represenation of teenagers in film promotional material

Only one teenager is being presented in the poster; this probably means that he is the main character and doesn’t need to be in a group because he is independent and capable of defending himself. The character presented in the poster is obviously a male; this suggests that the movie is aimed at a male audience which also suggests that the movie includes violence. The teenager on the poster is wearing simple clothing (jeans, blue t-shirt and a jacket), there aren’t really any props in the image or in the background. The building in the background (The Empire State Building) suggests that the film is generally based in America (specifically New York). The main character is surrounded by what looks like the ocean which suggests the genre of this film which could be a hybrid of fantasy and action adventure. Teenagers could have been used in this genre because of their age meaning that adults aren’t usually associated with fantasy genres which is why they were used. One noticeable stereotype in the poster could be the fact that the character on the poster looks dominant which is what teenagers are portrayed as behaving like. The character in the poster is a perfect representation of Michael Brake’s theory because he is the main character meaning that he will be a generally positive person, respectable and fun to be around.

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Post on 28-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Represenation of Teenagers in Film Promotional Material

Only one teenager is being presented in the poster; this probably means that he is the main character and doesn’t need to be in a group because he is independent and capable of defending himself. The character presented in the poster is obviously a male; this suggests that the movie is aimed at a male audience which also suggests that the movie includes violence. The teenager on the poster is wearing simple clothing (jeans, blue t-shirt and a jacket), there aren’t really any props in the image or in the background. The building in the background (The Empire State Building) suggests that the film is generally based in America (specifically New York). The main character is surrounded by what looks like the ocean which suggests the genre of this film which could be a hybrid of fantasy and action adventure. Teenagers could have been used in this genre because of their age meaning that adults aren’t usually associated with fantasy genres which is why they were used. One noticeable stereotype in the poster could be the fact that the character on the poster looks dominant which is what teenagers are portrayed as behaving like. The character in the poster is a perfect representation of Michael Brake’s theory because he is the main character meaning that he will be a generally positive person, respectable and fun to be around.

Page 2: Represenation of Teenagers in Film Promotional Material

Many teenagers are presented in the poster however three main characters (teenagers) can be seen at the front of the poster which probably means that they are the main characters. The teenagers are represented as a group because they are all standing behind Harry Potter which suggests that they are supporting him; this suggests that teenagers in this particular film are stronger together as one by working together as an age group. The main characters at the front of the poster consist of two males and one female but in the background, there is a mix of different gendered teenagers. This could suggest that the movie contains romance because males and females are working together consistently. The background is Hogwarts and the ground is littered with rubble which suggests that the movie consists of death and mayhem. There aren’t many props accept from the wands that the main characters are holding. The clothes that the main characters are wearing are dusty and dirty which suggests that the movie is action adventure orientated. the genre of the movie seems to be action adventure and fantasy because the film poster is action adventure orientated. the genre of the movie seems to be action adventure and fantasy because the film poster portrays elements of violence because the main characters look injured and the fact that the film also includes elements of fantasy is supported by the fact that the main characters are holding wands which are usually used for magic. The fact that teenagers have been used for these genres is good because teenagers are associated with violence. Going back to the fact that the main characters look

Page 3: Represenation of Teenagers in Film Promotional Material

injured but not dead; this is stereotypical because older teenagers are associated with violence. If someone watched the previous films they would know that the main characters are perfect examples of Michael Brakes theory because they are respectable and fun people however in the poster they look like teenagers associated with those who are perfect examples of Hall’s theory because of the way they look (the expressions on their faces and the state that they are in). the target audience for the movie is probably older teenagers (from the age of 15) because of the different images shown in the poster suggesting that the film includes violence and threatening behaviour.