resources (…  · web viewweek 1 - videos and reading. business. century of the self. cpm @...

Week 1 - Videos and Reading Business Century of the Self CPM @ Apple https://www. How to study: HR-Leadership HRM HRM Today the-20th-century-2010/ Markets New Management: Office-HRM The “H” in HRM: Western Sydney U university-branding/ What is CPM What is HRM objectives-responsibilities.html#lesson What is HRM: Why do an MBA? Why HRM Why we work Additional Highly Recommended Readings Alvesson, M. 2013. The Triumph of Emptiness , Oxford: Oxford University Press. Amossé, T. et al. 2016. Comparative Workplace Employment Relations , Heidelberg: Springer. Bailly, F. & Léné, A. 2015. What Makes a Good Worker?, Rev. of Radical Pol. Economics, 47(2): 176-192. Ballard, J. 2015. Decoding the workplace: 50 keys to understanding people, St Barbara: Praeger. Barrow, C. 2016. The 30 day MBA in international business (2 nd ed.) London: Kogan Page. Bhattacharya, S. 2014. Is Labour a Relevant Category?, Development & Change, 45(5): p. 941-962. Bolton, S. & Houlihan, M. 2007. Search for the H in HRM, in: Bolton/Houlihan), Searching for the Human in HRM . Bratton, J. 2015. Introduction to Work & Organizational Behaviour, London: Palgrave. Brown, A. 2014. Marx on Exploitation: A Kantian Perspective, Rethinking Marxism , 26( 3): 360-381. Busby, D. N. et al. 2016. The Future Regulation of Work, Basingstoke: Palgrave. Campbell, A. 2015. The Basic Principles of Strategy Haven’t Changed in 30 Years, Harvard Bus. Review, April. Cappelli, P. 2015. Why We Love to Hate HR ( Canaan, J. 2015. Bullshit Jobs: A Critical Pedagogy Provocation, Concept 6 (1), 8-17. Cascio, W. F. 2016. Managing human resources (10 th ed.) NY: McGraw-Hill. 1

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Week 1 - Videos and Reading

Business of the Self @ Apple https://www. to study: Today Markets Management: “H” in HRM: Sydney U is CPM is HRM ties.html#lessonWhat is HRM: do an MBA? HRM we work

Additional Highly Recommended ReadingsAlvesson, M. 2013. The Triumph of Emptiness , Oxford: Oxford University Press.Amossé, T. et al. 2016. Comparative Workplace Employment Relations, Heidelberg: Springer.Bailly, F. & Léné, A. 2015. What Makes a Good Worker?, Rev. of Radical Pol. Economics, 47(2): 176-192.Ballard, J. 2015. Decoding the workplace: 50 keys to understanding people, St Barbara: Praeger.Barrow, C. 2016. The 30 day MBA in international business (2nd ed.) London: Kogan Page.Bhattacharya, S. 2014. Is Labour a Relevant Category?, Development & Change, 45(5): p. 941-962.Bolton, S. & Houlihan, M. 2007. Search for the H in HRM, in: Bolton/Houlihan), Searching for the Human in HRM.Bratton, J. 2015. Introduction to Work & Organizational Behaviour, London: Palgrave.Brown, A. 2014. Marx on Exploitation: A Kantian Perspective, Rethinking Marxism , 26(3): 360-381.Busby, D. N. et al. 2016. The Future Regulation of Work, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Campbell, A. 2015. The Basic Principles of Strategy Haven’t Changed in 30 Years, Harvard Bus. Review, April.Cappelli, P. 2015. Why We Love to Hate HR (, J. 2015. Bullshit Jobs: A Critical Pedagogy Provocation, Concept 6 (1), 8-17.Cascio, W. F. 2016. Managing human resources (10th ed.) NY: McGraw-Hill.Cavoulacos, A. & Minshew, K. 2017. The new rules of work, New York: Crown Business.Chambliss, W. J. & Egliti, D. s. 2015. Discover Sociology (2nd edn) London: Sage.Daft, R. L. & Marcic, D. 2016. Understanding Management, Boston: Cengage.Diefenbach, T. 2009. Management and the Dominance of Managers , London: Routledge. Dillon, K. 2014. HBR Guide to Office Politics , Cambridge: Harvard Business Press Books.Edwards, M. R. & Edwards, K. 2016. Predictive HR analytics, London: Kogan Page.Eeden, v. D. 2014. The Role of the Chief HR Officer, Randburg: Knowres Publishing.Finkelstein, S. 2016. Secrets of the Superbosses, Harvard Business Review, (Jan-Feb).Freedman, M. 2017. Work Strife Balance, Melbourne: Macmillan Publishers Australia.Gannon, M. J. & Pillai, R. 2015. Understanding Global Cultures (6th ed.) London: Sage.Garton, E, 2017. What If Companies Managed People as Carefully as They Manage Money?, Harvard Business Review,

24th May 2017.Gautrey, C. & Phipps, M. 2005. 21 Dirty Tricks at Work, Chichester: Capstone.Gergersen, H. 2017. Bursting the CEO Bubble, Harvard Business Review, 95(2):76-83.Glover, D. 2015. An Economy Is Not A Society: Winners & Losers in the New Australia, Melbourne: Black Inc.Grenny, J. 2016. What You Can Do If You Have a Gossiping Boss, Harvard Business Review, 21st November.Hamel, G. 2011. First, let’s fire all the managers, Harvard Business Review,89(12):48-60.Hammonds, K. H. 2005. Why we hate HR, Fast Company, vol. 97, no. 8, p. 40-47.Harriet, S. W. et al. 2014. Globalisation and Work , Oxford: Polity.HBR 2015. Leadership across cultures, Harvard Business Review, May (93:5).Herod, A. 2018. Labor, London: Polity Press.Hisrich, R. D. et at. 2017. Entrepreneurship (10th ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill.Huppke, R. 2014. I Just Work Here, Evanston: Agate.James, O. 2013. Office Politics, New York: Random House (, B. C. 2014. The Development of HRM Across Nations, London: Edward Elgar.Kislik, L. 2017. Being the Boss’s Favorite Is Great, Until It’s Not, Harvard Business Review, 19th May 2017.


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Marchington, M., 2015. HRM, Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), pp.176-187.Mikler, J. 2018. The Political Power of Global Corporations, London: Polity Press.Morgan, G. 2017. Images of Organization – 30th Anniversary Edition, London: Sage.Parker, J. & Stanworth, H. 2014. Explaining Social Life - Using Social Theory ; London: Palgrave.Parry, E. & Tyson, S. 2014. Managing People in a Contemporary Context , London: Routledge.Rowntree, B. S. 1921. The human factor in business , London: Longmans, Green, &Co.Ruth, D. 2017. What is your MBA for? What’s the story? Management Learning, 48(1):7-22.Samuel, Y. 2010. Organizational Pathology, New Brunswick: Transaction Publications.Schrijvers, J. 2005. The Monday Morning Feeling , London: Cavendish.Schwartz, B. 2015. Why We Work, New York: TED Books.Schwartz, H. S. 1990. Narcissistic Process & Corporate Decay , New York: NY University Press.Sennett, R. 2012. Together: the Rituals, Pleasures, & Politics of Cooperation , Yale University Press.Stanley, A. 2015. Wasted Life: Labour, Liveliness & the Production of Value, Antipode, 47(3): 792–811.Stephens, N. & Townsend, S. 2017. Individualism… Social Class, Harvard Business Review, 22nd May 2017.Thanem, T. 2011. The Monstrous Organization, London: Edward Elgar.Thompson, E. P. 1967. Time, Work-Discipline…, Past & Present Society, 38(1): 56-97.Welch, J. 2003. Jack: straight from the gut, London: Headline.Williams, C. 2015. Effective management (7th ed.), Boston: Cengage Learning.Williams, J. C. 2016. The American Working Class, Harvard Business Review , 10 th Nov. 2016.Uysal, G., 2016. HR Accounting: Costs & Benefits Analysis, Management Studies, 4(5): 216-218.Zack, D. 2012. Managing for people who hate managing, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.


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Week 2 – Videos and Reading

“Tell me about yourself” interview: Interview questions: Employment Opportunity Recr. & Selection: tips: Application Rejection Letter: in job interviews: Recruitment & Selection: Recruitment Process: New Boss perfect interview: Interviewers actually say:

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:Alfes, K., et al. 2016. Reducing perceptions of overqualification, HRM Journal, 26(1): 85-101.Auster, E.R. & Prasad, A. 2016. Why Do Women Still Not Make It to the Top?, Sex Roles (online before printing).Babiak, P. & Hare, R. D. 2006. Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths go to Work , NY: Regan Books.Bateson, J. et al. 2013. When Hiring, First Test, and Then Interview, Harvard Business Review.Bolchover, D. 2005. The Living Dead – Switched off Zoned Out, Chichester: Capstone.Bowles, D. 2013. Social Stratification, American J. of Economics & Sociology , v.72/1, p. 32-58.Brass, T. 2015. Free Markets, Unfree Labour, J. of Contemporary Asia 45(3):531-540.Bruton, S. V. 2015. Looks-Based Hiring & Wrongful Discrimination, Business & Society Review, 120(4):607–635.Cain, A. 2017. 9 things you should always include on your resume, Sydney Morning Herald (1st March 2017).Carbery, R. & Cross C. 2015. HRD - A Concise Introduction, London: Palgrave.Cavoulacos, A. & Minshew, K. 2017. The new rules of work, New York: Crown Business (ch.4-9).Chen, V. T. 2015. Cut Loose – Jobless and Hopeless in an Unfair Economy, Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.Coffey, D. & Thornley, C. 2013. Industrial & Labour Market Policy & Performance , London: Routledge.DeMars, N. 2012. You’ve got to be kidding!: How to keep your Job, Hoboken: Wiley.Dickmann, M. et al. (eds.) 2018. The Management of Global Careers, London: Palgrave.Eben, H. 2017. A Brief History of Personality Tests, Harvard Business Review, 95(2):63. Ellerman, D., 2015. On the Renting of Persons, Economic Thought, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1-20.Fluhr, J. 2013. Finding Employees Who Fit, New York Times, 10 th October 2013.Friedman. S. et a;. 2017. Social Mobility in the UK (…pdf).Gallagher, K. 2013. Skills development for business and management students , Oxford Uni. Press.Gatewood, R. D., Field, H. S. & Barrick, M. 2011. Human Resource Selection , Mason: South-WesternGerard, J. G. 2012. Linking in With LinkedIn®, Journal of Management Education , 36(6), 866-897.Goleman, D. & Boyatzis, R. E. 2017. Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements, Harvard B. Review, 6th February.Graeber, D. 2018. Bullshit Jobs: A Theory, London: Penguin.Green, F. & McIntosh, S. 2007. Under-utilization…over-qualified? Applied economics, 39(4): 427-439.Groysberg, B. 2012. Chasing Stars: The Myth of Talent, Princeton: Princeton University Press.Harvey, D. 2014. Contradiction 5 [use-exchange value], in: 17 contradictions, NY: Oxford Uni. Press.HBR 2015. Why job postings don’t equal jobs, Harvard Business Review, May (93:5).Heartfield, J. 2017. The Equal Opportunities Revolution, London: Watkins Media.Ince, A. ety al. 2015. British Jobs for British Workers?, Antipode, 47(1): 139–157.Jörn, A. 2015. New ways of personnel marketing and recruitment, Essen: Anchor Academic Publishing.Lees, K. 2015. Stop Fantasizing About the Perfect Job (, R. 2016. How to Get the Most Out of an Informational Interview, Harvard Business Review (26th Feb.).Lan, T. 2015. Industrial District & the Multiplication of Labour, Antipode, 47(1): 158–178.Lammers, J., et al. 2013. Power gets the job, J. of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(4):776-779.Levashina, J. et al. 2014. Structured employment interview, Personnel Psychology, 67(1):241–293.Lin, K-H. 2015. The Financial Premium in the US Labor Market, Social Forces, 94(1):1-30.Liechti, F. et al. 2017. The Signalling Value of Labour Market Programmes, Euro. Socio. Review, 33(2): 257-274.Lumley, M. & Wilkinson J. 2013. Developing Employability for Business, Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.Manroop, L., Boekhorst, J. A., & Harrison, J. A. 2013. The influence of cross-cultural differences on job interview selection decisions, International Journal of HRM , vol. 24, no. 18, 3512-3533.May, C. 2013. How to Ace an Interview: Feel Powerful - Experiments show that simple psychological preparations make a big difference, Scientific American, March 26, 2013.


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McDonald, P. & Thompson, P. 2016. Social media (tion)…and employment relations, I.J. Man. Rev. 18(1):69-84.McKee, A. 2016. How to Hire for emotional intelligence, Harvard Business Review , 5 th Feb. 2016.Morris, A. 2015. A Practical Introduction to In-depth Interviewing, London: Sage.Miller, C. B. 2014. Character and moral psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Mishel, E. 2016. Discrimination against Queer Women in the US Workforce, Socius journal (online).Neugebauer, J. & Evans-Brain, J. 2016. Employability – Making the Most of Your Career Dev., London: Sage.Parry, E. & Tyson, S. 2014. Managing People in a Contemporary Context , London: Routledge.Phillips, J. J. 2009. Managing talent retention: an ROI approach, Hoboken: John Wiley.Pittenger, M. 2012. Class Unknown, New York: New York University Press.Poundstone, W. 2012. Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?, London: Little Brown.Rees W. & Porter C. 2015. Skills of Management (London: Palgrave): ch. 9. Recruitment & Selection.Rehmann, J. 2015. Surplus Population, Rethinking Marxism, 27(2): 303-311.Rodrigues, R., Guest, D. & Budjanovcanin, A. 2013. From anchors to orientations: Towards a contemporary theory of career preferences, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 83, no. 2, p. 142-152.Ross, A. 2009. Nice Work if you can Get it, New York: NY University Press.Savitz, A. W. 2013. Talent, Transformation, and the Triple Bottom Line, NY: John Wiley & Sons.Sparkman, R. 2018. Strategic Workforce Planning: Developing Optimized Talent Strategies for Future Growth, London: Kogan Page.Sloane, P., Latreille, P., & O'Leary, N. 2013. Modern labour economics, London: Routledge.Smith, L. 2016. Don’t Talk Yourself Out of Trying a Second Career, Harvard Business Review (27th April).Taylor-Gooby, P. 2015. Paid work is never enough (, M. J., et al. 2013. Does fun pay? Cornell Hospitality Quarterly , 54(4), 370-382.Torres, N. 2016. Generalists Get Better Job Offers Than Specialists, Harvard Business Review (June Issue).Wentland, D. M. 2015. Is your organization a great place to work?, Charlotte: Information Age Pub.WEF 2016. The Future of Jobs, World Economic Forum (, M. 2016. Leaving a Stable Job to Create Your Dream Career, Harvard Business Review, January-Iss.Yong, E. 2015. How Reliable Are Psychology Studies?, The Atlantic, Aug 27th (


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Week 3 Videos and readings

Australian Industrial Relations Bargaining: we still need trade unions: Working: of trade unions: & Bullying: Strike 2012: is bargaining good for? is collective bargaining: is enterprise bargaining? Trade Unions:

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:

Abbott, K. et al. 2016. Understanding ER, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Angie, T. N. 2016. Class, and Law in Vietnam’s Labor Resistance, New York: Columbia University Press.Appelbaum, R. P. & Lichtenstein, N. (eds.) 2016. Achieving Workers’ Rights, NY: Columbia Uni. Press.Aramayo, C. 2017. Lessons from the 2016 Harvard Strike, International Labor and Working-Class History, (91):174-179.Bamber, G. J. et al. 2016. International & Comparative Employment Relations (6th ed.), London: Sage.Barber, P.G. 2016. Global Workers, Current Anthropology, 57(3):382-383.Bendix, R. 1956. Work & authority in industry – ideologies of management , New York: Wiley.Beynon, H. 1973. Working for Ford, London: Allen Lane.Braverman, H. 1998. Labor and Monopoly Capital (anniv. ed.), NY: Monthly Review Press.Brenner, A., et al. 2015. Encyclopedia of Strikes in American History, Routledge.Burawoy, M. 1979. Manufacturing Consent , Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Byford, I. & Wong, S. 2016. Union formation & worker resistance in a multinational, WES-Jou. (online before print).Cooper, D. et al. 2015. Livelihoods & liberation struggles, Sydney, NSW Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA.Crowley, M., & Hodson, R. 2014. Neoliberalism at Work, Social Currents, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 91-108.Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J., D. et al. 2015. Inside the Ford–UAW Transformation, Cambridge: MIT Press.Doucouliagos, C., Freeman, R. & Laroche, P. 2016. The Economics of Trade Unions, London: Routledge.Dunlop, J. T. 1958. Industrial relations systems, New York: Holt.Edwards, R. 1979. Contested Terrain , London: Heinemann.Fichter, M. et al. 2018. Building Union Power Across Borders, Global Labour Journal, 9(2):182-198.Fraser, S. 2015. The age of acquiescence, NY: Little, Brown.Freeman, R. B. 1984. What do unions do?, New York : Basic Books, c1984. Frey, D. F. 2017. Conflict over Conflict: The Right to Strike in Intern. Law, Global Labour Journal, 8(1): 17-31.Fuchs, C. 2014. Digital labour and Karl Marx , New York: Routledge.Gall, G. (eds.). 2016. The future of union organising: Building for tomorrow, Heidelberg: Springer.Gapper, J. 2015. The ghost shift, New York: Ballantine Books.Geary, I. & Pabst, A. 2015. Blue Labour: Forging a New Politics, London: I.B. Tauris Publishers.Getman, J. G. 2016. The Supreme Court on Unions, New York: Columbia University Press.Goldberg, S. et al. 2017. How Mediation Works, Bingley: Emerald Publishing.Goulston, M. 2015. How People Communicate During Conflict, Harvard Business Review,June (93:6).Halimi, S. 2015. Post-union inequality, Le Monde Diplomatique (engl. edition), no. 1504, April.Harvey, D. 2014. 17 contradictions & the end of capitalism (Ch. 8-9), NY: Oxford Uni. Press.Hensman, R. 2017. The Labour Movement…Hindu Nationalist State, Global Labour Journal, 8(2):171-179.Hipp, L. & Givan, R. K. 2015. What Do Unions Do?, Social Forces, 94(1):349-377.Hodder, A. & Edwards, P. 2015. The essence of trade unions, Work, Employment & Society, 29(5): 843-854.Howell, C. 2016. Regulating class in the neoliberal era, Work, Employment & Society, 30(4): 573–589Hyman, R. & Price, R. 2016. The New Working Class? Heidelberg: Springer.Hyman, R. 1972. Strikes, London: Fontana.Hyman, R. 1989. The Political Economy of Industrial Relations , London: MacMillan.Jacobs, D. & Myers, L. 2014. Union Strength, Neoliberalism & Inequality, Am. Sociological Review .Jaumotte, F. & Buitron, C. O. 2015. Power from the People, Washington: International Monetary Fund.Jiang, Z. & Korczynski, M., 2016. When the unorganizable organize, Human Relations (online before print).Johnstone, S. & Wilkinson, A. 2016. Developing Positive Employment Relations, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Johnstone, S. 2015. Finding a Voice at Work, New York: Oxford University Press.Katz, H. C., et al. 2015. Labor Relations in a Globalizing World, Ithaca: ILR Press.


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Kaufman, B.E., 2015. Theorising determinants of employee voice, HRM Journal, 25(1): p.19-40.Kerr, C., et al. 1960. Industrialism and industrial man, International Labor. Review, 71(3).Klikauer, T. 2016. Negative recognition Master & slave in the workplace, Thesis Eleven, 132(1):39-49.Klikauer, T. 2017. The Coming of the Global Working Class, Employee Relations, 39(4):582-590.Klikauer, T. 2017. Toilet-Paper Labour ( Klikauer, T. 2018. On the Conditions of the New Southern Working Class, Anthropology of Work, vol. 39, no. 1, p. 48-52.Knights, D., & Willmott, H. 1989. Labour process theory, Basingstoke: Macmillan.Kochan, T. A., et al. 1986. The Transformation of American IR, New York: Basic Books. Köhler, H. D. 2018. Industrial relations in twenty-first century Europe, Employee Relations, 40(4):566-568.Liu, M. & Smith, C. 2016. China at Work, London: Palgrave Macmillan.Lynd, S. 2015. Solidarity Unionism: Rebuilding the Labor Movement from Below, Chicago: PM Press.Marcuse, H. 1966. One-Dimensional Man , Boston: Beacon Press (chapter 4).Marglin, S. 1974. What do bosses do?, Review of Radical Political Economy , vol. 6, no. 2.McPhail, R. & Jerrard, M. 2015. Employment Relations: An Integrated Approach, Melbourne: Cengage.Ness, I. 2015. Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class, London: Pluto Press.Newsome, K. et al. 2015. Putting Labour in its Place, London: Palgrave.Oxfam 2016. An Economy for the 1%, Oxford: Oxfam briefing paper no. 210 (18th January 2016).Parry, E. & Tyson, S. 2014. Managing People in a Contemporary Context , London: Routledge.Pearson, C. 2016. Reform or repression: organizing America's anti-union movement, U of Pennsylvania Press.Pollard, S. 1963. Factory Discipline in the Ind. Revolution, Economic History Review , 16(2): 254-271.Rees W. & Porter C. 2015. Skills of Management (London: Palgrave): ch. 14: Negotiating Skills.Ritzer, G. 2014. The McDonaldisation of Society (8 th ed.), London: Sage.Roman, R. & Arregui, E. V. 2015. Continental Crucible – Big Business, Workers & Unions, Chicago: PM Press.Roman, R. et al. 2015. Big Business, Workers & Unions, Chicago: PM Press.Scipes, K. 2016. Building Global Labor Solidarity, Chicago: Haymarket Books.Shaw, A. et al. 2018. Employment Relations (2nd ed.), Melbourne: Cengage.Shipman, A. 2016. The New Power Elite, Oxford: Polity Press.Tapia, M. et al. 2015. Theory in IR, Socio-Economic Review, 13(1):157-184.White, A. 2016. The Last Great Strike, Berkeley: University of California Press.


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Week 4 Videos and Readings

Changing the Education Paradigm: Speech on Education: Education: Basics – Learning & Development: Learning: Future of Learning: at Pizza Hut South Africa & EDT/HRD: Studying for an MBA?’s Indigenous Pre-Education:

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:

Al-Daraweesh, D. & Snauwaert, D. 2015. Human Rights Education, London: Palgrave.Ballard, C. & Daniel, B. 2015. What Skills Are Important?, J. of App. Social Sc, 10(1): 67–79.Biech, E. & Bingham, T. 2015. Training & development for dummies, Hoboken: Wiley.Bix, A. S. & Edis, T. 2013. Trapped by Opportunity, Technology & Culture, vol. 54, no. 1, p. 170-174.Bohlinger, S. et al. (eds.) 2015. Working and Learning in Times of Uncertainty, Heidelberg: Springer.Bolton, R. & Bolton D. G. 2016. What great trainers do, NY: American Management Association.Bowen, J. L. 2014. Emotion in Org. Resources for Bus. Edu., J. of Management Edu. 38(1): 114-142.Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. 1976. Schooling in Capitalist America , New York: Basic Books.Bratton, J., & Gold, J. 2015. Towards Critical HRM Education, Work, Employment & Society, 29(3):496-507.Bresler, L., Cooper, D. & Palmer, J. 2013. Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education, London: Routledge.Bryson, J. 2007. HRD or Developing Human Capability”, in: Bolton, S. & Houlihan, M. (eds.), Searching for the Human in HRM (Palgrave).Byl, Christine. 2014. Dirt Work: An Education in the Woods . Boston: Beacon Press.Carbery, R. & Cross, C. 2015. Human Resource Development, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Carroll, N. 2013. E-learning–the McDonaldization of education, Euro. J. of Higher Education , pp. 1-15.Casey, C. 2011. Economy, Work, and Education , London: Routledge.Clutterbuck, D. A. et al. 2017. Sage Handbook of Mentoring , London: Sage.Coghlan, D. et al. 2012. Managers Learning in Action, London: Routledge.Cooney, R. & Stuart, M. 2013. Trade Unions and Workplace Training , London: Routledge.Daft, R. L, 2016. Organization theory & design (12th ed.) Boston: Pablos, P. O. & Tennyson, R. D. (eds.) 2014. Strategic approaches for HRM , Hershey: Bus Sc. Ref.Dowson, P. 2015. Personal and Professional Development for Business Students, London: Sage.Erstad, O. et al. (eds.) 2016. Learning across Contexts in the Knowledge Society, Rotterdam: Sense Press.Evans, R. W. 2015. Schooling corporate citizens:, New York: Routledge.Farnelli, C. 2015. Neoliberalism and Education , Toronto: Alternative Routes Press.Freire, P. 2000. Pedagogy of the Oppressed , New York: Continuum.Frezzo, M. 2014. The Sociology of Human Rights , Oxford: Polity.Gewirtz, S. & Cribb, A. 2009. Understanding Education , Oxford: Polity.Giroux, H. 2002. The corporate war against higher education, Workplace, no 9, p. 103-117.Giroux, H. A. 2011. On critical pedagogy, New York: Continuum.Godwin, W. 1791. The Enquirer - Reflections On Education. London: G.G. & J. RobinsonGold, J. (eds.) 2013. HRD – Theory & Practice, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Goldman, E. 1906. The Child and its Enemies, Mother Earth, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 7-14.Good, K. 2014. Trust in the Capacities of the People, Distrust in Elites, Lanham: Lexington Books.Gurdjian, P. et la. 2014. Why leadership-development programs fail, McKinsey Quarterly, January.Haworth, R. H. (eds.) 2012. Anarchist pedagogies, Oakland: PM.Holmqvist, M. & Spicer, A. 2013. The Ambidextrous Employee: Exploiting and Exploring People's Illich, I. 1971. Deschooling society, New York: Harper & Row.Klikauer, T. 2014. Emancipatory Education, Australian University Review , v. 56, n. 1, p. 91-96.Knowles, M. S. et al. 2011. The Adult Learner (7 th ed.), Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.Lacey, M., & Groves, K. 2014. Talent Management Collides with CSR, J. of Man. Dev. 33(4):p. 7-7.Lancaster, S. & Di Milia, L. 2015. Developing a supportive learning environment, J. of Workplace Learning, 27(6).Lee, C. J. G. 2014. Systemic Colonization of the Edu. Lifeworld, Ed. Phil. & Theory, 46(1): 87-99.


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Lee, E. M. 2016. Class and Campus Life, New York: Columbia University Press.Lynd, R. S. 1939. Knowledge For What? Princeton: Princeton University Press.Malloch, M. et al. 2013. Sage Handbook of Workplace Learning , London: Sage.Mayo, P. 2012. Echoes from Freire for a Critically Engaged Pedagogy, London: Bloomsbury.McCarthy, G. 2014. Coaching and Mentoring for Business , London: Sage. Merriam, S. B., & Bierema, L. L. 2013. Adult Learning: Linking Theory & Practice, NY: Wiley.Nohl, A. M. 2015. Typical Phases of Transformative Learning, Adult Education Quarterly, 65(1), 35-49.OECD 2017. Skills Outlook, PDF-download, 4th May 2017 (DOI: 10.1787/9789264273351-en).Page-Tickell, R. 2014. Learning and Development, London: Kogan Page.Rees W. & Porter C. 2015. Skills of Management (London: Palgrave): ch. 11: Training & Development.Ryan, H. 2016. Educational Justice: Teaching & Organizing Against the Corporate Juggernaut, NY: MR Press.Sambrook, S., & Willmott, H. 2014. Management…HRM, Management Learning, 45(1):39-56.Scott, D. & Hargreaves, E. 2015. Handbook of Learning, London: Sage.Selwyn, N. 2016. Is technology good for education?, Oxford: Polity Press.Sinclair, U. 1923. The goose-step: a study of American education , Pasadena: The author.Spring, J. 1975. A primer of libertarian education , New York: Free Life Editions.Stirner, M. 1842. The False Principles of Our Education (available online).Surian, A. 2016. Open Spaces for Interactions and Learning Diversities, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.Tavares, M. A. 2017. Worker, the Market is the Worst Boss. Critique, 45(1-2):59-80.Tlili, A., & Obsiye, M. 2014. What is Coleman’s social capital the name of? Critical Sociology , 40(4).Tolstoy, L. 1852. The Path to Education, (, K., & Rigg, C. 2011. Theorising critical HRD, J. of Euro. Industrial Training , 35(3): 276-290.Turner, K. J. & Sheckels, T. F. 2015. Communication Centers, Training & Management, Lanham: Lexington.Wills, P. 1977. Learning to Labor, NY: Columbia University Press.Wilson, C. 2014. Performance Coaching (2ND ed.), London: Kogan.


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Week 5 videos and readings

Alienation: (highly recommended! )Descent Work: https://www. Chain (Air): Chain: (the true cost of clothing)Telework: we work: Work at Pixar Design:

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:ABC 2013. Australian retailers Rivers, Coles, Target, Kmart linked to Bangladesh factory worker abuse, ABC-4Corners, 2017. Supply Chain Management & HRM (, N. et al. 2016. Handbook of Industrial, Work, London: Sage.Anguelov, N. 2015. The Dirty Side of the Garment Industry, Boca Raton: CRC Press.Antunes, R. 2016. The New Morphology of Labour and its Main Trends, Critique, vol. 44, no. 1-2, p.13-30.Bratton, J. 2015. Introduction to Work & Organizational Behaviour (3rd ed.) London: Palgrave.Cameron, N. M. 2017. Will Robots Take Your Job?, Cambridge: Polity Press.Damm, D. 2017. As Machines Take Jobs, Harvard Business Review, 24th May 2017.Deml, B., et al. (eds.) 2016. Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Heidelberg: Springer.Distelhorst, G. 2016. Can Lean Manufacturing Put an End to Sweatshops?, Harvard Business Review (26th May).Dowling, D. W. 2017. How to Work from Home When You Have Kids, Harvard Business Review, 14th September 2017.Dyer-Witheford, N. 2015. Cyber-Proletariat: Global Labour in the Digital Vortex, London: Pluto Press.Ekman, S. 2015. Win-win imageries in a soap bubble world, Organization, 22(4):588-605.Ferguson, A. & Toft, K. 2015. 7-Eleven,, P. 2014. Resisting work, Philadelphia: Temple University Press.Ford, R. 1994. The McDonaldization of Society, Clinical Sociology Review, 12(1):25.Frandsen, S. 2015. Portraits of Call Centre Employees. Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry,13(3).Gapper, J. 2015. The ghost shift, New York: Ballantine Books.Garratt, G. 2015. CBT at Work For Dummies, New York: John Wiley.Gautier, C. 2015. The psychology of work, Philadelphia: Kogan Page.Genosko, G., 2015. Megamachines, Explorations in Media Ecology, vol. 14, no. 1-2, p. 7-20.Gershon, I. (eds.) 2015. A World of Work, Cornell: Cornell University Press.Graeber, D. 2013. ON THE PHENOMENON OF BULLSHIT JOBS, Strike! Magazine, Summer, pp. 10-11.Gravili, G. & Fait, M. 2017. Social Recruitment in HRM, Bingley: Emerald Publishing.Greaves, M. D. 2016. Cycles of Alienation, New Proposals, 9(1):49-63.Grint, K. & Nixon, D. 2015. The Sociology of Work (4 th ed.), Oxford: Polity Press.High, S. 2013. Deindustrialization, 1973–2013, History Compass, 11(11):994-1007.Hobsbawm, E. J. 1952. The machine breakers, Past & Present, 1(1):57-70.Hummel, R. P. 2014. The Bureaucratic Experience:, London: Routledge.Huq, R. 2015. The Psychology of Employee Empowerment, Farnham: Ashgate.ITUC 2017: Descent Work (, B. 2014. Alienation & the Self-Managed Firm System, Rev of Radical Pol. Eco , 46(1): 5-14.Jossa, B. 2014. Producer cooperatives as a new mode of production, London: Routledge.Junginger, S. & Faust, J. (eds.) 2016. Designing business and management, NY: Bloomsbury.Kasparov, G. 2017. Deep Thinking: Artificial Intelligence, London: Hodder & Stoughton.Kealey, G. S. 2015. Workers in Hard Times, Canadian Journal of History, 50(1), 171-173.Kelan, E. K. 2014. Organising Generations, Sociology Compass, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 20-30.Klikauer, T. 2013. Marx and Alienation, Labour & Industry, 23(2): 182-186.Klose, A. 2015. Container Principle – how a box changes the way we think , Cambridge: MIT Press.Knight, R. 2017. How to Convince Your Boss to Let You Work from Home, Harvard Business Review, 5th May 2017.Lemmings, D. & Brooks, D. eds. 2014. Emotions & Social Change, London: Routledge.


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Lensges, M. L. et al. 2016. The Human Side of Restructures, J. of Mana. Inquiry, 25(4):382-396Ling, P. 2016. Be the innovators- team creativity , Oxford: Oxford University Press.Lund, A. 2017. Wikipedia, work and capitalism, London: Palgrave.Malott, R. Shane, J. T. 2015. Principles of Behavior (7th ed.), NY: Psychology Press.McLean, P. 2016. Culture and Social Networks, Oxford: Polity Press.Moen, P. et al. 2016. Men and Women Expecting to Work Longer, Work, Aging and Retirement (online).Monaco, L. 2017. Casualisation in the Indian Auto Industry, Global Labour Journal, 8(2):120-138.Musto, M. 2010. Revisiting Marx's concept of alienation, Socialism and Democracy, 24(3):79-101.O'Carroll, A. 2015. Working time, knowledge work and post-industrial society, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Osbourne, R. (eds.) 2015. Job satisfaction, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.Parker, S. K. 2014. Beyond motivation, Annual review of psychology , vol. 65, pp. 661-691.Parry, E. & Tyson, S. 2014. Managing People in a Contemporary Context , London: Routledge.Pearlin, L. I. 1962. Alienation from work, American Sociological Review, 27(3):314-326.Pearson, G. 2012. The road to co-operation: escaping the bottom line, Burlington: Gower.Price, R. 2016. Controlling routine front line service workers, Work, Employment & Society (online before pub.).Riain, S. O. et al. 2015. Changing Worlds & Workplaces of Capitalism, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Richardson-Price, A. 2016. The Fight for a Six Hour Workday,, 19th August.Ritzer, G. 2015. The McDonaldisation of Society (newest ed.), London: Sage.Rosenbat, A. 2018. Uverland – how algorithms are rewriting the rules of work, California University Press.Schacht, R. 2015. Alienation, New York: Psychology Press.Scholz, T. 2015. Internet as Playground and Factory, Oxford: Polity.Scholz, T. 2016. Uberworked and Underpaid, Oxford: Polity Press.Seeman, M. 1959. On The Meaning of Alienation, American Sociological Review, 24(6):783-791.Sensat, J. 2016. The Logic of Estrangement, London: Palgrave.SOMO 2017. Branded Childhood, Amsterdam:, D., 2016. Work in and beyond the Second Machine Age, Work, Employment & Society (online).Srnicek, N. 2016. Technology After Capitalism, Oxford: Polity Press.Stadler, C. 2017. HRM & entrepreneurs ( 20 th February 2017).Strauss, K. & Fudge, J. 2013. Temporary Work, Agencies & Unfree Labour, London: Routledge.Tannenbaum, A. 2013. Social Psychology of the Work Organization , London: Routledge.Trusson, C. & Woods, F. 2016. An end to the job as we know it, Work, Employment & Society, (online).Urry, J. 2014. Offshoring, London: John Wiley & Sons.VSC 2009. No Bosses Here: A Manual for Working Cooperatively, Amherst: Levellers Press.Wilson, F. M. 2018. Organizational Behaviour and Work, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Winkler, I. 2015. On Being At Work, Personnel Review, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 432–435.Yeoman, R. 2014. Meaningful work and workplace democracy, Basingstoke: Palgrave.


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Week 6 videos and readings

Asbestos: Fire in NY: Fly in and out Workers Sexual Harassment: in Java: OHS Clothing Factory: Fashion Industry: in Australia: in Construction: Office Space Tank Drivers: Plan Office: New Boss Work Environment: Stress

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:

Adams, L. V. 2015. Diseases of poverty, Hanover: Dartmouth Col. Press.Adams, T. 2016. The Psychopath Factory , London: Repeator.Alam, J. 2013. Bangladesh Factory Collapse: Death Toll Climbs Past 1,000,, S. & Adams, J. 2014. Mindfulness at Work for Dummies , New York: John Wiley & Sons.Aljazeera 2016. Samsung endangered workers health in S Korea (, 10th August 2016).Almond, P. 2013. Corporate manslaughter and regulatory reform , New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Archer, R. et al. 2015. Work Health & Safety (4 th ed.), London: Cengage.Atwater, L. et al. 2015. Reactions to abusive supervision, In. J. of HRM (online before print).Bahn, S. 2014. OHS management: contemporary issues in Australia, Prahran: Tilde Publishing.Bartley, M. 2016. Health Inequality (2nd ed.), Oxford: Polity Press.Berinato, S. 2015. Corporate Wellness Programmes make us unwell, Harvard Business Review, May.Berinato, S. 2015. Corporate wellness programs make us unwell, Harvard Business Review, May (93:5).Berney, C. 2014. Enlightened Organisation, London: Kogan Page.Bertrand, M., Chugh, D. & Mullainathan, S. 2005. Implicit discrimination, American Economic Review, 95(2):94-98.Boddy, C. R. 2005. The implications of corporate psychopaths, (, K., 2015. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Organization Management J., 12(4):235-235.Boreham, P. et al. 2016. Work & social well-being, International Journal of HRM, 27(6): 593-611.Braun, P. 2015. The Fear-free Organization …Business Culture, London: Kogan Page.Bridger, E. 2014. Employee Engagement , London: Kogan Page.Bruyère, S. M. (eds.) 2016. Disability and Employer Practices, New York: Columbia University Press. Bullyboys 2014.öm, C. & Spicer, A. 2015. The wellness syndrome, Malden: Polity Press.Cheang, H. S. & Appelbaum, S. H. 2015. Corporate Psychopath, Industrial & Commercial Training, v. 47 n. 4.China Labour Watch 2017. The Dark Side of the Toy World (, J. & Thompson, P. 2012. Doing the right thing? New Technology, Work and Employment, 27(2):79-92.Danaher, M. G. 2015. HR guide to workplace violence, Virginia: Society for Human Resource Management.Daniels, K. et al. 2016. Safety climate and increased risk, human relations, 69(5):1185-1207.Deutschman, A. 2005. Is your boss a psychopath? (, P. J. 2017. Work Stress and Coping, Malden: Wiley & Sons.Dierickx, C., Oakley, D. & Davidson, H. E. 2017. Beating Burnout, Harvard Business Review, 95(1):19.Frederickson, G. M. 2015. Racism, Princeton: Princeton Uni. Press.Freudenberg, N. 2014. Lethal But Legal: Corporations…, Oxford: Oxford Uni. Press.Germain, L. J. 2016. Campus Sexual Assault, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.Giacalone, R. A. & Promislo, M. D. (ed.) 2013. Handbook of unethical work behavior, Armonk: Sharpe.


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Giddens, A. & Sutton, P. W. 2014. Health, Illness & Body, in: Essentials of Sociology, Oxford: Polity.Gilbert, S. 2015. http://www.toxipedia.orgGrady, R. K. et al. 2014. Social Position and Stress, Teaching Sociology, 42(1): 5-16.Harms, P. D., & Spain, S. M. 2015. Beyond the Bright Side, Applied Psychology, v. 64, n. 1, p. 15-24.Harrington, S. et al. 2015. HRM…workplace bullying, Organization, 22(3): 368-389.HBR 2015. How power-hungry bosses keep their power, Harvard Business Review, May (93:5).Heino, B. 2013. The state, class and OHS, Labour & Industry, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 150-167.Holtzman, M. & Menning, C. 2015. Sexual Assault Protection, J. of App. Social Science, 9(2):139-155.Joseph, K. & Irons, K. 2018. Managing Stress, London: Palgrave.Keegan, S. 2015. The psychology of fear in organizations , London: Kogan Page.Lee, H. S. 2016. Former Nike factory worker shares story ( ), 21st March 2016.Leiter, M. P. et al. 2014. Burnout at work: a psychological perspective, NY: Psychology Press.Lewis, H. 2016. Feminism & Queer Theory , London: Zed Books.Lopez, P. & Gillespie, K. A. 2015. Economies of Death, London: Routledge.McKinnon, R. C. 2014. Changing the workplace safety culture , Boca Raton: CRC Press.McQueen, H. 2009. Framework of Flesh – Builders' Labourers Battle for OHS , Ginninderra Press.Melhorn, M. et al. (eds.) 2014. Guides to the evaluation (2nd ed.), Chicago: American Medical Ass.Mercat-Bruns, M. 2015. Discrimination at Work, Berkeley: University of California Press.Mogensen, V. 2015. Worker Safety Under Siege, London: Routledge.Parveen, S. 2014. Rana Plaza factory collapse survivors struggle one year , (, L. 2015. Workplace Wellness that Works, New York: John Wiley & Sons.Quirk, J. 2015. Bonded labour & debt in the Indian Ocean World, J. of the Indian Ocean Region 11(1):143-145.Rees W. & Porter C. 2015. Skills of Management (London: Palgrave): ch. 6: Motivation & Stress.Rose, E. 2014. Who's Controlling Who?, Sociology Compass, v. 8, n. 8, p. 1004–17.Salvendy, G. & Karwowski, W. 2016. Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics, Boca Raton: CRC Press.Sanddres Dominguez, E. 2013. Work stressors and creativity, M@n@gement, v. 16, n. 4, p. 479-504Shenoy-Packer, S. 2015. Microaggressions …Workplace, Management Communication Quarterly, 29(2):257-275.Spraggon, M., & Bodolica, V. 2014. Social ludic activities, J. of Managerial Psychology , (29):5, p. 5-5.Thaler, R. H. 2015. Misbehaving, London: Penguin Press.Timming, A. R., & Johnstone, S. 2015. Employee silence, Int. J. of Org. Analysis 23(1):154-171Vogue 2014.…working-conditions


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Week 7 videos and readings

Behaviour Modification Techniques: of the Month Award: Employees:’s Performance Review: Management in Chinese Bank: & Responsibility: and Rewarding Management Essentials: Management Instructions: Promotion Work & Performance: Performance Evaluation: Office (BBC-UK): Perfect Performance Review: is Trickle-Down Economics:

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:

Adi, I. 2015. Time to Kill Forced Rankings?, Harvard Business Review, April (93:4).Andreassi, J. K., et al. 2014. Cultural impact of HR practices…satisfaction, Cross Cultural M. 21(1):4.Armstrong, M. 2014 Armstrong's Handbook of Perfor. Management (5 th ed.) London: Kogan Page.Armstrong, M. 2017. Reinventing Performance Management , London: Kogan Page.Biron, M. & Bamberger, P. 2011. More than lip service…performance , I.J. of HRM, 22(2): 258 – 278.Biron, M. et al. 2011. Performance management effectiveness, I.J. of HRM, 22(6): 1294 – 1311.Bouillard, P. 2016. Human resource & university strategy, Perspectives, vol. 20, no. 1, p.17-23.Boxall, P. 2013. Building Highly-Performing Work Systems, in: Paauwe, J., Guest, D. E. & Wright, P. (eds.) HRM & Performance – Achievements & Challenges , Chichester: Wiley.Bregman, P. 2016. The Right Way to Hold People Accountable, Harvard Business Review, (11th Jan. 2016).Buckingham, M. & Goodall, A. 2015. Reinventing Perf. Management, Harvard Business Review (93:4).Buckingham, M. & Goodall, A., 2015. Reinventing Perf. Management. Harvard Business Review, 93(4):40-50.Bugdol, M. 2018. Different Approach to Work Discipline, London: Palgrave.Chandler, T. M. 2016. How Performance Management Is Killing Performance, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.Clark, J. Clark, R. et al. 2014. When do leaders matter...firm performance, Leadership Quarterly, 25(2), 358-372.Clifford, S. 2017. The CEO pay machine, New York: Blue Rider Press. Cunningham, L. 2015. Accenture will get rid of performance reviews (, 21st July 2015).Dale K. 2012. The employee as 'dish of the day', Journal of Business Ethics , vol. 111, no. 1, p.13-24.Decramer, A.,et al. 2013. Employee performance management, In. J. of HRM, 24(4): 352-371.Dubois, D. et al. 2015. Social class…selfishness, J. of personality & social psychology, 108(3): 436-449.Duggan, K. 2015. State of performance management (, 15th Dec. 2015).Dusterhoff, C., Cunningham, J. B., & MacGregor, J. N. 2014. The Effects of Performance Rating, Leader–Member Exchange, Perceived Fleming, P. 2018. Sugar Daddy Capitalism , London: Polity Press.Fusch, G. & Gillespie, R. 2013. A practical approach to performance interventions , FT Press.Gabler, C. B., et al. 2014. Causes & Consequences of Abusive Supervision, Psy&Mark, 31(4):278-293.Garfinkle, J. 2017. How to Have Difficult Conversations, Harvard Business Review, 24th May 2017.Giacalone, R. A. & Promislo, M. D. 2013. Handbook of unethical work behavior, Armonk: Sharpe.Goldsmith, M. 2015. A 6-Part Structure for Giving Clear & Actionable Feedback, Harvard B. Review, 7th August.Graduate Careers 2014. Gender Wage Gap ( 0June%202014%20FINAL.pdf).Grote, D. 2016. HBR tools: performance reviews, Harvard Business Review , 28 th Jan. 2016.Guest, D. & Bos-Nehles, A. 2013. HRM and Performance: The Role of Effective Implementation, in: Gupta, N., & Shaw, J. D. 2014. Employee compensation, HRM Review, 24, (1), p. 1-4.Hammermann, A. & Mohnen, A. 2014. The pric(z)e of hard work, J. of Econ. Psychology , 43(1):1-15.Hansen, M. T., et al. 2013. The Best-Performing CEOs in the World, Harvard Business Review, Jan.Heavey, A. L., Beijer, S., Federman, J., Hermans, M., Klein, F., McClean, E. & Gerhart, B. 2013. Measurement of HR Practices: Issues Regarding Scale, Sources, and Substantive Content, in: Paauwe, J., Guest, D. E. & Wright, P. (eds.) HRM & Performance, Chichester: Wiley.Herzberg, F. 2011. One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? In: HBR (eds), HBR’s 10 Must Reads (Harvard Bus. School Press).


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Jacobsen, D. 2014. Are Rewards Demotivating? ,, T. 2017, Eight fatal flaws of performance management, Management Learning, 48(4):492-497.Langness, F. et al. 2017. Why Facebook is Keeping Performance Reviews, Harvard Business Review, 95(1):18.Lent, R. W. 2013. Promoting Meaning and Purpose at Work: A Social-Cognitive Perspective, in: Dik, Liao, T. F. 2016. Income Inequality, Socius (, Q. et al. 2014. The dark side of monetary incentive, Neuroreport, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 194-198.Marr, B. & Gray. D. 2012. Strategic Performance Management, London: Routledge.Martocchio, J. J. 2015. Strategic compensation: HRM (8 th ed.), Upper Saddle River: Pearson.McCord, P. 2016. Meaningful Work Beats Over-the-Top Perks Every Time, Harvard Business R., 18th Feb. 2016.McGregor, J. 2015. Among star CEOs – MBA are self-serving (, 6th Oct. 2015).McMahan, G. C. & Harris, C. M. 2013. Measuring Human Capital: A Strategic HRM Perspective, in: Mercer 2013. What’s working – Global performance management study, (, B. et al. 2015. Paying Up for Fair Pay, Harvard Business School Marketing Unit Working Paper, (15-091).Neu Morén, E. 2013. The negotiated character of performance appraisal, I. J. of HRM, 24(4):853-870.Oxfam 2018. Reward Work (, J., Guest, D. E. & Wright, P. (eds.) HRM & Performance – Achievements & Challenges , Chichester: Wiley.Paladino, B. 2013. Corporate performance management best practices, Hoboken: Wiley Parry, E. & Tyson, S. 2014. Managing People in a Contemporary Context , London: Routledge.Phillips, J. J. et al. 2016. Accountability in HRM (2nd ed.), Abingdon: Routledge.Pizzigati, S. 2018. The Case for a Maximum Wage, London: Polity Press.Rees W. & Porter C. 2015. Skills of Management (London: Palgrave): ch. 10: Appraisal.Rose, M. 2014. Reward Management, London: Kogan Page.Roy, D. 1959. Banana Time: Job Satisfaction, Human Organization, 18(4),158-168.Ryan, L. 2016. The Truth About 'Performance Improvement Plans' (, 8th April 2016.Scandura, T. A. 2015. Essentials of Organizational Behavior, London: Sage.Shields, J. et al. 2015. Managing Employee Performance, Cambridge Uni. Press.SHRM 2015. How to establish a performance improvement plan, ( 16th Sept. 2015).Smith, C., & Chan, J. 2015. Working for two bosses, Human Relations, 68(2):305-326.Srivastava, S. B. 2015. Network Intervention…Mentoring on Workplace, Social Forces, 94(1):427-452.Thanassoulis, J. 2013. Industry structure, executive pay & short-termism, Mana. Science, 59(2):402ff.Thorne, J. 2018. Companies with closer CEO pay ratios (, M. & Gallardo-Gallardo, E. 2017. Talent Management in Practice, London: Emerald PublishingTourigny, L. et al. 2013. Emotional exhaustion & job performance, Int. J. of HRM, 24(4): 514-532.Zoghbi‐Manrique‐de‐Lara, P. et al.. 2018. Alienation…Managers' Dishonesty…Performance, European Management Review.


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Week 8 videos and readings

Administering rewards: Pay Pay Ratio: Equal Pay and reward: on benefits: reward: and reward: Management I: Management II: talent: reward management:

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:

Andreeva, T., et al., 2017. When the fit between HR practices backfires, Human Resource Management Journal, 27(2):209-227.Armstrong, M. 2007. A Handbook of Employee Reward Management and Practice (2nd ed.), London: Kogan Page.Armstrong, M. 2015. Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice: Improving Performance Through Reward (5th ed.), London: Kogan Page.Armstrong, M. 2016. Armstrong’s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management+ (6th ed.), Philadelphia: Kogan Page.Armstrong, M., Brown, D. & Reilly, P. 2010. Evidence-Based Reward Management, London: Kogan Page.Arnold, K. A. et al. 2015. Leadership styles, emotion regulation, and burnout, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 20(4): 481.Bartram, T. et al. 2015. Performance and reward practices of multinational corporations operating in Australia, Journal of

Industrial Relations, 57(2): 210–231.Beck V, Williams G. The (performance) management of retirement and the limits of individual choice, Work, Employment & Society, 29(2): 267–277.Cappelli, P. and Tavis, A., 2016. The performance management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 94(10), pp.58-67.Cichelli, D. J., 2018. Compensating the sales force, New York: McGraw-Hill. Deshwal, D.P., 2015. Green HRM, International Journal of Applied Research, 1(13):176-181.Eccles, R. 1991. The performance measurement manifesto. Harvard business review, 69(1), pp.131-137.Elliott, G. 2018. Build it: the rebel playbook for world class employee engagement, Hoboken: Wiley. Ellison, K. 2018. Rewarding or Hoarding? (, J. 2017. Minimum Wages, Collective Bargaining and Economic Development, Work, Employment & Society, 31(4):709-711.Fisher, J. G. 2015. Strategic Reward and Recognition: Improving Employee Performance Through Non-Monetary Incentives, Philadelphia: Kogan Page.Foss, N.J., et al., 2015. Why complementary HRM practices impact performance, Human Resource Management, 54(6):955-976.Garaus, C., et al., 2016. The hidden power of small rewards, Academy of Management Learning & Education, 15(1):45-59.Kohn, A. 1999. Punished By Rewards: The Trouble With Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes, Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.Kreamer, A. 2015. Risk/Reward: Why Intelligent Leaps and Daring Choices are the Best Career Moves You Can Make, New York: Random House.Langner, L. 2018. Flexible men & Successful Women: Effects of Flexible Working Hours on German Couples’ Wages, Work, Employment & Society, 32(4):687-706.Lorsch, Jay W., and Emily McTague. "Culture is not the culprit." Harvard Business Review 94, no. 4 (2016): 21.Malik, M. A. R., Butt, A. N. & Choi, J. N. 2015. Rewards and employee creative performance, Journal of Organizational

Behavior, 36(1): 59–74.Martocchio, J. J. 2016. Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach, Harlow: Pearson.Oxfam. 2016. An Economy for the 1%, Oxford: Oxfam briefing paper 210 (18 January).Peetz, D. 2018. Debt in paradise: On the ground with wage theft. Griffith Review, (61):185-191.Perkins, S. 2019. The Routledge companion to reward management, Abingdon: Routledge. Riasi, A. & Asadzadeh, N. 2015. The relationship between principals’ reward power and their conflict management

styles, Man. Science Letters, 5(6): 611–618.15

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Rose, M. 2018. Reward Management, London: Kogan Page.Shaw, J. D. & Gupta, N. 2015. Let the evidence speak again! Financial incentives are more effective than we thought, Human Res. Man. Journal, 25(3): 281–293.Shields, J., et al. 2015. Managing Employee Performance & Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Spreitzer, G. and Porath, C., 2012. Creating sustainable performance. Harvard Business Review, 90(1), pp.92-99.Stoffers, J. and Canisius, E., 2015. Differentiated Rewards as an Enticement, J. of HR & Sustainability Studies, 3(02):57.Tulgan, B. 2014. The 27 Challenges Managers Face: Step-By-Step Solutions to (Nearly) All of Your Management Problems, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Van Dyk, S. et al. 2018. Post-Wage Politics and the Rise of Community Capitalism. Work, Employment and Society, 32(3):28-545.Vollmer, S. 2018. The board's role in promoting an ethical culture, Journal of Accountancy, 226(1):24-27.Wegner, J. B. 2016. Working for $7.25 (, D. R. et al 2018. Human capital and agency effects on CEO compensation, J. of Management and Governance, 22(2):315-337.


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Week 9 videos and readings

Change Management Video & Business Strategy

organizational-strategy.html#lessonStrategic Growth Growth Busters Hiring Abroad I Hiring Abroad II HRM HRM & Workforce HRM in Organisations Job Cuts at AMZ Job Loss at Qantas & Markets

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:Armstrong, M. & Taylor, S. 2014. Handbook of HRM Practice (13 th ed.) London: Kogan Page.Barry, D. & Elmes, M. 1997. Strategy retold, Academy of Management Review , 22(2): 429-452.Berg, J. 2015. Labour Markets, Institutions & Inequality, Cheltenham: Elgar.Boje, D., Burnes, B. & Harrard, J. 2011. Routledge Companion to Org. Change , London: Routledge.Boselie, P. 2010. Strategic HRM: a balanced approach, London: McGraw-Hill.Boxall, P. F. & Purcell, J. 2015. Strategy & HRM (4th ed.), New York: Palgrave.Burke, W. W. 2013. Organization Change: Theory and Practice (4 th edn). London: Sage.Coleman, J. 2015. Unfinished work, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Crawshaw, J. et al. 2014. HRM – Strategic and International Perspectives , London: Sage.Cunningham, B. J. 2016. Strategic HRM, London: Macmillan.Dalrymple, W. 2015. The East India Company, Wednesday 4 th March 2015; www.theguardian.comDawson, P. & Andriopoulos, C. 2014. Managing Change (2nd ed.), London: Sage.Day, D. (eds.) 2014. Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations, Oxford University Press.De Wit, R & Meyer, R. 2010 Strategy Process, content, context (4 th ed.), London: Cengage Learning.Deloitte 2012. Australian Labour Forecast;, J. G. 2015. Strategic Reward and Recognition, London: Kogan Page.Furnham, A. 2013. The Resilient Manager, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Galan, J. I. & Bueno, M. J. S. 2009. Strategy and Structure in Context, Organization Studies 30(6): 609-627.Gough, J. 2014. The difference between local and national capitalism, and why local capitalisms differ from one another: A Marxist approach, Capital & Class, vol. 38. No. 1, p. 197-210.Gratton, L. et al. 1999. Strategic HRM: corporate rhetoric & human reality, Oxford University Press.Gray, C. S. 2015. The Future of Strategy, Oxford: Polity Press.Guardian 2017. The Trans Employee (, D. 2013. Contemporary Themes in Strategic People Management , Basingstoke: Palgrave.Harvey, G., & Turnbull, P. 2015. Can labor arrest the “sky pirates”, Labor History, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 308-326.Hyman, R. 1987. Strategy or Structure, Work, Employment & Society, Vol. 1. No. 1, p. 25-55. Jackson, S. E. et al. 2014. An Aspirational Framework for Strategic HRM. Ac. of M. Annals, 8(1):1-56.Johnson, G. et al. 2010. Ritualization of Strategy Workshops, Organization Studies , 31(12): 1589ff.Juul Andersen, T., & Minbaeva, D. 2013. The Role of HRM in Strategy Making, Human Resource Man, 52(5):809-827.Kane, T. M. 2013. Strategy – Key Thinkers, Oxford: Polity.Kearns, P. 2012. HR Strategy, London: Routledge.Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. 2015. Blue Ocean Strategy, Campridge: Harvard Business Review Press.Laasch, O. & Conaway, R. N. 2015. Principles of Responsible Management (Ch.11/HRM): Cengage.Liu, S. et al. 2014. Introducing Intercultural Communication (2nd ed.), London: Sage.Longenecker, C. O., & Fink, L. S. 2013. Creating HRM value in the twenty-first century: Seven steps to strategic HR, HRM International Digest , vol. 21, no. 2, p. 29-32.Mansell, S. F. 2013. Capitalism, corporations & the social contract Cambridge: Cambridge Uni. Press.


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Marcus, B. R. 2015. The politics of promotion, Hoboken: Jossey-Bass.Marler, J. H. 2012. Strategic Human Resource Management in Context: A Historical and Global Perspective, Academy of Management Perspectives , vol. 26, no. 2, p. 6-11.Martocchio, J. J. 2016. Strategic compensation: a HRM approach, Hoboken: Pearson.McCabe, D. 2010. Strategy-as-Power, Organization, vol. 17, no. 2,p. 151-175.McKenna, C. 2012. Strategy followed Structure, Advances in Strategy Man., vol. 29, p. 153-186.Mello, J. A. 2011. Strategic human resource management, Mason: Thomson/South-Western Press.Milkovich, G. T. & Newman, J. M. 2016. Compensation (12th ed.), NY: McGraw-Hill.Miller, P. 1996. Strategy and the Ethical HRM, Human Resource M. Journal , vol. 6, no. 1, p. 5-18.Myers, P., Hulks, S. & Wiggins, L. 2012. Organizational change, Oxford: Oxford Uni. PressPaauwe, J. & Boselie, P. 2003. Challenging ‘strategic HRM, HRM Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 56–70.Paroutis, S. et al. 2016. Practicing Strategy (2nd ed.) London: Sage.Parry, E. & McCarthy, J. (eds.) 2017. The Palgrave Handbook of Age Diversity and Work, Basingstoke: Palgrave.Paton, R. et al. 2016. Change Management (4th ed.), London: Sage.Perelman. M. 2011. The invisible handcuffs of capitalism, New York: Monthly Review Press.Porter, M. E. & Kramar, M. R. 2006. Strategy and Society , Harvard Business Review, December.Robertson, C. J. et al. 2013. A Five-Year Review, Update & Assessment of Ethics & Governance in Strategic Management, Journal of business ethics , 117(1): 85-91.Tourish. D. 2013. The dark side of transformational leadership, London: Routledge.Tricke, R. I. 2015. Corporate Governance (3 rd ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.Truss, C., Kankin, D. & Kelliher, C. 2012. Strategic HRM, New York: Oxford University Press.van den Berg, G. & Pietersma, P. 2014. 8 steps to strategic success, London: Kogan Page.Walker, G, Madsen, T. L. 2016. Modern competitive strategy (4th ed.) NY: McGraw-Hill.Weick, K. E. 2017. Deepwater Horizon, ASQ (online before print): 6th February 2017.Wentland, D. M. 2015. Is your organization a great place to work?, Charlotte: IAP-Information Age Publishing.Workforce 2016. (various articles on current issues).


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Week 10 videos and readings

3 Minutes Immanuel Kant Clothes Campaign Sexual Harassment: of Slavery:’s Moral Stages: Slavery: Cost of Fashion Trailer

Additional Highly Recommended Readings:

Adler, P. 2015. The Environmental Crisis and its Capitalist Roots, ASQ ,vol. 60, no. 2. P. 13-25.Arnold, D. & Harris, J. (eds.) 2012. Kantian Business Ethics: Critical Perspectives, London: Elgar.Attfield, R. 2014. Environmental Ethics (2nd ed.), Oxford: Polity.Banji, M. R. et al. 2011. How (Un)ethical Are You? HBR in: HBR’s 10 Must Reads, Cambridge: Harvard Business School Press.Barak, G. (eds.) 2015. Routledge Handbook of the Crimes of the Powerful, London: Routledge.Bauman, Z. & Donsikis, L. 2013. Moral Blindness, Oxford: Polity Press.Beirne, P. & South, N. 2013. Issues in Green Criminology, London: Routledge.Benson, J. 2013. Environmental Ethics: An Introduction with Readings, London: Routledge.Bernotat, W. H. 2007. Take Responsibility for Climate Change, Harvard Business Review, 85(7/8).Birsch, D. & Fielder, J. H. (eds.) 1994. The Ford Pinto case, Albany: State Univ. of New York Press.Bradley, K. & Hedren, J. (eds.) 2014. Green utopianism London: Routledge.Bugdol, M. 2018. A Different Approach to Work Discipline, London: Palgrave.Ceva, E. & Bocchiola, M. 2018. Is Whistleblowing a Duty?, London: Polity Press.Cimadamore, A. D. et al. (eds.) 2016. Development and Sustainability, London: Zed Books.Cohen, A. 2015. Fairness in the workplace, New York: Palgrave.Cribb, J. 2017. Surviving the 21st Century, London: Springer Press.Dauvergne, P. 2018. Will Big Business Destroy our Planet?, London: Polity Press.Davies, W. 2016. The Happiness Industry, London: Verso.De Castro, E. V. & Danowski, D. 2016. The End of the World, Oxford: Polity Press.Diesendorf, M. 2013. Sustainable energy solutions for climate change, Sydney: NewSouth Publishing.El-Meligi, M. 2012. Work, Management & the Business of Living , Hacken: World Scientific.Evans, B. & Giroux, H. A. 2015. Disposable futures, San Francisco: City Lights Publishers.Fehr, R., et al. 2015. Moralized Leadership, Academy of Management Review, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 182-209.Felber, C. 2015. Change Everything: Creating an Economy for the Common Good, London: Zed-BooksFleming, P. & Jones, T. M. 2013. The End of Corporate Social Responsibility, London: Sage.Fooks, G., et al. 2013. The limits of CSR, Journal of business ethics , vol. 112, no. 2, p. 283-299.Foster, R. J. 2014. Corporations as Partners, Political & Legal Anthropology Review, 37(2): 246-258.Gama, N., et. al. 2012. Ethics and HRM, Journal of Business Ethics , vol. 111, no. 1, p 97-108.Garbie, I. 2016. Sustainability in Manufacturing Enterprises, Heidelberg: Springer.Gerdeman, D. 2014. What Do Chief Sustainability Officers Do? (, 8th October 2014.Giacalone, R. A. Promislo, M. D. (eds.) 2013. Handbook of Unethical Work Behavior , Armonk: Sharpe.Gupta, G., & Gupta, A. 2013. Green Recruiting, Intern. J. of Management & Info. Tech., 3(3): 32-36.Hamilton, C. 2017. Defiant Earth: The fate of humans in the Anthropocene, Sydney: Allen & UnwinHarvey, D. 2014. 15 [endless growth], in: 17 contradictions & the end of capitalism, Oxford U. Press.Harvey, D. 2014. Seventeen contradictions & the end of capitalism , NY: Oxford University Press.Hawken, P. 2010. The Ecology of Commerce: a Declaration of Sustainability , New York: Harper.Haywards, H. 2014. Corporate liability, Heath: Bloomsbury Professional.Holmberg, S. & Schmitt, M. 2016. The Milton Friedman Doctrine is Wrong,, 9th June 2016.Hulme, D. 2015. Global poverty: how global governance is failing the poor, Milton Park: Routledge.IBM 2013. Corporate Responsibility,, A. 2013. Sociology and the Environment , Oxford: Wiley.Jackall, R. 2010. Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers , Oxford: Oxford University Press.Jamali, D. et al. 2015. Exploring HRM’s roles in CSR, Business Ethics, 24(2):125-143.James, S. P. 2015. Environmental Philosophy , Cambridge: Polity Press.Jauernig, A. 2013. Kant's Moral Metaphysics, Philosophical Review, vol. 122, no. 4, p. 651-657.Jurkiewicz, C. L. 2015. The Foundations of Organizational Evil, London: Routledge.


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Kearns, P. 2013. Professional HR, London: Routledge.Kemper, A. 2012. Saving the Planet: A Tale of Two Strategies, Harvard Business Review, April 1st.Kirsch, S. 2014. Imagining Corporate Personhood, Political & Legal Anthropology Review, 37(2):207-217.Klare, M. 2015. Is the Age of Renewable Energy Already Upon Us?, N. 2014. This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, London: Penguin.Klikauer, T. 2013. Hegel on Profits, Poverty & Politics, Radical Philosophy Review , 16(3): 789-799.Klikauer, T. 2013. Managerialism, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.Klikauer, T. 2014. Smokescreen for Big Tobacco, The Saturday Paper, 15 th – 21st March 2014, p. 14.Kusunoki, S. 2016. Hayek on CRS, Constitutional Political Economy, no. 27, no. 1. p. 93-110.Kusunoki, S. 2016. Hayek on CSR, Constitutional Political Economy, vol. 27. No. 1, pp 93-110.Lamy, S. L. et al. 2015. Introduction to global politics (3rd ed.),Oxford: Oxford University Press.Latour, B. 2014. Facing Gaya – A New Inquiry into Natural Religion , Oxford: Polity.Lees, L. et al. 2016. Planetary Gentrification, Oxford: Polity Press.Loomis, E. 2015. Out of sight: the long & disturbing story of corp. outsourcing catastrophe, New Press.Machin, A. 2013. Negotiating Climate Change, London: Zed.Macklin, R. 2007. The Morally Decent HR Manager, in: Pinnington, A. et al., HRM, (eds.), Oxford University Press.Magnuson, J. 2013. The Approaching Great Transformation: , Seven Stories Press.Mander, J. 2001. Eleven Rules of Corporate Behavior , .Markey, R. et al. 2016. Employee participation & carbon emissions reduction, I. J. of HRM, 27(2):173-191.McBarnet, D. 2006. After Enron, British J. of Criminology , v.46, n.6, p. 1091-1109.McGinn, D. 2017. CEOs Face Off Against Trump (or Not), Harvard Business Review, 31st January 2017.Mellahi, K. Et al. 2010. Organisational Behaviour & HRM (Ch. 8), in: Mellahi’s The Ethical Business (2nd ed.), Basingstoke: Palgrave.Michelson, G. Et al. 2010. Workplace Romance and HRM, International Journal of Employment Studies , vol. 18, no. 2, p. 117-149.Monahan, T. 2015. The right to hide, Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies, 12(2): 159-178.Nicholson, S. & Wapner, P. (eds.) 2015. Global environmental politics, Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.Packard, K., O; Reinhardt, F.2000. What Every Executive Needs to Know About Global Warming, Harvard Business Review, 78(4):129-135.Painter, C. 2016. Non-human animals within contemporary capitalism, Capital & Class, 40(2): 327-345.Parker, M. et al. (eds.) 2014. Routledge companion to alternative organization , Abingdon: Routledge.Pedersen, E. R. G. 2015. Corporate Social Responsibility, London: Sage.Polluter Watch: 2014. Climate Change, (Sep 10, 2014).Radkau, J. 2014. The Age of Ecology , Oxford: Polity Press.Rathzel, N. & Uzzell, D. (eds.) 2013. Trade unions in the green economy , NY: Routledge.Rockefeller 2014. Rockefeller & Global Warming :, T. (eds.) 2015. Biodiversity in a Changing Climate, LA: Uni. of Calif. Press.Roy, A. 2014. Capitalism: a ghost story, Chicago: Haymarket Books.Royce, E. 2015. Classical Social Theory & Modern Society, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.Ruggie, J. G. 2013. Just Business: Multinational Corporations and Human Rights , NY: Norton.Salvaggio, A. N. et al. 2011. Why Do Fools Fall in Love (at Work)?, J. of App. So. Psy, 41(4):906–937.Sangiovanni, A. 2017. Humanity without Dignity, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.Sarpong, S., & Rees, D. 2014. Assessing the effects of ‘big brother’, European Management Journal , vol.

32, no. 2, pp. 216-222.Shaw, W. H. & Barry, V. 2010. Moral Issues in Business, Belmont: Wadsworth.Siddiqui, S. 2015. Silicon Valley Stands up to Anti-Gay Laws, Guardian Weekly, v. 192; no. 18, p. 10Smith, J. 2016. Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century, New York: NYU Press.Spinello, R. A. 2014. Global capitalism, culture, and ethics, New York: Routledge.Stanwick, P. & Stanwick. S. 2013. Understanding Business Ethics, London: Sage Publications.Stevens, B. 2014. The way of tea and justice, NY: Jericho Books.Styhre, A. 2014. Management & neoliberalism: connecting policies & practices, NY: Routledge.Suzuki, D. & Hanington. I. 2017. Just Cool It!: The Climate Crisis and What We Can Do, Vancouver: Greystone.Sweeney, S. 2015. Green Capitalism Won’t Work, New Labor Forum, 24(2): 12-17).Thiele, L. P. 2016. Sustainability (2nd ed.), Oxford: Polity Press.Upchurch, M. 2014. The internet, social media & workplace, Intern. J. of Socialism, 141: 119-138.Urban, G. (eds.) 2014. Corporations and citizenship, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.Utting, P. 2015. Social and Solidarity Economy, London: Zed Books.Van der Graaf, S. 2015 PARTICIPATORY CULTURE?, IN: Handbook of Digital Transformations, London: Elgar.Vincent, D. 2016. Privacy – A Short History, Cambridge: Polity Press.Voiculescu, A. & Yanacopulos, H. 2011. The Business of Human Rights , London: Zed Books.


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Wallace-Wells, D. 2017. The Uninhabitable Earth, New York Magazine, 9 th July 2017 (, S. R. 2015. The great trade off: confronting moral conflicts in the age of globalization, Washington: Peterson

Institute.White, B. 2013. Crimes against Nature, London: Routledge.Winston, A. 2015. What Business Leaders Need to Know About the Paris Climate, Harvard Bus. Review, 1st Dec.Zamir, T. 2014. Ethics & the beast: a speciesist argument for animal liberation, Princeton Uni. Press.