties speciAe- -o not belon0 tothe estate of the -ecease- on the basis of he, ba,e alle0ations as afo,estate- an- ahan-ful of -ocu1ents. Inas1uch as this Cou,t is not a t,ie, of facts) e cannot o,-e,an unFualiAe- an- Anal eclusion o, non!eclusion of the p,ope,t& inole- f,o1 theestate of the -ecease-. %

    The ,esolution of this issue is bette, left to the p,obate cou,t befo,e 7hich thea-1inist,ation p,ocee-in0s a,e pen-in0. The t,ial cou,t is in the best position to

    ,eceie ei-ence on the -isco,-ant contentions of the pa,ties as to the assets of the-ece-ent

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    e see no ,eason not to appl& this -oct,ine to the case at ba,. The,e a,e onl& t7osu,iin0 hei,s) a 7ife of ten 1onths an- a siste,) both of a0e. The pa,ties a-1itthat the,e a,e no -ebts of the -ecease- to be pai-. hat is at once appa,ent is thatthese t7o hei,s a,e not in 0oo- te,1s. The onl& conceiable ,eason 7h& p,iate,espon-ent see@s appoint1ent as a-1inist,at,i is fo, he, to obtain possession of

    the alle0e- p,ope,ties of the -ecease- fo, he, o7n pu,poses) since these p,ope,tiesa,e p,esentl& in the han-s of petitione, 7ho suppose-l& -ispose- of the1f,au-ulentl&. e a,e of the opinion that this is not a co1pellin0 ,eason 7hich 7illnecessitate a /u-icial a-1inist,ation of the estate of the -ecease-. To sub/ect theestate of *n-,es -e Gu1an Pe,ei,a) 7hich -oes not appea, to be substantialespeciall& since the onl& ,eal p,ope,t& left has been et,a/u-iciall& settle-) to ana-1inist,ation p,ocee-in0 fo, no useful pu,pose 7oul- onl& unnecessa,il& epose itto the ,is@ of bein0 7aste- o, sFuan-e,e-. In 1ost instances of a si1ila,natu,e) '9 the clai1s of both pa,ties as to the p,ope,ties left b& the -ecease- 1a&be p,ope,l& entilate- in si1ple pa,tition p,ocee-in0s 7he,e the c,e-ito,s) shoul-the,e be an&) a,e p,otecte- in an& eent.

    e) the,efo,e) hol- that the cou,t belo7 befo,e 7hich the a-1inist,ationp,ocee-in0s a,e pen-in0 7as not /ustiAe- in issuin0 lette,s of a-1inist,ation) the,ebein0 no 0oo- ,eason fo, bu,-enin0 the estate of the -ecease- *n-,es -e Gu1anPe,ei,a 7ith the costs an- epenses of an a-1inist,ation p,ocee-in0.

    ith the fo,e0oin0 ,ulin0) it is unnecessa,& fo, us to -ele into the issue of 7ho) asbet7een the su,iin0 spouse Victo,ia +,in0as Pe,ei,a an- the siste, Rita Pe,ei,aNa0ac) shoul- be p,efe,,e- to be appointe- as a-1inist,at,i.

    HERE3ORE) the lette,s of a-1inist,ation issue- b& the Re0ional T,ial Cou,t of+acoo, to Rita Pe,ei,a Na0ac a,e he,eb& ,eo@e- an- the a-1inist,ation p,ocee-in0-is1isse- 7ithout p,e/u-ice to the ,i0ht of p,iate ,espon-ent to co11ence a ne7

    action fo, pa,tition of the p,ope,t& left b& *n-,es -e Gu1an Pe,ei,a. No costs.


    Na,asa) C,u) G,i4o!*Fuino an- Me-ial-ea) 22.) concu,.

    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURTManila

    EN +*NC

    G.R. No. !(:;# Dece1be, "() '#%9

    In the Matte, of the Intestate of the -ecease- *n-,es Eusebio. EUGENIOEUSE+IO) petitione,!appellee)s.*M*ND* EUSE+IO) 2U*N EUSE+IO) DE3IN EUSE+IO) VICENTE EUSE+IO) an- C*ROSEUSE+IO)opposito,s!appellants.

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    To be0in 7ith) His Hono,) the t,ial 2u-0e ha- ta@en inconsistent positions. hile) onthe one han-) he -ecla,e- that appellants coul- not be pe,1itte- to int,o-uceei-ence on the ,esi-ence of the -ece-ent) fo, the& conteste-the /u,is-iction ofcou,t) on the othe, han-) he hel-) in the o,-e, appeale- f,o1) that) b& c,oss!ea1inin0 the appellee) sai- appellants ha- sub1itte- the1seles to the autho,it&

    of the cou,t.hat is 1o,e) this conclusion is ,efute- b& the ,eco,-. *t the be0innin0 of thehea,in0) in the lo7e, cou,t) appellants< counsel announce- that he 7oul- ta@e pa,tthe,ein >onl& to Fuestion the /u,is-iction) fo, the pu,pose of -is1issin0 thisp,ocee-in0)> Bp. ") t.s.n.. Du,in0 the c,oss!ea1ination of petitione, he,ein) sai-counsel t,ie- to elicit the ,elation bet7een the -ece-ent an- the appellants. *s) theappellee ob/ecte- the,eto) the cou,t sai-) a--,essin0 appellants< counsel6 >Kou,stan- until no7 is to Fuestion the /u,is-iction of the cou,t. . . . It &ou a,e t,&in0 toestablish the status of the opposito,s) I 7ill sustain the ob/ection) unless &ou 7ant tosub1it to the /u,is-iction of the cou,t> Bp. $) t.s.n.. The,eupon) appellants< counsel,efuse- to -o so) statin06 >I 7ill insist on 1& stan-.> Then) too) at the conclusion of

    the hea,in0) the cou,t ,e/ecte- Ehibits ' an- ") fo, the ,eason that appellants>,efuse to sub1it to the /u,is-iction of this cou,t an- the& 1aintain that thesep,ocee-in0s shoul- be-is1isse-.> Thus) appellants speciall& 1a-e of ,eco,- thatthe& 7e,e not sub1ittin0 the1seles to the /u,is-iction of the cou,t) ecept fo, thepu,pose onl& of assailin0 the sa1e) an- the cou,t felt that appellants 7e,e not0iin0 up thei, stan-) 7hich 7as) an- is) a fact.

    *t an& ,ate) appellants 7e,e entitle- to establish facts ten-in0 to p,oe) not onl&thei, ,i0ht to ob/ect to appelleeIntestate Estate of the late Don*n-,es Eusebio>. *ttache- to sai- petition 7as petition fo, the -oc@etin0 the,eoff,ee cha,0e) pu,suant to Rule 8) section "") of the Rules of Cou,t. The latte, petition7as 0,ante- b& an o,-e, -ate- Noe1be, '9) '#%8) 7hich 7as ,eceie- b& the

    cashie, of sai- cou,t on Noe1be, '$) '#%8) on 7hich -ate the case 7as -oc@ete-as Special P,ocee-in0s No. #%$. On Dece1be, ':) '#%8) 2esus) Eu0enio) *1an-oan- *lfonso) all su,na1e- Eusebio Bthe chil-,en of the -ece-ent b& A,st 1a,,ia0e)inclu-in0 petitione, he,ein) 1oe- fo, the -is1issal of sai- p,ocee-in0s) o7in0 tothe pen-enc& of the p,esent case) befo,e the Cou,t of 3i,st Instance of Rial) sinceNoe1be, '9) '#%8. This 1otion 7as 0,ante- in an o,-e, -ate- Dece1be, "')'#%8) ,el&in0 upon the aboe Rule $%) section ') of the Rules of Cou,t) pu,suant to

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    7hich >the cou,t A,st ta@in0 co0niance of the settle1ent of the estate of a-ece-ent) shall ee,cise /u,is-iction to the eclusion of all othe, cou,ts.>

    *lthou0h sai- o,-e, is no7 Anal) it cannot a?ect the outco1e of the case at ba,.Sai- o,-e, -i- not pass upon the Fuestion of -o1icile o, ,esi-ence of the -ece-ent.Mo,eoe,) in 0,antin0 the cou,t A,st ta@in0 co0niance of the case eclusie

    /u,is-iction oe, the sa1e) sai- p,oision of the Rules of Cou,t ei-entl& ,efe,s tocases t,iable befo,e t7o o, 1o,e cou,ts 7ith concu,,ent /u,is-iction. It coul- notpossibl& hae inten-e- to -ep,ie a co1petent cou,t of the autho,it& este- the,einb& la7) 1e,el& because a si1ila, case ha- been p,eiousl& Ale- befo,e a cou,t to7hich /u,is-iction is -enie- b& la7) fo, the sa1e 7oul- then be -efeate- b& the 7illof one of the pa,ties. Mo,e speciall&) sai- p,oision ,efe,s 1ainl& to non!,esi-ent-ece-ents 7ho hae p,ope,ties in see,al p,oinces in the Philippines) fo, thesettle1ent of thei, ,espectie estates 1a& un-e,ta@en befo,e the cou,t of A,stinstance of eithe, one of sai- p,oinces) not onl& because sai- cou,ts then haeconcu,,ent /u,is-iction L an-) hence) the one A,st ta@in0 co0niance of the caseshall eclu-e the othe, cou,ts L but) also) because the state1ent to this e?ect in

    sai- section ' of Rule $% of the Rules of the Cou,t i11e-iatel& follo7s the last pa,tof the net p,ece-in0 sentence) 7hich -eals 7ith non!,esi-ent -ece-ents) 7hoseestate 1a& settle- the cou,t of A,st instance of an& p,oince in 7hich the& haep,ope,

    In ie7) ho7ee,) of the last sentence of sai- section) p,oi-in0 that6

    . . . The /u,is-iction assu1e- b& a cou,t) so fa, as it -epen-s on the place of,esi-ence of the -ece-ent) o, of the location of his estate) shall not be conteste- ina suit o, p,ocee-in0s) ecept in an appeal f,o1 that cou,t) in the o,i0inal case) o,7hen the 7ant of /u,is-iction appea,s on the ,eco,-.

    if p,ocee-in0s fo, the settle1ent of the estate of a -ecease- ,esi-ent a,e institute-in t7o o, 1o,e cou,ts) an- the Fuestion of enue is ,aise- befo,e the sa1e) thecou,t in 7hich the A,st case 7as Ale- shall hae eclusie /u,is-iction to -eci-e sai-issue) an- 7e so hel- in the case of Taciana V-a. De +o,/a s. Tan) !$$#" B2ul& "$)'#%%. Shoul- it be -eci-e-) in the p,ocee-in0s befo,e the sai- cou,t) that enueha- been i1p,ope,l& lai-) the case pen-in0 the,ein shoul- be -is1isse- an- theco,,espon-in0 p,ocee-in0s 1a&) the,eafte,) be initiate- in the p,ope, cou,t.

    In conclusion) 7e An- that the -ece-ent 7as) at the ti1e of his -eath) -o1icile- inSan 3e,nan-o) Pa1pan0a that the Cou,t of 3i,st Instance of Rial ha- no autho,it&)the,efo,e) to appoint an a-1inist,ato, of the estate of the -ecease-) the enuehain0 been lai- i1p,ope,l& an- that it shoul-) acco,-in0l&) hae sustaine-

    appellants< opposition an- -is1isse- appellee

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURTManila

    EN +*NC

    G.R. No. !9:$9 Noe1be, '() '#%%3R*NCISCO DE +OR2* as Eecuto, of the Estate of the -ecease- 2OSE3*

    T*NGCO) petitione,)s.+IENVENIDO *. T*N) as 2u-0e of the Cou,t of 3i,st Instance of Rial) an- 2OSE DE+OR2*) ,espon-ents.

    *le/o Mabana0 an- uis Pan0ilinan) 2,. fo, petitione,.Dai- Guea,a fo, ,espon-ents.

    MONTEM*KOR) 2.6

    This is a petition fo, 1an-a1us to co1pel ,espon-ent 2u-0e +ieneni-o *. Tan toapp,oe an- a-1it the ,eco,- on appeal Ale- befo,e hi1 an- to 0ie -ue cou,se tothe appeal. The facts inole- as 0athe,e- f,o1 the ,eco,- 1a& be b,ieZ& state- asfollo7s. On Octobe, "%) '#:;) petitione, 3,ancisco -e +o,/a Ale- a petition in thelo7e, cou,t fo, the p,obate of the ast ill an- Testa1ent of his -ecease- 7ife

    2osefa Tan0co. The 7ill 7as p,obate- on *p,il ") '#:') an- na1e- 3,ancisco -e +o,/aas eecuto, the,eof. One of the hei,s 7ho is no7 one of the ,espon-ents he,ein 2ose-e +o,/a appeale- the case to the Cou,t of *ppeals but late, his 1otion fo, -is1issalof the appeal as 0,ante-. *ll the ,eco,-s of the case 7e,e -est,o&e- o, lost -u,in0the last PaciAc 7a, but 7e,e on 2anua,& ') '#:9) ,econstitute-. On Ma,ch "9 of that&ea, 3,ancisco -e +o,/a FualiAe- as eecuto, an- a-1inist,ato,.

    Due to the ph&sical inabilit& of 3,ancisco -e +o,/a to full& a-1iniste, the estate hebein0 Fuite 7ea@ an- unable to see) on *u0ust "%) '#%') on petition of Matil-e -e+o,/a) one of the hei,s) the lo7e, cou,t appointe- C,isanto -e +o,/a) anothe, hei,) asco!a-1inist,ato,. C,isanto FualiAe- as co!a-1inist,ato, on *u0ust "#) '#%'.

    On *p,il #) '#%") the t,ial cou,t acco,-in0 to petitione,) 7ithout petition of o, noticeto an&one appointe- ,espon-ent 2ose -e +o,/a as co!a-1inist,ato,) this) afte,hol-in0 in abe&ance consi-e,ation of 3,ancisco -e +o,/a

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    of Dece1be, "$) '#%") ,espon-ent 2u-0e Tan -isapp,oe- the ,eco,- on appeal an-,efuse- to 0ie -ue cou,se to the appeal on the 0,oun- that the appoint1ent of 2ose-e +o,/a as co!a-1inist,ato, 7as inte,locuto,& in natu,e an- so 7as not appealable.Hence) this petition fo, 1an-a1us) as al,ea-& state-) to co1pel ,espon-ent 2u-0eto app,oe the ,eco,- on appeal an- to 0ie -ue cou,se to the appeal.

    *n o,-e, appointin0 a ,e0ula, a-1inist,ato, is appealable BSee S& Hon0 En0 s. S&iac Su&) ( Phil.) %#:. On the othe, han-) acco,-in0 to Rule ';%) section ' Be ano,-e, appointin0 a special a-1inist,ato, is not appealable. Respon-ents conten-that a co!a-1inist,ato, is not a ,e0ula, o, 0ene,al a-1inist,ato,) an- his -uties an-functions ,athe, pa,ta@e those of a special a-1inist,ato, conseFuentl&) hisappoint1ent is not sub/ect to appeal. e cannot sha,e this ie7. The po7e,s an-functions of a special a-1inist,ato, a,e Fuite li1ite-. Un-e, Rule (') section ') aspecial a-1inist,ato, is appointe- onl& 7hen the,e is a -ela& in 0,antin0 lette,stesta1enta,& o, of a-1inist,ation occasione- b& an appeal f,o1 allo7ance o,-isallo7ance of a 7ill o, f,o1 an& othe, cause) an- such special a-1inist,ato, isautho,ie- to collect an- ta@e cha,0e of the estate until the Fuestions causin0 the

    -ela& a,e -eci-e- an- an eecuto, o, a-1inist,ato, the,eon appointe-. Un-e, Rule($ section () a special a-1inist,ato, is also appointe- 7hen the ,e0ula, eecuto, o,a-1inist,ato, has a clai1 a0ainst the estate he ,ep,esents an- sai- speciala-1inist,ato, shall hae the sa1e po7e, an- sub/ect to the sa1e liabilit& as a,e0ula, eecuto, o, a-1inist,ato,. In othe, 7o,-s) a special a-1inist,ato, isappointe- onl& fo, a li1ite- ti1e an- fo, a speciAc pu,pose. Natu,all&) because ofthe te1po,a,& an- special cha,acte, of his appoint1ent) it 7as -ee1e- b& the la7not a-isable fo, an& pa,t& to appeal f,o1 sai- te1po,a,& appoint1ent. On theothe, han-) a co!a-1inist,ato, pe,fo,1s all the functions an- -uties an- ee,cisesall the po7e,s of a ,e0ula, a-1inist,ato,) onl& that he is not alone in thea-1inist,ation. 3u,the, ta@in0 into consi-e,ation the ci,cu1stances obtainin0 in this

    case) that petitione, 3,ancisco -e +o,/a thou0h o,i0inall& -esi0nate- a-1inist,ato,)is an- has fo, see,al &ea,s been one onl& in na1e -ue to his ph&sical an- 1ental-isabilit&) as a ,esult of 7hich ,espon-ent 2ose -e +o,/a is no7 p,acticall& the solea-1inist,ato, the,e is no Fuestion that fo, all p,actical an- le0al pu,poses theappoint1ent of 2ose -e +o,/a as co!a-1inist,ato, is eFuialent to an- has the sa1ee?ect as a sole ,e0ula, o, 0ene,al a-1inist,ato,.

    In ie7 of the fo,e0oin0) hol-in0 that the appoint1ent of a co!a-1inist,ato,)especiall& in the p,esent case) is appealable) the petition fo, 1an-a1us is 0,ante-an- ,espon-ent 2u-0e is he,eb& -i,ecte- to app,oe the ,eco,- on appeal an- to0ie -ue cou,se to the appeal. No costs.

    Pa,as) C.2.) +en0on) Pa-illa) Re&es) *.) 2u0o) +autista *n0elo) ab,a-o,) Concepcion)an- Re&es) 2.+..) 22.)concu,.

    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURTManila

    EN +*NC

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    G.R. No. !::9;" Noe1be, "() '#8(

    M*RI* C*M*) as a-1inist,at,i of the testa1enta,& p,ocee-in0s of 3austaMacasaFuit) plainti?!appellant)s.ESPER*NJ* T*EDO) assiste- b& he, husban- 3elipe Ma1aual) an- +*RTOOME

    YUIJON) Deput& She,i? of Ta,lac) -efen-ants!appellees.

    *V*NCEN*) C.2.6

    The spouses Eulalio Cal1a an- 3austa MacasaFuit 7e,e the o7ne,s of the p,ope,t&-esc,ibe- in the co1plaint) bein0 thei, con/u0al p,ope,t&. The& 7e,e also in-ebte-to Espe,ana Ta4e-o) cha,0eable a0ainst the con/u0al p,ope,t&) in the su1s ofP#:(.8: an- P":$) 7ith inte,est the,eon at '; pe, cent pe, annu1. On Octobe, ';)'#88) 3austa MacasaFuit -ie- leain0 a 7ill 7he,ein she appointe- he, -au0hte,)Ma,ia Cal1a) as a-1inist,at,i of he, p,ope,ties. Upon the co11ence1ent of the

    co,,espon-in0 p,obate p,ocee-in0s in the Cou,t of 3i,st Instance of Ta,lac) the sai--au0hte,) Ma,ia Cal1a) 7as appointe- /u-icial a-1inist,at,i of the p,ope,ties ofthe -ecease-.

    hile these p,obate p,ocee-in0s of the -ecease- 3austa MacasaFuit 7e,e pen-in0)Espe,ana Tane-o) on 2anua,& "$) '#8:) Ale- a co1plaint a0ainst Eulalio Cal1a fo,the ,ecoe,& of the su1s of P#:(.8: an- P":$. The Cou,t of 3i,st Instance of Ta,lac,en-e,e- /u-01ent fo, the pa&1ent of this su1. In the eecution of this /u-01ent)-espite the thi,- pa,t& clai1 Ale- b& 3austa MacasaFuit) the p,ope,t& -esc,ibe- inthe co1plaint 7as sol- b& the she,i?.

    Ma,ia Cal1a) as a-1inist,at,i of the estate of 3austa MacasaFuit) no7 b,in0s this

    action an- as@s that the sale 1a-e b& the she,i? of the p,ope,t& -esc,ibe- in theco1plaint be annulle- an- that the estate of 3austa MacasaFuit be -ecla,e- thesole an- absolute o7ne, the,eof. la7phi'.net

    The cou,t absole- the -efen-ants f,o1 this co1plaint.

    The p,obate p,ocee-in0s of the -ecease- 3austa MacasaFuit 7e,e institute- inacco,-ance 7ith *ct No. 8'$9 ,ea-in06

    SEC. 9(%. hen the 1a,,ia0e is -issole- b& the -eath of the husban- o, 7ife) theco11unit& p,ope,t& shall be inento,ie-) a-1iniste,e-) an- liFui-ate-) an- the-ebts the,eof shall be pai-) in the testa1enta,& o, intestate p,ocee-in0s of the

    -ecease- spouse) in acco,-ance 7ith the p,oisions of this Co-e ,elatie to thea-1inist,ation an- liFui-ation an- pa,tition p,ocee-in0) unless the pa,ties) bein0 allof a0e an- le0all& capacitate-) aail the1seles of the ,i0ht 0,ante- to the1 b& thisCo-e of p,ocee-in0 to an et,a/u-icial pa,tition an- liFui-ation of sai- p,ope,t&.

    In case it is necessa,& to sell an& po,tion of sai- co11unit& p,ope,t& in o,-e, to pa&the outstan-in0 -ebts an- obli0ations of the sa1e) such sale shall be 1a-e in the1anne, an- 7ith the fo,1alities establishe- b& this Co-e fo, the sale of thep,ope,t& of -ecease- pe,sons. *n& sale) t,ansfe,) alienation o, -isposition of sai-

  • 8/9/2019 Remedial Law 2 (Rule 72 to 80)


    p,ope,t& e?ecte- 7ithout sai- fo,1alities shall be null an- oi-) ecept as ,e0a,-sthe po,tion that belon0e- to the en-o, at the ti1e the liFui-ation an- pa,tition 7as1a-e.

    P,io, to this *ct) the liFui-ation of con/u0al p,ope,t& 7as 1a-e un-e, section 9(% ofthe Co-e of Ciil P,oce-u,e. Inte,p,etin0 the scope of *ct No. 8'$9) this cou,t) in the

    case of Ca,a0a& s. U,Fuia B%8 Phil.) $") sai- that the a1en-1ent int,o-uce- b&this *ct consists in autho,iin0 the institution of testate o, intestate p,ocee-in0s fo,the settle1ent of the estate of a -ecease- spouse o, of an o,-ina,& action fo, theliFui-ation an- pa,tition of the p,ope,t& of a con/u0al pa,tne,ship. It shoul- beun-e,stoo- that these ,e1e-ies a,e alte,natie) an- not cu1ulatie) in he sensethat the& cannot be aaile- of at he sa1e ti1e) inas1uch as an ano1alous an-chaotic situation 7oul- ,esult if con/u0al p,ope,t& 7e,e a-1iniste,e-) liFui-ate- an--ist,ibute- at the sa1e ti1e in a testa1enta,& p,ocee-in0 an- in an o,-ina,& actionfo, liFui-ation an- pa,tition of p,ope,t&. ConseFuentl&) the testa1enta,&p,ocee-in0s of 3austa MacasaFuit hain0 been institute-) the liFui-ation an-pa,tition of the con/u0al p,ope,t& b& ,eason of he, 1a,,ia0e to Eulalio Cal1a shoul-

    be 1a-e in these p,ocee-in0s) to the eclusion of an& othe, p,ocee-in0 fo, thesa1e pu,pose.

    Inte,p,etin0 this sa1e *ct No. 8'$9 in anothe, -ecision) this cou,t) in the caseof C,u s. De 2esus B%" Phil.) ($; sai- that 7hen the 1a,,ia0e is -issole- b& the-eath of the 7ife) the le0al po7e, of 1ana0e1ent of the husban- ceases) passin0to the a-1inist,ato, appointe- b& the cou,t in the testate o, intestate p,ocee-in0sinstitute- to t