remote supervisor adapter ii slimline installation

IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation This document provides the instructions necessary to configure BIOS, install the daemon, and install the firmware for the IBM ® Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine on your server. After you complete the installation, refer to the IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine documentation CD for the User's Guide. Obtaining the daemon and firmware files To locate the daemon and firmware files along with the associated Readme instructions, go to the Web address that corresponds to your server: Table 1. Support Web site for each server Server Web address ThinkServer TS100 ThinkServer TD100 and TD100x ThinkServer RS110 ThinkServer RD120 You will need these files to complete the “Installing the daemon and firmware files” on page 2 procedure. Configuring the server BIOS The server BIOS must be configured prior to installing the daemon and update for your operating system. Follow these steps to configure the BIOS. 1. Turn on the server. 2. To enter the Configuration/Setup Utility, turn on the server and press the F1 key when prompted during the power-on procedure. 3. If the RSA II adapter is physically installed correctly, there will be an RSA II Settings option on the first Configuration/Setup Utility screen. If the RSA II Settings option is not displayed on the first screen, look under Advanced Setup. Select this option and press Enter. 4. At the DHCP Control field, select the correct field for your network settings from the following options: v Try DHCP then use static IP v Use static IP configuration v DHCP enabled 5. At the OS USB Selection field, use the left and right arrow keys to select Other OS for a server running a Microsoft ® Windows ® operating system or Linux for a server running a Linux operating system. 6. Select Save Values and Reboot RSA II and press Enter. A pop-up window indicates that the RSA II settings have been saved. Press Enter to close this window. 7. Return to the Configuration/Setup Utility window and select Save Settings and press Enter. 8. Press Enter on the confirmation pop-up window; then, select Exit Setup and press Enter. Press Enter again to confirm exiting system setup. 9. The adapter is now properly configured for your operating system and the server will automatically reboot. Proceed with the installation of the operating system and refer to “Installing the daemon and firmware files” on page 2 when you are ready to install. (1P) P/N: 54Y6198

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Page 1: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

IBM Remote Supervisor

Adapter II SlimLine


This document provides the instructions necessary to configure BIOS, install the daemon, and install the

firmware for the IBM® Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine on your server. After you complete the

installation, refer to the IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine documentation CD for the User's


Obtaining the daemon and firmware files

To locate the daemon and firmware files along with the associated Readme instructions, go to the Web

address that corresponds to your server:

Table 1. Support Web site for each server

Server Web address

ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 and


ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

You will need these files to complete the “Installing the daemon and firmware files” on page 2 procedure.

Configuring the server BIOS

The server BIOS must be configured prior to installing the daemon and update for your operating

system. Follow these steps to configure the BIOS.

1. Turn on the server.

2. To enter the Configuration/Setup Utility, turn on the server and press the F1 key when prompted

during the power-on procedure.

3. If the RSA II adapter is physically installed correctly, there will be an RSA II Settings option on the

first Configuration/Setup Utility screen. If the RSA II Settings option is not displayed on the first

screen, look under Advanced Setup. Select this option and press Enter.

4. At the DHCP Control field, select the correct field for your network settings from the following


v Try DHCP then use static IP

v Use static IP configuration

v DHCP enabled5. At the OS USB Selection field, use the left and right arrow keys to select Other OS for a server

running a Microsoft® Windows® operating system or Linux for a server running a Linux operating


6. Select Save Values and Reboot RSA II and press Enter. A pop-up window indicates that the RSA II

settings have been saved. Press Enter to close this window.

7. Return to the Configuration/Setup Utility window and select Save Settings and press Enter.

8. Press Enter on the confirmation pop-up window; then, select Exit Setup and press Enter. Press Enter

again to confirm exiting system setup.

9. The adapter is now properly configured for your operating system and the server will automatically

reboot. Proceed with the installation of the operating system and refer to “Installing the daemon and

firmware files” on page 2 when you are ready to install.

(1P) P/N: 54Y6198

Page 2: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

Installing the daemon and firmware files

For instructions on how to obtain the daemon and firmware files, see “Obtaining the daemon and

firmware files” on page 1.

1. Follow the daemon Readme instructions for your machine type and operating system to install the


2. Follow the update Readme instructions for your machine type and operating system to install the



v IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other

countries, or both.

v Lenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both.

v Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.

v Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.

v Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

First edition (March 2009)

© Copyright Lenovo 2009. All rights reserved.

LENOVO products, data, computer software, and services have been developed exclusively at private expense and

are sold to governmental entities as commercial items as defined by 48 C.F.R. 2.101 with limited and restricted rights

to use, reproduction and disclosure.

LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If products, data, computer software, or services are delivered

pursuant a General Services Administration ″GSA″ contract, use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions

set forth in Contract No. GS-35F-05925.

Page 3: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

IBM Remote SupervisorAdapter II SlimLineInstallation

Le présent document fournit les instructions requises pour la configuration du BIOS, l’installation dudémon et l’installation du microprogramme pour la carte IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine survotre serveur. Une fois l’installation terminée, utilisez le CD de la documentation IBM Remote SupervisorAdapter II SlimLine pour consulter le guide d’utilisation (disponible en anglais).

Fichiers du démon et du microprogramme

Pour localiser les fichiers du démon et du microprogramme ainsi que le fichier readme associé, accédezau site Web correspondant à votre serveur :

Tableau 1. Site Web de support pour chaque serveur

Serveur Adresse Web

ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 et TD100x

ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

Vous aurez besoin de ces fichiers pour exécuter la procédure décrite à la section «Installation des fichiersdu démon et du microprogramme», à la page 2.

Configuration du BIOS du serveur

Le BIOS du serveur doit être configuré avant d’installer le démon et la mise à jour pour votre systèmed’exploitation. Procédez comme suit pour configurer le BIOS :1. Mettez le serveur sous tension.2. Pour accéder à l’utilitaire de configuration, appuyez sur F1 lorsque vous y êtes invité au cours de la

mise sous tension.3. Si la carte RSA II est correctement installée physiquement, une option RSA II Settings doit figurer sur

le premier écran de l’utilitaire de configuration. Si l’option RSA II Settings n’est pas affichée sur lepremier écran, recherchez-la sous Advanced Setup. Sélectionnez cette option, puis appuyez surEntrée.

4. Dans la zone DHCP Control, sélectionnez l’option appropriée pour vos paramètres réseau :v Try DHCP then use static IPv Use static IP configurationv DHCP enabled

5. Dans la zone OS USB Selection, utilisez les touches fléchées vers la gauche et la droite poursélectionner Other OS si vous avez un serveur s’exécutant sous Microsoft Windows ou Linux si vousdisposez d’un serveur s’exécutant sous Linux.

6. Sélectionnez Save Values and Reboot RSA II puis appuyez sur Entrée. Une fenêtre en incrustationvous indique que les paramètres RSA II ont été sauvegardés. Appuyez sur Entrée pour fermer cettefenêtre.

7. Revenez à la fenêtre de l’utilitaire de configuration et sélectionnez Save Settings, puis appuyez surEntrée.

8. Dans la fenêtre en incrustation de confirmation, appuyez sur Entrée, puis sélectionnez Exit Setup etappuyez de nouveau sur Entrée. Confirmez que vous souhaitez quitter l’utilitaire de configuration dusystème en appuyant encore une fois sur Entrée.

Page 4: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

9. La carte est maintenant correctement configurée pour votre système d’exploitation et le serveur vaêtre automatiquement redémarré. Poursuivez en procédant à l’installation du système d’exploitation ;pour ce faire, reportez-vous à la section «Installation des fichiers du démon et du microprogramme».

Installation des fichiers du démon et du microprogramme

Pour plus d’informations sur l’accès à ces fichiers, voir «Fichiers du démon et du microprogramme», à lapage 1.1. Suivez les instructions du fichier readme associé au fichier du démon pour installer ce dernier.2. Suivez les instructions du fichier readme associé à la mise à jour pour installer le microprogramme.

Marquesv IBM est une marque d’International Business Machines Corporation aux Etats-Unis et/ou dans certains

autres pays.v Lenovo et le logo Lenovo sont des marques de Lenovo aux Etats-Unis et/ou dans certains autres pays.v Linux est une marque de Linus Torvalds aux Etats-Unis et/ou dans certains autres pays.v Microsoft et Windows sont des marques de Microsoft.v Les autres noms de sociétés, de produits et de services peuvent appartenir à des tiers.

Première édition - avril 2009

© Copyright Lenovo 2009.

Page 5: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

IBM Remote SupervisorAdapter II SlimLineinstallieren

In diesem Dokument finden Sie die Anweisungen, die Sie zum Konfigurieren des BIOS und zum Instal-lieren des Dämons sowie der Firmware für den IBM® Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine auf IhremServer benötigen. Lesen Sie nach Abschluss der Installation die Informationen im Benutzerhandbuch aufder Dokumentations-CD zum IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine.

Dämon- und Firmwaredateien abrufen

Rufen Sie die entsprechende Webadresse zu Ihrem Server auf, um nach den Dämon- und Firmware-dateien sowie den zugehörigen Readme-Anweisungen zu suchen:

Tabelle 1. Unterstützungswebsite für die einzelnen Server

Server Webadresse

ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 undTD100x

ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

Sie benötigen diese Dateien, um den im Abschnitt „Dämon- und Firmwaredateien installieren” auf Seite 2beschriebenen Vorgang abzuschließen.

Server-BIOS konfigurieren

Das Server-BIOS muss konfiguriert werden, bevor Sie den Dämon und die Aktualisierung für dasBetriebssystem installieren. Gehen Sie zum Konfigurieren des BIOS wie folgt vor.1. Schalten Sie den Server ein.2. Um auf das Konfigurationsdienstprogramm zuzugreifen, schalten Sie den Server ein, und drücken Sie

die Taste F1, wenn Sie während des Startens dazu aufgefordert werden.3. Wenn der RSA II-Adapter physisch richtig installiert ist, wird die Option RSA II Settings in der ers-

ten Anzeige des Konfigurationsdienstprogramms angezeigt. Wird die Option RSA II Settings nicht inder ersten Anzeige angezeigt, suchen Sie unter Advanced Setup. Wählen Sie diese Option aus, unddrücken Sie die Eingabetaste.

4. Wählen Sie im Feld DHCP Control aus den folgenden Optionen das richtige Feld für Ihre Netzein-stellungen aus:v Try DHCP then use static IP (DHCP versuchen, dann statisches IP verwenden)v Use static IP configuration (statische IP-Konfiguration verwenden)v DHCP enabled (DHCP aktiviert)

5. Wählen Sie im Feld OS USB Selection mit der Links- und der Rechtspfeiltaste Other OS für einenServer aus, der unter einem Microsoft® Windows®-Betriebssystem ausgeführt wird, oder Linux füreinen Linux-Server.

6. Wählen Sie Save Values and Reboot RSA II aus, und drücken Sie die Eingabetaste. Ein Dialogfenstergibt an, dass die RSA II-Einstellungen gespeichert wurden. Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um diesesFenster zu schließen.

7. Kehren Sie zum Fenster mit dem Konfigurationsdienstprogramm zurück, wählen Sie Save Settingsaus, und drücken Sie die Eingabetaste.

Page 6: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

8. Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste im Bestätigungsdialogfenster, wählen Sie dann Exit Setup aus unddrücken Sie die Eingabetaste. Drücken Sie erneut die Eingabetaste, um das Verlassen der System-konfiguration zu bestätigen.

9. Der Adapter ist jetzt ordnungsgemäß für Ihr Betriebssystem konfiguriert, und der Server wird auto-matisch erneut gestartet. Fahren Sie mit der Installation des Betriebssystems fort, und lesen Sie dieInformationen unter „Dämon- und Firmwaredateien installieren”, wenn Sie für die Installation bereitsind.

Dämon- und Firmwaredateien installieren

Anweisungen dazu, wie Sie die Dämon- und Firmwaredateien abrufen können, finden Sie im Abschnitt„Dämon- und Firmwaredateien abrufen” auf Seite 1.1. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen in der Readme-Datei zum Dämon zu Ihrem Maschinentyp und Ihrem

Betriebssystem, um den Dämon zu installieren.2. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen in der Readme-Datei zur Aktualisierung zu Ihrem Maschinentyp und

Ihrem Betriebssystem, um die Firmware zu installieren.

Markenv IBM ist eine Marke der International Business Machines Corporation in den USA und/oder anderen

Ländern.v Lenovo und das Lenovo Logo sind Marken von Lenovo in den USA und/oder anderen Ländern.v Linux ist eine Marke von Linus Torvalds in den USA und/oder anderen Ländern.v Microsoft und Windows sind Marken der Microsoft-Unternehmensgruppe.v Weitere Unternehmens-, Produkt- oder Servicenamen können Marken anderer Hersteller sein.

Erste Ausgabe (April 2009)

© Copyright Lenovo 2009.

Page 7: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

Installazione di IBM RemoteSupervisor Adapter IISlimLine

Questo documento fornisce le istruzioni necessarie per configurare il BIOS, installare il daemon einstallare il firmware per IBM® Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine sul proprio server. Una voltacompletata l’installazione, fare riferimento al CD di documentazione di IBM Remote Supervisor AdapterII SlimLine relativo alla Guida per l'utente.

Come ottenere i file del daemon e del firmware

Per individuare i file del daemon e del firmware insieme alle istruzioni del Readme associate, accedereall’indirizzo Web corrispondente al proprio server:

Table 1. Sito Web di supporto per ciascun server

Server Indirizzo Web

ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 e TD100x

ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

Tali file saranno necessari per completare la procedura “Installazione dei file del daemon e del firmware”on page 2.

Configurazione del BIOS del server

Il BIOS del server deve essere configurato prima di installare il daemon e aggiornato per il propriosistema operativo. Per configurare il BIOS, attenersi alla seguente procedura.1. Accendere il server.2. Per accedere a Configuration/Setup Utility, accendere il server e premere il tasto F1 quando viene

richiesto, durante la procedura di accensione.3. Se l’adattatore RSA II è fisicamente inserito in modo adeguato, la prima schermata di

Configuration/Setup Utility riporterà un’opzione RSA II Settings. Se l’opzione RSA II Settings nonviene visualizzata sulla prima schermata, consultare Advanced Setup. Selezionare questa opzione epremere Invio.

4. Nel campo DHCP Control, selezionare il campo corretto per le proprie impostazioni di rete dalleseguenti opzioni:v Try DHCP then use static IPv Use static IP configurationv DHCP enabled

5. Nel campo OS USB Selection, utilizzare i tasti freccia destra e sinistra per selezionare Other OS perun server su cui è in esecuzione un sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows® o Linux per un server sucui è in esecuzione un sistema operativo Linux.

6. SelezionareSave Values and Reboot RSA II e premere Invio. Una finestra a comparsa indica che leimpostazioni RSA II sono state salvate. Premere Invio per chiudere questa finestra.

7. Tornare alla finestra Configuration/Setup Utility e selezionare Save Settings; quindi, premere Invio.8. Premere Invio nella finestra di conferma a comparsa, quindi selezionare Exit Setup e premere Invio.

Premere nuovamente Invio per confermare l’uscita dalla configurazione di sistema.

Page 8: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

9. L’adattatore è ora configurato correttamente per il proprio sistema operativo e il server verrà riavviatoautomaticamente. Continuare con l’installazione del sistema operativo e fare riferimento a“Installazione dei file del daemon e del firmware” per iniziare l’installazione.

Installazione dei file del daemon e del firmware

Per istruzioni su come ottenere i file del daemon e del firmware, consultare “Come ottenere i file deldaemon e del firmware” on page 1.1. Seguire le istruzioni del Readme del daemon per il proprio tipo di macchina e sistema operativo per

installare il daemon.2. Seguire le istruzioni del Readme dell’aggiornamento per il proprio tipo di macchina e sistema

operativo per installare il firmware.

Marchiv IBM è un marchio di International Business Machines Corporation negli Stati Uniti e/o in altri paesi.v Lenovo e il logo Lenovo sono marchi di Lenovo negli Stati Uniti e/o in altri paesi.v Linux è un marchio di Linus Torvalds negli Stati Uniti e/o in altri paesi.v Microsoft e Windows sono marchi del gruppo di società Microsoft.v Nomi di altri servizi, prodotti o società potrebbero essere marchi o marchi di servizio di terze parti.

Prima edizione (marzo 2009)

© Copyright Lenovo 2009.

LENOVO products, data, computer software, and services have been developed exclusively at private expense andare sold to governmental entities as commercial items as defined by 48 C.F.R. 2.101 with limited and restricted rightsto use, reproduction and disclosure.

LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If products, data, computer software, or services are deliveredpursuant a General Services Administration ″GSA″ contract, use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictionsset forth in Contract No. GS-35F-05925.

Page 9: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine のインストール

この資料は、サーバーの IBM® リモート管理アダプター II SlimLine に BIOS を構成し、デーモンおよびファームウェアをインストールするために必要な手順を記載しています。インストールの完了後に、ユーザーズ・ガイドの IBM リモート管理アダプター II SlimLine ドキュメンテーション CD を参照してください。


関連する README の説明に従ってデーモン・ファイルとファームウェア・ファイルの場所を見つけるには、ご使用のサーバーに該当する Webアドレスにアクセスします。

表 1. サーバーごとのサポート Web サイト

サーバー Web アドレス

ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 およびTD100x

ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

入手したファイルについて 2ページの『デーモン・ファイルとファームウェア・ファイルのインストール』の手順を完了させる必要があります。

サーバー BIOS の構成

オペレーティング・システムにデーモンとアップデートをインストールする前に、サーバー BIOS を構成する必要があります。以下の手順に従って、BIOS を構成してください。1. サーバーの電源をオンにします。2. 「Configuration/Setup Utility」に入るには、サーバーの電源をオンにして、電源オンの手順中にプロンプトが出されたら、F1 キーを押します。

3. RSA II アダプターが物理的に正しく取り付けられていれば、「RSA II Settings」オプションが最初の「Configuration/Setup Utility」画面に表示されます。「RSA II Settings」オプションが最初の画面に表示されない場合は、「Advanced Setup」を見つけます。このオプションを選択し、「Enter」キーを押します。

4. 「DHCP Control」フィールドで、ご使用のネットワーク設定に対応する適切なフィールドを、次のオプションの中から選択してください。v DHCP を試みてから、静的 IP を使用する。v 静的 IP 構成を使用する。v DHCP を使用可能に設定する。

5. 「OS USB Selection」フィールドでは、左右の矢印キーを使用して、Microsoft® Windows® オペレーティング・システムが稼働しているサーバーには「Other OS」を、Linux オペレーティング・システムが稼働しているサーバーには「 Linux 」を選択します¡

Page 10: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

6. 「Save Values and Reboot RSA II」を選択して、「Enter」キーを押します。RSA II 設定が保管されたことが、ポップアップ・ウィンドウに表示されます。「Enter」キーを押してこのウィンドウを閉じます。

7. 「Configuration/Setup Utility」画面に戻り、「Save Settings」を選択して「Enter」キーを押します。8. 確認のためのポップアップ・ウィンドウで「Enter」キーを押し、次に「Exit Setup」を選択して、「Enter」キーを押します。再び「Enter」キーを押して、システム・セットアップの終了を確認します。

9. これでオペレーティング・システムにアダプターが適切に構成され、サーバーが自動的に再起動します。オペレーティング・システムのインストールを続行し、インストールの準備ができたら、『デーモン・ファイルとファームウェア・ファイルのインストール』に進んでください。


デーモン・ファイルとファームウェア・ファイルの入手方法については、 1ページの『デーモン・ファイルとファームウェア・ファイルの入手』を参照してください。

1. ご使用のマシン・タイプとオペレーティング・システムに対応するデーモンの README 指示に従って、デーモンをインストールします。

2. ご使用のマシン・タイプとオペレーティング・システムに対応するアップデートの README 指示に従って、ファームウェアをインストールします。

商標v IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の米国およびその他の国における商標です。v Lenovo および Lenovo ロゴは、Lenovo の米国およびその他の国における商標です。v Linux は、Linus Torvalds の米国およびその他の国における商標です。v Microsoft および Windows は、Microsoft Corporation の米国およびその他の国における商標です。v 他の会社名、製品名およびサービス名等はそれぞれ各社の商標です。

第1版第1刷 2009.4

© Copyright Lenovo 2009. All rights reserved.

Page 11: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

IBM Remote SupervisorAdapter II SlimLine 3!

� ����� ��� BIOS ����, ��� ����, IBM® Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine�

���� ���� � ��� ����� �� �����. ��� ��� ��� IBM Remote Supervisor

Adapter II SlimLine �� CD� �� �� ���� ������.

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� 1. � ��� �� ���

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ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 � TD100x

ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

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�� BIOS� ������.

1. ��� ����.

2. ��� � � �� �� �� ��� ���� F1 �� �� Configuration/Setup Utility� ��


3. RSA II ��� ���� ���� ��� � �� Configuration/Setup Utility ��� RSA II Settings

�� �����. � �� ��� RSA II Settings �� ���� ��� ��� �� Advanced

Setup� ���� Enter �� ����.

4. DHCP Control ��� �� � ��� ���� ��� �� ��� ������.

v Try DHCP then use static IP

v Use static IP configuration

v DHCP enabled

5. OS USB Selection ���� �� � �� ��� �� ���� Other OS(Microsoft® Windows®

���� ��� ��� ��) �� Linux(Linux ���� ��� ��� ��)� ���


6. Save Values and Reboot RSA II� ���� Enter �� ����. RSA II ��� �����

�� �� �� �����. Enter �� �� � �� �����.

7. Configuration/Setup Utility ��� ��� Save Settings� ���� Enter �� ����.

Page 12: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

8. �� �� ��� Enter �� �� Exit Setup� ���� Enter �� ����. �� �� Enter

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1. � ��� ��� ���� �� Readme ����� �� ��� ������.

2. � ��� ��� ���� ���� Readme ����� �� ����� ������.

��v IBM� � �� �� ���� ���� International Business Machines Corporation� �����.

v Lenovo � Lenovo ��� � �� �� ���� ���� Lenovo� �����.

v Linux� � �� �� ���� ���� Linus Torvalds� �����.

v Microsoft � Windows� Microsoft group of companies� �����.

v �� ��, �� � ��� ��� �� ��� �� �� �������.

��(2009� 3�)

LENOVO ��, ���, ��� ���� � ���� � ���� �����, 48 C.F.R.2.101� ��� �� �����

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© Copyright Lenovo 2009.

Page 13: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

Instalación de IBM RemoteSupervisor Adapter IISlimLine

Este documento proporciona las instrucciones necesarias para configurar el BIOS, instalar el daemon einstalar el firmware de IBM® Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine en el servidor. Después decompletar la instalación, consulte la publicación Guía del usuario en el CD de documentación de IBMRemote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine.

Obtención de los archivos del daemon y del firmware

Para localizar los archivos del daemon y del firmware junto con las instrucciones del Readme asociado,consulte la dirección web correspondiente a su servidor:

Tabla 1. Sitio web de soporte de cada servidor

Servidor Dirección web

ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 y TD100x

ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

Estos archivos son necesarios para finalizar el procedimiento de “Instalación de los archivos del daemony del firmware” en la página 2.

Configuración del BIOS del servidor

Deberá configurar el BIOS del servidor antes de instalar el daemon y actualizar el sistema operativo. Sigaestos pasos para configurar el BIOS.1. Encienda el servidor.2. Para entrar en el programa Configuration/Setup Utility, encienda el servidor y pulse la tecla F1

cuando se le solicite durante el procedimiento de encendido.3. Si el adaptador RSA II está correctamente instalado físicamente, existirá una opción RSA II Settings

(Valores de RSA II) en la primera pantalla del programa Configuration/Setup Utility. Si no aparece laopción RSA II Settings en la primera pantalla, mire bajo Advanced Setup (Configuración avanzada).Seleccione esta opción y pulse Intro.

4. En el campo DHCP Control (Control de DHCP), seleccione el campo correcto para sus valores de redentre las opciones siguientes:v Try DHCP then use static IP (Probar DHCP y después usar IP estática)v Use static IP configuration (Utilizar configuración IP estática)v DHCP enabled (DHCP habilitado)

5. En el campo OS USB Selection (Selección USB de SO), utilice las teclas de flecha izquierda y derechapara seleccionar Other OS (Otro SO) para un servidor que utilice el sistema operativo Microsoft®

Windows®, o Linux para un servidor que utilice el sistema operativo Linux.6. Seleccione Save Values and Reboot RSA II (Guardar valores y reiniciar RSA II) y pulse Intro. Una

ventana emergente indicará que se han guardado los valores de RSA II. Pulse Intro y cierre estaventana.

7. Vuelva a la ventana del programa Configuration/Setup Utility y seleccione Save Settings (Guardarvalores) y pulse Intro.

8. Pulse Intro en la ventana emergente de confirmación, seleccione Exit Setup (Salir de la configuración)y pulse Intro. Pulse Intro de nuevo para confirmar que desea salir de la configuración del sistema.

Page 14: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

9. El adaptador está ahora configurado correctamente para el sistema operativo y se reiniciaráautomáticamente el servidor. Proceda con la instalación del sistema operativo y consulte “Instalaciónde los archivos del daemon y del firmware” cuando esté preparado para la instalación.

Instalación de los archivos del daemon y del firmware

Para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo obtener los archivos del daemon y del firmware, consulte“Obtención de los archivos del daemon y del firmware” en la página 1.1. Siga las instrucciones del Readme del daemon para instalar el daemon para el tipo de máquina y

sistema operativo.2. Siga las instrucciones del Readme de actualización para instalar el firmware para el tipo de máquina y

sistema operativo.

Marcas registradasv IBM es una marca registrada de International Business Machines Corporation en los Estados Unidos

y/o en otros países.v Lenovo y el logotipo de Lenovo son marcas registradas de Lenovo en los Estados Unidos y/o en otros

países.v Linux es una marca registrada de Linus Torvalds en los Estados Unidos y/o en otros países.v Microsoft y Windows son marcas registradas del grupo de empresas Microsoft.v Otros nombres de empresas, productos o servicios pueden ser marcar registradas o marcas de servicio

de terceros.

Primera edición (marzo de 2009)

© Copyright Lenovo 2009.

Page 15: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

IBM Remote SupervisorAdapter II SlimLine w�

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ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 M TD100x

ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

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3. pGwg�Tw� RSA II t�dA�@� Configuration/Setup Utility e�ñ�π�@� RSA II Set-tings ∩�CpG�@�e�ñS�π� RSA II Settings ∩�A�d� Advanced Setup ºUO���∩�C∩�o�∩�AMß÷ Enter ΣC

4. b DHCP Control μ�ñAqUC∩�ñ∩�z⌠⌠]w��Tμ�Gv Try DHCP then use static IP

v Use static IP configuration

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5. b OS USB Selection μ�ñA��¬ΦVΣMkΦVΣ�∩� Other OS]A�≤⌡μ Microsoft® Win-

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Page 16: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation


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v Lenovo M Lenovo �xO Lenovo bⁿΩM]��ΣLΩa�a����C

v Linux O Linus Torvalds bⁿΩM]��ΣLΩa�a����C

v Microsoft M Windows O Microsoft ��XU�q���C

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© Copyright Lenovo 2009.

Page 17: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

IBM Remote SupervisorAdapter II SlimLine ÜrünününKurulması

Bu belgede BIOS’u yapılandırmak ve yardımcı programı ve IBM® Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine ürününeilişkin sabit yazılımı sunucunuza kurmak için gereken yönergeler yer almaktadır. Kuruluş işlemi tamamlandıktan sonraKullanıcı Kılavuzu için IBM Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine belgelerinin CD’sine başvurun.

Yardımcı program ve sabit yazılım dosyalarının edinilmesi

İlişkili Readme (Beni oku) yönergeleriyle birlikte yardımcı program ve sabit yazılım dosyalarını bulmak içinsunucunuza karşılık gelen web adresine gidin:

Çizelge 1. Her sunucuya ilişkin destek web sitesi

Sunucu Web adresi

ThinkServer TS100

ThinkServer TD100 ve TD100x

ThinkServer RS110

ThinkServer RD120

“Yardımcı program ve sabit yazılım dosyalarının kurulması” sayfa 2 yordamını tamamlamak için aşağıdaki dosyalaragereksiniminiz olacak.

Sunucu BIOS’unun Yapılandırılması

Yardımcı programı kurup işletim sistemini güncellemeden önce sunucu BIOS’unu yapılandırmanız gerekir. BIOS’uyapılandırmak için aşağıdaki adımları izleyin.1. Sunucuyu açın.2. Configuration/Setup Utility olanağına girmek için sunucuyu açın ve açılış sırasında istendiğinde F1 tuşuna basın.3. RSA II bağdaştırıcısı fiziksel olarak doğru biçimde takıldıysa, görüntülenen ilk Configuration/Setup Utility

(Yapılandırma/Ayar Yardımcı Programı) ekranında RSA II Settings (RSA II Ayarları) seçeneği görüntülenir. RSAII Settings seçeneği ilk ekranda görüntülenmezse, Advanced Setup (Gelişmiş Ayar) seçeneğinin altına bakın. Buseçeneği belirleyin ve Enter tuşuna basın.

4. DHCP Control (DHCP Denetimi) alanında ağ ayarlarınıza ilişkin doğru alanı aşağıdaki seçeneklerden belirleyin:v DHCP’yi dene ve daha sonra statik IP’yi kullanv Statik IP yapılandırmasını kullanv DHCP etkin

5. OS USB Selection (İS USB Seçimi) alanında, Microsoft® Windows® işletim sistemini kullanan ya da Linux işletimsistemini kullanan Linux için Other OS (Diğer İS) seçeneğini belirlemek üzere sol ve sağ ok tuşlarını kullanın.

6. Save Values and Reboot RSA II (Değerleri Kaydedin ve RSA II Ürününü Yeniden Başlatın) seçeneği belirleyinve Enter tuşuna basın. Açılan pencerede RSA II ayarlarının kaydedildiği belirtilir. Pencereyi kapatmak için Entertuşuna basın.

7. Configuration/Setup Utility penceresine dönün ve Save Settings (Ayarları Kaydet) seçeneğini belirleyin ve Entertuşuna basın.

8. Açılan onay penceresinde Enter tuşuna basın ve Exit Setup (Ayardan Çık) seçeneğini belirleyip Enter tuşunabasın. Sistem ayarlarından çıkmayı onaylamak için Enter tuşuna yeniden basın.

9. Bağdaştırıcı şu anda işletim sisteminiz için doğru olarak yapılandırılmış oldu ve sunucu otomatik olarak yenidenyüklenecek. İşletim sisteminin kuruluşu ile devam edin ve ürünü kurmaya hazır olduğunuzda “Yardımcı programve sabit yazılım dosyalarının kurulması” sayfa 2 başlıklı konuya bakın.

Page 18: Remote Supervisor Adapter II SlimLine Installation

Yardımcı program ve sabit yazılım dosyalarının kurulması

Yardımcı program ve sabit yazılım dosyalarının nasıl edinilmesi gerektiğine ilişkin yönergeler için, bkz. “Yardımcıprogram ve sabit yazılım dosyalarının edinilmesi” sayfa 1.1. Yardımcı programı kurmak için makine tipiniz ve işletim sisteminizle ilgili olan yardımcı program Readme

(Benioku) dosyasındaki yönergeleri izleyin.2. Sabit yazılımı kurmak için makine tipiniz ve işletim sisteminizle ilgili olan güncelleme Readme (Benioku)

dosyasındaki yönergeleri izleyin.

Ticari Markalarv IBM, International Business Machines Corporation’ın ABD’de ve/veya diğer ülkelerdeki ticari markasıdır.v Lenovo ve Lenovo logosu, Lenovo’nun ABD’de ve/veya diğer ülkelerdeki ticari markalarıdır.v Linux, Linus Torvalds’un ABD’de ve/veya diğer ülkelerdeki ticari markasıdır.v Microsoft ve Windows, Microsoft şirketler grubunun ticari markalarıdır.v Diğer şirket, ürün ya da hizmet adları ilgili şirketlerin ticari markaları ya da hizmet markaları olabilir.

Birinci basım (Mart 2009)

© Copyright Lenovo 2009.