reproduction notes. review (chromosomes) packages of compacted dna. humans have 46 chromosomes per...

Reproduction Notes

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Reproduction Notes

Review (Chromosomes)

Packages of compacted DNA. Humans have 46 chromosomes per normal body cell. Each chromosome lines up in a pair. (homologues). The chromosomes contain the DNA. DNA has the genes. Genes are the codes for

Proteins (ACCTTGGGTA). Proteins direct the

activities of the cell and body.• Genes are the instructions. • Proteins express the genes. • We have about 20K genes.• We have 3.2 billion bases.In



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Review - DNA

Review - Genes

Genes are bits of DNA that are the code that we use to make proteins.

Review - Proteins


Heredity =

The passing of traits from parent or parent(s) to the offspring (children).

1 Parent 2 Parents

Binary Fission

Reproduction =

The process by which organisms produce other organisms of the same kind (species).

S Reproduction involves the union of male and female reproductive cells (gametes). Most multi-celled organisms reproduce this way.

AS Reproduction is the type in which the offspring are produced by a single parent without reproductive cells. Most single-celled organisms and simple animals and plants reproduce this way.

Asexual Reproduction

Requires only one parent Offspring have 100% the same chromosomes

as the parent. In other words, the offspring are exact “clones”

of the parent. Does not need Meiosis to make gametes. Some form of cell division needed. Does not

mean that Mitosis is needed for all organisms. Movie

Asexual Reproduction: Budding

Budding In this form, an offspring grows out of the body of the parent. Hydras exhibit this type of reproduction. Hydras are closely related to the Jelly Fish


Asexual Reproduction: Budding

Budding In this form, a parent releases a specialized

mass of cells that can develop into an offspring.

sponges exhibit this type of reproduction.

Asexual Reproduction: Fragmentation

Fragmentation In this form, the body of the parent breaks into distinct pieces, each of which can produce an offspring.Planarians (flat worms) exhibit this type of reproduction.

Asexual Reproduction: Regeneration Regeneration

In this form, if a piece of a parent is detached, it can grow and develop into a completely new individual.Echinoderms (star fish, brittle stars etc.) exhibit this type of reproduction.

Asexual Reproduction: Plant Cuttings

Vegetative reproduction is a type of asexual reproduction in plants that relies on multi-cellular structures formed by the parent plant.  It has long been exploited in horticulture and agriculture, with various methods employed to multiply stocks of plants.

Asexual Reproduction: Example

Potatoes are actually an underground stem part called a tuber. Each individual seed potato, planted by a farmer, grows several underground tubers (the potatoes that we buy at the store) that are dug up and harvested from the ground. New potatoes can easily be asexually reproduced from the “eyes” of the mother.

Binary Fission

Binary Fission Bacteria Protists

Binary fission is a form of asexual

reproduction where every organelle

is copied and the organism divides in two.

Asexual Reproduction: Examples

Hydra Planarians Bacteria Fungi Some Plants Yeast Potatoes Starfish

Sexual Reproduction

Requires two parents that each give a copy of ½ of their genetic information. Offspring share the characteristics of each

parent. Meiosis

Sexual Reproduction: Animals

Animal Kingdom Many of the members of the Animal

Kingdom Fish Mammals Amphibians Birds Reptiles Insects Crustaceans

Sexual Reproduction: Plants

Plant Kingdom Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants. Some plants cross – pollinate. Some flowers have both male and female

reproductive organs on the same flower and can self- pollinate.

Sexual Reproduction

Happens 2 ways 1. Internally (inside)

The egg is fertilized by sperm inside the female Mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, spiders

2. Externally (outside) The egg is fertilized by sperm outside the female The female lays the eggs and then the male

fertilizes them. Fish and some amphibians Plants and fungi (pollen and spores) Nemo Movie Clip

Mammal Reproduction (Internal S. Repro)

All mammals reproduce have internal sexual reproduction and nurture young with milk. Monotremes = lay eggs (i.e. platypus) Marsupials = give birth to live young that are

partially developed (i.e kangaroo) Placental Mammals = give live birth (4000 spp.

including whales, elephants, bats, horses and humans and more)

Frogs (External S. Reproduction)

Some Frogs: Females lay eggs and then the male covers the eggs with sperm cells to fertilize them. The eggs hatch into tadpoles.

Sexual Reproduction: Examples

Rats Mosquitoes Salmon Sunflower Pea Plants Trees + Many more

Some organisms can do both types of reproduction: Sexual and Asexual Many plants and animals are adapted to

reproduce both ways. There are advantages to each method. Komodo Dragon (New Adaptation Discovered in

2006) Daffodil Flower Cactus Plant Mushroom Sponge Starfish + others

Part 2: Group Organism Investigation Spiny Water Flea

Tiny and Transparent Arthropod Crustacean Reproduce Rapidly Lives in the Great Lakes Invader from European Waters

Protected by Barbed Tail (70% of Body) Can Alternate Between AS and S.

AS = Female releases eggs into brood chamber on her back. The eggs develop into clones within a few days. During the summer she can produce clones every two weeks.

S = When food becomes scarce or temperature changes some females produce resting eggs that can remain dormant.

Desert Grasslands Whiptail Lizard Whiptail Lizard

Lizard of the Southwest US Long sleek bodies with stripes from nose to

toe. Uses Parthenogenesis

= no male species. More eggs can be produced this way.

Meadow Garlic

Allium canadense Flowering plant that is onion like Grows Wild. Native Am. Used for Cooking AS and S

Bulblets sprout and/or Bulblets Pollinated Not self-pollinating. Must cross-pollinate.

Red Kangaroo

Macropus rufus Live in Australia and can jump well

Can Jump as Far as 12 feet Can Run up to 35 MPH!

S Reproduction Short gestation (3 per year) Start in Pouches Baby called Joeys Joeys live in pouch for

7 months

Brittle Star

Ophiactis savignyi Related to Starfish They have Radial Symmetry

Central Disk Holds Mouth, Stomach and Organs. AS and S Reproduction

Fission or Fragment Arms Break off and regenerate.

Duck Leech

Thermomyzon tessulatum Attaches to nostrils, eyes, throats and brains

of ducks and other waterfowl. S Reproduction

Hermaphrodite = Has Both Male and Female Reproductive Structures.

Requires gametes from other leeches.

Leech Cocoons hold as many 400 eggs.

Grizzly Bear

Ursus horribilis Live in Rugged Mountain Areas Require a HUGE Habitat (350 sq. miles) Males 1000 lbs. Females 700 lbs. S. Reproduction

Internal Delayed Fertilization Cubs with mom for 3 years. She won’t reproduce again until they leave.

Leafy Sea Dragon

Phycoduras eques Dragons lurk in cool waters. Can be big as 2 feet. Live in Australia in Calm and Cool Waters S. Reproduction

Males Carry and Hatch the Young (200 eggs).


Salmonella typhimurium Small 1-Celled Eubacteria Causes Food Poisoning in Small Intestine

Could be life threatening Found in raw eggs, raw meats, reptiles, feces.

AS Reproduction Binary Fission

Sand Scorpian

Paruroctonus mesaensis Active at Night as Glowing Creatures S. Reproduction

External and Internal Dance for Courtship Female sometimes eats the male for a meal. Mom can have 33 babies that live on her back.