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ELSYour Guide to the Summit

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ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd. Þti. adýna sahibiOsman Öndeþ

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Sorumlu Yazý iþleri MüdürüNesibe Öndeþ

Genel KoordinatörAli Önder Öndeþ

Ýdari Ýþler MüdürüÖmer Reyhan Öndeþ

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Tüm Yayýn Haklarý ELS YAYINCILIK LTD. ÞTÝ.’ne Aittir.Ýzinsiz Basýlamaz, Çoðaltýlamaz, Kullanýlamaz.

Haftalýk YDS Ýngilizce Hazýrlýk DergisiYýl: 16 Sayý: Tanýtým Sayýsý (1) 31 Mayýs 2009

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Yoðun ve yorucu bir öðretim yýlýný daha geride býraktýk. Geride kalan yalnýzca yorgunluklar ve sýkýntýlar... Bir de, geride býrakmayýp 16. yýlýmýza taþýdýklarýmýz var: deneyimimiz ve dostluklarýmýz...

Öðrencilerimizin heyecaný biraz daha devam edecek.. Ama onlar, ELS ile hazýrlanmanýn sýnavda onlara yaratacaðý farkýn farkýndalar.

Bütün öðrencilerimize baþarýlar diliyoruz...

2009-2010 öðretim yýlýnda ELS, 16. yýlýna adým atacak. Bizler, en küçük ayrýntýyý bile önemseyen titizliðimizin farkýnda olan ve bizi bu alanýn “fark yaratan öznesi” olarak deðerlendiren dostlarýmýz sayesinde bu baþarý grafiðini yakaladýðýmýzýn bilincindeyiz. Gücümüzü, deðerli öðretmenlerimizden, yöneticilerimizden, öðrencilerimizden ve velilerimizden alarak bu günlere geldik. Bu nedenle her yýl daha iyi ve daha nitelikli ürünler vermeyi, yýllardýr sizdostlarýmýza olan vefa borcumuzu yerine getirmek olarak algýladýk. 16. yýlýmýzda da sizlere en iyiyi sunmak için kollarýmýzý þimdiden sývadýk.

DDeeððeerrllii EELLSS DDoossttllaarrýý,,

Bildiðiniz gibi, ÖSYM’nin yaptýðý açýklamalara göre, 2010 yýlýndan itibarensýnav sisteminde bazý deðiþiklikler yapýlacaktýr. Bu deðiþiklikler henüz netlik kazanmamýþtýr. Önümüzdeki yayýn döneminde ELS, tüm deðiþiklikleri yansýtacak biçimde yenilenecektir.

DDeeððeerrllii ÖÖððrreettmmeennlleerriimmiizz vvee SSeevvggiillii ÖÖððrreenncciilleerr,,

2009-2010 dönemi ELS-YDS hazýrlýk dergimizin ilk sayýsýnýn daðýtýmýna 04 Eylül 2009 tarihinde baþlanacak ve 28 Mayýs 2010’da 35. sayýmýzýn daðýtýlmasýyla setimiz tamamlanacaktýr. Bu “Özel Tanýtým Sayýsý”nýn içindeki açýklamalarýn, önümüzdeki dönemi planlamanýz için sizlere yardýmcý olacaðýný umuyoruz. Ayrýca, sizlerin olumlu katký ve eleþtirilerinin bizler için çok deðerli olduðunu bilmenizi istiyor ve bu çabalarýnýz için þimdiden teþekkür ediyoruz.

Yeni dönemde görüþmek üzere, hepinize saðlýk, esenlik ve baþarýlar diliyoruz.

ELS Yayýncýlýk

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4 English Language Studies



ELS Yayýncýlýk olarak YDS-Ýngilizce hazýrlýk programýný üç aþamada gruplandýrdýk.

9. Sýnýf Seti10. Sýnýf SetiELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti

Bu setler düzey olarak birbirini takip eder niteliktedir ve belli bir sistem içerisindeizlendiðinde öðrenciye, YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnýn gerektirdiði düzeyde Ýngilizce ve edindiðibilgileri çoktan seçmeli bir testte kullanma becerisi kazandýrmaktadýr.

9. Sýnýflar için:9. sýnýf öðrencisi henüz ÖSS alan seçimi yapmadýðý için, 9. Sýnýf Seti, bütün

öðrencilere hitap etmektedir. Ancak, 10. sýnýfta dil bölümünü seçmeyi düþünen öðrenciler içinbu set, sistemli bir temel oluþturmayý amaçlamaktadýr.

4 yýllýk lise sisteminde, dil alanýný seçen düz lise öðrencisi eski sistemde olduðu gibidezavantajlý durumda deðildir çünkü sýnava hazýrlanmasý için önünde üç yýl vardýr. Öðrenci buüç yýlý doðru kaynaklarla iyi deðerlendirdiði takdirde, bir Anadolu lisesi mezunu ile eþit þansasahip olur.

10. Sýnýflar için:

YDS-Ýngilizce öðrencisi için bu setler, normal olarak, 9. sýnýfta 9. Sýnýf Seti, 10. sýnýfta10. Sýnýf Seti ve 11. ve 12. sýnýfta ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti biçiminde kullanýlabilir. Ancak,özellikle düz liselerde, eðer öðrenciler 9. sýnýfta 9. Sýnýf Seti’ni çalýþmamýþsa, 10. sýnýfta hem9. Sýnýf Seti hem de 10. Sýnýf Seti izlenebilir.

11. Sýnýflar için:10. Sýnýf Seti’ni tamamlamýþ olan YDS öðrencisi, 11. sýnýfta ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergi

Seti’ne baþlayabilir. Dergi seti, hem 11. sýnýfta hem de 12. sýnýfta yeterli olacak materyaliiçermektedir. 11. sýnýfta gramer ve pasaj çalýþmalarýna aðýrlýk verilebilir. (Özellikle ENGLISHGRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT’un ve ENGLISH THROUGH READING’in Intermediate veUpper-Intermediate bölümlerindeki pasajlarýn yavaþ bir tempoyla sindire sindire çalýþýlmasý çokönemlidir.)

Ancak, öðrenci 10. sýnýfý okurken 10. Sýnýf Seti’ni izlememiþse, 11. sýnýfa bu set ilebaþlayabilir ve daha sonra ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergi Seti’yle devam edebilir.

12. Sýnýflar için:Yukarýda belirttiðimiz biçimde, 12. sýnýfa kadar ELS yayýnlarýný izlemiþ olan öðrencilerle

12. sýnýfta dergiler, TEST YOUR VOCABULARY kitabý ve okuma kitabýnýn kalan bölümü(Advanced düzeydeki pasajlar) izlenerek program tamamlanabilir.

Ancak öðrenci, ELS yayýnlarýyla 12. sýnýfta tanýþýyorsa, programa doðrudan ELS-YDSHazýrlýk Dergi Seti’yle baþlanabilir ve hýzlý bir programla set tamamlanabilir.

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5English Language Studies



9. Sýnýf Seti ELS-WORKSHEETS (1) Freshman Freshman's Pictorial Teacher's File (1) ELS-WORKSHEETS (2) Sophomore Teacher's File (2)

Dil öðreniminin ilk aþamalarýnda görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak, ELS-WORKSHEETSFreshman, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ 18 resim içeren “Freshman's Pictorial” ile desteklenmiþtir. ELS-WORKSHEETSSophomore için, yine kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ resimler kitabýn sonuna eklenmiþtir.

Her iki kitabýmýz da, öðretmenin elinde materyal zenginliði yaratmak amacýyla, "Teacher's File"ile desteklenmiþtir. Her bir "Teacher's File", "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþünitede bir kullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir.

10. Sýnýf Seti ELS-WORKSHEETS (3) Junior ELS-WORKSHEETS (4) Senior Teacher's File (3) Teacher's File (4) 20 Konu Testi 20 Konu Testi 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi

10 Deneme Sýnavý

ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerininihtiyaçlarý göz önüne alýnarak revize edilmiþtir. Kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ resimler yineher iki kitabýn sonunda yer almýþtýr.

ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior için hazýrlanmýþ “Teacher's File 3”ve “Teacher's File 4”, yine "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede birkullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir. Ancak, dil öðrencisini YDS soru tiplerine hazýrlamakamacýyla bu setlere, her ünite sonunda kullanýlmak üzere 35 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk konutestleri ve 8 paragraf çalýþmasý testi eklenmiþtir. Bir paragraf çalýþmasý testi, 3 çoktan seçmeli“comprehension” sorusu olan 4 pasaj içermektedir. Böylece, setin tamamýnda, 64 pasaj ve bupasajlarla ilgili 192 “comprehension” sorusu yer almaktadýr. Bu materyallerin yaný sýra“Teacher's File 4”, öðrencinin Ýngilizce düzeyi dikkate alýnarak hazýrlanmýþ, YDS formatýnda100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir.

Bu kitaplarýn “Contents” bölümlerini, bu kitapçýðýn 29, 30, 31 ve 32. sayfalarýnda bulabilirsiniz.

NOT: 9. Sýnýf ve 10. Sýnýf setleri için Teacher's File, 20 ve üzeri toplu alýmlardagönderilecektir.

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6 English Language Studies



35 DergiHer biri belli baþlý gramer konularýna ve YDS soru tiplerininincelenmesine ayrýlmýþ dergi setimizdir. Birinci sayýdan itibaren, gramer bilgisini test eden "Test Yourself", okuma-anlamayý geliþtiren "Reading Comprehension Passages", son on yýlda ÖYS ve YDS'de çýkmýþ sözcüklerin kullanýldýðý "Test Your Vocabulary", "Test Your Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs" bölümlerini ve, her sayýda bir sýnav olmak üzere, 35 deneme sýnavý içerir. (Dergilerin içeriðiyle ilgili konu baþlýklarý için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn 10. sayfasýna bakabilirsiniz.)

English Grammar Inside and OutDergideki egzersiz, test ve deneme sýnavlarýnýn alt yapýsýný oluþturan, Ýngilizce dilbilgisini ayrýntýlý biçimde ele alan ve konu anlatýmý, egzersiz ve test içeren 720 sayfalýk gramer kitabýmýzdýr.

English Through Reading

75 Intermediate - 75 Upper Intermediate ve 50 Advanced olmak üzere üçdüzeyde 200 okuma parçasý ve bunlarla ilgili egzersizler içermektedir.

Test Your Vocabulary168 sayfadan oluþan bu kitabýmýz, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýran egzersizler ve 60'ar soruluk 25 test içermektedir.

35 Konu Testi35-50 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk yaprak testlerimiz, her dergide ele alýnan konuyu pekiþtirmek amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr.

16 Ekstra Deneme SýnavýDerginin içinde yer alan 35 deneme sýnavýnýn dýþýnda, 15 günde bir sadece toplu abonelerimize gönderilen 16 ekstra deneme sýnavý, okul, dershane ve kurslarýn, öðrencilerine daha fazla deneme sýnavý sunabilmeleri amacýyla hazýrlanmýþtýr.

Not: Konu testleri ve ekstra deneme sýnavlarý, toplu abone sayýsý kadar basýlýr veyalnýzca toplu abonelere gönderilir. Ücret karþýlýðý satýlmaz.


35 Dergi English Grammar Inside and Out

ELS-YDS HAZIRLIK tek abone setimiz, 35 dergi ve "English Grammar Inside and Out" adlýgramer kitabýmýzý içermektedir.

Toplu abone olmanýn ayrýcalýklarýndan yararlanýnýz.

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7English Language Studies




Bir Türk öðrencinin Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþabileceði sýkýntýlarý dikkate alarakhazýrladýðýmýz ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT öðrencilerimizin, YDS-Ýngilizcesýnavýna hazýrlanýrken, üniversitede okurken ya da meslek yaþamlarýnda gerektikçebaþvurabilecekleri bir referans kitabýdýr.Kitabýn bütününde konularý kavramaya yönelik pekiþtirici egzersizlere ve öðrencilerimizindergide de karþýlaþacaðý çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan ve ÖSYM’nin soru mantýðýnýyansýtan "TEST YOURSELF" lere yer verilmiþtir.ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS'nin on yýllýk deneyim ve birikimiyle,dergiye destek amacýyla ELS aboneleri için hazýrlanmýþ olup tüm ELS abonelerineücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT yalnýzca gramer konularý ile sýnýrlýdýr. YDS-KPDS-ÜDS vb. sýnavlardaki diðer soru tipleri, kitabýn amacý dýþýnda olduðu için, dýþarýdabýrakýlmýþtýr. Bu nedenle, sýnavlarda bütünlüklü verim ve üst düzeyde baþarý, dergi ilebirlikte deðerlendirildiðinde saðlanabilir.720 sayfadan oluþan kitabýmýz I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþtýr.Kitabýn sýnýf içerisinde kullanýma uygun olmasý amacýyla, “ANSWER KEY” ayrý birkitapçýk biçiminde basýlmýþtýr.ELS aboneleri dýþýnda kitap satýþý, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma üzerindenyapýlmaktadýr.


75 Intermediate, 75 Upper Intermediate ve 50 Advanced olmak üzere 200 okumaparçasý ve bu parçalarla ilgili "comprehension" ve "vocabulary" çalýþmalarýnýiçermektedir.I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþ olup 432 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.“ANSWER KEY” kitabýn sonunda yer almaktadýr.Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.


TEST YOUR VOCABULARY, çeþitli egzersizlerle, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýrmayý veeðlenceli kýlmayý amaçlamaktadýr.TEST YOUR VOCABULARY, egzersizlerin yaný sýra, geçmiþ yýllarda çýkansorularýmýzdan derlediðimiz 25 test içermektedir. Her bir test 60 sorudan oluþmaktadýr.Kitabýmýz 168 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.“ANSWER KEY” kitabýn sonunda yer almaktadýr.Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilmektedir.Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.

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8 English Language Studies


Sevgili Öðrenciler,

2009-2010 yayýn dönemi ELS-YDS hazýrlýk dergimizin ilk sayýsýnýn daðýtýmýna 04 Eylül2009 tarihinde baþlanacak ve 28 Mayýs 2010 tarihinde 35. sayýmýzýn yayýmlanmasýyla birlikteset tamamlanacaktýr. 720 sayfadan oluþan gramer kitabýmýz ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDEand OUT birinci sayýmýzla birlikte sizlere ulaþacaktýr.

ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergisi neleri içermektedir?

VOCABULARY öðretimi, özellikle üzerinde durduðumuz bir konudur çünkü YDS Ýngilizcesýnavýnda 8-10 soruda doðrudan sözcük bilgisinin test edilmesinin yaný sýra, sözcükbilgisi sýnavýn bütününü etkilemektedir. O nedenle, bu konu aðýrlýklý olarak iki özelsayýda verilecek, ancak, sözcüklerin sindire sindire kavranmasýný saðlamak amacýylabirinci sayýdan baþlayarak sistemli bir þekilde bütün sayýlarda "Vocabulary" çalýþmalarýyapýlacaktýr.

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY bölümlerinin yaný sýra, son on yýlda ÖSS-YDS’de kullanýlmýþsözcükleri kullanarak oluþturduðumuz YDS-VOCABULARY testlerimiz, 1. sayýdan itibarendergilerde yer alacaktýr.

YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaki soru yoðunluðunu dikkate alarak birinci sayýdan itibarenüzerinde özel olarak durulan diðer bir konu PHRASAL VERBS and PREPOSITIONSkonusudur.

YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda temel olarak test edilen, öðrencinin okuduðunu anlamasý veyorumlamasýdýr. Bunu saðlamak ve öðrencinin bu alandaki becerisini geliþtirmek içinbirinci sayýdan baþlayarak her sayýda READING COMPREHENSION çalýþmalarýna yerverilmiþtir. Böylelikle öðrencilerimiz edindikleri gramer bilgilerini bir bütün içerisindegörüp daha iyi kavrayabileceklerdir.

READING COMPREHENSION bölümünde yer alan pasajlar, uzunluk, gramer ve sözcükdüzeyi bakýmýndan YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaki format göz önüne alýnarak hazýrlanmýþtýr.Cloze test, paragrafýn eksik cümlesini bulma, paragrafýn uymayan cümlesini bulma gibi,YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda kullanýlan bazý soru tipleri, 1. sayýdan itibaren, pasajçalýþmalarýyla bütünleþtirilerek verilmiþtir.

Önceki yýllarda olduðu gibi, üzerinde çalýþýlan konudan YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda çýkabile-cek çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan TEST YOURSELF bölümlerine, bu yýl da, herüniteden sonra, özgün ve konuyu kavramayý kolaylaþtýran örneklerle zenginleþtirilerekyer verilmiþtir.

Deneme sýnavlarý öðrencinin, edindiði bilgiler ýþýðýnda YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndasergileyeceði performansý en iyi gösteren çalýþmalardýr. Dergimiz, her hafta bir denemesýnavý uygulamasýyla, öðrencinin sistematik olarak baþarý grafiðini kontrol etmesinihedeflemektedir. Bu amaçla dergimizde, 1. sayýdan itibaren her sayýda bir denemesýnavý olmak üzere 35 PRACTICE EXAM yer almaktadýr.

Derginin konu akýþýna ve içeriðine, 2009 YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavý soru formatýndaki olasýdeðiþiklikler yansýtýlacaktýr.

ELS olarak amacýmýz, öðrencilerimize, sýnavda ne tür soruyla karþýlaþýrsa karþýlaþsýn,her türden soruyu çözebilecek bilgi ve beceriyi kazandýrmaktýr. Bu nedenle, soruformatýnda herhangi bir deðiþiklik ile karþýlaþtýklarýnda, öðrencilerimizin paniðekapýlmalarý için hiçbir neden yoktur.

Çünkü biz sadece sýnav kazandýrmayý amaçlamýyoruz; ÝNGÝLÝZCE ÖÐRETÝYORUZ.

ELS Yayýn Kurulu

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9English Language Studies



Sevgili Öðrenciler,

Bildiðiniz gibi, ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk dergisi sizlere bir gramer kitabý ile birlikte ulaþýyor:ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT.

ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS-YDS dergilerini tamamlayýcý birkaynaktýr ve kitabýn içinde yer alan ünitelerin dergide karþýlýðý vardýr. Kitapla dergi arasýndakibu paralelliði, sayfa 10'daki Çalýþma Takvimi'nden yararlanarak saðlayabilirsiniz.

ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ayrýntýlý konu anlatýmý ve konuyu anlamanýzýkolaylaþtýracak egzersiz ve testlerle sizi, dergiyi çalýþmaya hazýr hale getirecektir. Dergide iseyoðunluk, çalýþtýðýnýz konuyu pekiþtirmeye, sözcük daðarcýðýnýzý zenginleþtirmeye ve genelolarak Reading Comprehension konusundaki becerinizi geliþtirmeye yönelik çoktan seçmelitestler üzerinde olacaktýr.

Bütün bu becerileri kazanýp YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýna eksiksiz bilgi ile girebilmeniz vesýnavda "fark" yaratabilmeniz için, kitabý ve dergiyi hiçbir bölüm atlamadan düzenli olarakçalýþmak çok önemlidir.

Kitapta ve dergide karþýlaþacaðýnýz egzersiz ve testlerle sizleri zaman zamanzorlayabiliriz. Bu gibi durumlarda hemen þu sözümüzü anýmsayýnýz:

"On ay sürecek bir zorlanma, güzel bir geleceðin kapýlarýný aralýyorsa, KESÝNLÝKLE BUNA DEÐER."


ELS’in daðýtýmý, geçen yýllarda olduðu gibi, yine abone sistemiyle yapýlacaktýr.ELS’den eksiksiz yararlanabilmeniz ve herhangi bir sorunla karþýlaþmamanýz için en güveniliryöntemin bu olduðuna inanýyoruz. ELS’in bayi ve kitapçýlardan edinilmesi mümkün deðildir.

Abone olabilmek için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn sonunda bulacaðýnýz abone formunueksiksiz doldurmanýz ve ödeme tablosundan size uygun ödeme seçeneðini iþaretleyip belirtilenbanka hesap numarasýna ödeme yapmanýz yeterlidir. Bankadan alacaðýnýz dekontun birfotokopisini ve abone formunu, aþaðýdaki adresimize elden teslim edebilir, postalayabilir ya da0 216 349 18 25 no’lu faksýmýza gönderebilirsiniz.

Caferaða Mah.Moda Cad. No: 30/4

34710 Kadýköy/ÝSTANBUL

Yukarýda belirttiðimiz yöntemlerin dýþýnda, artýk ONLINE olarak abone olmanýz damümkündür. Bunun için www.elsyayin.com.tr adresinden web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

Abone iþleminiz gerçekleþtikten sonra, 04 Eylül 2009 - 28 Mayýs 2010 tarihleriarasýnda yayýnlanacak olan dergimiz haftalýk olarak elinize ulaþacaktýr.

NOT:1. Abone formunuzu bize postayla göndermek zorundaysanýz lütfen APS’yi tercih

ediniz.2. Dergilerinizin ulaþmasýný istediðiniz adresi özenle seçiniz ve mümkünse daðýtýcýnýn

doðrudan size veya tanýdýðýnýz kiþiye elden teslim edebileceði bir adres belirleyiniz ve abone formuna bu adresi yazýnýz.

3. Derginiz size ulaþmasý gereken sürede elinize geçmemiþse 5 gün daha bekleyiniz. Bu süre sonunda da derginiz gelmezse derhal bizi arayýnýz.

4. Abone formuna size en kolay ulaþabileceðimiz telefon numaranýzý mutlaka yazýnýz.

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10 English Language Studies

1. Sayý 04 EYLÜL 2009The English Verb Tenses (1)Practice Exam 1

2. Sayý 11 EYLÜL 2009The English Verb Tenses (2)Practice Exam 2

18 EYLÜL 2009 TATÝL3. Sayý 25 EYLÜL 2009

Modals and Similar ExpressionsPractice Exam 3

4. Sayý 02 EKÝM 2009The PassivePractice Exam 4

5. Sayý 09 EKÝM 2009“If” and “Wish” Clauses Practice Exam 5

6. Sayý 16 EKÝM 2009Question Words and Noun ClausesPractice Exam 6

7. Sayý 23 EKÝM 2009Reported Speech Practice Exam 7

8. Sayý 30 EKÝM 2009Gerunds and InfinitivesPractice Exam 8

9. Sayý 06 KASIM 2009Adjectives and Adverbs Practice Exam 9

10. Sayý 13 KASIM 2009Relative Clauses Practice Exam 10

11. Sayý 20 KASIM 2009Articles, Determiners and QuantifiersPractice Exam 11

27 KASIM 2009 TATÝL12. Sayý 04 ARALIK 2009

Conjunctions and TransitionsPractice Exam 12

13. Sayý 11 ARALIK 2009General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (1)Practice Exam 13

14. Sayý 18 ARALIK 2009Prepositions and Prepositional PhrasesPractice Exam 14

15. Sayý 25 ARALIK 2009Phrasal Verbs Practice Exam 15

01 OCAK 2010 TATÝL16. Sayý 08 OCAK 2010

Translation Studies Practice Exam 16

17. Sayý 15 OCAK 2010Practice Exam 17

18. Sayý 22 OCAK 2010Vocabulary (1) Practice Exam 18

19. Sayý 29 OCAK 2010Vocabulary (2) Practice Exam 19

20. Sayý 05 ÞUBAT 2010General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (2)Practice Exam 20

21. Sayý 12 ÞUBAT 2010Paragraph Studies (1)Practice Exam 21

22. Sayý 19 ÞUBAT 2010Paragraph Studies (2)Practice Exam 22

23. Sayý 26 ÞUBAT 2010Practice Exam 23

24. Sayý 05 MART 2010YDS soru tipleri (1) Practice Exam 24

25. Sayý 12 MART 2010YDS soru tipleri (2)Practice Exam 25

26. Sayý 19 MART 2010YDS soru tipleri (3) Practice Exam 26

27. Sayý 26 MART 2010General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (3)Practice Exam 27

28. Sayý 02 NÝSAN 2010Further Study on VocabularyPractice Exam 28

29. Sayý 09 NÝSAN 2010Practice Exam 29

30. Sayý 16 NÝSAN 2010Practice Exam 30


31. Sayý 30 NÝSAN 2010General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (4)Practice Exam 31

32. Sayý 07 MAYIS 2010Practice Exam 32

33. Sayý 14 MAYIS 2010Practice Exam 33

34. Sayý 21 MAYIS 2010Practice Exam 34

35. Sayý 28 MAYIS 2010Practice Exam 35


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Sevgili Öðrenciler,

100 sorudan oluþan May / Level Exam 11th and 12th Grades, 11.sýnýflar için düzey belirleme, bu yýl sýnava girecek olan öðrenciler için ise,2009-YDS öncesi bir deneme sýnavý olacaktýr.

Testin hazýrlanmasýnda, YDS'de bugüne kadar uygulanmýþ sorumantýðý ve soru daðýlýmý temel alýnmýþtýr. Gerek dilbilgisini, gerekse dilikullanma yeteneðini ölçen sorularýn aðýrlýðý ve kullanýlan sözcükler YDSdüzeyine uygun olarak seçilmiþtir. Bu nedenle, doðal olarak, 11. sýnýföðrencileri bu testten düþük bir net sayýsý elde edebilir. Ancak bu siziumutsuzluða sürüklememelidir. Çünkü bu netler size, programýn baþýndabulunduðunuz düzey hakkýnda bilgi verecektir. Gerçek sonucu, programýnsonunda geleceðiniz nokta belirleyecektir.

Bizler, size Ýngilizce'yi öðreteceðimize inanýyoruz. Planlý vedisiplinli bir çalýþmayla bundan sonrasýnýn, yani sýnavda baþarýlý olmanýn,ne kadar kolay olduðunu göreceksiniz.

Baþarý dileklerimizle….

ELS Yayýn Kurulu

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ELS1-22. sorularda, cümlede boþ býrakýlanyerlere uygun düþen sözcük ya daifadeyi bulunuz.

1. One of the most obvious …… to theuse of nuclear power is the danger ofradioactive contamination.

A) vacancies B) incomesC) suspects D) drawbacks

E) resignations

2. Terry’s unusual behaviour has aroused…… among her classmates, who are alldying to find out the reason.

A) curiosity B) surfaceC) target D) extent

E) knowledge

3. Although not impossible, it's highlyunlikely that the serial killer will everbe …… from prison.

A) interacted B) launchedC) released D) pursued

E) executed

4. F. Scott Fitzgerald …… his novel TheGreat Gatsby many times before it wasfinally published.

A) disrupted B) appliedC) contributed D) witnessed

E) revised

5. Why did you drink the tap water eventhough you knew it was not ……?

A) smooth B) safe C) absent D) content

E) spare

6. I hope I can get my watch fixed for a/an…… price, or I’ll have to throw it away.

A) reasonable B) improvedC) invaluable D) exaggerated

E) virtual

7. Many critics consider his …… publishedbook to be his best, but I find hisearlier works a lot better.

A) eventually B) greatlyC) highly D) constantly

E) recently

8. My sister …… escaped death when shemissed the flight that later crashed.

A) randomly B) fairlyC) instantly D) narrowly

E) nearly

9. My favourite soap opera …… at 8o'clock, so I have time to finish myhomework before it starts.

A) takes off B) comes on C) breaks down D) brings out

E) gives in

10. It takes almost an hour of heavyexercise to …… the amount of caloriesthat are present in one large hamburger.

A) work off B) die awayC) shut down D) pick on

E) eat out

Bu testte 100 soru vardýr. Cevaplama süreniz 150 dakikadýr.

2009-2010May / Level Exam

(11th & 12th Grades)

12 English Language Studies

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ELS11. The telephone number Keith …… to me

at the shopping centre …… wrong.

A) was giving / had beenB) had given / used to beC) has given / will have beenD) gives / would beE) gave / could be

12. The swimming pool in the garden ……water once the cracks in it …… .

A) doesn't leak / will have been repairedB) hadn't leaked / were repairedC) won't leak / have been repaired D) hasn't leaked / had been repairedE) didn't leak / would have been repaired

13. Simon …… to sea at the age of 12, and,by the age of eighteen, he …… aroundthe world three times.

A) went / had sailed B) was going / was sailing C) will have gone / has sailedD) had gone / will have sailedE) would go / has been sailing

14. If you …… him better, you …… yourtime trying to persuade him.

A) know / haven’t wastedB) knew / wouldn't waste C) have known / shouldn’t have wastedD) will know / weren’t wastingE) would know / didn’t waste

15. The force of the wind ……, but I don’tthink the storm …… for more thananother couple of hours.

A) rose / had lastedB) rises / has lastedC) will rise / lastsD) is rising / will last E) has been rising / lasted

16. I believe the number of people usingcosmetic products which haven't beentested …… animals will increase ……each day.

A) to / from B) by / inC) from / on D) on / with

E) with / for

17. John complained …… Sylvia …… length,though his criticisms seemed veryinsignificant to me.

A) to / from B) for / onC) about / at D) with / to

E) of / for

18. I have problems using …… computer,because I only know how to operatemy own.

A) anything else B) no one’sC) myself D) on its own

E) someone else’s

19. Sam’s job is very …… mine, but I don'tdeal with the accounts, while he does.

A) such as B) similar to C) the same D) more like

E) much as

20. My father hates being in debt, so henever buys anything …… he hasenough cash to do so.

A) after B) while C) since D) unless

E) when

21. Roger cannot play football, …… is heable to play basketball.

A) despite B) soC) nor D) though

E) but

22. This credit card isn't usable ……, asI've been unable to pay the debts I ranup on it.

A) the moment B) whereverC) no more D) rather

E) any longer

13 English Language Studies


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23-27. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A new recording method enables (23) ……1.6 terabytes worth of information to be fittedonto a DVD-sized disc. The approach is knownas 5-D recording. A different way of (24) ……high storage on a disk is through holography,but this method is a problematic one. (25) ……,5-D recording works just (26) …… current CDand DVD writing processes. (27) …… the 5-Dmethod has definitely been shown to work, itsdesigners are working with a manufacturer ondeveloping it.


A) enough B) quite a fewC) the most D) so many that

E) as much as


A) obtaining B) decidingC) competing D) supposing

E) happening


A) Therefore B) Even whenC) In contrast D) As though

E) But for


A) not only B) like C) both D) as if

E) either


A) Ever since B) No soonerC) Now that D) Once

E) By the time

28-32. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The fact that only 3% of all books published inBritain are translated is (28) …… Englishtranslators, (29) …… I am one, are painfullyaware of. While translators abroad can makea/an (30) …… income, we struggle even tofind work. Also, the works translated in Britainare often done (31) …… unprofessionally forthem to reflect the originals properly. Forinstance, the works of Elfriede Jelinek andJ.M.G. Le Clézio were hurriedly translatedwhen their marketability (32) …… in Britain.


A) ourselves B) whicheverC) anything D) whatever

E) something


A) whose B) whereC) who D) of whom

E) by which


A) virtual B) decent C) furnished D) steep

E) random


A) such B) howC) very D) too

E) more


A) is recognizedB) has been recognizedC) had been recognized D) would be recognizedE) will be recognized

14 English Language Studies


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ELS33-42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygunþekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

33. The Egyptian civilization had existedfor centuries …… .

A) as soon as the Hittites took control ofmost of Anatolia

B) unless the Roman Empire had broughtit to an end

C) just as the kingdoms in the upper andlower parts of the country were uniting

D) before it began to carry out anexpansionist policy in the Near East

E) once the archaeologists dug up somespectacular ruins

34. Owing to the lack of labelling of theexhibits, …… .

A) they would have damaged the preciousartwork

B) we didn't know what we were lookingat

C) it didn't matter, as they were clearlyfrom the Seljuk era

D) the director of the museum intends toone day

E) there is a guidebook about them, too

35. ……, causing many people to get homevery late from work.

A) The street started to be worked on inthe middle of rush hour

B) While the snow was falling particularlyheavily

C) The parade being held this afternoonon the main boulevard

D) None of the employees were expectedto hang around till evening

E) With the malfunction on the city'smetro system

36. The number of goals scored in thisgame …… .

A) has led to the dismissal of both sides’goalkeepers

B) are the highest the coach of this clubhas ever seen

C) that were two by our side and three byour opponents

D) having all been made within the lastten minutes of it

E) would rather have been better thanthey actually were

37. ……, this second-hand car is extremelyeconomical.

A) Though you don't need to fill it up withpetrol too often

B) Despite the fact that it costs a lot ofmoney to run

C) While the amount of fuel it consumeswas being studied

D) Except for that jeep, which isexpensive to use

E) As well as being able to hold a regular-sized family

38. …… larger than either of the twocountries that border Turkey to thenorthwest.

A) Romanian territory covers muchB) Georgia and Azerbaijan are very often C) Iraq and Iran to the east are a lot moreD) At 140,800 km2, Nepal is even E) The Syrian border, of 877 km in length

39. Seth hasn't yet promised me …… .

A) to listen to the CD my band and Imade

B) until we are left alone on the balconyC) why he will stop calling me by my

nicknameD) on the day we finally got marriedE) if he didn't feel he could honour the

terms of the contract

15 English Language Studies


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ELS40. ……, a golf ball struck him hard on the


A) Until Lionel paid more attention to thecourse

B) Andrew got quite a nasty bruiseC) Just as Calvin walked onto the green D) Since Ethan has put on just a T-shirt E) Not having watched the other players

41. ……, he will act on its recommendations.

A) Once the finance minister met up withhis advisors

B) Whether or not the manager isbothered by the report

C) By the time the inspection has beenfully carried out

D) Even if the committee agreescompletely with the chief of medicine

E) The cast of the play have spoken tothe director

42. …… which bag he put the top-secretdocuments in.

A) In this photo of William isB) It must be Daniel's black leather oneC) Anthony had refused to purchaseD) It's unlikely that Scott will recoverE) Jason is trying hard to remember

43-46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangisorunun cevabý olduðunu bulunuz.

43. I can't remember, but his meaning wasclear.

A) Will you think a little more aboutIsaac's announcement?

B) What were the exact words of thethief?

C) Were you confused by what Paul wastrying to say?

D) How soon did you find out about thecrew's warning?

E) Whose dictionary did you look thestrange word up in?

44. No, but it will when Dr. Pokada leaves.

A) When will the consultation take place?B) Will the rest of the staff members be

going with Dr. Luath?C) Is there time for a meeting while Dr.

Pokada is still here?D) Does the hospital have an extra

reserved parking space?E) Why is there no confidence in the

medical staff here?

45. Less than I had thought.

A) Has Carla been operated on for overthree hours?

B) Why was the guitar so expensive?C) Are you going to accept the proposal

without thinking about it?D) Linda will be disappointed if very few

people vote for her, won’t she?E) How hard was it for you to complete

level 3?

46. Well, I recommend that you see it.

A) Is the aquarium really worth visiting?B) Which Quentin Tarantino film do you

like best?C) How many circuses have come here?D) Did you like the book you finished?E) Can you recommend a new movie to


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ELS47-50. sorularda, verilen Ýngilizcecümleye anlamca en yakýn Türkçecümleyi bulunuz.

47. Despite its environmental impact, coal,cheap and abundant, will remain acrucial source of energy for many years.

A) Yýllardýr çevre üzerindeki etkisibilinmekle birlikte kömür, ucuz ve kolaybulunur olmasý nedeniyle, önemli birenerji kaynaðýdýr.

B) Yýllardýr ucuz bir enerji kaynaðý olarakbol miktarda kullanýlan kömür, çevreyiolumsuz yönde etkilemektedir.

C) Çevre üzerinde olumsuz etkisi olankömür, uzun yýllardýr oldukça ucuz vebol bulunan önemli bir enerji kaynaðýdýr.

D) Ucuz ve bol olan kömür, çevre üzerin-deki etkisine raðmen, uzun yýllar önemlibir enerji kaynaðý olarak kalacaktýr.

E) Çevre üzerinde olumsuz etkisi olduðuhalde, ucuz ve bol olmasý nedeniylekömür, yýllarca önemli bir enerjikaynaðý olmuþtur.

48. The view of the cosmos in Dante'smasterpiece, The Divine Comedy, issaid to have been taken from Farghani,a 9th-century astronomer.

A) Söylentiye göre, 9. yüzyýl gökbilimcile-rinden Fergânî'nin evren imajý, Dante'ninbaþyapýtý Ýlahi Komedya'da yer almýþtýr.

B) Ýlahi Komedya'yý yazarken Dante'nin,9. yüzyýlda yaþamýþ bir gökbilimci olanFergânî'nin evren imajýndan yararlan-dýðý bilinmektedir.

C) Dante'nin baþyapýtý Ýlahi Komedya'dakievren imajýnýn 9. yüzyýl gökbilimcisiFergânî'den alýndýðý söylenmektedir.

D) Dante, baþyapýtý Ýlahi Komedya'da 9.yüzyýlda yaþamýþ bir gökbilimci olanFergânî'nin evren imajýna dadeðinmiþtir.

E) Dante, baþyapýtý olan Ýlahi Komedya'yýyazarken 9. yüzyýl gökbilimcisiFergânî'nin evren imajýndan etkilen-diðini söylemiþtir.

49. Food science has contributed to thedevelopment of culinary art ever sinceit arose in the 20th century.

A) Gýda bilimi, 20. yüzyýlda ortaya çýkma-sýndan bu yana, mutfak sanatýnýngeliþmesine katkýda bulunmuþtur.

B) 20. yüzyýlda mutfak sanatýnýngeliþmesinde gýda bilimi büyük roloynamýþtýr.

C) Mutfak sanatý, 20. yüzyýlda gýda bilimiortaya çýktýktan sonra geliþmeyebaþlamýþtýr.

D) 20. yüzyýlda gýda biliminin ortayaçýkmasýyla birlikte mutfak sanatýgeliþmeye baþlamýþtýr.

E) Mutfak sanatýnýn geliþmesine en büyükkatkýyý, 20. yüzyýlda ortaya çýkýpgeliþen gýda bilimi saðlamýþtýr.

50. The Tigris Valley is the best example ofa river ecosystem that has survived tothis day without losing its naturalcharacteristics.

A) Dicle Vadisi'nin bugüne dek var olma-sýnda en büyük etken, doðal özellikle-rini yitirmeyen bir nehir ekosistemiolmasýdýr.

B) Doðal özelliklerini bugüne dekkorumayý baþarmýþ olan Dicle Vadisi,günümüzde var olan en iyi nehirekosistemidir.

C) Doðal özelliklerini koruyarak bugüne dekulaþmayý baþardýðý için Dicle Vadisi, iyibir nehir ekosistemi örneðidir.

D) Dicle Vadisi, günümüze dek doðalözelliklerini yitirmeden gelen nehirekosistemlerinin güzel bir örneðidir.

E) Dicle Vadisi, doðal özellikleriniyitirmeden günümüze ulaþan bir nehirekosisteminin en iyi örneðidir.

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ELS51-54. sorularda, verilen Türkçecümleye anlamca en yakýn Ýngilizcecümleyi bulunuz.

51. Düþük hacim ve çabuk bayatlama gibidezavantajlarýna raðmen organikekmek, vitamin ve mineraller açýsýndanzengindir.

A) In spite of its disadvantages, like lowervolume and going stale quickly, organicbread is rich in vitamins and minerals.

B) Organic bread contains essentialvitamins and minerals, though it hassome disadvantages, such as lowervolume and going stale quickly.

C) Lower volume and going stale quicklyare some of the disadvantages oforganic bread, which has a highvitamin and mineral content.

D) Even though there are many vitaminsand minerals in organic bread, it haslow volume and goes stale quickly.

E) The high content of vitamins andminerals in organic bread greatlyoutweighs its disadvantages, like lowervolume and going stale quickly.

52. Ýpek Yolu üzerinde bulunduðundan,seyahat eden tüccarlarýn konaklamasýiçin geçmiþte Kastamonu'da birçokkervansaray inþa edilmiþtir.

A) Since ancient times, travelling merchantshad stayed at the caravanserais inKastamonu, which was on the SilkRoad.

B) Kastamonu, where many caravanseraiswere built long ago, was visited bymerchants travelling along the SilkRoad.

C) The caravanserais built in Kastamonuin ancient times once accommodatedmerchants travelling on the Silk Road.

D) Because it was on the Silk Road, manycaravanserais were built in Kastamonuin the past for the accommodation oftravelling merchants.

E) In the past, merchants travelling alongthe Silk Road often stayed in thecaravanserais of Kastamonu.

53. Uyku bozukluklarý küçük çocuklardadüþük kavramsal performans ve hiper-aktivite sorunlarýna neden olmaktadýr.

A) Some hyperactive children suffer fromsleep disorders, so they have lowcognitive performance.

B) The reason why young children havelow cognitive performance andhyperactivity problems is lack of sleep.

C) Sleep disorders result in low cognitiveperformance and hyperactivityproblems in young children.

D) Low cognitive performance andhyperactivity problems lead to sleepdisorders in young children.

E) Lack of sleep is one of the reasons forlow cognitive performance and hyper-activity problems in young children.

54. Bazý yazarlar New York'u tüm dünyadaninsanlarýn buluþtuðu ancak hiç kimseninkendini yabancý hissetmediði bir adayabenzetir.

A) New York is sometimes associatedwith an island where writers fromdifferent countries live but never feellike strangers.

B) Some writers compare New York to anisland where people from all over theworld meet but nobody feels like astranger.

C) Writers around the world think thatNew York is an island which makes noone feel like a stranger there.

D) According to many writers, nobodyfeels like a stranger in New York,which is like an island with people fromall over the world.

E) Nobody feels like a stranger in NewYork, which some writers describe asan island with people from all over theworld.

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ELS55-57. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

An 1881 report in an Oslo newspaper saidthat the city was about to get a new operahouse. The Oslo Opera House was opened in2008. The Norwegian parliament's decision toapprove its construction in 1999 ended over120 years of debate. From outside, its gentlysloping stone roof seems to rise from water.The architects were the same as the oneswho designed the new Library of Alexandria inEgypt. The Oslo Opera House was finishedahead of schedule, and under its budget. Ithas pleased Norwegian music fans, who usedto have to watch the Norwegian Opera andBallet in old downtown theaters.

55. It is clear from the passage that theOslo Opera House …… .

A) has a roof similar to the one on thenew Library of Alexandria in Egypt

B) has most of its area located underwaterC) caused a good deal of debate for over

a century D) did not require much money from the

governmentE) has been welcomed by the downtown

theaters in Oslo

56. It is implied in the passage that theOslo Opera House …… .

A) does not have any vertical wallsB) was built with cheap materialsC) looks like the new Library of Alexandria

in EgyptD) has led to the closing of several

theaters in OsloE) took less time to construct than expected

57. We learn that the Oslo newspaper withthe 1881 report mentioned in thepassage …… .

A) was in error concerning the claim itmade

B) even published a picture of the OperaHouse

C) opposed the building of a new operahouse in Oslo

D) did not have a wide circulationE) claimed the opera house would take

over a century to put up

58-60. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

In June, Edith went down to the rentedcottage on the Long Island shore. In herdelicate health, the doctor had recommendedthe seaside, and this locality was quiet andrestful, but not too far from the bustle of thecity. The place had a charm of its own toEdith. To her, the sea rolled in all the wayfrom the far-off beautiful tropical south. Thecottage had once been a farmhouse. It wassolid and ugly. Its rooms looked like cabins. Itrequired little effort from Edith to pretend thatan exotic trading ship had come ashore, andthat it had been remodeled and turned intothe farm house. It had a golden colour atsunset. Thus Edith, feeling its character ratherthan its appearance to ordinary eyes, hadnamed it the Golden House.

58. It can be concluded from the passagethat the place Edith goes to stay at …… .

A) was built from the remains of ashipwreck

B) is no longer used as a farmhouse C) is in the possession of the doctorD) is a place normal people do not bother

even to look atE) is located in a tropical southern climate

59. We learn from the passage that Edith…… .

A) does not miss being in the city at allB) has recently learned that she will die

soonC) is the first person to give the cottage a

nameD) spends all of her time watching the seaE) follows the advice of her physician

60. It can be understood from the passagethat Edith …… .

A) has never seen an exotic ship involvedin the import and export of goods

B) is not going to recover her health in thecottage

C) does not possess property of her ownD) uses her imagination to enrich her

environment for herselfE) saw the cottage for the first time as the

sun was setting

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ELS61-63. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

The oldest and largest trees in YosemiteNational Park in the US are disappearing.Researchers examined data on the growth oflarge trees from the 1930s onwards. Thesetrees play an important role within forestecosystems. They also tend to be able towithstand forest fires and outbreaks of insectpests that can kill smaller trees. One of theresearchers, James Lutz, finds it particularlyshocking that the findings apply to YosemiteNational Park, as it is one of the most protectedforests in the US. He feels it is a bad sign forother US forests. The cause of the decline inthese trees is not certain, but Lutz and histeam of experts are sure that climate changeis an important factor. And the climate ispredicted to get warmer at a quicker rate.

61. It is implied in the passage that the largeold trees in Yosemite National Park …… .

A) started to be strongly affected byclimate change in the 1930s

B) are going to die out completely withinthe next century

C) may be able to survive even if theforest catches fire

D) were last studied in the 1930sE) were what caused it to be given the

status of a protected forest

62. It can be concluded from the passagethat, in Yosemite National Park, …… .

A) the last outbreak of insect pestsoccurred in the 1930s

B) there may well be a much smallernumber of large old trees in the future

C) the data that was taken before the1930s has all been lost

D) measurements have been taken tomake a forecast on climate change

E) the smaller trees are also being killedby climate change

63. It is suggested in the passage thatJames Lutz …… .

A) has taken part in the combating offorest fires

B) has been collecting information inYosemite National Park for decades

C) was involved in the founding ofYosemite National Park

D) thinks large old trees elsewhere maydecline in number as well

E) believes that Yosemite National Parkshould be made a protected area

64-66. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

William Carlos Williams was a US poet and adoctor. But, according to his biographer,Williams worked harder at being a poet thanat being a doctor. Most of his patients knewlittle or nothing of his writings. Williams hadpoetic opinions that differed from those of EzraPound and T. S. Eliot. He disliked their frequentuse of foreign languages and classical sourcesin their poetry. One of Williams' most notablecontributions to American literature was histutoring of younger poets. He tutored CharlesOlson, who was instrumental in developingthe poetry of Black Mountain College. He alsotutored Allen Ginsberg, who claimed that hehelped him free his poetic voice.

64. It is implied in the passage that AllenGinsberg …… .

A) became the poet he was partlybecause of William Carlos Williams

B) was one of the Black Mountain Collegepoets

C) had a similar poetic style to CharlesOlson

D) did not like the poetry of Ezra Pound orT. S. Eliot

E) barely managed to persuade WilliamCarlos Williams to tutor him

65. It is suggested in the passage that fewof the …… .

A) poems of Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliotuse other languages

B) classical sources in Ezra Pound's andT. S. Eliot's poetry were recognized byWilliam Carlos Williams

C) other Black Mountain College poetswere taught by William Carlos Williams

D) people William Carlos Williams treatedwere aware that he was a poet

E) poems written by William CarlosWilliams were actually published

66. It is understood from the passage thatWilliam Carlos Williams …… .

A) did not know any other languagesB) preferred poetry to his medical career C) hired someone to write the history of

his lifeD) had his life written about by one of his

studentsE) was classed as an important Black

Mountain College poet

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ELS67-69. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

From its independence in 1825 to the PacificWar of 1879–1883, Bolivia held territory onthe Pacific Ocean coastline. Following the endof that conflict, it was reduced to being a land-locked nation. Although more than a centuryhas passed, Bolivia has still not come to termswith not having access to the sea. ThreeChilean architects feel they may have solvedthis problem: they have designed a tunnel thatwould run the 150 kilometers from the Bolivianborder to an artificial island created in theocean. The Chilean foreign minister is in favourof having further studies on the project done.According to the plan, the tunnel would rununder the boundary separating Chile andPeru. But this boundary is disputed betweenthose two countries.

67. It is understood from the passage thatBolivia …… .

A) has a 150 kilometer-long border withPeru

B) strongly opposes the tunnel proposalC) has not fought in a war since 1883D) has created a new artificial island in

the Pacific OceanE) is still not happy about being a

landlocked country

68. It is strongly implied in the passagethat the Pacific War …… .

A) did not result in a victory for BoliviaB) was won by ChileC) was fought on what is today Bolivian

landD) involved Chile, Bolivia, and PeruE) was caused by over half a century of


69. It is clear from the passage that Chile…… .

A) gained access to the sea for the firsttime after the Pacific War

B) has already started building the tunnelC) has equally poor relations with Bolivia

and PeruD) and Peru have not agreed on what

their border is E) did not become independent in the

same year as Bolivia

70-72. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

The function of dreams has long been puzzledover. In recent years, research into them hasgiven more solid clues as to why sleep is filledwith odd, and often frightening, images. DoctorsRoss Levin and Tore Nielsen suggest that mostdreams are bad ones, but they serve to processfear memories. In dreams, bits of our memoriesare mixed together in a new context. Thus, thefear attached to them is lost. With nightmares,though, the dreamer wakes up, and the dreamis not completed, which disrupts the processing.Most people have nightmares: researchsuggests that 85% of adults have at least onea year. But Levin says they are only a problemwhen they distress people during the day, too.However, a greater understanding of theorigins of nightmares has allowed more fullyeffective therapies for them.

70. It is implied in the passage that havingnightmares …… .A) is as likely to occur in the daytime as

at nightB) increases by 85% annually throughout

an adult’s lifeC) is a problem that can now be helpedD) was the focus of Ross Levin and Tore

Nielsen's studyE) is experienced by everyone under stress

71. It is understood from the passage thatdreams …… .A) that are bad can always be described

as nightmaresB) are better understood now than they

were in the past C) of the nightmare type are experienced

by most adults only once a yearD) which are scary almost always wake

the dreamers of them upE) cause people to be confused about

their memories

72. It can be concluded from the passagethat, if …… .A) people experience scary events, their

chance of having nightmares increasesB) a nightmare occurs in nighttime sleep,

it is always much scarierC) Levin had not had a personal problem

with nightmares, he would not have gotinvolved in the research

D) bad dreams are fully completed, theyare not actually nightmares

E) a dreamer wakes up in a bad dream,he or she will have that dream again

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ELS73-75. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

I reorganized my books last week. In thecourse of sorting out my library, I found myselfthinking that all book-lovers fall victim to certainmyths. The first is that we are going through auniquely bad period in literary history. However,there was plenty of rubbish published, forexample, in the 1960s and 1970s. Anothermyth is that, in the past, books were longerand more demanding. However, for everyenormous Charles Dickens novel, there werealso great short novels. For example, GrahamGreene's novels are only about 220 pageslong, and George Orwell rarely wrote novelsof more than 250 pages. The greatest myth,though, is that there was a Golden Age ofliterature. There wasn't, and today qualityliterature has not come to an end.

73. One of the main points made by thewriter of the passage is that …… .

A) Graham Greene and George Orwellwrote similar stories

B) none of George Orwell's novels werevery long

C) the books he owns needed to besorted out

D) the present time is not the worst in thehistory of literature

E) novels in the past were of a greaterlength and were more difficult

74. It is clear that the writer of the passage…… .

A) thinks George Orwell's shortest work ishis best

B) is a librarianC) has never been affected by the myths

he describesD) feels the 1960s and 1970s produced

the worst literatureE) is aware that Charles Dickens wrote

very long books

75. It can be understood from the passagethat the writer feels …… .

A) George Orwell wrote too littleB) Charles Dickens' books are not worth

readingC) good literature is still being produced D) most of the novels from the 1960s and

1970s should be put in the trashE) he or she should not bother sorting out

his or her library again

76-80. sorularda, verilen cümleyeanlamca en yakýn olan seçeneðibulunuz.

76. It is looking more and more likely thatthe latest scandal will cause thegovernment to fall.

A) As time progresses, the chance thatthe government can survive after themost recent scandal is getting slimmer.

B) It is increasingly probable that thegovernment has been involved inanother scandal; thus, it can’t last.

C) The more scandals the governmentgets involved in, the greater thechance of its collapse.

D) What made the government collapsewas very probably the last scandal itwas involved in.

E) The government probably got involvedin the scandal at much too late a timefor it to be brought down because of it.

77. I’m applying for the job a week afteryour advertising for it, but I hope thatwon't damage my chances of getting it.

A) I'm sure that I stand a good chance ofgetting this advertised job of yours,even though it has taken me a week tomake an application for it.

B) I hope the fact that a week has passedsince you advertised for the job I’mapplying won’t make it less likely for meto get it.

C) I wish you didn't feel that I have littlepossibility of getting this job because Iapplied for it seven days after youadvertised for it.

D) My optimism over my chances ofgetting the advertised job hasn't beenhurt by the fact that it's taken me aweek to apply for it.

E) Despite having applied for theadvertised job a week ago, I'm stillassuming that I stand a good chanceof being given it.

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ELS78. There is no reason why we cannot open

another branch of our store in that city.

A) It is unreasonable that in that city weare being prevented from setting up anew branch of our store.

B) I can't understand why it is in that citythat we have been unable to set up anew branch of our store.

C) For us, there could be many reasonsto establish a new branch of our storein that city.

D) The other branch of our store, which isin that city, is unable to be opened, butit is unclear why.

E) There isn't anything preventing us fromestablishing a new branch of our storein that city.

79. The huge interest in the case wassolely due to its mysteriousness.

A) The only case that attracted a lot ofattention was the strange one.

B) It was mysterious that there was sucha great amount of attention focusedjust on this one case.

C) Had the case not been a mysteriousone, it wouldn't have attracted so muchattention.

D) The only thing about the case that wasodd was the incredible amount ofattention focused on it.

E) Only if the case was odd would itattract a considerable level of attention.

80. You shouldn't have expressed yourview so openly at the meeting.

A) It was wrong of you to go to themeeting just in order to make youropinion public.

B) I feel that, at the meeting, you oughtnot to have made your viewpoint publicat all.

C) It would have been better if, at themeeting, you had not stated youropinion in so open a way.

D) That it would have been better if youhadn't opened the meeting with yourviewpoint is what I think.

E) I reckon that the meeting wasn't thebest place for you to state your strongopinion.

81-85. sorularda, boþ býrakýlan yereparçanýn anlam bütünlüðünü saðlamakiçin getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

81. Figures show that, in 2006, for the firsttime, the Japanese preferred meat overthe traditional raw fish sushi. And in2007, their appetite for meat increasedfurther. Changing lifestyles are respon-sible, as parents find meat dishesquicker to prepare. …… . In fact, inmany countries, sushi has become sopopular that it is beginning to threatenthe survival of their own dishes.

A) In the rest of the world, though, thetrend seems to be going in theopposite direction

B) Nonetheless, this doesn't mean thatdemand for meat has completely cometo an end

C) This is not liked by the children, whowould prefer to eat the traditional fishdish

D) Furthermore, in neighbouringcountries, the consumption of meat ison the rise as well

E) But it still remains an important part ofthe diet of those few Japanese overlyconcerned for their health

82. The first few pages of James Kelman'slatest novel call to mind the first fewpages of James Joyce's A Portrait ofthe Artist as a Young Man. …… .However, this character grows up moreslowly than Joyce's does.

A) They are linked by both being basedon the authors’ own experiences asyouths

B) From then on, the books clearly gotheir own separate ways

C) This is unsurprising, as Kelman clearlymodelled this work on that greatpredecessor about childhood

D) Both of these books begin at a ratherleisurely pace

E) His child character's consciousness ofthe world around him is given with thesame clarity

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ELS83. The numbering on professional football

players’ shirts was first introduced in1928. The numbers were fixed to thepositions of the players. For instance,the goalkeeper wore the number 1. …… .Thus, Pantelis Kafes of Olympiacoswas able to wear this number whilstplaying in a midfield position, andCharlton Athletic's Stuart Balmer wasable to wear it as a defender.

A) The reserve goalkeeper is obviouslygiven a different number to avoidconfusion

B) Since the 1990s, this aspect of the rulehas no longer had to be followed

C) While this is now not always the case,it is still true in general

D) Moreover, the Santos FC goalkeeperFábio Costa once wore the number200 in a match

E) Players are allowed to changenumbers during the season if theyhappen to change clubs, though

84. The predators of red-eyed tree frogsinclude spiders, snakes, bats, and birds.They cannot escape from them, andhave no poison to protect themselveswith. They therefore have to rely oncamouflage to remain unseen. …… . Inthis way, they appear completelygreen. This enables them to hide wellamong the leaves of trees.

A) Like certain other animals, they arebecoming endangered due to humanencroachment

B) They have yellow- and blue-stripedsides and bright orange toes

C) The slightest movement of their bodieswill alert these dangerous creatures

D) During the day, they remain motionless,with all of their limbs covered and theireyes closed

E) That is why every link in the chain ofpredator and prey can be seen asecologically important

85. Vladimir Dahl was interested in thelanguage and folklore of Russia fromhis early years. …… . He published hisfirst collection of these tales in 1832.Some of the others that he hadrecorded while listening to them, buthad left unpublished, were adaptedinto verse by his friend AlexanderPushkin. They have become some ofthe most familiar texts in the Russianlanguage.

A) This explains why he preferred nativeRussian words to foreign adoptions

B) Under the pen name of KazakLugansky, he also wrote severalessays in the manner of Nikolai Gogol

C) This interest caused him to spend timein rural areas observing the culture ofrural people

D) Yet he is best known for his creation ofa Russian dictionary that eventuallycame to four volumes

E) He started travelling on foot throughthe nation's countryside and collectedthe fairy tales of the people

86-90. sorularda, verilen duruma uygundüþen cümleyi bulunuz.

86. You have gone off to a different city toattend university. In that city, yourfamily has a flat which you stay in forfree. You pay for the electricity and gasthat you use, though. One of yourfriends wants to move in with you.Wanting him to share your expensesequally, you accept, and say to him:

A) You’d better not use too muchelectricity or gas.

B) You'll have to pay most of the rent, youknow.

C) I hope you don’t spend as muchmoney as I do.

D) We will split the bills between us on ahalf-half basis.

E) The amount of power that I use will beenough for both of us.

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ELS87. You and your brother are at a hotel

where there is a tennis court. Everyonewho uses it has brought what they needto play with, but you haven’t. Onemorning, when it is empty, you and yourbrother want to play. You therefore goto the reception desk and ask:

A) Is it okay if my brother and I use thetennis court right now?

B) Why do you make the other playersbring their own stuff?

C) Can you give or hire me a couple ofracquets and a ball?

D) It is surprising that the tennis court isfree this morning, isn't it?

E) What can you use a tennis court for ifyou don't have anything to play with?

88. You are watching an important basket-ball game with your sister, who had tospend a fair amount for the tickets forit. She also drove the two of you there.It is the end of the second quarter, andyou have started to feel really ill. Youwouldn’t want to bother your sister, butyou put your health first, so you say toher:

A) I can't believe you dragged me herewhile I was sick.

B) I hate to ask you this, but could youtake me home?

C) I hope I don't feel worse at the end ofthe third quarter.

D) I didn't realize the second quarterwould make me feel so bad.

E) I give greater value to my well-beingthan I do to yours.

89. You are in a new city and you are lookingfor the city museum. From the map inyour guidebook, you think it must be inthe direction you are going in. To makesure, you stop a local and ask him. Helooks puzzled, pauses for ages, andthen points back down the street youhave come up. Not fully trusting thathe knows, and not wanting to wasteyour time unless he does, you try toconfirm his advice by saying to him:

A) Are you absolutely sure it is that way?B) Why don't you stop lying to me?C) The map in this book is clearly wrong.D) Do you have to be so stupid?E) Thank you for giving me your help.

90. You have gone over to visit a friendwho is decorating his kitchen. Whenyou are in the kitchen, you point to awhite wooden chair and ask him if heminds if you sit down on it. He doesnot, so you sit and then notice youhave white paint all over your trousersfrom it. You make clear your angertowards your friend by saying to him:

A) It bothers me that you didn't take sometime off of decorating to spend with me.

B) Do you have a clean pair of trousersthat I could borrow?

C) It was very kind of you to offer me thatparticular chair.

D) Can't you see how I've ruined thepaintwork you've done on that chair?

E) You could have warned me that you'donly just painted it.

91-95. sorularda, karþýlýklý konuþmanýnboþ býrakýlan kýsmýný tamamlayabilecekifadeyi bulunuz.

91. Theresa:- How could you afford such a nicemobile phone?

Rhiannon:- I didn't pay for it, as it was a birthdaypresent from my parents.

Theresa:- ……

Rhiannon:- That's true, but they sent me my giftearly.

A) I wasn't aware that your birthday wasaround now.

B) You can't have expected such awonderful present.

C) I didn't see it come for you in the postthis morning.

D) I thought your birthday was next week. E) They obviously aren't going to give you

anything else, then.

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ELS92. Alex:

- The car battery has gone dead.

Helen:- How on earth could that havehappened?

Alex:- ……

Helen:- Yes, now that you mention it, I thinkyou did forget to turn them off.

A) As it was such a bright day, I switchedthe lights off on the way here.

B) I guess I may have left the windscreenwipers on when I parked.

C) It could be connected to the radio wewere listening to.

D) I'm not sure, but I'm not able to turn onany electrical items in here.

E) There were some signs I ought to havepaid attention to earlier.

93. Meryl:- Have you ever been to Skokholm?

Pierce:- ……

Meryl:- Neither have I, but I don't see whatthat has to do with my question.

Pierce:- I mustn't have heard it properly, inthat case; didn’t you say “Stockholm”?

A) I haven't quite understood which placein the world you are referring to.

B) No, but I think you and I have spokenabout visiting the place on a fewoccasions.

C) Unfortunately, I've never been giventhe opportunity of visiting the capital ofSweden.

D) Yes, and unlike you, I have had theopportunity of seeing the manyseabirds on the island.

E) It's unclear to me whether you meanthe Swedish city or a place of thatname in North America.

94. Sofia:- Can you call me at 8 o'clock to wakeme up when you set off for worktomorrow?

Deirdre:- I'm sorry, but I have to say no.

Sofia:- ……

Deirdre:- Actually, it isn't, as tomorrow is myday off, and I intend to sleep in till atleast noon.

A) That's really quite mean of you.B) Is that because you aren't working

tomorrow?C) How is it possible for you to reply to

me in this way?D) Is it okay if I borrow your alarm clock

instead, then?E) It may not be a problem for me.

95. Justin:- Who's going to wash up tonight?

Greg:- ……

Justin:- That doesn't matter, because thesame plan said I was supposed to cookfor just one day this week, but I'vecooked on all seven.

Greg:- In that case, I’ll do the washing-up.

A) It depends on who has the biggestappetite.

B) Why don't we do this task together?C) You've done lots of housework, so let

me do it.D) According to our work plan, it's your

turn to do so. E) Do you mind if I do it?

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ELS96-100. sorularda, cümleler sýrasýylaokunduðunda parçanýn anlambütünlüðünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

96. (I) The surface of the moon is not smooth.(II) So, when it passes in front of the sunduring an eclipse, some small bits of lightcan still be seen. (III) These are known asBaily's beads. (IV) They are named fromthe surname of the person who firstexplained why they are there. (V) One ofthe astronomers involved in setting up theRoyal Astronomical Society in the 19thcentury was Francis Baily.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

97. (I) A Chinese teacher was told she had tosit a compulsory test. (II) However, she andher fiancé had already booked the day ofthe exam for their wedding. (III) Shetherefore spoke to education officialsabout sitting it on a different day, but shewas refused. (IV) Obviously, the teacherwas not certain that she would be able topass the exam. (V) Consequently, she wentto the exam in her wedding dress, and gotmarried after she'd finished it.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

98. (I) Mount Cleveland is a 1,730-meter highvolcano that forms the western half ofChuginadak Island in the central AleutianIslands of the US. (II) A narrow strip ofland separates the lower eastern side ofthe island. (III) Its current active status isin no way unusual. (IV) This is because ithas been the site of numerous eruptionsin the last two centuries. (V) The mostrecent of these took place in 2008.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

99. (I) Naturalism is a literary movement thatseeks to replicate a believable everydayreality. (II) This movement is an outgrowthof realism, but it differs from realism insome ways. (III) Yet naturalism is also aphilosophical position that explains allphenomena in terms of natural causes andlaws. (IV) Realism, for instance, seeksonly to describe subjects as they reallyare. (V) Naturalism, however, alsoattempts to determine "scientifically" theunderlying forces of society.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

100. (I) Claudia Cardinale is an actress whohas had a huge impact on Italian-languagecinema. (II) Yet she was ignorant of thislanguage until she was sixteen. (III) Thisis because she grew up in Tunisia, whichwas at that time still under the influence ofits former French colonization. (IV) Beforethe French colonization from 1881 to1956, Tunisia was under Ottoman rule.(V) Therefore, her native language wasFrench, so she had to learn Italian onceshe moved to Italy to pursue her career.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

27 English Language Studies



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28 English Language Studies


ELS-WORKSHEETS ELS-WORKSHEETS, dört kitaptan oluþan bir seridir. Bu dört kitap öðrenciyi

Baþlangýç Düzeyi'nden alýp Orta Düzey'e taþýmaktadýr.

ELS-WORKSHEETS, dört yýllýk lise sisteminde hazýrlýk sýnýflarýnýn kaldýrýlmasý dikkate alýnarak, yeni sistemin müfredatýna göre revize edilmiþ ve sayfa sayýsý artýrýlmýþtýr. Yapýlan revizyonlarla ELS-WORKSHEETS, düz liselerin yaný sýra, Anadolu liselerinde, özel okullarda ve üniversite ve yüksekokullarýn hazýrlýk sýnýflarýnda izlenmeye uygun hale getirilmiþtir.

Yayýnýn hazýrlanmasýnda ve revizyonunda, M.E.B'nýn bu okullar için öngördüðü müfredat programý ve okullarda yaygýn olarak izlenen kitaplarýn içerikleri temel alýnmýþtýr.

Grammar-Reading-Vocabulary alanlarýnda çok çeþitli ve bol alýþtýrma verilerek öðrencilerin edindikleri bilgileri pekiþtirmeleri, Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþtýklarý güçlüklerin daha kolay üstesinden gelmeleri amaçlanmýþtýr.

Dil öðreniminde görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak kitaplardaki egzersiz ve aktiviteler, kuþe kaðýda basýlmýþ renkli, ilgi çekici ve öðretici resimlerle desteklenmiþtir.

ELS-WORKSHEETS'i toplu olarak sýnýfýyla birlikte izleyecek öðretmen arkadaþlarýmýz için, içinde çeþitli aktivitelerin, "worksheet"lerin, "quiz"lerin vetestlerin yer aldýðý "Teacher's File" hazýrlanmýþtýr.

ELS-WORKSHEETS'in okullarda daha rahat izlenebilmesi için, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Baþkanlýðý'nýn 13.11.1998 tarih, 13577 sayýlý kararý ile onay alýnmýþtýr.

ELS Yayýncýlýk

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29English Language Studies



ELS-WORKSHEETS FreshmanELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman, dört kitaptan oluþan ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin birincikitabýdýr. Kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ 18 resim içeren Freshman's Pictorial ile bir takýmdýr.

Unit 1 To be: am, is, arePersonal Pronouns and Possessive AdjectivesQuestion Types and Question Words(who/what/where/how old) Numbers/Colours/Occupations/HobbiesCountries/NationalitiesGiving addresses and Phone Numbersin/from/at (place)

Unit 2 Singular/Plural this, these/that, thosePrepositions of place

Unit 3 Possessive ('s) have got/has gotQuestions with whoHow manyPossessive Pronouns Talking about appearances

Unit 4 Telling the timeOrdinal numbers (first, second, etc.) Days of the week/Months Telling datesPrepositions of time and place

Unit 5 There is/there areExpressing the positions of buildings in relationto each otherPrepositions: opposite, next to, behind, in frontof, etc.Talking about the plan of a housePieces of furniturea, an, some, any, how manyREVISION TEST 1

Unit 6 Imperatives Giving directionsObject Pronouns a, an, the

Unit 7 can/can't (ability) Linking words: because, so, and, but can (permission)can't/be not allowed to (prohibition) must/mustn't

Unit 8 Nouns: countable/uncountable some, any, a lot of, much, many How many/How muchcan (request)/would likeone/ones (substitute words)

Unit 9 Present Continuous Seasons/Items of clothingtoo/either

Unit 10 Simple Present Expressions of sequence: first, then, next, afterthat, finallyFrequency adverbs Habits/likes/dislikes Neither do I/So do I, etc.


Unit 11 Simple Present or Present Continuous Non-progressive verbs Present Continuous with a future meaning Questions with who, Wh- questions

Unit 12 Simple Past: to be: was/wereQuestions with wherethere was/there wereused to/didn't use to ago /in

Unit 13 Simple Past (regular verbs)

Unit 14 Simple Past (irregular verbs) Revision of expressions of sequence: first, then,next, after that, finally

Unit 15 Simple Past (Question forms)

Unit 16 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Wh- questions


Unit 17 Making suggestions: Let's, Why don't we...?,How/What about...?, Shall we...?, I/We could...Agreeing/disagreeing with suggestions: I'd ratherPermission/possibility: can/can'tAsking/giving/refusing permission Asking for and explaining reasons Why/because/so

Unit 18 Expressing obligation/Lack of obligationhave to (had to)/don't have to (didn't have to)not allowed to/can't (couldn't)/must/mustn'tTalking about rules and lawsGiving directions

Unit 19 Order of AdjectivesComparative and Superlative forms ofadjectives as...as/so...as/the same...asHow and What (How wide is...?/What's thewidth...?)Comparative and Superlative forms withQuantifiers



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30 English Language Studies


ELS-WORKSHEETS SophomoreELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin ikinci kitabýdýr. Kitabýnsonunda, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler yer almaktadýr.

Unit 1 going to Future (plans/intentions) for + time phrase/How long?Expressing purpose

Unit 2 going to Future (Future predictions with strong evidence inthe present)

Unit 3 Simple Future: will/won't

Unit 4 going to Future or Simple Future (will/won't)

Unit 5 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Future (going to/will) Questions with how oftenExpressing frequency of actions Question Tags


Unit 6 Indefinite pronouns Prepositions -ing Constructions

Unit 7 Simple Past and Past Continuous When/While sentencesAs/Just as

Unit 8 Present Perfect Simple Talking about previous experiences Simple Past (with a definite time in the past)Present Perfect Simple Talking about past actions with results in thepresent

Unit 9 Present Perfect Simple (with for/since) Simple Past (with ago) Questions with when/how long

Unit 10 REVISION OF TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Past Past Continuous Present Perfect


Unit 11 Describing people and places Comparing and contrasting climates ofdifferent places quite, very

Unit 12 Comparative and Superlative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

Unit 13 The Passive Simple Present/Simple Past

Unit 14 The Passive Present Continuous/Past Continuous

Unit 15 The Passive Present PerfectFuture (going to/will)


Unit 16 Modals Ability: can/could/be able toObligation: have to/must/mustn't/needn'tAdvisability: shouldPossibility: must/may (not)/can'tPreference: would rather/would preferPassive with Modals

Unit 17 Question Tags too and eitherso and nor/neitherI think so, I hope not, etc.

Unit 18 Quantifiersa few, a little, too many, too much, etc.

Unit 19 Present Perfect Continuous since, for, how longPresent Perfect Simple or Continuous

Unit 20 Gerunds and Infinitives REVISION TEST 4 TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 4



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31English Language Studies



ELS-WORKSHEETS JuniorELS-WORKSHEETS Junior, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin üçüncü kitabýdýr. Kitabýnsonuna, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler eklenmiþtir.

Unit 1 Time Clauses for future actions (until, when, as soon as, after, before)

Unit 2 Conditionals (Type 1-2) Unless

Unit 3 I wish/If only

Unit 4 Relative Clauses (defining) Relative pronouns: which/who/that/where/whose

Unit 5 used to/wouldno longer/any longer/any more


Unit 6 both/neither/either/but both...and neither...nor either...or

Unit 7 Past Perfect Tense

Unit 8 Past Perfect in Time Clauses

Unit 9 Past Perfect or Present Perfect

Unit 10 Time Clauses (present/future/past)


Unit 11 Reported Speech (Statements)

Unit 12 Reported Speech (Questions)

Unit 13 Reported Speech (Imperatives)

Unit 14 Reported Speech (Mixed forms)

Unit 15 Prepositions


Unit 16 Prepositional Verbs (look at, listen to etc.)

Unit 17 Phrasal Verbs (put out, take off, etc.)

Unit 18 Pronouns (mine, yours, myself, himself, etc.)Indefinite pronouns (something, nobody, etc.)

Unit 19 Articles (a/an/the) Determiners (all of them/none of it, etc.) other/another/the otherSubject-Verb Agreement

Unit 20 Grammar Revision




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32 English Language Studies




ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior, ELS-WORKSHEETS serisinin dördüncü ve son kitabýdýr.Kitabýn sonunda, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerle bütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkliolarak basýlmýþ resimler yer almaktadýr.

Unit 1 Grammar Revision

Unit 2 PRESENT TENSES Simple Present Present Continuous Non-progressive verbs


Unit 4 PAST TENSES Simple Past Past Continuous

Unit 5 PERFECT TENSES Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous


Unit 6 Simple and Perfect Modals

Unit 7 Present and past participles as adjectives

Unit 8 Adjective and adverb structures too/enoughso...that/such...that

Unit 9 Gerunds and Infinitives Infinitive with or without "to" Infinitive after adjectives Gerund after prepositions

Unit 10 Causatives


Unit 11 Relative Clauses (defining) that/which/who/whose/whereContact clauses

Unit 12 Relative Clauses (Non-defining)

Unit 13 Noun Clauses (as objects)

Unit 14 Conditionals (Type 1-2-3) Wish Clauses (I wish/If only)

Unit 15 Connectors and Conjunctions but, and, or, so, because, after, before,etc.


Unit 16 Prepositional Phrases on time, in a hurry, by mistake, etc. Phrasal Verbs

Unit 17 Vocabulary Building

Unit 18 Synonyms and Antonyms Prefixes of Negation (un-, dis-, in-, im-, il-, ir-) Negatives with -less

Unit 19 Confusing Verbs Confusing Word Pairs




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33English Language Studies


ELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman + Freshman’s PictorialTek alým ....................................................................... 33.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 22,50.-YTL

ELS-WORKSHEETS SophomoreTek alým ....................................................................... 33.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 22,50.-YTL

ELS-WORKSHEETS JuniorTek alým ....................................................................... 33.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 22,50.-YTL

ELS-WORKSHEETS SeniorTek alým ....................................................................... 33.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 22,50.-YTL

English Grammar Inside and Out

Ýngilizce dilbilgisini kapsamlý ve ayrýntýlý anlatan, çok sayýda egzersiz ve "Test Yourself"ile zenginleþtirilmiþ, 720 sayfadan oluþan bir kitaptýr.

Tek alým ....................................................................... 62.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 46.-YTL

English Through Reading "Reading Comprehension Passages" bölümlerimizden derlediðimiz 200 okuma parçasýve bu parçalarla ilgili egzersizleri içeren “English Through Reading” 432 sayfadanoluþmaktadýr.

Tek alým ....................................................................... 40.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 30.-YTL

Test Your Vocabulary 168 sayfadan oluþan bu kitabýmýz, sözcük öðrenmeyi kolaylaþtýran egzersizler ve 60'arsoruluk 25 test içermektedir.

Tek alým ....................................................................... 20.-YTLToplu alým ....................................................................... 15.-YTL



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34 English Language Studies



9. Sýnýf Seti iki kitaptan oluþmaktadýr: ELS-WORKSHEETSFreshman ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore. Dil öðrenimininilk aþamalarýnda görselliðin önemi dikkate alýnarak, ELS-WORKSHEETS Freshman, kitaptaki konularla ve egzersizlerlebütünleþtirilmiþ, kuþe kaðýda renkli olarak basýlmýþ 18 resimiçeren Freshman's Pictorial ile desteklenmiþtir. ELS-WORKSHEETS Sophomore için, yine kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler kitabýn sonuna eklenmiþtir. Her iki kitabýmýz da,öðretmenin elinde materyal zenginliði yaratmak amacýyla,

"Teacher's File" ile desteklenmiþtir. Teacher's File 1 ve Teacher’sFile 2, "worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede bir kullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir.



Bonus Card

45.- YTL

45.- YTL15.- YTL x 3 Taksit

SÝPARÝÞ FORMUKURUM YETKÝLÝSÝ: ..............................................................................................KURUMUN ADI: ..............................................................................................ADRESÝ: ..............................................................................................


E-POSTA: ....................................................@.......................................TELEFON: ................................ POSTA KODU: ..............................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

Sayýn yönetici,ELS 9. Sýnýf Seti’nizi öðrencilerimiz adýna toplu olarak almak istiyoruz. Setinizin ücretini

............... öðrenci x .............................. = ........................................... YTL olarak ........../........./2009tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým. Setlerimizin adresime toplu olarak gönderilmesini rica ederim.

Tarih : ........../........../2009Ýmza : ..............................

Not:1. Toplu alým koþullarýmýz 20 ve üzeri baþvurular için geçerlidir.2. Toplu alým yapan kuruma her 20 alým için ücretsiz bir set gönderilecektir.3. Her 20 alýmda öðretmen için 1 adet Teacher’s File gönderilir.4. Abone bedellerinin banka hesabýmýza toplu olarak abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý

gerekmektedir.5. Lütfen sipariþ formunu ve banka dekontunu 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz.

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)


Freshman's Pictorial Teacher's File (1) ELS-WORKSHEETS (2)

Sophomore Teacher's File (2)

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35English Language Studies


10. Sýnýf Seti, ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senior olmak üzere iki kitaptan oluþmaktadýr.Her iki kitap da özellikle 10. sýnýf dil öðrencilerinin ihtiyaçlarýgöz önüne alýnarak revize edilmiþtir. Kuþe kaðýda renkli olarakbasýlmýþ resimler yine her iki kitabýn sonunda yer almýþtýr.ELS-WORKSHEETS Junior ve ELS-WORKSHEETS Senioriçin hazýrlanmýþ Teacher's File 3 ve Teacher's File 4, yine"worksheets", "puzzles", "activities" ve her beþ ünitede birkullanýlmak üzere 4 "quiz" içermektedir. Ancak, dil öðrencisiniYDS soru tiplerine hazýrlamak amacýyla bu setlere, her ünitesonunda kullanýlmak üzere 35 sorudan oluþan 4 sayfalýk konutestleri ve 8 paragraf çalýþmasý testi eklenmiþtir. Bir paragrafçalýþmasý testi, 3 çoktan seçmeli “comprehension” sorusu olan4 pasaj içermektedir. Böylece, setin tamamýnda, 64 pasaj ve bupasajlarla ilgili 192 “comprehension” sorusu yer almaktadýr. Bu

materyallerin yaný sýra Teacher's File 4, öðrencinin Ýngilizcedüzeyi dikkate alýnarak hazýrlanmýþ, YDS formatýnda 100 soruluk 10 deneme sýnavý da içermektedir.



Bonus Card

45.- YTL

45.- YTL15.- YTL x 3 Taksit


SÝPARÝÞ FORMUKURUM YETKÝLÝSÝ: ..............................................................................................KURUMUN ADI: ..............................................................................................ADRESÝ: ..............................................................................................


E-POSTA: ...................................................@.......................................TELEFON: ................................ POSTA KODU: ..............................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

Sayýn yönetici,ELS 10. Sýnýf Seti’nizi öðrencilerimiz adýna toplu olarak almak istiyoruz. Setinizin ücretini

............... öðrenci x ............................... = ........................................... YTL olarak ........./......../2009tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým. Setlerimizin adresime toplu olarak gönderilmesini rica ederim.

Tarih : ........../........../2009Ýmza : ..............................

Not:1. Toplu alým koþullarýmýz 20 ve üzeri baþvurular için geçerlidir.2. Toplu alým yapan kuruma her 20 alým için ücretsiz bir set gönderilecektir.3. Her 20 alýmda öðretmen için 1 adet Teacher’s File gönderilir.4. Abone bedellerinin banka hesabýmýza toplu olarak abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý gerekmektedir.5. Lütfen sipariþ formunu ve banka dekontunu 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz.


Teacher's File 3 20 Konu Testi 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi ELS-WORKSHEETS (4)

Senior Teacher's File 4 20 Konu Testi 8 Paragraf Çalýþmasý Testi 10 Deneme Sýnavý

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)

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36 English Language StudiesEnglish Language Studies


Peþin 400.- YTL

4 Taksit (Banka Havalesi) 440.- YTL110.- YTL x 4 Taksit

Bonus Card 400.- YTL100.- YTL x 4 Taksit

Bonus Card 450.- YTL75.- YTL x 6 Taksit

Bonus Card 480.- YTL60.- YTL x 8 Taksit


ADI SOYADI: .......................................................................................................ADRESÝ: .......................................................................................................


E-POSTA: ............................................................@.......................................

TELEFON: .................................... POSTA KODU: ...............................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

Sayýn yönetici,

ELS-YDS dergisine abone olmak istiyorum. Derginizin abone bedelini peþin / taksitle ödemeseçeneðine göre ............................... YTL olarak ......./....../2009 tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým.2008-2009 dönemi abone kaydýmýn yapýlmasýný, bugüne kadar çýkmýþ ve çýkacak olan sayýlarýnýzýnadresime posta ile gönderilmesini rica ederim.

Tarih: ........../........../2009Ýmza: ..............................

NOT:1. Taksitle ödeme seçeneði 30 KASIM 2009 tarihine kadar geçerlidir. 01 ARALIK 2009 tarihinden

itibaren dergi aboneliði sadece peþin ödemeyle mümkün olacaktýr.2. ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT (720 sayfa) kitabýmýz tüm abonelerimize ücretsiz olarak

gönderilecektir.3. Taksitle ödeme seçeneðinde, II. III. ve IV. taksitlerin ödemesi ilk taksitin ödeme tarihinden 30, 60

ve 90 gün sonra yapýlmýþ olmalýdýr.4. Abone bedelinin abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý gerekmektedir.5. Taksitlerinizin zamanýnda ödenmemesi durumunda, taksit tarihinden itibaren dergilerinizin

adresinize postalanma iþlemi durdurulacaktýr. Böyle üzücü durumlarla karþýlaþmamak içinödemelerinizde titiz olmanýz gerekmektedir.

6. Ýlk abone olurken ve taksit ödemelerinizde ADINIZI-ADRESÝNÝZÝ-TELEFON NUMARANIZI VEBANKA DEKONTUNUZU 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz. Faks çektikten sonra teyit etmek içinlütfen bizi arayýnýz.

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)

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37English Language Studies


Peþin 280.- YTL

4 Taksit (Banka Havalesi) 300.- YTL75.- YTL x 4 Taksit

Bonus Card 280.- YTL70.- YTL x 4 Taksit

Bonus Card 300.- YTL50.- YTL x 6 Taksit

Bonus Card 336.- YTL42.- YTL x 8 Taksit


KURUM YETKÝLÝSÝ: .......................................................................................KURUM ADI: .......................................................................................KURUM ADRESÝ: .......................................................................................


TELEFON: ................................. FAKS: ....................................E-POSTA: .......................................@............................................Banka ve Hesap No ..................................................

Sayýn yönetici,

ELS-YDS dergisine öðrencilerimiz adýna toplu abone olmak istiyoruz. Derginizin abonebedelinin I. taksitini ............... öðrenci x ............................ = ......................................... YTL olarak......./....../2009 tarihinde banka hesabýnýza yatýrdým. 2009-2010 dönemi abone kaydýmýzýn yapýlmasýný,bugüne kadar çýkmýþ ve çýkacak olan sayýlarýnýzýn adresime toplu olarak gönderilmesini rica ederim.

Tarih : ........../........../2009Ýmza : ..............................

NOT:1. Toplu abone koþullarýmýz 10 ve üzeri baþvurular için geçerlidir.2. Toplu abone yapan kurum ücret ödemeksizin dergimize abone olacaktýr.3. Dergimize toplu abone olunmasý durumunda; her abonemize ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT (720

sayfa), ENGLISH THROUGH READING (432 sayfa) ve TEST YOUR VOCABULARY (168 sayfa) kitaplarýmýzücretsiz olarak gönderilecektir.

4. Abone bedellerinin banka hesabýmýza toplu olarak abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý gerekmektedir.5. Taksitle ödeme seçeneðinde, II. III. ve IV. taksitlerin ödemesi ilk taksitin ödeme tarihinden 30, 60 ve 90 gün

sonra yapýlmýþ olmalýdýr.6. Taksitlerinizin zamanýnda ödenmemesi durumunda, taksit tarihinden itibaren dergilerinizin adresinize gönderilme

iþlemi durdurulacaktýr. Kargo ücreti þirketimiz tarafýndan ödenecektir.7. Toplu abonelerde dergiler kargo ile toplu olarak kurum adresine gönderilecektir.8. Ýlk abone olurken ve taksit ödemelerinizde ADINIZI-ADRESÝNÝZÝ-TELEFON NUMARANIZI VE BANKA

DEKONTUNUZU 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz. Faks çektikten sonra teyit etmek için lütfen bizi arayýnýz.

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 088-6296708 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2896347/5001 nolu hesap (ELS Yayýncýlýk Ltd.)

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38 English Language Studies


There’s light... at the end of this journey...

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39English Language Studies


ELS 22000099 / 2010 MMaayy LLeevveell EExxaamm ((1111tthh && 1122tthh GGrraaddeess))









