representation of age in tv drama learning objective: to explore how different age groups are...

Representation of Age in TV Drama Learning Objective: To explore how different age groups are represented in the media, specifically TV Drama.

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Representation of Agein TV Drama

Learning Objective: To explore how different age groups are represented in the media, specifically TV Drama.

RecapWhat is meant be demographic?What are the key demographic indicators that the media might use to classify someone?We shall now begin an in-depth study of each of these demographic indicators week by week, starting with….

• Look at the media figures you have been given.

• What can you say about the way their age is represented?

• Are they typical of their age? what are the concerns of people in this age group?

• Are they stereotyped according to age?

Do Now!

Age representation• What are the key age groups that we should be looking at?• All ages! Remember all characters have been constructed, they are all

the product of someone's imagination. They all offer a certain view of what it is to be that particular age.

• Possible groupings:

• Babies and toddlers• Children• Teenagers• 20 – 30 year olds• Middle age- what age range?• Elderly

• With your partner list the stereotypical qualities of all of these age groups, what words could be used to describe them?

Teenage Representation in TV drama

• What are TV dramas that are specifically aimed at teenagers? What TV dramas feature teenagers heavily?

• Are their any differences in the representations given? • Do these dramas accurately reflect teenage life? Do they have

anything to say about your life?• The US teen based shows such as ‘The OC’ and ‘One Tree

Hill’ are popular but are they reflective of your life?

Skins - Analysis

• Now watch the clip again, in your exercise books divide the page into half and make general notes on the representations of the other boys and also the girls. What stereotypes are being used? Is there a difference in the portrayal of both?

The elderly

• How are the elderly represented by the media?• How many media texts can you name that are

aimed at the elderly?• Do you think they are fairly represented or

underrepresented?• How are the elderly represented on TV drama?

How many elderly characters on TV dramas can we name.

• Read the article on ageism on the BBC

‘Eastenders’- a wide audience• Eastenders more than any other show on UK TV feels it has a

responsibility to represent everyone. Why?• It is a BBC programme and therefore funded by our licence

fee. The BBC must be seen to fairly represent all of us regardless of gender, ethnicity, age etc.

• Therefore Eastenders has a variety of characters to appeal to a variety of demographics. The spin off show ‘E20’ was an attempt to win back the youth market who were said to be not as interested in the show.

• It is one of the few programmes that gives elderly characters a prominent voice.

• Task: Watch this clip and make notes on the elderly characters.



• Pick a teenage character from a TV drama that you watch or have seen recently and analyse their representation. In what ways are they stereotyped? What messages do they send to non teenagers about the way that teenagers behave?

• Use as many of the key terms that you have learnt so far as you can.

• Aim for at least 1 side of A4.