research in physics astrophysics uni - mcgill university

RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics McGill’s Astrophysics group works at the front of major astrophysical research areas. This is a fascinating time in astrophysics, with new observational capabilities offering a more detailed view of the universe and its constituents than ever before. Professor Cynthia Chiang’s research group focuses on observational cosmology to piece together the history of our universe & the physical processes that govern it. Her team specializes in the design, construction, & fielding of custom instrumentation, as well as data analysis for these experiments. Prof. Matt Dobbs’ leads a hands-on experimentalist group designing, building, & using observational cosmology to better understand the origin, fate, and composition of the universe. Prof. Nicolas Cowan’s Group focuses on characterizations of the surfaces & atmospheres of exoplanets, monitoring how their brightness & color change with time. Member of the scientific committee for the James Webb Space Telescope and the Ariel Mission. Prof. Tracy Webb’s research focuses in foundation & evolution of galaxies, using some of the world’s most powerful telescopes. Prof. Jon Sievers is developing analysis techniques for upcoming large cosmological surveys, including surveys of the cosmic microwave background and the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen. Prof. Adrian Liu CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, Sloan Research Fellow, William Dawson Scholar Prof. Liu’s group focuses on connections between theory, data analysis, and observation in 21cm cosmology to shed light on Cosmic Dawn—the period when first- generation stars and galaxies were formed. Prof. David Hanna is a member of the VERITAS collaboration & uses gamma ray observation to search for signals produced by annihilation of dark matter particles in the centers of dwarf galaxies. Prof. Haggard's group investigates the extreme endpoints for matter in the universe: black holes and neutron stars. Her team is pursuing intensive, multiwavelength studies of the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*, and searches for electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave sources discovered by the LIGO-Virgo Observatories. Recipient of the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics with the Event Horion Telescope Collaboration, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, Canada Research Chair in Multi-messenger Astrophysics Prof. Vicky Kaspi’s research currently centres on the new CHIME telescope, & Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs); working to understand CHIME/FRB discoveries & their implications for the nature of FRBs. Kaspi also pursues her long-term interest in neutron stars, using both CHIME and other radio and X-ray telescopes to study pulsars - rapidly rotating, highly magnetized neutron stars. She is the first woman & one of the youngest researchers ever win the Herzberg Canada Gold Medal in 2016. Prof. Ken Ragan is also a VERITAS member and focuses on particle astrophysics, observing astrophysical sources of high energy gamma rays, allowing him and his group to study sources of black hole driven galaxies, supernova remnants, pulsar-wind nebulae, and microquasars. Prof. Robert Rutledge’s group is primarily interested in measuring the size of neutron stars through x-ray observation, which provides direct measurements of strong-force physics. Prof. Cumming’s group takes a theoretical approach to study neutron stars, such as thermo-nuclear burning, magnetic field evolution, & properties of dense matter, as well as the formation of exoplanets. Prof. Eve Lee's group focuses on theoretical studies of , to understand the origin of diversity in exoplanetary systems. Specific topics include the origin of planetary atmospheres, the orbital architecture of planetary systems, star- disk-planet interactions, and the dynamics of debris disks.

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Page 1: RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics uni - McGill University

RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics McGill’s Astrophysics group works at the front of major astrophysical research areas. This is a fascinating time in astrophysics, with new observational capabilities offering a more detailed view of the universe and its constituents than ever before.

Professor Cynthia Chiang’s research group focuses on observational cosmology to piece together

the history of our universe & the physical processes that govern it. Her team specializes in the design, construction, & fielding of custom instrumentation, as well as data analysis for these experiments. Prof. Matt Dobbs’ leads a hands-on experimentalist group designing, building, & using observational cosmology to better understand the origin, fate, and composition of the universe.

Prof. Nicolas Cowan’s Group focuses on characterizations of the surfaces & atmospheres of exoplanets, monitoring how

their brightness & color change with time. Member of the scientific committee for the James Webb Space Telescope and the Ariel Mission.

Prof. Tracy Webb’s research focuses in foundation & evolution of galaxies, using some of the world’s most powerful telescopes. Prof. Jon Sievers is developing analysis techniques for upcoming large cosmological surveys, including surveys of the cosmic microwave background and the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen.

Prof. Adrian Liu CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, Sloan Research Fellow, William Dawson Scholar Prof. Liu’s group focuses on

connections between theory, data analysis, and observation in 21cm cosmology to shed light on Cosmic Dawn—the period when first-generation stars and galaxies were formed.

Prof. David Hanna is a member of the VERITAS collaboration & uses

gamma ray observation to search for signals produced by annihilation

of dark matter particles in the centers of dwarf galaxies.

Prof. Haggard's group investigates the extreme endpoints for matter in the universe: black holes and neutron stars. Her team is pursuing intensive, multiwavelength studies of the supermassive black hole at the

heart of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*, and searches for electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave sources discovered by the LIGO-Virgo Observatories.

Recipient of the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics with the Event Horion Telescope Collaboration, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, Canada Research Chair in Multi-messenger Astrophysics

Prof. Vicky Kaspi’s research currently centres on the new CHIME telescope, & Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs);

working to understand CHIME/FRB discoveries & their implications for the nature of FRBs. Kaspi also pursues her long-term interest in neutron stars, using both CHIME and other radio and X-ray telescopes to study pulsars - rapidly rotating, highly magnetized neutron stars. She is the first woman & one of the youngest researchers ever win the Herzberg Canada Gold Medal in 2016.

Prof. Ken Ragan is also a VERITAS member and focuses on particle astrophysics, observing astrophysical sources of high energy gamma rays, allowing him and his group to study sources of black hole driven galaxies, supernova remnants, pulsar-wind nebulae, and microquasars.

Prof. Robert Rutledge’s group is primarily interested in measuring the size of neutron stars through x-ray observation, which provides direct

measurements of strong-force physics.

Prof. Cumming’s group takes a theoretical approach to study neutron stars, such as thermo-nuclear burning, magnetic field evolution, & properties of dense matter, as well as the formation of exoplanets. Prof. Eve Lee's group focuses on theoretical studies of

, to understand the origin of diversity in exoplanetary systems. Specific topics include the origin of planetary atmospheres, the orbital architecture of planetary systems, star-disk-planet interactions, and the dynamics of debris disks.

Page 2: RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics uni - McGill University

RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Biophysics Due to its complexity, we know far more about the inner working of stars than we do about a cell. Biophysics attempts to characterize complex networks that govern the essential cellular processes like the ability to sense, transmit, & generate signals.

Velocity map of retrograde transport of alpha-actinin/EGFP in a mouse fibroplast cell. Measured bu STICS analysis.


Prof. Walter Reisner’s bionanofluidic lab explores how complex submicron

nanotopographies embedded in a confined slit-like nanochannel can be used to perform manipulations of single biopolymers, such as DNA, in solution.

McGill Physics is growing a strong and highly collaborative biophysics

research community, including 5 in-Department and several out-of-Department members. Their active

research programs are seeking highly motivated graduate students

and researchers.

DNA and Beads The image below depicts a bead optically trapped inside a nanochannel with an extended DNA molecule. The DNA is driven against the bead at a fixed sliding speed V.

Prof. Wiseman’s lab is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in cellular adhesion & how cells dynamically regulate adhesion receptors to control

cellular migration.

Multi-colour fluorescence excitation systems use lasers of different wavelengths to simultaneously image different molecular species. Students and postdoctoral researchers trained in this environment gain quantitative and interdisciplinary skills, and can come from biological or physics backgrounds. Our biophysics research programs offer students and postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to gain expertise in state-of-the-art two-photon and nonlinear microscopy, image correlation spectroscopy and other fluctuation-based methods, direct tracking in live cell methods, confocal microscopy, computational biology, lasers and optical trapping, atomic force microscopy, protein-engineering, signal transduction, gene expression, neurophysiology, micro/nanofluidic bioanalysis device fabrication, nanoparticle labels, and total internal refection and fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopies.

Visualizing dynamics and interactions between biomolecules (e.g. protein,

DNA) with single-molecule resolution allows for the biophysical mechanisms

underlying life preserving processes such as DNA transcription and repair

to be newly uncovered and understood. The collaborative effort between Leslie

& Wiseman and collaborators in the Department of Chemistry, opens the

door to creating ultra-sensitive biomedical diagnostics (e.g. of

biomarkers that indicate cancer onset).

Prof. Leslie’s lab aims to address unanswered questions about

molecular transport in complex biophysical environments. The group is fascinated by how molecules move about & perform myriad functions.


Awarded in 2015 with one of the three McGill Principal’s Prizes for Outstanding Emerging Researchers.

How does an immune cell recognize antigens? How does an embryo develop? Prof. Francois’ group develop physics-inspired mathematical tools to understand these dynamics, as well as those related to evolution tackling questions such as: Is Darwinian evolution similar to energy minimization of physics? If so, can we predict what networks can evolve?

Page 3: RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics uni - McGill University

RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Condensed Matter McGill’s condensed matter physics researchers focus on the synthesis, physical properties, and characterization, theory and large-scale modeling of novel materials.


Materials Prof. Nikolas Provatas’ group

ports over ideas & knowledge from microscopic scales on which material properties are typically realized in particular

applications; models developed can thus be used in materials engineering. Member of Calcul Quebec’s Scientific Council.

Prof. Kartiek Agarwal’s group conducts research on strongly correlated quantum systems, with a focus on their non-equilibrium properties.

McGill Physics Computational Materials Science

Group Prof. Martin Grant’s group

investigates universal phenomena in far more equilibrium systems by nonlinear analysis, using the largest computers in Canada.

The Meissner effect -

levitation of a

magnet above a

magnetic field repelling superconductor.


Quantum Optics and Sensing

Prof. Lily Childress’ research group uses techiniques developed in quantum optics and atomic physics to understand and control th equantum states of defect centres in crystalline hosts, while exploring their

potential application in quntum information science and metrology.

Prof. Jack Sankey’s team is interested in creating new types of light-actuated mechanical sensors operating near (or below!) the standard quantum limit. We are also part of collaborative efforts to apply the tools of quantum optics to other fields, including cancer therapy and spintronics.

Prof. Hong Guo’s group is focused on two main areas: quantum electronic transport theory and modeling in nanoelectronics, and materials physics of nanotec hnology.

Prof. William Coish’s group studies the quantum properties of nanoscale condensed matter systems, & how to use these systems for quantum information processing.


Prof. Tami Pereg-Barnea’s group focuses on condensed matter systems with unusual properties often related to exotic/topological order or strong interactions. More

specifically studying topological insulators, topological

superconductors, graphene, and unconventional superconductors.

1Cavity photons coupled to the drumhead motion of a 50-nanometer-thick membrane

New discoveries are constantly made in condensed matter

systems be it in the form of new materials, such as

graphene or magnetic superconductors, new

quantum phases, such as strongly correlated

systems or topological phases, new frontiers such as Terahertz or

nanoscience, new paradigms, such as

quantum computing or the mechanics of light.

Page 4: RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics uni - McGill University

RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Condensed Matter McGill’s condensed matter physics researchers focus on the synthesis, physical properties, and characterization, theory and large-scale modeling of novel materials.

Non-equilibrium Physics &

Soft Condensed Matter

Prof. Michael Hilke’s research interests include: how

dimensional systems, high speed nano-electronics, nano-electronic modelling, quantum computing, superconductivity, vortices, disordered systems, Graphene, and CNTs. Prof. Guillaume Gervais’ group works at elucidating new quantum phases of matter in semiconductor electronic and fluidic structures fabricated “on-a-chip”. Prof. Dominic Ryan’s group focuses on magnetic materials, with particular emphasis on those with frustrated or competing exchange interactions.

Prof. Bradley Siwick’s laboratory is focused on developing technologies that will allow complex transient structures of molecular and material systems to be determined at the atomic level.

Prof. Peter Grutter’s group pushes the limits of instrumentation and is one of the

internationally leading groups in the development of atomic force microscopes (AFM) and its application to understanding how nanscale objects can be used for information storage and processing (the field commonly known as nano-electronics).

Optical autocorrelation signal detected by AFM using a unique combination of ultrahigh vacuum AFM and 100 fs laser systems. Development of ultrafast instrumentation and novel electro-optical methods lead to interesting and stimulating interactions within the Condensed Matter Group.



Prof. David Cooke’s lab focuses on ultrafast optical spectroscopy and photonics in the last portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to be controlled. Lab activities stretch from fundamental optical spectroscopy to the more applied development of THz sources and detection technology.

“The Professors in the Physics department truly care about all the graduate students’ success, not just their own students. I’ve never been turned down by a Professor when


New discoveries are constantly made in condensed matter

systems be it in the form of new materials, such as

graphene or magnetic superconductors, new

quantum phases, such as strongly correlated

systems or topological phases, new frontiers such as Terahertz or

nanoscience, new paradigms, such as

quantum computing or the mechanics of light.

Page 5: RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics uni - McGill University

RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Nuclear Physics McGill University’s long and strong tradition of excellence in nuclear physics began with Rutherford’s tenure at McGill between 1898 and 1907 during which he discovered the transmutation of matter.


PHYSICS Neutrinos are the most abundant observed massive particles in the universe. Every second billions of them pass through our fingernails, yet we actually know very little about these elusive particles. Neutrino oscillation experiments determined that neutrinos are in fact massive particles, which was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize, however, their absolute mass still remains unknown. Since neutrinos are electrically neutral, they could be fundamentally different from all other massive particles by being their own antiparticles.

Prof. Thomas Brunner explores whether or not neutrinos are their own antiparticles by searching for neutrinoless double data decays in the isotope

xenon-136. If this decay is observed, it gives evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model and helps us understand the nature of the neutrino. As part of the nEXO collaboration, Brunner and his group are developing components for a next-generation ultra-low background experiment to be located at SNOLAB, where the SNO detector made its groundbreaking discovery.

Prof. Fritz Buchinger’s research group is focused on the

investigation of fundamental nuclear properties, and specifically masses and radii. He is

also involved with experiments at TRIUMF.



Prof. Sangyong Jeon’s research group studies Quark-Gluon Plasma created in

ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions using a variety of theoretical tools ranging from the non-equilibrium quantum field theory to numerical simulations of the heavy ion collisions.

In 2018, Prof. Jeon was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society for his contributions to

relativistic heavy-ion physics



Charles Gale’s research group mostly deals with the theoretical study of matter under extreme conditions of temperature and density. This general area straddles nuclear and particle physics, but also involves aspects of condensed matter and

astrophysics. Put another way, we are trying to explore and understand the phase diagram of QCD, the theory of the strong interaction. These studies eventually lead to a better understanding of the nuclear equation of state and this is relevant for the physics of the early universe, the theoretical modeling of neutron stars, and for the understanding of nuclear collision dynamics.

The same tradition of excellence continues on

to this day. Today, nuclear physics

encompasses a wide range of modern physics. The traditional study of nuclei and their reaction is still a vibrant part of

modern nuclear physics. In the latter part of the

20th century, however, a new and exciting field of nuclear physics started to emerge. This is the

study of nuclear matter under extreme


Page 6: RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics uni - McGill University

RESEARCH IN PHYSICS High Energy What are the laws of nature at their most fundamental level? Is there an ultimate unified theory of elementary particles and gravity? This is the “holy grail” of theoretical physicists.


Prof. Brandenberger’s focus is to explain the observed structure in the universe on large scales & to explain the history of the very early universe. He has made pioneering contributions to the emerging field of superstring cosmology.

Prof. Alex Maloney’s group focuses on string theory and its applications to basic conceptual puzzles in quantum

gravity, cosmology, and black hole physics. Prof. Keshav Dasgupta’s research interest spans a variety of topics such as, superstring theory, string cosmology, quantum field theories, and mathematics.

Prof. Jim Cline is interested in the connections between cosmology and particle physics, including inflation, dark matter, neutrino

physics, and the origin of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter. His group focuses on the search for models of these phenomena, and how they can be tested at coliders and astrophysical experiments.

Prof. Sarah Harrison’s research focuses on string theory, holography, black holes, and mathematical physics.

Canada Research Chair in Mathematical Physics and String Theory (NSERC) Tier 2 Prof. Simon Caron Huot focuses on scattering processes: can we calculate what comes out when two protons collide?

Prof. Katelin Schutz’s research centers on the possibility that there are undiscoverd particles and forces beyond the Standard Model that could leave unique

observable imprints in astrophysical systems or tabletop experiments.

In its broadest terms, research in particle physics has as its goal the discovery

of the most basic constituents of matter and the forces through which

they interact, and how matter behaves when it is

put under very extreme conditions. Our knowledge of the motion of matter in

such conditions relies on the limits of what we know

about the most elementary particles and forces.


Prof. Brigitte Vachon’s research group studies the unique properties of top quarks in order to understand physics at the smallest distance scale, which ultimately dictates what today’s universe looks like. They are also involved in the ATLAS experiments (CERN).

Prof. Francois Corriveau’s group studies high-energy collisions to get insights into the nature & structure of matter, & is involved in ATLAS & Zeus experiments.

Prof. Andreas Warburton’s group engages in high-energy particle colliders and detector technologies, ATLAS, & Belle II experiments, with interests in quarks, gluon & photon signatures in collision data to understand quark substructure, microscopic black holes & dark matter.

Prof. Steven Robertson’s group studies the properties of the interactions of fundamental particles & forces & is involved with ATLAS, BaBar and SuperB.

Atlas detector at CERN in Switzerland.

At McGill, our quest takes three different but

related directions: a bottom-up approach (phenomenology) of trying to deduce new

laws from latest experimental

observations; the top down approach, using

mathematical consistency of string theory to understand

quantum gravity; and cosmology, which

through the big bang can give us complementary

information about physics at very high


Page 7: RESEARCH IN PHYSICS Astrophysics uni - McGill University

NONLINEAR -GEOPHYSICS Professor Shaun Lovejoy We are living in a golden age of geophysical data and models; using innovative nonlinear data analysis techniques, students analyze state-of-the-art satellite data, aircraft data, paleoclimate data or the outputs of Global Climate Models and weather models. They systemically unravel the structure of our atmosphere in time & in space over scales ranging from milliseconds to millions of years, from millimeters to the size of the planet. The classical weather – climate dichotomy must be replaced by weather – macro weather –climate & this transforms our view. Rather than view the atmosphere as a classical deterministic system they model it with new types of stochastic (random) models that are able to take into account the huge ranges of dynamically important scales, thus overcoming the limitations of the conventional approaches.


Since the 1980s, the nonlinear

physics & atmospheric

physics group has worked on a series of new geophysical paradigms. A particularly

exciting one is the idea that atmospheric

dynamics repeat scale after scale

from large to small in a

cascade-like way.



Atmospheric Science

Earth & Planetary Science