remote sensing as a tool for monitoring wetland habitat change · remote sensing as a tool for...

Remote Sensing as a Tool for Monitoring Wetland Habitat Change Thomas E. Dahl' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service I Wet lands Biologi st, Us. Fish and Wildlife Service, Branch of Hab it at Assessment, Fish and Wildltfe Resource Center, 555 Les ter Ave., Onalaska, WI 54650. Email: tom_dahl@fws,gov. Aguirre- Bravo, C; Pellicane, Patrick J. ; Burns, Den ver P.; and Draggan, Sidney, Eds. 2006. Monitoring Science and Techl1ology Symposium: Unif ying Knowledgejor Sustainability ill the Western Hemisphere. 2004 September 20-24; Denver, Co. Proceedings RMRS-P-42CD. Fort Col/in s, CO : Us. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 990 p. Ke ywo rds: monitoring wetl ands , ecosystem reso urces, wet l ands , wetland trends, surface water, remote sens in g, eco logical change . Abstract The U.S. Fi sh and Wildlif e Service has a long hi storYofdetermining the status and trends of th e nation's wetland habitat s. The na ti onal We tl and Status and Trends Study monitors wetland extent and change us in g a statistically stratified, simple random sampling design, the foundations of whi ch are we ll docum ented. The Servi ce acquires and analyses var ious types of remotely sensed ima ge ry for about 4, 500 sample plots throughout the conterminous United States. It is a quantitative measure of the areal extent of a ll wetlands in the conterminous United State s. Our Nation's wetlands go al s have traditionally been based on wetland acreage and the ability to provide a quantitative measure of th e extent of wetland area as a means to measure progress toward ac hi eving the national policy goa l of "no net loss". The use of re mote sens in g is an effective tool in this process. Gross physical alterations to wetlands such as drainage, filling, fl oo ding, channelization or remova l of vegetation can be detected us in g either aircraft or satellite imagery. However , there are unique cha ll enges posed by us in g remotely sensed data for id entifying and monitoring some wet land habitats and changes that may occur over time. The id entifica ti on a nd delineation of wetland habitats through ima ge analysis forms the fou nd ation for deriving a ll subsequ ent we tl and status and trends products and data results. Because of the limita ti ons of ae ri al ima ge ry as the primary data source to detect wetlands, th e Serv ic e exc ludes certain wetland types from its monitoring efforts. Delineation of a ll o th er wetland areas rely on characteristics of the remote sensing data source(s), seasonal co nditions at the time of image capture, the quality of co ll ateral data a nd ground truth information. Chan ge detection and attribution of change over tim e present additional chal lenges in correct ly analyzing remote se nsing ima ge ry. Remo te Sens ing of Wetland Habitats Remote sens in g techniques to detect and monitor wet lands in the United States and Ca nada have been used suc cessf ull y by a number acade mi c researchers a nd go vernmental agenc ies (Dechka and others 2002 ; Watmough and others 200 2; Tiner 1 996 ; Nat ional Research Co unci I 1995 ; Patience and Kl emas 1993 ; Li lI esand an Ki efer 1987; Aldrich 1979) . The use of re mot e ly sensed data, weath er from aircraft or satellite, has definite advantages in co nducting national surveys over expa ns iv e areas that need to be cost effective (Da hl 1 990) . The U.S. Fi sh and Wildlif e Servi ce (Se rvice) has used remote sens in g techniques to determine the biological extent of wet lands for the past 25 years. Much of thi s work is acco mpli shed usi ng hi gh a lti tude ae ri al photography ( I :80,000 to I :40,000 scale). In doing so, the Se rvi ce recog ni zes several limitations to us in g remote sens in g data to surv eyo r monitor wetlands in cluding limits in detectable size of targe t areas, in ability to accurately map or monitor ce rta in types of wet lands such as sea grasses, submerged aquatic vegetation, or submerged reef s (Da hl 2000) , in ab ility to consistently id e ntif y certain forested wetlands (Tiner 1990), and resultant data sets represe nt eco logical conditions

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Remote Sensing as a Tool for Monitoring Wetland Habitat Change

Thomas E. Dahl' U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

I Wetlands Biologist, Us. Fish and Wildlife Service, Branch of Habitat Assessment, Fish and Wildltfe Resource Center, 555 Lester Ave., Onalaska, WI 54650. Email: tom_dahl@fws,gov.

Aguirre-Bravo, C; Pellicane, Patrick J. ; Burns, Denver P.; and Draggan, Sidney, Eds. 2006. Monitoring Science and Techl1ology Symposium: Unifying Knowledgejor Sustainability ill the Western Hemisphere. 2004 September 20-24; Denver, Co. Proceedings RMRS-P-42CD. Fort Col/ins, CO: Us. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 990 p.

Keywo rds: monitoring wet lands, ecosystem resources, wet lands, wetland trends, surface water, remote sensing, eco logical change.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has a long hi storYofdetermining the status and trends of the nation ' s wetland habitats. The nati ona l Wetl and Status and Trends Study monitors wet land extent and change using a statistically stratified, s imple random sampling des ign, the foundat ions of which are we ll documented. The Service acquires and ana lyses various types of remote ly sensed imagery for about 4,500 sample plots throughout the conterminous United States. It is a quantitative measu re of the area l extent of a ll wetlands in the contermi nous United States. Our Nation ' s wetlands goal s have traditionally been based on wetland acreage and the ability to provide a quantitative measure of the extent of wet land area as a means to measure progress toward achieving the national policy goa l of " no net loss". The use of re mote sensing is an effective too l in thi s process. Gross phys ica l a lterations to wetlands such as drainage, filling, fl ooding, channeli zation or remova l of vegetation can be detected using e ither a ircraft or sate llite imagery. However, there are unique cha ll enges posed by using remote ly sensed data for identifying and monitoring some wetland habitats and changes that may occur over time. The identificati on and de lineation of wetland hab itats through image ana lys is forms the fou ndatio n for deriving a ll subsequent wetl and status and trends products and data results. Because of the limitati ons of aerial imagery as the primary data source to detect wet lands, the Service exc ludes certain wetland types from its monitoring efforts. De lineation of a ll other wet land areas re ly on characteristics of the remote sensing data source(s), seasonal conditions at the time of image capture, the qua lity of co ll atera l data and ground truth information . Change detection and attribution of change over time present additional chal lenges in correctly ana lyzing remote sensing imagery.

Remote Sensing of Wetland Habitats

Remote sensing techniques to detect and monitor wetlands in the United States and Canada have been used successfull y by a number academic researchers and governmental agenc ies (Dechka and others 2002 ; Watmough and others 2002; Tiner 1996; Nationa l Research Counci I 1995 ; Patience and Klemas 1993 ; Li lIesand an Ki efer 1987; A ldrich 1979). The use of remote ly sensed data, weather from aircraft or sate llite, has definite advantages in conducting national surveys over expansive areas that need to be cost effect ive (Da hl 1990). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Servi ce) has used remote sensing techniques to determine the biolog ical extent of wetlands for the past 25 yea rs. Much of thi s work is accompli shed usi ng high a lti tude aeri al photography ( I :80,000 to I :40,000 sca le). In doing so, the Service recognizes severa l limitations to using remote sensing data to surveyor monitor wetlands inc luding limits in detectable s ize of target areas, inability to accurate ly map or monitor certa in types of wetlands such as sea grasses, subm erged aquatic vegetation, or submerged reefs (Da hl 2000), inab ility to consistentl y identify certain forested wetlands (Tiner 1990), and resultant data sets represent eco log ical conditi ons

that may not co incide with regulatory definitions or lega l a uthoriti es. Photographic ev idence of hydro log ica l conditions, in combi nation wi th co llatera l data, is suffici ent to accurate ly document wet land existence. The Service re li es on remote ly sensed imagery from a vari ety of sources to conduct habitat mappi ng and wetlands status and trends work.

Monitoring Wetland Status and Trends

Recent studies have used aeria l imagery and statistical sampling to estimate wetland change over time ( Hefner and others 1994; Moulton and others 1997 ; Dahl 1999). Data from wet land trend studies provide important long-term trend in fo rmation about speci fi c changes and the overa ll status of wetl ands in the United States. The hi stori ca l data base that has developed through the use and retention of the remote sensing data used to conduct these studies provides a visua l archi ve of land use and wet land ex tent dating back to the 1950s (fig. I). Thi s not on ly provides a legacy for the agency ' s cap ita l in vestments but can also provide an accurate record to assist in eva luating land use trends, changes in habitat ava ilability and potentia lly assist in future habitat restoration efforts.

10 yea rs

Intermediate Change

Figure 1. Intermediate changes that take place between image capture dates are not detected.

The Wetlands tatus and Trends program is a quantitative measure of the area l extent of a ll wetlands in the conterminous United States. It re lies on e lements of remote ly sensed observables as we ll as stati stica l estimates to produce contemporary wet land status and change in formation. Wetland losses from drainage, filling, leve li ng or diking as we ll as wet land gai ns resulting from wetland creation or restoration are measured and reported. The ability to provide a quantitative measure of the extent of wetl and area and report at periodic interval s provides important information on habitat and land use trends and provides a measurable e lement in the implementation of the nati ona l policy goa l ofachieving " no net loss". The Service uses the Cowardin et al. ( 1979) definition of wet land . Th is defini tion is the standard for the agency and is the nationa l standard fo r wet land mapping, monitoring, and data repol1ing as determined by the Federal Geographic Data Committee. Adaptations or modifications to the classification system have been made to accommodate using remote ly sensed imagery as the primary data source. For example, water chemistry, ha lini ty, water depth, substrate s ize and type and even some differences in vegetative species cannot be reliably ascerta ined from a ir photos or sate lli te imagery. Image ana lysts must primari ly re ly on phys ical or spectral characteri sti cs ev ident on high altitude imagery to make deci s ions rega rding wetland classification and deepwater deterrninations2

. S imilarly, the hi erarchica l structure of the Cowardin c lassification system allows an undetermined number of poss ible habitat descriptors. The status and trends study limits the number of

2 Ana lys is of imagery is often supplemented with limited fi e ld work and gro und observations.


hab itat descriptors to the most dominant types (table I). This also aids class ification accuracy determinations as well as limi ts vari abi li ty for more robust stati stical estimations.

Table I. Wetland, deepwater, and upland trend categori es (Adapted from Anderson and others 1976; Cowardin and others 1979).

Sa lt Water Habitats

Freshwater Habitats


Cowardin et a/. (1979) Type Marine Subtidal* Marine Intertidal Estuarine Subtidal* Estuarine Intertidal Emergents Estuarine Intertidal Forested/Shrub Estuarine Intertidal U nconso l idated S hore Estuarine Aquatic Bed

Riverine* (may be tida l or non tidal)

Palustrine Forested Palustrine Shrub Palustrine Emergents Palustrine Unconsolidated Shore Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom Palustrine Aquatic Bed

Palustrine farmed


Landuse Type

Agricu Iture

Urban Forested Plantations

Rural Development Other Uplands

*Constitutes deepwater habitat


Common Description Open Ocean Near shore Open water/bay bottoms Sa lt marsh Mangroves or other estuarine shrubs Beacheslbars Submerged or fl oating estuarine vegetat ion

River systems

Forested swamps Shrub wet lands Inland marshes/wet meadows Shore beaches/bars Open water ponds Ponds with fl oating aquatics

Farmed wetlands/ri ce

Lakes and reservoi rs


Cropland, pasture, managed rangeland

Cities and incorporated developments Planted or in tensively managed forests; si Ivicu lture

on urban deve loped areas and infrastructure Rural uplands not in any other category;

barren lands

Monitoring Requirements.

The Emergency Wetlands Resources Act requires the Service to prod uce national wetlands status and trend reports to Congress at ten year interva ls. This legislative mandate established a timetable for acquiring imagery, conducting analyses, and reporting at ten year increments. National reports were produced in 1983, 1991 and 2000 . Status and trends reports are used by Federal and State agencies, the sc ientific community, and conservat ion groups for planning, decision-mak ing, and wet land policy formulation and assessment. More recently, a consortium of II Federal agencies ( including the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Interior) have been working on adm inistrative reform actions aimed at halting wetland loss and accelerating the process of gain ing wetlands through restoration and creation. A goa l of this effort is to achieve a net increase of 100,000 acres (40,500 ha) of wetlands each year by 2005. The Service ' s effort to monitor wetland trends provides the only comprehensive performance measure fo r these agencies to know if they are achieving this goal, but to adequate ly address these efforts, the reporting cycle for the national status and trends study would need to be acce lerated by five years.

On Earth Day (April 2004) a Pres idential directive stipulated that the Service would complete an updated wetlands status and trends study fi ve years ahead of schedule. The Service is moving to meet this directive by December 2005.

Past iterations of the status and trends relied on the best imagery available to detect wet lands. During the 1950s through the 1970s choices of aeri al photography were limited. Historical imagery was black and wh ite and the dates were widely distributed on either side of the target timeframe. For instance, the normal ized date of imagery for the initial study was 1954 but the range in T I covered a span of 12 years. The establi shment of the ational High-altitude Aerial Photography Program in the ea rl y to mid 1980s, and subsequently the National Aerial Photography Program (NA PP) made much more co lor infrared imagery ava ilab le and provided national coverage reducing the vari ab ili ty in photography dates (Dahl and Johnson 199 1). The Service relied on aerial photography ava ilable from NAPP supplementing coverage with some custom ized fl ights to acqui re imagery and some sate llite imagery through 2000 (Dahl 2000).

In 2004, recent NAPP coverage for large portions of the country is not ava ilable. Multiple sources of sa tellite imagery and Nationa l Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) digita l photography will be used to complete the update study scheduled for 2005 . Advantages to this approach include: imagery dates are within 2 yea rs of the target reporting date and a ll sources provide high resolution digital imagery. Disadvantages include, overall costs to acquire imagery have increased and NAI P imagery is acquired mid-growing season which is not idea l for wetland identification.

Wetland Change Detection

Remotely sensed imagery provides the primary data source for wetland change detect ion . It is used in conjunction with reliab le co llatera l data such as topographic maps, coastal nav igation charts, so il s informat ion, and historic imagery or studies . Field verificat ion al so plays an important role and is used to address questions regarding image interpretation, land use class ification and attribution of wetland ga ins or losses. Field work is also done as a quality control measure to verify accurate sample plot information. Field verification includes a cross section of wetland types, geographical settings, and sample areas with different image types, scales and dates.

Difficulties in determining wetland change can be related to timing or quali ty of the image ry. Imagery acquired at the time of abnorma l hydrologic conditions, such as flooding or drought, can make determination of wetland change challenging (fig. 2a and b; fi g. 3). In these instances field work is required to assist image analysts in making appropriate wetlands determ inations.




Figures 2a and b. Aeria l photographs of north-centra l Florida (a) 1989, during drought condi tions and (b) 1996, during higher water conditions (Origina l photography was co lor in frared I :40,000 sca le acquired by the National Aeria l Photography Program).


Figure 3. This aeri al photograph, taken following heavy rains, shows ponded surface water in topographic depressions throughout fa rm fi elds. Too much water can make wetland identification more difficult (Original image I :40,000 sca le, black and white aerial photograph, 1998).

Some land use pract ices can also affect wetland change detection. Disturbed sites include areas where remote sensing indicators are ambiguous. Disturbed areas are often indicative of lands in transi tion from one land use to another (fig. 4) . Upon field inspection, these areas often have had the hydrology, so il s or vegetation altered making wetland classification and determination more difficu lt.

The examples mentioned above are all potential source of procedural error. Procedural errors are not cons idered in statistica l probab ili ty estimates, but they occur in the data co llection phase of any study and must be considered. Virtuall y all stat isti cal measurements and reliab ili ty rely on the accuracy of the measurements. A we ll des igned stati st ica l study may still produce erroneous results if the procedural error is unacceptable (Dah l 2000).

Procedural error is related to the ability to accurately recogn ize and classify wetlands both from multiple sources of imagery and on-the-ground eva luations. Types of procedural errors that can occur include: missed wetlands, inclusion of upland as wetland, misc lassification of wet lands or misinterpretation wetland loss or ga in attribution . The amount of procedural error is usually a function of the qual ity of the source data, the number, variabi li ty, training and experience of data ana lysts, and the rigor of any quality control or quality assurance measures. Estimated procedural error for wetlands status and trends stud ies range from four to six percent when all quality assurance measures have been comp leted.


Figure 4. This aeri a l photograph shows a new hous ing deve lopment in the early stages of construction. Former wetland extent is shown by the red po lygo ns. New water bodies are ev ident throughout the proj ect area. Lands in transition , such as this example, often ex hibit dramat ic wetland change (Origina l imagery was black and white, dig ital orthophoto quarterquad courtesy of the State of Illinois).


In recent yea rs the use of wetland trends information has been institutionalized in discuss ions or initiatives dea ling with wetland and other resource issues. Nationa l leg islation and Congress ional report make direct re ference these data and there is no lack of interest in updated and expanded monitoring. A national " no-net- Ioss" policy goa l fo r wetland wou ld seem to hinge on obtaining accurate and current status and trends data for wetlands. Changes in the avai labi li ty of remote ly sensed data as well as changes in hi storic land use trends make thi s monitoring effort technica lly cha ll eng ing.

The Fish and Wild li fe Service wi ll continue to produce national updates on wetlands status, as we ll as more rigorous information on wetland trends. This information should contribu te policy eva luation and he lp guide future management and research dec is ions.

Reference C ited

Anderson , J .R. , E.E. Hardy, J.T. Roach and R. E. Winter. 1976. A land use and land cover c lass ification system for use w ith remote sensor data . U.S. Geo logica l Survey Profess iona l Paper 964. U.S. Geo logica l Survey, Washington, D.e. 28 p.

Aldrich , R. C. 1979. Remote sensing of wildland resources: A state-of-the-art rev iew. US DA Forest Service, General Technica l Report RM-7 1, Rocky Mt. Forest and Range Experiment Station , Ft. Collins, CO. 56 p.

Cowardin , L.M. , V. Carter, F.e. Go let, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979 . C lass ifi cati on of Wet lands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington , DC. FWS/OBS-79/3 1.

Dahl , T.E. 2000. Status and trends of wet lands in con terminous United States 1986 to 1997. U.S. Department of the Interi or, Fish and Wi ldlife Servi ce, Washington , D.e. 82 p.

Dahl, T.E. 1999 . South Caro lina ' s wetlands- status and trends 1982- 1989. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wi ldli fe Service, Washington , D.e. 58 p.


Dahl , T.E. and C.E. Johnson. 199 1. Status and trends of wetlands in the conterminous United States, mid-1 970s to mid-1980s. U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 28 p.

Dah l, T.E. 1990. Techniques fo r conducting vari able intensity wet land inventori es. In Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Espec ially as Waterfowl Habitat, Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parti es, Montreux, Switzerland , Proceedings of Technica l Workshop E.

Dechka. J.A., S.E. Franklin . M. D. Watmough. R.P. Bennett and D. W. Ingstrup. 2002. Class ificat ion of wetland hab itat and vegetat ion commun ities using multi -temporal Ikonos imagery in southern Saskatchewan. Can. 1. Remote Sensing, Vo l. 28. No.5, pp. 679-685.

Li ll esand, T.M. and R. W. Kieffer. Remote Sensing and Image In terpretation 2nd edition. John Wiley and Sons, N.Y. 72 1 p.

National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteri stics and boundari es. Com mittee on Characterization of Wetlands, Water Science and Technology Board . National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 268 p.

Patience, N. and V. Klemas. 1993. Wetland Functional health assessment using remote sensing and other techniques: Literature search. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Nat ional Mari ne Fisheries Service, SE Fisheries Science Center, Beaufo rt Laboratory, Beaufort , NC. 60 p.

Tiner, R. W. 1990. Use of high-altitude aerial photography fo r in ventorying fores ted wetlands in the United States. Forest Eco logy and Management, 33/34: 593-604 .

Tiner, R.W. 1996. Wetlands, In: Manual of Photographic Interpretation, second edi tion. American Soc iety fo r Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Fa ll s Church, VA. 2440 p.

Watmough, M.D. , D.W. Ingstrup, D.C. Duncan and H.J . Schinke. 2002. Prairie Habitat Join t Venture Habitat Moni toring Program Phase I: Recent habitat trends in NA WMP targeted landscapes. Technica l Report Series No. 39 1, Canadian Wildli fe Service, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 93 p.


RMRS Online Publication RMRS-P-42CD: Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere

Aguirre-Bravo, C. ; Pellicane, Patrick 1. ; Bums, Denver P.; and Draggan, Sidney, Eds. 2006. Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere. 2004 September 20-24; Denver, CO. Proceedings RMRS-P-42CD. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 990 p.

A rational approach to monitoring and assessment is prerequisite for sustai nable management of ecosystem resources. This features innovative ways to advance the concept of monitoring ecosystem sustainability across spheres of environmental concern, natural and anthropogenic processes, and other hemispheric issues over a variety of spatial scales and resolution levels. Individuals and institutions, committed to mutual sustainability of ecosystem resources and human institutions, shared experiences and outlined a foundation for advancing the science and practice of monitoring and assessment at multiple geographical and organizational scales. Questions addressed in the proceedings papers include: What is the status and condition, and what are the trends in ecosystem sustainabi lity? What are the strategies and opportunities for solving the sustainability dilemma? What are the individual and institutional responses to the sustainabi lity challenge? Discussion during the symposium fostered the creation of coherent and unified ecosystem resource sustainability assessments and syntheses valuable to support environmental management and decision-making processes. The proceedings is a testimonial to the wealth of information presented at the symposium and a positive indicator of inter- and transdisciplinary scientific and technical success.

Keywords: monitoring, assessment, sustainability, Western Hemisphere, sustainable management, ecosystem resources