research ethics hakimi

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    Ethical and RegulatoryEthical and RegulatoryGuidance for ResearchGuidance for Research

    with Human and Animalwith Human and AnimalSubjectsSubjects

    Mohammad HakimiMohammad Hakimi

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    O utline of PresentationO utline of Presentation

    1.1. Pr otecting human research subjectsPr otecting human research subjects2.2. E thical research conductE thical research conduct3.3. E thics Committee/Institutional Review E thics Committee/Institutional Review

    Board (IRB)Board (IRB)

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    1. Protecting human research subjects1. Protecting human research subjects

    a.a. JurisdictionJurisdictionResearchResearch

    Human subjectHuman subject(Animal subject)(Animal subject)

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    1. Protecting human research subjects1. Protecting human research subjects

    b .b . Infamous Cases: Ethical Violations inInfamous Cases: Ethical Violations inResearch Involving HumansResearch Involving Humans


    azi War



    azi War

    CrimesThe Tuskegee Syphilis Study The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

    The Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study The Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study TheThe Willowbrook Willowbrook Study Study Radiation Tests on Mentally Impaired BoysRadiation Tests on Mentally Impaired Boys

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    1. Protecting human research subjects1. Protecting human research subjects

    c.c. Protecting Research Subjects in theProtecting Research Subjects in theModern EraModern Era

    JesseJesse Gelsinger


    E llen RocheE llen Roche( Pr of . Hwang Woo Suk)( Pr of . Hwang Woo Suk)

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    1. Protecting human research subjects1. Protecting human research subjects

    d .d . Milestones in Ethical DevelopmentMilestones in Ethical Development1946 N uremberg Trial of doctors responsible for the N aziexperiments1947 N uremberg Code outlining ethical principles required for research1948 United N ations adoption of Unive rsal Declaration of Human Rights1964 Declaration of Helsinki international ag reement onrecommendations fo r the ethical1979 Belmont Repo rt promoting th ree principles for research198 2 Council for the Inte rnational O rganization of MedicalSciences (CIOMS) publication of the Inte rnational E thicsGuidelines for Biomedical Research Involving HumanSubjects (2008/200 9)199 3 WHO Inte rnational E thical Guidelines for Biomedical199 3 WHO Inte rnational E thical Guidelines for BiomedicalResearch Involving Human Subjects .Research Involving Human Subjects .

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    1. Protecting human research subjects1. Protecting human research subjects

    d .d . Research ethicsResearch ethicsWhat is research ethics?What is research ethics?

    Autonomy Autonomy Info rmed consentInfo rmed consentBeneficence/Beneficence/nonmaleficencenonmaleficenceJusticeJustice subject vulne rability subject vulnerability

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    1. Protecting human research subjects1. Protecting human research subjects

    d .d . Research ethicsResearch ethicsWhy is research ethics important?Why is research ethics important? (contoh kasus?)(contoh kasus?)

    E thicsE thicsLaw Law P olicy P olicy E mpirical studiesE mpirical studies

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    1. Protecting human research subjects1. Protecting human research subjects

    d .d . Research ethicsResearch ethicsHow should I app roach research ethics in practice?How should I app roach research ethics in practice?

    Good Clinical Pr actice (GCP )Good Clinical Pr actice (GCP )K N EP K K N EP K Komisi E tik FK Komisi E tik FK--UGMUGM

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    1. Protecting human research subjects1. Protecting human research subjects

    d .d . Research ethicsResearch ethicsWhat Makes Clinical Research E thical?What Makes Clinical Research E thical?

    1.1. Social or scientific valueSocial or scientific value2.2. Scientific validity Scientific validity 3.3. Fair subject selectionFair subject selection4.4. Favorable risk Favorable risk--benefit ratiobenefit ratio5.5. Independent review Independent review 6.6. Info rmed consentInfo rmed consent7.7. Respect for potential and en rolled subjectsRespect for potential and en rolled subjects

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    2 . 2 . MMisconductisconduct inin R Researchesearch


    P lagiarismP lagiarism

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi


    3 . Ethics Committee/ IRB3 . Ethics Committee/ IRB

    What is an E C/IRB?What is an E C/IRB?When to Submit to the E C/IRBWhen to Submit to the E C/IRB

    Why Do We N eed an E C/IRB?Why Do We N eed an E C/IRB?Categories of E C/IRB reviewsCategories of E C/IRB reviews

    E xemptE xempt

    E xpeditedE xpeditedFull boardFull board

    What do I need to do?What do I need to do?

  • 8/7/2019 Research Ethics Hakimi



    Weijer C, Dickens B, Meslin E M. Bioethics for Weijer C, Dickens B, Meslin E M. Bioethics for clinicians:10. Research ethics. clinicians:10. Research ethics. CMAJ CMAJ 1997; 156:11 531997; 156:11 53--7.7.Canela MR, E stevez JI, Gonzlez MAM, G racia E Gand Crehuet JF. Methodological quality and reporting Methodological quality and reporting of ethical requirements in clinical trials. of ethical requirements in clinical trials. J Med Ethics J Med Ethics 2001; 27:17 22001; 27:17 2--176.176.E


    J, Wendler

    D, Grady C

    .What Makes


    EJ, Wendle

    rD, G

    rady C

    .What MakesClinical Research E thical?Clinical Research E thical? JAMAJAMA .. 2000; 283:27012000; 283:2701--2711. 2711.