research of film posters

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  1. 1. Research Of Horror FilmPosters
  2. 2. Generic Conventions Of HorrorFilm Posters Bold, large name of the film, usually situated at the bottom halfof the poster. Fonts are largest with the name of the film, thefont is sometimes disturbed with fade, cuts or smudges thisshows how the film involves a change from normality and aninterruption to average life. Close-up shot of faces to show emotion, sometimes long shotto get a character, location and costume in. Posters show protagonists that are scared or antagonistslooking at the camera to frighten audience/make them lookat the poster. Actors name above title to promote the film. The image is often frightening or intriguing, suggested violenceand situated I the centre of the poster.
  3. 3. Conventions Violence and evil are implied by props, colour and the characters. Colours aredark, often hints of red most of these posters have the colour red in themthis helps to imply violence, danger, blood this is seen in more classic horrorfilms, colours like white and blue are used in more supernatural films. Tag line always found at the top of the poster and are shocking, intriguing ordramatic. Billing block is always found in the bottom third of the poster, always in whiteto contrast with the usually dark colours in the background on the poster. Low lighting, however lighter around the character to make them stand out.This could make them vulnerable or more intimidating. Release dates or Coming Soon is found beneath the billing block, directors arefirst on the list.
  4. 4. Layout/Structure1. Bold, large name of thefilm, usually situated at thebottom half of the poster.Actors name abovetitle to promote thefilm.Picture is situated inthe centre of theposter.Tag line always foundat the top of theposter and areshocking, intriguing ordramatic.Billing block is alwaysfound in the bottomthird of the poster,always in white tocontrast with the usuallydark colours in thebackground on theposter.Release dates orComing Soon is foundbeneath the billingblock, directors are firston the list.
  5. 5. Text sizes & FontFonts are largestwith the nameof the filmThe font is sometimesdisturbed with fade, cuts orsmudges this shows how thefilm involves a change fromnormality and an interruptionto average life.Smallest font is the billingblock, the information isn'tkey to the audience.
  6. 6. Language/Shot typesClose-up shot of faces toshow emotion, sometimeslong shot to get acharacter, location andcostume in.Posters show protagonists thatare scared or antagonists lookingat the camera or doing acts thatare supernatural to frightenaudience/make them look at theposter.Tag lines are shocking,intriguing or dramatic.
  7. 7. InformationRelease dates or Coming Soon isfound beneath the billing blockActors nameabove title topromote thefilm. Image alwayshints at what thefilm is about, aswell as the tag lineBilling block involvesdirectors, productionteam members, actors,actresses-+
  8. 8. Media LanguageViolence and evil are implied by props,colour and the characters. Colours aredark, often hints of red most of theseposters have the colour red in them thishelps to imply violence, danger, bloodthis is seen in more classic horror films,colours like white and blue are used inmore supernatural films.Low lighting, however lighter around the characterto make them stand out. This could make themvulnerable or more intimidating.Close-up shot of faces to showemotion, sometimes long shot toget a character, location andcostume in.
  9. 9. Annotations Of A Horror FilmPosterGirl looks like little redriding hood, the film is ametaphoric modernadaption of the tale, thisimplies she is lured into atrap and is attacked bysomeone portraying thewolf in the tale.The Trap is symbolizing thewolfs mouth and teeth,about to bite her. Althoughthis is a metaphor of thefilm because the girls endsup being the trap insteadof the bait that she isportrayed as here.The character is faced away,not giving any clue whethershe is the antagonist orprotagonist but the posterimplies she is theprotagonist by being in atrap leading the audienceinto a false sense of security.The subtle plain backgroundcontrasts with the vibrant redthat the girl is wearing, thismakes her stand out and lookisolated and lost. Her largebag suggests she has packedup and is away from home,making her appear vulnerableto the trap.The title suggests children oryoung characters areinvolved because candy issomething that is associatedwith children
  10. 10. Annotations Of A Horror FilmPosterThe colour is verymetallic and portraysa coldness, possiblyto represent the coldheartedness of theantagonistProtagonist is pale toshow her stillness andhow she is trying to stayhidden from the manthat we assume to be theantagonist.The title reads an oxymoronthe idea of a perfectstranger is impossible buthelps to suggest that thefilm is about having strongfeeling for someone but notactually knowing them. Theredness of the wordPerfect suggests its moresinister and quite theopposite of perfect.The figure is shownalmost transparentlywithin the metal, as areflection but this isalso a metaphor forwho cold and robotlike he is, how he maynot feel pity or similarhuman emotions.The mans clothes areblack and fade in withthe background almostlike it is all of him. Theblack appears to beengulfing theprotagonist and impliesthat he takes over, andthat evil prevails.