respiratory system lecture notes for nurses

Respiratory System Chest Trauma Mechanics of Respiration Breathing- Neg. pressure- pressure in chest cavity lower than atmosphere Inspiration- Contraction of diaphragm, intercostals musc., chg in thorax (enlarges) & cohesion of pleura Expiration- relaxation (Intrapleural pressure is negative at all times) (756mmHg) Hemothorax collection of blood in the pleural space o laceration, puncture, surgery, knife, or gun shot wound S&S o Chest pain o Cyanosis o Dec BP, inc. pulse, inc. RR o Dyspnea o Dullness on percussion o Shock o Acidosis/ alklosis state size o Small- less 400, no S&S (clears itself in 10-14 days)

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Page 1: Respiratory System lecture Notes for nurses

Respiratory System

Chest Trauma

Mechanics of Respiration

Breathing- Neg. pressure- pressure in chest cavity lower than atmosphere Inspiration- Contraction of diaphragm, intercostals musc., chg in thorax (enlarges) & cohesion of


Expiration- relaxation

(Intrapleural pressure is negative at all times) (756mmHg)


collection of blood in the pleural spaceo laceration, puncture, surgery, knife, or gun shot wound


o Chest pain

o Cyanosis

o Dec BP, inc. pulse, inc. RR

o Dyspnea

o Dullness on percussion

o Shock

o Acidosis/ alklosis state


o Small- less 400, no S&S (clears itself in 10-14 days)

o Moderate- 500-2000cc,- Pallor, restless, anxiety, inc. HR, dec. BP, chest tightening, bloody sputum, dec. or absent LS on side.

o Massive- SOB, Inc. HR, Dec. BP, hypoxia, shock (fluid in half of lung), absent LS

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Pleural Effusion

causes: CA, pneumonia, lt side CHF, blocked lymph system


Pus, fluid


closed- chest wall intacto Spontaneous- may have Hx of COPD, TB, Cystic Fibrosis, Cancer

o S&S- sudden sharp pain, cough, sudden SOB, dec. BP, rapid pulse, tightness in chest, asymmetric chest movement, hypersonant,

(BP inc. or dec., resp, inc., pulse inc.)

Tension pneumothoraxo Untreated closed

o S&S- severe SOB, deviation of larynx to unaffected side, distended neck veins, inc. pulse and RR, dec. BP, SQ emphysema, crepatis, change in PMI, muffled heart tones.

( if open to outside do not occlude)

Open- penetration of chest wallo S&S- sucking chest wound, chest pain, inc. HR, inc. RR, dec. breath sounds on side of

injury, unequal expansion, shallow breathing (resp. alk)

o TX- cover on three sides with a gauze with patient breathing out

Mediastinal flutter

Inspiratory movement- shift to unaffected side Expiratory movement- shift to affected side

Hemo- pnuemothorax

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blood & air in the thoracic cavity Dx/ Tx is basically the same

o May see with chest tubes

High or anterior for air

Low or posteriorlateral for blood

Fractured Ribs

painful and dec. chest movement which can lead to atelectasis shallow resp., guarding, grunting at end of inspiration, asymmetrical resp., crepitus

Danger: contusion, rib piercing lung

Tx: anesthetic block, analgesics, splint area

Flail chest

inspriatory movement- sucking in of ribs expiratory movement- puffing out of ribs

S&S- extreme distress

o Desperately tries to breathe in spite of pain

o Hypoxia, cyanotic, severe SOB

o Grunting resp

o Paradoxical movement

Tx: HOB elevated and patent airway

o Mild= C&DB, suction, pain control, lay on affected side or splint

o Moderate= fluid restriction, diuretics, steroids, albumin, tx resp

o Severe= intubate and vent


type of drain into the pleural space that also prevents leak of air back into that space

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Chest tube placement

o Air- 2nd intercostals space mid cav. Area

o Liquid- 5th intercostals space mid axillary area

o Open heart- medialstinal


sclerosing agents- doxycycline, minocycline, bleomycino cause inflammation reaction

o Post care: watch patient may have low grade temp and pleuritic pain


one bottleo expiration- air leaves pleural space

o inspiration- water will fluctuate upward toward the chest

(2cm of H2O in bottle- underwater seal)

(intermittent bubbling during expiration)

(movement of fluid during expiration/ inspiration is tidaling)

two bottleso bottle one- tubing to patient, Blood (drainage) in bottle

o bottle two- tubing connecting bottles, tubing to suction, underwater seal

three bottles

o More negative pressure (15cm of water pressure)

o Suction control bottle

o Inc. suctioning the more neg. usually -20cm

o Wall suction with thoracic unit- gentle bubbling

o Tidaling

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bottle one- tubing to patient

bottle two- tubing connecting bottle 1&2, drainage in bottle

bottle three- tubing connection bottle 2&3, tubing to suction, underwater seal


Equipmento CT tray (suture) & CT

o Local anesthetic & betadine

o Gloves, protective gear

o Drainage system

o Dressing

o Hemostats

o Fill chamber to 2cm water level

Check placement of CT with x-ray

Nursing Care

Positioning patient and chest tubes (coil on bed to promote drainage) Clamping


o Patient- VS, LS

o Entry site- for crepetis

o Tubing- all connections taped

o Drainage unit- below chest, check amount, color of drainage

Chest x-ray


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Sit in semi fowlers position C&D, splint

Turn q 2hrs

Do not lie on tubing, keep coiled

Passive ROM

Keep below level of heart


Size CT & site- date- time- who Position

Color drainage & amount

Patient status

Meds used

Fluctuation- tidaling

Air leak- vs intermittent bubbling

Trach midline

Chest x-ray

Dressing change with doctors order

if soiled as ordered


Equipmento Suture set

o Vaseline gauze

o Tape

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o Pain med


o Hold breath while pulling out

o Blow breath out after removed

Chest x-ray

Occlusive dressing

(pre- assess & post- assess- VS, LS, trachea, pulse ox)

Mobile Drains

patient more mobile gravity drainage

suction may inc time of CT- pulls tissue apart

new cells seal the hole faster

patient can be discharged with CT (teaching important)

assess LS (hollow-air, dull/flat-fluid)

Rapid breathing may indicate collection of fluid or air or they may indicate an increase in pain



general assessment general health

cardiopulm status

cardinal indicators of resp disorder

5 basic questions to ask

Report to surgeon

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Chest pain



Five Basic Questions

Current S&S Onset time?

How ie exercise, eating, coughing, awakens you, what events

When do S&S effect you?

What relieves S&S?

Report to Surgeon

acute resp infection skin lesions

oral cavity or teeth problems

need for PD or RT

change in sputum

Pre- op teaching

anxiety/fearo repeat instructions several times

o help to make the patient more calm

o what does the patient and family know

o management of pain

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knowledgeo incision

o surg

o post op expectations

IV, foley, CT, ET or vent, VS, NG, A line or Swan

Type of incision

Smokingo Stop smoking at least 2wks prior, no more than 24hrs before

o Causes bronchopulmonary irritation

o Inc tracheobronchial secretions

o Dec blood O2 sat

o Inc blood carboxyhemoglobin

C&DB (huff)

Leg exercises

Arm and Shoulder exercises

Pain (IV, PCA, epidural meds)

Pulmonary Function tests


o Consent, allergies, hygiene, meds, and check list

o Do oral and nasal hygiene


exploratory- thoracotomyo locate source of injury or bleeding

o inspect and/or bx tissue

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o plicate or ligate- folded over and sutured/clamped

o wedge resection


chiefly for cancer or lung abcess Entire lung (Rt lung more dangerous, large vascular bed)

Phrenic nerve crushed- in up position- to partially fill space (raises diaphragm, may fill with fluid, within 6 fluid will insoluate and prevent shift


Lobectomyo CT


o CT

Wedge Resection

o Small localized area near surface

o CT

Poor outcome

older than 70 advanced CA


Borderline pulm func test

Hx of COPD

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Post- Op


o Assess

General appearance

Breathing, LS

Pulse ox

Tracheal diviation

NOTE: DO NOT PUT GOOD LUNG DOWN Pneumonectomy- back and operative side only- unless ordered different

Airway clearance

o Inc. fluidso C&DB q 1hr/24hrs

o Turn, sit up, walk

Tx: Albuterol-bronc spasms

o Tegerol PRN

o Mucoletic

o O2 humidifiers

Fluid Volume Deficito Watch hemorrhage

o Replace fluids-(remember age of patient)

o Remaining lung needs 2-4 days to adjust to inc blood flow

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Watch for pulm edema

Crackles in lungs

Mucus membranes


Bounding pulse

Urinary output

o O2 well prior to suctioning

o Comfort/pain

o Impaired mobility



o Nutrition

TPN or inc. protein, calories, vitamins (esp Vit C)

o Coping

o Knowledge

Will tire easily

Stop smoking

Good resp support

Home in 3 days

Pain for 4 wks

Don’t lift heavy objects


Collapsed alveolio Usually caused by bronc secretions

o Not being C&DB

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o May be all or part of lung


o Restlessness

o Tachycardia

o Dec PaO2

o Dec cap refill

o Tachypnea

o Fever- infection/ATB

o Inadequate chest expansion

o Dullness of percussion


o Inc C&DB (huff)

o All resp activity that can be done

o Adhesions may develop if lung is not reinflated


Hemothorax- hypovolemia=SHOCK S&S

o Dec BP - Inc HR

o Restless - Pallor

o Dec CVP - Dec UO

o PVC or Afib on cardiac monitor

Give fluids and blood

May return to surgery

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S&So Pain - Dyspnea

o Fever - Hemopotysis

o RT CHF - Hypoxia

o Dist JVD - Chg in resp

o Feeling of impending doom


o Surg, anticoag, vasoconstictors shock

o Tx resp distress

o D-dimer, Spiral CT, ABG


Cardiac impairmento Arrhythmia’s

Bronchoplueral fistula

o Occurs 5-8 days post op (educate patient)

o Air leak (SQ emphysema, blood sputum)

Subcutaneous emphysema

o Air tissue under skin/ reabsorps in 10 days


lungs doesn’t expand quick enough and circ. Overload early S&S

o cough - dyspnea

o restless - anxiety

o low pitched wheezes

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Advances S&S

o Acute SOB - blood tinge sputum

o Inc HR - Dec BP

o Anxiety - cool/clammy skin









chech trachea (midline) shift to unaffected side


o Severe dyspnea - inc RR

o Creptius - cyanosis

o Acute CP - chg PMI (where check apical pulse)

o Unequal chest expansion

o Restless - muffled heart tones

o Dec BP - dec HR


use heat or oral analgesia for pain

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alternate walking with other activities (inc over time)

freq rest periods


Avoid lifting more than 20#

Avoid irritants, inf, flu



Abrupt inability of the lungs to exchange gases sufficiently to oxygenate the blood Diffuse noncardiac pulmonary edema- inc. permeability of pul cap.



PaO2 less than 50 PaCO2 greater that 50

pH less than 7.3

Vital capacity less than 15ml/Kg

RR greater than 30 or less than 8


group of diseases, insults or conditions resulting in acute lung disorder resp causes

o severe infection - pulm. Edema

o pulm. Embolus - COPD

o ADRS - Cancer

o Chest trauma - Severe atelectasis

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CNS Neuromuscular Disease


Mech Vent


Sleep apnea

Excessive blood transfusions

Predisposing factors or Injury

Aspiration, near drowning, inhalation SHOCK




Drug Overdose


Oxygen Toxicity


1. Inflammation and damage to Alveolar/Capillary membranes

Release these substances cause inflammation/damage

o Histamine, serotonin, bradykinin

2. Increase Capillary permeability(histamine) fluid shifts to the interstitial space (alveoli is still open)

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3. Increased permeability (protein) increase osmotic pressure=pulm. Edema


o Inc. RR, cyanosis, hypoxemia

4. Damage to surfactant = collapse of alveoli = atelectasis


o Thick, frothy, sticky sputum,

o Marked hypoxemia with inc RR

5. Inc RR, O2 can’t leave, inc loss of CO2 (alkalosis)


o Inc RR, hypoxemia, hypocapnea

6. Inc pulm edema, hypoxemia leads to resp and met acidosis


o Dec pH, inc. PACO2, dec O2 level, confusion, dec. HCO3 level

Direct Effects

Refractory hypoxemia – low O2 sats regardless of how much O2 you give Decreased CO (with VENT esp PEEP)

Dec venous return

Edema from vol overload

Dec BP from shock

Inc secretions

Inadequate ciliary motion

Fear, exhaustion

Signs and Symptoms

Freq. monitor resp distress

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Tachypnea (1st sign) >40 short, shallow

Dyspnea- labored, grunting

Hypoxemia – Cardinal Sign, Cyanosis- late sign

Diminished LS, fine crackles bases

Secretions are thicker (protein leak) (pulm. Edema- thin, frothy sputum)

Restless, anxious, irritable

Chg pulse ox or ABG’s

Inc PA pressures, PAWP <18mmHg (left side) (Pulm. Artery)

Inc Rt. Vent workload

Chest x-ray


ABG’s Electrolytes- K, alk inc, acid dec

Sputum culture

Blood culture

Urine culture

Chest x-ray

On a Vent

dec vital capacity dec lung compliance

inc airway pressure

dec func residual capacity

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Treat the CAUSE!! Airway

o Vent:

TV 5ml/kg

Peak flow <25cm H2O

Use peep- positive end expiratory pressure

Anytime you use PEEP you change the pressures in the thoracic cavity and this can cause dec cardiac output- dec blood return

Pressure control instead of volume

Longer inspiratory time (dec peek airway pressure- more even gas distribution

I/E ration 1:1 or 2:1

correct acid base balance

Fluid and lyte balance

o Watch am’t of fluids


o Enternal

o TPN (for the patient with GI problems or pancreatitis)


D/T change in Body during stress Insulin becomes resistant

Also… watch for organ failure of other systems


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Sedation- Diprivan good, Versed, Ativan ATB: plus tx fever

Bronchodilator (can be via vent)

Primacor support rt vent function

Diuretics- Lasix, Bumenex

Corticosteroids (may cause fluid retention)

o Pos- Dec cap permeability, inhibits white blood cells from aggregating, inc. surfactant

o Neg- inc blood sugar, inc fluid retention, inc chance of infection

Low dose heparin

Vasodilators- Nitro, nipride


Colloids- albumin (after membranes have healed) (no more protein leak) (pulls fluid from 3rd space)

Ketoconazole, antifungal

Nitric oxide- relaxes vascular smooth musc.

Surfactant replacement (children)

ECMO (Extracorporeal membrane Oxygenation) – pull blood off body, oxygenate and put it back

Aerosolized prostacyclin- less toxic than nitric oxide, heavy so it gets in alveoli

Partial liquid ventilation- perfluorocarbon

o Helps gases freely disfuse like being on PEEP must sedate patient


Nursing Interventions

VS, LS, LOC O2 or vent (humidification & PEEP)

Suction – hyperventilate with O2 for 5 min

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I&O & daily wt

Nutritional support or TPN

Fluid restrictions

ROM, freq rest periods, turn freq

Prone position

Good handwashing


Mechanical Ventilation supports and maintains the respiratory system Improves ventilation and decreases work load

Improves oxygenation

Indications for ventialation

CNS disorders Neuromuscular


Disorders of Conducting Airway

Alveolar- Capillary membrane disorders

Criteria for Intubation

Can the patient move air?o Working too hard to breathe

o Can’t breath

Can the patient move secretions?

o Will fill up with secretions if they can’t move

Can the patient move blood?

o Poor cardiac output, poor breathing

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RR> 35 or more, or less than 8

PO2 < 50 with FIO2 >60

PCO2 > 50 (unless COPD)

pH < 7.25

Neg Inspiratory force (<20 cm H2O)

Nursing Responsibilities During Intubation

Activitieso Assemble equipment

o Ambu bag, O2 set up, suction equip., sterile gloves, laryngoscope, blades, xylocaine, ET tube

If awake give paralitic agent short acting


o Warm air, = breath sounds,= chest expansion—no gurgling in abd.


o Size ET, am’t air in cuff, LS, vent settings, secretions, patient reactions

Use of Anectine, pavulon


Neg pressure on external chest Dec. the intrathoracic pressure during inspiration- allows air to flow into lungs

Use chronic RF associatied with neuromuscular dis.

Positive Pressure

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Timed cycled (rare)o Stimulated by preset line

o Forces air in

o Dec venous return

Pressure cycled

o Delivers a preset pressure

Volume cycled (most common)

o Preset volume

o If resistance is met it causes a high pressure alarm

Modes of ventilation

Normal Controlled

o Patient that is not trying to breath

o Ex: tidal vol 500, 16RR


o Patient A&O, have hard time

o They take a breath and the vent takes over and delivers the amount


o Machine preset,

o Patient can cause it to kick in when he breaths

Intermittent mandatory

o Reservoir of O2 in vent

o Breathing not helped by the vent

o Preset positive pressure amount

o Patient breathes on own most of the time

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o The vent it preset to give so many a minute

Ventilator Settings

FIO2- fraction of inspired O2- keep patient O2 level above 90% RR- what is vent set at, what is patient doing

TV (10-15 ml/kg)

Pressure Alarms (Hi & Low)

o Coughing, secretions, gagging, fighting , any resistance to breathing

o Comes off, air leak, valve left open

Sensitiviy- Hi/Low


IE ratio

Pressure support- helps inspiratory effort of patient

PEEP- high levels dec cardiac output

CPAP- keeps airway open

Flowby- allows the vent to deliver a preset amount of gases through area

Problems R/T positive pressure

Pneumothoraxo Pain, SOB, unequal expansion, no LS, SQ emphysema

Decreased Cardiac Output

o Dec LOC, dec UO, dec PP

Positive Water balance

o Inc BP & HR

o Retaining H2O

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Problems R/T Artificial ventilation

Inadequate ventilationo Tubing- patient disconnects/ bites on

o Bucking- not in sync with machine


o PEEP, Sighs, postural drainage


o Inc. RR

Tissue trauma


o Suctioning is very important , good oral hygiene

o Watch of S&S of infection (sputum culture, ATB)


o Position tubing so patient has room to move, stasis ulcers, GI bleed


o Dependence on the vent

o Sleep deprivation

o talk to patient about what you are doing and what is going on around them

Conditions to report

ETT displacement Resp distress

Abn ABGs

Chg sputum color or consistency

Patient/vent dysynchrony

Consistent high pressure alarms

Cuff leak

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Hypoxemia with suctioning


best timeo off pavulon

o AM, stable

o ABG’s stable, off PEEP

o Good inspiratory force


o Don’t sedate, well rested

o Communicate & teach

o Chech nutritional status

Values to watch for: H&H >8

Remember PCO2 50 may be good for some

Vital capacity – N 10-15ml/kg

Negative Inspiratory effort- N- 20-30

TV 7-9 ml/kg

Minute ventilation 6L/min

When to stop weaning

Pulmonaryo Retractions, use accessory musc

o RR>35, shallow breathing

o Inc SOB, cyanosis


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o P & BP +/- 20, arrhythmias

o Angina

o Diaphoresis


o Dec LOC, inc anxiety, agitation, exhaustion


Head and neck cancer interferes with breathing, eating, facial appearance, self image, speech and communication

Curable when treated early

80-90% are squamous cell

S&S and Tx

painless sore or mass tender

difficulty chewing, swallowing, or speaking


o Radiation, surg, or chemo


Initially, the mucosa is subjected to irritating substances becomes tougher Develops mucosal thickening- keratosis

Develops white, patch lesions (leukoplakia) or red, velvety patches ( erythroplasia)

Mets usually to lungs or liver


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Intrinsic = on vocal cords glottic area Extrinsic= elsewhere on larynx or sub or supraglottic area


tobacco and alcohol voice abuse

environmental exposure and poor oral hygiene

poor nutrition, GERD’s, human papillomavirus

Clinical manifestations

Intrinsic- hoarseness or difficulty speaking, pain Extrinsic- pain or burning when drinking hot or citrus fluids

Other- lump, color chg in mouth, lesions or sores, numb, chg in fit of dentures, sore throat, foul breath, anorexia, and wt loss

Diagnostic tests

Usual labs- CBC, PT, PTT, ect. X-rays


Direct or indirect laryngoscopy or panendoscopy(all areas)


radiation- small local area 80% cureo 5000-7500 rads, over 6 wks

o may be used in combo with surg.

o Voice may get worse but will improve, rest voice

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o Sore throat- gargle with saline or ice chips


o not usually used alone

o Mexate, Oncovin, Blemoxane, & Platinol


o Partial Laryngectomy

Limited to vocal cords

Retains normal airway and phonation

No difficulty swallowing

o Supraglottic Larynegectomy Horizontial or vertical

Extrinsic- preserves glottic valve inc pressure for coughing, lifting, and valsalve

Normal voice and airway, may have temp trach

o Hemilaryngectomy

Tumor extends beyond vocal cords, <1cm

Trach 10-14 d, voice rough, rasp. Cough

o Total Laryngectomy

Upper airway separated from pharynx and esophagus and permanent trach made

May need some radical neck

Done in stages for a laryngoplasty so patient can speak

Radical neck dissection

radical: removal of all tissue under skin from ramus of jaw to clavicle, cervical lymph, (sternocleidomastoid musc, int jug vein, and spinal access musc.)

Modified: preserves one or more of the nonlymph structures

May have reconstructive grafts with skin, muscle or bone

Larynx may be preserved

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Nursing Interventions

Pre-opo Eval breathing, swallowing, and nutritional status

o Good oral hygiene

o Emotional state and ways to communicate

o NPO, check allergies

o Elevate HOB, ck ability to swallow

o Surg may last up to 8 hrs

Post op

o VS q 2hrs unless unstable

o Patent airway, swallowing, suction (yankauer)

o May need vent support D/T smoking

o Ck wound, hemorrhage, neck edema, lymph leakage, drains (80-120cc)

o Watch for necrosis of skin flap

o Laryngectomhy trach tube is shorter and larger in diameter

o Avoid valsalva

Radical neck

Post opo LISTEN FOR STRIDOR over trachea with stethoscope


o If not trached have trach set in room, usually ET for 24hrs, humidified O2, use suction

o Watch for FREQ. SWALLOWING- hemorrhage

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o Drains: JP, 80-120cc 1st 24hrs

o Good Nutrition: FT or TPN or soft or blenderized

o Mouth care: no peroxide, use 8ox H2O with 1tsp baking soda (no oral temps)

o Eating: laryngectomy- 7-10days at least, then remind to belch: neck- nerve damage-soft food easier than liquids

o Laryngectomy- tube removed in 8-10 wks

Patent Airway

Semi fowlers Watch for restlessness

Watch for opioids depress resp


Gauze dsg over stoma



resp distress hemorrhage

pulm infection

salivary fistula

lymph of chylous fistula

facial edema and wound breakdown

Discharge teaching

how to clear airway and clean stoma care of laryngeal tube

good oral care to prevent halitosis and infection

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use of humidification

use of cloth over stoma

cover stoma with shower and shaving

good nutrition, thicken liquids first

dec taste and smell, improves later

discuss ways to communicate and fear suffocation

have recorded messages (police and Fire dept)

keep shoulders in norm position

do shoulder exercises, heat to shoulder

with radiation dec saliva

lie on unaffected side

do not lift more than 2#

medic alert tag

CPR mouth to stoma

Support groups and regular check ups