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  • 8/8/2019 Report Main Body


    1 | P a g e

    1. Introduction

    This report-content is a result of a survey conducted at Supersign Cables during fall

    semester 2008.Industrial Relation is about people who work and pursue careers today in new and

    highly demanding settings. It is about people who seek fulfillment in their lives and

    jobs in a variety of ways and in certain times. It is about common themes that now

    characterized the modern workplace, including high performance, ethical behavior,

    productivity improvement, technology utilization, product and service quality,

    workforce diversity, work-life balance, and competitive advantage in a global


    Industrial Relation is the study of individuals and groups in organization regarding

    reciprocal interest. People at work in organization today are part of a new era. The

    institutions of society and people who make them work are challenged in many and

    very special ways. In this new era of work and organizations, the body of knowledge

    we call Industrial Relation offer many insights of great value.

    1.1 Origin of the Report

    Mr. AKM Mominul Haque Talukder, Core faculty of School of Business at North

    South University authorized the preparation of this study on October, 2008. Mr.

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    Haques letter of authorization instructed Group 1 to begin work on the study at the

    earliest possible time.

    This report has been prepared to fulfill the requirement of Industrial Relations (HRM-

    410) as a part of its course schedule. This report titled Unpaid Overtime of White-collar Employees at Supersign Cables aims to track the impacts on the company

    performance in response to their goals and objectives.

    1.2 Objective

    Industrial Relation is a useful knowledge base for better work-related understanding

    and potential career success within an organization. Our objective was to find out

    some answers related to the Industrial Relations of Super Sign Cables. They are-

    How Industrial Relation theories work inside Super Sign Cables?

    How increased job responsibility impacts performance level in Supersign


    How Our Independent variables effect Dependent Variables inside Super

    Sign Cable?

    1.3 Statement of purpose

    The purpose of our project is to understand how Unpaid Overtime of White-collar

    Employees at Super Sign Cables functions within the company. How the different

    elements of organizational behavior contribute to the companys success? What are

    the problems of Unpaid Overtime and how the functions can be improved to achieve

    further success?

    1.4 Scope

    The intention of the study is to understand how Unpaid Overtime impacts

    performance within the organization.

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    1.5 Limitations

    We faced many problems in our research. The main problems are-


    Subjective dataThe quality of this report is limited by the accuracy with which the employees

    responded to the questionnaire. If they responded honestly, the content of the

    report is considered to be accurate.

    1.6 Methodology

    Our objective was to first find out the Impacts of Unpaid Overtime on Company


    1.6.1 Sample design

    Sample refers a portion of total population. It is a portion of the total population

    carefully selected to represent that population. There are three types of sampling

    techniques such as simple random sampling, stratified sampling and quota sampling.

    For our research we have selected Supersign Cables. For our research we have taken

    some days randomly to get a whole picture of the company to analyze the data. We

    have chosen managers and executives as our population sample (15 respondents). The

    respondents were selected based on quota sampling technique, which is choosing the

    respondent according to researchers choice. By taking the samples we have the

    whole idea about Impacts of Unpaid Overtime on Company performance.

    1.6.2 Methods of data collection

    We have used some procedure for collecting our data. Hence, we have used two types

    of data such as primary data & secondary data.

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    4 | P a g e Primary Data

    Primary refers core data. Which we get from primary sources for instance

    questionnaire, standardized tests, observational

    forms, laboratories notes which are also called

    raw data. We used a sample q uestionnaire

    which is made up by our group and under the

    observation of our faculty. The questionnaire

    was filled up by the managers. We have collect data from managers and non-

    managers such as officers. Secondary Data

    Secondary data refers literature studies made by others for their own purpose.

    Secondary data helps current

    researchers while working on

    related fields. While doing

    this research we have taken

    some secondary data which

    helped us to make our

    concept understandable. Assecondary data we have

    collected our relevant

    information from the internet.

    We accessed internet for reviewing the information that provide us some usefu l

    information about Supersign Cables. In addition, we have also collected lots of

    valuable information from books which discussed Indusrial Relations . This book

    proved to be very handy for us while doing this project.

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    2. Company Profile

    Supersign Industries (Electrical) Ltd. Is one of the best cable and wire manufacturers in

    the country? It was established in 1963 and recognized by the ministry of commerce and

    industries department of the then Government of East Pakistan in 1968.

    For three decades, it has been one of the leading manufacturers of quality wires and

    cables. It manufactures various types of domestic, power, control, Telecommunication

    and submersible cables according to standard specification.

    Through design and quality control we continually improve our existing technology and

    cable while creating new solution to ever increasing demands. From design and quality

    control our job is to provide with trouble free cable for maximum performance. The

    factory is well-equipped with modern machines to manufacture quality cables according

    to recognized institutions, i.e., Bangladesh Standard (BDS), German Standard (VDE),

    IEC and other international standards. Cables are also made according to customers

    special requirement. The license has been awarded by Bangladesh Standard Institution to

    use the standard mark.

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    2.1 Vision-Mission

    2.1.1 Our Vision

    To be the best Private Wire manufacturer in Bangladesh in terms of efficiency, capital

    adequacy, asset quality, sound management and profitability having strong liquidity.... upholding ethical values and best practices

    2.1.2 Our Mission

    To build Super Sign Cables into an efficient, market driven, customer focused institution

    with good corporate governance structure.

    Continuous improvement in our business policies, procedure and efficiency through

    integration of technology at all levels.

    2.2 Strategic Priority To have sustained growth, broaden and improve range of products and services in all areas

    with the aim to add increased value to investment and offer highest possible benefits to our


    2.3 For our CustomersTo become most caring in terms of product quality and customer satisfaction - by

    providing the best product and efficient service in every area of our business.

    2.4 Core Values

    2.4.1 for our EmployeesBy promoting well - being of the members of the staff.

    industries department of the then Government of East Pakistan in 1968.

    For three decades, it has been one of the leading manufacturers of quality wires and

    cables. It manufactures various types of domestic, power, control, Telecommunication

    and submersible cables according to standard specification.

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    2.4.2 for our ShareholdersBy ensuring fair return on their investment through generating stable profit.

    2.4.3 for our Community

    By assuming our role as socially responsible corporate entity in a tangible manner throughclose adherence to national policies and objectives.

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    3. Data Analysis

    Data analysis usually involves reducing accumulated data to a manageable size,

    developing summaries, looking for patterns and applying statistical techniques. We

    have done our analysis according to the managers point of view. To check whether

    our data are reliable or not we have done reliability test of the data in SPSS. If there

    are some problems in the data we have done factor analysis to solve the problem. We

    have also done liner regression to find out whether the data are relational or not.

    Through our research we have some results and our findings are given below.

    3.1 Performance Level

    Performance level is the matter of great concern in todays dynamic world of

    business. Our purpose was to determine the following things:

    1. Does unpaid overtime decrease productivity?

    2. Does unpaid overtime increase absenteeism or attentiveness?

    3. Does unpaid overtime increase turnover rate?

    4. Does unpaid overtime create unfriendly work environment?

    5. Does unpaid overtime decrease efficiency?

    Interpretation: Addressing these questions was immensely important for the success

    of this report, analyzing our questionnaire data; we found that the value of alpha is

    0.7049 for this section. It clearly shows that our data is very much reliable.

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    3.2 Job Satisfaction

    Job satisfaction is the key element of get things done in an effective and efficient

    manner; thats why todays Business organizations are very much concern about

    employees job satisfaction as it determines company success. We tried to address

    following facts:

    1. Unpaid overtime motivates to work

    2. Unpaid overtime may lead to take biased decisions

    3. Unpaid overtime may mean as discrimination

    4. Unpaid overtime may hinder further career development

    5. Unpaid overtime may lead you to go for alternative job

    Interpretation: Addressing these questions was immensely important for the successof this report, analyzing our questionnaire data; we found that the value of alpha is

    0.6386 for this section. It clearly shows that our data is very much reliable.

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    3.3 Increased Job Responsibility- Independent Variable :

    Increased job responsibility can be viewed in a positive manner; does it happen all thetime? We tried to figure it out through following things:

    1. Increased job responsibility decreases morale2. Too much work without payment may be unethical3. Increased job responsibility dignifies employees role or position4. Increased job responsibility may be cost-efficient5. Organizational politics influences job assigning procedure

    Interpretation: Addressing these questions was immensely important for the success

    of this report, analyzing our questionnaire data; we found that the value of alpha is

    0.5322 for this section. It clearly shows that our data is very much reliable.

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    3.5 Qualitative Job- Independent Variable

    Quality is the key to be successful in any arena in todays dynamic world of business.

    There is no compromise as far as quality is concerned following things need to


    1. Long working hours tends to decrease the attention in job

    2. Unpaid overtime degrades quality

    3. Long work hours tends to decrease employees expertise

    4. Substantial differences between normal and overtime working hours

    5. Stress might influence job quality

    Interpretation: Addressing these questions was immensely important for the successof this report, analyzing our questionnaire data; we found that the value of alpha is

    0.5488 for this section. It clearly shows that our data is very much reliable

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    3.6 Less Recognition- Independent Variable

    Recognition for well performance is the basic human desire & a very important

    motivational factor; we felt the following things need to be addressed:

    1. Unpaid overtime may not be recognized

    2. Unpaid overtime may not dignifies the position

    3. Unpaid overtime may have lack of reinforcement

    4. Unpaid overtime may underestimate the potential of the employee

    5. Unpaid overtime may be a tool for pressurizing the employees to do the


    Interpretation: Addressing these questions was immensely important for the success

    of this report, analyzing our questionnaire data; we found that the value of alpha is0.7596 for this section. It clearly shows that our data is very much reliable

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    3.7 Grievances- Independent Variable

    We felt the following things need to be addressed for this section:

    1. Unpaid overtime creates dissatisfaction

    2. Excessive working hours without payment may create rival relationship

    with the management

    3. Management is taking interest by not giving the employees overtime


    4. Excessive work hours is not a concern rather the payment

    5. The company does not have any schedule for paying the overtime to white

    collar employees

    Interpretation: Addressing these questions was immensely important for the success

    of this report, analyzing our questionnaire data; we found that the value of alpha is

    0.7316 for this section. It clearly shows that our data is very much reliable

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    At a glance:

    The alpha values are represented in the following chart:




    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8


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    Interpretation of relationship

    4.1 Performance Level VS Increased job responsibility

    When comparing workplace performance with increased job responsibility, we found

    out very predictable results that are workplace performance does have relation with

    unpaid overtime. The factors of include practice of unpaid overtime may decrease

    productivity, increase absenteeism or attentiveness, increase turnover rate, increase

    deviant workplace behavior, decrease job satisfaction.

    When comparing workplace performance with increased job responsibility, we

    analyzed the data in the following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between workplace performance and unpaid overtime &

    increased job responsibility.

    And the alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between workplace performance and unpaid overtime &

    increased job responsibility.


    Model Sum of Squares

    df MeanSquare

    F Sig.

    1 Regression

    5.470 1 5.470 25.094 .000

    Residual 2.834 13 .218Total 8.304 14

    a. Predictors: (Constant), MIJRIV b. Dependent Variable: MPLDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2

    F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=25.094

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

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    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between workplace performance and unpaid

    overtime & increased job responsibility.

    Model SummaryModel R R Square Adjusted

    R SquareStd. Error

    of theEstimate

    1 .812 .659 .632 .46689a. Predictors: (Constant), MIJRIV

    We can see here that R 2=.659(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 65.90% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.













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    4.3 Performance Level VS Qualitative job

    When comparing workplace performance with Qualitative job, we analyzed the data

    in the following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between workplace performance and Qualitative job

    And the alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between workplace performance and unpaid overtime &

    Qualitative job.

    ANOVAModel Sum of

    Squaresdf Mean

    SquareF Sig.

    1 Regression

    6.146 1 6.146 37.034 .000

    Residual 2.158 13 .166Total 8.304 14

    a. Predictors: (Constant), MQJIV b. Dependent Variable: MPLDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2

    F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=37.034

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between workplace performance and unpaid

    overtime qualitative job.

    Model SummaryModel R R Square Adjusted

    R SquareStd. Error

    of theEstimate

    1 .860 .740 .720 .40739a. Predictors: (Constant), MQJIV

    We can see here that R 2=.740(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 74% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.

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    4.4 Performance Level VS less Recognition

    When comparing workplace performance with less Recognition, we analyzed the data

    in the following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between workplace performance and less Recognition

    And the alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between workplace performance and unpaid overtime &

    less Recognition.

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    ANOVAModel Sum of

    Squaresdf Mean

    SquareF Sig.

    1 Regression

    8.143 1 8.143 658.669 .000

    Residual .161 13 .012

    Total 8.304 14a. Predictors: (Constant), MLRIV

    b. Dependent Variable: MPLDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2

    F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=658.669

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between workplace performance and less


    Model SummaryModel R R Square AdjustedR Square

    Std. Error of the

    Estimate1 .990 .981 .979 .11119

    a. Predictors: (Constant), MLRIV

    We can see here that R 2=.981(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 98.10% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.

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    4.5Performance Level VS Grievances

    When comparing workplace performance with Grievances, we analyzed the data in

    the following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between workplace performance and Grievances

    And the alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between workplace performance and Grievances

    ANOVAModel Sum of

    Squaresdf Mean

    SquareF Sig.

    1 Regression

    8.272 1 8.272 3350.183 .000

    Residual .032 13 .002Total 8.304 14

    a. Predictors: (Constant), MGIV b. Dependent Variable: MPLDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2

    F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=3350.183

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between workplace performance and Grievances.

    Model SummaryModel R R Square Adjusted

    R SquareStd. Error

    of theEstimate

    1 .998 .996 .996 .04969a. Predictors: (Constant), MGIV

    We can see here that R 2=.996(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 99.60% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.

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    5.1 Job Satisfaction VS Increased job responsibility

    Job satisfaction is the key element of get things done in an effective and efficientmanner; thats why todays Business organizations are very much concern aboutemployees job satisfaction as it determines company success.

    When comparing Job Satisfaction with unpaid overtime, we analyzed the data in the

    following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between Job Satisfaction and unpaid overtime&

    Increased job responsibilityAnd the alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between Job Satisfaction and unpaid overtime& Increased job responsibility

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    ANOVAModel Sum of

    Squaresdf Mean

    SquareF Sig.

    1 Regression

    4.564 1 4.564 37.435 .000

    Residual 1.585 13 .122

    Total 6.149 14a Predictors: (Constant), MIJRIV

    b Dependent Variable: MISDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2

    F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=37.435

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between Job Satisfaction and unpaid overtime &

    increased job responsibility.

    Model SummaryModel R R Square AdjustedR Square

    Std. Error of the

    Estimate1 .862 .742 .722 .34918

    a. Predictors: (Constant), MIJRIV

    We can see here that R 2=.742(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 74.20% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.

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    5.2 Job Satisfaction VS Overtime-Leisure

    When comparing Job Satisfaction with Overtime-Leisure, we analyzed the data in the

    following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between Job Satisfaction and Overtime-Leisure

    And the alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between Job Satisfaction and Overtime-Leisure

    ANOVAModel Sum of

    Squaresdf Mean

    SquareF Sig.

    1 Regression

    4.380 1 4.380 32.186 .000

    Residual 1.769 13 .136Total 6.149 14

    a Predictors: (Constant), MOLTIV b Dependent Variable: MISDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=32.186

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between Job Satisfaction and unpaid overtime &


    Model SummaryModel R R Square Adjusted

    R SquareStd. Error

    of theEstimate

    1 .844 .712 .690 .36890a Predictors: (Constant), MOLTIV

    We can see here that R 2=.712(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 71.20% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.

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    5.3 Job Satisfaction VS Qualitative job

    When comparing Job Satisfaction with Qualitative job, we analyzed the data in the

    following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between Job Satisfaction and Qualitative job

    And the alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between Job Satisfaction and Qualitative job

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    ANOVAModel Sum of

    Squaresdf Mean

    SquareF Sig.

    1 Regression

    4.385 1 4.385 32.304 .000

    Residual 1.765 13 .136

    Total 6.149 14a Predictors: (Constant), MQJIV

    b Dependent Variable: MISDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2

    F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=32.304

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between Job Satisfaction and unpaid overtime &

    Qualitative job

    Model SummaryModel R R Square Adjusted

    R SquareStd. Error

    of theEstimate

    1 .844 .713 .691 .36842a Predictors: (Constant), MQJIV

    We can see here that R 2=.713(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 71.30% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.

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    5.4 Job Satisfaction VS less recognition

    When comparing Job Satisfaction with less recognition, we analyzed the data in the

    following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between Job Satisfaction and less recognition and the

    alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between Job Satisfaction and less recognition

    ANOVAModel Sum of

    Squaresdf Mean

    SquareF Sig.

    1 Regression

    4.667 1 4.667 40.939 .000

    Residual 1.482 13 .114Total 6.149 14

    a Predictors: (Constant), MLRIV b Dependent Variable: MISDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2

    F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=40.939

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between Job Satisfaction and less recognition.

    Model SummaryModel R R Square Adjusted

    R SquareStd. Error

    of theEstimate

    1 .871 .759 .740 .33765a Predictors: (Constant), MLRIV

    We can see here that R 2=.759(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 75.90% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.

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    5.5 Job Satisfaction VS Grievances

    When comparing Job Satisfaction with Grievances, we analyzed the data in the

    following way:

    We set the null hypothesis

    Ho = There is no relationship between Job Satisfaction and Grievances and the

    alternate as:

    H1= There is relationship between Job Satisfaction and Grievances.

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    ANOVAModel Sum of

    Squaresdf Mean

    SquareF Sig.

    1 Regression

    4.910 1 4.910 51.505 .000

    Residual 1.239 13 .095

    Total 6.149 14a Predictors: (Constant), MGIV

    b Dependent Variable: MISDV

    Decision Rule: Reject H o if F > F 1, n-1 , /2

    F1, n-1, =F1, 5-1, .01 =21.20< F=51.505

    Therefore, we reject the null or we do not accept the null.

    Therefore, there is substantial relationship between Job Satisfaction and Grievances

    Model SummaryModel R R Square Adjusted

    R SquareStd. Error

    of theEstimate

    1 .894 .798 .783 .30876a Predictors: (Constant), MGIV

    We can see here that R 2=.798(coefficient of determination)

    Therefore we can say that about 79.80% of the total variation is estimated by the regression

    equation can be explained.

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    6 Conclusion

    Analyzing the data from the questionnaire on the basis of our textual knowlwdge, we

    found that this concerned industry (Supersign Cables) does not pay the overtime to

    the white-collar employees. Therefore, we found some psychological changes in the

    attitude or workplace behaviour of the employees. Due to increased job

    responsibility,lack of leisure time, less recognition in the workplace impact employees

    performance and job satisfaction in the workplace.

    7 Recommendation

    There should be a proper payment structure for the white-collar employees;

    In the corporate world it is a common scenario that eployees are working

    longer hours in their office. Therefore, fringe benefits (e.g. bus service,

    promotion, gift etc.) should be given.

    The company sould give the employees proper holidays, otherwise, there is

    every possibility that they will lose their productivity.

    As employees are one of the major key stakeholders in the organization, they

    should be taken proper care by the company. If they fail to satisfy their

    employees, they will be out of their market.

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    BIBLIOGRAPHY Robbins, P., Stephen and Judge, A., Timonthy; "Organizational Behavior"; ed:12th ,

    New Delhi, Prentice Hall India Private Limited: 2007.

    Newbold, Paul, Carlson, L., William, Thorne, Betty; "Statistics for Business and

    Economics"; ed:6th , New Delhi, Prentice Hall India Private Limited: 2007.Prime Bank Limited, "Annual Report", - : 2007

    Mr. Hira Chand Dugar, Chairman of Supersign Cables.
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    Reliability Analysis

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    Regression Analysis

























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    Dear Respondent: We are the BBA students of North South University doing a survey for the partial fulfillment of INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS course that involves the relationship and effects of unpaidovertime, dependent and independent variables of an organization. It will take only few minutes of your time. Your response would be of great help in accomplishing the study. However, thisinformation is only for academic purpose and will not be disclosed elsewhere. I heartily thank you for

    your cooperation.

    For the following questions, PLEASE tick ( ) your answer according to the degree of your agreement.[e.g., 5 = Highly Agree, 4 = Moderately Agree, 3 = Agree, 2 = Moderately Disagree, 1=Highly Disagree]

    Background Information

    Company/Firm: ________________ Position: ______________ Education level: ______

    Tenure of job: ________ Gender: _______ Age: _____ Total number of employees: _____

    Section One

    Performance Level- Dependent Variable 1 2 3 4 51. Unpaid overtime decreases productivity2. Unpaid overtime increases absenteeism or attentiveness3. Unpaid overtime increases turnover rate4. Unpaid overtime creates unfriendly work environment

    5. Unpaid overtime decreases efficiency

    Section Two

    Job Satisfaction- Dependent Variable

    1 2 3 4 5

    1. Unpaid overtime motivates to work 2. Unpaid overtime may lead to take biased

    decisions3. Unpaid overtime may mean asdiscrimination4. Unpaid overtime may hinder further career development5. Unpaid overtime may lead you to go for alternative job

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    Section Three

    Increased Job Responsibility-Independent Variable

    1 2 3 4 5

    1. Increased job responsibility decreasesmorale2. Too much work without payment may beunethical3. Increased job responsibility dignifiesemployees role or position4. Increased job responsibility may be cost-efficient5. Organizational politics influences jobassigning procedure

    Section Four

    Overtime Vs Leisure Time-IndependentVariable

    1 2 3 4 5

    1. Increasing work hours clashes with sociallife2. There is hardly any time to enjoy withfriends and family3. Company tends to cut-off Govt. holidays4. Sudden overtime roaster causesdissatisfaction

    5. Long work hours bring monotonous life

    Section Five

    Qualitative Job- Independent Variable 1 2 3 4 51. Long working hours tends to decrease theattention in job2. Unpaid overtime degrades quality3. Long work hours tends to decrease

    employees expertise4. Substantial differences between normaland overtime working hours5. Stress might influence job quality

  • 8/8/2019 Report Main Body


    45 | P a g e

    Section Six

    Less Recognition- IndependentVariable

    1 2 3 4 5

    1. Unpaid overtime may not be recognised

    2. Unpaid overtime may not dignifies the position3. Unpaid overtime may have lack of reinforcement4. Unpaid overtime may underestimate the

    potential of the employee5. Unpaid overtime may be a tool for

    pressurising the employees to do the work

    Section Seven

    Grievances- Independent Variable

    1 2 3 4 5

    1. Unpaid overtime creates dissatisfaction2. Excessive working hours without paymentmay create rival relationship with themanagement3. Management is trying take interest by notgiving the employees overtime payment4. Excessive workhours is not a concern rather the payment5. The company does not have any schedule for

    paying the overtime to white collar employees

    Any other opinion/suggestion/recommendation that you may have or has notcovered yet:


    T hanks for your cooperation

  • 8/8/2019 Report Main Body



    Table of ContentsExecutive Summary...................................................................................................................ii

    1. Introduction................................................................................................................... 11.1 Origin of the Report................................................................................................ 11.2 Objective ................................................................................................................ 21.3 Statement of purpose............................................................................................... 21.4 Scope...................................................................................................................... 21.5 Limitations.............................................................................................................. 31.6 Methodology........................................................................................................... 3

    1.6.1 Sample design.................................................................................................. 31.6.2 Methods of data collection ............................................................................... 3

    2. Company Profile ........................................................................................................... 52.1 Vision-Mission........................................................................................................ 7

    2.1.1 Our Vision ........................................................................................................ 72.1.2 Our Mission...................................................................................................... 7

    2.2 Strategic Priority.................................................................................................. 72.3 For our Customers ................................................................................................ 72.4 Core Values........................................................................................................... 7

    2.4.1 for our Employees............................................................................................ 72.4.2 for our Shareholders.......................................................................................... 82.4.3 for our Community ............................................................................................ 8

    3. Data Analysis ................................................................................................................ 93.1 Performance Level .................................................................................................. 93.2 Job Satisfaction..................................................................................................... 103.3 Increased Job Responsibility- Independent Variable :............................................ 113.4 Overtime Vs Leisure Time-Independent Variable .................................................. 123.5 Qualitative Job- Independent Variable .................................................................. 133.6 Less Recognition- Independent Variable .............................................................. 143.7 Grievances- Independent Variable......................................................................... 15

    Interpretation of relationship ............................................................................................... 174.1 Performance Level VS Increased job responsibility............................................... 174.2 Performance Level VS Overtime-Leisure.............................................................. 194.3 Performance Level VS Qualitative job .................................................................. 204.4 Performance Level VS less Recognition................................................................ 214.5 Performance Level VS Grievances ........................................................................ 235.1 Job Satisfaction VS Increased job responsibility................ ......... ........... ......... ....... 245.2 Job Satisfaction VS Overtime-Leisure................................................................... 26

    5.3 Job Satisfaction VS Qualitative job....................................................................... 275.4 Job Satisfaction VS less recognition...................................................................... 295.5 Job Satisfaction VS Grievances............................................................................. 30

    6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 327 Recommendation......................................................................................................... 32BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................... 33