research feedback

This question was targeted to help me understand who I was aiming my documentary towards. It also helped in knowing that the majority of people who completed the survey were female (19) with males the minority. This means I must balance my documentary and aim it towards both genders. Knowing the age of my audience allows me to tailor the content that will be shown. All 24 people who completed the survey are between the ages of 12 and 20. This means I can focus my documentary on teenagers.

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Research feedback

This question was targeted to help me understand who I was aiming my documentary towards. It also helped in knowing that the majority of people who completed the survey were female (19) with males the minority. This means I must balance my documentary and aim it towards both genders.

Knowing the age of my audience allows me to tailor the content that will be shown. All 24 people who completed the survey are between the ages of 12 and 20. This means I can focus my documentary on teenagers.

Page 2: Research feedback

Mental health is considered an important topic, asking this question lets me know whether mental illness is a good topic to use for my documentary.

23 out of 24 people consider interviews to be important in a documentary. This shows me that I need to include a few interviews in my documentary as this is what individuals look for and particularly enjoy.

Page 3: Research feedback

Knowing whether people watch documentaries allows me to work out whether filming and making a documentary would be worth it if only the minority of individuals would watch it. However, 18 of those said ‘yes’ to watching documentaries which means making a documentary would be worth it.

Knowing that majority of people watch documentaries on a weekly or monthly basis allows me to tailor how often a documentary of this type should be published.

Page 4: Research feedback

23 of the 24 individuals have either personally experienced problems with mental health or a family member or friend has. This amount shows that mental heath is always a current topic that affects more people than you think.

Knowing what my audience would prefer in the documentary allows me to take this evidence and use it effectively. In this instance I will use a mixture of a presenter and a voice-over as this is preferred by my audience.

Page 5: Research feedback

Knowing which platforms individuals use to watch documentaries on helps me to know where, if I were to, publish them for people to watch.

Asking what content should be covered and included in the documentary allows me to research certain disorders and find individuals suited to these disorders to explain and inform the audience.