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Paper & Beyond Group 50 The Spirit Collector

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A marketing report for a college fest.


Paper & BeyondGroup 50The Spirit Collector

Table of Contents

TitlePage no.


Industry Profile..4

Company Profile5



Logo & Tagline...5

Unique Selling Proposition6

Segmentation Targeting Positioning6




Marketing Mix.8




Physical Evidence11




Print Ads15


Advertising agencies can typically be divided into five different types:

A full service agency provides their customers with everything from planning to performing research. A modular agency specialise in a particular function (copy, art), audience, industry or marketing communication area. An in-house agency is one which is within a company and handles all aspects of that particular companys brand. Digital agencies could include anything from web development to search engine optimisation. Creative agencies, as the name suggests, specialise in the actual creation of advertisements and the like.

Paper & Beyond is a full-service agency that provides marketing solutions for authors who choose to publish their books in any manner through traditional publishing or self-publishing. In addition to offline marketing, we provide online marketing as well, because online is the future of marketing.

Industry Profile

The size of the advertising market is difficult to assess, and estimates by analysts vary to some degree.This is partly due to the fact that the final cost of advertising for any company includes creative and agency costs; local branding and marketing efforts; catalogues, brochures and other printed matter; the creation and maintenance of web sites and myriad other components, in addition to expenses for media.Numbers that are available for analysis and comparison are generally limited to actual spending on media, such as radio, TV, billboards and paid search or Internet advertising.Even these numbers are often educated guesses.Estimates of ad spending may include spending at both local and national media outlets, as well as spending on Internet media via paid search and online ads.Recently, spending for ads on social media sites has been added to the mix.

The advertising industry has been enjoying strong revenues, with a good rebound since the global recession ended in 2009.Analysts at Zenith Optimedia estimate that the global market totalled $509.0 billion for 2013, and will grow 5.3% to $532.0 billion in 2014.They further estimate that growth will accelerate to 5.8% per year in 2015 and 2016.

Both the online audience and the level of sophistication in online advertising continue to increase dramatically.Advertisers large and small have made the Internet a significant part of their advertising strategies.For 2013, global digital ad spending reached $117.6 billion, according to eMarketer.This was an increase from $102.83 billion the previous year.

Blogs, interactive magazines in the form of apps, social networks like Facebook, cable TV programming on-demand and cellphone-based entertainment are booming.Never in history have there been so many unique opportunities for targeted marketing based on consumers tastes, interests, locations, special needs and passions.

Company Profile

Paper & Beyond is an advertising agency that provides marketing solutions for authors. These authors may be self-published, or may have opted for the traditional form of publishing. Either way, Paper & Beyond aims to reach as many readers as possible. Our clients may come to us as individuals or through a publishing firm.

The name Paper & Beyond is representative of two things one is the fact that we provide online solutions as well as offline ones, and another is referring to paper as the written book and beyond as the books audience.

MissionTo be the one place where quality writers know they will be valued.

VisionTo provide a greater reach for authors of any kind whose writing deserves to be read by the public.

Logo & Tagline

Words can change the world.

The open book with coloured lights floating out of it is indicative the power of words. We at Paper & Beyond would like to remind the world that words are immensely important and everybody deserves to be heard. The open book is also symbolic of keeping an open mind.

The tagline is self-explanatory, and embodies our vision statement to the fullest.

Unique Selling Proposition

The one place where you can watch your words come to life.

Segmentation Targeting Positioning


Market segmentation is necessary in order to split customers into groups with similar needs. This helps to best utilise a firms finite resources and focus on the sections of society that are most likely to make use of our product. The market is segmented into diverse sections based on the need that our services satisfy:

1. Businesses

Business Description: This includes which industry the business operates in and the products sold. Geographic Segmentation: This takes into consideration the geographical region in which the business is located.

2. Consumers

Demographic Segmentation: This includes factors like age, social and economic status and income levels, which purely relate to the population related characteristics that society possesses. i. Age: children, teens, adultsii. Income: lower, middle, upperiii. Language

Psychographic Segmentation: This type of segmentation includes the personality and lifestyle of individuals. It is based upon an analysis of consumer attitudes, values, behaviour, emotions, perceptions, beliefs and interests. We would psychographically segment the market for our service as follows:i. Based on the interests, personality and attitude of the people

Geographic Segmentation: This takes into consideration the geographical region to which the customer belongs or may potentially belong to in the future. i. Geographical segmentation helps to determine the market size and market density.


Targeting helps a firm to measure segment attractiveness and to select among attractive segments based on market capabilities.

Our target market consists of both publishers and individuals. Among publishers, we are targeting those fiction publishers who would like to outsource their marketing services. We are also targeting publishers for web design. The geographic target of our services is not specific to any region for our online marketing services, but for offline promotion, we are beginning by targeting writers and publishers in the country of India. Our target market includes all age groups. Nobody is too young or too old to write. The language spoken by our target market is English. Based on income levels, our target market includes middle and upper class individuals. The psychographic target will be directed towards those people who enjoy writing and believe that they have something important to say to the world.


We dont publish, we promote.

Our positioning statement is crisp and clear. We at Paper & Beyond do not publish the work of any author. The publishing will be done however the author sees fit. Once the book is published, our job is to promote it so that it falls into the right hands.

Marketing Mix


Paper & Beyond is a company that offers a service to published writers and publishing houses. It must be noted that we do not publish any books we just promote them.

Our promotions include both online and offline methods.


Paper & Beyond provides the following online marketing solutions:

Web design Our web services include the making of responsive websites so that your website will look as it should irrespective of the device that your visitor is using Another service which we offer is parallax scrolling. This makes the visitors visit to your website more enjoyable and he/she is likely to visit again. Display advertising Cost Per Click Cost Per Thousand Impressions Cost Per Acquisition Search Engine Optimisation On-page Off-page Social Media Marketing Reputation management Email advertising


Print Radio Television Guerrilla marketing Event organisation

A service that we will provide free of cost if any of the above services are availed is market research.

Any of these services can be used in conjunction with each other. There are packages available according to ones needs. For instance, one may not want a full-fledged website, but may want to use a microsite to promote an event that is taking place. In this case, the offline service of event organisation would be used in conjunction with web design.


Paper & Beyond is offering its online marketing services to people and businesses all over the world. This is because the internet has helped us break geographic barriers.

The offline marketing services of Paper & Beyond are currently available only in the country of India, but we are looking to expand to the rest of the world.


Our pricing depends on the package that one is buying. The individual prices for our online marketing services are as follows:

ServicePrice (in /month)

Web Design3,000 12,000

Display Advertising-

SEO15,000 3,00,000

Social Media1,80,000 12,00,000

Email900 6,000

The price for display advertising is very variable because the cost is entirely dependent on how much one is willing to bid. If one decides to go for a complete online marketing services package, the price could be anywhere between 2,00,000 and 16,00,000.

For offline marketing services, the pricing is extremely flexible because of the many variables involved. These variables basically include dimensions, time and content.

For publishers, a discount will be given if they order for services in bulk.

Physical Evidence

Most of the work in marketing is behind-the-scenes. This means that there is not much physical evidence that our customers will come in contact with. The only physical evidence that will be viewed by our customers be it an individual or a representative of a publisher is our meeting room.


The following organisation chart depicts the functions of Paper & Beyond that are directly related to the services we provide:

Account HandlingThis department is responsible for discussing and interpreting the clients wants and needs. It is also responsible for initiating assignments within the agency providing deadlines, outlining budgets and ensuring that the work is up to the mark.

CreativeThis department takes care of the creative aspect of any project. The people working in this department create the actual ads. They include copywriters, art directors, production artists and a creative director.


ResearchThis department consists of people who work through the data available on various media. They analyse the available information and advise the media planning team on where advertisements and commercials should be placed so as to effectively reach the target market.

PlanningMedia planners take the research done by the media research department and use it to decide which medium will be the most appropriate for the advertisement in question. The media planning team is the one that draws up a media schedule that is then presented to the client by the account handling department.

BuyingThis department is the one that actually procures space and air-time with maximum efficiency.

ProductionThe responsibility of the production department is to make sure that the final advertisement is prepared cost effectively, and with the highest quality possible, and then to deliver to the right place at the right time and in the right format.

Online MarketingThe online marketing department of Paper & Beyond will have its own creative and media departments, and an IT department. This department will take care of everything from SEO to social media marketing, to reputation management.


The process we follow at Paper & Beyond is a simple but effective one.

The brief is received from the client (publisher or individual) Based on the brief received, research is done to ascertain the best way to design the plan. This research will include comparing the literary project in question to the competitors similar products, as well as analysing competitors advertising. Based on the research, a marketing plan is made. The target audience is identified along with the media that will help reach the target audience in the most effective way. The plan is executed based on the marketing plan. It has to be timely for it to be most effective. Executing a marketing plan isnt enough. It has to be analysed to find out what was effective and what wasnt. This is how the agency will improve.



Ensemble This marketing strategy consists of placing dust jackets for books in strategic locations malls, book stores, libraries. The covers of these dust jackets will say, This could be your book. and variations of the same. On the back panel there will be an email id and a phone number written in prominent lettering. Once people get in touch with us, we will form a community that will meet every-so-often and discuss their books whether theyre in the writing stage or publishing stage, whether they havent started writing yet or the book they wrote is two years old. Once this community has their published books in hand (or on their respective devices) we will offer them bulk advertising services at a subsidised rate. The idea behind this is to make it affordable for individuals to pay for the advertising of their work.


White Papers This marketing strategy will involve publishing a collection of white papers that will be beneficial to the publishers that we are targeting. However, we will get it published by one of the companies we are targeting.

Pin it Right A lot of the publishers we are targeting are active on Pinterest. Hence, this social networking site is a creative way to reach them. This marketing strategy consists of creating Pinterest boards that tell a story beyond its book ending. Each book we decide to extend will have its own board, and will run for thirty days. Some of the pictures on these boards will be uploaded by us, but we will also pin a majority of these pictures from the publishers we are targeting.

The Early Bird This marketing strategy revolves around the use of Twitter. For every new fiction release, an 8tracks playlist is made and the link is tweeted to the Twitted account to the publisher in question.

Print Ads

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