retreat 2014

December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP 1 CONVERSION OF SINNERS AND RESTORATION OF BACKSLIDERS Luke 15:11-32,Acts 3:19, Jeremiah 3:22 How foolish is the child who leaves a tender mother and an affectionate father and ventures into a wild unforgiving and dangerous world alone? It is like a sheep that rejectsthe sheltering fold of the shepherd, forsaking green pastures and still waters, to roam over dry sandor gobleating in the forest among wolves in the midst of danger… how foolish a creature it proves itself! So is every sinner and the backslider who forsakes a throne of mercy for a dunghill! ...leaving gold for dross ... despising the blossoming of the roses of grace ... to shiver in frozen regions among the ice caves and bitter frosty snow of absence from the Lord's presence.It is not the Savior’s desire that one sinner or backslider be lost but that all might be saved. I. THE DECEPTION OF SIN AND DESCRIPTION OF BACKSLIDING Luke 15:11-14. Give me the part of goods that falleth to me - A desire to be independent of God.Sin kills men, grace revives men; so, like the prodigal, they that were dead are alive. But by this we see the sinfulness of sin, that it makes use of the law which was ordained to life, to condemn and pass sentence of death upon sinful men. That which was made to be our strength against sin is become the strength of sin (1 Corinthians 15:56). Death would be weak without its sting, which is sin, and sin would be weak without its strength, which is the law. So sinful is sin, exceedingly and beyond measure sinful, it works death by that which is good and which was ordained to life. Just as one sinner destroys much good, so does one sin; it is like a dead fly in a box of ointment Whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all' (James 2:10); for the nature of all sin is in every and any sin. We see seven examples of the deceitfulness of sin on the sinner. 1. Sin persuades us that such and such a thing is not a sin, though it looks like a sin. That was the bait Eve fell for. 2. Sin would persuade that what may be sin in another cannot be sin in you, because of your circumstance. It is one sin only, and this only once, says Sin. But if sin is good, why only 3. Sin consoles you that the evil was only committed once and so can be ignored. But when the Serpent's head is in, it is hard to keep out the whole body; one

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  • December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP


    How foolish is the child who leaves a tender mother and an affectionate father andventures into a wild unforgiving and dangerous world alone? It is like a sheep thatrejectsthe sheltering fold of the shepherd, forsaking green pastures and still waters,to roam over dry sandor gobleating in the forest among wolves in the midst ofdanger how foolish a creature it proves itself! So is every sinner and the backsliderwho forsakes a throne of mercy for a dunghill! ...leaving gold for dross ... despisingthe blossoming of the roses of grace ... to shiver in frozen regions among the icecaves and bitter frosty snow of absence from the Lord's presence.It is not the Saviorsdesire that one sinner or backslider be lost but that all might be saved.

    I. THE DECEPTION OF SIN AND DESCRIPTION OF BACKSLIDINGLuke 15:11-14. Give me the part of goods that falleth to me - A desire to beindependent of God.Sin kills men, grace revives men; so, like the prodigal, they thatwere dead are alive. But by this we see the sinfulness of sin, that it makes use of thelaw which was ordained to life, to condemn and pass sentence of death upon sinfulmen. That which was made to be our strength against sin is become the strength ofsin (1 Corinthians 15:56). Death would be weak without its sting, which is sin, and sinwould be weak without its strength, which is the law. So sinful is sin, exceedingly andbeyond measure sinful, it works death by that which is good and which was ordainedto life.Just as one sinner destroys much good, so does one sin; it is like a dead fly in a box ofointment Whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, he isguilty of all' (James 2:10); for the nature of all sin is in every and any sin. We seeseven examples of the deceitfulness of sin on the sinner.

    1. Sin persuades us that such and such a thing is not a sin, though it looks like asin. That was the bait Eve fell for.

    2. Sin would persuade that what may be sin in another cannot be sin in you,because of your circumstance. It is one sin only, and this only once, says Sin.But if sin is good, why only

    3. Sin consoles you that the evil was only committed once and so can be ignored.But when the Serpent's head is in, it is hard to keep out the whole body; one

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    2makes way for the other. A single sin is against the Almighty God who has setthe wages of sin as death! Romans 6:234. It is in secret and no-one will see it, says Sin. But this is a lie because every sin

    has at least two witnesses God and conscience know all the sins that man cancommit. Hebrews 4:13

    5. Sin promises gain, pleasure, honour and fame. But Sin's gain is loss. Thepleasures of sin are grievous, and its honours are disgraces and shame. AskAdam and Eve. Romans 6:2. Sin promises like a God but pays like a Devil.

    6. But you have only to repent, says Sin, and God will forgive you. But rememberthat he who promised forgiveness to them that repent has not promisedrepentance to them that sin.

    7. It is only your infirmity (weakness), says Sin. You cannot help it. But that whichis only an infirmity today may become a disease tomorrow, if not prevented.Once the will is engaged, it is past an infirmity and has become a sin.

    Sin is worse than death. Death is killing, but sin much more so. Death deprives ofnatural and temporal life, but sin deprives us of spiritual and eternal life. Death killsonly the body, but sin kills the soul and brings upon it a worse death than the firstdeath, that is, the second death. Men may kill us but only God can destroy us, that isdamn us, and he never does that except for sin. Thus sin is more killing than death iskilling.The word "backslide" literally means "turn back" or "turn away." (a) Turning fromGod. 1 Kings 11:9 (b) Turning from our first love. Revelations 2:4 (c) Turning from thegospel. Galatians 1:6, 7; 3:1-5 (d) Turning to Satan 1 Timothy 5:1 (e) Turning to evil.Psalm 125:5 (f) Turning to the world. 2 Timothy 4:10 (g) Turning aside, off-course,"like a deceitful bow. Jeremiah 14:7Backsliding occurs when the Christian is gradually led off from close walking with God,loses the lively sense of divine things, becomes too much attached to the world andtoo much occupied with secular concerns; until at length the keeping of the heart isneglected, prayer and the seeking of the Lord in private are omitted or slightlyperformed, zeal for the advancement of Christs kingdom is quenched, and manythings once rejected by a sensitive conscience are now indulged and defended.All this may take place and continue long before the person is aware of his danger, oracknowledges that there has been any serious departure from God. The 'forms of

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    3religion' may still be kept up, and 'open sin' avoided. But more commonly backslidersfall into some evil habits--they are evidently too much conformed to the world, andoften go too far in participating in the pleasures and amusements of the world.Scriptural metaphors for backsliding are:Trying to serve two masters. Matthew 6:24;Forsaking the Lord. 1 Chronicles 28:9; Jeremiah 15:6, 7; Going our own way.Jeremiah 8:6; Leaving our first love; unfaithfulness. Ezekiel 16, 23; Hosea 2 and 3;Revelation 2:4; Forgetting God. Jeremiah 18:15; Falling away(apostasia, Greek). 2Thessalonians 2:3; 2 Timothy 1:15; 2:17, 18; 4:10-16; Growing cold. Mathew 24:12;Revelation 3:16; Departing from the faith. 1 Timothy 4:1; Putting a hand to the plowand looking back.Luke 9:62; "Salt that has lost its savour." Matthew 5:13; "A dogreturning to his vomit." Proverbs 26:11; A dead branch. John 15:6; Hebrews 6:8; Adisease (for which only God has a cure). Isaiah 1:5, 6; Jeremiah 3:22; Hosea 14:4-7

    II. THE DOOM OF SINNERS AND THE DESTINY OF BACKSLIDERSLuke 15:14-16 The prodigal son went far from God (He took a journey into a farcountry): God was not in all his thoughts: And squandered away his substance - Allthe grace he had received.He began to be in want All his worldly pleasures failing,he grew conscious of his want of real good. Psalm 9:17. Whether a single wicked or anation, go has no respect for numbers when he judges sin. Hebrews 6:26-31`If, afterwe have received the knowledge of the truth,' after we have experimentally known it,'we sin wilfully,' -- which we have undoubtedly done, and that over and over, -- 'thereremaineth no other sacrifice for sin; but a certain looking for of judgment and fieryindignation, which shall devour the adversaries'. `It is impossible for those that wereonce enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers ofthe Holy Ghost, -- if they fall away,' `to renew them again unto repentance: Seeingthey crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.'Hebrews 6:4-6. To remain in sin or backslidden state is dangerous and damnable.God is angry with the wicked everyday Psalm 7:11.

    III. THE DAYSPRING OF CONVERSION AND DELIGHT OF RESTORATIONLuke 15:17-24. After a long stray away outside the Fathers love, the dayspring ofrepentance shone in his heart. To be converted is the recovery of a soul from a deadand lost condition; and then the angels rejoice (Luke 15:7-10). There is a kind of joy inhell among the devils when one who is converted sins and when sinners are notconverted: and so there is joy in heaven at the conversion of a sinner. Conversion is a

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    4resurrection from the dead. It is the standing miracle in the Church of Christ Jesus. Ittowers above all miracles that can be wrought in the life of any man.As vile as sin makes sinners and backsliders appear to God, yet His patience isexceedingly great, His goodness exceedingly rich, and His long-suffering exceedinglymarvelous, even such as to cause wonder! God entreats sinners, his enemies, to bereconciled 2Corinthians 5:20. Imagine the Father standing at a sinner's door andknocking Revelation 3:20. Only love unexplainable can make God wait on sinners tobe gracious to them Isaiah 30:18. Conversion begins, is carried on and is completed inthe hearts and thoughts of men Isaiah 55:7, Psalm 119:59. It begins there, for whilemen are dead in sins they do not consider or regard what is in their heart andthoughts. But when the grace of God comes in power, and they receive it in truth,they begin to think and consider, What shall we do to be saved?Four Internal Elements of True Conversion and Restoration

    1. Belief. Romans 10:14; Acts 16:31. A person needs to understand and agreewith some basic facts about Jesus. A personal belief in the reality of the personof Jesus. His tender love and compassion. His vicarious sacrifice to atone forour sins.

    2. Repentance. Luke 15:17-20a. Conversion involves more than simple agreementwith facts about Jesus. It means a change of mind and of direction. Repentanceis not the same as sorrow or remorse. It is a radical and undisputable rejectionof the way of sin and the pattern of life that leads to sin.

    3. Trust and Assurance of Forgiveness. Responding to Jesus also touches ouraffections. A converted person will begin to grasp on an emotional level thatGod loves them and has forgiven them.

    4. Commitment, Allegiance, and Devotion. Philippians 3:7, Galatians 3:20. As weencounter and get to know Jesus, we develop a determination to live for him inthe world. Following him becomes more important than any other call on ourlives.

    Hear the Fathers voice echo through the corridors of heaven as he beckons to youtoday: "Return unto Me, and I will return unto youReturn, ye backsliding children,and I will heal your backslidings Come, and let us return unto the Lord; for he hathtorn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up Break up yourfallow ground"... the Lord your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn awayhis face from you, if ye return unto him; for it is time to seek the Lord... If thou wilt

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    5return, O Israel, saith the Lord, return unto me (Malachi 3:7, Jeremiah 3:12-14, 22;Hosea 6:1, Hosea 10:12, 2 Chronicles 30:9; Jeremiah 4:1). Jesus died for the sinnersconversion and the backsliders restoration to full fellowship with God. Like theprodigal son made a decision, I will arise and go to my father, and will say untohim, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, And am no moreworthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose,and came to his father. Luke 15: 18-20. Every sinner needs to personally make achoice for Jesus. He still stands at the door and knocks. Why will you tarry when Jesusis calling?


    The Celestial City/ the Place: Heaven is a glorious place. It is the hope of every childof God. It is a Unique Palace of:

    Unbelievable wonders Unspeakable words Unfathomable worth Unparalleled worship Unequalled wellness (health) Unsurpassed warmth and welcomes Unmatched wealth Unsullied wears Unimaginable clement weather Unending jubilant wakefulness and walk

    The Citizens/the PeopleThe Citizens of this Celestial city and all those who have hope of habiting in this placepossess one unique feature, Holiness of Heart.

    And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoeverworketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book

    of life. Rev 21:27

    Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Matt 5:8

    Holiness of heart is an operation of the Spirit of God on those who are already inJesus, by which they are rendered increasingly holyliving to God, to righteousnessand to holiness. Dr. Adams Clarke, the great Methodist Commentator, once said:The whole design of God was to restore man to His image and raise him from theruins of his fall, in a word to make him perfect, to blot out all his sins, purify his souland fill him with holiness, so that no unholy temper, evil desire or impure affection orpassion shall lodge or have any being with him.

    Holiness of Heart is the Visa that qualifies us for heaven. If we spend years in collegesand schools to be informed and gainfully employed for our short life-span on thisphase, then it would be fool-hardy of us not to prepare for the long-lasting yearsbeyond earthly existence. As many that have this hope must purify themselves, even

  • December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP2as he is pure. Christ has not prepared a palace of gold for pigs of grime neither wouldhe wrap a row of wastes in robes of white?

    The world has gone crazy following things that are not real and many are losing theirheads to the polluted sites on the Net; discotheques, slangs of Hollywoods andNollywoods, and musical videos of superstars, to mention a few. The Heaven-boundSaint must not to blend with the trends or bend his convictions to the many fiendsof purity around, he must give himself to HolinessIt is woven with the pages of the scriptures. It is an inescapable truth of thescriptures. As we look at various lives in the scriptures and the commands of Hiswords, we are made to see how indispensable this experience is. If we must be trueto God and ourselves we cannot overlook this. It is God's expectation for our lives.This is no fluke. The practices of this age do not lessen the weight of this age-longcommand rather, makes it shine brighter and brighter.

    Whether you call it holiness, righteousness, purity or sanctification it boils down tothe same thing. Don't let these grand words put you off. You might have alwaysregarded it as something only the church leaders should seek. It is not so. Havingcalled us from sin, God also calls us to a new relationship that is sweet and gracious, afriendship that is special and glorious. This attains a pitch where all is totallyconsecrated to God and there is outward and inward purity. It is not something faroff that isn't attainable. It is God's delight to impart this nature, better still, His natureinto us.

    Little wonder, Enoch was translated, Noah was told 'come thou and all thy house intothe ark' and Abraham was told, 'I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thouperfect. (Gen 17:1) What do you think the Lord means by these?

    The Lord isn't done with you yet. He still wants to take you to greater heights. Launchyourself to a deeper relationship of righteousness that exceed that of the Pharisees.While God demands salvation from sinners He demands holiness of life frombelievers. This experience is not progressiveyou can't grow into it but you can growin it. It demands total consecration or yieldedness.

    Point 1 Call to Holiness of heartPoint 2 Consecration for Holiness of heartPoint 3 Continuity in Holiness of heart

  • December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP3Call and Challenge for Holiness of HeartConsecration and Commitment for Holiness of Heart

    Consistency and Continuity in Holiness for Heaven

    Compelling Challenge for Holiness of HeartComplete Consecration for Holiness of HeartChristians Continuity in Holiness for Heaven

    Point 11 Peter 1:15-16; 1 Thessalonians 4: 3, 4, 7; 5:23; Luke 1:75; Hebrews 12:14

    By calling us to Holiness of heart, the Lord is calling us to the following:

    1. Divine WillFor this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain fromfornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel insanctification and honour; 1 Thess. 4: 3, 4

    Holiness of heart is not optional, it is imperative. God is holy; His people mustbe holy outwardly and inwardly, in action as well as in thought and motives.This should be the greatest incentive for holiness in our lives. And it is possible!He who calls unto holiness is Himself the Sanctifier. Christ's high priestly prayerreveals God's will and purpose for the sanctification of the believers.

    2. Distinct Word of GodAs obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts inyour ignorance: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in allmanner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. 1Peter1:14-16

    I just want to take God's word literally. If he says it this way, I just I want tobelieve He means every bit of it. Without reading your own meaning to it, whatdo you think 'be ye holy for I am holy means?'

    3. Delicate Worth to have

    God wants us to be truly and thoroughly clean, with no lose hair hangingsomewhere. There is still more from Calvary for our total beauty. When youthink you're done, he reaches out and calls us back for a retouch. His own

  • December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP4touch goes beyond our outward frame. He reaches down into our core, ourhearts and purges it more.

    Christ does not just want someone that appears beautiful outwardly alone, hewants to present to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, orany such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Eph 5:25. Helooks through the covering of our frame and wants the motives to be pure,wants the intentions to clean, wants our work to be done wholeheartedly.

    4. Designed Way of lifeFollow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see theLord: Heb 12:14

    This is how he expects us to live. This is life at its normal shape and form.Anything below this is mal-functioning. It is expected because God himself hisholy, heaven is holy with holy angels.

    5. Dazzling WonderAnd the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, tolove the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thoumayest live. Deut 30:6

    We are familiar with circumcision of male children. What is 'circumcision of theheart?' It wasn't enough that the Israelites were out of Egypt. God did notstand back to say, 'yes my purpose has been achieved, I have delivered them.'He went ahead to say something like, Israel I am not done with you yet. I muststill get Egypt out of your heart. What a marvel, the foreskin of the heart canbe removed too.

    It is only rational that if you do not commit sin outwardly, you also abstainfrom it internally. Will the purpose of it not be defeated if man must bedefeated inwardly. Even our body he calls his temple. He doesn't want to dowithout any part of us. Where are you today? Are you living every moment ofthe day as fully as you can (internally pure)? What type of man is living withinyoua defeated, deformed or a depraved soul. Do you hide it in a smiling face,good works or in several activities?

    6. Dearing/ Daring WeaponThe effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16b

  • December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP5The weapon of prayer must be whet by righteousness to be effective.

    Remember Hezekiah approached God on this note. 'Then he turned his face tothe wall, and prayed unto the LORD, saying, I beseech thee, O LORD,remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfectheart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore.'2 Kings 20:2-3

    7. Dignifying Weight of powerBe ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Mat


    The greatest honour or weight of power we can have is to look like ourheavenly father. When a child bears the resemblance of his father, not justphysically but in good character, it is dignifying.

    8. Durable WearStand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on thebreastplate of righteousness Eph 6:14

    Our own self-righteous rags cannot cover us. Get this durable wear from theLord's store and be shielded from sin

    9. Divine WorkAnd the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your wholespirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our LordJesus Christ. 1Th 5:23

    Apart from our own stance in abstaining from all appearance of evil, thispassage tells us about the source of our Holiness. This experience must besustained throughout our lives in our actions, in thoughts, in feelings as well asin motives.

    10. Definite Work after the new birthHusbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gavehimself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of waterby the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not havingspot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and withoutblemish. Eph 5:25-27

  • December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP6It is not attained progressively by works, growth, struggle or suppression. It isan instantaneous experience obtained by faith in the sanctifying blood of Jesus

    Christ after we have consecrated (or set apart our lives to serve God) anddemonstrated deep thirst and hunger to be like Jesus Christ. We do not growinto Holiness but we grow in Holiness after initial experience.

    11. Daily WatchwordAnd an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way ofholiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: thewayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. Isa 35:8

    Live by holiness, Live in holiness, Live with holiness

    12. Deep WalkAnd when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram,and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thouperfect. Gen 17:1

    God is calling us to a deeper walk from internal struggles with base passions,worldly lusts and ugly tempers, self interest and criticism of those who do notshare our views, fear of men, worldly pleasures and enjoyment

    13. Desirable WealthFor God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.1Th 4:7

    Apart from the fact that it accords abundant life in Christ (John 10:10), Perfectlove that casts out fear (1 John 4:18), destruction of the old man(Romans 6:6)and the root of sin, perfect peace of God that passes understanding, full andabiding joy, fitness for heaven, the Christian life becomes an enjoyableexperience and not an enduring one.

    Also with this experience greater grace to function is accorded the believer.With the resulting Unity and oneness with other brethren (Ps 133:1-3; John17:20-23), the work of God prospers and greater things are achieved. Againthere is promptness and delight in doing God's will and it makes us love Godwith all your heart soul and might

  • December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP714. Double wash cure/Deep-seated washingOur lives can be beautiful inside out. One way of achieving this is to go to God

    for a deep seated cleansing. 'Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and yeshall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanseyou. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and Iwill take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart offlesh.' Eze. 36: 25, 26

    15. Deliberate weeding awaySanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God. Andye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the Lord which sanctify you. Lev20:7-8

    16. Delightsome Winning streakThis definite Christian experience plunges the believer into the profound depthof God's grace and liberates him to a boundless successful living.

    Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holyplace? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up hissoul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. Psa. 24:3, 4

    17. Dominant Wake-up call/Consideration

    18. Donated work of ChristWherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood,suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto him without thecamp, bearing his reproach. Heb 13:12, 13

    19. Doable Wish of God (Achievable, possible, attainable& feasible)Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultlessbefore the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. Jude 1:24

    20. De rigueur wreathSeeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of personsought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 2Peter 3:11

    21. Demanded Wedding garmentSo those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all asmany as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with

  • December Retreat 2014 DLCF CAMP8guests. And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a manwhich had not on a wedding garment: And he saith unto him, Friend, how

    camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.Matt 22:10-12

    Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of theLamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Rev. 19:7

    Point 2 Romans 12:1-2; 2 Timothy 2:19-21; Mat 5:6

    God's call to Holiness of heart should yield a resolute consecration and producepassionate desire and pursuit in every believer after this all-important experience.We must consecrate and be willing to obey and submit to God's will of Holiness.

    Real consecration makes us to put aside irrelevant things that can hinder us frombecoming what God wants us to be. Sincere consecration demands that we bringourselves before the Lord and lay everything on the altar. It transcends mere wishfulthinking, head knowledge, indulgence or complacency and surpasses every form ofSanctimony.

    We need to dethrone self and crush self will, we need to enthrone Christ and praythat God's will might be fulfilled in our lives. Christ has the power to wrought thisexperience in the heart of everyone that prays for it. If you can believe all things arepossible.

    Point 3

    Christian holiness is not optional but essential to the manifestation of God's glory in abeliever. Our commitment should be to hold fast and not let go Holiness of heart.Believers must endeavour to keep what they have. We must be Vigilant and watchful,abiding in Christ through Obedience (John 15:4); constantly resisting Satan and Livinga Consistent life of prayer. There is also the need to study the word of God and be inconstant fellowship with other children of God. (Hebrews 10: 25)

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    1POWER OVER TEMPTATION AND PATIENCE IN TRIALSJames 1:2-4; 12-15; 1Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 12:1-5

    All men experience temptations and trials in life. It is a common to laityand theirleaders as well as young and matured believers. No one is immune againsttemptation and trials for in that he himself (Christ) hath suffered being tempted...Believers must understand that as long as they put on this physical tabernacle,temptations and trials will come their way. But the Lord is very pitiful and of tendermercy, He had made adequate provision for believers to overcome temptations andtrials. God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye areable; but will with the temptation also make a way of escape that ye may be ableto bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13).Testimonies abound in the Scriptures and in our contemporary time of men andwomen who triumphed over temptations and patiently endured trials. For such andother believers, there await eternal reward. Blessed is the man that endurethtemptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lordhath promised to them that love him.Though Christians are faced with great challenges to deny and disobey the Lord, todoubt and distort the Lords Word and to derail and depart from the Lord, thepromised reward should be his focus as a pilgrim. let us run with patience therace that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endure the cross, despising the shame, andis set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that enduredsuch contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in yourminds (Hebrews 12:1-3).(1) POWER TO OVERCOME TEMPTERS AND TEMPTATIONSJames 1:13-15; Matthew 4:4-10; Psalm 119:11; 1 Peter 5:8,9; Ephesians 6:10-18Temptation is suggestion or enticement to do evil. To be tempted is not sinful butyielding to it brings defeat, sorrow, suffering and eternal punishment. The chief agentin temptation is Satan. He is the tempter, very subtle and tactical. He is behind everysubtle attempt to make believer fall from grace wherein they stand in Christ.The deviluses all means, people, things and circumstances available to him. He may tempt

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    2through the corruption of the human heart (Joshua 7:21), entice through the mindand the eye gate (Genesis 3:1-6), influence through the behaviour of evil companions(1Corinthians 15:33; Proverbs 22:24,25) or lead into temptation and sin through thecarelessness of others (2 Samuel 11:2-5). Very often, the tempter targets the areasand time of our peculiar weakness. The world, the flesh, an ungodly environment,evil association, self-indulgence, and an unbridled tongue always provide opportunityfor the tempter to tempt us. Temptation may come through a respected leader, likeJeremiah (Jeremiah 35:1-6), through influential woman, like Potiphars wife (Genesis39:7-15), through your own appetite, like Esau (Genesis 25:29-34) or through othersource. Victory is however sure if believers rely on the power of the Lord and utilizethe provision He made for him to overcome. To be triumphant over the tempter andhis temptation, believers should:

    i. Read the word of God; affirm it and practise it always.ii. Reject every temptation with the written Word (Matthew 4:4; Psalm 119:11).iii.Resist the devil (Matthew 4:10; James 4:7)iv. Renounce instantaneously any suggestion to sin.v. Remain watchful and prayerful (1 Peter 5:8,9)vi. Run from the tempter (Genesis 39:11) and never be presumptuous (1

    Corinthians 10:12)vii. Refrain from loneliness and idleness (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; 2 Samuel 11:1-5)viii. Remember to put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:11).ix. Renew his consecration dailyx. Rely completely on Gods grace.

    (2) PATIENCE IN TRIBULATIONS AND TRIALSJames 1:12; 5:7-11; 1 Peter 2:20; Romans 15:4; Hebrews 6:12-15; 10:36Christian trial or tribulation is simply an instance of challenges to test our faith in andlove for God. It is equally a common experience of all believers. Yea, and all that willlive godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). There are severalaccounts of trials of godly people in both the Old and New Testaments. The earlychurch believers experienced it. Therefore, when trial comes, do not count it astrange thing. Trial of faith from the Lord is for a specific purpose in our lives and it isnot as a result of sin (Job 1:8-12). Behind every trial of faith, there is a divinelydesigned purpose to be accomplished in the life of the afflicted believer. Ignorance of

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    3this purpose often makes people to grudge or murmur when being tried. Thepurpose of trial of faith may be:i. To refine and purge us in order to be a holy vessel unto the Lord (Mal 3:3).ii. To prove us and know what is in our hearts (2 Chronicles 32:31; Proverbs 17:3).iii. To make us fit for Heaven (James 1:12) by restraining us to the way of the

    cross.iv. To humble us and make us dependent only on His grace (2 Corinthians 12:7).v. To mature us and develop some spiritual qualities in us (1 Peter 1:7).

    Trials can be in various forms: persecution, reproach, tribulation (Acts 14:22),sickness, affliction, imprisonmentetc.Many are the afflictions of the righteous butthe Lord delivers them in all (Psalm 34:19).Trial of faith is not to break us but to mould us into Christs image.Our attitudes willdetermine the outcome of our trial. Patience is a key virtue needed to sail throughduring trials. The following suggestions are helpful in overcoming tribulation and trialof faith:

    i. Endure patiently (James 1:12; 5:11; 1 Peter 2:20).ii. Stand firm on your biblical conviction (Daniel 3:16-18)iii.Remain prayerful and always give thanks (Philippians 4:6; Romans 5:3), and

    pray for your persecutors (Luke 6:28).iv. Have faith in Gods ability to deliver (Daniel 3:17), and fear not (Matthew

    10:28).v. Be submissive to the will of God (Matthew 26:39).vi. Do good to your persecutors (Luke 6:27; Rom 12:20-21) and never retaliate

    (Rom 12:17).vii. Let your words be few (Ecclesiastes 5:2).viii. Continue serving the Lord faithfully in spite of your situation (Romans

    8:35; 12:11).ix. Whatever may be your situation, always remember that God will never leave

    you alone.

    (3) PROMISE FOR OVERCOMING TEMPTATIONS AND TRIALS1 Corinthians 10:13; Job 2:9,10; 13:15; 17:9; 42:10; James 5:7-11Whatever the temptation and trial confronting the believer, the Lord has promisedhim victory for there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man:but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able;

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    4but will with the temptation also make a way of escape that ye may be able to bearit. The life of Job should be an encouragement to believers of this age. He sufferedmany trials: lost all his children and material possession and was afflicted withsickness in his body. His friends unjustly accused him and strong temptation camefrom his wife to curse God and die. With all these, Job waited patiently for thedeliverance from the Lord, he overcame and retained his trust in God. Though heslay me, yet will I trust him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him (Job13:15).Ultimately, Jobs patience was rewarded: And the Lord turned the captivityof Job and the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10). Jamesidentifies Job as a classic example of patience as he admonished believers to waitpatiently for the promised mercy of God. Be patient therefore, brethren, unto thecoming of the LordTake, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in thename of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.Behold, wecount them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and haveseen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy (James5:7,10-11).Believers must be resolute in their decision to follow the Lord, be firm in theirconviction, unflagging in commitment and courageous in resisting temptation. God inHis faithfulness will grant victory in all areas.

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    1SAVING SINNERS FROM AN ETERNALLY BURNING HELLMark 9: 43-48; Isaiah 66: 24; 2Corinthians 5: 10, 11; Hebrews 3: 12-14

    The Almighty God is a God of love and has demonstrated the love through theoffering of His only begotten, Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary for the salvation ofhumanity from the doom coming upon the wicked and all who die in sin. (John 3: 16,Hebrews 9: 27). Every one that die as sinners are automatically condemned to theeternally burning hell and this is unequivocally confirmed by the scriptures Thewicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God, where thereworm dieth not the fire is NOT quenched. (Psalm 9: 17, Mark 9: 44). Our Lord andSavior Jesus Christ preached about Hell fire much more than Heaven so as toseriously warn humanity of the impending damnation and irreversibility of Hellsunending fiery suffering. Hell is a horrible place of eternal fiery, fearful and furioustorments. It was originally prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25: 41) asa place of eternal punishment for rebellion and wickedness but any man or womanthat chose satans lordship, serves him and eventually dies in that condition ofdisobedience, rebellion towards God and rejection of Christ will end up in the sameplace as the devil. The knowledge of Hell should compel every saint to take up theresponsibility of proclaiming the gospel of Christ which is able to save. Sequel tosalvation, the new converts (as well as the saints) must continue in the way ofholiness unto the end in order to escape the eternally burning hell (Hebrews 3: 12-14).1. THE REALITY OF AN ETERNAL BURNING HELL

    Matthew 10: 28; Luke 16: 19-28;Revelation 20: 13-15; 2Peter 2: 6; Daniel 12: 2;Isaiah 5:14, 24; 33:14; 34: 9,10; Revelation 21:8; Isaiah 66: 24; Jude 7.

    Hell is not a fantasy, a fairy tale nor a fable but a fact. It is a real place. It is capturedin the scriptures as a place of agonizing torment and everlasting punishment inunquenchable fire for the sinner (Mark 9: 43-48). Due to its frightful details, there arethose who merely explain away hell as just a biblical truth and nothing more thanthat justifying themselves that God is too loving to cast any one into such a place ofgruesome pain. The Holy Scriptures, however, clearly provides ample illustrations ofhell, as the indisputable abode of torment for sinners. Christ spent considerable timelending weight to the reality of hell. He warned repeatedly on the danger of hell. TheApostles also followed same pattern as the Lord Jesus Christ and never minimised thereality of hell (Romans 2:5-9; 2 Thessalonians 1: 8, 9; Hebrews 10: 26, 27; James3:5,6; 2Peter 2:4,9; Jude 7, 23; Matthew 3: 7-10). Even the old testaments prophets

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    2never took the reality of hell lightly (Psalm 9: 17, Isaiah 66: 24). The church of Godtoday cannot and must not to lower the emphasis and position on hell.When a sinner dies, his soul immediately proceeds to hell where, with fullconsciousness, he tastes the excruciating preliminary pain that hell offers. Theaccount of Lazarus and the rich man, best exemplifies the eternal, irreversiblepunishment awaiting the sinner in hell (Luke 16:23, 24). All erroneous doctrines aredebunked and dissolved (Doctrine of Purgatory, Doctrine of Annihilation).There is a way of escape from the eternal burning hell and that way is Jesus Christ,the redeemer.

    2. THE REDEMPTION AND ESCAPE FROM THE BURNING HELLJohn 3:16, 17; 14: 6; Acts 2: 38, 40, 4: 12, 17: 30, 31; Hebrews 2: 1-3; 1John 3: 8;Isaiah 55: 6, 7; Genesis 19: 17; Luke 12: 4-5; Matthew 1: 21; Ezekiel 18: 20, 21;Hebrews 3: 12 -14.

    From time immemorial God has always made a way for the penitent man to escapethe consummation of judgment with the wicked. God did not originally created hellfor man that He created in His own image so God right from the beginning hadprepared an atonement plan after the fall of man (Genesis 3: 15). The commandfrom the Lord to repent is inevitable for anyone that desires to escape the damnationof hell. Christs sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary procures redemption for thewhole human race. After redemption, one must abide in Christ and remain steadfastin the faith to the end in order to finally escape the eternal burning hell. Thiswonderful news of escape must be propagated by those that have been redeemed bythe precious blood of Jesus Christ and this task is becoming more urgent than everbecause many souls are dying every minute and going into hell. This exercise mustnot be handled with levity but with passionate burden to rescue the perishing worldaround us.

    3. THE RESPONSIBILITIESOF EVANGELISM AND ESTABLISHMENT BY BURDENEDHEARTSEzekiel 33: 7-9; 3:17; Daniel 12:3; Matthew 28: 19, 20; Ezekiel 3: 17; Mark 16: 15,16; 2 Corinthians 5: 11; Jude 22, 23; Romans 9: 1, 2, 10:1, 13-15; Genesis 19: 12-14; John 4: 32, 34, 9: 4; 2Timothy 4: 1, 2, 3-5.

    Every Christian has the responsibility of reaching out to all the souls around themwith the utmost goal of leading them to Christ and ensuring that they are properlyestablished in the truth so as to finally escape hells doom and damnation. The Lordhas charged us and made us watchmen and watchwomen over the souls in our

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    3locations, districts and groups and so we must arise and give it the urgency itdemands (John 9:4).This work must be carried out with passionate burden to see the sinners saved andrescued from destruction. This requires divine wisdom, thorough knowledge of thescriptures, exemplary living, fervent prayers, Holy Ghost baptism and watchfulness.The song writer charges us also with this classic rendition:

    Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying,Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;Weep oer the erring one, Lift up the fallen,Tell them of Jesus, the Mighty to save.

    In these last days may the Lord depend on us as His mouth piece to pronounce theHis saving words and depopulate those on their way to the suffering and torment ofthe eternally burning hell.


    Mark 16:15-20; Acts 1:8; John 3:1-7; 4:5-29Personal evangelism is the person-to-person sharing of the gospel of Christ

    with sinners with the aim of leading them to salvation. The primary purpose ofChrist coming into the world was to die for the salvation of man (John 3:14-18; 1Timothy 1:15). He came to seek and to save the lost. He could not allow any otherthing to becloud His vision of saving the lost. He came for that purpose and diedfor it (John 6:15; 19:37; 1 John 3:8). Christ preached to great multitudes whocame from many regions to hear him (Luke 15:2; Matthew 4:23-25). He also usedthe personal evangelism strategy to reach individuals and families. He useddifferent approaches to reach different people. (1) With Nicodemus Christ used adirect approach: Ye must be born again (John 3:1-7). (2) With the Samaritanwoman, He used an indirect approach: Give me to drink (John 4:5-7). (3) Withthe woman caught in adultery by the Scribes and Pharisees, He used a situationalapproach (John 8:2-11). He applied the same approach with the informants whotold Him of the Galilaeans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans weresinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you,Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13:1-3). Jesusreached out to His twelve disciples whom He called apostles through personalevangelism (John 1:29-51; Matthew 4:19-22; Luke 6:13).

    For a local church to grow, the members must go and preach the Wordright where the sinners are. Many sinners do not go to church, therefore, thechurch must go out to meet them where they are: in their houses, offices, townor village square, civic centres, playgrounds, hospitals, prisons, schools andmarketplaces (Acts 20:20; 17:16-31; 16:20-34). No other business should thrill theheart of a New Testament believer than personal evangelism. Winning the lost isa task that must be done; failure to carry it out carries great consequences.

    1. CONSEQUENCES OF NEGLECTING PERSONAL EVANGELISMJohn 3:16-18, 36; Ezekiel 3:17-21; 18:4; 33:1-16; Romans 1:14-16; Matthew10:32,33; John 4:35-38; 9:4; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31.Sinners cannot get saved without the preaching of the gospel. It is the soulwinners duty to preach to them. The implication of neglecting personal

  • evangelism includes (1) the loss and waste of ripened harvest, (2)requirement of sinners blood from negligent soul winners (Ezekiel 3:17-21;33:1-16), (3) Christ being ashamed of Christians that neglect to witness(Mark 8:38), (4) loss of soul winners reward (Daniel 12:3; Proverbs 11:30),(5) spiritual decline and stunted growth of the local churches, and (6) delayin answer to prayer. The consequences of neglecting personal evangelismon the part of the sinners, the soul winners and church are so great. Everybeliever must therefore wake up to this great responsibility. We must riseup to renew our first love for Christ (Revelation 2:1-5).

    2. COMPELLING NECESSITY OF PERSONAL EVANGELISM1 Corinthians 9:16; Jeremiah 20:9; Matthew 9:36; John 9:4; Acts 4:20; 18:5;20:22-24; Ezekiel 3:17-21; 2 Corinthians 5:11a; John 4:35; Romans 9:3; 10:1;1 Corinthians 9:22; Psalm 90:12; Mark 5:18-20.Personal evangelism is a compelling necessity for every believer. It is notthe will of God that anyone should perish: He wants all men to be saved.The Lord Jesus Christ was not only involved in personal evangelism but alsosent out His disciples to do so. They were to preach to every creatureeverywhere. Paul the apostle said, For though I preach the gospel, I havenothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if Ipreach not the gospel! (1 Corinthians 9:16). To him, souls are morevaluable than any other thing in the world.

    It is an obligation for every believer to personally bear witness of Christ andthe task is urgent in view of (i) shortness of time, (ii) the brevity of life(Psalm 90:12; John 9:27-29), (iii) reality of eternal judgment of the lost(Psalm 9:17), and (iv) the need for believers to be free from the blood of allmen (Ezekiel 3:17-21; 33:1-16). Concern for our loved ones, members ofour families, tribesmen, friends, co-workers and neighbours requires us towitness to them (Romans 9:3; 10:1). The vastness of the harvest field that iswaiting for labourers should compel us to assist before they are wasted.

    3. COMMITMENT NEEDED FOR PERSONAL EVANGELISMIsaiah 6:5-8; John 9:4; Luke 4:43; John 18:37; 1 Corinthians 9:16; Acts 4:13-20; 19:15-19; 20:20-24; Romans 1:14-16; 2 Timothy 2:3, 4; Psalm 126:5, 6; 1Corinthians 15:58.

  • Commitment is an act of devoting oneself entirely to a given cause until thegoal is achieved. Personal evangelism requires individual commitment. OurLord Jesus Christ was personally committed to it. He said, I must work theworks of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no mancan work (John 9:4). Believers must be determined to preach to all men tillthe end of their lives on earth. In spite of trials, hardship and afflictions, asoul winner must never give up.

    Every spiritual effort must be made in order to sustain the zeal and fire forpersonal evangelism. This could be done through constant praying, yieldingto the promptings of the Spirit to preach, regular reading of literature andlistening to messages on evangelism, making deliberate plan to preach thegospel every day, and maintaining the freshness of the Spirit (Acts 8:23,24;1 Timothy 4:13; Romans 10:17; Acts 17:17).




    FaithClinic6.30 -

    8.00 Am



    BibleTeaching10.45 -12.15pm




    EveningMessage5.45 - 7.15





    18 Are You Ready For His Return?PossessingHeavensSupply ForEveryHour



    PrayerThatPrevailsAnd FaithThatNeverFails

    ConversionsOf SinnersAndRestorationOfBacksliders

    ConstantReadinessFor ChristsGloriousComing

    BibleStudy I

    UnwaveringCommitmentTo PersonalEvangelism

    PowerOverTemptationAndPatience InTrials

    MakingThe WordWorkMightilyIn Us



    Faith ThatPerseveresUntilChristComes

    Holiness OfHeart ForHeaven-BoundSaints

    The EarthlyAnd EternalRewards OfFaithfulness

    BibleStudy II

    SavingSinners FromAn EternallyBurning Hell

    Night Of Special Miracles


    21Day Of Special Miracles Are You Prepared For TheRapture?