return of the knight part 2

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  • 7/31/2019 Return of the Knight Part 2



    The slummed down streets are littered with trash and walls

    painted with graffiti. Gothams homeless scurry the street

    sleeping in beds of newspapers and kept warm by dumpster fires.

    An unassuming car pulls up to the sidewalk. A scruffy man

    wearing a heavy jacket and toboggan socked on his head gets out

    of the drivers seat while an attractive brunette in her mid

    twenties steps out of the passenger side. She wears a heavy

    jacket and carries a briefcase.

    They quickly make their way inside a rundown garage.


    Two men greet them at the garages entrance. JEROME is a firmlybuilt black man holding an automatic rifle and ROSS an equally

    built white male with two pistols holstered at his side.

    Jerome: Arms up.

    The attractive girl and her driver hold up their arms as Ross

    searches them.

    Ross: Theyre clean.

    Jerome: Follow me.

    The attractive woman and her driver lower their arms and follow

    Jerome through the garage passing my two black car tarps. They

    enter through a door into an office.


    Inside the rundown office a Russian man in his mid forties

    SOLOMON sits at a desk covered with neat stacks of 100 dollar


    Jerome: Theyre here.

    Solomon: Ah, good bring them in.

    The attractive girl and driver enter the office.

    Solomon: Nice to see you again. I take it your boss found my

    proposal appealing?

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  • 7/31/2019 Return of the Knight Part 2


    Barbara: Wheres the payment?

    Solomon still studying the cocaine.

    Solomon laughs: Impatient darling arent you. I have your


    Solomon grabs two stacks of the hundred dollar bills on this

    desk and tosses them at her. Barbara examines the stacks and

    looks back at Solomon.

    Barbara: This is only twenty. I told you fifty.


    Harper: This could get interesting.

    Bullock speaks into a head set.

    Bullock: Be on standby Captain.

    The Captains voice comes back over the headset.

    Captain: Copy that


    Solomon: You take twenty and tell Azrael, or whatever your

    bosses name is, that he disrespects me with his petty business.

    Barbara: We had a deal.

    Solomon pulls a gun from his desk drawer pointing it a Barbara.

    Solomon: Solomon Torres nor the Penguin will tolerate such

    amateur status! If he wants a name tell him to find the Penguin

    and ask him himself!

    Solomon moves the gun away from Barbara toward her driver and

    pulls the trigger BANG! Barbara screams as the scruffy man falls

    to the floor dead.


    Bullock speaks into his headset

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    Bullock: Shots fired officer down! Captain you are free to

    engage repeat free to engage!


    Barbara in tears is knelt down beside her driver.

    Solomon tosses all his money into the briefcase with the drugs.

    Solomon: Its time to go. The girl comes with us.

    Jerome grabs Barbara by the arm jerking her to her feet. She

    lands a punch to Jeromes face knocking him back. Before she can

    land another Ross knocks her to the ground with a punch and then

    jerks her up.

    Solomon grabs the woozy Barbara by the neck.

    Solomon: If you want to live I suggest you keep your hands to


    They exit the office into the open garage.


    They walk toward the two black car tarps and pull them back to

    reveal two black Audi ABT 8s.

    Barbara: Yeah you wont attract any attention

    Solomon and Ross get in car 1 while Jerome and Barbara enter car

    2. The cars engines roar as they crank up.

    The front garage door explodes open sending dust and debris

    everywhere. SWAT files in with guns pointed directly at the two


    SWAT member 1: Freeze! Dont move!

    SWAT member 2: Turn off the car and step out with your hands

    above your head.

    INT: CAR 1

    Solomon: Please take care of our guest.

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    Ross smiles pulling a detonator from his jacket then presses it.

    CUT TO:

    The garage floor begins to explode segment by segment taking out

    most of the SWAT team.

    The two cars squeal tires as they speed out of the garage before

    being caught in the explosion.


    Bullock kicks open the vans doors as they watch the cars speed

    out of the garage.

    Bullock: This just became as hostage situation.

    Bullock reaches for his com

    Bullock: Solomon has Barbara has a hostage. Two black cars

    traveling south on Aiken Street, requesting back up!

    Harper notices several SWAT members stirring from the explosion.

    Harper: Were gonna need an ambulance too.

    Bullock: Call it in. Im going after Barbara.

    Harper: Got it

    Bullock hops in the van and speeds off.


    An officer franticly enters.

    Officer: Commissioner we have a situation.

    Gordon: Can you elaborate?

    Officer: Its Barbara she was compromised. Shes now in a

    hostage situation.

    Gordon face feels with the fear of a father. He gets to his feet

    and bolts past the officer into the hall.


    Gordon: Wheres she at?

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    The officer quickly follows behind the nervous father.

    Officer: Were currently tracking two black cars headed out of

    the city. Road blocks are being set up as we speak.

    Gordon: Have my car ready.

    Officer: Thats not going to work sir.

    Gordon abruptly stops turning to face the officer

    Gordon: Say that again.

    Officer: The two cars have been clocked in excess of 120 miles

    per hour. If youre going to catch it youre gonna need your

    other car.

    Gordon thinks for a moment

    Gordon: Get choppers in the air and patrollers to do the best

    they can. Have the tech team get that car ready.


    The two black sports cars speed through traffic weaving in and

    out around cars. From behind, led by Bullocks surveillance van,

    a plethora red and blue lights chase after.

    They approach an intersection with the light being red.


    Bullock speaks into his radio.

    Bullock: This is our chance. The intersection should slow them



    Solomon: Does the phrase threading the needle mean anything to


    Ross smiles and shifts the gear stick and punches the gas.


    Barbaras face feels with dread as she realizes they are going

    through the intersection.

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    Barbara: Youre boss is gonna kill us all.

    Jerome gives Barbara a menacing look and then shifts the gear

    stick punching the gas


    The two cars approach as a semi-truck is passing through. Car 1

    J breaks squealing tires pivoting around the trucks back tires

    making it through to the other side. Car 2 J breaks turning to

    the side drifting under the trucks trailer.

    The wave of police cars attempt to make it through the

    intersection but many of the cars are t-boned and wreck.

    Bullock stands on the street amongst the massive wrecks.

    Bullock speaking into com: Pursuit halted at the intersection

    of 5th and Main from multiple motor vehicle accident. Requesting

    back up, suspects continuing south toward Gotham Bridge.


    The black silhouette of BATMAN is crouched on the roofs edge.

    He hears Bullocks transmission through the police scanner built

    into his cowl.

    Batman stands from his crouched position and soars off the



    Gordon enters to several mechanics and technicians surrounding a

    sleek stealthy looking car. The car resembles the body of Sting

    Ray Corvette with black and white colors and GCPD on both doors.

    Gordon: Are we ready?

    Technician: Yes sir Commissioner.

    The technician opens the car door and Gordon gets in.

    Technician: Good luck sir.


    Gordons stealth police car burns rubber down the street.

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    An internal computer system comes alive displaying a large map

    of Gotham.

    Gordon: Barbara Gordon

    Computer: Locating Barbara Gordon.

    Barbaras ID appears on screen as the map zooms into a signal


    Computer: Barbara Gordon located traveling south bound Sanders

    Avenue. Unregistered Black 2012 Audi AVT 8. One hundred twenty

    eight miles per hour. Estimated time of arrival seven minutes.

    Plotting course.

    The screen flashes a GPS schematic.


    Gordons stealth car makes an abrupt turn onto a side street

    speeding off.


    A barrier of police cars block the length of the road with

    gunman ready.

    A cop speaks into his com.

    Cop: Roadblock is in position at the freeway entrance. No way

    theyre getting through here.


    Solomon smiles has he hears the transmission through his com and

    then speaks into it.

    Solomon: You copy that?


    A henchman on the roof answers back.

    Henchman: Loud and clear. Were in position.

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    The henchman turns to face several more henchmen who begin

    unpacking bazookas.

    Henchman: Its show time.

    The henchman walks to the roofs edge over looking the



    The two sports cars approach the massive roadblock.


    Barbara: So whats your plan for this one?

    Jerome smiles: Just wait and see.


    Gordons stealth car finally catches a visual of the two sports



    Gordon: Ive got a visual on the cars is anyone in the area?

    Voice from com: SWAT II Unit ETA 2 minutes.


    The roadblock police notice the sports cars are not slowing


    Cop: Shoot tires only. We dont know which car the hostage is


    As he finishes the statement a massive explosion hits the

    roadblock followed by another and another.


    The henchmen prepare to reload the bazooka but a sword stabs one

    of them through the heart. The other henchmen look up to see

    half a dozen League of Shadows members.

    Henchman: What the

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    He reaches for his gun but the henchmen are no match for the

    elite martial art skills of the Shadows. The rooftop is quickly

    littered with their dead bodies.


    The two sports cars speed through the battered roadblock onto

    the freeway.


    Jerome smiling: Impressed?

    Barbara does not respond as she lands a glaring look back.


    Gordon speaking into com: Medical team needed at road blocksight. They had the drop and hit us with some kind of long range

    missile fire. Im continuing pursuit!


    Solomon looks in the rear view mirror.

    Solomon: Were home free now!

    He then notices Gordons car passes through the fiery debris.

    Solomon: Theres always one that just wont quit.

    He grabs his com

    Solomon: Bridge team weve got one car we cant shake. Light

    him up when we come by.


    Gordons car closes in on the two sports cars.


    Gordon sticks his gun out the window and attempts to aim but is

    unable to get a clear shot. Frustrated he reaches for his com.

    Gordon: Wheres by backup?!

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    Voice from the com: Weve got a chopper team headed for the


    Gordon: Hurry up because Im not firing at my daughter.


    A group of henchmen, carrying sniper rifles, position themselves

    upon the puzzle of steel and cables.


    The two sports cars dip and dodge through traffic with the

    bridges overpass in their sites.


    From the opposite side of the bridge the TUMBLER speeds head ontowards the sports cars.


    Batman manipulates a key pad that scans the bridges overpass

    revealing outlines of the henchmens bodies.

    Batman: Dozen henchmen on the bridge overpass with rifles.

    An Arabian voice comes over the com: Moving in now.


    From behind the henchmen a group of Shadows led by Ras Al Ghul

    close in.


    Solomon speaking into com: Were at the bridge. Light up that



    The snipers fire several shots hitting Gordons car blowing out

    the windshield causing it to swerve.

    From behind Al Ghul rams his sword through the sniper followed

    by slicing through another. As before the Shadows make quick

    work of the henchmen.

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    As Car 1 passes over the bridge one of the henchmen lands on the

    cars windshield. Ross tries to maintain control but crashes

    into the concrete barrier.


    Barbara uses the distraction landing a strong punch to Jeromes

    throat disorienting him. He fights back with a punch that she

    dodges and slams his head against the stirring wheel causing the

    car to crash against the concrete barrier.


    Ross and Solomon crawl out of the mangled car. Ross unholsters

    his guns searching the area. He turns around to meet Batman faceto face. Batman lands a punch to his gut and then slams him into

    the car. Solomon attempts to run but Batman entangles his legs,

    with a grapple gun, dropping him to the ground.

    CUT TO:

    Jerome makes his way out of the car wiping the broken glass from

    his cloths. From behind Barbara grabs his arm twisting it behind

    him pushing him against the car.

    Barbara: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say

    Jerome: Youre a cop?

    Barbara: Undercover to be exact. Now shut up.

    Jerome reverse head butts Barbara busting her nose. He turns to

    land a punch. BANG a gun goes off and Jerome reaches for his leg

    where he was shot.

    Barbara turns to see her terrified father lower his pistol. She

    turns back toward Jerome lying on the ground in pain.

    Jerome: My leg!

    Barbara wipes the blood from her nose and lands a strong kick to

    his side.

    Barbara: Now its your ribs.

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    Gordon runs over to Barbara embracing her with a large hug.

    Gordon: Are you ok?

    Barbara: Im fine.

    CUT TO:

    Solomon slowly makes his way back to his feet. Al Ghul walks

    over landing a punch to his face knocking him to his knees.

    Solomon: Who are you?

    Ras: A messenger of justice.

    Al Ghul raises his sword and swings it towards Solomons head

    but it is blocked by Batmans spike wrist brace.

    Batman: He lives. He may have answers.


    Several police helicopters shine lights over the wrecked sports

    cars as the second unit SWAT team arrives. There is no sign of

    Batman or Ras al Ghul.


    Cobblepot sits in a chair stirring a cup of tea.

    Cobblepot: Are you sure it was him?

    Bane: He had help from Ras al Ghul and the League of Shadows.

    They have Solomon in custody.

    Cobblepot: Ah quite a homecoming for you with the League

    arriving. I see Lazarus Pit was kind to Ras and Bruce Wayne. As

    far as Solomon hes nothing more than I little worker ant

    waiting to be squashed.

    Bane: Shall I kill the Batman?

    Cobblepot stands from his seat walking over to refreshment table.

    Cobblepot: In time. I still have use for his services. A Bruce

    Wayne appearance could be just the attraction for the campaign


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    Bane: The police are running slow. We only suffered causalities

    from the League.

    Cobblepot places a sugar cube in his cup.

    Cobblepot: They will break soon. Batman cannot save them now it

    would take years to replenish their force especially with the

    bomb Grange is about to drop on them.


    Gordon: Youre cutting the budget! Do have any idea how many

    men well have to lay off?

    Grange: If your men could keep atleast half the cities

    buildings upright we wouldnt have this problem not to mention

    the amount of cops killed on the job. Personally Im tired ofconsoling widows and cashing in life insurance policies.

    Gordon: Gotham wont have anything standing if half the force

    is kicked to the streets. How long do you think before they

    become desperate, and we start posting their pictures on most

    wanted ads?

    Grange: Dont give me that Jim. The Batman came back. Just

    piggy back off his cape for awhile.

    Gordon: Thats what got us into the mess. We stood by and lethim do all the work. Youre taking away any chance we have at

    taking this city back.

    Grange: I suggest you watch your tone or the title Commissioner

    will be replaced with door man. Just be glad Im starting at the

    bottom of the food chain and working my way up. No one is

    irreplaceable and it would do you some good to remember that.


    Bruce sits at the large computer console. Solomons police fileis on screen. Alfred walks up carrying a tray of food with an

    envelope. Alfred sets down the tray and takes a look at the


    Alfred: I presume this is Gothams newest monster of evil?

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    Wayne: Hes nobody. Just some of drug runner. Probably working

    with Cobblepot.

    Bruce turns toward the tray taking a sip of orange juice.

    Alfred picks up the envelope

    Alfred: While were on the subject of Mr. Cobblepot it appears

    he is requesting your presence.

    Bruce opens the envelope scanning the card inside.

    Wayne: Its an invitation to his campaign party.

    Alfred: He wants to mend old fences?

    Wayne smiles: I dont think so but there is a plus one.

    Alfred: If youre asking Master Wayne I will need to check my

    schedule first.


    Gordon stands amongst nearly 100 of Gothams finest. Guilt and

    sadness pour from his face.

    Gordon: Its been an honor serving with all of you but Gothams

    hard times show no predigest. It is to my deepest regret that

    you have all been let go. Mayor Grange is making budget cuts andunfortunately you are those cuts.

    Hate, anger, and shock feel the crowd of faces staring at Gordon.

    Gordon: Turn in your badges and firearms. You have to the end

    of the day to clean out your lockers.

    The sound of chairs scooting feels the room as the stunned men

    and women stand and begin turning in their gear on a table.

    One by one Gordon looks each man in the eye with remorse.

    Bullock tosses his gun on the table and pulls his badge from his


    Bullock: Fifteen years Jim and Im a budget cut, a formality.

    Gordon: Its nothing personal Harvey and you know that.

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    Bullock: Maybe you know but I dont know what I believe


    Bullock tosses his badge amongst the pile.


    Amongst the traffic a GCPD car drives down the street.


    Barbara, from the passenger seat, has a shocked expression on

    her face.

    Barbara: Half the force?

    Gordon in the drivers seat still has a guilty remorseful face.

    Gordon: one hundred and seven

    Barbara: Can he really do that?

    Gordon: Hes the mayor; he can do anything he wants.

    Barbara: How about we hand him a gun and see how long he lasts

    in a shootout.

    Gordon: Id like to see him in a shootout but leave out the


    Barbara: Ive gotta get back on the job.

    Gordon quickly counters: Youre not getting back on anything

    right now.

    Barbara snaps back: Im fine. Im not dead and I was never in

    danger of dying. If half the force just got the ax I cant sit

    around to wait on a white coat, thats never fired a gun, to

    clear me.

    Gordon: You were in a hostage situation and very much in danger

    of dying. Protocol is one month off duty. Im not talking to you

    as your father but as the police commissioner and I say no duty

    or Ill have you turn in that badge with the rest.

    Barbara stares at her father for a moment: Their right.

    Gordon: Whos right?

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    Barbara: Everyone--people have been talking for weeks how

    youve changed. That Grange is turning you into his pawn. The

    Commissioner Gordon I know, my father, would never put his men

    out on the street.

    Gordon: Its complicated.

    Barbara: Grange is paving the way for Oswald Cobblepots

    Gotham. Hes ridding the city of anyone who has a voice that can

    be heard.

    Barbara looks out the car window at the beautiful skyline.

    Barbara: We always said this was Gothams dark times, but

    pretty soon well call it the good ole days.


    Barbara waits beside a lit up bat signal painting the sky. After

    a moment she becomes impatient cutting off the light.

    Barbara: Well do it the hard way.


    Batman kneels on the edge overlooking Gothams street.

    Barbara: I guess youre not answering to lights in the sky


    Batman turns to see Barbara behind him on the rooftop.

    Batman: How did you find me?

    Barbara holds up emissions meter.

    Barbara: Using this

    Barbara begins walking closer.

    Barbara (Continued): After you made your tumbler tech available

    to my father I realized they share the same exhaust pattern.

    Since theyre the only two in Gotham I set this emissions meter

    to track it brining me straight to you. Dont worry I havent

    passed it around the lunch table yet.

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    Batman holds out his hand. Barbara places the device in his

    hand. He takes a closer look.

    Batman: Pretty high tech for a street cop--

    Barbara: I resent that.

    Batman snaps the device in half and hands back to Barbara.

    Batman: but I like my privacy.

    Barbara: Or competition.

    Batman: Why did you come here?

    Barbara: Its my father.

    Batman: Commissioner Gordon has always asked for what he


    Barbara: This is different. Grange is forcing him to destroy

    everything he worked so hard to build. My father has been

    nothing but a saint to Gotham but hes being made the enemy.

    Batman: It comes with the territory. Enduring as the outcast

    living to fight another day can be a hard lesson to learn.

    Barbara: Maybe so but thats not a lesson he should have to


    Batman: What are you really here for Barbara?

    Barbara: Let me fight with you.

    Batman: You holding a badge shows you already do.

    Barbara: The force no longer respects my father. Grange forced

    him to lay off half the cops in Gotham. Hes alone.

    Batman: Then stand with him. My path will gain you nothing.

    Barbara: How can you say that? After everything youve been

    through with my father and this city. Gothams hope is branded

    in you. It runs through your veins.

    Batman: Gothams hope rest with people like your father. Poison

    is all that runs through my veins.

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    Outside Gothams finest hotel a valet parking service greet men

    dressed in tuxes and women in beautiful night dresses as they

    exit their cars.

    A sleek black Lamborghini Murcielago drives up. Bruce Wayne

    sporting a tailor made tuxedo steps out. Emerging from the

    passenger door is a gorgeous woman PAMELA ISLEY with dark red

    hair wearing a fitted green tinted dress.

    Pamela wraps her arm around Bruces to be ushered in. Bruce

    hands the valet driver his keys. In turn the driver hands Bruce

    a ticket.

    Valet driver: Your ticket.

    Wayne: Thank you

    Flash bulbs pepper Bruce and Pamela as they pass by a media

    crowd surrounding the entrance.

    Reporters quickly ambush Bruce with questions. Whats your

    opinion of Oswald Cobblepot? Do you feel betrayed? Did you agree

    to the name change? What are you plans?

    Bruce and Pamela reach the buildings entrance. Bruce turns

    toward the crowd.

    Wayne: Im simply here as a tax paying citizen interested

    seeing what kind of party Gothams money can buy. Thank you for

    your interest. Enjoy your evening.

    The two turn and enter the lobby.


    Wayne: Sorry about that.

    Isely smiles: A lot of work just to get a picture with me.

    Bruce smiles and continues escorting Pamela.


    The million dollar penthouse lives up to its reputation. The

    room is made up of Gothams finest citizens in tuxes and dinner

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    gowns sharing Hors doeuvres. A large window allows a breath

    taking view of Gothams skyline. At the rooms front, red carpet

    steps on each side lead up to a stone platform looking out

    amongst the crowd.

    Amongst the crowd a stunning VIKKI VALE wearing a beautifulblack night gown has Cobblepot attention.

    Vale: Last month Gothams unemployment rate was the highest its

    been in nearly three decades. How can you create more jobs and

    opportunities for the people?

    Cobblepot: First I think you should review the number

    representing the amount of employees quitting and leaving

    Gotham. Oswald Enterprise and myself can rebuild Gotham

    providing more industry, allowing our resources to be home grown

    versus imported.

    Vale: If elected Mayor can Oswald Enterprise sustain increased

    expansion and revenue with your attention having to be divided?

    Cobblepot: Of course, it would be a mere balancing act. I have

    surrounded myself with an experienced trustworthy board. My

    first priority will be this cities health and bringing it back

    to promise.

    Vale: Has it occurred to you that taking a step back and

    placing a company of this magnitude in the hands of a board is

    ultimately what caused the demise of Wayne Enterprise?

    Cobblepot clenches his jaw at the boldness of the question.

    Cobblepot: My dear make no mistake Bruce Wayne and I come from

    a much different pedigree. The company Mr. Wayne and Lucius Fox

    ran is a mere shadow to what Oswald Enterprise is and will


    Vale: Strong words Mr. Cobblepot. For one I hope that is the

    case. Gotham is in dire need of--

    CUT TO:

    Elevator door opens Wayne and Isely step off.

    Vales eye goes right to Wayne.

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    Vale: --Bruce Wayne

    Cobblepot, annoyed, turns to see a crowd beginning to form

    around Wayne and his guest. When he turns back toward Vale she

    has already made a dash toward the crowd. Cobblepot exhales a

    frustrated sigh.

    Vale walks up to the crowd of people greeting Wayne.

    Vale: Well Well back from the dead I see.

    Wayne smiles: Something like that.

    Vale: Time for a few questions? Like where have you been the

    past month?

    Wayne: Not now Ms. Vale possibly another time.

    Cobblepot walks up playing a fake smile, sticks out his hand.

    Cobblepot: Bruce Wayne, extremely happy you could make it.

    Bruce shakes his hand. Cobblepot takes his place beside Bruce

    posing with a handshake as several cameras go off.

    After several moments the ushers escort the photographers away.

    The two men relax the pose.

    Wayne: Ive been doing some reading. I see the company has beenexpanding.

    Cobblepot: Amazing what happens when you put a little water on

    a dead plant. Ms. Isely of all people should know that.

    Isely smiles: You could say that.

    Bruce has a puzzled look.

    Cobblepot: Ms. Isely was recently named project leader for a

    little project in Costa Rica Oswald Enterprise is funding. Their

    rainforest have several native plants with rare mutations that

    have the ability to produce stem cell like tendencies.

    Isely: Were hoping to bring Dr. Albert Michaels from S.T.A.R.

    labs on board. He has several contacts with the FDA that could

    speed up our research.

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    Wayne: (sarcastically) Harvesting stem cells from trees instead

    of embryos, I guess your company really can solve all the

    worlds problems. Hope you solve Gothams just as easy.

    Cobblepot jaws tighten at Bruces cheap shot.

    Cobblepot: Please enjoy your evening Bruce, Mrs. Isely.

    Cobblepot walks away.

    Isely: Only Bruce Wayne would insult one of the worlds most

    powerful men at his own party.

    Wayne: You left out the part about being Oswalds senior plant


    Isely: I prefer to keep my personal and professional lives in

    separate conversations.

    Wayne: What would you like to drink?

    Isely smiles: Surprise me.

    As Bruce works his way through the crowd, from behind, a voice

    calls out his name. He turns to see the Sue Wade.

    Wayne: Excuse me.

    Wade: It is a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Wayne.

    Bruce gently shakes Wades hand.

    Wayne: I dont believe Ive had the pleasure Ms.

    Wade: Wade, Sue Wade, Mr. Cobblepots personal assistant.

    Wayne: As his assistant Im sure you wont take credit for

    organizing this event so Ill be the first to say job well done.

    Wade expresses a confident smile: Thank you Mr. Wayne I would

    like to say it is an honor meeting someone with your stature. I

    hope there are no hard feelings with the company transition.

    Wayne: I wouldnt be here if there were.

    Wade: Your reputation precedes you Mr. Wayne. I hope that one

    day we can consider ourselves partners in the business world.

    Enjoy your evening.

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    Wade slowly turns walking away holding Bruces gaze an extra

    moment. Temporarily Bruce is mesmerized by her beauty until a

    loud voice comes over the speakers.

    CUT TO:

    Mayor Grange stands at the podium atop the stone platform.

    Grange: Good evening, I would first like to thank Mr. Cobblepot

    for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful night. I would

    like to take this moment to reflect back on the many changes

    that have occurred during my four years as Gothams mayor. I

    have amended twelve policies allowing for better roads, cleaner

    air, and industrial expansion. Gothams economic growth

    continued to steadily incline two percent annually. Over six

    thousand jobs were created after introducing industries such as

    Wingate Energies, Ace Chemicals, and S.T.A.R. Labs. Over the

    past months it has become evident that Gotham has fallen on

    difficult times. As this unexpected fall began the pressure of

    re-election began to mount. Will the people give me the

    opportunity to save their city? Do I even want to serve a second

    term? So many questions without answers. However a day came when

    I realized those questions had an answer. The answer was Oswald

    Cobblepot. As a politician defeat is never an option, but

    moments do arise when we have to look at the man in the mirror

    and realize change is needed. Speaking from a man that has

    looked in that mirror I am officially removing my name for the

    candidacy of mayor. Though my name is off the ballot my passion

    and love for this city is eternal. And with that eternal passion

    I am putting my full support into, Gothams new hero, Oswald


    The room erupts in ovation as Cobblepot steps to the podium.

    Cobblepot: Tonight I stand before not as someone in a political

    campaign but as a citizen of our beautiful city. Its undeniable

    Gotham is in need of a resurrection. Partly I place that on us.We placed our cities security in the hands of a masked

    vigilante. At the time turning to him was our greatest asset. It

    brought comfort and peace to our streets, but now we are

    searching. Searching for someone to turn to. Im asking this

    city to turn to me. I will make a convenient to restore Gotham

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    to what it was always destined to be. The greatest city on


    Once again the room erupts in ovation.

    CUT TO:

    Bruce, stone faced, takes a sip from his glass. He spots Jim

    Gordon on the outside balcony. Bruce leans into Pamela.

    Wayne: Ill be right back.

    Bruce makes his way through the applauding crowd toward the



    Gordon stands against the rail gazing upon the skyline. Bruce

    steps up to the rail several feet away from Gordon.

    Wayne: Quite a speech.

    Gordon: Seems to have everyones attention.

    Wayne: Couldnt keep Barbara out of your footsteps?

    Gordon: She got into Harvard and Yale but traded a career with

    numbers and fortune for gun powder and Kevlarbut I guess you

    can relate.

    Wayne: Not everyone is meant for the simple life.

    Gordon: Nine years, nine years of sleepless nights and

    considering every possibility under the sun. In those years I

    never once considered the billionaire superpower of Bruce Wayne

    as the masked guardian risking his life every night for a city

    breeding the corrupt.

    Wayne: It needed to be done. There is still good in Gotham.

    There is still a chance to save this city.

    Gordon: I once believed that too but Grange is riding my can

    destroying the police force hanging the blame on me. This

    Cobblepot guy already has too much power with no one to

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    regulate. Once he becomes Mayor there will be nothing stopping

    him from cleaning out Gotham.

    Wayne: Thats why were still here. Cobblepot controls all of

    Gothams crime. Hes uses Oswald Enterprise as his cover for all

    their moves.

    Gordon: He must be the Penguin.

    Wayne: The Penguin?

    Gordon: Weve gotten lucky on a few phone taps and someone

    called the Penguin has been mentioned several times. No ID right

    now but it would be the perfect cover for Cobblepot.

    Wayne: Ill look into it. Anyone else?

    Gordon: Someone called Bane. Basically a killing machine thats

    tearing through our SWAT teams, and before you ask we havent

    been able to ID him either.

    Gordon hands Bruce an electronic tablet displaying Banes


    Wayne: Could be Cobblepots man for the underground. Put a face

    with crime and it keeps Oswald off the suspect list.

    Gordon: Whats your plan?

    Wayne: We wait. He likes spectacle and an audience. Hell get

    careless and we take him down.

    Gordon: He better get careless fast or itll only be me and you


    Bruces pocket vibrates. He pulls out the phone Ras gave him

    with message across the screen. Swisher Tunnel

    Gordon turns to look at Bruce but no one is standing there.

    Gordon: Some things never change.