resize your body. express!


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Post on 29-Jun-2015



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You have tried losing weight by now. It seems that everyone has tried to loose weight but failed several times. We often hear, "It Is Hard to Loose Weight and It Is Even Harder to Keep that Ideal Weight!" Know why they say that? Because they didn’t know weight loss Principles! It is EASY and FAST to lose weight with Time-Tested Principles! BUT experts DO NOT tell you. Losing Weight Fast and Early Is Best You Have to Eat Fat to Burn Fat Skimping on Sleep Can Negate Calorie Cutting BUT I WILL TELL YOU THAT AND MUCH MORE!


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We have a FREE book. Read through to find out more. !!

Part 1: Are You Making These 3 Diet Mistakes?

If you have tried one weight loss program after another without ever being successful for long, you are probably making some big diet mistakes. The following 3 major diet mistakes are responsible for hundreds or thousands of people going off plan and failing to achieve the weight loss that they deserve. Ready? 1. Expecting Perfection !Nobody is perfect. We have all heard that statement countless times, but many of us still find it hard to apply it to ourselves and our diets. We take an all-or-nothing approach, thinking we have to stick to our diet plan 100% of the time, perfectly, or there's no point following it at all. This puts huge pressure on us and makes us feel terrible if we slip up. It also means that after a slip-

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up we are likely to think, "I've messed up yet another diet, I just can't do this," or "This diet doesn't work," and abandon it. In short, perfection-related diet mistakes mean that we will use the smallest slip-up as an excuse for a massive binge. This problem is worst for dieters who like to follow very restricted plans where no treats are allowed. Inevitably, life gets in the way and instead of planning how to cope with the challenge of a party or a wedding, they try to eat nothing all day and then cave in, abandoning the diet completely. 2. The Band-Aid Attitude To Dieting Many dieters see their weight loss plan as a temporary fix that they will use for a short time and then abandon as soon as they have reached their target weight. People who see a diet as a temporary measure will often pick very restricted eating plans and then go back to their old eating habits after the diet ends. If you do that, all of the weight will go back on, in 99% of cases.

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Unless you only have a few pounds to lose, it is much better to pick an eating plan that gives you flexibility. You need something that you can follow for weeks, months or even years. In fact, you need something that will allow you to live your life. 3. The Wrong Goals That leads us to the third of our big diet mistakes: setting the wrong goals. In anything that we do, goals should be clear, set out in steps and achievable. In terms of weight loss, this means that as well as having an idea of your ideal weight or clothes size, you should also set smaller goals along the way, and reward yourself for each one achieved (but not with food!). Be flexible about your final goal: as you approach it, you may want to change it. That's OK. If you avoid these diet mistakes and have the right attitude toward dieting, you will be able to achieve a weight that you are happy with - and that is much more important than numbers.

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Part 2: 7 Tips For Fast Weight Loss

Check out our 10 tips for fast weight loss if you want to lose a few pounds quickly. There's no need to starve yourself or go hungry. Simply be more aware of what you eat, reduce your intake of fat and sugar, and fill up with vegetables and fruit. Here's how: 1. Write down everything that you eat or drink that contains calories, even if it's just a splash of milk in your coffee. You don't need to count the calories. Simply writing everything down will help you to see when those sneaky high calorie foods are creeping in and sabotaging your fast weight loss. 2. Make your own meals instead of relying on TV dinners and other packaged foods. Food manufacturers add salt and sugar to almost everything to make us want more and more. 3. Include at least two servings of vegetables in every main meal (not counting potatoes), or add a large salad with low fat dressing. Aim to eat more green, leafy vegetables. Fresh vegetables will help you to feel full and satisfy your body's need for vitamins and minerals, reducing cravings.

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4. Try grated carrot for a snack. Mix in a chopped apple if you want. Grated carrot takes longer to eat than a whole carrot and because of this, it's way more satisfying. 5. Choose food that you can chew, and eat it slowly, putting down your fork between bites. Go for brown rice instead of white, whole fruit instead of juice, chunks of whole foods in your soup. The added fiber will fill you up and help the body to eliminate waste, and the act of chewing will make you feel more satisfied with your meal. 6. Plan your meals and your shopping. Think ahead and make a list of what you will need, then stick to it. To make this easier, never go to the grocery store when you are hungry. Or order your shopping online for delivery. 7. When you eat, just eat. Sit at the table, even if it's just for a snack. Don't eat while doing something else at the same time (watching TV, driving, reading, checking email). If you eat with others, of course you may talk, but try to avoid bringing up heavy or contentious subjects at meals. Arguments are not good for anybody's digestion and won't help your fast weight loss.

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We have a FREE book for you. I have helped hundreds of people to loose weight fast and stay fit and healthy for years! The GOOD NEWS is that anyone can Loose Weight Fast. The BETTER NEWS is that I’m providing a FREE Book and FREE Support for members to loose weight TODAY and helping you to get the BEST body! * * * And I want to do that for you too! * * * I hope you join us. Let us help you to loose weight FAST. Jenny Horton