reputation inflation in an online marketplace · odesk marketplace. continuing this institutional...

Reputation Inflation in an Online Marketplace John J. Horton Leonard N. Stern School of Business New York University Joseph M. Golden Elance-oDesk and University of Michigan * February 16, 2015 Abstract Average public feedback scores given to sellers have increased strongly over time in an online market- place. Changes in marketplace composition or improved seller performance cannot fully explain this trend. We propose that two factors inflated reputations: (1) it costs more to give bad feedback than good feedback when feedback is public because buyers fear retaliation and (2) this cost is increasing in the market’s average feedback score. Together, (1) & (2) push the market towards an equilibrium where feedback is always positive, regardless of performance. To address this problem, the market- place allowed and encouraged buyers to additionally give private feedback. This private feedback was more candid and more predictive of future worker performance. The marketplace experimen- tally revealed aggregate private feedback scores which influenced employers’ hiring decisions. JEL J01, J24, J3 1 Introduction Market outcomes—such as who trades with whom and on what terms—are explained in part by mar- ketplace reputations. In the early reputation literature, reputations were modeled as the private beliefs market participants had about each other (Kreps and Wilson, 1982; Greif, 1993). With the advent of elec- tronic commerce, platforms needed to create trust among strangers and so they reified “reputation,” often simply by collecting and then showing the average feedback ratings made by prior trading partners (Dellarocas, 2003). A large and growing literature has conclusively demonstrated the importance of these reputations within online marketplaces (Resnick et al., 2000). Online reputations always exist within the context of some designed reputation system that consists of rules about how feedback is collected, aggregated and shown. Designs differ, but all systems generally have the same aim: to reduce adverse selection. The reputation system can also reduce moral hazard by motivating behavior that will lead to “good” feedback, such as high effort and trustworthy behavior. However, if online reputations matter enough to motivate good behavior, they also matter enough to motivate less welcome behaviors, such as begging, bribes and threats. * Author contact information, datasets and code are currently or will be available at Thanks to Richard Zeckhauser, Ramesh Johari, Aaron Sojourner for very helpful comments and suggestions. Thanks to the Elance-oDesk corporation—and Samir Lakhani in particular—for their assistance with this project. Helpful (and hopefully not inflated) feedback was received at the Crowdsourcing Seminar at Carnegie Mellon University at the School of Computer Science and the MIT Conference on Digital Experimentation. 1

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Reputation Inflation in an Online Marketplace

John J. HortonLeonard N. Stern School of Business

New York University

Joseph M. GoldenElance-oDesk and University of Michigan∗

February 16, 2015


Average public feedback scores given to sellers have increased strongly over time in an online market-place. Changes in marketplace composition or improved seller performance cannot fully explain thistrend. We propose that two factors inflated reputations: (1) it costs more to give bad feedback thangood feedback when feedback is public because buyers fear retaliation and (2) this cost is increasingin the market’s average feedback score. Together, (1) & (2) push the market towards an equilibriumwhere feedback is always positive, regardless of performance. To address this problem, the market-place allowed and encouraged buyers to additionally give private feedback. This private feedbackwas more candid and more predictive of future worker performance. The marketplace experimen-tally revealed aggregate private feedback scores which influenced employers’ hiring decisions.

JEL J01, J24, J3

1 Introduction

Market outcomes—such as who trades with whom and on what terms—are explained in part by mar-ketplace reputations. In the early reputation literature, reputations were modeled as the private beliefsmarket participants had about each other (Kreps and Wilson, 1982; Greif, 1993). With the advent of elec-tronic commerce, platforms needed to create trust among strangers and so they reified “reputation,”often simply by collecting and then showing the average feedback ratings made by prior trading partners(Dellarocas, 2003). A large and growing literature has conclusively demonstrated the importance of thesereputations within online marketplaces (Resnick et al., 2000).

Online reputations always exist within the context of some designed reputation system that consistsof rules about how feedback is collected, aggregated and shown. Designs differ, but all systems generallyhave the same aim: to reduce adverse selection. The reputation system can also reduce moral hazardby motivating behavior that will lead to “good” feedback, such as high effort and trustworthy behavior.However, if online reputations matter enough to motivate good behavior, they also matter enough tomotivate less welcome behaviors, such as begging, bribes and threats.

∗Author contact information, datasets and code are currently or will be available at to Richard Zeckhauser, Ramesh Johari, Aaron Sojourner for very helpful comments and suggestions. Thanks to theElance-oDesk corporation—and Samir Lakhani in particular—for their assistance with this project. Helpful (and hopefully notinflated) feedback was received at the Crowdsourcing Seminar at Carnegie Mellon University at the School of Computer Scienceand the MIT Conference on Digital Experimentation.


The nature of the threatened retaliation depends on the context, but it is generally some cost placedon the rating party.1 In online marketplaces with bilateral reputation systems, the platform itself givesthe rated party a ready-made threat/bribe, namely to match whatever feedback they receive with thesame feedback. When retaliation becomes possible, the link between past performance and online rep-utation can grow tenuous, and if incentives for truth-telling are weak, the likely outcome is universallypositive feedback scores and hence useless, highly inflated reputations.

In many marketplaces the observed distribution of reputation scores seems implausibly rosy. Forexample, the median seller on eBay has a score of 100% positive feedback ratings and the tenth percentileis 98.21% positive feedback reports (Nosko and Tadelis, 2014). In any actual marketplace it is difficultto say definitively whether reputations are inflated. There is no “ground truth” that tells us what thedistribution reputations “should” look like. While we cannot say much about bias in a static setting, wecan say much more in a dynamic setting. If average feedback is growing more positive—but there hasbeen no change in marketplace composition or the attributes of transactions—then it seems likely thatthe informativeness of the reputation system is eroding.

In this paper, we document substantial “reputation inflation” in an online labor marketplace, oDesk,with average seller (worker) feedback scores increasing strongly over time: from the start of 2007 to mid-2014, average feedback scores on completed contracts increased by about one “star” (on a 1-5 star scale).To put this increase in perspective, in 2007, 28% of contracts ended with a feedback score of less than 4,whereas in 2014 this percentage had dropped to 9%. One strong piece of evidence that this is not merelyan oDesk phenomenon is that we find a nearly identical pattern in the monthly feedback from Elance, asimilar online labor market.2

We show that reputation inflation is not wholly explained by changes in marketplace composition,even though we would expect bad sellers (or hard-to-please buyers) to exit the marketplace: only half ofthis increase can be explained by composition. Instead, we believe that two factors are inflating repu-tations. First, giving negative feedback is more costly to the rater than giving positive feedback in partbecause the rated party can retaliate.3 Second, what is considered “bad” feedback (and hence whatprompts retaliation) depends upon the market penalty associated with that bad feedback. Together,these factors can create a ratchet-like dynamic of ever-increasing reputations. We formalize this argu-ment in a simple adverse selection model and show that there exists a stable equilibrium in which sellersonly report good feedback and reputations are thus universally inflated.

Theoretical arguments about inflation aside, oDesk believed it had a problem with inflated reputa-tions. In response, oDesk instituted a new experimental “private feedback” system in which buyers andsellers privately reported on their experiences in addition to their status quo public feedback. oDesk be-gan collecting private feedback from employers on May 9th, 2013. This private feedback was collectedat the same time as the status quo public feedback, giving us a dataset of public and private feedbackfor the same completed job. For the new private feedback, employers were asked “Would you hire this

1As customers have had more opportunities to express and disseminate commercial opinions, there seems to be an increasein lawsuits designed to muzzle negative opinions. The strategy is commonplace enough that it has an acronym in the legalcommunity, SLAPP, or “strategic litigation against public participation,” to describe the practice of companies trying to deterbad feedback. For example, see “Venting Online, Consumers Can Find Themselves in Court”, New York Times, May 31, 2010.

2Elance merged with oDesk in early 2014 but was previously operated on its own. The merger gave us access to the detailedmicro-data on feedback scores needed to make the comparison. Recent work by Zervas et al. (2015) in the Airbnb context—which also has a kind of bilateral feedback system—documents that reputations are surprisingly high, though their data iscross-sectional rather than longitudinal.

3The existence of the expression “don’t shoot the messenger” is some evidence for our claim that giving bad feedback is morecostly than giving good feedback. Further, no student in the history of higher education has scheduled office hours to complainabout receiving an A+.


freelancer [worker] again, if you had a similar project?” with multiple choice responses of “Definitelyyes”, “Probably yes”, “Probably not” and “Definitely not.” Unsurprisingly, buyers that claimed a goodexperience privately overwhelmingly claimed the same publicly. However, buyers that claimed a badexperience privately still gave the highest possible public feedback nearly 20% of the time.

Comparing the public and private feedback reveals a number of facts. First, the two scores are highlycorrelated, but the private score shows less top-censoring compression and far more examples of mildlynegative sentiment. The private feedback scores contains more performance-relevant information thanpublic feedback alone: a worker’s initial private feedback is more predictive than their initial public feed-back of both their next public and private feedback by some other employer. Using a sample of textualfeedback comments and numerical public scores, we fit a model that predicts public feedback scoresbased on the text of the feedback comments. When the predicted public score is lower than the actualfeedback, the private feedback was considerably more negative. This indicates that at least some of thenegative sentiment captured by private feedback “shows up” in the text of the public feedback.

On April 29th, 2014, oDesk experimentally introduced a feature that revealed aggregated private feed-back about applicants to some employers posting new openings. oDesk revealed aggregated privatefeedback as the percentage of previous employers who left private feedback that selected the top twoprivate feedback tiers (“Definitely yes” and “Probably yes”). For example, a treated employer review-ing an applicant would see a notice on the applicants’s profile that “85% [of past employers] would hireagain,” if that applicant had had enough past private feedback scores to aggregated them anonymously.Control employers received the status quo experience that made no mention of private feedback.

We find strong evidence that employers use this revealed information when deciding whose appli-cations to review, whom to interview and whom to hire. The main effect seems to be that employersavoided hiring workers with bad private feedback scores, with no overall increase in hiring. There is nostrong evidence that the intervention improved contract outcomes, but given that the overall change inthe private feedback score of hired applicants was small, “downstream” effects on match outcomes wereunlikely to be detected due to low power. There is evidence that applicants that were not eligible to re-ceive a private feedback score on their profile (they had too few prior private feedback ratings) were lesslikely to be hired when employers could see private feedback scores of other applicants. This kind ofcrowd-out is troubling, as it could further raise the barriers for entry level workers, which Pallais (2013)shows are already high in this setting.

Our experimental results support our hypothesis that costs drive inflation: when negative feedbackcosts are reduced—namely by allowing buyers to give feedback quasi-anonymously—we get more ofit. Through the experimental validation, we show that buyers act upon the information contained inaggregated private feedback, which implies that they (correctly) believe that aggregated private feedbackis informative, even conditioned on the publicly available signals. Interestingly, this result implies thatemployers already appreciate the biased nature of public feedback.

This paper is the first to directly document strategic rating behavior in an online market by showingthat privately observed experiences frequently do not match publicly shared statements. By collectingboth private and public statements about the same transaction, we can cut right to the heart of the mat-ter. Our paper is not the first to explain how reputations can be biased (Dellarocas and Wood, 2008),but we believe it is the first to explain how individually rational choices about what feedback to leavecan push the market towards an entirely uninformative equilibrium that cannot be fixed through sta-tistical correction. However, the paper also has a silver lining of sorts in that the solution we present—aggregating private feedback into public scores—has potentially wide application, as it reduces the un-derlying reason why negative feedback is scarce.


The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides the empirical context, describing the currentoDesk marketplace. Continuing this institutional focus, Section 3 delves into the status quo reputationsystem on oDesk and its quantitative characteristics. Special attention is paid to documenting the repu-tation inflation on oDesk and ruling out the possibility that other explanations completely describe thephenomena. Section 4 introduces an adverse selection model of buyer rating behavior in a labor market.Section 5 describes the relevant existing literature on reputation systems. In Section 6, the private feed-back collection intervention is described and its informativeness—i.e., its ability to predict future marketoutcomes—is compared to the status quo public feedback. Section 7 describes the experimental inter-vention in which future employers in the treatment group were shown the aggregate private feedbackscores of their applicants. Section 8 concludes.

2 Empirical context

During the last ten years, a number of online labor markets have emerged. In these markets, firms andindividuals hire workers to perform tasks that can be done remotely, such as computer programming,graphic design, data entry, and writing. Markets differ in their scope and focus, but common servicesprovided by the platforms include maintaining job listings, hosting user profile pages, arbitrating dis-putes, certifying worker skills and maintaining reputation systems. On oDesk, would-be employers writejob descriptions, self-categorize the nature of the work and required skills and then post the vacancies tothe oDesk website. Workers learn about vacancies via electronic searches or email notifications.

Workers submit applications, which generally include a wage bid (for hourly jobs) or a total projectbid (for fixed-price jobs) and a cover letter. In addition to worker-initiated applications, employers canalso search worker profiles and invite workers to apply. After a worker submits an application, the em-ployer can interview and hire the applicant on the terms proposed by the worker or make a counteroffer,which the worker can counter, and so on. The process is not an auction and neither the employer norworker are bound to accept an offer.

To work on hourly oDesk contracts, workers must install custom tracking software on their comput-ers. The tracking software, or “Work Diary,” essentially serves as a digital punch clock that allows forremote monitoring of employees. When the worker is working, the software logs the count of keystrokesand mouse movements; at random intervals, the software also captures an image of the worker’s com-puter screen. All of this captured data is sent to the oDesk servers and then made available to the em-ployer for inspection. This monitoring makes hourly contracts and hence employment relationshipspossible, which in turn makes the oDesk marketplace more like a traditional labor market than project-based online marketplaces where contracts are usually arm’s-length and fixed price.

In the first quarter of 2012, $78 million was spent on oDesk. The 2011 wage bill was $225 million,representing 90% year-on-year growth from 2010. As of October 2012, more than 495,000 employersand 2.5 million workers have created profiles (though a considerably smaller fraction are active on thesite). Approximately 790,000 vacancies were posted in the first half of 2012. See Agrawal et al. (2013a) foradditional descriptive statistics on oDesk.

There has been some research which focuses on the oDesk marketplace. Pallais (2013) shows via afield experiment that past worker experience on oDesk is an excellent predictor of being hired for sub-sequent work on the platform. Stanton and Thomas (2012) use oDesk data to show that agencies (whichact as quasi-firms) help workers find jobs and break into the marketplace. Agrawal et al. (2013b) inves-tigate what factors matter to employers in making selections from an applicant pool and present someevidence of statistical discrimination, which can be ameliorated by better information.


3 Status quo reputation system on oDesk

On oDesk, when one party ends a contract—customarily the employer—both parties are prompted togive feedback. Feedback includes both a short written portion, e.g., “Paul did excellent work—I’d workwith him again” or “Ada is a great person to work for—her instructions were always very clear” andquantitative feedback. The employer-on-freelancer quantitative feedback is given on several weighteddimensions—“Skills” (20%), “Quality of Work” (20%), “Availability” (15%), “Adherence to Schedule” (15%),“Communication” (15%) and “Cooperation” (15%). Figure 1 shows the current public feedback interfaceused on oDesk for employers rating workers. The weighted mean of the various dimensions generatesan overall feedback score for the completed project. These project-level feedback scores are then aggre-gated to give a total feedback score, which is a dollar-weighted mean. On the worker profile, a lifetimescore is shown as well as a “last 6 months” score. Showing recent feedback is presumably the platform’sresponse to the opportunism that becomes possible once a buyer or seller has obtained a high, hard-to-lower reputation (Aperjis and Johari, 2010; Liu, 2011).

Figure 1: Public feedback interface

Notes: This is the interface presented to employers for giving public feedback at the conclusion of a


Both buyer and seller have an initial 14 day “feedback period” in which to leave feedback. oDeskdoes not reveal public feedback immediately. Rather oDesk uses the following “double-blind” process.If both parties leave feedback during the feedback period, then oDesk reveals both sets of feedback si-multaneously. If instead, only one party leaves feedback, then oDesk reveals it at the end of the feedbackperiod. Thus, neither party learns its own rating before leaving a rating for the other party. Once eitherboth parties have left each other feedback, or the feedback period has elapsed, neither party can enteror revise the feedback they have left without permission of the other party. Despite this seeming “fix” toprevent tit-for-tat feedback, there is nothing to stop parties from engaging in “pre-play” communication


about their intentions. 4

We have some evidence that feedback manipulation occurs, from forum and blog postings, com-munication between buyers and sellers, and complaints directly to oDesk, but it is difficult to directlyassess the severity of this problem, partially because communication about manipulation between thetwo parties may occur entirely in private, such as via email. However, a survey of oDesk employers foundthat 20% had felt pressure to leave more positive public feedback. Feedback is not compulsory, thoughit is strongly encouraged. Of employers eligible to leave feedback, 16% do not leave feedback, while 8%of workers do not leave feedback on employers.

Average numerical feedback—weighted by the dollars spent on the related contract—is shown onworker profiles. The entire feedback history is also available to interested parties. Workers can alsoview the feedback given to previous workers evaluated by that employer and the feedback received byan employer from that same worker. Figure 2 shows an example of what a freelancer [worker] can viewabout an employer’s past relationships.

Figure 2: Public view of the feedback given to and given by an employer

Notes: This image is screen-shot of an employer’s feedback history, which is publicly viewable. An

employer would have an entry like this one for every contract. It shows not only the feedback they

gave to the evaluated worker, but also the feedback they received.

3.1 Dynamics and current distribution of employer-on-worker feedback scores

On oDesk, the average feedback scores given to workers have risen over time. Figure 3 shows the histori-cal monthly average feedback of employers on workers. For each month, the mean is shown, as well as a95% confidence interval. We can see that in the early years of the platform, the average fluctuated a greatdeal, as the total number of completed contracts was small. However, over time, the number of feedbackscores per month increased and average feedback grew more stable month to month. There is a strongpositive trend over time, with the greatest period of growth occurring in 2007. Elance is a similar onlinelabor market, with a similar public reputation system, which merged with oDesk in 2014. Figure 4 showsthat historical public feedback given to workers on Elance follows all of the same patterns as on oDesk,though the period of rapid inflation occurred later.

4Each party can independently grant the other party permission to change their feedback once per job, once the “feedbackperiod” ends. The feedback changing process’s primary purpose is to give buyers and sellers the opportunity to directly workout their own problems. However, the feedback changing process is not “double-blind”, so buyers and sellers have more op-portunity to strategically manipulate the feedback changing process than the initial feedback leaving process. In particular,one party could coerce the other into improving their feedback, mildly by, for example, asking or begging for good feedback, oraggressively by, for example, withholding work until the buyer leaves good feedback. Additionally, one party may offer to raisethe feedback they have left, but only if the other party does so first. There are two ways that feedback can be removed. First,oDesk can remove feedback ratings that violate site policies, such as feedback that is manipulated. Second, if a seller issues acomplete refund for a job, oDesk removes the feedback.


Figure 3: Monthly average public feedback scores on oDesk to workers over time

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014






1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11Month


n pu







s on



Notes: This figure shows the average monthly feedback given by employers to workers for contracts on oDesk ending that

month. For each point observation, a 95% confidence interval is shown. Contracts for which no feedback was left are


Figure 4: Monthly average public feedback scores on Elance to workers over time

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014




1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11Month


n E


e fe


ck b

y em



on w



Notes: This figure shows the average monthly feedback given by employers to workers for contracts on Elance ending

that month. For each point observation, a 95% confidence interval is shown. Contracts for which no feedback was left

are excluded.

An upward trend in feedback is only consistent with reputation inflation. It is possible that the poolof workers is getting better over time as poor-performing workers exit.

3.2 Is the positive trend in feedback score caused by worker and employer compositionalchanges?

Over time, the composition of workers and employers in the marketplace could change: we would expectworker quality to improve if “bad” workers exit the marketplace. We could also imagine that employersthat are relatively hard to please would also exit. Together, these two trends could yield a “good” work-force and easy-to-please employers, the upshot of which would be legitimately high feedback.

We can test this “composition” hypothesis for reputation inflation by testing whether we still see apositive time trend in feedback when controlling for the identity of the hired worker and hiring firm.


As we know the entire hiring and feedback history of everyone in the marketplace, we can use the sameeconometric techniques pioneered by Abowd et al. (1999) for working with matched employer-employeedatasets. In Table 1, in Column (1) we first report an OLS estimate of

PubFBi j t =β0 +β1t +ε (1)

where PubFBi j t is the public feedback received by worker i on contract j at time t . The sample is re-stricted to workers with at least 10 completed contracts on oDesk. In Column (2), we estimate

PubFBi j t =β0 +β1t + ci + c j +ε (2)

where ci and c j are employer- and worker-specific fixed effects and t is the relative year in which thefeedback rating was made.

As expected, in Column (1) of Table 1, the coefficient on the evaluating year is positive and highlysignificant. When we add the worker- and firm-specific effects in Column (2), the coefficient on t goesdown, but it is still positive and highly significant.5 There is still a substantial increase in reputationscores even when controlling for composition. However, this conclusion depends on the assumptionthat workers are not improving over time.

Although we cannot add a worker-specific time regressor (as it would be co-linear with the overalltime regressor), we can include a term for worker experience, experi t , which is the count of previousprojects by worker i at time t . As this variable is highly skewed—the max in the sample is more than800 completed projects—we take the log of previous projects by worker i and add it as a regressor. InColumn (3), Table 1 we report an estimate of

PubFBi j t =β0 +β1t +β2 log(experi t

)+ ci + c j +ε. (3)

We can see that the coefficient on experience is actually negative, suggesting that the reduction in thetime trend from Column (1) to Column (2) actually over-stated the reduction in feedback due to compo-sitional effects.

The within-worker negative relationship between experience and feedback might seem counter-intuitive, but at least two mechanisms could be at play. First, a long-held concern with reputation sys-tems is that once a reputation is established, the holder of that reputation has an incentive to “defect,”doing less work or bearing fewer costs since the reputational penalty from doing so is not so great. Cabraland Hortaçsu (2010), examining the dynamics of reputation on eBay from a constructed panel of sellers,find that a worker’s current reputation score seemingly affects their behavior. Sellers that know they areabout to leave the marketplace seem to provide worse service. While this is slightly different than free-riding on a good reputation, it does suggest that effort is endogenous with respect to feedback score.Second, workers are not exogenously given jobs with set wages and so we might expect that as workersimprove or gain experience, they might try more demanding jobs and/or higher-paying jobs in whichpleasing the employer is more difficult.

3.3 Current distribution of feedback scores

The positive trend in average feedback to sellers on oDesk has resulted in a distribution of feedbackscores with a heavy right tail. Figure 5 shows the distribution of public feedback by employers on workersfrom May 9th, 2013 to June 2th, 2014. The distribution is highly skewed, with slightly more than 80% ofevaluations being in the 4.75 to 5.00 star bin. However, there is some weight in the lowest bin, whichcontains the fraction of observations with exactly 1.00 star, the lowest possible rating.

5We estimate the double-fixed effects model using the software developed by Gaure (2013).


Table 1: Estimates of the effect of relative evaluation date on oDesk public feedback score (1 to 5 starscale) on workers, with and without controls for marketplace participant composition

Dependent variable:

Employer feedback on worker (5-star scale):

(1) (2) (3)

Years from start of oDesk 0.056∗∗∗ 0.020∗∗∗ 0.042∗∗∗

(0.0004) (0.001) (0.002)

Log worker experience −0.031∗∗∗


Constant 4.203∗∗∗


Worker and Firm FE? No Yes YesObservations 1,707,647 1,707,647 1,707,647R2 0.010 0.422 0.422

Notes: The dependent variable in both regressions is the public numeri-cal feedback score given to a worker by the employer that hired them, atthe conclusion of the contract. The sample consists of all completed con-tracts on oDesk, as of December 1st, 2014, by workers with 10 or morecontracts. The key independent variable in both regressions is the yearof the evaluation, relative to the start of the oDesk marketplace. Col-umn (1) reports an ordinary least squares regression, whereas Column (2)has worker and employer fixed effects. As such, the Column (2) regressionis intended to control for changes in marketplace composition. For Col-umn (2), standard errors are clustered at the employer level, whereas inColumn (1) conventional standard errors are shown. Significance indica-tors: p ≤ 0.05 : ∗, .p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗ and p ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.


Figure 5: Distribution of public feedback to workers


4.6%1.2% 2.0%3.1% 2.6%0.3%1.3% 0.9%0.6%0.4%0.4% 0.8%0.1% 0.3%0.2%0.2%0
















































Public feedback scores


nt o

f obs



Notes: This figure shows—for each bin—the count of completed assignments receiving a public feedback score

from the employer falling in the bin. Public feedback scores are between 1 and 5 stars, inclusive. The red dashed

line shows the cumulative number of assignments with feedback less than or equal to the right limit of the bin

it is above. Each bar is labeled with the percentage of total observations in that bin. This sample consists of all

completed contracts from May 9th, 2013 to June 2th, 2014 for which the employer provided feedback.

4 An adverse selection model of reputation

To explore the incentives created by a reputation system, we develop a simple model of an employer giv-ing public feedback to workers in a competitive labor market. Workers have a type q . They are matchedat random with employers, after which they produce output y ∈ {0,1}, with Pr(y = 1|q) = q which theycan sell in the product market for $1. The firm observes y and then gives a signal, i.e., gives feedback,to the marketplace, s ∈ {0,1}. The firm gets a benefit b > 0 whenever s = y , that is when they tell thetruth. However, when y = 0 and the firm reports s = 0 it pays a cost, c(∆w), where ∆w is the differencein a worker’s expected productivity—as inferred by some future employer—when they receive bad feed-back versus good feedback. Firms choose a strategy p, which is their probability of truthfully reportings = 0 when y = 0. Note that the firm never has an incentive to report s = 0 when y = 1. Let pe be theequilibrium choice by all other firms.

There are two worker types: qH and qL , with qH > qL . The fraction of high-types in the market is θ,which is common knowledge. Future employers only observe the most recent feedback from a worker.Both sides are price-takers and so workers are just paid their expected marginal product, which is simply

w = Pr(q = qH |s)qH + (1−Pr(q = qL |s)

)qL . (4)

If s = 0, then a Bayesian firm infers that

Pr(q = qH |s = 0) = θ(1−qH )

θ(1−qH )+ (1−θ)(1−qL)(5)

(note that the pe term divides out) and when s = 1,

Pr(q = qH |s = 1) = θqH

θqH + (1−θ)qL + (1−pe )θ(1−qH )+ (1−pe )θ(1−qL). (6)


The expected wage difference from good and bad feedback at the equilibrium level of truth-telling, pe ,is thus

∆w = E[w |s = 1]−E[w |s = 0] (7)

= (qH −qL)2(1−θ)θ(1−pe (1− y)

)(1− y

) . (8)

where y = θqH + (1−θ)qL . We can see that ∆w > 0 for all pe , implying that there is always a cost to thefirm of giving bad feedback, which they must compare to b, the benefit.

An evaluating firm chooses a best response function φ(pe ), which is their probability of reportings = 0 when y = 0, i.e., telling the truth:

φ(pe ) =

1 : b > c(∆w(pe ))0 : b < c(∆w(pe ))p ′ : b = c(∆w(pe ))


where p ′ is any p in [0,1]. There are three equilibria: pe = 0, pe = 1 and pe = p|b = c(∆w(p)). The firsttwo equilibria are stable. The pe = 0 equilibrium is the all-lying equilibrium in which all firms reportpositive feedback regardless of performance. The pe = 1 equilibrium is the all-truthful equilibrium inwhich all firms tell the truth. In the all-lying equilibrium, if a small number of firms begin telling thetruth, so long as pe < p ′, the individual firm’s best response does not change. Similarly, in the all-truth-telling equilibrium, if a small number of firms begin lying, so long as pe > p ′, the individual firm’s bestresponse is still to tell the truth. The mixed strategy equilibrium, pe = p|b = c(∆w(p)), is unstable, as asmall change in another firm’s strategy would tip the individual firm towards always telling the truth oralways lying, depending on the direction of the perturbation.

Among the two pure strategy equilibria, is there any reason to believe one or another is more likely?Both are clearly possible and the size of the benefits and costs matter, but it is interesting to note thatin the all-truth-telling p = 1 equilibrium, the cost of bad feedback—and hence the incentive for workersto impose costs following bad feedback on employers—is higher than in the all-lying equilibrium. Let∆w(p) be the equilibrium loss when all firms choose pe . We can see that


∂p= (qH −qL)2θ(1−θ)

(1−p(1− y))2 > 0, (10)

which suggests that the more common truthful feedback is in the marketplace, the stronger pressurefirms face to lie when receiving bad performance.

5 Prior work

Dellarocas (2003) provides an overview of how online marketplaces use feedback-based reputations. Al-though the examples in this paper are dated, the basic framework is not. These reputations are presentedas “scores” which are potentially informative to future buyers and sellers, who must consider the contextof some reputation system—which sets the rules for how and when feedback is collected and how thatcollected feedback is transformed into a reputation score.

As reputation systems and electronic commerce proliferated, two related literatures emerged: onethat focused on measuring the importance of reputation in such markets (Luca, 2011; Resnick et al.,2006) and another focused on their biases and limitations. One source of bias is non-response, with


participants with “extreme” views being more likely to rate. Dellarocas and Wood (2008) shows thatthose that are mildly disappointed are far more likely to stay silent.6 Another more invidious sourceis outright fraud—Mayzlin et al. (2014) and Luca and Zervas (2013) provide evidence of fake reviews andthe economic conditions that encourage fake reviews. Another kind of “fake” review occurs when therating party gives a feedback score for some reason other than actual performance, for example, becausethey were threatened or bribed.

Despite the concern about fake reviews, these reputation systems have proven critical in solving in-formational problems in online markets: a large empirical literature documents the importance.7 Inmatching markets—or in product markets where buyers and sellers care about who precisely they tradewith—reputation is particularly important. As more of economic life becomes computer-mediated, on-line or “algorithmic” reputation will presumably grow in importance (Varian, 2010). While the impor-tance of reputation is well-documented in the literature, comparatively less has been written about theeconomic incentives parties have when leaving feedback, and how these incentives in turn affect the dy-namics and functioning of the reputation system. Leaving feedback has been characterized as a publicgoods problem, but the focus has been on the incentive to leave any feedback at all—not the strategicnature of that feedback (Bolton et al., 2005).

An exception to this characterization is Bolton et al. (2013), who present theoretical and empiricalevidence that the original design of eBay’s public reputation system, which was developed between 1996and 2007, made it easy for parties to engage in reputation extortion and/or generate low-information tit-for-tat evaluations and that these problems were likely substantial in practice. Later, eBay substantiallyreduced the importance of bilateral feedback and the scope for tit-for-tat evaluations.8

The eBay solution of eliminating or at least substantially weakening bi-lateral feedback is not uni-versally applicable. eBay could make the changes described above in part because improved onlinepayment technology made eBay sellers more or less indifferent over their precise counter-party. How-ever, a unilateral feedback system is not a general solution: in some markets, sellers inherently havepreferences over buyers, particularly when the seller uses (or abuses) the owner’s capital (e.g., Airbnb,RelayRides) or when what is being produced is a collaborative effort, such as in online labor markets(e.g., Elance-oDesk). Soujourner et al. (2014) make this point convincingly, showing experimentally thatworkers on Amazon Mechanical Turk, an online labor market, rely on the feedback ratings of buyers todecide whom to work for. In these kinds of marketplaces bilateral feedback systems are commonplace.9

Even Uber, which entered an industry where buyers were formerly anonymous and had no reputations,uses a bilateral system, as buyer/rider attributes such as promptness and sobriety matter.

6Interestingly, Nosko and Tadelis (2014) essentially turn the insights from Dellarocas and Wood (2008) into a new feature oneBay and then validate the basic conclusion: silence is associated with a bad experience and the extant reviews are positivelybiased.

7See, for example, Resnick et al. (2000), Resnick and Zeckhauser (2002), Resnick et al. (2006)8This original system allowed both buyers and sellers to rate each other and see the other’s evaluation before offering their

own, and starting in 2005, allowed the two parties in a transaction to mutually agree to withdraw feedback for each other.Recognizing that on eBay, moral hazard is a much bigger problem on the seller side, in 2007 eBay implemented an additional,private, one-way feedback system called Detailed Seller Ratings, where buyers rate sellers after a transaction, but these ratingsare anonymous and only presented in aggregate. Additionally, in 2008, eBay partially eliminated bilateral feedback in the publicfeedback system by allowing sellers to only either rate buyers positively, or not at all. Despite removing the ability for sellers toleave bad feedback for buyers, Nosko and Tadelis (2014) demonstrate in the eBay context that many buyers still fear giving badfeedback: many use an “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” strategy, with transactions where the buyerleft no feedback for the seller strongly indicating a negative buyer experience.

9“For Uber, Airbnb and Other Companies, Customer Ratings Go Both Ways”, New York Times,December 2nd, 2014. Accessed online at


There is a fundamental asymmetry between leaving good feedback and leaving negative feedback:negative feedback is costlier to give than positive feedback. Although some buyers may decide to exer-cise their “voice” and complain after a bad experience (Hirschman, 1970), many other similarly situatedbuyers decide, perhaps through gritted teeth, to give positive feedback to a terrible seller: they do notwant the hassle of retaliation; they worry about being sued for libel; they feel bad for the seller; they don’twant to pay a premium to future trading partners (who would consider their proclivity to give bad feed-back) and so on. The asymmetry in positive and negative feedback manifests itself in offline domains aswell: Hirschman (1970) discussed this in the context of consumers facing the decline of service from tra-ditional firms, and while firms would prefer “voice,” consumers often choose “exit” instead. We also seethis in job references, with prior employers often unwilling to give candid opinions about past employ-ees. The penalty paid by laid-off employees (Gibbons and Katz, 1991) could presumably be remedied iffirms thought they could get candid appraisals from past employers.

6 Collecting private feedback

In response to the ever-increasing public feedback and the presumed reduction in information fromthis inflation, in April, 2014, oDesk introduced a new experimental “private feedback” feature in whichbuyers/employers—in addition to giving public feedback—could also give private feedback. This privatefeedback was not shared with the evaluated worker, and was, at first, just collected by oDesk. Figure 6shows the private feedback interface presented to employers. Employers answered the private feedbackquestion, “Would you hire this freelancer [worker] again, if you had a similar project?”, with four responseoptions: “Definitely yes”; “Probably yes”; “Probably not” and “Definitely not”.

Figure 6: Private feedback interface

Notes: This is the private feedback interface presented to employers.

Figure 7 shows the distribution of responses to the private feedback question. Although the mostcommon response was “Definitely Yes”, there is a substantial fraction giving some form of negative feed-back (“Definitely Not” and “Probably Not”).

As employers gave both public and private feedback on the same contract, we can compare scoreswithin an employer. Figure 8 shows the distribution of public feedback, by each of the four private feed-back categories. As we would expect, those employers selecting “Definitely yes” also left very positivepublic feedback. For employers selecting “Definitely No”, 23.4% did give only 1 star, but the second mostcommon choice at 17.8% was in the 4.75 to 5.00 bin.


Figure 7: Distribution of private feedback—answers from employers to the ques-tion“Would you hire this freelancer [worker] again, if you had a similar project?”








Definitley Not Probably Not Probably Yes Definitely Yes


nt o

f obs



Notes: This figure shows the count of buyers choosing each of the four private feedback options fol-

lowing the completion of a contract. The question the employer was asked was the first version of the

private feedback question, “Would you work with this freelancer [worker] again, if you had a similar

project?” For each bar, the percentage of responses is also shown.

6.1 Informational content of public and private scores

A natural question is whether this private feedback score just captures information already contained inthe public feedback. One way to test this is to look at a chronologically ordered pair of a worker’s con-tracts and see whether the private feedback on the first contract predicts their public or private feedbackon the second contract. Doing this with the first and second contracts of workers with private and publicfeedback scores for both, we estimate

sai 2 =β0 +β1sb

i 1 +ε (11)

where i indexes the worker and si 1 is the feedback on the first contract and si 2 is feedback on the secondand a and b indicate the type of feedback (public or private, depending on the regression). We find thatprivate feedback—rather than public feedback—is more predictive of subsequent private and publicfeedback.

Table 2 shows a regression of a worker’s next public feedback score based on either their previouspublic or private score. We normalize all scores to have zero mean and unit standard deviation. InColumn (1), we regress public-feedback on public-feedback. Unsurprisingly, prior feedback is stronglypositively correlated with subsequent feedback. Given the distribution of realized feedback scores, theR2 is unsurprisingly low.

In Column (2), the public score is still the outcome, but the regressor is the normalized private feed-back score. To normalize, we assigned scores of 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the “Definitely No” to “Definitely Yes”scale. This public-on-private feedback has a higher R2 and the coefficient on the private feedback scoreis larger than in Column (1). As public and private feedback scores are both normalized, coefficients aredirectly comparable. In Column (3), both scores are added as levels, while in Column (4) their interac-tion is added. The Column (4) interaction effect is positive and significant, suggesting that the publicand private scores each contain information not fully captured by the other score.

In Table 3, the outcome measure is the worker’s private feedback score on the next contract. In Col-umn (1), the regressor is the public feedback score, while in Column (2) it is the private feedback score.


Table 2: Predicting a worker’s next public FB from previous FB

Dependent variable:

Worker’s 2nd Public Feedback (FB), z-score

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1st Public FB 0.135∗∗∗ 0.062∗∗∗ 0.129∗∗∗(0.009) (0.012) (0.022)

1st Private FB 0.150∗∗∗ 0.110∗∗∗ 0.108∗∗∗(0.009) (0.012) (0.012)

1st Private FB × 1st Public FB 0.032∗∗∗(0.009)

Constant −0.111∗∗∗ −0.115∗∗∗ −0.114∗∗∗ −0.135∗∗∗(0.009) (0.009) (0.009) (0.011)

Observations 16,910 16,910 16,910 16,910R2 0.013 0.016 0.017 0.018

Notes: The dependent variable in each regression is a worker’s second public feedback z-score. The dependent variables areeither the 1st public feedback—in Column (1)—, 1st private feedback—in Column (2)—or both kinds of feedback as well asthe interaction. The sample consists of all workers receiving at least two complete feedback scores since the introduction ofthe private feedback system. All regressions are estimated using OLS. Significance indicators: p ≤ 0.05 : ∗, .p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗ andp ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.


Table 3: Predicting a worker’s next private FB from previous FB

Dependent variable:

Worker’s 2nd Private Feedback (FB), z-score

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1st Public FB 0.116∗∗∗ 0.025∗ 0.090∗∗∗(0.008) (0.011) (0.020)

1st Private FB 0.154∗∗∗ 0.138∗∗∗ 0.135∗∗∗(0.008) (0.011) (0.011)

1st Private FB × 1st Public FB 0.031∗∗∗(0.008)

Constant −0.071∗∗∗ −0.075∗∗∗ −0.075∗∗∗ −0.096∗∗∗(0.008) (0.008) (0.008) (0.010)

Observations 16,910 16,910 16,910 16,910R2 0.011 0.020 0.020 0.021

Notes: The dependent variable in each regression is a worker’s second public feedback z-score. The dependentvariables are either the 1st public feedback—in Column (1)—, 1st private feedback—in Column (2)—or both kindsof feedback as well as the interaction. The sample consists of all workers receiving at least two complete feedbackscores since the introduction of the private feedback system. All regressions are estimated using OLS. Significanceindicators: p ≤ 0.05 : ∗, .p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗ and p ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.



Figure 8: Distribution of publicly given feedback to workers, by private feedback

3.0% 18.0%6.3%23.4% 3.2%7.1% 3.5%5.0%1.3% 3.9% 4.1%3.6%3.9%3.7% 2.6%4.0%3.3%

8.8%7.8% 11.9%1.8%30.7%

6.8%3.9%2.7% 9.1%1.9% 5.6%4.9%1.5% 1.4%0.4% 0.6%0.1%


4.2% 10.5%7.5% 6.2%1.6%1.2% 0.5% 1.0%0.0% 0.1% 0.1%0.1%0.1%0.1% 0.0% 0.0%


2.6%0.6% 0.4% 1.1%0.1%0.0%0.0% 0.0% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 0.0%0.0%0.0% 0.0%0.0%

Definitley Not

Probably Not

Probably Yes

Definitely Yes



















































Public feedback scores

% o

f obs




in th

at p


e fe


ck c



Notes: This figure shows the distribution of public feedback scores, conditional upon the employer’s private feedback score.

Comparing the two, we see that the private feedback score explains considerably more of the variation:the coefficient is about 40% larger in the private feedback case and the R2 for the regression is nearlydoubled. In Columns (3) and (4), we see again that the private feedback score tends to complement thepublic feedback score.

6.2 Does public written feedback convey private feedback?

As noted earlier, in addition to leaving numerical public feedback, employers can also leave written feed-back. Obviously this written feedback is not placed on a scale, as is numerical feedback. However, we canfit a model that predicts the public feedback score, given the text of the written feedback. We can then seewhether—when controlling for the public feedback score—workers that received relatively poor privatefeedback also received more negative written feedback.

Suppose we have a collection of written feedback texts. From these texts, we can construct a docu-ment term matrix: the rows correspond to the texts and the columns to the “terms.” The indicated termsare those that are common across texts but are not “stop words” such as “I”, “we”, “am”, “you” and soon which are removed because they are not informative about sentiment. The matrix entries are simplyindicators for whether job i contains term j .

For example, suppose the terms were “excellent”, “good” and “poor” and the three example texts were

• Job 1: “Robin did excellent work”.

• Job 2: “He did an good job and his communication was excellent as well. I would work with Paulagain.”

• Job 3: “A poor performance all around.”

The resultant document term matrix (with the ordering “excellent”, “good” and “poor” for the columns)


would be

X = 1 0 0

1 1 00 0 1

. (12)

Using this matrix, we can write the simple linear regression

si =β0 +β ·X+ε. (13)

However, estimating this model in practice would yield a predictive model with poor performance dueto over-fitting, as document term matrices are usually very large. For this reason, some kind of regular-ization is needed.

What we did empirically was to first create create a sample of 25,000 written feedback texts. Thepre-regularization document term matrix contained 690 terms after the removal of stop-words and aninitial pruning of sparse terms. We then used the Lasso model for regularization, picking tuning param-eters with cross-validation (Friedman et al., 2009). A total of 277 terms survived the regularization. SeeAppendix C for estimation details.

Using this fitted model, we can measure to what extent the private information contained in theprivate feedback was already “there” in the public textual comments. To formalize this, using the fullsample of contracts with private, public and written feedback, we can estimate the regression

sPRIz =β0 +β1sPU B

z +β2 sT X Tz +β3

(sPU B

z × sPRIz

)+ε (14)

where sPRIz is the private feedback z-score, sPU B

z is the public feedback z-score and sT X Tz is the estimated

public feedback score, given the textual comments, i.e., the predictions from the regularized estimatefrom Equation 13. Table 4 contains estimates of this equation: in Column (1) the constraints β2 = 0 andβ3 = 0 are applied, in Column (2) the constraint β3 = 0 is applied and in Column (3), the full estimate isshown.

From Column (1), we can see that, as expected, the public feedback and private feedback scoresare highly correlated. In Column (2), the predicted public feedback—based on the feedback text andfitted model—is added as a regressor. The positive and significant coefficient on the predicted publicfeedback, β2, shows that, conditional upon the public score given, some of the information conveyedby the private score is conveyed by the language of the textual feedback. In Column (3), the interactionbetween the public and predicted public feedback is added. The interaction term between the publicand the predicted public feedback is positive and highly significant. This is what we would expect ifemployers gave candid feedback on all channels when the worker did well but at least some employersgave dishonest public feedback but honest private and textual feedback when the worker performedpoorly.

6.3 Characteristics of employers with a candor gap

Employers presumably differ in their incentives to leave overly-positive feedback. For one-off employersnot planning to use the marketplace again, leaving damaging negative feedback to a poorly performingworker is less costly. Given that negative feedback is damaging to a worker, they would avoid employersthat seem prone to give negative feedback. On oDesk, a worker can see the whole employment historyof an employer, including the public feedback scores given.


Table 4: Predicting private feedback from the qualitative, textual feedback

Dependent variable:

Worker’s Private Feedback (z-score)

(1) (2) (3)

Public FB (PF) 0.550∗∗∗ 0.503∗∗∗ 0.540∗∗∗(0.001) (0.001) (0.001)

Predicted Public FB (PPF) 0.083∗∗∗ 0.111∗∗∗(0.001) (0.001)

PF × PPF 0.020∗∗∗(0.0004)

Constant 0.000 0.000 −0.011∗∗∗(0.001) (0.001) (0.001)

Observations 717,432 717,432 717,432R2 0.303 0.307 0.309Residual Std. Error 0.835 (df = 717430) 0.832 (df = 717429) 0.831 (df = 717428)

Notes: In this table, the observations are a random sample of completed oDesk contracts with public

and private employer-on-worker feedback scores. In each regression, the dependent variable is the

private feedback (z-score) received by the worker. In Column (1), the regressor is the 1-5 star public

feedback for that contract. In Column (2), the same regression is run as in Column (1), but with the

inclusion of the predicted public feedback score, with the prediction based on the text of the written

feedback for that contract: the predictions come from a model trained on out-of-sample data. For

details on the prediction mode, see Appendix C. Significance indicators: p ≤ 0.05 : ∗, .p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗and p ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.


While we cannot exogenously manipulate whether an employer plans to be a long- or short-termuse of oDesk, we can at least see if employer future experience is correlated with leaving overly-positivefeedback. Table 5 shows how an employer’s feedback on their first reviewed assignment is related totheir total number of assignments. The outcomes are public feedback in Column (1), private feedback inColumn (2).

We can see that public feedback is strongly increasing in the employer’s future number of jobs posted.This could be mechanical in that employers with more positive initial experiences are more likely to postfuture jobs. Yet in Column (2) we can see that these employers give substantially more negative privatefeedback on the first evaluation.

Table 5: Feedback given by the employer on first job, by future experience

Dependent variable:

Public Feedback (z-score) Private Feedback (z-score)

(1) (2)

Num. future employer assignments (log) 0.054∗∗∗ −0.040∗∗∗(0.005) (0.005)

Intercept −0.122∗∗∗ 0.099∗∗∗(0.007) (0.006)

Observations 112,916 112,916R2 0.001 0.001

Notes: This table reports regressions of the employer-given public feedback (Column (1)) and private feedback,(Column (2)) for the first observation by an employer. These outcomes are regressed on the future assignments inthe marketplace by that same employer. Significance indicators: p ≤ 0.05 : ∗, .p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗ and p ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.


Another approach is to examine all contracts, but include a worker-specific fixed effect. In Table 6,Column (1), the dependent variable is public feedback. In Column (2) the dependent variable is privatefeedback. We can see that employers with greater future usage give more positive public feedback, morenegative private feedback and, as a result, they give less honest feedback.

Table 6: Employer feedback with hired worker specific fixed effects

Dependent variable:

Public FB (z-score) Private FB (z-score)

(1) (2)

Num. future employer assignments (log) 0.078∗∗∗ −0.018∗∗∗(0.002) (0.002)

Observations 338,456 338,456R2 0.395 0.381

Notes: This table reports regressions of the employer-given public feedback (Column (1)), private feedback, (Col-umn (2)). These outcomes are regressed on the total number of future assignments by that employer relative to thedate of the observation. Each regression includes worker-specific fixed effects. Significance indicators: p ≤ 0.05 : ∗,.p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗ and p ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.



7 Experimental revelation of aggregated private feedback

The reason oDesk collected private feedback was to potentially show aggregates of that feedback to fu-ture would-be buyers, with the goal of improving allocative efficiency. A very simple experiment wasconducted: employers posting a job were randomized into one of two experimental groups:

• Control: Employers have the status quo hiring experience, in which they are shown the standardapplicant characteristics, such as work experience, cover letter, hourly rate, skills and skills testsand public feedback.

• Treatment: In addition to all the information conveyed in the Control experience (including publicfeedback), for applicants that are eligible (to be defined below), aggregated private feedback is alsoshown.

An example worker profile as presented to employers in the treated group is shown in Figure 9. Nearthe worker’s traditional 1-5 star public feedback, there is also a statement “85% would hire again” with themouse-over elaboration “Percentage of Clients [employers] who stated they would hire this Freelancer[worker] again, based on anonymous private feedback.” A worker was only eligible to have their “hireagain” percentage shown if they had at least five completed contracts worth more than $50.00 and threedistinct employers left private feedback.

Randomization was effective: Table 7 shows the means for a collection of pre-assignment job open-ing attributes and the p-value for a two-sided t-test comparing those means. For none of the comparedattributes is there a significant difference by assignment. This is unsurprising as the same oDesk tool forrandomization has been used repeatedly in numerous prior experiments. Appendix B contains infor-mation on the day-by-day assignment of new openings and also confirms that the randomization waseffective.

Figure 9: Public display of aggregated private feedback

Notes: This figure shows how a worker’s private feedback would be displayed. Note that this is the

presentation for a fictional worker.

Although randomization was at the level of the employer, observations are at the level of the indi-vidual worker/employer pair. As we are primarily interested in the effect of the treatment on who getshired—and more specifically on the interaction between a worker’s private feedback score, their publicfeedback score and the treatment indicator—we want to keep the hierarchical structure of the data intactrather than collapse outcomes to employer-level outcomes alone. This hierarchical structure requires ei-ther a multi-level model or a clustering correction for the standard errors. Given that different jobs onoDesk receive very different numbers of applicants based on the nature of the job and employer, simplypooling observations and correcting standard errors is unattractive, as it weights some openings more


Table 7: Means of opening characteristics, by treatment assignment

Treatmentmean:XT RT

Controlmean:XC T L

Difference inmeans:XT RT − XC T L


Observation Counts97,631 98,335

Type of workTechnical (1 if yes, 0 otherwise) 0.283 (0.001) 0.282 (0.001) 0.002 (0.002) 0.449Non-Technical 0.717 (0.001) 0.718 (0.001) -0.002 (0.002) 0.449

Type of work—(more detailed)Admin 0.121 (0.001) 0.122 (0.001) -0.001 (0.001) 0.434Writing 0.127 (0.001) 0.126 (0.001) 0.001 (0.002) 0.682Web 0.283 (0.001) 0.282 (0.001) 0.002 (0.002) 0.449Design 0.177 (0.001) 0.176 (0.001) 0.001 (0.002) 0.626Software 0.111 (0.001) 0.112 (0.001) -0.000 (0.001) 0.750

Vacancy attributesJob description length > median 0.430 (0.002) 0.432 (0.002) -0.003 (0.002) 0.253Required prior oDesk experience 0.112 (0.001) 0.114 (0.001) -0.002 (0.001) 0.157

Notes: This table contains the means for various pre-treatment assignment job opening attributes. The p-value for a two-sided

means comparison t-test is shown.

heavily than others. For this reason, we analyze the experimental data using a multi-level model withopening-specific random effects.

In the experimental sample, 32.5% of all applications and 43.8% of all accepted applications, i.e.,hires, were eligible for employers to view the applicant’s aggregated private feedback in the treatmentgroup. Figure 10 shows the distribution of aggregated private feedback scores of applicants.

Let i index individuals and j index employer job openings. Let yi j be some outcome for individuali after applying to opening j . Outcomes include whether i had their profile evaluated by the employer,whether the individual was invited to interview, and whether the individual was ultimately hired. All ofthese outcomes are indicators of employer interest in a particular applicant. We estimate

yi j =α j +β0ShwnPrvtFBi j +β1PrvtFBi j +β2(PrvtFB×ShwnPrvtFBi j

)+εi j (15)

where ShwnPrvtFB is an indicator for whether the private feedback score was shown (i.e., the employerwas in the treatment group), PrvtFB was the private feedback score of the applicant at the time theyapplied and α j is an opening-specific random effect.

The sample is all applicants eligible to have their aggregated private feedback shown. In each regres-sion, the independent variables are the employer’s treatment indicator, the worker’s private feedbackscore and their interaction. Workers cannot condition their application decision on the employer’s treat-ment assignment, so all terms are exogenous.10 The dependent variables in Columns 1–3 of Table 8 are

10We might worry that treatment assignment could affect applicant composition by altering employer hiring probabilitieswhich in turn dynamically affect applications. However, there was no detectable effect on hiring probabilities overall and giventhat employer hiring decisions happen considerably later than application decisions (Horton, 2014), this concern is not likelyto be important.


Figure 10: Distribution of aggregated private feedback scores among applicants




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0Private feedback score percentage



Notes: This figure shows the aggregated private feedback scores of applicants, at their time of applica-


whether the worker’s application was evaluated by the employer; whether the worker was interviewed bythe employer; and whether the worker was hired by the employer, respectively.

Figure 11: Fitted regression models of employer screening, interviewing and hiring

Evaluated Interviewed Hired






0% 25% 50% 75% 100%0% 25% 50% 75% 100%0% 25% 50% 75% 100%Private Feedback Score



ed p





Not shown


Notes: This figure shows the regression results from Table 8. For each point estimate, a 95% CI is shown, based on

uncertainty in the fixed effects only.

In each regression, we can see that workers with high aggregate feedback scores are far more likely tobe evaluated, interviewed and hired, regardless of whether this information is shown to employers. Thisis unsurprising, as other measures of worker quality, such as aggregate public feedback, past on-platformexperience, test scores and so on are all positively correlated with private feedback. The important co-efficients are the treatment indicator, “ShwnPrvtFB” and its interaction with the private feedback score,“PrvtFB.” Across regressions, the interaction is positive while the level of treatment indicator is negative.This implies that workers with visible low scores are evaluated/interviewed/hired less often, while theopposite is true for those workers with high private feedback scores. The experimental results providestrong evidence that employers consider the aggregating private feedback as informative.


Table 8: The effects of revealing aggregated private feedback on employer preferences

Dependent variable:

Evaluated Interviewed Hired

(1) (2) (3)

Private FB 0.255∗∗∗ 0.212∗∗∗ 0.064∗∗∗

(0.004) (0.003) (0.002)

FB Shown (Treatment) −0.056∗∗∗ −0.038∗∗∗ −0.012∗∗∗

(0.005) (0.004) (0.002)

Private FB × FB Shown 0.063∗∗∗ 0.042∗∗∗ 0.012∗∗∗

(0.005) (0.004) (0.002)

Constant 0.136∗∗∗ 0.050∗∗∗ −0.016∗∗∗

(0.004) (0.003) (0.002)

Observations 1,458,131 1,458,131 1,458,131Log Likelihood −810,397.000 −540,163.900 392,966.700Akaike Inf. Crit. 1,620,806.000 1,080,340.000 −785,921.400Bayesian Inf. Crit. 1,620,879.000 1,080,413.000 −785,848.200

Notes: This table reports a regression where the dependent variables are measures of

employer interest: Column (1) is whether the candidate was evaluated, Column (2) is

whether the candidate was interviewed and Column (3) is whether the candidate was

hired. The sample consists of all applicants to job openings by employer assigned to

the experiment. The independent variables in each regression are the applicant’s agge-

gated private feedback score interacted with the treatment indicator, which determined

whether the employer saw this score. As there is a many-to-one relationship between ap-

plications to openings, an opening-specific random effect to account for the hierarchial

nature of the data. Note that a fixed effect estimator would not be appropriate, as treat-

ment assignment does not vary with an opening. Significance indicators: p ≤ 0.05 : ∗,

.p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗ and p ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.


7.1 Effects of the treatment on non-eligible applicants

The majority of applicants to a job opening were not eligible to have their private feedback score (ifany) displayed. We might worry that for openings in the treatment, these non-eligible workers wouldbe disadvantaged. As Pallais (2013) shows, workers without certain background characteristics (such asprior work experience) are substantially less likely to be hired. We see whether the presence of the privatefeedback score negatively affected applicants without it by estimating the regression

yi j =α j +β0Eligiblei j +β1ShwnPrvtFBi j +β2(Eligible×ShwnPrvtFBi j

)+εi j (16)

where Eligiblei j is an indicator for whether the i th applicant to the j th job was eligible to have his or herprivate feedback score shown and ShwnPrvtFBi j is the treatment indicator; the outcome yi j is, as before,indicators for whether the applicant was evaluated, interviewed and hired in Columns (1) through (3),respectively.

Table 9 reports estimates of Equation 16. Across the three estimates, we can see that those whoare eligible are strongly positively selected in terms of employer interest—the coefficient on Eligible islarge relative to the baseline and always significant: for example, in the case of interviewing the baselineinterview rate is about 15% for non-eligible workers whereas for eligible workers it jumps to about 19%.

Being in the treatment has no apparent effect on probability of being evaluated or interviewed. Itis important to remember that in this regression, we are not conditioning on the private feedback scoreitself. The results that were conditioned on this score showed that applicants with low scores were hurtand those with high-scores were very slightly helped. The “pooled” effect that we get in Table 9 is essen-tially a precisely estimated 0. Furthermore, the interaction term is also a precisely estimated 0, indicatingthat although eligible workers did better that non-eligible workers, this difference was not affected by thetreatment.

The pattern changes when we consider hiring: the coefficient on FBShown is now negative and sig-nificant, though the magnitude is not enormous: a worker not eligible to have their feedback shown thatswitches from the control to the treatment would see his or her hire probability drop a little more than2%. For an eligible worker, the effect from switching would be negligible (the coefficient on the interac-tion term is a precise 0). Column (3) is some evidence of the new private feedback feature crowding outthe hiring of workers not eligible to have their scores shown.

7.2 Effect of private feedback revelation on outcomes measured at the level of the job open-ing

In addition to examining how the revelation of information affected who was hired, we can also examinewhether this change in hiring affected ultimate opening outcomes. We regress several outcomes on thetreatment indicator. In Column (1) of Table 10 the dependent variable is the private feedback score ofthe hired worker. The effect is positive and highly significant but small in magnitude: it is less than a 1%increase. Column (2) reports a regression of an indicator for whether the opening filled on the treatment.The Column (1) sample is all employers, since we can always measure whether an opening filled. It isslightly negative but far from significant (statistically or economically).

The outcome in Column (3) is the feedback received by the hired worker (if any). As feedback isonly collected on completed contracts, the sample size in Column (3) is considerably smaller than inColumn (2). Although we have strong evidence that the treatment altered who the employer hired, ithas no detectable effect on overall outcomes—though this finding is subject to the strong caveat that themeasures available are not particularly good proxies for a “good” match being made.


Table 9: The effects of revealing aggregated private feedback

Dependent variable:

Evaluated Interviewed Hired

(1) (2) (3)

FB Shown (Treatment) 0.0004 0.0002 −0.001∗∗∗

(0.001) (0.001) (0.0002)

FB Eligible for Showing 0.043∗∗∗ 0.038∗∗∗ 0.010∗∗∗

(0.001) (0.0004) (0.0002)

Eligible × FB Shown −0.0002 0.001 0.00004(0.001) (0.001) (0.0003)

Constant 0.292∗∗∗ 0.151∗∗∗ 0.023∗∗∗

(0.001) (0.001) (0.0002)

Observations 4,034,215 4,034,215 4,034,215Log Likelihood −1,801,107.000 −781,094.100 2,149,847.000Akaike Inf. Crit. 3,602,225.000 1,562,200.000 −4,299,681.000Bayesian Inf. Crit. 3,602,305.000 1,562,279.000 −4,299,602.000

Notes: This table reports a regression where the dependent variables are measures of

employer interest: Column (1) is whether the candidate was evaluated, Column (2) is

whether the candidate was interviewed and Column (3) is whether the candidate was

hired. The sample consists of all applicants to job openings by employers assigned to the

experiment. The “Eligible” indicator is whether than applicant was eligible to have their

private feedback score shown. Note that a fixed effect estimator would not be appro-

priate, as treatment assignment does not vary with an opening. Significance indicators:

p ≤ 0.05 : ∗, .p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗ and p ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.


Table 10: Effect of treatment assignment on opening outcomes

Dependent variable:

Private FB Score Anyone Hired? Public FB on formed match

(1) (2) (3)

Private FB Shown 0.006∗∗∗ −0.001 −0.018(0.002) (0.002) (0.014)

Constant 0.932∗∗∗ 0.363∗∗∗ 4.804∗∗∗

(0.001) (0.002) (0.010)

Observations 9,849 195,966 9,849R2 0.001 0.00000 0.0002Adjusted R2 0.001 −0.00000 0.0001Residual Std. Error 0.097 (df = 9847) 0.481 (df = 195964) 0.697 (df = 9847)F Statistic 10.161∗∗∗ (df = 1; 9847) 0.191 (df = 1; 195964) 1.702 (df = 1; 9847)

Notes: This table reports a regression where the dependent variables are measures of opening outcomes. The

dependent variable in Column (1) is an indicator for whether the employer filled the job. The sample for this

regression is the first opening posted by an assigned employer. In Column (2), the sample is restricted to filled

hourly jobs and the dependent variable is the log of total hours worked to date. Column (3) is the feedback given

to hired workers, with the sample restricted to those employers that have closed a filled contract and provided

feedback. Significance indicators: p ≤ 0.05 : ∗, .p ≤ 0.01 : ∗∗ and p ≤ .001 : ∗∗∗.


8 Conclusion

This paper documents that reputation inflation occurs in an online marketplace and argues that thecause is driven by the costs associated with leaving negative feedback. It shows that when these costsare reduced—namely by allowing buyers to give feedback without the seller knowing it—buyers are sub-stantially more candid. Further, the buyers who had the strongest incentive not to be candid—namelythose using the marketplace intensively—showed the biggest “candor gap.” Through the experimentalvalidation, we show that buyers act upon this information, which suggests they (correctly) believe it hasinformation content. This paper illustrates a market design problem, analyzes its root cause and thenexperimentally validates a proposed solution mechanism. Because aggregated private feedback cannotbe traced back to the employer, this “collect privately and then disseminate aggregates publicly” designis less likely to be prone to inflation.


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A Summary statistics

Table 11 shows summary statistics for the openings, by treatment group.

Table 11: Summary statistics for openings

Variable Levels n Min q1 x x q3 Max s IQR #NAtotal_charge ctrl 97631 -51.9 0 0 178.0 44.4 147596.5 1287.6 44.4 0

trt 98335 -35.0 0 0 172.1 44.4 162667.8 1186.1 44.4 0all 195966 -51.9 0 0 175.0 44.4 162667.8 1237.7 44.4 0

team_size ctrl 97631 0.0 0 0 3.0 1.0 1431.0 13.0 1.0 0trt 98335 0.0 0 0 3.0 1.0 2591.0 13.6 1.0 0all 195966 0.0 0 0 3.0 1.0 2591.0 13.3 1.0 0

recruited_applicants ctrl 97631 0.0 0 0 1.1 1.0 289.0 3.4 1.0 0trt 98335 0.0 0 0 1.1 1.0 241.0 3.6 1.0 0all 195966 0.0 0 0 1.1 1.0 289.0 3.5 1.0 0

num_hires ctrl 97631 0.0 0 0 0.4 1.0 163.0 1.1 1.0 0trt 98335 0.0 0 0 0.4 1.0 228.0 1.2 1.0 0all 195966 0.0 0 0 0.4 1.0 228.0 1.1 1.0 0

num_applications ctrl 97631 0.0 1 7 17.0 22.0 737.0 27.6 21.0 0trt 98335 0.0 1 7 17.1 22.0 781.0 28.2 21.0 0all 195966 0.0 1 7 17.0 22.0 781.0 27.9 21.0 0

B Balance in experimental units

Figure 12 shows the allocation of experimental subjects over time.

Figure 12: Allocation of employers over time

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Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecDay



of e



s al






Notes: This figure shows the daily number of employers allocated to the experiment. Note that as both

new and old employers were eligible, the rate is declining since the “stock” of unallocated employers

is declining.


C Predicting public feedback scores using textual written feedback

We used the RTextTools package from Jurka et al. (2012) to construct the document term matrix for thewritten feedback. To actually fit the model, we used the Lasso, as implemented in the glmnet R packageby Friedman et al. (2009). Cross-validation was used to select tuning parameters. Figure 13 shows asample of coefficients from the fitted model, ordered by value.

Figure 13: Text predictors of feedback score
































−1.0 −0.5 0.0beta
