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  • Research Problems in Finite Element Theory:Analysis, Geometry, and Application

    Andrew Gillette

    Department of MathematicsUniversity of Arizona

    Research Tutorial Group Presentation

    Slides and more info at:

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 1 / 36

  • Whats relevant in molecular modeling?

    (bottom image: David Goodsell)Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 2 / 36

  • Whats relevant in neuronal modeling?

    (right image: Chandrajit Bajaj)

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 3 / 36

  • Whats relevant in diffusion modeling?

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 4 / 36

  • Mathematics used in biological models







    A ~x = ~b

    Linear algebra

    Numerical analysis

    Mathematics helps answer distinguish relevant and irrelevant features of a model:

    Does the PDE have a unique solution, bounded in some norm?

    Does the domain discretization affect the quality of the approximate solution?

    Is the solution method optimally efficient? (e.g. Why isnt my code working?)

    Focus of my research in these areas: the Finite Element Method

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  • Table of Contents

    1 Introduction to the Finite Element Method

    2 Tensor product finite element methods

    3 The minimal approximation question

    4 Serendipity finite element methods

    5 RTG Project Ideas

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  • Outline

    1 Introduction to the Finite Element Method

    2 Tensor product finite element methods

    3 The minimal approximation question

    4 Serendipity finite element methods

    5 RTG Project Ideas

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 7 / 36

  • The Finite Element Method: 1D

    The finite element method is a way to numerically approximate the solution to PDEs.

    (Example worked out on board)

    Ex: The 1D Laplace equation: find u(x) U (dim U =) s.t.u(x) = f (x) on [a, b]u(a) = 0,u(b) = 0

    Weak form: find u(x) U (dim U =) s.t. ba

    u(x)v (x) dx = b

    af (x)v(x) dx , v V (dim V =)

    Discrete form: find uh(x) Uh (dim Uh

  • The Finite Element Method: 1D

    (Example worked out on board)

    Suppose uh(x) can be written as linear combination of Vh elements:uh(x) =


    uivi (x)

    The discrete form becomes: find coefficients ui R such thati


    uiv i (x)vj (x) dx =


    f (x)vj (x) dx , vh Vh (dim Vh 0, independent of h, s.t.

    ||u uh||H1() error between cnts

    and discrete solution

    C h |u|H2() bound in terms of

    2nd order osc. of u

    , u H2() holds for any u withbounded 2nd derivs.


    where h = maximum width of elements use in discretization.Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 9 / 36

  • Outline

    1 Introduction to the Finite Element Method

    2 Tensor product finite element methods

    3 The minimal approximation question

    4 Serendipity finite element methods

    5 RTG Project Ideas

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 10 / 36

  • Tensor product finite element methods

    Generalizing the 1st order, 1D methodGoal: Efficient, accurate approximation of the solution to a PDE over Rn forarbitrary dimension n and arbitrary rate of convergence r .

    Standard O(hr ) tensor product finite element method in Rn: Mesh by n-dimensional cubes of side length h. Set up a linear system involving (r + 1)n degrees of freedom (DoFs) per cube. For unknown continuous solution u and computed discrete approximation uh:

    ||u uh||H1() approximation error

    C hr |u|Hr+1() optimal error bound

    , u H r+1().

    Implementation requires a clear characterization of the isomorphisms:

    11 21 31 41

    2212 32 42

    2313 33 43

    2414 34 44{x r y s

    0 r , s 3


    {i (x)j (y)1 i, j 4


    monomials basis functions domain points

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  • Cubic Hermite Geometric Decomposition (1D, r=3)

    1 2 3 4{1, x , x2, x3} {1, 2, 3, 4}

    approxim. geometrymonomials basis functions domain points

    CubicHermite Basis

    on [0, 1]



    1 3x2 + 2x3x 2x2 + x3

    x2 x33x2 2x3

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0






    Approximation: x r =4


    r,ii , for r = 0, 1, 2, 3, where [r,i ] =

    1 0 0 10 1 1 10 0 2 10 0 3 1

    Geometry: If a(x) is a cubic polynomial then:

    a(x) = a(0)value

    1 + a(0) derivative

    2 a(1) derivative

    3 + a(1)value


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  • Tensor Product Polynomials

    We can use our 1D Hermite functions to make 2D Hermite functions:


    1(x) 1(y) = 11(x , y)


    1(x) 2(y) = 12(x , y)

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  • Cubic Hermite Geometric Decomposition (2D, r=3)

    11 21 31 41

    2212 32 42

    2313 33 43

    2414 34 44{x r y s

    0 r , s 3


    {i (x)j (y)1 i, j 4


    monomials basis functions domain points

    Approximation: x r y s =4



    r,is,jij , for 0 r , s 3, r,i as in 1D.


    11 21 22

    a(x , y) = a|(0,0) value

    11 + x a|(0,0) 1st deriv.

    21 + y a|(0,0) 1st deriv.

    12 + xy a|(0,0) 2nd deriv.

    22 +

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  • Cubic Hermite Geometric Decomposition (3D, r=3)

    111 211

    112 212

    113 213

    114 214






















    244 344 444

    234 334 444

    224 324 444{x r y sz t

    0 r , s, t 3

    } i (x)j (y)k (z)1 i, j, k 4

    monomials basis functions domain points

    Approximation: x r y sz t =4




    r,is,jt,kijk , for 0 r , s, t 3, r,i as in 1D.

    Geometry: Contours of level sets of the basis functions:

    111 112 212 222

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  • Tensor Product FEM Summary

    O(h) O(h2) O(h3) O(hr ){x r y s

    r , s 1

    } {x r y s

    r , s 2

    } {x r y s

    r , s 3

    } {x r y s

    r , s r


    4 9 16 (r + 1)2{x r y sz t

    r , s, t 1

    } {x r y sz t

    r , s, t 2

    } {x r y sz t

    r , s, t 3

    } {x r y sz t

    r , s, t r


    8 27 64 (r + 1)3 a lot!

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  • Outline

    1 Introduction to the Finite Element Method

    2 Tensor product finite element methods

    3 The minimal approximation question

    4 Serendipity finite element methods

    5 RTG Project Ideas

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 17 / 36

  • How many functions are minimally needed?

    For unknown continuous solution u and computed discrete approximation uh:

    ||u uh||H1() approximation error

    C hr |u|Hr+1() optimal error bound

    , u H r+1().

    The proof of the above estimate relies on two properties of finite elements:

    Continuity: Adjacent elements agree on order r polynomials their shared face


    Approximation: Basis functions on each element span all degree r monomials

    {1, x , y , x2, y2, xy} required for

    O(h2) approximation

    ?? {1, x , y , x2, y2, xy , x2y , xy2, x2y2} standard polynomials in

    O(h2) tensor product methodAndrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 18 / 36

  • Next time...

    Characterization of the minimal approximation question for any order

    Intriguing mathematical difficulties and recent serendipitous solutions

    Benefits of serendipity solutions to biological modeling

    Open research problems for an RTG study

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 19 / 36

  • Outline

    1 Introduction to the Finite Element Method

    2 Tensor product finite element methods

    3 The minimal approximation question

    4 Serendipity finite element methods

    5 RTG Project Ideas

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 20 / 36

  • Serendipity Elements9 16 25 36 49

    O(h2) O(h3) O(h4) O(h5) O(h6)

    8 12 17 23 30

    For r 4 on squares: O(hr ) tensor product method : r 2 + 2r + 1 dotsO(hr ) serendipity method: 12 (r

    2 + 3r + 6) dots

    ||u uh||H1() approximation error

    C hr |u|Hr+1() optimal error bound

    , u H r+1().

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 21 / 36

  • Serendipity Elements

    O(h2) O(h3) O(h4) O(h5) O(h6)

    8 12 17 23 30

    Why r + 1 dots per edge?Ensures continuity between adjacent elements.

    Why interior dots only for r 4?Consider, e.g. p(x , y) := (1 + x)(1 x)(1 y)(1 + y)Observe p is a degree 4 polynomial but p 0 on ([1, 1]2).

    How can we recover tensor product-like structure. . .. . . without a tensor product structure?

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  • Mathematical Challenges More Precisely

    O(h2) O(h3) O(h4) O(h5) O(h6)

    8 12 17 23 30

    Goal: Construct basis functions for serendipity elements satisfying the following:

    Symmetry: Accommodate interior degrees of freedom that grow according totriangular numbers on square-shaped elements.

    Tensor product structure: Write as linear combinations of standard tensorproduct functions.

    Hierarchical: Generalize to methods on n-cubes for any n 2, allowingrestrictions to lower-dimensional faces.

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  • Which monomials do we need?



    total degree at most cubic(req. for O(h3) approximation)

    1, x , y , x2, y2, xy , x3, y3, x2y , xy2 , x3y , xy3, x2y2, x3y2, x2y3, x3y3 at most cubic in each variable

    (used in O(h3) tensor product methods)


    We need an intermediate set of 12 monomials!

    The superlinear degree of a polynomial ignores linearly-appearing variables.

    Example: sldeg(xy3) = 3, even though deg(xy3) = 4

    Definition: sldeg(xe11 xe22 x

    enn ) :=




    )# {ei : ei = 1}

    {1, x , y , x2, y2, xy , x3, y3, x2y , xy2, x3y , xy3 superlinear degree at most 3 (dim=12)

    , x2y2, x3y2, x2y3, x3y3}

    ARNOLD, AWANOU The serendipity family of finite elements, Found. Comp. Math, 2011.

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  • Superlinear polynomials form a lower setGiven a monomial x := x11 x

    dd ,

    associate the multi-index of d non-negative integers = (1, 2, . . . , d ) Nd0 .

    Define the superlinear norm of as ||sprlin :=d


    j ,

    so that the superlinear multi indices are Sr ={ Nd0 : ||sprlin r


    Observe that Sr has a partial ordering means i i .

    Thus Sr is a lower set, meaning Sr , = Sr

    We can thus apply the following recent result.

    Theorem (Dyn and Floater, 2013)Fix a lower set L Nd0 and points z Rd for all L. For any sufficiently smoothd-variate real function f , there is a unique polynomial p span{x : L} thatinterpolates f at the points z, with partial derivative interpolation for repeated zvalues.

    DYN AND FLOATER Multivariate polynomial interpolation on lower sets, J. Approx. Th., to appear.

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  • Partitioning and reordering the multi-indices

    By a judicious choice of the interpolation points z = (xi , yj ), we recover thedimensionality associations of the degrees of freedom of serendipity elements.

    The order 5 serendipityelement, with degrees offreedom color-coded bydimensionality.

    x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5y0






    The lower set S5, withequivalent color coding.

    x0 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1y0






    The lower set S5, withdomain points zreordered.

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  • Symmetrizing the multi-indices

    By collecting the re-ordered interpolation points z = (xi , yj ), at midpoints of theassociated face, we recover the dimensionality associations of the degrees of freedomof serendipity elements.

    x0 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1y0






    The lower set S5, withdomain points zreordered.

    x0 x2, x3, x4, x5 x1y0




    A symmetric reordering, with multiplicity. Theassociated interpolant recovers values at dots, threepartial derivatives at edge midpoints, and two partialderivatives at the face midpoint.

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  • 2D symmetric serendipity elements

    Symmetry: Accommodate interior degrees of freedom that grow according totriangular numbers on square-shaped elements.

    O(h2) O(h3) O(h4)

    O(h5) O(h6) O(h7)Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 28 / 36

  • Tensor product structure

    The Dyn-Floater interpolation scheme is expressed in terms of tensor productinterpolation over maximal blocks in the set using an inclusion-exclusion formula.






    Put differently, the linear combination is the sum over all blockswithin the lower set with coefficients determined as follows:

    Place the coefficient calculator at the extremal block corner. Add up all values appearing in the lower set. The coefficient for the block is the value of the sum.

    Hence: black dots +1; white dots -1; others 0.

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  • Tensor product structure

    Thus, using our symmetric approach, each maximal block in the lower set becomes astandard tensor-product interpolant.

    x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5y0






    x0 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1y0






    x0 x2, x3, x4, x5 x1y0




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  • Linear combination of tensor products

    Tensor product structure: Write basis functions as linear combinations of standardtensor product functions.

    + + +

    - - - =

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  • 3D elements

    Hierarchical: Generalize to methods on n-cubes for any n 2, allowing restrictions tolower-dimensional faces.

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  • 3d coefficient computation

    Lower sets for superlinear polynomials in 3 variables:

    Decomposition into a linear combination of tensor productinterpolants works the same as in 2D, using the 3D coefficientcalculator at left. (Blue +1; Orange -1).

    FLOATER, GILLETTE Nodal basis functions for the serendipity family offinite elements, in preparation.

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  • Brief aside: historical quiz

    What video game is shown on the right?

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  • Outline

    1 Introduction to the Finite Element Method

    2 Tensor product finite element methods

    3 The minimal approximation question

    4 Serendipity finite element methods

    5 RTG Project Ideas

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  • RTG Project ideas

    Email me if youd like a copy of the slides with the project ideas.

    Andrew Gillette - U. Arizona ( )Finite Element Research Problems RTG Talk - Jan 2014 36 / 36

    Introduction to the Finite Element MethodTensor product finite element methodsThe minimal approximation questionSerendipity finite element methodsRTG Project Ideas