research – focus groups

Research – Focus Groups Lauren Bainbridge

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Research – focus groups

Research – Focus Groups

Lauren Bainbridge

Page 2: Research – focus groups

What kind of music will your magazine focus on?

My music magazine will be focusing on pop music and what is the most listened to songs/artists at the moment as well as upcoming artists so that people will be interested all the time.

Page 3: Research – focus groups

What will your magazine be called?

My magazine will be called ‘pop-ular’ as it fits in well with the genre and was chosen the most on the survey.

FeedbackThe title for the magazine was liked amongst the audience and as I will be talking about music that is important to the fans as well as what they are listening to at the current time then it links in well to the information inside also.

Page 4: Research – focus groups

Will you feature a single artist or a band on your Front Cover?

Judging from my survey I will have a solo female artist on the front cover as it draws in the audience’s attention more than a band would when it comes to a pop magazine.

FeedbackThey agreed that a solo female artist will be a good central image for the magazine, especially because girls are very interested in pop music and reading magazines. Lots of teenage girls have idols and it would appeal to them if another girl who inspires them will be on the front page and representing the audience through their image.

Page 5: Research – focus groups

What kind of article will be on your double page spread?

On the double page spread it will include an interview with a celebrity that is popular and new to the music industry. This will engage the audience and let them find out more about the artist and the latest gossip about their lives.

FeedbackAn interview is a good idea to include on a double page spread because you can cover a lot of information and topics over two pages. It also allows the audience to learn more about the artist/s and what is going on in their life.

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What colour scheme will your magazine have?

The most liked colour to appear on the survey was pastel colours which shows a mature but laid back theme representing the audience and will attract them most when reading a magazine. These will be a mix of pastel pinks so that it appeals to the female gender.

FeedbackThe focus group agreed that pastel colours show a mature theme and the idea of pink is a good colour as it associates with girls. In addition it will work well with the central image and stand out from the background so it will attract them to the magazine even more.

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How much will it cost?

I have decided to price my magazine at £2.50. This is because people equally thought that up to £2.00 was acceptable for a pop magazine as well as up to £3.00. By doing this I have made a negotiation and met in the middle.

FeedbackThe group felt that it was a reasonable price as I have taken into consideration the thoughts of those from the survey and have met straight through the middle which will appeal to a lot of people as it is not expensive compared to some other music magazines.