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  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    Faculty of Administrative Science& Policy Studies

    Universiti Teknologi MARA

    The Level of Satisfaction: the student of Faculty ofScience Administrative and Policy Studies FSPPP!

    to"ards the #nline Registration through $ Portal

    Mohd %elmi in A'dul A(i(

    )**+,-,--. /or A(mi 'in Mohamed)**0-,012-

    3n4 A(ma Asna"i Shah 4 A'd %akim

    5uly to /ovem'er )**-

    1 / 65

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    Supervisors Comments

    Moderators Comments

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) / 65

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    6L3ARA/63 F#R SUM$SS$#/ #F T%3 R3S3AR6% R3P#RT 7 T%3SUP3R8$S#R

    !"n# A$ma Asna%i Shah B# A&d Ha'im

    have revie%ed the final and complete research report and approve the su&mission ofthis report for evaluation#



    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) . / 65

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal


    Assalamualai'um %#t

    irst of all0 %e %ould li'e to sa Alhamdulillah that a+ainst all odds %e have finallcompleted this report# 2e %ant to e3press our deepest +ratitude to Allah S#2#4&ecause He has &lessed us %ith +ood health0 sound mind and 'no%led+e toena&le us to complete this research proposal#

    2e 'no% the ourne to complete this research report endeavor has not &een asmooth one# 2e faced man o&stacles such as seatin+ for hours and hours %iththe supervisor0 ans%erin+ uestions and +ivin+ clarification to %hat has &een%ritten# n almost ever meetin+ %e have to ma'e chan+es0 and most of the timemaor chan+es# Sometimes0 %e %ere &ein+ attac'ed %ith lots of uestions andthat also sometimes ma'e us sta in the supervisors office up to the late hours

    of the evenin+#

    Sincerel0 %e %ant to sa than' ou to our Supervisor0 "nci' A$ma Asna%i ShahB A&dul Ha'im and our lecturer0 7rof# ,r# Hai Ha$man Shah A&dullah for their+uidance and constructive comments in helpin+ us to su&mit this research reporton time# 2e have to admit the fact that %ithout his proper +uidance and closesupervision0 %e %ill not &e a&le to complete this research report#

    Mohd Helmi Bin A&dul A$i$8or A$mi &in MohamedBachelor of Administrative Science (Hons)acult of Administrative Science 9 7olic Studies:niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A0 Shah Alam#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) < / 65

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    Research Proposal


    4he =nline ;e+istration throu+h 7ortal is a sstem %hich provided& :i4M to all students# 4he sstem is a compulsor that all

    students need to use the sstem# 4he purpose of this stud is tofind out the >evels of Satisfaction of the students to%ards the=nline ;e+istration# 4he stud also meant to propose severalrecommendations and su++estions to the parties involved# 4hemethod used in this stud is & distri&utin+ the uestionnaires tothe students in acult of Science administrative and polic Studies(S777) as a sample representin+ the %hole population of the:i4M students# 4he main findin+s that the +ender of the studentsdid not influencin+ their levels of satisfaction %hich &een measured& the &enefits of the =nline ;e+istration# Students from rural orur&an also have the same perception and the con+ruence levels of

    satisfaction %hich the factors (rural0 ur&an) did not influence their>evels of Satisfaction# 4he perceptions of the students are affected& the levels of Satisfaction# Most of the students are satisfied %iththe =nline ;e+istration throu+h 7ortal# 4he =nline ;e+istration isproven to &e the mechanism that help the involved parties +ain&enefit from it &ut ho%ever it needs to &e improved from time totime#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5 / 65

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    Research Proposal


    2e here& declare that the %or' contained in this research report is our o%ne3cept those %hich have &een dul identified and ac'no%led+ed# f %e are laterfound to have committed pla+iarism or other forms of academic dishonest0action can &e ta'en a+ainst us under the Academic ;e+ulations of :i4Ms#


    ******************************************8ame- Mohd Helmi Bin A&d A$i$


  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    Ta'le of contents

    6hater .: $ntroduction

    1#1 ntroduction 1# 7ro&lem statement @1#. ;esearch o&ectives 1?1#< Scope of the stud 1?1#5 Si+nificance of the stud 111#6 ,efinition of terms/concepts 1

    6hater ): Literature Revie" & 6oncetual Frame"ork 1iterature ;evie% 1indsa 9 ,onald A# 8orman)

    (http-//%%%#sapdesi+n+uild#or+/resources/opticalLillusions/introLdefinition#html )

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) / 65
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    Research Proposal

    6%APT3R ,

    R3S3AR6% M3T%#9

    ,4. Research design

    or the purpose of this stud0 the research desi+n %ill &e cross*sectional surve#

    4pe of approach is supplemented & a uestionnaire surve#

    ,4) Unit of analysis

    As this stud %ill address the issue of the level of satisfaction of the online

    re+istration throu+h i*portal0 therefore the unit of analsis %ill &e the students of

    the acult of Administrative Science and 7olic Studies (S777) in :niversiti

    4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) Shah Alam#

    ,4, Pilot Study

    4he purpose of the pilot stud %as to determine-

    a# f pro&lems e3isted %ith the %ordin+ of the preliminar surve


    f pro&lem e3isted %ithin the %ordin+ of the surve uestionnaire#

    c# f the surve %as capturin+ the information needed to successfull

    ans%er the respective research uestions for this stud#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) @ / 65

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    Research Proposal

    2ith this in mind0 a pilot stud of uestionnaire had &een conducted at :i4M#

    7articipants %ere 1? people includin+ &oth se3es0 male (n5) and female (n5)#

    As a result of the pilot stud it %as discovered that the initial instructions recited

    to the participants need to &e re%orded &ecause the responses to the uestion

    %ere more comprehensive %hen su&ects %ere reminded durin+ the preliminar


    4he avera+e completions time %as 1?*15 minutes of the ten su&ects# =nl

    respondents reuested clarification re+ardin+ uestions for health and illness

    (section B)# 4herefore0 it %as concluded that the surve %as clear and

    understanda&le for the holder of universities students in the pilot stud# 4he

    su++ested that there %ill &e &etter if the %ere under administered and %ell

    instruct %hen ans%erin+ the uestionnaire#

    4he final +oal of the pilot stud %as to determine if the surve uncovered

    responses that could potentiall ans%er the prospective research uestions#

    ;esulted indicated that the collected data provided the necessar information

    reuired to ans%er research uestions and hpotheses proposed in this stud#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .? / 65

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    Research Proposal

    ,4+ Samle si(e

    4he sample si$e for the purpose of this stud is 1??0 %hich euall distri&uted to

    the students =f Bachelor of Administration Science (BAS) and to the students of

    Bachelor of Corporate Administration (BCA)# All the uestionnaires returned#

    ,40 Samling techniDue

    4his stud %ill &e conducted in the acult of Science Administrative and 7olic

    Studies (S777) in :niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) Shah Alam# 4herefore0 %e

    have selected the convenience samplin+ techniue for the purpose of this

    research# Accordin+ to Se'aran (??.)0 convenience samplin+ techniue refers

    to collection of information from mem&ers of the population %ho are convenientl

    availa&le to provide it# 4his samplin+ procedure involves the selection of units

    that are easil accessi&le and convenient to the researchers# (Ha$man0 ??5/6)

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .1 / 65

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  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    #7lan their studies.# Can save the cost of the studentsess procedure in re+isterin+ the su&ects

    @# Helps :i4M in achievin+ their +oals.?# All information are updated.1# Students to &ecome computer literate.# More efficient..# nformation a&out the reuired su&ects

    "3ample - Students >evels of Satisfaction*>i'ert scale

    5# Stron+l A+ree

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    o inestigate thest!dent&s perceptiontowards the gender ofthe st!dents.

    7erception of the =nline re+istrationthrou+h i*portal refers to the valueud+ment made as a&out the net&enefits attri&uted to the use of aninformation sstem# 4he perception isalso the possession positive orne+ative attitudes to%ards the online

    re+istration provided & :i4M#


  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    . o determine therelationship between thest!dent&s perceptiontowards the onlineregistration and the 'eelof Satisfaction

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .5 / 65

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    Research Proposal

    ,4 9ata collection

    ,ata collection deals on ho% the researchers reach the respondents# t deals

    %ith the uestion of ho% ou %ill contact and +ather the reuired data from the

    units of the stud (Ha$man0 ??5)# 4here are several popular methods of data

    collection namel uestionnaire0 intervie%s and o&servation (Ha$man0 ??5)#

    4he data for this stud %ill &e collected throu+h personall administered

    uestionnaire# 4his method %as chosen &ecause the researcher can collect all

    the completed responses %ithin a short period# He also added that the

    researcher is also afforded the opportunit to introduce the research topic and

    motivate the respondents to offer their fran' ans%ers (Se'aran0 ??.)#

    .6 / 65

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    Ta'le ,4) Summary of o';ectives@ varia'les@ measurement@ scale andstatistics used in this research

    #';ectives 8aria'le

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    6%APT3R +

    F$/9$/B A/9 A/AL7S$S

    +4. $ntroduction

    4his chapter present &riefl the profile of the respondents involved in the stud of

    >evel of Satisfaction amon+ the students of acult of Science Administrative

    and 7olic Studies (S777) in :i4M Shah Alam0 to%ards the =nline ;e+istration

    throu+h 7ortal# 4he >evel of Satisfaction amon+ the students of acult of

    Science Administrative and 7olic Studies (S777) %ere o&tained & distri&utin+

    euall the uestionnaires to the students of Bachelor of Administrative Science

    (BAS) and Bachelor of Corporate Administration (BCA) in acult of Science

    Administrative and 7olic Studies (S777) in :i4M Shah Alam# Aside from that0

    the purpose of this stud is to determine the perception of the students to%ards

    the =nline ;e+istration that provided & :i4M#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .@ / 65

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  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    4here %as a 1?? uestionnaires have &een distri&uted euall %ithout missin+ to

    the students of Bachelor of Administrative Science (BAS) and Bachelor of

    Corporate Administration (BCA) in acult of Science Administrative and 7olic

    Studies (S777) in :i4M Shah Alam#


  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    8o# Profile /o4 of Resondents Percentage H!

    1 Bender* Male* emale

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    4his section presents the findin+s of the stud in relation to the research

    o&ectives# 4hus0 the findin+s indicate the test of eualit and the si+nificant of

    the tested varia&les# A 4*4est is used to determined %hether there is a si+nificant

    different &et%een t%o varia&les#

    +4+4. Relationshi of the StudentGs 9emograhy gender and region! to the

    Levels of Satisfactions total 'enefits! to"ards the #nline

    Registration through $ Portal4

    4he first part of the first o&ectives are actuall &een tested usin+ the

    ndependent Droup 4*4est# f the tested varia&les is considered si+nificant

    (pQ?#?5)0 thus have relationship &et%een the varia&les# ;eferrin+ to the 4a&le

    evel of Satisfactions(total &enefit) %hen the p is

    actuall more than ?#?5 (p?#@)# Meanin+ that0 the +ender actuall is not

    influencin+ or +ives effect to the >evel of Satisfaction (total &enefit)#

    Ta'le +4,4.: Summary of $ndeendent TCTest 'et"een gender and Levelof Satisfaction total 'enefits!

    8aria'le Test of 3Duality

    Total enefits t df Si+ (*tailed)

    * ?#1 @ ?#?

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons)

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    Based on the 4a&le evel of

    Satisfaction (total Benefits)#t sho%s that there is no si+nificant &et%een the

    re+ion of the respondents %ith the >evel of Satisfaction (total &enefit)# 4he p is

    actuall more than ?#?50 (p?#55)# Since the result in no relationship0 meanin+

    that there is no relationship and re+ion has no influence to the >evel of

    Satisfaction (total &enefits)#

    Ta'le +4,4): Summary of $ndeendent TCTest 'et"een Region and Level ofSatisfaction total 'enefits!

    8aria'le Test of 3Duality

    Total enefits t df Si+ (*tailed)

    *?#56 @ ?#55

    rom all of the uestions representin+ the >evel of Satisfaction (total &enefit)0

    onl one uestions sho%s the relationship or si+nificant %ith the Dender (male or

    female) in this stud# 4he uestion num&er 1 re+ardin+ the fle3i&ilit of the time

    of the students to do their =nline ;e+istration# (Students can re+ister their

    su&ects at antime)# 4he ta&le sho%s that0 p?#?.. %hich actuall less than

    ?#?5# 4his indicates that the si+nificant relationship &et%een the varia&les#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons)

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    Ta'le +4,4,: Summary of $ndeendent TCTest 'et"een Bender and Icanregister at any timeJ Duestion no4 .!

    8aria'le Test of 3Duality

    Total enefits t df Si+ (*tailed)

    *#15@ @ ?#?..

    +4+4) The 3ffect of StudentGs Percetions to"ards the #nline Registration

    "ith the gender of the students

    4he second o&ective is to determine the relationship &et%een the Students

    7erceptions %ith the +ender of the students0 %hich consist of male and female#

    4he ndependent 4*4est &een used to determine the relationship &et%een the

    varia&les# 4he result sho%s that there is no si+nificant %hen p?#

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    4.4.3 The Relationshi 'et"een the StudentGs Percetion total ercetion!

    Levels of Satisfaction total 'enefit! to"ards the #nline Registration4

    4he third o&ective is to determine the relationship &et%een the students

    perceptions %ith the >evels of Satisfaction# 4he 7aired sample 4*4est used to

    determine the relationship# ;eferrin+ to the 4a&le evels of Satisfaction (total &enefit)#

    Ta'le +40: Summary of Paired Samle TCTest 'et"een ercetions totalercetion! and Level of Satisfaction total 'enefits!

    8aria'le Test of 3Duality

    Total Percetions t df Si+ (*tailed)

    1.#6. @@ ?#???

    +40 #verall Level of Satisfaction 'enefits! of the Resondents

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons)

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    4his research is to stud the >evel of Satisfaction of the Students in acult of

    Science Administrative and 7olic Studies (S777)# 4hus the freuencies test

    &een done in order to determine their overall >evels of Satisfaction# rom the

    ta&le evels of

    Satisfaction (&enefits)0 most of the respondents a+reed %ith the &enefits of the

    =nline ;e+istration#

    4he hi+hest is 65P of the respondent a+reed that usin+ the =nline ;e+istration

    %ill inform the students a&out the outstandin+ vacant of the class# ollo%ed &



  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    8aria'les Mode of Ans"er Percentage H! FreDuency

    ;e+istration 7rocess "asier A+reed .@P .@

    Can Save 4ime A+reed 5?P 5?

    "as 4o :nderstand A+reed

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    4he research is stud the level of satisfaction amon+ the students acult of

    Science Administrative and 7olic Studies (S777) to%ards the =nline

    ;e+istration throu+h *7ortal# 4his research is done to e3amine the relationship

    &et%een students demo+raphic and mediatin+ factor (perception) to%ards the

    level satisfaction in usin+ the online re+istration throu+h *7ortal#

    4hus0 this chapter discusses in detail the findin+ as presented in Chapter < and

    concludes the research# 4his chapter also provides practical implications of the

    findin+0 the limitations of the stud as %ell as the recommendations for future


    04) 9iscussion and $mlications

    4he stud is conducted to determine the relationship of the demo+raphic and the

    mediatin+ factor of perception %ith the level of satisfaction to%ards the online

    re+istration sstem throu+h 7ortal# 4hus0 the discussion in this chapter %ill +o

    throu+h %ith the research o&ectives#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons)

  • 8/11/2019 Research Jimi


    Research Proposal

    04)4. To study the relationshi of the studentGs demograhy gender and

    region! to the level of satisfaction 'enefit! to"ards the online

    registration through the $CPortal

    4he findin+s sho% that there is no si+nificant relationship &et%een the

    demo+raphic and the level of satisfaction (&enefit) to%ards the online re+istration

    throu+h 7ortal# ,emo+raphic divided into t%o +ender and re+ion#

    04)4.4. Bender

    t %as found that +ender have no si+nificant relationship to%ards the level

    of the satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration# Dender0 %hether the

    are male or female &oth are not have a si+nificant relationship to%ards the

    &enefit usin+ the online re+istration# 4he result sho%s that +ender is not a

    factor that %ill affect the level of satisfaction in usin+ the online re+istration


    n the stud0 it sas that different +ender %ill influence the level of the

    satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration sstem since the male and

    female commonl have a difference in their feelin+0 %hich female is more

    to%ards the positive feelin+ on certain thin+s compared to male# Ho%ever0

    %e cannot conclude that +ender %ill influence the level of satisfaction

    to%ards the online re+istration sstem since the result sho%ed +ender

    does not have a si+nificant relationship %ith the level of satisfaction#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5? / 65

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    Research Proposal

    04)4.4) Region

    ;e+ion is defined or refers to a part or section of a countr or the %orld#

    (http-//%%%#investor%ords#com/) 4he test result sho%ed that there is no

    si+nificant relationship &et%een the re+ion and the level of satisfaction

    to%ards the online re+istration# ;e+ion divided into t%o0 %hich is rural and

    ur&an# Both the students live in the rural and ur&an area have not influence

    the level of satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration# 4herefore0 %hether

    the students live in rural or ur&an area it %ill not affect their level of

    satisfaction on the sstem#

    n the stud0 %e assumed that the student in the rural have more &enefit

    throu+h the online re+istration than the students in rural# 4his is &ecause0

    students in rural have less e3posure to the information technolo+ such as

    in usin+ the computer or internet# Ho%ever the result sho% that the students

    %hether the live in rural and ur&an have not influence to the &enefit of

    usin+ the online re+istration sstem#

    04)4) To study the relationshi of Percetion and the studentGs gender

    to"ards the online registration through $ KPortal4

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 51 / 65

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    Research Proposal

    7erception defines as a process & %hich individuals or+ani$e and interpret their

    sensor impressions in order to +ive meanin+ to their environment# Ho%ever0

    %hat one perceives can &e su&stantiall different from o&ectives realit# t needs

    to &e0 &ut there is often disa+reement (;o&&ins0 ??1)#

    ;e+ardin+ the research to the online re+istration sstem0 the perception is

    divided into t%o0 %hich is +ood or &ad# 4herefore0 +ender %hether the are male

    and female mostl has a different perception on the online re+istration that %ill

    affect the level of satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration#

    Ho%ever0 the result sho%s that there is no si+nificant relationship &et%een the

    perception and students +ender to%ards the level of satisfaction in usin+ the

    online re+istration sstem throu+h 7ortal# t means that0 the perception and the

    students +ender are not influencin+ to each other to%ards the online re+istration#

    04)4, To determine the relationshi 'et"een the studentGs ercetion

    to"ards the online registration and level of satisfaction

    t %as found that there is a si+nificant relationship &et%een the mediatin+ factor

    the students perception of the online re+istration and the level of satisfaction# t

    means that students perception %ill influence the level of their satisfaction

    to%ards the online re+istration sstem# 2hen the students perception on the

    online re+istration sstem offer more &enefits for them to re+ister their course

    such as (reduce the time to spend on re+ister process0 students can re+ister at

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    an time and place0 the sstem allo% students to customi$e their timeta&le and

    students can re+ister on &ehalf on others)0 thus it %ill lead to the hi+her

    satisfaction feel & the students# Adversel0 %hen their perception re+ardin+ the

    online re+istration sstem are &ad such as the online re+istration is al%as

    havin+ technical pro&lems0 the sstem is not effective and the 'no% that the

    online re+istration sstem have a %ea'nesses to them# 4hen it %ill lo%er their

    level of satisfaction0 %hich leads to dissatisfaction to%ards the online re+istration#

    4herefore0 the :i4M must maintain a +ood perception to%ards the online

    re+istration since it +ives an effect to the level of satisfaction amon+ the students#

    4he level of satisfaction could relate to the motivation of the students re+ardin+

    the use of the sstem# >o% level of satisfaction ma cause the students do not

    accept the sstem# As far as %e concern0 the online re+istration is compulsor to

    use & students in re+ister their su&ects# 4hus0 this situation %ill leave the

    student %ith no option &ut usin+ the online re+istration sstem#

    04, Recommendations

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5. / 65

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    Research Proposal

    Several su++estions and recommendations can put for%ard and used & the

    future researchers in carrin+ out the related stud# 4he researchers also

    proposed several su++estions for the :i4M itself in order to improve the level of

    satisfaction amon+ the students to%ards the online re+istration throu+h 7ortal#

    n the uestionnaire distri&uted to the respondents in0 the last uestion is an

    open ended uestion to see' the recommendation from the user or students

    re+ardin+ the %a to improve the online re+istration sstem provide & :i4M#

    4herefore0 the recommendation &elo% is includin+ from the researchers and

    respondents point of vie%#

    04,4. Suggestion for UiTM

    4he :i4M should provide &etter online re+istration sstem than %hat are

    the currentl adopt# 4he sstem provide & the :i4M to their students

    itself must &e eas to understand and eas to use & the students# 4he

    interactive sstem also important to ensure the students can enhance or

    ma'e their re+istration more efficient compared to the manual re+istration#

    t serves no purpose to adopt for the sstems that is e3pected to +ive an

    efficient service &ut in realit0 it +ives more complicated tas' and adverse

    effect to the or+ani$ations#

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5< / 65

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    Research Proposal

    4he :i4M also are encoura+in+ to e3ercise the pilot test for their online

    re+istration sstem# Before allo%in+ the sstems &roadl use in the %hole

    facult0 the pilot test for the sstem should &e implementin+ first# 7ilot test

    help the mana+ement to identif the pro&lem and potential pro&lem that

    mi+ht occur durin+ re+ardin+ the online re+istration sstem# ,ue to that0

    the mana+ement can find the possi&le solution to the %ea'nesses of the

    sstem# 4herefore0 the students ma not face an pro&lem in usin+ the

    online re+istration sstems %hen the sstem is &roadl introduce in all

    facult and in all :i4M &ranches# #

    Better improvement for the sstem ma avoid the :i4M mana+ement and

    staff itself to do dou&le %or'# t means that0 the staff in the facult not

    needs to handle for the manual re+istration anmore for certain students

    %hich face the pro&lem %ith the online re+istration#

    04,4) Suggestion for the faculty

    4he top mana+ement of the facult/ department/ unit for instance the

    ,ean0 Head of ,epartment and ;e+istrar0 need to pla their role

    effectivel in order to ensure that the online re+istration process can &e

    done effectivel and efficientl# 4he also should enhance the online

    re+istration process & monitor the re+istration session# Moreover0 the

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    Research Proposal

    facult supposedl provides sufficient computers and euipment for the

    students to do the online re+istration throu+h 7ortal#

    4he facult also supposes inform their students a&out the online

    re+istration process# Here the most important roles are to +ive an

    education a&out the %a to use the online re+istration# 4hese situations

    allo% the students familiar %ith the sstem and 'no% ho% to use the

    sstem# =nce the 'no% ho% to use the sstem properl0 the online

    re+istrations &ecome more easil and finall +ive an advanta+e for the

    students and the mana+ement in acult of Administrative Science and

    7olic Studies#

    04,4, Suggestion for the students

    4he students are the person that used the online re+istration sstem#

    4herefore0 the students should +ive a feed&ac' to the mana+ement of the

    facult re+ardin+ the pro&lem the face at the time the do re+istration and

    as' for the uic' response from them in order to complete their

    re+istration process in specified time reuired# Moreover0 the students can

    directl complaint to the :i4M throu+h the letter of complaint that provided

    in the facullt# 4hese %ill &ecome sources of the information for the :i4M

    mana+ement re+ardin+ the pro&lem faces & the students in re+ister their

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    course# 4his ma encoura+e a uic' response from the :i4M

    mana+ement in improvin+ the online re+istration sstem#

    04,4+ Suggestion for the future research

    rom the result of the current stud0 it sho%n that it %as not an accurate as

    needed# 4herefore in order to +ain more accurate and precise data in the

    future research0 it recommended usin+ a lar+e sample si$e in order to

    provide an accurate and valid result# 4hrou+h this research0 onl 1??

    uestionnaires %ere distri&uted to Bachelor of Administrative science

    students and 5? to Bachelor of Corporate Administration students#

    4herefore0 in order to +et accurate data the uestionnaire must e3ceed

    this uantit#

    urther researchers also are encoura+ed to %iden the scope of the stud

    & acuirin+ the information from the all faculties in the universities and

    not ust onl in the selected faculties# 4his is &ecause the different faculties

    ma have a different situation in re+istration process throu+h the online

    sstem# 4herefore %iden the scope of stud ena&le the researcher

    acuirin+ the accurate information0 thus +ive an accurate result from the


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    Moreover0 the research also onl covered the t%o varia&les0 %hich are

    +ender and re+ion# 4herefore0 future research su++ested focusin+ on

    more various factors that are relevant to the issues stud# 4his is &ecause

    that0 there mi+ht &e the other factors %hich are affected and have a

    si+nificant relationship to the level of the satisfaction to%ards the online

    re+istration amon+ the students#

    t also recommended to conductin+ the stud consistentl in respects to

    the issue0 for instance conductin+ it once a ear or an relevant period#

    4he results of the stud %ill sho% ho% the universit see's to improve the

    online re+istration sstem &ased on the previous studs results that

    serves as +uidance in terms of %hat factors contri&ute to students level of

    satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration over certain period#

    inall0 the research resulted to the e3tended of present literature revie%#

    4herefore0 it is &een recommended for future research to &e carried out

    a+ain in the future %ith the same disciplines &ut the consideration

    re+ardin+ the scope of the stud must &e made# or instance0 the

    literature revie% must &e focus on the local studies# 4his is &ecause0 the

    different environment such as in %estern differ from our countries0 %hich

    are more advance in term of their online sstem or technolo+#

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    04+ 6onclusion

    As a conclusion0 the level of satisfaction amon+ the focus +roup to%ards the

    online re+istration had influenced & the perception of the &enefit that the

    o&tained from the online re+istration sstem# Dood or &ad of the perception %ill

    determine the level of satisfaction of students to%ards the online re+istration

    sstem# Dood perceptions to%ards the sstem lead to the hi+her satisfaction

    amon+ the students in use it and vice versa0 the &ad perception %ill lead to the

    lo%er level of satisfaction of students to%ards the online re+istration sstem#

    4he perception has a si+nificant relationship %ith the level of satisfaction in usin+

    the online re+istration# 4herefore0 the :i4M must concentrate to improve the

    online re+istration sstem as its most of the factor that effect the perception#

    inall0 it is effect the level of satisfaction amon+ the students in usin+ it to

    re+ister their course or su&ect# n this case0 :i4M should focus on preparin+ the

    online re+istration sstem that are interactive0 effective0 eas to understand and

    eas to use0 free from technical pro&lem and havin+ clear instruction in order to

    increase the level of satisfaction amon+ the students to%ards the online

    re+istration sstem#

    =n the other hand0 it is important for the :i4M to eliminate the &arriers that %ill

    affect the level of satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration sstem# As the

    further research in the same disciplines conductin+ in the future and discover the

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    drastic +ro%th of the improvement in C4 ma help the :i4M in improvin+ their

    online re+istration sstem# t %ould &e the &est if the staffs also are %ell euip

    %ith the sstem 'no%led+e0 %hich ena&le them to handle the sstem %hen the

    minor pro&lem occur#

    4hus0 as a 2orld Class :niversit0 :i4M should have a proper online re+istration

    sstem# t is important to have a proper online re+istration sstem &ecause the

    failin+ to do so %ill definitel effect the %hole or+ani$ation# 4herefore0 ever

    sin+le &arrier should &e eliminatin+ in order to maintain a +ood ima+e as a 2orld

    Class :niversit#

    040 Limitation

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    >imitations refers to the &arriers of pro&lems occurred in conductin+ the

    research# 4here have &een several challen+es and limitations involved %hile

    carrin+ out this research#

    4he first challen+es are the stud is limited to the students in the acult of

    Science Administrative and polic studies (S777) onl# 4herefore accurac of

    information is difficult to &e o&tains as the limited sample si$e# 4hus0 it %ill affect

    the result of the findin+s in the research#

    Second0 it %as uneas to o&tain the information from the focus +roups# 4his %as

    &ecause there %as lac' in cooperation +ivin+ & the focus +roup in +ivin+ the

    information reuired# 4he level of their cooperation can &e seen throu+h the

    feed&ac' received or the uestionnaires returned to the researchers#

    urthermore0 lac'in+ of the literature revie% su&ect to the online re+istration

    sstem also provide difficulties as for our references# 4hus a limited references

    cause the research could not &e &roaden and the stud onl cover the scope

    %hich is availa&le as for the references#

    inall0 another limitation that faced %as re+ardin+ the ans%erin+ the

    uestionnaire & the respondents# 4he %ron+ interpretations on the uestion lead

    to inaccurac in +ainin+ the information#

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    Assoc# 7rof# ,r# Ate'in SMA8 (??

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    Al*Dahtani0 Said S# 9 M# 'in+ (1@@@)0 TAttitude Satisfaction and usa+e- actorscontri&utin+ to each in the acceptance of nformation 4echnolo+Behavior and information technolo+0 ol 10 8o audon# 0 C#M#0 S# Cho% 9 ;#A# >eitch (??1)0 J4o%ards an :nderstandin+ ofthe Behavioral ntention to :se an nformation SstemJ0 ,ecisionSciences0 ol# 0 8o# 0 pp# .5*.@

    eanette M# 2in+ (??6)0 Communication n the Ach- Computational 4hin'in+#ol indsa 9 ,onald A# 8orman,ntroduction to perception#http-//%%%#sapdesi+n+uild#or+/

    ;o&&ins0 Mana+ement information sstem (MS)0 thedition;athus# H 9 ;o&erts0 7# 9 (1@@)0 Jnformation technolo+ acceptance in a

    sample of +overnment emploees- A test of the technolo+ acceptancemodelJ0 nteractin+ %ith Computers0 ol# 10 8o# 50 pp#

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    H Carr r0 # (??1)0 J,eterminants =f 7erceived "ase =f :se- nte+ratin+Control0 ntrinsic Motivation0 And "motion nto 4he 4echnolo+

    Acceptance ModelJ0 nformation Sstems ;esearchC# Goun+mi (1@@5)0 Brid+in+ Daps in 7erception =f the effectiveness of

    nternet Commerce - 4he Australia 4e3tile0 Clothin+0 oot%ear and

    >eather ndustr0C;C4 at ;M4 :niversit0 Mel&ourne#http-//%%%#sin+stat#+ov.'



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