research: analysis of existing horror posters


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Post on 25-May-2015



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Page 1: Research: Analysis of existing horror posters


Page 2: Research: Analysis of existing horror posters

Friday the 13th Analysis The colour used in this film poster is red, white and black. Red on white suggest innocence.

The knife is iconic it has a fix meaning and also tells us that this is a slasher film.

The typography of the film poster also suggest that this is horror film. It looks slashed and rough.

The moon also is an iconic symbol, a full moon represents horror and the paranormal.

The Trees represent life while the film represents taking life.

The knife is genre specific because it has narrative elements . It conveys slasher.

There are Binary opposites in the film poster.Life (the trees) and death ( the knife)Hunter (the killer) and prey ( the teenagers )Innocent (teenagers) and killer (experience)Evil (killer)vs Good (teenagers)

Also elements of Vladimir Propps theory of narrative structure of the hero which is one of the teenagers , villain which is the killer , hero leaving home, but there is no benefactor

Page 3: Research: Analysis of existing horror posters

The title of the film poster is different compared to other slasher film posters.

The typograph of the film is Bold and doesn’t look scary, the letter ‘A’ has been changed to 4 this showing that it’s the 4th film and its in red.Red has the connotation of danger and blood. The ‘M’ looks sharp, rough and jagged. This reinforces that it’s a slasher film using knifes and the colour red.

The main image on the film poster is a mask which shapes into a knife. These too images are seen in slasher films, and works well in the slasher genre. The whole film poster is very dark and mysterious like, black, white and red is mainly used in slasher films and are all horror elements. There is a white glow coming out from the mask which reinforces mystery and also innocence. From the main image we know that the monster is wearing a mask and its going to be killing people with a knife since this is the 4th instalment it gives a hint into the storyline.

The tagline of the film is also in red, but has a different typograph compared to the blocky and bold effect. Its more of a gothic font and is mysterious. Since this is the 4th instalment the pervious events will occur but in a different way.

The cast and crew is usually in film poster, it show you all the actors and actress In the filmAnd the director of the film


Page 4: Research: Analysis of existing horror posters

The Halloween poster has a bright orange colour which reflects with the dark background

The knife is an element in the horror/slasher genre and this is suggesting that it is a slasher/horror film.

Pumpkin is usually in used in Halloween and its scary, mysterious night where people dress up as monsters to scary other people. the two images together gives a little information about the storyline.

The masthead of the film poster is white on black, this makes the titles stand out and clear, it has a bold typography which had emphasis on power and strength.

The cast and crew, people who acted and worked and directed the film have been also included in the film poster

The tagline for the film sounds mysterious and creates a sense of horror, its makes the audience ask questions about the film like‘Who is he and what is he going to do’ the typography og the tag line is bold and white which stands out from the dark background