respiratory system questions and answers bios

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  • 7/22/2019 Respiratory System Questions and Answers Bios


    Respiratory System Questions and Answers

    1. What is the difference between respiration meaning gas exchange andcellular respiration?

    Respiration meaning gas exchange is the process in which an organism

    absorbs from the environment gases necessary for its cellular metabolism

    and expels gases that are products of this metabolism. Cellular respiration

    (aerobic or anaerobic) is the chemical reaction in which organic molecules

    are degraded to make ATP molecules, the main energy source for the

    metabolism.Gas exchange is fundamental for cellular respiration since the

    supplying of some reagents (oxygen, in aerobic cellular respiration) and the

    expelling of some products (e.g., carbon dioxide) of this chemical reaction

    depends on gas exchange.

    2. What is the chemical equation of the aerobic cellular respiration?

    The chemical equation of the aerobic cellular respiration is the

  • 7/22/2019 Respiratory System Questions and Answers Bios


    following:C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 36 ADP + 36 P --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 36 ATP

    3. Considering the chemical equation of the aerobic cellular respiration

    which molecules does the cell need and which molecules does it liberate in

    the process?

    Considering the chemical equation of the aerobic cellular respiration it is

    observed that glucose and molecular oxygen are needed as reagents and

    carbon dioxide and water are released. The process also spends ADP and

    phosphate that turn into ATP.

    4. What are the different types of gas exchange that occur in animals?

    In beings from the kingdom Animalia the gas exchange may occur either by

    diffusion, tracheal respiration, cutaneous respiration, branchial respiration

    or pulmonary respiration.

    5. Oxygen comes from the environment and carbon dioxide in the end

    returns to the environment. How do small animals solve the problem of

    taking away and bringing these molecules from/to their cells? Why isn't

    that solution possible for larger animals?

    Small animals whose tissues make direct contact or are very close to theenvironment, like cnidarians and poriferans, make gas exchange by

    diffusion.Larger animals with cells without direct contact with the

    environment or far from it need special gas transportation systems. In

    these animals the respiratory and the circulatory systems play this role.

    6. Beings from four phyla of the animal kingdom breath (do gas

    exchange) by diffusion. Which are those phyla? How is this type of

    respiration associated to features present in those animals?The phyla of the animal kingdom whose beings do gas exchange by

    diffusion are the poriferans, the cnidarians, the platyelminthes (flatworms)

    and the nematodes (roundworms). This type of respiration in these beings

    is possible because their tissues and cells are relatively close to the exterior.

  • 7/22/2019 Respiratory System Questions and Answers Bios


    7. Which animals make tracheal respiration? Is there a blood-like fluid that

    participates in this process?

    Insects and arachnids are the arthropod animals that make tracheal

    respiration. In the body surface of these animals there are many orifices

    called spiracles that communicate with small tubules, the tracheae, through

    which air penetrates and carbon dioxide is expelled. The tracheae ramify

    into tracheoles that reach all tissues of the animal.In the circulatory system

    of insects the blood only transports nutrients; gases are independently

    transported by the tracheal system.

    8. What is the difference between respiration by diffusion and cutaneous

    respiration? Does blood participate in cutaneous respiration?

    Cutaneous respiration is not as simple as diffusion. In diffusion the gases

    diffuse directly between the external environment and the cells. In

    cutaneous respiration molecular oxygen penetrates through the skin and it

    is collected by the blood circulation that then distributes the gas to the

    tissues. Carbon dioxide is also collected from the tissues by the blood and

    taken to the skin to be eliminated to the environment. So there is

    important participation of blood in cutaneous respiration.

    9. Which animals make cutaneous respiration?

    Terrestrial annelids and adult amphibians make cutaneous respiration (in

    amphibians there is also pulmonary respiration).The thin skin and the need

    for living in moist surrounds are typical features of these animals are.

    10. What are branchiae? What are examples of animals that breath

    through branchiae?

    Branchiae, also known as gills, are small portions of richly vascularizedtissues internal or external to the body and in direct contact with the

    surrounding water. The gills are organs that make gas exchange in aquatic

    annelids, crustaceans, fishes and amphibian larvae (e.g., tadpoles).

  • 7/22/2019 Respiratory System Questions and Answers Bios


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