rename - code inventors · “rename selected only” at the bottom of the screen. you may also...

Rename Introduction Rename 1

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  • RenameIntroduction

    Rename 1

  • Rename allows you to quickly rename multiple files/folders at once, formatting namesand extensions by adding, removing, replacing text, and by numbering. It can be particularly useful at removing ‘junk’ from the names of downloaded files (like music files) giving them better, more readable, names.

    Features at a glance:

    • Auto number files/folders

    • Remove, add and replace characters/words

    • Change the filename and extension, alter their case (upper, lower, title etc)

    • Apply a list of text to use as filenames (for example, a written track list)

    • Build your own unique filenames and/or extensions using templates

    • View a live preview of your alterations without any commitment

    • Undo last rename operation (per session)

    • Move files/folders up and down the list

    • Alter all or only the selected items in the list

    • Save options (as 'profiles') for different renaming locations/requirements

    The application shows a live preview of the changes you make in real time, without actually renaming the files. Once you're ready to rename, just click the "Start" button. If you are not happy with your changes, you can press the "Undo" button to restore the original filenames (this is session-based only, so you cannot 'undo' after you close and restart the program).

    To rename only selected items in the list (that is, highlighted items), check the box “Rename selected only” at the bottom of the screen. You may also want to check

    Rename 2

  • “Update preview for selected only” (this is a separate option to allow you to alter one or more items in preview rather than the whole lot).

    NOTE: Please ensure you have ‘show file extensions’ checked in Finder (macOS) .

    Commands and featuresAdding and removing files/folders

    Simply use the “Add” button on the toolbar to add files to the list, or drag and drop files/folders from other applications such as Finder (macOS) .

    To remove files from the list, click the “Remove” button.


    - When you add folders and rename them, only the name of the folder is changed. Any files within the folder are not renamed.

    - Due to Apple sandboxing requirements the app needs permission to use files in your folders. When you add a file, you will be asked to confirm access to it's parent folder. Just click "CONFIRM". You will not be asked to do this again for that folder, but any different folders you select from might trigger another confirmation. To prevent being asked for confirmation a lot of times, simply select the highest level folder you can, close to the root (first) folder of the drive/image you are using. For example, selecting your user account folder will give the app access to all the common folders within your user account (Pictures, Movies, Documents, Music etc).

    If you encounter repeated requests to confirm folder access, despite having already given it, reset permissions using the 'Reset permissions' option under the File menu. You may need to do this if you delete the app and later re-install it.

    Rename 3

  • StartStarts renaming the files, permanently, so ensure you have previewed the changes you have made and are completely happy before using this feature.

    If error logging is turned-on (see Preferences) then you will be notified of any files thatcould not be renamed. The error log can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into, for example, a text editor.

    Successfully renamed items will be updated in the list to reflect the new file/folder name.

    StopClick the "Stop" button to abort the renaming process. Usually renaming is very done very quickly, however if there is a problem you can use this button to abort the process.

    PauseClick the "Pause" button to pause the renaming process. You can then decide to resume or abort the process.

    PreviewClick the "Preview" button to see what the renamed files will look like. This updates the second column in the list (new name).

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  • ResetUpdates the ‘new name’ column in the list to reflect the actual names on the left of thelist (the original names).

    UndoRestores the original filenames from the last rename operation. This is session-based only, so you cannot 'undo' after you close and restart the program.

    It is only available after a rename operation, for that rename operation. In other words,you cannot press it twice to 'go back' two rename operations.

    FinderDisplays the selected file in Finder (macOS).

    OpenLaunches or opens the selected items. For example, a document will be opened in it’sdefault application, a folder will be displayed in Finder etc.

    Copy...Allows you to copy the folder names, filenames and extensions of the selected files tothe clipboard.

    Rename 5

  • Character positionIf you need to determine the character position in a filename, use the edit field at the bottom of the app window and simply place the cursor at the desired position. The position will be displayed to the right of the edit field.

    ProfilesIntroductionThe app allows you to save various 'profiles' containing various renaming options, for use with different renaming projects. Profile files store the various values you set in the7 options tabs (Remove, Add, Number etc).

    When you start the application, your last used set of options are loaded automatically.

    Loading a profileClick the "Profiles..." button. You are presented with a list of profiles you might have created. From this screen you can load a profile, delete multiple profiles, and rename a profile.

    Saving a profileYou can use the “Save as" button, to save a profile.

    Rename 6

  • Clearing a profileYou can use the "Clear" button to clear all the options within the current profile. All check boxes and edit fields will be cleared.

    Renaming options (tabs)IntroductionThis chapter discusses using the options available to format file/folder names. To apply changes, ensure the check box next to each option is checked, and you might have to click the "Preview" button to see the changes appear in the preview column.

    You cannot use the "Build" and "List" options together. "List" takes precedence.

    You cannot use "Name/extension" options if "Build" or "List" is enabled.

    Rename 7

  • Remove

    With this option you can remove:

    • The first 'x' characters from the name

    • The last 'x' characters from the name

    • The characters between 'x' and 'y'

    • A particular 'string' of characters (with optional case sensitivity)

    If you want to delete characters from a filename to the end of the filename (not including the extension), use the "From position" option. In the first edit field enter theposition you want to delete from, and leave the "to" edit field blank.

    An additional option allows you to perform the removal on the entire name, just the filename portion, or just the extension portion.

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  • Add

    With this option you can add:

    • A prefix to the name (to the beginning of the name)

    • A suffix to the name (to the end of the name)

    • A character or string anywhere in the name by specifying a position

    An additional option allows you to perform the removal on the entire name, just the filename portion, or just the extension portion.

    Rename 9

  • Replace

    With this option you can perform four replace operations. Simply enter the text you wish to replace.

    An additional option allows you to perform the removal on the entire name, just the filename portion, or just the extension portion.


    Allows you to insert numbering in the file/folder name.

    Select a position within the name (for example to prefix numbers use position 1).

    Enter the starting value (for example to begin at 1, enter 1).

    Rename 10

  • Enter an incremental value (for example to have 1,2,3,4,5 etc enter 1, or to go up by values of 10 enter 10).

    Choose whether to have the numbers padded left or right, and the character to use (e.g. pad right and a character value of 0 produces 01, 02, 03 etc. The "length" field is optional and if specified will padd the number out to the number of digits given (if the length provided is too 'short' the numbers will be padded to their maximum length).

    You can also add a prefix or suffix to the number (e.g a suffix of " - " without quotes produces 01 - , 02 - , 03 - etc)

    TIP: To add numbering at the end of filenames (before extension) leave the "Number at position" value blank.

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  • List

    This option is useful if you have a list of items you want to apply to each file name individually. For example, perhaps you have a lot of MP3's and would like to apply their track listing to them as filenames. Simply copy the track list to the clipboard then use the “Paste” button to add them to the list box. Or manually type them in the supplied editor.

    Example track listing in a text file could be copied and pasted to the list box:

    01 - Love song for you.mp3

    02 - My love is never ending.mp3

    03 - Love is a pain in the.mp3

    04 - Oh Joyous love.mp3

    ...etc and you could then apply these to the selected files.

    The “Remove blank lines” button will do exactly that.

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  • Build

    Allows you to 'build' a filename from the text you supply, and/or by using pre-definedtemplates.

    To add a pre-defined template the filename use the popup list and select an item. Then add it to the edit box by using the “Add” button. To clear the edit box use the “Clear” button.

    Pre-defined templates range from inserting the original filename, the owner folder name, to various date formats and types. You can select more than one template fromthe list, but not the same template twice.

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  • Name/Extension

    Allows you to alter the name and extension values, either by adding text and/or changing the case (e.g. uppercase, lowercase etc).

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  • Preferences

    Confirm rename operationsWill ask you whether or to proceed with a rename operation when you click the “Start” button.

    Save the file list when application quitsThis option will save the item list when you quit the application, and load it when you next start the application. Non-existent files will not be added to the list when the list is loaded.

    Play sound when finished renamingA short sound is played when renaming is finished.

    Auto save profilesWhen this is off, any changes you make to a profile will not be saved automatically when you change profiles or quit the app. You must use the “Save as” button instead.

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  • ContactIf you have any questions about this product please contact us:

    Email: [email protected]

    Or visit our website:

    Trouble shootingThere are certain circumstances when a file/folder will not be renamed by the app.

    - a name contains an illegal character, on a Mac this would a colon :- file/folder permissions- file/folder locked- file extensions need to be on (shown) in Finder preferences- the file/folder actually no longer existed (or has been moved or renamed)- the file/folder already has the same name as the one you are trying to rename it to

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