renaissance & reformation. renaissance = “rebirth” of learning & interest in classical...

Renaissance & Renaissance & Reformation Reformation

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Page 1: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

Renaissance & ReformationRenaissance & Reformation

Page 2: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

RenaissanceRenaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & cultureclassical ideas & culture

Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening”Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Signaled the beginning of Modern TimesSignaled the beginning of Modern Times Renaissance first began in Italian city-statesRenaissance first began in Italian city-states Italians were still attached to the classical worldItalians were still attached to the classical world Ancient Roman buildings & ruins were constant Ancient Roman buildings & ruins were constant

reminders of their heritagereminders of their heritage

Page 3: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

HumanismHumanism = A new intellectual movement that focused on = A new intellectual movement that focused on secularsecular, or worldly, themes rather than religious ideas that , or worldly, themes rather than religious ideas that dominated Medieval thinkersdominated Medieval thinkers

Idea came from studying Ancient Greek and Latin Idea came from studying Ancient Greek and Latin manuscriptsmanuscripts

Humanism stressed Humanism stressed IndividualismIndividualism = People should develop = People should develop all of their talents = politics, sports, art, etc…all of their talents = politics, sports, art, etc…

Believed education was key to unlock individual talentsBelieved education was key to unlock individual talents

Page 4: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

Humanist ThinkersHumanist ThinkersNiccolo Machiavelli = Wrote Niccolo Machiavelli = Wrote “The Prince”“The Prince” Book about Book about RealisticRealistic politics of Renaissance Italy politics of Renaissance Italy According to Machiavelli:According to Machiavelli: 1. Rulers should use Force & Deceit to stay in power 1. Rulers should use Force & Deceit to stay in power

“The Ends Justifies the Means”“The Ends Justifies the Means” * Critics called it sacrilegious & immoral* Critics called it sacrilegious & immoral * Machiavelli defended it as True & Honest about politics* Machiavelli defended it as True & Honest about politics * Available at most public libraries & bookstores* Available at most public libraries & bookstores Humanist thinkers began to challenge long accepted Humanist thinkers began to challenge long accepted

traditions, assumptions & institutions > The Churchtraditions, assumptions & institutions > The Church Through study & investigation of Ancient Knowledge, Through study & investigation of Ancient Knowledge,

Humanists questioned & challenged everything around Humanists questioned & challenged everything around them = Knowledgethem = Knowledge

Page 5: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

Italian CitiesItalian Cities Italy did not unify itself like France & EnglandItaly did not unify itself like France & England Italy made up of Rich, Independent City-StatesItaly made up of Rich, Independent City-States Individual wealth was much more important that Individual wealth was much more important that

aristocratic titles or bloodlinearistocratic titles or bloodline Social LadderSocial Ladder

1. Merchants & Bankers replace Nobility as #1 social 1. Merchants & Bankers replace Nobility as #1 social and political groupand political group

2. Artisans & Shopkeepers #2 on social ladder2. Artisans & Shopkeepers #2 on social ladder

3. Peasants at bottom of ladder 3. Peasants at bottom of ladder The wealthiest families in a City-State ruled the cityThe wealthiest families in a City-State ruled the city The 3 leading Renaissance Cities were:The 3 leading Renaissance Cities were:

Florence, Rome & VeniceFlorence, Rome & Venice

Page 6: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period
Page 7: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

FlorenceFlorence Ruled by the Ruled by the MediciMedici family beginning in 1400’s family beginning in 1400’s The birthplace of the Italian RenaissanceThe birthplace of the Italian Renaissance First Income Tax = Heavier burden of taxes on wealthyFirst Income Tax = Heavier burden of taxes on wealthy Taxes used to make city improvements: sewers, paved Taxes used to make city improvements: sewers, paved

streets, etc…streets, etc…

Page 8: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

RomeRome During the 1500s Rome was the leading Renaissance cityDuring the 1500s Rome was the leading Renaissance city Pope & Cardinals lived in the Pope & Cardinals lived in the VaticanVatican, wealthiest class, wealthiest class The Popes used their $$$ to rebuild Ancient RomeThe Popes used their $$$ to rebuild Ancient Rome

* Architecture, churches & Artists flourished in Rome* Architecture, churches & Artists flourished in Rome St. Peter’s BasilicaSt. Peter’s Basilica = Largest church in Christian world = Largest church in Christian world

was built during this period was built during this period

Page 9: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

VeniceVenice Port city on the Adriatic SeaPort city on the Adriatic Sea Traders and Merchants from all over the world did Traders and Merchants from all over the world did

business in Venicebusiness in Venice $$$ from World Trade$$$ from World Trade Spent $$$ to modernize citySpent $$$ to modernize city

Page 10: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

The Northern RenaissanceThe Northern Renaissance Renaissance attitude & Humanist ideas began spreading Renaissance attitude & Humanist ideas began spreading

North from Italy in the late 1400sNorth from Italy in the late 1400s War, Trade & Travel made this cultural diffusion possibleWar, Trade & Travel made this cultural diffusion possible Italian Renaissance ideas were adapted to fit local attitudesItalian Renaissance ideas were adapted to fit local attitudes Many Northern thinkers & scholars traveled to Italy to Many Northern thinkers & scholars traveled to Italy to

study with the Italian masters & brought educated ideas study with the Italian masters & brought educated ideas back home & taught othersback home & taught others

Page 11: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

Printing PressPrinting Press By the 1400s Germans invented movable typeBy the 1400s Germans invented movable type Letters set in molds, inked & pressed on paperLetters set in molds, inked & pressed on paper 1456 Johannes Gutenberg printed complete Bible using 1456 Johannes Gutenberg printed complete Bible using

movable type (1987 1 of the 42 left sold for $5.4 million)movable type (1987 1 of the 42 left sold for $5.4 million) Books published more quickly for less $$$Books published more quickly for less $$$ Humanist books could meet demands, knowledge spread Humanist books could meet demands, knowledge spread

more rapidly & more people could afford educationmore rapidly & more people could afford education

Page 12: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

Christian HumanismChristian Humanism Northern Renaissance had a more religious tone, the Northern Renaissance had a more religious tone, the

opposite of Italyopposite of Italy Christian scholars used Humanist ideas to reform Christian scholars used Humanist ideas to reform

Catholicism = Catholicism = 1. Eliminate abuses by Church1. Eliminate abuses by Church 2. Restore simple beliefs of the early Church2. Restore simple beliefs of the early Church

ErasmusErasmus Encouraged the study of Ancient Greek & Hebrew to Encouraged the study of Ancient Greek & Hebrew to

understand older versions of the Bibleunderstand older versions of the Bible Wrote Wrote “The Praise of Folly” “The Praise of Folly” * Attacked the wealth of the Pope* Attacked the wealth of the Pope * Exposed corrupt practices of the Church* Exposed corrupt practices of the Church * Made fun of the Church* Made fun of the Church

Page 13: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

Sir Thomas MoreSir Thomas More = English Humorist = English Humorist Wrote Wrote “Utopia”“Utopia”

* Criticized society of his day by showing what a * Criticized society of his day by showing what a perfect, ideal society should look likeperfect, ideal society should look like

* All citizens should be equal & prosperous * All citizens should be equal & prosperous

* Available at most public libraries & bookstores* Available at most public libraries & bookstores

Page 14: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare = English Playwright = English Playwright Drew ideas from Medieval Legends, Classical Mythology Drew ideas from Medieval Legends, Classical Mythology

& Ancient History& Ancient History Dealt with human qualities:Dealt with human qualities:

* Jealousy* Jealousy

* Ambition* Ambition

* Love* Love

* Despair* Despair Realistic look at Human NatureRealistic look at Human Nature Audiences today still relate to his playsAudiences today still relate to his plays More than 420 feature length movies have been made More than 420 feature length movies have been made

from his plays making him the most filmed author everfrom his plays making him the most filmed author ever

Page 15: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

The Protestant ReformationThe Protestant Reformation

Page 16: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

The Protestant ReformationThe Protestant Reformation Renaissance values of humanism & Secularism caused Renaissance values of humanism & Secularism caused

widespread criticism of the Catholic Church & their widespread criticism of the Catholic Church & their extravaganceextravagance

Starting around 1500 Europeans began calling for a Starting around 1500 Europeans began calling for a ReformationReformation = A change in the ways the Church taught = A change in the ways the Church taught and practiced Christianityand practiced Christianity

Started by Started by Martin LutherMartin Luther = German Monk = German Monk

* Was going to be a lawyer* Was going to be a lawyer

* In 1505 nearly struck by lightning* In 1505 nearly struck by lightning

~~ Saw it as God trying to punish him Saw it as God trying to punish him

~ ~ Decided then to become a MonkDecided then to become a Monk

Page 17: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

Martin Luther (cont.)Martin Luther (cont.) Luther read in Romans: Luther read in Romans: “He through faith is righteous shall live”“He through faith is righteous shall live” Luther’s InterpretationLuther’s Interpretation = A person could be made just, or good, = A person could be made just, or good,

simply by faith in God’s mercy and love = simply by faith in God’s mercy and love = Justification by Justification by FaithFaith

His ideas brought him into conflict with the ChurchHis ideas brought him into conflict with the ChurchPope Leo XPope Leo X Pope at the time of Luther’s ProtestPope at the time of Luther’s Protest Was raising $$$ to rebuild St. Peters Basilica in RomeWas raising $$$ to rebuild St. Peters Basilica in Rome 1. Sold Church positions to his friends1. Sold Church positions to his friends 2. Authorized the sale of Indulgences2. Authorized the sale of Indulgences

Page 18: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

IndulgencesIndulgences Certificates issued by the Church that would reduce or Certificates issued by the Church that would reduce or

even cancel punishment for a person’s Sineven cancel punishment for a person’s Sin People thought document would assure them HeavenPeople thought document would assure them Heaven Church encouraged people to buy indulgences for dead Church encouraged people to buy indulgences for dead

relatives to ensure their place in Heaven (Move them relatives to ensure their place in Heaven (Move them out of out of PurgatoryPurgatory into Heaven) into Heaven)

Page 19: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

Martin Luther and the 95 ThesesMartin Luther and the 95 Theses Martin Luther was a Professor & Priest in the German town Martin Luther was a Professor & Priest in the German town

of Wittenberg at the timeof Wittenberg at the time He started preaching against the sale of Indulgences & other He started preaching against the sale of Indulgences & other

corrupt practices of the Churchcorrupt practices of the Church October 31, 1517 Luther nailed his October 31, 1517 Luther nailed his 95 Theses95 Theses to to

Wittenberg’s Church = 95 corrupt practices of the ChurchWittenberg’s Church = 95 corrupt practices of the Church Printed copies of Printed copies of 95 Theses 95 Theses spread all over Germanyspread all over Germany Sales of Indulgenced dropped sharplySales of Indulgenced dropped sharply Pope Leo X sent envoys to meet with Martin Luther & Pope Leo X sent envoys to meet with Martin Luther &

persuade him to withdraw his criticismpersuade him to withdraw his criticism Luther RefusedLuther Refused 1520 Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther1520 Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther

Page 20: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

LutheranismLutheranism The first Protestant FaithThe first Protestant Faith Emphasized salvation by faith aloneEmphasized salvation by faith alone Bible was the Bible was the onlyonly source of Religious truth source of Religious truth Less Rituals, More Preaching from the BibleLess Rituals, More Preaching from the Bible Instead of preaching in Catholics Latin Language Instead of preaching in Catholics Latin Language

Lutheran services were preached in Lutheran services were preached in vernacularvernacular = The = The People’s languagePeople’s language

Page 21: Renaissance & Reformation. Renaissance = “Rebirth” of learning & interest in classical ideas & culture Period from 1350-1600 “A Cultural Awakening” Period

John CalvinJohn Calvin Started Calvinism in SwitzerlandStarted Calvinism in Switzerland Agreed with Luther that Good Deeds Agreed with Luther that Good Deeds Do NotDo Not bring bring

SalvationSalvation Taught PredestinationTaught Predestination

* God chose before birth who would go to Heaven no * God chose before birth who would go to Heaven no matter what you did during life, fate was predeterminedmatter what you did during life, fate was predetermined