research proposal iron lady--4

I. TITLE OF THE RESEARCH The title of this research is “ANALYSIS OF METAPHORICAL CONCEPTS USED BY MARGARET THATCHER IN THE IRON LADY MOVIE”. II. FIELD OF STUDY Since long ago, people have believed that metaphor belongs to figurative language, which brings to the literature study. This was before the year of 1980 when a book Metaphors We Live By written by Lakoff and Johnson, changed the perception of conventional metaphor. It seems clearer that metaphor has a new look as a study of linguistics since it is a cognitive science. Cognitive science is a study of mind, thought and its process. Linguistics is one of the cognitive science alongside with philosophy, psychology, and so on ( ). Lakoff and Johnson said that metaphor is a matter of thought and 1

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Thesis Proposal


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The title of this research is “ANALYSIS OF METAPHORICAL CONCEPTS



Since long ago, people have believed that metaphor belongs to figurative language,

which brings to the literature study. This was before the year of 1980 when a book

Metaphors We Live By written by Lakoff and Johnson, changed the perception of

conventional metaphor. It seems clearer that metaphor has a new look as a study of

linguistics since it is a cognitive science. Cognitive science is a study of mind,

thought and its process. Linguistics is one of the cognitive science alongside with

philosophy, psychology, and so on (

science.htm). Lakoff and Johnson said that metaphor is a matter of thought and

action rather than a device of poetic imagination and the rhetoric flourish (1980: 3).

Consequently, this metaphor belongs to linguistics.

It is necessary to take a look the object of this research that is utterances

which specifically belongs to linguistics. Even more specific, utterance needs context

to be understandable easily. According to Mulyana (2005: 78), a study of the usage of

language in communication particularly the relationships between utterance and the

context in which they are use, is called Pragmatics. Thus, this research will belong to

Pragmatics field.


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This research will focus on metaphorical concept produced by Old Margaret

Thatcher in The Iron Lady movie.


A. Background of Study

People use language to intercommunicate by their own way of interacts in

social life, and can be simply called a sign system (Hudson, 2000: 2). Language is a

sign system, and a system needs rules and schemes so that it can work perfectly.

When a speaker produces language and the hearer understands the rules, than it is a

successful outcome. Language has rules or characters that should be understood by

both speaker and hearer. One character of human language is, there is a pragmatic

usage in it (Hidayat, 2006: 25). Pragmatic is used to understand the meaning of one

communication through the situation in which it is used. Pragmatics is important to

bring the concepts of language (meaning, context, and communication) into a whole

conversation, so the meaning can easily be understood within a communication.

It has been said, that Metaphors We Live By has changed the concepts of

metaphor. In the past times, it has always been a matter of poetic and literature, but

lately gives boarder field of study of linguistics. Its basic rule is the same as literature

that is analogy or representation. Analogy is a mapping between two represented

situations in which common relational structure is aligned (Gibbs, 2008: 109). When

people want to say A we may replace it with B that has association with A. People do


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analogy in order to make the meaning deeper and more emotional or stronger, or just

to make it different with the literal meaning. Therefore, literature works are not only

way to express people’s feelings. They do not always write songs or poems just to

express their feelings then put figure speeches into them. As people do not realize,

they might say many metaphors in daily life or in conversation that they made with

anyone else, just exactly what Lakoff and Johnson said that the way people think,

what they experienced, what they do every day is very much a matter of metaphor

(Lakoff and Johnson, 1980: 3).

The metaphorical concepts that people used are various, depending on the

context and several circumstances when an utterance is produced. It shows how rich

the analogies of metaphorical concepts would be. Concepts are created by the closest

relation between the metaphor (or the words) and the experience people usually have.

They also often created from certain words into a more general word that has

association with them.

It is a need for human being to use and understand the communication in

which figurative language is involved. This condition occurs as the fact that figurative

language becomes a part of people’s daily life. Although people may not realize it,

the understanding of figurative language helps them to understand others’ utterance

and to express what they want to say within non-literal words. If literal words cannot

describe the things beyond its lexical meanings, then figurative language will replace

it. For example, if they wanted to say directly to their lover that she or he made them


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act like an unconscious person who cannot even think which is right or wrong, you

might simply say:

You got me hypnotized.

Hypnotized can cover the description of unconscious and all of those

symptoms. Thus, instead saying a long literal sequence of words, you can just say


Language can be found everywhere, in both oral and written forms. In order to

find the language experience of English native speaker, the research chooses movie as

the object. There are some reasons of choosing movie as the object of thesis. First,

movies are able to show the social and cultural aspects of other countries without

exactly coming to that country and it shows language that is used. As Denzin said that

movies are the representation of social and culture, which bring language within

(2004: 241). Since the researcher has no capability to reach and gain the data directly

from the countries that use English, movies will be the perfect source of data. Second,

by obtaining the utterances from movies, the researcher has valid source of data.

It becomes consideration that the utterances produced should be what people

are commonly said in their everyday life, no matter the circumstances are, whether it

is about economic, politic, and social. As long as the utterances still within the human

common sense, it will be regarded as natural. Natural, based on OALD (2003: 883)

means existing in nature, normal, as you would expect. Thus, natural is a condition


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when something or someone normally exists, as everybody knows and sees. Thus,

movies that have nonsense topic or something people cannot accept by their senses,

will not be suitable with the concept of We Live By. Consider this utterance:

She casts a spell on me!

In ordinary life (or in this case, a movie) this utterance is regarded as

metaphor, since in the world as everybody knows, the word spell does not really

exist. It belongs to witchcraft and superstition. In the world where the movie was

taken place, there is no witch or wizard. The context is when someone was falling in

love so deeply, it was like he or she got spelled. The word spell is just the way people

express their thought by making analogy between “not physical and mentally

controlled caused by magic” and the word “spell”. Furthermore, the context does not

fit. The person who came with the utterance was not in the sorcery context, he was

not actually got spelled. Within the context of falling in love and the analogy of

“magical thing”, Lakoff and Johnson stated that this utterance has metaphorical

concept of LOVE IS MAGIC (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980: 49) and the type is

structural metaphor. In contrast, the same utterance in a movie that is familiar with

the word spell, like Harry Potter for instance, the context is acceptable. Then the

utterance will no longer considered a metaphor, because in the magic world it is

possible that the person was really got spelled.


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In this thesis, the researcher wants to analyze metaphorical concepts used in

daily life, through a based-on-a-true-story movie whose dialogues represent the daily

utterances. The researcher has chosen The Iron Lady movie as the natural object and

will give example of this research as the following:

Context: Old Margaret was buying a pint of milk after the issue of terrorism

came from the bombing of a hotel in London. The issue was on the newspaper

Margaret saw while she was buying milk. After arriving home, she talked to

Dennis, her husband.

Utterance : Milk’s gone up

Metaphor : Orientational

Concept : MORE IS UP

The concept of orientational metaphor is spatial organization (1980: 14)

without dealing with any spatial aspect. In this case, the word UP has nothing to do

with the position, although OALD (2000: 1485) defines it as towards or in a higher

position. Regarding of the position of the milk was not the matter here, so this must

be a metaphor. Since there was a hotel bombing in that moment, forced the price of

some livestock increased. Hence, milk’s price was the one that got UP. Consequently,

the buyer must spend more money to get it. The word UP is replacing the denotative

meaning of position into price. The word MORE indicating the quantity level, as if


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you add more of a substance or physical object into a container, then the level goes


B. Research Questions

In this research, the problems are formulated as follows:

1. What are the types of metaphor and metaphorical concepts uttered by

Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady movie?

2. How is the description of each metaphorical concept regarding the context

and situation in which the utterance is spoken?

C. Purposes of Research

The purposes of this research are:

1. To find the types of metaphor and to make metaphorical concepts uttered

by Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady movie.

2. To describe the thought of each metaphorical concept regarding the context

and situation in which the utterance is spoken.


In this section the researcher tries to present the theories from several experts

related to this research.

A. Pragmatics

Language has several branch field of studies and one of them is Linguistics.

Linguistics can be divided into macro and micro linguistics depending on its object.

Macro linguistics deals with the relation of language with all the aspect beyond of the


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language itself, such as neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, etc.

Meanwhile, micro linguistics deals with internal structure of language like the

structure of phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, etc.

Pragmatics is one of the micro linguistics which is concerned with the study

of meaning as communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener (Yule,

1996:3). Griffiths stated that pragmatics is the study of utterance meaning (2006: 19).

Utterances are the raw data of linguistics. Each of them is unique, because they are

produced by a particular sender in a specific situation. Furthermore, pragmatics needs

context to be understood well, as Griffiths said that if you are dealing with meaning

and there is no context to consider, then you are dealing with semantics, but if there is

a context to be brought then you are engage with pragmatics (2006:19). In

conclusion, pragmatics is a study of understanding the utterance meaning produced

by speaker for the listener by looking at the context. The reason why must people

consider the context, is because different meaning can be produced by different

context, as the example shows:

Kim’s got a knife

That sentence can be used to accomplish different things in different context. First, it

can be a statement, hence the meaning is just telling the listener that Kim has a knife,

so he/ she can borrow it. Second, with different context, it can be a warning, thus the

listener must be careful of Kim. These different situations can lead the listeners to do

the further action, so that they know what to think about or what they have to do in


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the future. Positively for that reason, understanding by considering context can not be

pushed away from our conversation.

B. Metaphor

Many people believe that metaphor belongs to poets or authors to express

their feelings through beautiful and mesmerizing words. People commonly think

those poets and authors that should use figurative speeches instead of their own. Yet

just a few people are aware on the fact that they actually use metaphorical

expressions every day. Metaphor is one of figure of speech. It is an expression that

departs from the accepted literal sense or from the normal order of words (Baldick,

2001: 108). The real meanings are not produced here, instead, what people are saying

sometimes out of the meaning of what they are meant to be, they are producing words

that are not what dictionary supposedly says. They will produce another meaning and

even deeper, and that what figurative meaning is. Metaphor has the meaning of an

idea that is referred to another, a comparison between two things or more.

Other experts said metaphor is the comparison that implied, that is, the

figurative term substituted for or identified with the literal term (Perrine, 3 rd ed.,

1991: 65). Meanwhile, Jacob L. Mey (2009: 615) stated that traditional metaphor is

defined as nonstandard meaning used for its literary effect. Both Perrine and Mey

have the same idea that metaphor is the way people express their feeling and mind by

replacing certain words into other words in order to get a certain meaning. In

addition, Knowles and Moon said that metaphor is the use of language to refer to

something other than what it was originally applied to, or what it literally means in


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order to suggest some resemblance or make connection between two things. It

involves some kind of comparison (2006: 2). Lakoff and Johnson argued in Mey’s

book that metaphor is a phenomenon in everyday language as cognitive process by

making certain words associated with another. It can be concluded that metaphor is

used everyday, it has association each other and it shows something represented by

and or representing another, one of them is the literal meaning, while another is the

non-literal one.

In their book, Lakoff and Johnson mentioned several types of metaphors. The

researcher found that the metaphors are divided into four main groups which are

presented in the following, started with structural metaphors, followed by

orientational metaphors, ontological metaphors, and the last one is metonymy.

1. Structural Metaphors

Is the group of metaphorical concept that follows patterns. These patterns

indicate that structural metaphor exists. Patterns and contexts are very important to

distinguish it with ontological metaphor. Certain things that people typically do and

do not in a context of situation are influenced by another context. Without several

patterns in a concept, then the metaphor will not be considered as structural metaphor.

People will use certain choice of words (terms) in a context as the replacement of

another context. For example, the concepts of war as seen in the examples below:

He attacked every weak point in my argument.

You disagree? Okay, shoot!

Your claims are indefensible.


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Those italicized words are war terms. In this context and utterances, when

people was having a situation of meeting or debate, the arguments people might hear

was being compared with the terms of war. Though there was no physical battle, the

structure of battles such as attack, counterattack, shoot, etc are replacing the verbal

battle, or in this case, the argument. Those metaphors are included in structural

because they have the same patterns, the patterns of arguments replaced by the

patterns of war. Many things people do in arguing are partially structured by the

concept of war (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980: 4). ARGUMENT is partially structured,

understood, performed, and talked about in terms of WAR. The concept is

metaphorically structured, the activity is metaphorically structured, and in

consequently, the language is metaphorically structured (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980:


2. Orientational Metaphors

Another group is the orientational metaphors. Unlike the previous metaphor

(which is making analogy of certain contexts), this kind of metaphor does not make a

structure in terms of another, but organizes a whole system of concepts since most of

them have to do with spatial orientation: up-down, on-off, front-back, etc. (Lakoff and

Johnson, 1980: 14). The point is, orientational metaphor deals with space and has a

basis in our physical and cultural experience without seeing the actual condition.

When someone say:

I’m so high right now


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This utterance can be a metaphor or not depending on the context. First, this

will not be a metaphor when that person is really on a high position, like on a top

building elevator for instance. Second, this will be a metaphor if that person is happy.

Hence, this orientational metaphor has a metaphorical concept of HAPPY IS UP

(Lakoff and Johnson, 1980:15). The word high replacing the word happy and

someone who is happy will have his body posture up. Lakoff and Johnson believed

that in people’s experience, the physical basis of someone who has dropping posture

typically goes along with sadness and depression, erect posture with a positive

emotional state (1980:14)

In some other cases, context or situation is a thing to be concerned since not

all positive things would be up and negative things would be down. Hence, the

researcher must find the different priorities given to the values and metaphors by the

context that uses them (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980: 23).

3. Ontological Metaphors

Ontological metaphor serves various purposes and it is the ways of viewing

events, activities, emotion, ideas, etc., as entities and substances (Lakoff and Johnson,

1980: 25). In other words, viewing abstract things as the concept of physical object or

ENTITY. In general, ontological metaphor allows us to refer, quantify, identify a

particular aspect, see a cause, act, and even to understand them (Lakoff and Johnson,

1980: 26). Take an example of:

a) We need to combat inflation

b) It will take a lot of patience to finish this book


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c) My mind is not operating

Those examples clearly show the non-physical object such as inflation,

patience, mind, etc., that are treated as they are physical object that we can see, touch,

count, and soon. The first example, allows the people to see that inflation is a

physical object that can be defeated through war or physical battle, but in fact

inflation is abstract and they cannot defeat inflation through physical battle. They just

use the word combat to make an image because as Lakoff and Johnson said that

human purposes typically require the people to impose artificial boundaries that make

physical phenomena discrete just as they are (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980: 25). The

second example allows the people to count another abstract object, patience. The last

one is the elaboration of ontological metaphor. Sometimes the concept of ENTITY

can be extended into something more specific. In that example, the concept will not


operating has closer association with machine rather than an entity. This situation

happens when some ontological metaphors have the same term but not being treated

as structural metaphor.

Another concept related to this is the container metaphor. According to Lakoff

and Johnson (1980: 30), bounded objects, visual field, and non-physical entity are

containers in terms of inside and outside. Container metaphor as stated on



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hor.htm) is an ontological metaphor in which some concept is represented as having

an inside and outside, and capable of holding something else. For instance:

Get out of my life

My life is empty

The first example indicates an abstract object life as a container that you can

enter and exit, while the second one indicates that life as a container that can be filled

and emptied as well. Thus, the concept will be LIFE IS A CONTAINER.

Lakoff and Johnson also mention about personification as a part of

ontological metaphor. Personification allows us to comprehend a wide variety of

experience with nonhuman entities in terms of human motivations, characteristics,

and activities (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980: 33). Personification is a figure of speech by

which animals, abstracts, ideas, or inanimate things are referred to as if they were

human (Baldick, 2001:201). Personification does not deal with actual human,

although they have what human qualities have. Personification is included in

ontological because it serves one of the ontological viewing theories, that is seeing

abstract thing as a concrete one that people can see, touch, or even understand.

Hence, personification suits the ontological metaphor.

4. Metonymy

According to Lakoff and Johnson (1980: 35), metonymy occurs if the people

are using one entity to refer to another that is related to it. According to Baldick

(2001:165) metonymy replaces the name of one thing with the name of something


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else closely associated with it. It means that metonymy has the characteristic of

metaphor for replacing one term into another. In contrast with personification,

metonymy deals with actual human or institution. It has specialty of naming one thing

with the name of another, not seeing the abstract things, nor spatial orientation, nor

structural. It serves none of the other types of metaphor so it must be differentiated.

Lakoff and Johnson also mentioned about the term of synecdoche in this category

where the part stands for the whole. For example,

We need new faces here

Face as a part of our body referring the whole body, means the speaker

obviously need the entire body of human being not just the face. This example shows

the role of one’s part of body in order to refer the whole as unity. There are several

concepts of metonymy that Lakoff and Johnson had given since the extension of

metonymy can be broadened.

C. Metaphorical Concept

According to OALD (2003: 265), concept is an idea or principle that is

connected with something. Thus, metaphorical concept is a principle constructed by

certain words that have association to each other. Metaphorical concept deals with

pattern of words (Mey, 2009: 615). Certain words have certain concept and they

correspond to each other. For example, the word clear, blind, and see. Regardless the

context, those words will associate with eyes work, but with a certain context, they

can be a concept of metaphor as in the examples of structural metaphor:


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The truth is clear

I see what you mean

She was blinded by love

In those examples, the words will no longer associated with eyes, for SEEING now

becomes KNOWING, thus the concept will be SEEING IS KNOWING. If seeing

corresponds to understanding and by following the pattern, then not seeing (blind)

corresponds to not understanding (Mey, 2009:615). From the examples, metaphor

becomes a conceptual phenomenon, that is when certain words conceptualized to

another word. They are often quite different (as in clear) eventhough they can be seen

as sharing abstract similarity (Mey, 2009:615). Metaphorical concept surely different

from the metaphor itself, to understand it more easily, take a look on this diagram:

From the diagram, it is clear that metaphor or types of metaphor are certain

words (clear, see, blind) that have similarity used in an utterance, while the concept is

a word of what they are associated with (SEEING), become (IS) a word of the true

meaning (KNOWING) that has closest correspondent to the real meaning, or vice





-The truth is clear

-I see what you mean

-She was blinded by love


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D. Context

Context is the situation of conversation. According to Alan Cruse in Glossary

of Semantics and Pragmatics (2006:42), context is an essential factor in the

interpretation of utterances and expression. It obvious that context is very crucial. In

daily conversation, context has function to help hearer understand the meaning as a

whole. In addition, context also has a function to determine whether it is a metaphor

or not. One of the same words in different context will not be considered as metaphor

if the context fits with that word. In context, there are several aspect that should be

considered. The most important aspect are (1) preceding and following utterances, (2)

the immediate physical situation, (3) the wider situation including social and power

relation, (4) knowledge shared between speaker and hearer (2006:42).

E. Movie

Denzin (2004: 241) in A Companion of Qualitative Research stated that

movie is visual representations reflect and define problematic cultural experiences,

including war, divorce, incest, alcoholism, drug abuse, political corruption, love, birth

and death. Hence, movies are the simplest media of knowing the social life and the

culture of certain country. Through movies people do not need to go aboard, because

movies are considered as visual representation that show lives in different areas,

including their language since language is the result of culture.


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F. The Iron Lady

The Iron Lady is a 2011 British biographical film based on the life of

Margaret Thatcher (1925–2013), the longest-serving Prime Minister of the United

Kingdom (1979–1990) of the 20th century. The movie is not only primarily

concerned on politics in that era, but also mixed with the personal life of the main

character and her journey to achieve the Prime Minister position. The story begins

when the retired Margaret, who has Dementia, was grumbling about the economic

and politic problems at that time. She had such imagination that her husband, Denis,

was still alive and talked to her about the condition of the country. The plot is mixed

up, many flashbacks, jumped from a young Margaret to the old one, then onto the

time when she ruled the government, then back again to the retired Margaret and so

on. Hence, the researcher divides three periods of Margaret lives into:

a. Young Margaret (when she hasn’t into politics)

b. Powerful Margaret (when she was in politics)

c. Old Margaret (when she was retired and got Dementia)

This division is important to reduce the data that will be explained further in

another chapter.

Margaret Thatcher is known as the first and only female Prime Minister in

England. She got her nickname because of her toughness and strong will. Born on

October 13th 1925, in Grantham, England, Margaret Thatcher became Britain's

Conservative Party leader and in 1979, then she was elected as Prime Minister.

During her three terms, she cut social welfare programs, reduced trade union power


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and privatized certain industries. Thatcher resigned in 1991 due to unpopular policy

and power struggles in her party. She died on April 8, 2013, aged 87



A. Types of Research

The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method for this research. Qualitative

research is considered identical with research without static formula or number. It

usually deals with a research that finds out information more detail (Arikunto, 2006).

It is used to answer the question of What, Why, and How (Hariwijaya, 2008:57).

Moleong (1989:3) describes that a qualitative research is a research that presents the

descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and behavior which can be

observed. This research belongs to qualitative since the data are utterances containing

metaphor. Moreover, this research will also use descriptive method because it is suitable

to analyze, explain and classify data (Arikunto, 2002).

B. Source of Data

According to Arikunto (2006: 129), data source is a set of subject where the

data is obtained. The data can be discourse, sentences, clauses, phrases or words. The

source of data in this research is taken from the transcript of The Iron Lady movie.

The main data of this research are the utterances of Margaret Thatcher. Then the

researcher chooses only when the main character is in old times (Old Margaret). This


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consideration occurs because of several reasons. First, the movie is mostly telling

about Margaret as the main character. Second, the old times Margaret is the best

representative data, since the young Margaret just had minor roles. Meanwhile the

powerful Margaret had too many complex data beyond the researcher capability. In

addition, Sarwono (2006:209) states that there are two kinds of data:

1. Primary data

The primary data are the data obtained directly from the source. In this

research the primary data are Margaret Thatcher’s utterances in old times.

The researcher will observe a single utterance for each explanation.

2. Secondary data

The secondary data are the data obtain indirectly from the additional

source taken by the researcher such as books, journals, websites, and

dictionary. In this research, the researcher will mainly choose dictionary

as the secondary data and some supporting books and websites.

C. Technique of Data Collection

In this research, there will be a documentary method. It is a method to find out the

data about cases or variable such as notes, transcripts, books, magazines, and

newspapers (Arikunto, 2002: 202). There are some steps to collect the data:

1. Watch The Iron Lady movie to comprehend the contexts.

2. Read the transcript of the movie. The researcher will focus on Old Margaret

Thatcher’s utterances.


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3. Identify the utterances carefully to make a comparison between the utterances

that contain metaphor and no metaphor.

D. Population and Sample

Population is the entire subjects that are going to be observed in a research

(Arikunto, 2002: 108). The population in this research is The Iron Lady movie


Sample is a part of population that will be analyzed (Arikunto, 2002: 109). In

this case, the researcher will use purposive sampling to collect the data in order to

achieve particular purpose (Arikunto, 2002: 127). The researcher will only take

Margaret Thatcher’s utterances in old times.

E. Data analysis

Data analysis is the most important part of the research in order to answer the

question. The process of data analysis is based on data reduction and interpretation.

There are three steps:

1. Data reduction

The researcher collects the data which are related to the object. Margaret

Thatcher’s is obviously the most important data. As Miles and Huberman said (in

Sugiyono 2009: 247), data reduction refers to the process of simplifying the data by

focusing on the subject matter based on criteria, selecting the main data, and


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disposing the unnecessary data. The unnecessary data will be eliminated. The

researcher will identify all her utterances in old times, then select the utterance that

contains metaphor. This should be done since there are too much metaphors uttered

by all the characters even by Margaret herself. The researcher must classify whether

the data contain metaphor or not. The data reduction is supported by dictionary as the

secondary data. The researcher will choose the first meaning in the dictionary to

compare the word(s) with the data, in order to determine whether the data are

metaphor or not.

2. Data display

Data display shows data rows or columns for qualitative data and determine

the type and form of data entered into boxes (Miles, 1994). In data display the

researcher will show all the result by making some description. The display will be

the transcript (utterance) with analysis of metaphor and metaphorical concept and

some quotations from literature review if necessary. The data that contain no

metaphor will be displayed without further analysis. The data that are indicated

contain metaphor but not a metaphor will be analyzed in a short explanation if


3. Data conclusion

The researcher will conclude the types of metaphor and metaphorical concepts

uttered by Old Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady movie and find out which type of


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metaphor and also what concept is the character used the most. Then, the researcher

will prove and explain whether metaphor is pervasive in everyday life or not

especially in English native speaker. The researcher will compare between the

amount of the data that contain metaphor and no metaphor. Consequently, the result

will show the evidence of using metaphor in daily life. Furthermore, the researcher

draws conclusion when the analysis of the data have been completed.


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Baldick, Chris. 2001. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford:

Oxford University Press.

Cruse, Alan. 2006. A Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh

University Press Ltd.

Denzin, Norman K. 2004. A Companion of Qualitative Research, Reading Film:

Using Films and Videos as Empirical Social Science Material. London:

SAGE Publications Ltd.

Gibbs, Raymond W. Jr. 2008. The Handbook of Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Griffiths, Patrick. 2006. An Introduction to English Semantics and Pragmatics.

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