reproduction. functions overall: to produce offspring male system: to produce & deliver sperm female...

Download Reproduction. Functions Overall: to produce offspring Male System: to produce & deliver sperm Female System: produce eggs, provide place for fertilized

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Male Anatomy Bladder Urethra Penis Testes Scrotum Epididymis Bulbourethral Gland Prostate Gland Seminal Vesicle Vas Deferens


Reproduction Functions Overall: to produce offspring Male System: to produce & deliver sperm Female System: produce eggs, provide place for fertilized eggs to develop Male Anatomy Bladder Urethra Penis Testes Scrotum Epididymis Bulbourethral Gland Prostate Gland Seminal Vesicle Vas Deferens Parts of the Male Scrotum: the sac that holds the testes positioned outside of the abdomen Why? allows sperm to develop in an environment 2-3C cooler than body temperature Testes: produce sperm Epididymis: where immature sperm mature, grow tails Vas deferens: tube, stores some sperm up to 3 months! Sperm Sperm: male sex cells 300 million produced PER DAY! 3 parts: Head = DNA Midsection = energy! Tail = swim! Sperm Development Heads and Tails testes & epididymis Seminal vesicles: secrete sugar mixture Provides energy for sperm Prostate Gland: secrete alkaline fluid Protects sperm from female fluids Bulbourethral Gland: secretes fluid Lubricates and cleanses urethra Why? Sperm & Fluids = Semen Sperm Release Upon arousal: Sperm leave vas deferens towards Urethra, picking up fluids from Urethra, leave body Ejaculation: sperm ejected by smooth muscle contractions Not voluntary! 2-6 mL of semen released Female Anatomy Oviduct or Fallopian Tubes Ovary Uterus Cervix Vagina Bladder Urethra Rectum Anus Parts of the Female Ovaries: site of egg production Oviducts (Fallopian Tubes): transport eggs from ovary to uterus *Fertilization happens here* Uterus: where fertilized egg develops Has 2 layers, 1 muscular, 1 thin lining Cervix: passageway from uterus vagina Muscles control this Vagina: birth canal; passage to the outside What happens during puberty? For boys? For girls? Triggered by pituitary (at night!) The Menstrual Cycle Facts about You As a fetus, you have more than 7 million eggs! At birth, 1-2 million are left At puberty, about 300,000 are left. Only eggs ever mature Compare to men: Men dont produce sperm until puberty Can produce up to 300 million sperm per day!!!!!!!!!!! More than a quadrillion in a lifetime! 1,000,000,000,000 How Eggs Begin Eggs begins within follicles Follicle: cluster of cells that surround an egg Function: to help an egg mature Location: in the ovaries Egg Menstrual Cycle Average cycle = 28 days 1 egg per cycle 4 parts in cycle: 1. Menstruation (Flow Phase) 2. Follicular Phase 3. Ovulation 4. Luteal Phase Menstruation (Flow Phase) Starts on Day 1 (approx. 5 days) Uterine lining shed Low levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Leutenizing Hormone (LH) released Hypothalamus stimulates pituitary gland to release them Begins to prepare/develop new follicle Follicular Phase Day 6 to 14 Estrogen is released Prepare lining of uterus Causes FSH to start to decrease LH levels remain low Follicle is getting ready to release an egg Ovulation Around day 14 The release of an egg from the ovary Estrogen reaches max level Triggers peak of LH FSH also has small peak Estrogen decreases Follicle ruptures to release the egg Luteal Phase Immediately after ovulation (14 days long) FSH, LH, and estrogen decrease Ruptured follicle becomes corpus luteum This produces progesterone Progesterone Thickens & maintains uterine lining Stimulates growth and development of blood supply Prepares you for pregnancy If no pregnancy, levels drop! Cycle ends! Period begins again. Menopause Permanent stopping of the menstrual cycle Production of estrogen drops, ovulation & menstruation stops Triggered by: Age (usually occurs around age 50) genetics environment (smoking, drinking, stress, emotional abuse, etc) Symptoms: hot flashes, fatigue, sleep problems depression, mood swings weight increase vaginal dryness When Egg Meets Sperm Life Spans Unfertilized egg can only live for 24 hours Sperm usually live for 48 hours in a womens body Fertilization The fusion of a sperm and egg Millions of Sperm are released in the vagina move up uterus & to the fallopian tubes if there is an egg, fertilization occurs ONLY 1 sperm can fertilize an egg! Once this occurs, a protective shield forms (fertilization envelope) around the egg Fertilized egg = Zygote Whats Next? Zygote divides into many cells moves into uterus Ball of cells = blastocyst Cells travel for 7-8 days Attach to uterine lining & continue developing Called implantation The Pathway Implantation Occurs when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus Causes a hormone called hcG to be released Supports pregnancy What pregnancy tests detect After implantation: Pregnancy Membranes develop around the embryo to protect & nourish it = placenta More on pregnancy Umbilical cord: connects embryo to mom Transports oxygen & nutrients to embryo Removes waste products At 8 weeks, embryo is called a fetus Pregnancy lasts about 266 days 40 weeks or 9 months Giving Birth Oxytocin (hormone) triggers uterine wall to contract Labor begins Cervix expands Baby starts to emerge, head first cut cord Cord will dry up/fall off becomes your belly button Placenta must be delivered after baby Birth Control & STDs Types of Birth Control Barrier Methods: physical block between partners Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): placed in uterus Hormonal Methods: including the pill Surgical Options: such as sterilization Other: requires awareness of your body Condoms Male Condom: worn by the male 85-98% effective One use, only use with suggested lubrications Some protection against STDs Female Condom: Worn by female 70-95% effective Some protection against STDs Diaphragm or Cervical Cap Placed in vagina to block sperm from entering cervix 84-94% effective Used with spermicide Cervical cap needs fitting by doctor Not effective against STDs IUDs Small, T- shaped 5-10 years of protective, depending on type 99% effective No STD protection Hormonal Methods (no STD protection) Many, many types (92-99% effective) Prevents ovulation body thinks its pregnant The Pill estrogen & progestrin, Mini Pill progestin only Patch new patch every 4 weeks NuvaRing new ring every 4 weeks Depo-Provera shot every 3 months (97-99%) Morning After Pill ONLY used in an emergency! Use up to 72hours after unprotected sex (75-89% effective) Surgical Options ( %) Sterilization: permanent Tubal Ligation: in female Tying tubes fallopian tubes are tied/closed Can fail over time as tubes might refuse Invasive, harder to reverse, expensive Vasectomy: in males Cut vas deferens, and clamp them shut Less invasive, reversible, cheaper Other Methods Abstinence Natural Family Planning Requires you to understand your cycle 75-99% effective Need to track your fertile period & avoid sex during this time Spermicides: gels, foam, tablets etc that kill sperm placed in vagina prior to sex & left for hours afterwards 71-82% effective STDs: Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Can cause: Life-long problems Blindness Bone deformities Mental retardation Death for infants whose mothers are infected Infertility Ectopic pregnancies Cancer of the uterus Who is being infected? Approximately 19 million new infections/year! Almost are people between ages 15-24! More Facts Symptoms: many do not have any! BUT they can still be spread! STDs seem to cause more severe problems for women! Many arent curable! STDs include: HIV/AIDS Chlamydia Trichomoniasis Genital Herpes HPV Gonorrhea Syphilis Hepatitis B A Few to know... Herpes: Viral STD Two types: HSV1 (cold sores), HSV2 (genital sores) Possible to transmit mouth genitals mouth Treatable, NOT curable! Can be spread all the time (even when no symptoms, or if you dont know you have it!) HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Most common STD of all women are infected at any one time Considered incurable, but treatable Symptoms: usually none!, genital warts, cervical changes, Known as cervical cancer virus but many types of HPV, not all are linked to cancer HPV vaccine protects you against the 4 most common types One moreTrichomoniasis: MOST common STD in young women (7 million cases a year) Caused by a parasite Often mistaken as a yeast infection Symptoms: Vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, irritation, itching, painful intercourse Men can get it, but usually dont have symptoms or very mild ones Curable, treated with drugs