rev, a. wallace, d. d., editor. ocean grove, n. j ... · rev, a. wallace, d. d., editor. ocean...

REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST. 26 , 1893 . VOL, XIX. No, 34 . Rest in the Lord- ; . •l ’suiin 37:7.' . UY JlEV. CIJAS. COLLIN'S, D. D. When tbi-seil upon tlio wUvcs of lifo, . • Exposed to conflicts, storms and'strlfo— Beneath the rod; ilow sweet to.know thoro Js-reteaso ; . . . Through grace, a sure, abidiug pcaee ; ' ’Tis r'ost In God. . Say, Is there not sqrno pleasant doll, , •Or, sea side spoti whero Burgos sw ells Or, mountain crest? Somo place from tho obscurod, . Whero ouo may so, nnd bo assured— Of real rest* . . t ' ! All no ;~our lifo, wo must confess, : Liko Israeli a tho w IWemcss — . .A tollsomo w ay; ? ’ " 1 'T is trials, hardships. dou|)ts and fears, A pilgrim journey through tho years - Amid dismay.} ' Such thlugs are wromlsed ;r-palns and woes,. Soro tribulations,—earthly foes—. - Is the decree Hut Christ? life-giving words control, " You shall iind rest ulito your s o u l• Comb, Mlearn,' . Just as the babe, on mother's breast, Lies calmly,—lunoebnt iu rest,• - . So may it bo,— . That I, this rest, shall surely find, . A rest from.sin,—and peace of mind,— . .0 Lord, lu Theo; . * . Asduiiv P ame, N. J., Aug. 17, 1833. • Opening Sermon of Camp-Meeting, Bishop Walden. Expounds a Great Text— God's Universe Tributary to the People who Loce JJim—Facty Philosoyhy and Experience Confirm the Benign Arrange- ment—A Helpful JDiscoiitsc and Highly :' l .Appreciated. . . . ( . Bishop Walden's text for tbo opening sermon of the Ocean Grove Camp Meet- ing was Romuris 8:28, “ And .wo know that all things work .together for good to them that love God.” The Bishop, Preferring to tliis wonder- fully- comprehensive chapter likened it to a high niountnln, from which the most ex- pa nsivo outlook may bo enjoyed in rela- tion to Charistian doctrine, experience and life. It teaches regeneration, and makes, this the prelude and promise of our resur- rection aud immortallife. Ile.ulsa dwelt on tlie witness of the Spirit, and the possi* • billties of complete salvation. ' The text, although it. does notteach the doctrine of. special or particular provi- dence, os is generally supposed, yet. sug- gests something of tho kind. Elsewhere : this truth is.very clearly announced in the gospel. This passage rather'.uufolds tho blessed fact* that God. discriminates in favor of them that lovo him, and has put this into .tho constitution of his moral government. It is so unfortunate that all'do not love God. Tho great 'provision is suited only to a limited clas 9. • Ills mercy is toward . ull. He is no respectorof persons, yet the divine order is that it Is,'and always'shall bo well with the righteous—his children. Tho discrimination is based ou.character. Tho great business of is to build •character for eternity. “AU things”—riot me.roly spiritual, in : tellectual or social things in life’s environ- ment, but.even the secular, turn to the advantages of the good. We .ourselves make our surroundings. • Chooso tho love of God, and . let this be an Indwolllng principle, and even life’s bitterest adver- sities are sweetened and sanctified. Tho whole.universe stands'in relation to man, to shape and regulate hia relation to GO|l. "All are yours” if'ye are Christ's—forests, liowers, fruits, and all tho possibilities >of toil. The beauties of nature aro. all |Iho gifts of our Father. .* > The speaker dwelt on tho correlation ni . t forces, to illustrate the truth that all the vital-forces embodied in Christ como a reality In our .experience, nnd the Immoveable foundation of our faith. .Hmy easily all this financial disturbance could be settled by public confidence. The want of It is ruinous in the social and business world, We expect somo things to worjt together for our good; but God’s ipterpre- Notation is “nil things,”—not man’s measure here, but the divine; and It takes In not only the present but the future. Can your faith grasp'what relates to time nnd etdr- nlty2 Gain God’s favor, and this will prove the key to every possible good to tho soul immortal, gifted with tho strango power to lovo—to love God In the shadows .’ as well as In the light of-prosperity.. - If you are not in harmony with this.di- vine arrangement, get the baptism of love at this Camp-meeting. Take hold of His hand to-day. The harvest is not always hero, but a good deal of it is hero. Read over again the rich and glowing chapter— “no condemnation,” at peace with God, heirs with Christ, and oh I tho'inheritance beyond, and the path shining brighter and brighter to the perfect day. . , Now, God intends all this (or you. May tiio number who shall turn to Him, arid, enter His kingdom bo multiplied iriore aud more 1 Do you want to love Ood, and carry the happy consciousness tliat God loves you? Vou may find it here; for now is tho accented time and behold, this is tho day of Salvation. In closing, the bishop let out what he called a "cabinet secret.” This was in re- lation to Dr. Stokes’s appointment at the lust session of tho New Jersey conference to; the presidency of tlie'Ocean Grove Camp-meeting.. It iS a great work. The* fire and power of this meeting in years past has."reached even to the.Mississippi valley. May the Lord continue to bless Ocean Grove, this meeting may his power uritO salvation be manifested in tlie way a Western sister prayed at the revival where .lie Was'converted: “ OLord, con-* vict sinners; convert mourners; reclaim blacksliders, and sanctify believers!” Mystery of. Human Suffering. SKETCH OK SKltMON-HY.' HEV. DU. JOHN IIAN'DliliV, OCIiAN OHOVE AUDITOUIUM, , SUNDAY EVENINO, a Co. 20, 18U3- Text—“ I’or which cause we fAlnt not;'but though the outward man perish, yot tho inward tnan Is reuowed day-by day.”—2d Cor. <1:10;. No.greaier mystery.surrounds us in life than tliat of suffering.. It is as easy to escupo the eye of God as to avoid'nfillc- tion. “ Man is born to trouble .as tlie sparks fly upward.” This means that per- plexity, distress, disappointment, sickness and bereavement are common to all; The origin of suffering is not In God, but In sin and its author; for had man mit fallen,'trouble and death would have re- mained unknown. . • The effect of suffering bn the Christian is depicted in my text. It / destroys tho outward—tho physical man, ‘yet renews and builds up the inner man. Christianity does not lessen, lighten; or sweeten nfilic- tlon, but gives us grocato endure it. He who spared not His own Son, in Gethsem- nne, will not.spare Us. It is trouble, and not time, existence and work, that makes us old and infirm.- We expect to live and work in eternity,-and never grow old.. It is trouble_and distress that dim the eye, pale the cheek,-.weaken the body, bend the form, lessen the elasticity, nud alacrity, and buoyancy of earlier life, aud-as ullMc-. tion destroys tho physical muu, so it de- stroys tho inward man of the unconverted. It hardens his nature, embitters his char- acter, makes him sbur and sarcastic lu dis- position. Ho becomes morbidly sensitive and suspicious, ho loses confidence In him- sielf, in man, and In God, arid ofteu it causes; him to lmte God,: and become-a suicide, aii act' no Christian, oyer perpe- trated^ ' , Through suffering the Christian is built up, riot because alliiction is elevating, but because he looks not tit the things that are seen, but at the things which aro not seen, takes all things as sent of God for his good, and submits loyally as Jesus did, believing that “ out of the eater shall come .forth meat, und out of tlio strong sweetness.” So trouble shall build him up daily. As the worm must die to "produce the butter- fly, so trouble destroys tho low, to bring out tho noble, as the rainbow ut Niagara is tho result of the sun shining on tho shattered spray. So God shines upon the shattered.and broken iieart to;. As the deluge and storm curried the ark of Noah nearer to heaven, so n fillet Ion IIfts us the heart of God.. As tho clouds are transformed by the sunlight Into golden islands Of- sublimity, so at evenirig time it shall bo light. The pillar of cloud becomes a plllar.of fire.. The Christian deifies life, ./or God uses the things which-Satan brought into being to destroy us, to build us up, making us perfect through suffering! There Is not a saint in heaven who. did riot get thoro through great tribulation. Suffering in- creases the spirit of man and makes him brave and strong iike Joshun; ^Fiery trials give to him, as to 'Daniel, an excellent spirit.. By.theu^lifc grows In grace and"In tho Christian character;, for tribulation workoth patience, experience, hope, sweet- ness of disposition, enlightenment of mind, strength of character, and tho spirit of fortitude are the resuilt of suffering for Jesus. In this way tho momentary aflllc- .tion, almost breaking tho heart, works for Us eternal glory. The vltui forces of life —Impulses, sensations, imagination,.emo- tions and inclinations aro-mollified and sanctified by afilfction. ; Christianity does not destroy, but renews them.. Emotional religion Is God’s plan for warming the heart, nud the. shout and amen aro always In order whon they spring spontaneously from tho heart. David In the midst of dbsperato struggles gave iis tho 23d Psalm. ■Tho speaker In ar glowing* peroration closed with a description;.'of a student’s Struggle and years of toil to perfectly master and interpret Heethoveu's magnifi- cent sonata, taking her.listeners from one step of sublime harmony-to another, until both she and they’ realized that tho sub- limity of. conception and execution given out in that hour Were more than worth the agony, and conflict she hud 'gone tlirough to. work out the Master’s meaning. ‘So the Divine plaudit will moro than compensate for struggles here to ‘attain the highest excellence of. Christian-character.'' ' . Ths Annual Camp-moating. “ We como now ” says Dr. Stokes,; in a receut address printed for free circulation, and every word of which all the people should read*—“ Wo come now to tho great crowning event of tho. season—the camp- meeting. . This, because the greatest, should be the grandest. To inuka .ft so, We need united effort arid the . blessing , of God.” . ; .. ’ 0 HBAT n t AYlilt M K BTINO.;. As preliminary to tho opening. Sacra- mental Service, au hour- was designated for public united prayer on Monday, Au- gust 21, at 10 UO. When tho 9 a . m. ser- vices closed in Tabernacle and Temple, the people poured into the seats of the Auditorium, imd. at tlio tap of the bell, the Doctor, In tlio most informal way, opened tho meeting .by-reading appropriate pass - ages frain the Book of Books arid starting the hymni “ Sweet Hour of Prayer.” .s *■ ' PKNTKCOSST ItEPEATEfJ. One of.the quaint songs Zlou says, “ While they all were praying, the power it cumo dowu/’.uud “ the very same pow- er” touched a thousand hearts ou Monday. They prayed in battuliops, sang devotional stanzas at intervals, and tiiere wa9 no dis- tinction between Greek or Jew, male or female, until forty peopio within oue hour had. poured out supplication and. prayer, for the manifested presence und power of God'the Holy Spirit throughout'the en- suing days of preaching, exhortation, experience, persuasion-and “united effort” to bring Unsaved souls'to Christ, . . . ALL ONE IN IIIM. . Drs. Loomis, Hanlon, A. M. Palmer, G. Hughes, L. It. Dunn, and a dozen others on the platform, Called on tho Lord God of Elijah, for descending fire, and from every part of tho congregation the' voico' of "pleading was heard. A; number of those who took part..voluntarily were of other denominations.. There was a suffi- ciently marked peculiarity lu manner and verbiage to designate tlie devout Baptist, or Presbyterian, the Reformed, . Lutheran, or Episcopalian minister, but everyone seemed to know God, the Father of lights, Christ, the Saviour, arid especially tho blessed Iloiy Ghost; for the burden of .every soul was : .. " Como, Holy Ghost; for thoo we call. Spirit of buruihg coim.- '.’! The Opting Sacrament, 4i Never in nil my life,” snld a minister of fifty years experience, “ have I seen the like of this,” He looked out on a gather- ing last Monday evening of three 6 r four thousurid.Obristian'people In devout atti: tiuio waiting to celebrate the Lord’s Slip-, per, with about ono hundred ordained ministers, embracing four or five different denominations, ready, to administer the embleuis of bread aud wine, in remem- brance of. Christ’s dying love. Tlie aisles had all been cleared of .chairs, pur.gen- tleriienly Auditorium ushers were In their respective places, and after a tender hymn prayer was offered by Dr. Wm.'Butler, tho founder of Methodist missionsin India and. Mexico. Around tlie “ table” decently sprwid Iti tho chancel gathered. Drs. Stokes, Ballard, Hcisler, Spoy, Jiichanlson, G ,H ughes and S. M. Frost with Bishop AVaklen,- for the consecration sorvico. At. tho same time seventy ministers,; leaving the plat- form, all knelt in a semi circle around tbe altar, and a profound solemnity fell on all presnt while the ritual service led by the bishop made vivid tho ; sci3ues of calvary, with th'e institution and object of the holy Eiicharist Bishop Walden handed to his associates the bread and wine, arid partaking, they served tlio other clergy, who returned to the platform and In companies of eiglit at ytlm e served, the people as they approach- ed the altar, until over, fifteen hundred' thus honored Christ... • Toward the last Prof. Sweeny led liis choir of fifty to tho altar,. sluglug of ’the “ Evdrlasting Arms.” ; Dr. Stokes claimed tho privilege to serve his " right arm ” the choir, Bishop Walden and Dr. Butler; jolued him, and it. was a picture for gaz- ing angles, while all hearts melted, under tbe touching powor of “Calvory’sstream ” which all realized was“ flowing.” . JJev. C. H. Yatman addressed the audi- ence after tlip' bishop closed up in ritual form, and tiiere were three .burdened hearts found willing to abandon sin and trust in Jesus . . . . . Mnqy .of the - minister .4 . who ofllclnted were personally unknown to -its, as Were also tho large number who preferred to sit in the crowded audience, and who com- muned When the people did; but we were enabled to jot down tho following.mimes: Drs Wm Butler, A II. Ferguson; F-nyi- cisco Pesaturo, Vincenzo litiyl, of Italy ; Christopher, : Mead, Jones, Edmunds, Lawrence, Clark, Browning, McAnney arid Miller, >few York. ’■'.* ' . . G W DuAgan, Wallace 'dcMuIleri, J G Wilson, E C Adamson, R S.DeBow, I R Merrill, J Y Ashton, W ' J Paxson, Wm Barn ford, E E Burr iss, B T String, S Barnes, X Frauie, S JI Hoover, S W Geh- rett, T Mutciiler, W C. Best, John Thom- son, \Y C Robinson, A N. 311 li Ison, J E Grauley, II ■ Wiiinna,- S T Ivemble, J J Timanus, A Johnson, H W M i 11 Ison and D.H Bowen, PhihulelpliiiL -.. The New Jersey ministers were It J Andrews,. Dr Hanlon, J T- Tucker, C I) Fisher, A Swift, J Hundley, Chaplain Gilmore, W P C Strickland, J Moore, J Gas^ill, A J Gregory, Gascoyne, J It Van- klrk, Willis Reeves, C Sickler, S Parsons, I N Vunsant, A M Palmer, C H Yatman, O L Barker, Jas Burns, It N Aylesworth,' Fred Bloom,» J W Ryder, J Boyd Brady, Wm Franklin, M.Relyea, L R Dunn. Rev Mr Clayton, pf Genessce, Dr Frost, Central Pennsylvania, Dr J R Wright; Washington, D. C, D r. Munhall and. Rev Mr ' Yost, Evangelists 1 Naylor, and 'J Jones and A J Myers. Of the Washington Conference we noticed the following: Rev T B Hunter, J D C Hanna, I L Wood, J H (^ulgg and W E England. . ' . • • . ' To ibis list about fifty more names were added, in the attendance on’Tuesdny morn- ing,'while Bishop Walden delivered the opening sermon of the Camp-meeting, and the list is growing larger every day. Annual. Camp-Meeting. UUCONI) DAY’S. SEICVIC.KS. The. deep and all pervading interest which prevailed around the Auditorium ou Monday evening during! nnd after the Imposing sacrauientnl services, formed a fitting prelude^o the regular program taken- up on Tuesday morn log, and which’ wo notice elsewhere. ; \ Bishop \Vaiden had a magnificent o*vn- tion, in-the audience before which lie stood for the first time as a preacher of the everlasting gospel. . His sermon, a synop- sis o t which will be found iu another column, was one of eotnprehensive sweep, masterly analysis, and cogent nj)plication. He is one of those “ Chief ministers,'- who aims more at solid effect on tile heart and conscience, than “ glittering.generali- ties,” and his stirring words gave the right kind of impulse-to tho great purpose of the meeting, even the salvation of immor: tal souls. ' . * HEV, W; I*. C. STllICKLAND. • ; It was not merely on account of frater- nal courtesy and personal regard that the presiding elder of New.Brunswick Uh- trict’was appointed, to follow the Bishop lust Wednesday iu the order of preachirig- service, but to keep tip and intensify what- ever spiritual tone uiight be prevailirig in the congregation, anil turn it to the befet account: The object wus- gained. Rev. Mr..Strickland had a portion for siilnt and sinner In the* teuchlug of his; grand te.%t —Ileb. 0: 17,. IS, 11)^“ W herein CJod, will- ing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise-thd; immutability of. his couusel confirmed It by an oath: That by two immutable things iu Which it was im- possible for God to lie, we might liave ft strong consolatlou, who have fled. for ref*, uge to lay. hold upoii tlio hope set beforo us; which hope we have as au- anchor- of the soul, both, sure and- steadfast,, .and which''eiiteretli Into.that within the vail.” Here was a broad field for eNposltlou,' and 'several-of-the noblest to))ic3 In salva- tion’s divlnp plan, for direct application. The sermoa -was- lucid throughout, earn - estly delivered, aud its geueral effect heightened .bythe hearty-.responses of tho congregation. -- The preacher brought into requisition some practical knowledge of navigation when he hnd occasion to ex* piain.hope,.as an anchor of tho soul, - Ilia illustrations word vivid and the perora* tion powerful. " N“ E v a n g e lis t Isaac. Naylor' followed In exhortation, and the service was crowned with remarkable power and blessing^ Ti.E EVENING' SEUM^N. A better conceived, or.more effectively delivered discourse iliun that of Dr.'James. Jlooro,’ on Tuesday evening, ono rarely listens to. The text was that pjirt of tlie message tr>-tlie church in Sardis—Rev; 3: ■l,.whicli declares “ Tht»u hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled tlieir garments; and they shall walk witli mo .in white; for they are. worthy,M • Sardis, historically, was described; The Church planted there, in Its promise and sad failures to-malntaln the spiritual life referred;.to, witli .the distinguished few, who amid defection and great.corruption were, stead fast in purity arid followers of their.Lord. The pith of the sermon turned on the question in regard to nn ex emplury religious life. ‘‘•Will it pay tc» become a C h r i s t i a n .. . * Is It-possible nowadays to live out the Sernion bn the Mount?. With all human tendencies swayed by. natural depravity and attraeted'downward by example, who can resist tho.- tldo ? Map, ihe preacher showed, although fallen and very far from God,, is: born under the atonement, has has adequate help offered to rise. Light shines on his- path way,, and- motive, high as.heaven,-meets him at every turn. . It is possiblo to be saved. Tiiere is God-giyen power to control life’s circumstances, ratner than be controlled by them, Make everything bend to be a C hristian,Put this above everything else.: Mtike -duty « supreme delight.; : - ' # What foois men ara who trifle with their fiod, and the eternity to which’ they are going! Consider tliis; ye that forget God and heaven. Oh look Up to the recoin pense of• reward. ‘The; righteous shall shiue its. the sun . “ They shall; walk ..with mo In white,” ' Evangelist Naylpr took tlie audience In hand again on Tuesday night, arid soon the lovers of tin old-fashioned revival meeting were delighted with the scene of penl- tent, praying, cold nnd lukewarm ’Chris- tians seeking restoring favor and X'race, and believers keenly .sensible of their soul’s great need, pleading for the .baptism of power.- It was an interesting hour, for at the altar of consecratJori, wrestllug like Ji\cob with: the angel, it.tuigtit be sal.d of one and . a n o th e r,H e blessed him, there,” ' - •' Camp-Meeting Sermons. . , • ; • T il IIU> DAY’S r u E AC I U N ti. So far, It is conceded, no Camp-meeting at Ocean Grove has eVen started under piore encouraging auspices that that of A u g u s t ISO:). The great majority of vis itlng ministers, it is'too true, hold aloof from direct contact with careless sinners ; but workers arc not \yautiti^ when the ex- Igencies arise. . The threc.serhions. of. Wednesday were all stirring,., encouraging and helpful. That of.iiie forenoon by: UEV, 1)It. 1!cts It ,fo 11 NS'rtX Was cogent in argument, ulllueut in- illus - tration, arid convincing In appeal.' 'Tliis able preacher came to ua.froin the metro/ politan, .Washington City;. Before assum- ing his present Important pastorate, he stood Iu the front rank of Canudinn ^leth- odism, und from the excellent sense nud judgment he .displayed In his subject, manner and doctrine, and not. less so in tlie matter of brevity, we do not Avonder that he Is esteemed ns a model preacher. The text was John ‘ ;>:li. “ We speak that we di) know and testify to that we have seen;” / . ;; . . ' Ours,.said the speaker, is riot a spejcnla- tive, liut U’ positive religiou. Wo have such a realization of its power that we; too, may take up the. words of. the text. We speak wiiat w'e do know. of Chrls. tlnnlty as;u‘historic statement. This book of Christianltyis a wonderful book; .won. derful* In Its age,.in its utterances. ..The The brilliant poetry of David, tlie dazzling, metaphors of John, the high;reasonlug of; Paul/ It was written by thirty-five dilTer- erit men, yet when Iwougiit together it forms one book, the unity of which proves that it.has 'prie author., i t is tho Book of Books.' " .. .' : • ■ ; . • V ThO doctor - brought forth many proofs showing that the Bible is reliable, that wo liave- not only the old but also.tho new testament as;it was written. .Every link in the chain was complete ; there Is not a book In- the woald.-the .authenticity .'of which Is better proved , tiian that of Holy Writ.* • • ' ■He defied any m antov iind.ft passage, of Scripture contradicllng the -latest facts of science. The Bible says the earth is round when the scholars of tbp.Ayorld held other opinions. - This book rests upon a rock of adamant. It retains -its place arid.poWea while old systems of thought aud religlflti are.being overthrown.. ■ *' . - No matter how far you -havo gone lu unbelief, reaU the Biblo in the right spirit and you will hear the word of God, you Will become a-holy, happy testator- of its truth and power and will stand unmoved am id. t h e civi.-h of on/ 1rs. W.e speak Wh‘it v.e know.of Christianity• not only »s a; historic • triith, but.also as a divine institution. The. cinircji. will live on.. She is found iti uyery quarter of the: world. The accent of all tongues blends in .Its message.; It is Hinging out its ban- ners on eyery const.- AVhat are the dis- • plays in yrinder whi tp city of Ch icago, but the exhibitions of .what the' Christian Churcli ;hns done ? ■I Tow. will you account for all this, If’you deny the supernatural.; ness of the church? 1 We speak of \vhat we .kriow. of Ciii is. tinnlty,in the thud place as an inward . experience. Here is'the h'ighess proof of. (ho great truths of Christianity.. Expe- / the greatest thing to down error. Tiiere are thousands of. m^n nnd women . here who can bear testimony to the saving efilcac^'of Jesus^ blood. U'hen f was a young, careless man, a friend on these grounds risked me to seek t he Lord. I d id so, and hava been rfjoicing ever since. The power of. testimony is what we want today in the church and in tho pul pit.' Men filled with'the Holy Ghost are wanted, to-preach the .gospel more than ; men wiio can chas in the intellect. It was a.rare. privilege; to. have full.20 minutes nftm; the sermon for exhortation und appeal. Mi*. Yatman used this oppor- tunity with good effect The people under -. this persistent method-of persuasion, see . thiit nieri are in ear nest; to save them, and eoqsequeutly feel a growing .concern' for tlieir own salvation. It wus tt blessed inorning service.. ;• (To hr. ■ continual.) • • ' • • Shi Twilight Meetings,.. ilr; Yatman begari the Twilight meet- ings Tuesday night and they are full of interest ns ever. . . A beautiful theme card.entitled “Christ iU Twilight” furnishes-tlie basis for every, service.’; We print the same below. It Is from tiie fertile brain ariti big iieartof thp preacher in song, Mrs! 'I. S. Iires’s;..whoso health will riot perinit her to be here this summer. She is reitlngut Wsariitariumin- Pennsylvania: : . ' , . .. .OUIt 1ST AT TWILIGHT; \ tkn Tiinjir-s for tiik ti:s “ Twit.iouf muktinos-,” . ocean ‘ittovi:, isw. . 1 . Christ St-Ttrirtelie*—- . ; Matt, b : 10 ; 1 Ifeallhg the nfek.''> Murk 1: ; I.nice 4 : :10." Oi Chrlsl nt Twllicht.—"Calmliur the Tempest.' • Matt. 8 : SJ-'JS: Mark Y: :Jo: Luke S: • 3. Christ at Twiliglit.—1“reedingthe Multitude.’ . Matt. 11:15; Mark 0:‘ :13; Lii^co fl ; '121 .’ 1. Christ'at Twlllijht.—•• Pray Ing in S(uitudo.” .Matt. 1 1 ,:21 ; Murk t*.: 17; Luke ti.: 12; John 0: 10.'• 5. Christ at.'Tv;Hight,—“ Re.^tlng. from liis Ln. bors.’' . I.ukc 21:37; John 1:;«9-« 0. Christ at Twilight;—•>-Deing Anointed.” : John li.: 2-3. : 7 ..Christ nt Twilight.—" Katinir iho Passover.''" Matt. 2ii: 'JO; Mark 11:17-la; Luke 2J: U. S. Christ ntT\vilight.— ^ Washing tho Disciples’ * Feet.;*. . . y John 13:2-6. 0. Christ at Ttvllluht.—"Praying hi Gethserbane.“ M«ti. Mark 11 : TJ; lukv 22 ; 10. Chrisi in Twilight.—^'Appearing to His bisei- ples." Luke 21:2s-29 and > 55; John 20 :10 The Forward Movement.; The metropolitan, meetings .in New ’ York, Rev'.. C. II. Yatman lender, had one j of their biggest days last, Sunduy. Bel tween fifteen hundred nnd two thousand . crowded In the Acade'niy of Music at night. This in l'nid-summer in New York city is astonishing. The religious interest was very deep; The two meetings brought them.twenty-two'good converts; It looks now as though tho. eiirly faii.wpiild finil ; this large hall; too small for the in; It If the largest In N'e.w York; except the Mad- Ison- Square Garden, which holds’ten tV twelve thousand. It is just possible sonie of tiie meetings rniiy be-iield thera before the winter is over. y . . Incldents o f' Thursday'miirriIng’s cy- clone, and Us ravages on, sea and land are"- hmnerous. The houses fronting on Ocean itveriue.and the surf, were exposed-to the ' full fury of ;the.*wind arid rain, arid the dwellers were up most of the night/ Etuoll May, grandson of-Mrs. C..EV ^loor- ; head, wns out ;among tlie* first at the .wreck'-, get the poor'sailors ashore. He leaped into the surf.up to his • neck t o .1 end ft hund.” ,;Mrs. Jloorhead, - . who. has spent .ft number of years at. Nestle down-by-the^Sea,” says .the ocean nt 15 Ai Mi—about high tide, presented from ; her windows .a scene of jnvful ’grandeur, , such as-she has never -witnessed in that , yiciuity. .. '• .- " • Thousands :of strangers-.stopping, in. Ocean Grove. at'this -time will regard tho groat vStorm of Wednesday night, arid their, vlow of .the ocean .beach ou-Thurs; day triorning, strewn as It was was with wreckage, and. among other evidences of. • the dauger aud fury of, the' sea; a broketi ■ up schooner,'with four lives, lost in.tho surf, as one of the memorable incidents of their visit. ' .

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Page 1: REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST.26, 1893.VOL, XIX. No, 34. Rest in the Lord- ;. • l’suiin

REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. O C E A N G R O V E , N . J . , S A T U R D A Y , A U G U S T .2 6 , 1 8 9 3 . VO L, X IX . No, 3 4 .

Rest in the Lord- ■ ;. • l ’suiin 37:7.'


When tbi-seil upon tlio wUvcs o f lifo , . • Exposed to conflicts, storm s and 'strlfo—

Beneath the r o d ; i lo w sw eet to .know thoro Js-reteaso ; . .

. Through g race, a sure, ab id iug pcaee ;’ • ' ’T is r'ost In God.

. Say, Is there n o t sqrno pleasant doll, ,•Or, sea side spoti whero Burgos s w e l ls

Or, m ountain crest?Somo place from tho obscurod, . W hero ouo may so , nnd bo assured—

Of rea l rest* . . t ' !

All no ;~ o u r lifo, wo m ust confess, :Liko I s ra e li a tho w I W emcss — .

.A tollsomo w a y ; ? ’ " 1'T is tria ls , hardships. dou |)ts and fears,A pilgrim journey th rough tho years - •

Amid dism ay.} '

Such thlugs a re wromlsed ;r-palns an d woes,. Soro tribulations,—earth ly foes—. -

Is the decree Hut Christ? life-giving words control," You shall iind res t ulito your s o u l •

Comb, M learn o i.m e,'

. J u s t a s the babe, on m o th e r's b reast,Lies calm ly,—lunoebnt iu rest,• - .

So m ay it bo,—. T h a t I, th is rest, shall surely find, .

A rest from .sin,—and peace of m ind ,— .. 0 Lord, lu Theo; . * .

Asduiiv P a me, N . J . , Aug. 17, 1833. •

Opening Sermon of Camp-Meeting,Bishop Walden. Expounds a Great Text—

God's Universe Tributary to the People who Loce JJim—Facty Philosoyhy and Experience Confirm the Benign Arrange- ment—A Helpful JDiscoiitsc and Highly

:' l . Appreciated. . . . ( .

B ishop W alden 's te x t fo r tbo o pen ing serm on of the O cean G rove C am p M eet­in g w as Romuris 8 :2 8 , “ A nd .wo know th a t a l l th in g s w ork .to g e th er fo r good to th em th a t love G od.”

T h e B ishop , P referring to tliis w onder­fully- com prehensive c h a p te r lik en ed i t to a h igh n iountn ln , from w hich the m ost ex- pa nsivo outlook m ay bo enjoyed in re la­tion to C haristian doctrine , expe rience and life . I t te ach es re g e n e ra tio n , and m akes, th is th e p re lude and p rom ise o f o u r resu r­rec tion aud im m o rta lli fe . I le .u ls a dw elt on tlie w itness of th e S p irit, and th e possi*

• b illtie s of co m p lete salvation.' T h e tex t, a lthough it . does n o tte a c h the d o c trin e of. specia l o r p a r tic u la r provi­dence, os is g en e ra lly supposed , yet. su g ­gests som eth ing o f tho k in d . E lsew h ere

: th is tru th is.very c learly announced in the gospel. This passage ra th e r '.u u fo ld s tho blessed fact* th a t God. d isc rim in a tes in favor o f th e m th a t lovo h im , and has p u t th is in to .tho constitu tion o f h is m ora l

■ governm ent.I t is so u n fo rtu n a te th a t a ll 'd o n o t love

God. Tho g rea t 'p ro v is io n is su ited only to a lim ited clas9. • I l l s m ercy is tow ard

. ull. H e is no re sp ec to ro f persons, y e t the d iv in e o rd e r is th a t i t Is ,'and a lw a y s 'sh a ll bo w ell w ith the rig h teo u s—his ch ild ren . T ho d isc rim in a tio n is based ou .character. Tho g rea t business o f th is .life is to build

•cha racte r fo r e tern ity .“ AU th in g s” —riot me.roly sp ir itu a l, i n :

te llec tu a l o r social th in g s in life ’s env iron­m ent, b u t.e v en the secu lar, tu rn to the advantages o f th e good. W e .ourselves m ake ou r su rround ings . • Chooso tho love o f G od, and . le t th is be an Indw olllng p rin c ip le , and even li fe ’s b itte re st adver­s ities a re sw eetened and sanctified . T ho w hole .un iverse s ta n d s 'in re la tion to m an, to sh ap e and regu la te hia re la tio n to GO|l. "A ll a re yo u rs” i f 'y e a re C h ris t's— forests, liow ers, fru its , and all tho possib ilitie s >of to il. T h e beau ties o f n a tu re aro. a ll |Iho g ifts o f o u r F a th e r . .* >

T h e sp eak e r d w e lt on tho co rre la tion n i . t forces, to il lu s tra te th e t ru th th a t a ll th e

v ita l- fo rc e s em bodied in C h rist m com o a rea lity In o u r .experience , nnd th e Im m oveable foundation o f ou r fa ith . .H m y easily a ll th is financial d is tu rbance could be se ttled by pub lic confidence. T h e w ant of I t is ru inous in the so c ia l and business w orld , W e exp ec t som o th ings to w orjt to g e th er fo r o u r good ; b u t God’s ip terp re-

N o ta tion is “ nil th in g s,”—n o t m an’s m easure here , b u t th e d iv in e ; and I t ta k e s In n o t only th e p resen t bu t the fu tu re . Can your fa ith g ra s p 'w h a t re la tes to tim e nnd etdr- n lty2 G ain G od’s favor, and th is w ill p rove th e k ey to every possib le good to tho soul im m orta l, g if ted w ith tho strango pow er to lovo—to love God In th e shadow s

.’ as w ell as In th e lig h t o f-p ro s p e rity ..- I f y ou a re n o t in harm ony w ith th is .d i­v in e a rrangem en t, g e t the baptism o f love a t th is C am p-m eeting. T a k e ho ld o f H is hand to-day. T h e harv est is n o t alw ays hero, b u t a good deal o f i t is hero. R ead over again the rich and g low ing ch ap te r— “ no condem nation ,” a t peace w ith God, he irs w ith C hrist, and oh I th o 'in h e ritan c e beyond, and the path sh in in g b r ig h te r and b r ig h te r to the p erfec t day. ., N ow , God in ten d s a ll th is (or you . M ay

tiio n u m b e r w ho shall tu rn to H im , arid, en te r H is k in g d o m bo m u ltip lied iriore aud m ore 1 D o you w ant to love O od, and ca rry th e hap p y consciousness tlia t G od loves y o u ? V ou m ay find i t h e re ; fo r now is tho accen ted tim e and behold , th is is tho d ay o f Salvation.

I n c losing , th e b ishop le t o u t w h a t h e ca lled a " c a b in e t s ec re t.” T h is w as in re ­la tion to D r. S tokes’s ap p o in tm e n t at th e lu s t session o f tho N e w J e rs e y conference to; the p residency o f t l ie 'O c e a n G rove C am p -m eetin g .. I t iS a g re a t w ork . The* fire and pow er o f th is m ee tin g in yea rs p a s t has."reached even to the .M iss iss ipp i valley. M ay th e L ord co n tinue to b less O cean G rove, nn d .a t th is m ee tin g m ay h is pow er uritO sa lva tion be m an ifes ted in tlie w ay a W estern s is te r prayed a t the revival w here .lie W as'converted : “ O L o rd , con-* v ic t s in n e rs ; convert m o u rn e rs ; reclaim b lackslide rs, and san c tify b e l ie v e rs !”

Mystery of. Human Suffering.SKETCH OK SKltM ON-HY.' HEV. DU. JOHN


T ex t—“ I ’or which cause we fAlnt n o t;'b ut though the outward man perish, yot tho inward tnan Is reuowed day-by day.”—2d Cor. <1:10;.

N o .g re a ie r m y s te ry .su rrounds us in life th a n tl ia t o f suffering.. I t is as easy to escupo th e eye o f God as to avo id 'n fillc - tio n . “ M an is born to tro u b le .as tlie sp ark s fly upw ard .” T h is m eans th a t p e r­p lex ity , d istress, d isappo in tm en t, s ickness and bereavem en t a re com m on to a ll;

T h e o rig in o f su ffering is no t In God, b u t In s in an d its a u th o r ; fo r had m an mit fa lle n ,'tro u b le and d ea th w ould have re ­m ained unknow n . .. •

T he effect o f su ffe rin g bn th e C h ris tian is dep ic ted in my tex t. I t / destroys tho o u tw ard—tho physica l m an , ‘y e t renew s and bu ilds u p th e in n e r m an. C h ris tian ity does n o t lessen , lig h ten ; o r sw eeten nfilic- tlo n , b u t g ives us g ro c a to en d u re it. H e w ho spared n o t H is ow n S on, in G ethsem - nne, w ill n o t.s p a re Us. I t is troub le , and n o t tim e , ex istence and w ork , th a t m akes u s old and in firm .- W e ex p e c t to liv e and w ork in e tern ity ,-and nev e r grow old.. I t is tro u b le _ and d is tre ss th a t d im th e eye, pa le th e cheek,-.w eaken th e body, bend th e form , lessen th e e lastic ity , nud a lac rity , and buoyancy of e a rlie r life , aud-as ullMc-. tion destroys tho physical muu, so it d e ­s troys tho inw ard m an o f the unconverted . I t hardens h is n a tu re , em b itte rs h is ch a r­ac ter, m ak es h im sbu r and sarcastic lu d is­position . H o becom es m orb id ly sensitive and suspicious, ho loses confidence In him - sielf, in m an, and In G od, arid o fteu i t causes; h im to lm te G od,: and becom e-a su ic ide , aii ac t' no C hris tian , oyer p e rp e ­trated^ • ', T h rough su ffering th e C hris tian is bu ilt u p , riot because a lliic tion is e levating , b u t because he looks not tit th e th ings tha t are seen, b u t a t th e th in g s w h ich aro n o t seen , tak es a ll th in g s as sen t o f God fo r h is good, and subm its loyally as Je su s d id , be liev ing th a t “ o u t o f the ea te r sha ll com e .forth m eat, und o u t o f tlio stro n g sw eetness.” So troub le shall bu ild him up daily . As the w orm m ust d ie to "produce th e b u tte r­fly, so troub le destroys tho low, to b rin g o u t th o nob le , as the rainbow u t N ia g a ra is tho re su lt o f th e sun s h in in g on tho sh a tte red sp ray . So G od sh in es up o n the sh a tte red .an d broken iieart to beau tify .it;.

A s th e d e lu g e and storm curried th e a rk o f N oah n ea re r to heaven, so n fillet Ion IIfts u s n ea re th e h ea rt o f G o d ..

A s tho c louds a re transfo rm ed by the su n lig h t In to golden islands Of- sub lim ity , so a t evenirig tim e i t shall bo ligh t. T h e p il la r o f c loud becom es a p ll la r .o f f i r e . .

T he C hristian deifies life , . /o r God uses th e th in g s w hich-Satan b rough t in to being to destroy us, to bu ild us u p , m ak in g us p e rfe c t th ro u g h suffering! T h e re Is n o t a sa in t in heaven who. did riot g e t thoro th ro u g h g re a t tr ib u la tio n . S uffering in ­creases th e s p ir i t o f m an and m akes h im brave and stro n g iik e Joshun ; F ie ry tr ia ls g ive to h im , as to 'Daniel, an ex cellen t spirit.. By.theu^lifc grow s In grace and"In tho C hris tian ch a ra c te r ;, fo r tr ib u la tio n w orko th p a tience , expe rience , hope, sw eet­ness o f d isposition , e n lig h te n m en t of m ind , s tren g th o f cha rac te r, and th o s p ir i t of fo rtitu d e are th e resuilt o f su ffering for Jesu s . I n th is w ay tho m om entary aflllc- .tion, a lm ost b reak ing tho heart, w orks for Us e ternal g lory . T he vltui forces o f life — Im pulses, sensations, im ag ina tion ,.em o­tions and inc lina tions aro -m o llified and sanctified by afilfction. ;• C h ris tian ity does not destroy , b u t renew s them .. E m otiona l re lig io n Is G od’s p lan fo r w arm in g th e h ea rt , nud t h e . sh o u t and am en aro alw ays In o rd e r w hon they sp rin g spontaneously from tho h ea rt . D av id In the m id st o f dbsperato s tru g g le s gave iis tho 23d P salm .

■ Tho sp eak er In ar glow ing* pero ra tion closed w ith a descrip tion;.'o f a s tu d en t’s

S truggle and years o f toil to p erfec tly m aste r and in te rp re t H eethoveu 's m agnifi­c e n t sonata, ta k in g h e r.l is te n e rs from one s tep o f sub lim e harm ony-to ano ther, un til both she and they ’ realized th a t tho su b ­lim ity of. conception and execu tion g iven o u t in th a t ho u r Were m ore th a n w orth th e agony, and conflict she hud 'gone tlirough to. w ork o u t th e M aster’s m ean ing . ‘So th e D iv ine p la u d it w ill m oro th a n com pensate fo r s tru g g le s here to ‘a tta in th e h ighest excellence of. C h ris tian -characte r.'' '

. Ths Annual Camp-moating.“ W e com o now ” says D r. Stokes,; in a

rece u t address p rin ted fo r f ree circu la tion , and every w ord o f w h ich a ll th e people shou ld read*—“ W o com e now to tho g rea t c row n ing even t o f tho. season—th e cam p- m eeting . . T h is, because th e g rea tes t, shou ld be th e g ran d est. T o inuka .ft so, We need u n ited effo rt arid th e . b lessing , of G od.” • . ; .. ’

■ 0 H B AT n t AY lilt M K BTINO.; .A s p re lim in ary to th o open ing . S acra­

m enta l S ervice, au hour- w as designated fo r pu b lic un ited p ray e r on M onday, A u ­g u s t 21, a t 10 UO. W hen th o 9 a .m. s e r­vices closed in T abernacle and T em ple , th e peop le p ou red in to th e seats of th e A ud ito riu m , imd. a t tlio ta p o f th e bell, th e D octor, In tlio m o s t in fo rm al w ay, opened tho m eeting .by-reading a p p ro p ria te pass­ages fra in th e B ook of B ooks arid s ta rtin g th e hym ni “ S w eet H our of P ray e r .” . s * ■'

PKNTKCOSST ItEPEATEfJ.O ne o f . t h e q u a in t songs Z lou says,

“ W hile th e y a ll w ere p ray ing , th e pow er it cum o d o w u /’.uud “ th e very sam e pow- e r ” touched a thousand hea rts ou M onday. T hey prayed in battuliops, sang devotional s tanzas a t in tervals, and tiie re wa9 no d is ­tinc tion betw een G reek or Jew , m ale or fem ale, u n til fo rty peop io w ith in oue hou r had. poured o u t su p p lica tio n and . p rayer, for the m anifested p resence und pow er of G o d 'th e H o ly S p ir it th ro u g h o u t 'th e en ­su in g days o f p reach ing , exhorta tion , expe rience , persuasion -and “ un ited effort” to b rin g Unsaved so u ls 'to C hrist, . . .

ALL ONE IN IIIM. .D rs. Loom is, H an lon , A. M . P a lm er, G.

H ug h es , L. I t. D unn , and a dozen o thers on th e p la tfo rm , Called on tho L ord God of E lija h , fo r d escend ing fire, and from every p a r t o f tho congrega tion the' voico' o f "p lead ing was h ea rd . A; num ber of those w ho took part..v o lu n ta rily w ere o f o th e r d en o m in a tio n s .. T h e re w as a suffi­c ien tly m arked p ec u lia rity lu m an n er and v erb iage to designa te tlie d e v o u t B aptist, o r P resb y te rian , th e R eform ed , . L utheran , or E p iscopalian m in is te r, b u t everyone seem ed to know G od, th e F a th e r o f lig h ts , C h ris t, th e Saviour, arid especia lly tho b lessed I lo iy G ho st; fo r th e b u rd en o f .every soul was : ..

" Como, Holy Ghost; for thoo we call. Spirit of buruihg coim.- '.’!

The O pting Sacrament,4i N ev er in nil m y life ,” sn ld a m in is te r

o f fifty y ea rs expe rience , “ have I seen th e l ik e of th is ,” H e looked o u t on a g a th e r­ing last M onday ev e n in g of th re e 6 r fo u r thousu rid .O bristian 'peop le In devou t a tti: tiu io w a itin g to ce leb ra te th e L o rd ’s Slip-, pe r, w ith ab o u t ono hund red o rdained m in isters , em b rac in g fo u r o r five d iffe ren t denom inations, ready, to ad m in is te r th e em bleu is o f b read aud w ine, in rem em ­brance of. C h ris t’s d y in g love. T lie aisles had a ll been cleared o f .chairs, p u r .g e n - tleriien ly A ud ito riu m ush ers w ere In th e ir respective p laces, and a fte r a te n d e r hym n p ray e r was offered by D r. W m .'B u tler, tho fo u n d er o f M ethodist m is s io n s in In d ia and. M exico. ■

A round tlie “ ta b le ” d ecen tly sprw id Iti th o chancel ga thered . D rs. S tokes, B allard , Hcisler, Spoy, Jiich an lso n , G ,H u g h e s and S. M. F ro s t w ith B ishop AVaklen,- for th e consecra tion sorvico. At. tho sam e tim e seven ty m in is ters ,; leav ing th e p la t­fo rm , a ll k n e l t in a sem i c irc le a round tb e alta r , and a p rofound so lem nity fe l l o n all p re sn t w h ile th e r i tu a l serv ice le d by th e b ishop m ade v iv id tho ; sci3ues of ca lvary , w ith th'e in stitu tio n and ob jec t o f th e ho ly E iicharist

B ishop W alden handed to h is associates th e bread and w ine, arid p a rtak in g , they served tlio o the r clergy , w ho re tu rn ed to th e p la tfo rm and In com panies o f e ig lit a t y t l m e served, th e peop le as th e y ap p ro ach ­ed the a ltar, u n til over, fifteen h u n d red ' thus honored C h r is t . . . •

T ow ard th e la s t P ro f. Sw eeny led liis ch o ir o f fifty to tho a l ta r , . s lug lug of ’the “ E vd rlas ting A rm s.” ; Dr. S to k es cla im ed tho p riv ileg e to serve h is " r ig h t arm ” the ch o ir , B ishop W alden and D r. B utler; jo lu ed h im , and it. w as a p ic tu re for gaz­in g angles, w h ile a ll h earts m elted , u n d e r tbe to u c h in g pow or of “ C alvory’s s tre a m ” w hich all rea lized w a s “ flow ing.” .

■ JJev. C. H . Y atm an addressed th e a u d i­en ce a f te r tlip ' b ishop closed up in r itu a l fo rm , and tiie re w ere th re e .bu rdened h ea rts found w illin g to abandon s in and tru s t in Jesu s . . . .

. M nqy .o f th e - m in is te r .4 . w ho ofllclnted w ere personally u n know n to -its, as Were also tho la rg e n u m b er w ho p re fe rre d to s i t in th e crow ded aud ience , and w ho co m ­m uned When th e peop le d id ; b u t w e w ere enab led to jo t dow n tho fo llow ing .m im es:

D rs W m B u tler, A II . F erguson ; F-nyi- cisco P esatu ro , V incenzo litiy l, o f I ta ly ; C h ris topher, : M ead, Jo n es , E dm unds, L aw rence, C lark , B row ning, M cA nney arid M iller, >few Y o rk . ’■'.* ' . .

G W DuAgan, W allace 'dcM uIleri, J G W ilson, E C A dam son, R S .D eB ow , I R M errill, J Y A shton , W ' J P axson, W m Barn fo rd , E E B u rr iss, B T S tr in g , S B arnes, X F rau ie , S JI H oover, S W Geh- re tt, T M utciile r, W C. Best, Jo h n T hom ­son, \Y C R obinson, A N. 311 li Ison, J E G rau ley , II ■ W iiinna,- S T Ivem ble, J J T im anus, A Jo hnson , H W M i 11 Ison andD .H Bow en, Phihulelp liiiL - . .

T h e N ew Je rs e y m in is te rs w ere I t J A ndrew s,. D r H an lon , J T- T u c k e r , C I) F ish er, A S w ift, J H und ley , C h ap la in G ilm ore, W P C S trick lan d , J M oore, J G as^ ill, A J G regory , G ascoyne, J I t Van- k lrk , W illis Reeves, C S ick le r, S Parsons, I N V unsant, A M P a lm er, C H Y atm an , O L B ark e r, J a s B u rns, I t N A ylesw orth,' F r e d Bloom,» J W R y d er, J Boyd B rady, W m F ra n k lin , M .R elyea, L R D unn.

Rev M r C layton, p f G enessce, D r F ro st, C en tra l Pennsy lvan ia, D r J R W righ t; W ash ing ton , D. C, D r . M unhall a n d . Rev M r ' Y ost, E vangelists 1 N ay lo r, and 'J Jo n e s and A J M yers.

O f the W ash ing ton C onference we noticed the fo llow ing : Rev T B H u n te r, J D C H anna, I L Wood, J H (^ulgg and W E E ng land . . ' . • • . '

T o ib is lis t ab o u t fifty m ore nam es w ere added, in th e a ttendance on ’T uesdny m orn ­in g ,'w h ile B ishop W a ld en de live red the open ing serm on o f th e C am p-m eeting , and th e lis t is g ro w in g la rg er every day .

Annual. Camp-Meeting.UUCONI) DAY’S. SEICVIC.KS.

The. deep and a ll pervad ing in teres t w hich p revailed a round the A ud ito rium ou M onday ev en in g du ring ! nnd a f te r the Im p o s in g sacrau ien tn l serv ices, fo rm ed a fitting p r e lu d e ^ o th e reg u la r p rogram taken- up on Tuesday m orn log, and w hich’ wo no tice elsew here . ; \

B ishop \V aiden had a m agn ificen t o*vn- tion , in - th e aud ience befo re w h ich lie stood fo r th e first tim e as a p reach er o f the eve rlas tin g gospel. . H is serm on , a synop­sis o t w h ich w ill be found iu ano ther co lum n , w as one o f eo tnp rehensive sw eep, m asterly analysis, and cogen t nj)plication. H e is one o f those “ C h ie f m in is te rs , '- who a im s m ore a t solid effect on tile h ea rt and conscience, th a n “ g li tte r in g .g e n e ra li­ties,” and h is s tir r in g w ords gave th e rig h t k in d o f im pulse-to tho g re a t pu rp o se of the m eeting , even th e salvation o f im m or: ta l souls. ' . * ■

HEV, W; I*. C. STllICKLAND. • ;I t w as n o t m ere ly on accoun t o f f ra te r­

nal courtesy and personal reg ard th a t the p res id in g e ld e r o f N ew .B ru n sw ic k U h- t r i c t’was appo in ted , to follow th e B ishop lust W ednesday iu the o rd e r o f preachirig- service, b u t to k ee p tip and in tensify w ha t­ever sp iritu a l tone u iig h t be p revailirig in th e cong rega tion , anil tu rn i t to th e befet acco u n t: T h e ob jec t w us- gained . Rev. M r..S trick land had a po rtion fo r siiln t and s in n e r In the* teuch lug o f h is ; g ran d te.%t — Ile b . 0 : 17,. IS, 11)^“ W h ere in CJod, w ill­in g m ore ab u n d a n tly to shew un to the heirs o f p ro m ise -th d ; im m u ta b ility of. his couusel confirm ed It by an o a th : T h a t by tw o im m u tab le th in g s iu Which i t w as im ­possib le fo r God to lie , w e m ig h t liave ft s tro n g consola tlou , w ho have fled . fo r ref*, ug e to lay. ho ld upoii tlio hope s e t beforo u s ; w h ich hope w e have as au- anchor- of th e soul, both, su re and- steadfast,, .and w hich ''e iiteretli In to .th a t w ith in th e vail.”

H ere w as a broad field for eNposltlou,' and 'several-of-the n ob lest to))ic3 In salva­tio n ’s d iv lnp p lan , fo r d ire c t app lica tion . T he se rm o a -was- luc id th roughou t, ea rn ­estly deliv e red , aud i t s g eu e ra l effect he ig h ten ed .b y th e hearty-.responses o f tho congrega tion . -- T h e p reach er b ro u g h t in to requ isition som e p rac tica l know ledge o f nav igation w hen h e hnd occasion to ex* p ia in .h o p e ,.a s an anchor o f tho sou l, - I l ia illu s tra tions w ord v iv id and th e perora* tion pow erfu l. "N“ E v a n g e list Isaac. N a y lo r ' fo llow ed In exho rta tion , and the serv ice w as crow ned w ith rem ark ab le pow er and blessing^

T i.E EVENING' SEU M ^N .A b etter conceived , o r.m ore effec tive ly

delivered d iscourse iliun tha t o f D r.'Jam es. J lo o ro ,’ on T uesday even ing , ono rare ly

lis ten s to. T he te x t was th a t p jirt o f tlie m essage tr>-tlie ch u rch in S ard is— Rev; 3: ■l,.whicli dec lares “ Tht»u h as t a few nam es even in S ard is w hich have n o t defiled tlie ir g a rm en ts ; and they sha ll w alk witli m o .in w h ite ; fo r they are. w orthy ,M • Sardis, h is to rica lly , w as d esc rib ed ; T h e C hurch p lan ted th e re , in Its p rom ise and sad fa ilu res to -m aln ta ln the s p ir itu a l life re fe rre d ;.to , w itli . th e d istin g u ish ed few , who am id defec tion and g rea t.c o rru p tio n w ere, stead fast in p u rity arid fo llow ers of th e ir .L o rd . T h e p ith o f th e serm on tu rn ed on th e question in reg ard to nn ex em p lu ry re lig ious life . ‘‘•W ill i t pay tc» becom e a C h r i s t i a n . . . *

Is It-possib le now adays to live o u t the S ern ion b n th e M ount?. W ith all hum an tendencies sw ayed by. na tu ra l d ep rav ity and a ttrae ted 'dow nw ard by exam ple, w ho can res is t tho.- tldo ? M ap, ih e p reacher show ed, although fa llen and very far from G od,, is: born u n d e r th e atonem ent, has has adequate h e lp offered to rise . L ig h t sh ines on his- path way,, and- m otive, h igh as.heaven,-m eets h im a t every tu rn . . I t is possiblo to b e saved. T iie re is G od-giyen pow er to con tro l li fe ’s circum stances, ra tn er than be contro lled by them , M a k e ev e ry th in g bend to be a C h r i s t i a n ,P u t th is above ev e ry th in g else.: M tike - d u ty « suprem e delight.; : - '# W ha t fo o is m en a ra w ho trifle w ith th e ir

fiod , and the e te rn ity to w h ich ’ th e y are g o in g ! C onsider tliis; y e th a t fo rg e t God and heaven . O h look Up to th e recoin pense o f • rew ard . ‘The; r igh teous shall sh iue its. th e sun . “ T hey shall; w a lk ..with mo In w h ite ,” '

E van g e list N a y lp r took tlie au d ien ce In hand aga in on T uesday n ig h t, arid soon the lovers o f tin old-fashioned revival m eeting w ere deligh ted w ith the scene o f penl- te n t, p ray in g , co ld nnd lu k ew arm ’C hris­tian s seek in g res to rin g favor and X'race, and believers k ee n ly .sensib le of th e ir soul’s g re a t need , p lead ing fo r th e .baptism of pow er.- I t w as an in te re s tin g hour, f o r a t the a l ta r o f consecratJori, w restllug lik e Ji\cob with: th e ange l, it .tu ig tit be sal.d o f one and . a n o t h e r , H e blessed him, th e re ,” ' - •'

Camp-Meeting Sermons. . ,• ; • T il IIU> DAY’S r u E AC I U N ti.

So fa r , It is conceded, no C am p-m eeting a t O cean G rove h as eVen started u n d er p io re en cou rag ing ausp ices th a t th a t of A u g u st ISO:). T h e g rea t m a jo rity o f vis it ln g m in is ters , i t is 'to o tru e , ho ld aloof from d ire c t con tact w ith ca re less s inners ; bu t w orkers a rc no t \yau titi^ w hen th e ex- Igencies arise . .

T h e th rec .serh ions . of. W ednesday w ere all s tirring,., encou rag ing and h e lp fu l. T h a t o f.iiie forenoon by:

U EV, 1) It. 1! cts It ,f o 11 NS'rtX Was cog en t in arg u m en t, u lllu eu t in- illu s ­tra tio n , arid conv incing In appeal.' 'T liis ab le p reac h er cam e to ua.fro in th e m e tro / po litan , . W ash ing ton City;. B efore assum ­in g h is p re sen t Im portan t pasto ra te , he stood Iu th e fro n t ran k o f Canudinn ^ leth - odism , und from the excellen t sense nud ju d g m e n t he .displayed In h is sub jec t, m anner and doctrine , and not. less so in tlie m a tte r o f b rev ity , w e do n o t Avonder tha t he Is esteem ed ns a m odel preacher.

T h e te x t was J o h n ‘ ;> :li. “ W e sp eak th a t w e di) know and te stify to th a t we have seen;” / . ;; . . '

O u rs,.sa id th e speaker, is riot a spejcnla- tiv e , liu t U’ positive re lig iou . W o have such a rea liza tion o f its pow er th a t we; too, m ay ta k e u p the . w ords of. th e tex t.

W e speak w iia t w'e do know . o f Chrls. tlnn lty as;u‘h is to ric s ta tem en t. T h is book o f C h ris tia n lty is a w onderfu l b o o k ; .won. derful* In Its age ,.in its u tte rances. . .T h e T h e b r il lia n t poetry o f D avid, tlie dazzling, m etaphors of J o h n , th e h igh ; reason lug of; P a u l/ I t w as w ritten by thirty-five dilTer- erit m en, y e t w hen Iw ougiit to g e th e r it form s one book, th e un ity o f w hich proves th a t it .h a s 'prie au thor., i t is tho Book o f B ooks.' " .. .' : • ■ ; . •V ThO docto r - b ro u g h t fo rth m an y p roofs show ing th a t th e B ib le is re liab le , th a t wo liave- n o t only th e o ld b u t a lso .th o new te stam en t a s ;it w as w ritten . .E v e ry link in th e cha in w as com plete ; th e re Is n o t a book In- th e w o a ld .- th e .au th en tic ity .'of w h ich Is be tte r p roved , tiian th a t of H oly W rit.* • • ' ’■ H e defied an y m a n to v iind.ft passage, of

S c rip tu re co n trad ic llng th e -la tes t facts of science. T h e B ible says th e ea rth is round when the scho lars o f tbp.Ayorld held o ther opin ions. - T h is book res ts upon a rock of adam ant. I t re ta in s -its p lace arid.poW ea w h ile old system s o f th o u g h t aud relig lflti a re .b e in g overthrow n.. ■ *' . -

N o m a tte r how fa r y o u -havo g one lu unb e lie f, reaU th e B iblo in the r ig h t sp ir it and y ou w ill h ea r th e w ord o f G od, you Will becom e a-holy , h ap p y testator- o f its t ru th and pow er and w ill s tand unm oved

am id . t h e civi.-h o f o n / 1 rs.W.e speak Wh‘it v.e know .of C h ris tian ity •

n o t on ly »s a; h isto ric • tr iith , bu t.a lso as a d iv ine institu tion . T he . c inircji. w ill liv e on.. S he is found iti uyery q u a r te r o f th e : w orld. T he accen t o f all tongues b lends in .Its m e ssag e .; I t is H inging o u t its ban- n e rs on eyery const.- AVhat a re th e dis- • p lays in yrinder w hi tp c ity o f Ch icago, b u t th e exh ib itions o f .w hat t h e ' C hristian C hurcli ;hns done ? ■ I Tow. w ill you account fo r a ll th is , If’you d eny th e su p ern a tu ra l.; ness o f th e c h u rch ? 1

W e speak o f \vhat w e .kriow . o f Ciii is. t in n lty ,in th e th u d p lace as an inw ard . ex perience . H ere is 'th e h 'ighess p roof o f. (ho g rea t tru th s o f C h ris tian ity .. E xpe- / rien ce .ls th e g rea tes t th in g to dow n erro r. T iie re are thousands o f. m ^n nnd w om en . he re w ho can bear te stim ony to th e sav ing efilcac^ 'o f Jesus^ blood. U 'hen f w as a young , ca re le s s m an, a fr ie n d on th ese g rounds risked m e to seek t h e Lord. I d id so, and hava been rf jo ic in g eve r since.

T he pow er of. testim ony is w hat we w ant to d a y in th e chu rch and i n tho p u l p i t . ' M en filled w ith 'th e H o ly G host a re w anted, to -p re a c h th e .gospel m ore th a n ; m en wiio can chas in th e in te llec t. •• It was a .ra re . p riv ile g e ; to . have fu ll.20 m inu tes nftm; th e serm on fo r exho rta tion und appeal. Mi*. Y atm an used th is o ppo r­tu n ity w ith good effect T h e peop le u n d e r -. th is p ers is ten t m e th o d -o f persuasion , see . th iit nieri a re in ea r nest; to save them , and eoqsequeu tly feel a g row ing .concern ' for tlie ir own salvation. I t wus tt blessed ino rn in g se rv ic e ..

• ;• (To hr. ■ continual.) • • ' • •

S h i Twilight Meetings,..i l r ; Y atm an begari th e T w ilig h t m eet­

ings T uesday n ig h t and they a re fu ll of in te res t ns ever. . •. A b eau tifu l th e m e ca rd .e n tit led “ C hris t

iU T w ilig h t” fu rn ish es-tlie basis fo r every, serv ice .’ ; W e p r in t th e sam e below . I t Is from tiie fe rtile b ra in ariti b ig i ie a r to f thp p reacher in song, M rs! ' I . S. I ire s ’s;..whoso health w ill riot p e r in it h e r to be h ere th is sum m er. S h e is r e i t ln g u t W sariitarium in- P ennsy lvan ia : :. ' , . .. .OUIt 1ST A T T W IL IG H T ; \tkn Tiinjir-s for tiik ti:s “ Twit.iouf m uktinos-,” .

o c e a n ‘ittovi:, isw. .1 . Christ St-Ttrirtelie*—-

. ; Matt, b : 10 ;1 Ifeallhg the nfek.''> Murk 1: ; I.nice 4 : :10."

■ Oi Chrlsl n t T w llich t.—"Calm liur the Tempest.'• M att. 8 : SJ-'JS: M ark Y: :Jo: Luke S :

• 3. Christ a t Twiliglit.—1“ree d in g th e M ultitude.’. Matt. 1 1 :15 ; Mark 0 :‘ :13; Lii co f l ; '121 .’

1. Christ'at Twlllijht.—•• Pray Ing in S(uitudo.” .Matt. 1 1,:2 1 ; Murk t*.: 17; Luke ti.: 12; John 0 : 10.'•5. Christ at.'Tv;Hight,—“ Re.^tlng. from li is Ln.

• bors.’' . I .ukc 2 1 :3 7 ; Jo h n 1 : ;«9-«0. Christ a t T w ilight;—•>-Deing A noin ted .”

: John l i . : 2-3. :7 . .Christ nt Tw ilight.—" Katinir iho P assover.''"

Matt. 2 ii: 'JO; Mark 1 1 :17-la; Luke 2 J : U.S. Christ n tT \v iligh t.— W ashing th o Disciples’ *

Feet.;*. . . y Jo h n 13:2-6.0. Christ at Ttvllluht.—"Praying h i Gethserbane.“

M«ti. Mark 1 1 : TJ; lu k v 2 2 ; •10. Chrisi in Tw ilight.—^'Appearing to His bisei-

ples." Luke 21:2s-29 and >55; John 20 :10

The Forward Movement.;T h e m e tro p o litan , m eetings .in N ew ’

Y ork , Rev'.. C. I I . Y a tm an lender, had one j of th e ir b ig g est days la st, Sunduy. Bel tw een fifteen h u n d red nnd tw o thousand . crow ded In th e A cade'niy of M usic a t n ig h t. T h is in l'nid-sum m er in N ew Y o rk c i ty is a s ton ish ing . T h e re lig io u s in te re s t w as very deep ; T h e tw o m e e tin g s b rough t them .tw en ty -tw o 'good converts; I t looks now as th o u g h th o . eiirly fa ii.w p iild finil ; th is la rge ha ll; too sm all fo r the in; I t I f th e la rg est In N'e.w Y ork ; e x c ep t the Mad- Ison- S quare G arden , w h ich h o ld s’te n tV tw elve thousand. I t is ju s t possib le sonie o f tiie m eetings rniiy be-iield th e r a befo re th e w in te r is over. • y . .

I ncldents o f' Thursday' miirriIng’s cy­clone, and Us ravages on, sea and land are"- hmnerous. The houses fronting on Ocean itveriue.and the surf, were exposed-to the ' full fury of ;the.*wind arid rain, arid the dwellers were up most of the night/ Etuoll May, grandson of-Mrs. C..EV loor- ; head, wns out ;among tlie* first at the .wreck'-, get the poor'sailors ashore. He leaped into the surf.up to his • neck t o .1 end ft hund.” ,;Mrs. Jloorhead, -. who. has spent .ft number of years at.

N estle dow n-by-the^Sea,” says .the ocean n t 15 Ai Mi—abou t h ig h tide , p resen ted from ; h e r w indow s .a scene o f jn v fu l ’g ran d eu r, , such as-she has never - w itnessed in th a t , y ic iu ity . .. '• .- "

• T housands : o f s trange rs-.s topp ing , in . O cean G ro v e . a t 'th is -time w ill reg ard tho g ro a t vStorm of W ednesday n ig h t, arid th e ir , vlow o f .the ocean .b each ou-Thurs; d ay triorning, s trew n as It w as w as w ith w reckage, a n d . am ong o th e r ev idences of. • th e dauger aud fu ry of, t h e ' sea ; a broketi ■ u p schooner,'w ith fou r lives, lost in . th o su rf, as one of th e m em orable inc iden ts o f th e i r v isit. ' ’ .

Page 2: REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST.26, 1893.VOL, XIX. No, 34. Rest in the Lord- ;. • l’suiin

O C E A N O - R O V S Z R /E J O O Z R O D , A . ' C r C 3 - T J S 0 ? 3 6 , 1 8 9 3 .


. / • r C B L i a i l E n w e b k l y ’b y . '•'• • .

RF.Y. A, WALLACE, 3D. D.,■ ■ • at . .


R'EV, i . H .STO K K 3,D .T).i C orrcspoudlngK dltor.

TERM S, POSTAGE PR E PA ID .O n e c o p y .fo u r m o n th s ............................................. -,.

• » “ n ix m o u t h s , ........................... ..• " o n e y e a r , ..81

O lu b o ffiV c o rm o r c ,jo n c year , e a c h ,. . . . . . . . . 1

A d v e rtise m e n ts in se rte d a t th e r a to o fte u cen ts nor lin e , o n e tim e . For ou e , tw o or t h ree triont Its, pr by th o year , a l ib e ra l red u ctio n w ill be-'made,

SATUlVDAjT, AUGUST 26; 1893.

.. Fifty cents will pay for the Oc E .

•Grove Record for. four months, mailed to any address.

Copies of the Ocean Grove Record can always lie* li ml at tho • hook store, 27 .Pil­grim Pathway. The store is open day and evening.

Sir. Yatman gives the Groye his' pres- ’ once and work live days this week aud

will return next' Monday and. remain till the close of camp-meetlng.-

R ev . S a m u e l .Sargent, o f th e .N e w J e r ­se y C o n fe re n c e , w il l p r e a c h n e x t S a b b a th m o rn in g , A n g u s t 27, a t S t. P a u l 's C h u rc h ,

: Ocean Grove. Str augers made welcome.Considering the times and the (lruin al­

ready made ou. the foiks, the .missionary collection in the Young People’s meeting

■ Monday morning was except ion ally good.A copy of the pictorial doublo. number

Of. the Ocean Grove Record published midsummer '92, with 20 illustrations and map, will be mailed free to all new sub- scribers for tho balance.of this year.

The the great Camp Meet- ing on Sunday?.* This’question Is going the roUnds. The Sabbath sermons ore assigned, to Chancellor Sims, of Syracuse; Dr. Cleveland, of Indianapolis, and Dr. J. L. Sooy, DesMbines', Iowa, / . • :>/;

Rev. Isaac 11. Merrill and wife, of Phil­adelphia, are enjoying their aunuul visit

■ to the Grove, and quite at home among tiie preachers and people who crowd the old-fashioned Howland House and make Its parlors resound with daily praise and

• prayer. •T h e C am p M eeting love feast n e x t Sun-

' day m o rn in g /w ill be as u sual,’ th e g rea t• event of the seasou.. All other - meetings will converge In this, commencing a quar­ter before 0,a£td running until 10.30. • We

ishairliave a- full, report next- sssue: of• the Record. '

In the recapitulation of damages by Wednesday night’s hurricane In the extra Daily Picsst It Is said tbe tent we occupy

: was “ blown In,” but our only damage was the breaking of a few ropes by which it was tied to the poles, In fact we slept peacefully through it all. .

Iu referring to the secretaries who served us so well during the grand collec- •tion for the New Auditorium, we over­looked- tne-names of Messrs. George E.' 'Farmer George F.:Rainear, T< A.Mllier

; and Wm. Abbott, who .industriously stuck; to their. dllHcult work on the platform, until the splendid result of the day was reached, : . * • .,

The Interruption occasioned by the cy­clone of Thursday :mornlDg tothe.cainp- meetiug.exercises was very slight. I ev. Drs. Corey, P. M. Waters' and W. II. Law- reoce preached at tlie usual hours and all tlie other meetings were kept'up as Usual, The preachers for Friday will be Revs. Dr. .S. 31. Yernou, Isaac Naylor and K. B. Tupper.of St. Loub.nnd for Saturday Dr. I. Simmons, I. Naylor and L. W*..Munhall

• A part of our distant subscribers recelv- ed .tlie.R e c o r d last week with its Jioml* spine heading somewhat damaged. The accident occurred while our large edition was beitig rapidly run through the press. The electro title plate became loose'on its block, and was broken to pieces. The pressman liad to set up a substitute in or­dinary type, and tliu-i complete the work, if this Issue is. not nil right our friends will understand that,we liave not yet' suc-

, coed ed' securing .ii. duplicate of the /original. •-. ' / . • \ J

Tiie iiames of nearly a hundred minis- ' ters now attemling.cainp will be foiilid iu . another column. Here are. a few later ar­

rivals: . F. p: Brewster, West CoshoiiocU- .eu; E. O. Eldridge; Washington, D. C.;,W. •’£.. Blukcsiee,.Perth Amboy;- S' J Morris, St. Michaels, Md. ; Dr. C. A. Dor-

. inahj medical’’evangelist; Dr. GAY Miller, .New'York; Dr. U. H. CWe)V Washing, tori; Dr. Edgar M. Levy,J’. Lelatid lIpw- urd; Frank .Moore, Dr.. Chadwick,1 .John .Dell, William Make, Rev. C. II. Oliver,

. Y ork', Pai; r . W.: McPherson, U. I let her*'. ington, W. ll. StecU, Ouatesville, Pa.

/The Prfs*- issued an extra onThu is d ay m or ni ng, af te r si* n d ing ou t . i t s

• regular •edition,; devoting, nearly'a full page to the devastations of tlie gale which

• had just spent hs-.force aml fury on the ocean fruut.. Jts reporters had. made a hasty estimate of damages, and guve -Iu detail the losses incurred, as well us a full account of the. wrecked JisbJng 'schooner and her . crew. It Is .some consolation, however, to say tliat Ocean .Grove is not left In as bad a plight as ihe Press repre­sents, especially the tent population; very few tents were “ra/.ed to tlio ground,V ond all tho damages ?vi 11 soon be repaired,.

Missionary Sabbath., To( tHV

Society of tiie M. E. .Church is. given light of way at Ocean Grove two days every rolling season—Saturday and"Sab­bath, and the anniversary of the . local brtiuch Is so timed that the event strikes high tide in-our Summer population, just' oh tlie eve of the animal camp-meetiug.

Whatever advantage there may . b(i in this arrangement—securing as it does the largest congregations'' aiidheartiest sup­port, theso devoted women' certainly de­serve it all, since they labor so zealously and prayso/ferveritly' fovtbe.salyation. of their sisters bound in=;the-clnylus of hedth* enlsm tegradiiiloh and .moral.misery.

The occasion brings annually to the Grove many distinguished ollicers of the society, besides missionaries . from . the foreign field, and the interest ami enthus­iasm tlieir preseuce creates, Is worthy of this cause, ami of the report furnished us by Mrs. A; Ii.. .Thompson, tlie secretary, which will be appreciated by every reader of the R e c o r d .

The services of the day were entered upon with great zest’ in Tabernacle aud Temple, some of the missionary workers miugllng with the 'worShIj>ers apcl.speak­ing to the; gathered congregations,words of life am\ power.. - • =v.

The.hou '.for mbrning preaching at the great . Aiiclitorllmi found! an Immense audience present with a.notable Increase of ministers ou the pliitform, and a choir full of the spirit of Christian son£, and well directed by Mr. ,]ohn C. Day,--, The opening prayer wasoilered by tho beloved Dr. Butler* formerly, of ‘ India, and the Scripture lesson, Isa. 33, was read by his son, Dr. J. .W. Butler, of Mexico.

The pre^elier was Dr. S.. L. Baldwin, formerly a missionary for several years in Chiiia, and now/ connected with'.; the "Mis* slonqry Board, New York. Ilo’ounounced Psa. 12.(5: G, as his text, “ He that goetli forth and weepetb, bearing precious seed; shall also come again . with rejoicing, bringing his slieaves.withhlm.’?.: A single remark 16 reference to this cpmprehensive and -Inspiring, promise .to ail wotkers for Gocl: ini the - world’s ■ great harvest field— aSad Vtiie Bpieakec proceeded to', .illustrate from inciil^nts In ’his own life and expe-. ri eiice, the ariluous nature of the' work performed by missionaries lu the foreign, field/ and; the' wonderful' results >vhlch have crbwned their labors during recent years, especliillythatdepartm.ent sustained bj' tiie Women’s Foreign Missionary So­ciety, and represented by th is Ocean Grove Auxiliary. •

No ordinary sermon' could hav.e elicited deeper;interest or attention than the series of facts, ■ and incidents presented-. The discourse was limited/to about 05!Or .40, minutes, leaving ample time- foi* a good heairty missionary collection, whlqh du'rf ing the day footed up over $1 ,200: / . / V . D r. Ilanlon .had but1 a: brief hour >yith

his gr^at Bible Class; having to give way for - tlie Ullsiionay Anniversary exercises. at:3 p.-.m. . There had been :;n.heavy.shpjY-' er; and even .before the rain ceased, fall­ing, tiie Bible. (Glass’ people -began to gath­er in tlie Auditorlum. The lesson for.the day was duly read .aud considered, apd; a: large batch of -Bibiical': questtons,, read. by Counsellor Lovatt were satisfactori 1 y‘ an­swered by: Dr.- Hanlon;* ‘ V

So interested did the' people.b6come In the ’anniversary "and .the' making of' life members, that the services wer prolonged until 5 p. Ji. This is the usual Sunday tea time • at .Ocean Grove, so fixed that everybody, including guests, cottagers, tent people aiid waiters,, may ull, if they wish to, attend the Beach Meeting service atC.- ••. ■■/ / / ' - /•■• •: • y V-

At that liour the ocean surf was so ,turb. ulent and tide so high, with a strong east­erly lireeZe, no meeting could be.held In usual form on the sandy, beach, but stand* ing ou the neats iii the Ocean Pathway pa- viliou,- Dr.. Stokes,- with; liis. choir and speakers, did the best. he could with, the responsive service. Addresses wero de­livered,by Dr. .Joiiii W. Butler, .of Mexico, Dr. II. B.’ Loomis,’ of Troy Conference, and Dr. B ddwiu, the speaker of -the morning. , Very few among the thousands on the boardwalk, bad the privilege to •hear; what was said, and their disappoint­ment 'made them all tlio more eager to to hear the-evening sermon at the Audi­torium. .... . ‘ ••.'.' ;.• :2r ;■

There Avere scores of strangers among the ministers on tho ground, but it is not often a comparative stranger can ilio per- suaded.fto pi!each'/iit’;sU name of D r. J oil n; H and ley on th e b'pl letln board, hpwever,.was enough to. crowd the place,.many unable to find seats, standing during the ;■ delivery of his forcible atid timely, discourse on-'l.Tiie Mystery of Suf­fering,” from.2 Cor/-!: 10. It was a deep and diilicult topic to elucidate; but tho nianher In which the preacher accomplish­ed his task, was thorough and exhaustive, bringing hope, and comfort, to many de- spo'udeut hearts.

A n .a f t e r m e e t in g , c o n d u c te d b y Bro. •.H oftg land ,-held th o v a s t c o n g re g a t io n to- g e t h e r fo r h a 1 (■ a n hdU r.rd.url n g w h ic h sei>: o ra l k n e l t a t. th b a l t a r o f 'p r a y e r , R e v . isu a o N a y lO r , ' t i i e ;• Y o r k s h ir e . e v a n g e l is t iind O th e r m iu is te r s -a s s ls te ^ lii. th e se rv ic e s . /

At the.bipso, of tlie ' .sacramental'/ser v Ice Mbnday night Mr.Yatman gave a philh frank-invltatlpn toithe unconverted to rise aud show their desire*toturn from- sin to God: There were thre,e adults. A good beginning. -

Thd Storm , of Thursday M o tn ia g ,...; We ought to jiayb' been better prepared *, for there were premouitions.of something unusual seaward for several days. .'The swell*and. roar of the surf was ominous. Wednesday was threatening; but the crowds driven from the beach pavilions hy tlie rain which commenced.that!even- lug at 3, left everything, ln tho way of chairs, doors atid windows in a loose con­dition, and consequently at Jl; a. m. ch Tli u r sd ay-the rtid e. r ose, and /rolled ' in j so. fqorfu fly y tliat- every th 1 ng ni oveable was soon a tl oat, aiid • b e i tig s wept Into Wesley

: and Fletcher ' . l a k e s . . ' •. •- -y Rev. Isaac ’is ajioi* Iield U- large iiu.d lence uuder the speli of .his. pojverfiil. pleniiing at/■ the Auditorium until nearly 10 p. ji.' ■Then .the rain. was iucroasing, and wlnd and. waves rising In turbulence. Those who retired about this time obtained some sleep, but tlio houses • shook so that they were soon awakened. At midnight It was1 blowing a ;cyclone, and tho banging of doors, and shutters , was like an artillery battle*'- •;/

•From*midnight until early morning of Thursday the storm 'was gettlug iu Its heavy work at LllUigore’s aud Ross’ pavil­ions, and the boardwalk', strangely'enpugb, began.- to; give, way before tlie surging breakers, which. then/ covered the entire beach-with! boiling foam;; The angry sea rose .until it; flooded both lakes and carried tons of • wreck age - into 15 ro iidway, Ocean Grove, and along the Asbury Park side of Wesley Lake, -The. forcea employed at the .- bathing- establishments /.were, hot aroused in time to iue'et the crisis. When they did go to work it became a desperate! struggle.witli'old. ocean ;to’save, any thing, The 'dahiftge m'ny riin; into many thbus-. auds of (iol 1 arsat Llllagpre’s.- The Aiaso- • ciation suffers heavily, ancl Ross’ establish­ment appears to be nearly broken; up. . .'. -All this, however will soon be’, righted Up-.agaxn, and.the bathing will go on with, but slight, interruption. / The destructlpn is . greater along the Asbury Park board- walk,: piers and bathing liouses; yet; all this seemed trifling compared • with the peril of ; a .‘dozen • lives on-. a drifting schooner,;discovered about 5 a.m. coming hard ashore near Sixth avenue. When she struck on theiouter-bar, .tlie masts went ,by the board,‘-iand the' captalh aud two Of tlie three sailors; were' ‘swept Into Vthe/angry seai On' she came, lifted • shoreward by the miglity.waves, until she went to pieces, within twenty yards; pf the - boardwal k • Four men are lost, and' seven, with tho greatest difficulty, were by brave- hands helped on ierra-jlrma: v ■»/• • ;.";/' ;/,

The people .were out early, and thous­ands gathered at the scene of the . wreck. Housekeepers hat! to look after damaged r.oofs, broken w indows and'Hooded; cell ars. Thetent people, suffer ed most. The force of {.he wind made ribbbnslof their canvas dwelltngs.and.manybadto.takeshelter; with .neighbors, who'! weathered the stortril

It was fortunate that tiie,rain cCased arid thiita hr isk; d ry I ng breeze so On he 1 p ed to set things to rights. Ev^ybody seemed (iisposeciito make the best/of their sltua.- tion, and by 9; o’clock in the. morning good .humOr . was generally restored. / '

The \ Ocean Grove meetings went; on’ Without a break, only the morning preach­ing was transferred from the Auditorium to the Young People’s Temple.

,We have hdd few worse August storms. They usually last- two or three, days, and sometimes a weekbut this one was short sharp and decisive, producing such a-con! trust along our sunny beach between Wed­nesday. arid Thursday as the mulitude of slrangers present will most likely never forget. . . .

As we go to press the tents are being righted, cottage and hotel roofs repaired, and-the bathing establishment men are bravely getting:tlie debris cleared oil! and their;damaged piling_;'put iri safe cfondltlbn for the puhnc.accptuuiodution.

. M s.s Sadie Slack, of Mt.. Holly, N. .J., Is stopping at,the'Howland House. •

Next week’e' Recoiuj' will be- tjulte largely, if not exclusively filled with re­ports of Camp-meetiug sermons.

Mr- C. D. James and wife aud Miss Lil­lian M. James, Mt. Airy, Germantown,are guests at the Howland House.

Rev. D. B. .Harris, late pastor of St, Pauls and nowPresidiug Elder, Camden, N, J., and. Mrs. Harris, with their -daugh- tqr'9,;Em ily, Lid i o.and: Maryj/arent th e IIowl}tnd.. . K/ Mrs. Ilvl^;^Ionroe,,tiie popular lectur- er, In company with her yenerulile father, Mr. D. 'Earhart; of AtChlspn,'; Kansas, ar­rived at the Hpwlnnd House on Wednes day to remain during Camp-meetiug.

Rev.'George W. Babcock, pastor pf the M. E. Cliurch, Lansdale, Pa., Is among the large nuinberof Philadelphia Confer­enceministers now visiting Ocean Grove. He is stopping ut the Arlington.

A large oak In.the rear of the tents of Miss Rank and Mr. Merrill, St.. Paul's ave­nue , was biown down by the force ;of the '■ wind aud rain Thursday morning, but in falling both'tents entirely’ escaped acci­dent. " -*

An- oak tree was snapped off .during Thursday morning’s gaio and fell on tho tent occupied by Mrs. Rebecca Biihel, and other .ladles of Harrisburg, Pa.; destroy. Ing the fly and awnings In the rear. As in many other cases the damage was not ns great as it might have beeu.*. •

. One Day’s'Work for Jesus,’ O n Tuesday,- ;morniug, August. 22,. the

cam p.-routine began, and .we atteui pted to follow the program- literally, so iis to give our -tlistiint readers the stoi^ of ;a single day’s'doiiigs, ris a speciiiien; of tiie.; multL .form, actlviiles .how in progress., t;:;• At s'^d th e A u d I tori u in boll gi yes note, o fin yl tatiouto :p r ..And r e ws’c onsecr at Ioii ser V’ I ce ,b egl n u I ng at.5 4 5 lititl ho) ell ri g just X)he ;;;li(>ur .In^the ’ Tabernacle. IVe founclat■ this'eariy hour Over, one liuridred people present', enjoying • what .the Salva- tlori Ariny would terui vR: haileluj iilibreakfast.’?'Rev, W.: O. Stockton d sal way at this [early ine etl rig.unil r e lidytoV r e j oi c e in the - Lord; atid jOy iti. the .God of his sal vat I on ;*/• Ono sister, j \ st ranger, w as (iiankfuishe awoke in time to get! out of her crowded .boarding house and iu among such n happy company.,.“ Why,”,said she, “ It Is perfectly lovely.” The morning sun wds just then iilurnlriatlrig the upper win-, do wsr ftnd trarisfi gu r I ng the,. fncps o fth e people] iind all ;were V In. - the /spirit’’.'Of prayer and tliahksglving. .: . '•.../! v. At G.4S a tapr'of the.bpll means family prayer lit the stand, and within the. space of fifteen; minutes by the .watch there is' Scripture reading, .singing, a dozen; or more short prayers, the Lord’s, prayer in concert, a doxology arid the benediction. •People'miss.a genuine morning blessing who do .hot attend one Or the other-!of these ;meetings. -A good -.many, always attend both j; particularly the tent i people, wli o take this splendid opportunity to get their spiritual ’strength, renewed/ ; / • v ;

(V.t 9; a I ; > i; break fast v iS over, the malls dfstri biited', and• frOm; both,Tabernacle and Temple tiie songs Of salyatipn float out on; •the vibrant; air. - • A great work is going on at both place?, and a ; fair: report of either during a single hour, would most riiako a vol u me o f thril 11 n g testimony, iu favor of tlie beatitudes of loving fjervipe. toward God.. ; / . / / ;.!.'.;/ •'.;/•, ••/■'-.'•

The preaching;hour at 10.30'makes the great: Auditorium a focus of general In­terest!’ New, voices tiiere, as well as rnahy familiar faces, on ;tho!:p]atform.attract, ;and the' living'%yordrd^piBase4 ;;-with unction arid; power makes every ser ni on ‘ an epoch in somebody’s experience,’ arid liiPral des- tiriy. --. / , / ■'/!,

Dinner, is hardly 'Over -when tlie' Taber­nacle Is. once more;! crowded, for at 1,30 Mrs Lizzie R. Smith and' Other flaming evangelists' are Illustrating the freedom and fullness of tlie great salvation. There seeriis; a .kind of.lioly contagion Iri.. this meeting which sets good people shou ting imd sinners.crying, until - they, are helped Into the kingdom of.- graced,.. r. At 2, o'clock Mrs. Wheeler leads : a inn!- tronly company into “ green pastures ” In the Temple; Sometimes thl% “ Mothers’ Meeting” takes on a degree; of tender pathos and power which rolls the burdens of care and anxiety, off. many hearts. . Oh how they dp pray for one another, and for their* unconverted husbands; arid children.; Preaching ; again; at 8 O'clock/ sharp. Th Is appblnt merit, . al th bu g)!i not so., n u- nierously attended, as those at morning and evening, is yet a wonderful means of grace, for thero Is tl me to foil o w' a 'short, llyeiy discourse with altar, work, and the, sbrigs Or;newly; born souls; ■ ‘•if the/'ser­vices are prbloriged until 4.30; the opening of ;jlrs;, Grace ;Welser; Davis*. Children’s Meeting at that houiv’will draw, n part of the; cprigregation . oyer ta the -Teniple, where 1 Ittle ones . 1 earn to'-pray, ti*list:iu.; Jesus, and Speak forth Iii - glad accents his V' I ’.‘ 7. /;.! i :'

■ A brief Interval’ for Slipper, arid at, g!30 tiie.t\vl 1 ight seryice, with vi[r. Yaliiian in '.charge, crbwdB the rl*edaple to - its • doors, M eahwhikvthe'audhoriumseatsoreonce! riiore . filling, up, arid. Prof.' Sweney, who h as b eeri dpi ng: good service in , so ng. all day. at one place , or; aribther, iiiusters his fuii choir, people with their music books In hand who draw near to follow the new pieces; und prepare for good singing when they, return to tlmlr liome churches.; The evening preacliiug servtciB..i« mostly

of. u rousing* revival .character—or ought to be. There' never- lias, been ii* Cuuip- meeting at Ocean Gicive which has started off -better!than the present. Tho first day’s preaching and altar work.led many wan­derers to the cross, unci the* reiijiers-, Bishop ;AValden; Eld er /Strtckl arid, D r . Moor e ; Isaac Ktiyior, arid ;tlie;. iiutirlng Yatinan, will all liave: gathered stars from 1 ts sacred ser vices -i n. the ire r own of rejblcl rig; :' V'

Looking back, we perceive .tliat' the 9 " a m , / Helping Hand” . meeting /Iii Tliorniey Chapel ,ljas been omItted iti tlio day’s round of. religious exercises. Thus wo go for ten days of devotion imd soul saving. • •

Mr. and Mrs.’\V. II. Geary, of Phlladel-! phia, arrived at the Spray View Hotel Wednesday evening in time to witness one of tlie most severe storms encountered on the coast for several years. The guests of the Spray View;Were'up nearly all nlght: arid out early to see the lmvoc. the.great waves made along tlio beach arid board­walk. .;./;/, •?;.*;/;* " . V/ , 0 v..?-/v

•Rev. Socrates Townsend, H. CoOper tmd A: F. Williamson, of Philadelphia; Elmer E; Courit.'.Florence Italyj.Misa 0/ CompV ton,r. Mauricetowu, N, ‘J.; H. |S; Brittlri,- Esq., and Mrs.’Peek,/Madison;.'Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Gl Moyer,' South . Jersey, and Rev. C. E;-Herring, Plainfield, are among the guests of the Howland House.

Women's Foreign Missionary Society,For twenty years Ocean Grove litis been

linked through this organization-In.Chris trluti sympathy-anil effort to the V regions, beyond " where pagan darkness ami death reigns, and each year has unfolded a his­tory of sacrifice for God and success In soul.saving.

The twenty-first aunlversary . of the ()ceari Grove brancli, which was held last Saturday and Sunday, in some respects was the most Interesting,of any preceding It,;; Great sferriioris' arid generous contribu­tions have marked the milestones of its history; but to‘;see. once niore tiie face of the' venerable- pr/ Wlilittiii Butler, found­er' Of missions. in the empire of India,.and other, parts of tlie .world, and his devoted wife; founder of theOcean Grovo auxi­liary; 'wlth'/ri son arid daughter,, both for e lg ri: ml ssl on a r I eis, has been a pri v I lege u n t o l d . ; ! : ./.'-!;. /.; *'■" :. v-:;

jxx; IXCIDEkT..■ Thirty-seven years ago thls'Dr. and Mrs.

'Butler, were*- in Indiiu It was -just' after the riiuti ny, Whicli destroy ed so many precious lives, and from, which they bare­ly-escaped; they, were waiting at the trial of . the ..Great' Mogul iind Prlndes,.In one of the ! most magnlficeut -buildings iri the. world, and becomlrig weary, seated,them­selves on the beautiful crystal throrie Over which, was the inscription, 41 If there be an elyslum ou earth it is this.” .. : :f / ./.How sign ip pant, that in a heaven lari d where the wife must not be seen,- a Chris­tian husb>nd and wife should sit; together lipori the throne of Its chief ruler; -It'was _id;;.tuis; 'positlofi-vtli'at -:pi>K:.Hut rl-\vrot0-/ to pr,;DurbinV then /corresponding secretary of the/VIissionary Society, and that letter was the;: inception Of. the' , organization of woman’s work. Then there was not an-, other Methodist in India, Now. there-are Six: annual . Conferences. “ Whait hath Go'dwrought.’’; '!- V.'- >.:!;' V;!:''

;- ;V .. / . ' S A T U R D A -Y ^ S M E E I K O S . /

' The morning sermon - wus . introductory Mrs. Dr. Stokespresided,;;Mrs. .Willlam Burris/Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. Dr. Baldwin MIsis Fannie M.. English, recently from India,:ond.soon to return to! her work in th nit country,: and Dr; Stokes participating’ Miss English addressed-‘ tlie meeting, showing,;'the.; progress, lof . enlightened Christian views among the .people; jmd the effect Of Bible Reaching- upon their moral character..: ' rv V.’"’-’'-;'- ;!'./■ -.' ’

Inthe id uioreiofNew York,- ■ presid\rig:, reports of, Mrs. Mary Sparks "\\li e el er, corresponding •secretary, and • Mrs( j /R . VarikIrk treasurer, Were read, and .Mrs; Butler'addressed the. society.

The amount, raised. and. paid7 over last y ear'was $1,899.02, and the total raised by the Ocean Grove Branch since its organi­zation' was reported as $18j425.24/ /

/.: / . MI SSI OX AR Y. LO V E FEAST. • '. jOn. Saturday evening =-• the . Usual . Jove

feast was held iii: tlie Tabernacle, con­ducted by Dr, Stokes. The building-was Crowded,::imd both . home > and .foreign workers p,articlpated;: Among, the'speak- el's were Mrs.. Sludmore, jfrs.i ICripwles,; Mrs.; 'iVheeier, 3IrS.V-penler,'. Mrs.’,'f Stokes, Mrs! Grace. Weiser pavls, Mrs.-Osborne, Dr. Faust, . Dr. Bald^in, Rev. John W. Butlfer, !; of 1.Mexico, Mi s.;; Cushman,/of India, imd'Rev. Fred Poole, of China. ’

/ . / o n S A l l I U T l i . / / : s ’

The anhiVersary sermon was preached by pri S.; L. 'Baldwin, frorn ;Psalms l20 : 0 —“ He that goeth forth and weepeth, bear? Ing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” . Y , ; . - ^ , - /

At the' afternoon services Miss Clara Cushman, of Pekin, China, delivered a stirring address, and tho subscriptions’ came in grandly. Dr. Butler,Miss Cush- map, Miss F, M. English; Mrs. Vankirk and.'Miss C. Butler , weremude horiorary. inaqitgers,; by the ‘ con trl butlon of § 10 0 for each.; Irs..C; E;;^roo'rhead/gave 25, to. make L uy ah B ar aket \ a" life uiariager, and Miss :AbbiO^Min$ a like amount, to support orphans and sustain schools. Twenty-five dollurs each were .given by Mrs. Dr. R. Davey,/Mrs. CJen. Rusliug, Mrs. A- II. Dellaven, Will Dellaven, and fifty dollars by Mrs/A. K. Ronan, to sup. port u Bible reader.

• AT THE TEMPLE..On Monday morning,in the Youug Peo-

pie’s Temple, blisses Butler and Cushman made affecting appeals to a large audience, and the response ' wiis .$270. The !;follo\y- ing were 'made life members: Mr. and ;Mrs. Loviitt; the blisses Cushmari; and But­ler,. Mr,. C. -II.: Yatinau, Dr. Stokes, Mrs. Skidmqre; arid r ;H>)iiglriri(l; Contribu-. tions were also niade .by Mrs. Beuedlct, Mrs. Ruslnriore and. Mrs. Henrietta G. Moore. ’ - :. • '; -V, v ■-:'!'. ' v ‘ .

One of our Western women has truly said: “ Ilumunity, helpless lu the deep dark piaces of earthy will never cry iu vain for help or deliverance unto any woman1 who wears God’s crown «*f royalty Upon her.brow.

Tlie-amount raised for tho yoa.iyup to this tiriie,.is about $ 1 ,000, aud our hearts overfiow with gratitude to ail who so nobly come to the aid of the • society at ' a' time when the call is so ■urgent*—'Help these WOmen” wiio are striving to help raise the fallen ** In.His name.!’ - ".'• ' ■;' v

Of.benevplerice It. may lie' .said, as of witnessing for Christ, by .Frances Ridley ilavergal: “;The more we..sit at his feet arid .watch, to see what Ho has, to say Unto us, the more wo shall have to toll others! He does not send us out with' sealed des- patches, tliat we know nothing al\out, aud with which we have no concern.”

A. l\. Thompson, Sec'y.

: Pennington Sominary.;;,1;Shall we.send, our son or daughter away This is a very serious’ques­tion, hut more; and. niore in this country - parents are asking'- this question. -I Not because the local, schools are .poor, but be- • Cause, of the'. great: advantage that a good :boarding-school bestows upon a child. Tn tne I’rst place, it cultivates self-reliance In the. child.; When the child ;reUialris iit home ambition is.tipt to sleep. ‘ ; There Is a , dependence upon father - and mother that greatly- hinders that iridependerice:of pur-* pose and character which is so. necessary , to , manhood ; arid womanhood. In this.- earnest world;.we; cannot make headway without sand, and grit, rind push; and pur­pose. : Not till it fully.dawus upon a child. ; that after all it depends chleflj upon him- * self or herself whether they shall become anything In the .world w.lll they be likely to take .that serious and earnest .view of life : that will make hard study a-i delight: arid real success in life alniost certain.', It is a great chiirigo for the.child' t() leave.home and enter a boarding, sohpol. The very impartial discipline of such a school, is a great benefit to a child. It'‘foreshadows to. the child, under iiiost favorable circuntV stances, that iriipartiallty .which; our chil­dren, sooner or, later, ’are sure to experij ence.out in the untried world that lies be fore them. If they may, while yet under the tender care of, good Christian teachers, learn something of; the impartial treat-' ■•- ment which awaits.them out in real life it. must certainly, do much to prepare them foi* the stern duties .that await them. The '* mere mastery .of • books is the smallest part of a good education. This may be gotten in local schools; but self-reliance is . not arid cannot be • fostered at hoine, and iwhatls an .education worth .without self-: • reliance' arid . self-restraint?. From .the, / standpoint of education,; what a conspicu/ ' o u 8 pi ace Pennington Seminary has occur pled In its career of- fifty-four years I Its / numerous alumni, numbering over ■ ten; ! thpusarid, arid scattered/ali 'pv'er;thls: con- tlrierit, and many of them in distant lands,, is full proof of; this. .;,'/- •./’• Address Dr. Tlios. Harilon, Pennington,

N; J;, for Our catalogue;; It is full of the// very information you are now seeklrig for your son or daughter; and: Is so beautiful/ tliat It would grace your parlor table. It will be sent you. free, or ’may be had at ■-• Ocean; Grove. Book Store, Dr; Hanlon s maybe seen at his residence, 104 Mt. Tabor.Way. _____'v ■■,/ , - _ _ l i r ,

Wo take pleasure la announcing an -iiri Item of, interest that one of the finest properties in the Grove is flow on the.;;’; market and can be obtained at a great .bar- v gain. The house is large, containing some . twenty:robrns, Is well built, and has wide a!nd extensive'piazzas, affording a fine out. look on Wesley Lake as well as ‘of tlie' ocean. It is surrounded by a beautiful grove of riati ve growth', arid eight or ten lots Of lovely Iawti,: A. better location for/;: a large family, or permanent home for ari Institution cannot bei found in this vicin­ity. Persons desiring more; particular In; / formation about this really spiendld prop- > erty, may. obtain facts to their advantage,;/ by addressing Lock Box: 2090, ' or O.; B ! ■ Stout; Sanders Villa, Ocean Grove, N. J. •

Here’s a, manj Mr; John F/Morrison; : whose acquaintance.preachers imd people at Ocean Grove might find It to their ad- Vantage to cultivate.;; ills business Is of '/ the • “ high;. art” description. He climbs steeples,; adjusts;! weather vanes,. erects V: flag-poles, paints arid regilds .the orna-‘ , mental- fixtures' on church towers,;and ■ all /- without ordinary scaffolding—just the person.Indispensable. for.difficult jobs, and . .' will go to,any rllstant. point . where his ser-; vices. aref needed.' ’See". his' card in this, ; paper. : /; \ r://v/•/: ■> / ’ ;/ V '• a-;'

-.'•'•"•.ADeliciousDrirJs; V\;,' USE.nORSPORD’S ACID FllOSPIfATE., .

For.a right good arid lasting cool drink, take Hereford's Acld Phosphate with ice water and,sugar./ ‘ ?

A complimentary concert was; given Miss’,Mary S. Header at the Hotel Gran«J on Mohdiiy even ing, at which the! finest/.: riiusicai;talent iii;Grove and'Park, appear-. ed;. Tlie foil owl rig: in ii si can s imd: v ocal 1sts ; participated: Miss- Mary ; Hlnciie, Miss" I Mollie Prestbri,. daughter of ilr. Charles / Preston, Miss P/1 effcr ariii Miss j>1cC1 Iri- ; cliey, of Brooklyn,! Mr. and • Sirs. • John' King arid Miss;Flore'nce and Carrie King,; ‘ also;Mr.'and;^VIrs,;! Paul,, of the Hotel .: Grand,!arid the Park’ Sisters, ^ilss pleader.. . wiis made the- recipient of over .<?i0, aud tenders her heartfelt tlmuks to all her friends, for kindly interest. •

Hackettstown N, J, Institute

.' /• '^Newark Confereuce Seminary) .

Rev. G-eo. H, W hitney, D.D., !Pres't.

TwentletU year opens Scpt. -ltlth,. Young men iRteil for', collcco or bu&jfiess/. Ladies’ College.;; Best biitidlng'of its class. ' Music; Art,-Elocution, specialties, Patronlxed by the leading fumlbos. of tlie land.' .Two G.vmnaslums, ..'Laboratory;-:.'U- brary,;ReadingRbpni; .Terms moderate. ; ,Bomeiy iliustrated eatalogue freo, at Ocaan Qrovo; •Book Store or by inaiL- :'v .• ■';i '.; / '• ,*•.' ■=•/

W E R M E R S V I L L E , P A .

BELLE ALTO, :f.oeaicil on tlio lirovv of the Mouutdtii, over* •

.lookingtPloturoaniio ;Lol)anou Valley. . / ,Locaitoiii'Scbriery,, Dry, Rraoing Mountaiu Air,

.;; ; Soft Spring Water tlusurpassed. ■.:/ ;.y^Iu leaving Iho Seashore for tho M ountains, .Why.’•

- : , n o t try tlio 'D ry M ountain Air - 'pfBelfe Alto?

• Blit two hours from Twolf th and M arkot S tieeta; Philadelphia, on tho P. & R. R. It.. E osyofao- eess from all pars of tho opuutry.

'F o r fu ll partlculara addross ' -• • / .

E . Y E N N E V , / ’ ; Tl’o r iio rM v lllo . P a .

Page 3: REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST.26, 1893.VOL, XIX. No, 34. Rest in the Lord- ;. • l’suiin

: • W heu you go to.Now York,,stop a t ; ' ;, H O RTO N'S,- WestJ22ii Street.: C entral,'quiet, hom cdike. R ig h t in tho. heart

o f th e shopplug atid am usem ent d is tr ic t; couve-^ n ien t to overy where; 81.50 pur day. A merican plan.

The Randolph,Nq. 10 Pitman Avenue, . Oceah'Grpve.

: BehghtfulRltuatloii,. Only a few steps to board-: walk! * Open Ju u o to October. . •

^MitS.ADDIE.MOREHOUSE, , Box 2U7; . .y. j. .Proprietor,

Mulford Cottages,27*ahd |-20 Olin I9 tre6 t,;6oaau ' Grovo.;'

N ear th o ocoan , p o s t ofllco, A uditorium .and : F la iling Pier. L ocation eoniraU A rtesian w ater , ; san itary a n d oth er Im provem ents fur com fort o f ; .g u ests . T ab le first-clasS, Tyrm s m oderate.

;V AddrosslMRS. JlV J . MULFORD.

Red 'Swiss and West IF ro n tin g on Ocoau Pathway, and. MoCll n took,

. Central to every poin t of intorest.' C harm ing ocean outlook, woll furnished rooms, an d tublo appointm ents flrat-class. ■ ■; , v ‘ ‘

Box 2150. Address MISS.F, M. CADDEN, .

Keystone Cottage,’•; - i - i :; .. . O pen Juno 15,18031.' ;• >,1 V •

Heck avenuo, w est o f Pilgrim Pathw ay;;• •/. Ocoflh'Grove..; ;

Boarding by the. day o r w eek. ' P.-G. Box 2205: •• MRS. C. IL GHEEN, Proprie tor.

T h e M a n s io n H o u s e ,1 N; E . cor. Embury and Netf York

/•:: I -:j:. ;.-Avos., Ocean Grove.;;This spacious an d comfortable house fs now

opep for the season, and w ill rem ain ppeu all the yea r round. I t to centrally located, convenient to th e beach an d Auditorium . L arge‘ajry rooms, p leasant ‘surroundings, hom e-like comforts and m oderate in term s. : A ddress' : •

B o r 101. . • MISS A. BON3ALL ,.Prop'r.

Webb Ave.House,• No. 78 W ebb avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J .■ Tills house Is'p leasantly .located In a cen tra l'

an d q u ie t part o f th o ' Grove, convenient - to post office. Auditorium a n d occan beach . Now open for boarders , by th e \day or .week.- Charges mod- brato. •-/.

JTN N IB D ICK IN SO N ,lPrnn. , ,■, J ; - . EMMA MORRIS, • ' V f Ar°P s *

The Interlacken,N o. 0 A tlan tic A v e .,'. Oceiin G rove, N : J .

. L atelypurchased and new ly furnished. Very cholco accom m odations. All m odern- im prove­m ents. .House no w open. .*Box 072. : MRS. M. AGGINGS, Proprietor.

Hodson Cottage, No. 24 Surf A venue, .,

Betw een C entral arid Beach; OCEAN GROVE.OPEN A L L TIIE VEAR, ' V

. . A desirable location, w ith hom ediko •comforts,, on th e m ost reasonable terms.' Rates duriug fall an d 'w in ter m onths unusually low. 'Fam ilies ao-

. comm odatcd a t reduced p rices ..B ox 60 ' MRS. E. .HODSON, Proprietor

Bath Ave. House,. • Cor; C entral and 'B ath Avenues,' :

: i " A N GROVE,. N. J . . .: '^ •

Fine location, near th e A uditorium , Wesley Lako, Ocean aud Bathing Grounds. P leasant ao- eommodatlons. Eularged aud Improved. Rates, Juno and Septomber, $5 per week.

P. O. Box 812. M. F . MacPIIERSON, P rop’r.

ST. ELMO,Cor. N ew Yorlc an d M ain A venues, .

Ocean G ro v e , N . J .Superior Boarding Accommodations. Central

Location. Ono Square from PostoiUco and Audi* torium. Convenient to,Ocoan Beach.Box 2032. MRS. M. M; COMPTON, Prop.

Mt. Tabor C ottage112 Mt. Tabor, Ocotm Grove, N: J.

A comfortablo. hom elike boarding houso. open a ll tho year. Convenient to both Grovo and Park, Terms very reasonablo. -

MRS. C .R . HITCHCOCK, Prop’r.

Camp View Cottage,No. 6S Ml. Carmel, Ocean Grovo, N. J .

Centrally located n ea r Tabornaolo and Audito­rium ; very convenient to all m eetings nnd places of Interest. Term s fo r room s and board, tho m ost reasonablo.

MRS. C. D. COSTON,Box 481. Proprietor.


. Comfortable accom m odations, experienced .'m anagem ent and.lowest rates.

Box -132. , M RS. t>. P. BROWN,' Proprietor.

Hygeia Hotel,Central Avenue and M oOlintbck-Streetv- ■ V .Opposite tho;Arlington.* . ,, '

• Nowly renovated aud re fu rn ish ed .: Acommo- datlona for gUostn very desirable. :Good tablo aud a ll hom o.comforts.- .. . ••

MRS. 11. M. MURDOCH, P rop’r. 110x 852.. • ' Oceau Grove, N. J .

Troy Place.25 A tlan tic A ye., Ocean Grovo.

A centra l and delightful lomition. O ne: block from tho Ocean. •

Opon J u n o 5 th to S e p te ra b o r 1 5 th . .;Mits. W. It. M k e k e r ,

•Lock Box S ill .1 • ••; - ‘ • Proprietor-

BOARDINGBy the Day; Week or Meal,

■ . a . - - •.'•_ _ ••.•■•.•

Nicely Furnished Roomsa'7 ^ ; ; w i t h o u t b o a r d s ; : ’

• : 45 tPilgrain Pathway,' .A R T n u jl C. SMITH, Propr.- OCEAN GROVE.

Ovor F lltoro lt Bros.’ Now Storo.O P E N A I jL T H E Y E A l t .

Q H A S . W. KAKSNEK,,-M. D .riP H Y S IC IA N A N D SW nO EO N ri ■ G raduate o f both schools.: , ,i

Sum m er ofllco-O pposite Postoflico. Ocean Grove, P ilgrim Pathway, co rn er Mt. Hermon Way.

1400 South 15th,Street,. . Ph iladelph ia , Pa ReBpectfuily refers to R ev. E. H; Stokes, D. D.,

Rev, A. Wallocc, D.D., and George W. Evans, Esq., Ocean Grove.

J ^ R . M A R G A R E T G . C U R R IE ,

^ H OM OEOPATH 1ST.120 M ain A venue, *. O c e a n G iio v e .

' Diseases o f women and . ch ildren a specialty. OFFICE HOUR8-7 to 10 a. m ., 2 lo 5. 7 to 10 p. m.

jyj-RS: J. S. BARIGHT,

Homoeopatliic! Physician’and Surgeon,81, MAIN AVE.,' 2d door" west o f New York Ave,

, OCEAN GROVE, N. JD iseases o f Women a n d . Children, E xam ina­

tions and Local T reatm en t a specialty.Outsldo calld day or n ight attended.Hours, 7 to 10 A. ?i., 1 to 3.30 r M., (J.30 tr» 9 I*. M.

JQR. I. N; BEEGLE,78 M a in A v en iio ,

OCEAN O lt« V 1C, N. J .

O ffice Hours— 7 to 9 a . m., k» to ? and 0 to 3 r . m,

•'D osim etric."

D R. S. G . W A L L A C E ,

D E N T I S T —Office durlngsum m er m onths S. E.Cor. Ileck

and Plltrrlm P’way, Oceau Grove. Established thoro in 1880.

Regular office, 425 Pehn street, Camden, N. J,Has all the modern appliances fo r;rap id work

arid alleviating paiu. Gas oK local anesthetlds used in extracilou. . , . I V.;

Rospeotfully rofers to Rev. E. H. Slokes, B.D,.- Rev. A. W allace, D.D., Rev. R .-J. Andrews aiid Dr. J . II. Alday> Ocean Grove.

F o r S a l e o r E x c h a g e .A good houso, barn and nearly 8J4 a c re s ' of

land a t Green Hrove, 3W miles from AsTmry Park. P loasaut location;on the malu ro ad leading from H am ilton to Eatontow n.

Apply on tbo premises, o r toMILAN ROSS,

Main S tiee t, Asbury Park.

Go to D IL E E S,154 N. N inth st., Philadelphia. V

to g e ty o u garm ents cleaned, dyed and re paired 1 Ladies’.dresses can be cleaned o r dyed without, ripping, and llhished to look equal to new by an experienced French Dyer,. ‘ .

BROWN'S BAZAAR210 Cookman Ave.,

A s b u r y P a r k .

T he old established and popular em porium for the latest novelties and richest dijjiayoif Japanese goods on th o coast! » - '. Rare and beautiful ornam onis a t . the.: m ost'su r­prisingly reasonable scale o f prices; ■>' CaU and see,

THE CASTLETON.67 Embtiry Avetiue, , ’ . : Ocean. Grove, N. J ,

A ' quiet and comfortable house; centrally lo­cated and well conducted■; Terms reasonable. • • : Box 2123. . SIRS. R. 1C EN N ED Y,' Prop’ r.

FOR SALEa t Egleston, F la . ono m ile from' S t.'Jo h n ’s river and located on high pluo land, n feu-room house, situated ouo block from tho railroad s ta tio n ; f ru it trcea and grape vines in bearing. Price,81.800, Terms easy.- Also for salo, a t sam e place, a flve-room house; w ill scll for 8«0 0 cash. . : ‘

Addrbss Tililo E. Thorno, Box 2012j Asbury Park, N; J . - .-

M HAIR E1F0EI1A cordial invitation Is oxtended to a ll lad les

visiting o r residing a t AHbnrj’ Park an d Ocean Grove, to a tteu d the GRAND; OPENING; of

M m e . 12. P R I S O N ’ S

PARIS HUMAN HAIR STORE,612 M a ttia o n A y e ,, 609 C ookm an A ve;, •

;; ASBURY PARK, x : J . ;Great barealUH-iio of liatuVal euriy fron t pieces..

Gray and all colors of ^witches m ade of. all long hale—nofitenw. Wo h a v e n quan tity onhand and It w ill bo a rare ch an ce for overy one to su it thctnsolvos. . .

Prof. Mme. GHISON’S TONIC w ill be sold at otienlmr tlrao nt 75 conto per b o ttle ; jiJso thy VELVET LOTION for 45 cents.

1'X.KNTY OF’TKSTIMOXIAJ.** to Lho g rea t success of the? 0 »vstnrntlve“. (i>e photos Iii window of pcr.son once bald aiid hah* now growing luxuriantly.)

Cull and exutUine b u r Ktock If you need lirst- class quality im ported hum an lmlr, w eguarautue o u r w ork and Koods.-

Eltjht years established In Anbury P ark .P r o f . i n u . <JRQ.SON.


OCEAN GROVE HYGIENIC INSTITUTEi s t r a n s f e r r e d t o - • •

IiONG B K A N C II, N. j .M edicated,' Steam and other • baths. Mnssiige

and electricity, with m use caro. Patients plcaso address. . , . 1). M. BAHK.v ’

■' . . . Founder and M edical Director, i};il Broadway, ' Long B ranch, ,N»: J . •

J O H N F . M O R R I S O N ,

3'2 Spring wood’Avonuo, ' ...WESI’ A8 HUUV l-AltK.

Ropairs and P ain ts Church Steeples,ltEGILDS Va NKS In any part o f th e .country

NvltljouLscalldlds. and attends to o th e r work of a lofty charactur. FJugpoIc'S erc<.'te<l and repalm ed. Itclcrs by permission to Mr. Jam es A. Bradley, Asbury l'nrk, aud oflicers of the OCenu Grove At-


WANTED BY SEPT. 15,Tbrco settled American women—one as work­

ing housekeeper, ono us cook an d ono as cham ­berm aid ; to go lo Philadelphia. Must have tlrst- olass referoueo. Address for two weeks, “ House­keeping," L bekB ox 858,'Asbury Park, N. J .

A Furnished House to Rent for September.

Terms rcusouable. Address BOX 2 0:1. .Ocean Grovk, N. J .

O ne block from ocean prome* node. S un parlo rs, m odern im ­provem ents, und r e a s o n a b i o


1 [ent in Gold. Weather;

: CHAS.; J. H; B EG kETT-!‘ ' Proprietor. ;

No. 8 Ocean Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J .. OPENS JU N E l. 1693. Directly on tho Ocean front. Full Orcnli view from all the rooms. Con­

venient to A udltorltun and Ross’s Pavlllou. Good rooms. Pleasant vcraudas. Sanitary arrange­m ents complete. • * .

Boxe-.’ir. M.-J. HOJ.T.

Sea View and Beach Avenues, - Ocean Grove, N, J .This spacious ond beautifully located houtfc will bo open as usual. It Is acknow ledged to bo ono

of tho m ost desirable In point of. situation, elegance of room s aud fcvery advantuao conducive to health and com fort,: G rand outlook, on lake and-ocean. Table and all appointm ents flrst-o lass/.

•' .: •. V ;..v -‘V •>. .. • . MRS. H. M. AGNEW, Proprietor.

B E A C H A V E N U E H O U S E rC orner Beach and W ebb A vem ies, /: O cean Grove, N . J-

loca ted one block from Ocean am) Fishing Pier. Table flrH-eloss. ibune comforts. Three w ide verandaA 'wlth full Ocean View. Artesian water. Bolird by Ihe Day, NVvek or Season.

Lock Box 215«’i. ; ; . . R. lV, FRIDKRICI. Proprietor.


Delightfully situated on PITMAN AV EN UE,. . second house from the.beach.

' I ts fine occan viow, large cool verandas,.eprlug ;; ; beds, san itary plum bing, Artesian, water, etc.,

ofl'ers special inducem ents to perm anent and tran- . slent guesta. Table llrst-class.

Term s'reasonable. . ; N, H. KILMER,• . .: 3 and 5 P itm an Aveuuei O ceau,G rovo,.

LOCk BOX 2 0 S 7 , . i 'C1'


M A IN A V E N U E , N ea r A ssociation B uild ing , O C E A N GROVE,- N . J .

■ Cholco accommodations. Now,-hair m attresses—woven w ire (J,, d in ing hall, 'A rtesian w ater; law u tennis, court, ouo m inute fromfrom ocean. . . . . . . . .........................guests.

,t-clas-» tablo and flue. . . um and three m inutes

Term s reusQnabl**.. Accom modations fo r 160, w ith every com fort aud a tten tio n to Box 317.' THOS. PRENTIS* Proprietor.

O S B O R N H O U S E ,Corner P itm an and C entral Avenues, Ocean Grove, N. J.

Location the m ost central and desirable. Reputation for tab le aud all liom e comforts uusur passed. Patronage Increasing every, year. Experienced and popular m anagement.

Box 2131. . : MRS. A. ISRAEL, Proprietor.-

T H E C A R R O L L T O N ,28 Ocean Pathw ay , South Side, Ocean Grove, N, J.

A F rU S T -C L A S S 1IO U S . •DRAWER Ij . J N O- W I L S O N .

D E LA W A R E V IL L A ,C o r; C e n tra l a n d P i tm a n A v e n u e s ,

Very centrally located. Fine Ocean view.

O C E A N G R O V E, N . J .

. . . _____________________ Near Auditorium and Post Oflice. ..SpaclouS* veran­das ■ Woll-furnlshied rooms. Table llrst-class. E lectric lig h ts .. Perfect sanitary arrangem ents;\ Open Ju n e 15. . Special rates for June and September. For term s apply -. • • i . -

Box 172. . ; • '• J v .v i ;’ ';H . MRS. CULBERTSON'J:PRICE.

:/::;The. Metropolitan,W I T H B IIO A W W A V H O 0 S K A N N E X .

Com er Beach and A bbott Avenues, and Broadway, fronting F letcher L ake.Splendidly loeated, w ith in one block of the Ocean, Lake, aud Bathing Grounds. E x tra large, cool,

a n d nicely furnished rooms. Spvclous verandas. Electric lights. T<tble llrst-class. Perfectlicely

Post Ofllco Box 290.sauitay arrangem ents. Terms reasonablo.

MRS. If 3f. BLAKE, Prop.

^ I l i a .O cean Pathw ay , N ea re s t tb e Sea, S outh Side,

• O C E A N G R O V E , N . J . \

This spacious and elegant new hnu»e. possessing a ll the Improvements and conveniences possible for the comfort ol sum m er visitors, handsomely furnished, will be opened for guests about Juno 1 Engagements for rooms and board now In order.Box2207. MRS. T. B. HUNTER, Proprietor.,

TH E ELDORADO,B roadw ay, fron ting F le tch er L ake nnd the Sea, Ocoan G rove, N . J .

Eighteenth Season. Cholco lo ca tio n .. Splendid Ocean view. Flowing A rtesian-w ell, cheerful rooms, broad verandas. • Attention lirst-efass in every particular. • For terms, A-c., address

Box 207G. MRS; A. LOOMIS, Proprietor.'


OCEAN GKO YE, N, J.S. \V. Cor. lleucli and IlecU Aves., : ,

Sixth season. Ono block from the sur'r*- Commands line Ocean view. 'C heerfu l surround ings well furnished rooms and fhvt ciass table. A rtesian w ater, e lectric lights, perfect san ita tion , Box2101 • ’’ MRS. M. B. HERITAGE,.Proprietor.

E t a - e ,C orner.o f-M illu and B ench A venues,'

: ; ; V ,P ° K A N O H O V E -.N . j .T he location o f th is house Is one of th e most convenient and beautiful,’w llh ih n single block of

the Occan, and having every .surrounding attraction. Board during Ju u e aud Septem ber 55 a n d ’56 per week. Comfortable home. Moderate charges. / . - . . .. . •: • * •- Box 2173,: f 0 ! ; , v . • MRS. R. A. SWAN, I'rbprlotor.


One Iflock liotn Association Building nnd Post''Oflice; two'from Ocean' front: Very choice rooms and every convenience for com tort of guests. House open from Ju u e 1. .

• Box ' • . MRS.M I B. 1>AY. Prop rioter. •

© e lv e r t G o tta g e ^I.ALE. . , •

Only h a lf a block from l.lllaeove’s sea btithing establishm ent; Comfort able ami airy room s od tablo and reasonable rates. ' ,

. ; • IOS. II. SEI.VERT,-Proprietor. •

Hotel LeChevalier,N o rth eas t Cor. W ebb «ml C entral A venues,

... OCEAN GROVE, N. J . • . , .G reat health rosort fo r w hiter, spring and sum-

mor, LOvely coujilry and 6ea ftlioro drives, sea air. Invigorating pluo breezes giving streng th and hoalth to tired and weary ones w iio need to reeuperato their wastlugeuergJes. SpecialirIuter rates.

Address A. L. WILCOX. Box 230.

The Chautauqua,51 iiroadw ay, Ocean O rove, N . j .


A hom elike, iju io tan d thoroughly comfortable boarding house, pleasantly located near Fletcher Lako and Ocean bath ing pavilions. Houso always ready TOr guests. Rooms aud table unexception­able. . M R SJT .T . WIGHTMAN

. and MISS M. A*. DOWNER,• Box 2010. Proprietors

Corner M ain and ' Central,’.- Two blockH from.-the Ocean From cnade a iid ; E lshitie J ’ier. ./A rtesian/w ater. Perfect san itary ..

appliances. Electric tights. Home comforts. • Reasonablo rates.

P. O. BOX 2i'/2:{. . y .

■; Ocean Grove, N . J". .

Artesian, water. Perfect sa

. MISS M. WHITE, P ro p rie to r

OOEAN PA TH W A Y , N ear the Sea.This nowly erecte’d and com pletely furnished hotel is pre em inent for cholco location, m ag­

nificent outlook, luxurious rooms and first c lass accom m odations. Evury modern convenience, ,Address MRS. M. M. RCS3ELL, Prop’r, "

Box 295, Oceau Grove, N. J . (Late Of the Alpha.)

Tower House,27 W ebb A venue, O cean G rove, N . J ,

Terms 31 per day and S3 and SO per week for Ju n e and September. Special rates for season. Fam ily parties accommodated. Rooms a ll cheerful aud pleasant, aud table unexceptionable. Loca • tion near oceau front and bathlDg grounds, . .1 . '

. Box 115. : v MRS. A. GOODNOW, Proprietor.

TH E BALM O RAL,S U R F A V E N U E , N E A R C E N T R A L , O C E A N G R O V E , N . J .

NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Largo rooms, comfortably furnished, good beds, Artesian water, perfect sanitary arrangem ents and electrlo lights. Oub block trorn the Occan,

and one block from Wesley Lake. Close to Ross’ Pavilion andhath lug grounds. . Prices m oderate. .

Lock Box 2030. . , MRS. E. A. CARR, Manager.

Sixth Season. Ocean Pathw ay , Ocean Grove, N . J .. - Location unsurpassed; Full Ocean v iew : near to Beach and Auditorium, All m odern. Im prove­m ents. .san itary arrangem ents p erfect.. Rooms large,; sprlug.beds, hair matresses. Artesiau w ater. Best accommodations aud hom elike comforts.

Box 2025. MRS. M. CVDOWNS, Prop’r.

I & 3 Ocean Pathw ay, N orth Side,OPES Jl'.VE 1 to OCTOUER 1.

Ocean Grove, N. J .

U nobstructed Ocean view. P .O . Box 2251.

All tnoderu im provem ents. Choice rooms en sulto or slugle.MRS. C. I I. CLEMENT. Proprietor,

B ry n M aw r H ote l,• • • . (FoRM EitLY G e r m a n t o w n H o c s e .]

N . E . C orner C en tra l and I le c k A venues.O C E A N G R O V E , N . J .

Desirable location. Convenient to Beach, Post Oflice and Auditorium. Good Accommodations. New Improvements. Reasonable terms.

Spcclal rates for Juno a n d September.Box 2060, . MRS. G. S. LU KENS, Proprietor.. ,

GROVE H A LL,P ilg rim Pathw ay , opposite T hom son P a rk , O ceau G rove, N 'J .

Convenient to all points of interest. Now* open for the sixteenth season.For term s address.

E. AV IRELAND, Proprietor.

. 25 A tlan tic Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J .Dollirhtfnlly s itu a ted n ea r the Occan; W esley Lake, A uditorium and Young Peoplo’s Templo,

large, thoroughly I'uml,shed, well ventilated rooms. A ll'm odern lmprovemouts. Accommodo- lou .4 fo r fifty cuests. Rates until Ju 'y . 15 aud a fte r Sept. I, SI per d a y ; from Ju ly 15 to Sopt. 1, 510 single, S it to 8:10 for couples per week. .

l|ox2075. V '• .. V v, : : • •' ,• F . I), ROSECRANS.' . .

H O W L A N D H O U S E ,•T H E Q K K ilX A L l-’A JIlljY . IIO TJ3L . > ■ O C E A N G U O V E, N . J . ..

linprovcil accominoUrttioilB. w ith nmplt'^ioom aticl'cvery facility for the comfort offjucsts. Scalo of: chiirgi's rtUvnvs inoilcmte. HousoHow.opoii-for the seasou,' -. - i' ’ . ■ v;

HEV a II \SVY. Proprietor.

B ath avenuo ::ear Central,NORM AN HOUSE,

Ocean Grovs, N. J .. , coin 'cu lent.tb all. p o in tso f in te re s t Fiill Oceau view. Everything for comfort o f guests. IIousoHveli .ventilated.j -Largo cool.verandas. S pecial rates durIng;SprIng and F all. Table'tlrat-class. Open •; early'iii-Juiie^^UntiljM ay v» address correspondence,to Prluc'etou, N . J , . . .

LOCK BOX, 'Jl 17. . * .; MRS. 0 . IL PRIEST, Proprietor.

C E N T E N N IA L HOUSE,■M ain:Avenue nea r Po,st..Olliee, :;.;:

prom inent; Spjieic e , tuost' reasonable.;

.Location.contral.aud prom inentv . gpfielbus piiriors, .Comfortable iiiry robins;- .Good beds. -.San ita tlm i-p e rfcc tiR a te s tlie m os^'reasonable.• ‘ - ;■ ■ . ‘ „’" ' Box 2 1 2 5 i : .1- r:v

Ocosi n- G roye, S ; • J ; ir>\ r6b tus;; 'Gdod bcds,;;.:i

MRS. M B. DAVISSON, Proprietor..

OCEAN V IE WCorner Broadway and C entral A venue, Ocean Grovo, N. J .

FOURIHCENTH SEASON. -Fine ocean butlijok. Accomihbclatlohs hotno-liko, and term s reason­able. ! Sanitary arrangepients approved, an d location healthful, cheerful and accessible. •; •

Boxl>i)02. /• V - - - „ -MRS. WM. A. WUITE, Proprietor; .

v -. : : • WESLEY LAKE, below New Jersey avenue^ Ocean "Grovo,-.: ’ ■ ^ ;

.(Opeiis JUNE17: Sanitary arraiigem ents o f the best. A rtesian w ater,' . '

; Lock Box 712.' MRS; S;. P . SINGER, Prop’r , .

Page 4: REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST.26, 1893.VOL, XIX. No, 34. Rest in the Lord- ;. • l’suiin

OaiE-AJSr G S O Y l 3 E /B O O B D , -A-TJO-TJST '26 , 1 S 93

. V

Makes nn eyiry-dny convcnic-nciv. of n;i old-tlnu luxury, •f’uie inJ wlui&i'rw'.V

: Prepared A'illi ^aiipulous. care, 1 award at all Pure FtaJ-Expositions. ’.Bach

: package makes tv/q |arce;j*’5, AvciJ Imitations—an.l Insist va having, tha

. NONE SL'Cil 1-ranJ. ' MERRELI. t t SO’H,n. Syracuse. N: Y.

r c a a r e a r a a a s i » z a f c a n s a s n a a!

. . • T)H'r:iisinR w ith hook s nnd eyes.' A pplied-in th e l i1*'***.•Iiresst'sfit pi!tT( not gap. i uu- tlio sirlm r. tlie thhis; ls.:tlonc.— in

■ J ila rk . ■\Vhih) or- D rab . l l your OnNsniaktT, «>i‘ sin*]* does n n t p y e , tlk'in. send' 'iT cvnts -for ku»P*0‘ to Xftf l l r t im V - ^ nw lcn p r

• t ’o , ; li.-pr. I). JHv»;Kllbert: S t . , Miiln.*-A' Rcnt.s; AV an te d S V im ien preferred

D o n’t ito 'thcr w it h : M oolis sinil 1«yos.

C E l . r i l R A T G D


(Opposite Record BiiH/tfng); and ' " U t h a n d F S t o . j V / h s h in o to n , D ; C .

l E A D i s i i K T r n i o H f o v F i x n . r 1 1 o - . * v T o t ; iJ A i* H » . :■ puvcuUccUunof

PA STEL PORTRAITSis tho r iiu 's t in tho Country,; ( S p o c ln l ty .)

c . M i U I l i l t K K t ; 820 C h e s tn u t S tre e t .g t e a i p r a s t ^ s n i i o & f e E a g E K S




G oods w arranted at v e ry lo w fig ures.

Also fino stock of All-wool and Cotton Bunting Flags Tor Sale.

Burgees for Hotels and StoresV E R Y LO W .

: : G I V E 'S I B A C A L L : :


• ?' 'LeavcordersoGJIcck avenue; arid fronted.. - • (■?■’,. Ladies’ Mora, Main avenuo; ., • - : .,;-v

NO CONNECTION* W ITH ANY O TH ER EX P R E S S Attention to bnygnge and freight delivery at de­

pot, and throughout the (irove. Prompt and sat* Isfactory ns usual. Orders promptly Attended

ELOLIN STREET, Opposite Post. Office.

CIIU S. JC E , Proprietor.Beat arrnngements for rapid aud thoroufih work

nt rca«-onablu price?:. Articles en I led for and de­livered iti any part of Grove or Park when desired.


1* •

G ra n ite a n d iUarM e

Building StonB of all kinds.Curbing and Flagging a specialty.

• Work Executed in all parts c l tlio State.

C E N U B U C & C O .M a in S t . a n d S e c o n d A v e .

•: Asbury Park, TS. J. ■■■ ’•

U. S. PENSIONS.Many everywhere si ill entitled under.either Old

or New Lnw . >Vrlt«* lie rO a n i l Now is good time to apply before Cougrcjs elmngcs Pen* hion I jxws. i hotiniuds of ivnMoiis allowed through this Agency, nnd.otht-rn now dally. Petislou Cases here from a ll United states, Caimda


U. S. Pension Attorney. 22l E . State St.,’ Lato U. S. Pen. Agt. N. J . TREN TO N , N. J. '

g S j i # * 1* i h Y X X l A l l A I M t O A D .

' . t ;m t .\ b le } *il: i,y- w .n .:TftAISS •-r,BAVfeOCCAN OROVE

: Fo p $iw:YoVlc>Ne wa rk'Elizabeth', tLiffr T-'W; S.'ed; f'.;' s i3V..i).lD'ai' m .;!l.:l0,>2,*r»,'#.5),»v• ! ; 5-8.0: '1/.U5 ! ; -p. m;/ 'v/v-V- ■•'• •' -'\V' Y Y -

For Uahwny'i 0.i& Pi 10.;.aV ini;:. 1.10, LC 5 ,; 6,30 and •lor. i r jn .

•., on lv).‘J.O.Vp • ••••Fqr l!ed Baukr'i ‘ t ' ' ,v,^'iD.ll.jiV.V,lvlp.-2<45,

;? :,0. :!)

. ..;wOeU;Uayas ......... . .. , ...For TOniK liiverjlHlahd » . v -* t ‘ -titermcdiato v i-; sUtitiiis, C.11V&13M;*+:/■; ;■4:62;:T.;Itt.n;'nil'.'Wl,ok‘d-1l ' J v ' : ■-v- • F o r ; Po int.-Picnfnnt'. and/v i ; ' v.!. dj/-:te ^statIons,

■... „ m m*i!(!,{y;f>x Saturday?/ -'/” )*' i .2;?,

Fo r N o\v 1} ru n.sw ick ,v i a >1 nuuiouth J t»nct .ou, 0.2 >, vV'.^'ip a ;m .,. 3 . 0 7 , r».op p. m>-:; •• • teai.N's ii®AV;«Nfiiv voRK (via Courtiandt aiid Deer . - ' : brbsscs Street Ferries) Foil ockan grove.. • ; At; ji.;?0. 7.S0. 9.1 ; iCi;i)0 a.mM12.ia (V 20 f?attirday, 3.10. :u o , •i.-i’O, O.IO and 7.C0 p.,m.. • -Sundayst*. 15;.ii. 15a. m ,6.15p. m.

On Sunday w ill stop a t Interlaken aud Avon hi juace* of Norti: Asbury Park and Asbury Park tr let oil* passengers.t r a i n s t.E^Vn i’jm.Ai>Ki.riUA {Broftd Street) von

• OCKAN UltOVE—WKF.K'PAYS.,At 1.05. C.5f>; 9/J1 . 11.39 a. m ;, 2 40.. 3.30. ,1.09,

and »5.tx> Saturdays only) p:- m. Market St.■ Wharf, via. Camden and Trenton, 0.10, 7.20,. 10.30-a. n t, 2.M p. m;- (4.30 p; in. ■ Saturday

ofcjy). Via Camden aiid Janiesb'nrg, 7.20 a.• • a.m., 4,00 p. m ; • ' •.• -. •'Fo r UaltJmore uud Washington, 0.r>0, 7,20, 3.31.

9.10, 10.20, 11,18 a: m.'. -. .(12.25 . Llmitetl• Dining Car), 1.30. 3-40,4.41 (5.10 Congressional .: Limited V nllw nn Cars and -.Dining Car)/ 0.17, •V. 7,00, • 7.40. and 12 .W night .weeknlays.

Sundays, a.50. 7.20, 0.10. 11 la a. m., 12 .10, 7.00,7.40 p. iu . nnd 12.03 night. Fo r Wash- ingtou only td.65 p m dully, no conches.

For RailliMore only, t!M, j.02.5 05 amj 11.30 p. m. weeU-davg. sundiiys, fi.t«i» and 11 30 p. m.

Time-tnldcp nf a il olher.trnlns o fth e system may be obtained at the .ticket otlices or stations-.

J . R . WOOD, Ueu’l Pass. Agent'. M. PIIEV O ST, Cien’ l MaunKer.

WILLIAM H. BEEGLE' / (Successor to l l . B . Beegle.) .V- K'..

Insurance,JLS M x lIX A V E , t ’ O .’


j ^ e w Y o r k & l o n g b r a n c h r . r .

. . T IM E T A B L E , J U L Y 10, 1S9A:

Btatfons in New York—Ceutral K. R . o f New Jer­sey, foot of Liberty 8treet: P. R. R .. foot of Cortlandt and Desbrosses Streets; N. J. S. loot Rector street.

T.EAVF. NEW YOIIK FOR OCEAN OnOVE, AC. Centtal R. R. of N; .1.-4 550.’ S.15.10.30, ii.30a.m .,

1.30. 2.15. *6 30. 4.00. 4 . : U ) , ' 5 0.15 p ill. . . Pennsylva!ila-3.:ui, 7.:50. 0.1U. 10.00 a.m., 12.10.

2.:», 3.10, M 10. 4.20, 5.10; 7.00 Jersey Southern—11.00 ri m ., 1.00v(Satnrdays

only), *3.45,4.;»0,5.30 p.m.. ; '- LEAVE OCEAN GROVE FOR N E Y O R K , «fcO. '; Central R; R.’of N. ,T.~G.10,-7;00, *7.80.'^.02, S40,' .' 0.40,10 50, a. jnv,. 12.15,2.10, J.OO, 7.09 p. m.- \Pennsylvania—0.13. *7.42. *H.20, S.45; 9.10 u. .m.,. 1 .20, 2.45, 3 50/4.25,' 5.30. SHV* p.m. . •New . Jersey Southcrii—0.43,7. J7. b.25a. in., 5.14

p. m.For-Philadelphia .ant) Trenton, via Hound Brook

Rm, S.02, £.30, 9.40 a. m.» 12.15. 2.10, 4.00 p. «l.' • '

For Rclnmr, Spring Lake. Mnnns<iuan—5 50,.0 27,■ 0.12. 0.55. 7.25, ? 50, '.112. 9.30. 1U.12.11.0S, 11.47

,'*■ a. m .. 12.33. 1C.3<. 12.67. 1.1 S. 213. 3 .* , 3.57; •1.07, 4 23, 4.52, 5.02, 5,15,5.20* 5.2$. 5.^5,. 5.5 . <?.©*, 0.13, <U$, 7.13, 7.IS, 7 32, S. 13, 9.03p. iri. . ■

Manasquan nnd Point Pleasantr-5.50, 0.42, 0.5.1, M 3, 9.3-'., 10.12, 11:08. 11.17 a .m .. 12-IS,. 12.57, 1.IS, 2,13,3.28, 4.07, 4.23, 4.32, 4.52, 5.02. 5.U0, 5.2S, 5.55, 0 03, .0.09. 0.13, U W , 7,13, 7.16, 7.32/

• $43, 9.03 p. m. • -'For Tieutou and - Philadelphia via Sea G irt—

*f,.C7. *7.25, 7.r*fi, 9.12a.tu., 12.33, 3 57, 5.33 p.m. For Freehold—7 50.9.12a.m.. 12.33,3.67; 6.V-3 p.m.

12.0S p. w ., Satnrdays o n ly ..I'or Toms River— 0;12,11.08 a. m., 5 20. 7.13 p. m. For Cnmden and intermediate statious via Sea

Shore Route-0.42 a. m.. 5.20 p. m.—"Express. RU FU S ULO DO ETT. Siijt.i t. v . ju r .D W iN , a. p. a . c . A’. •>/ y . *

J . K. \yu»);i. 0>a. J'dK-A'jk J'otun. Ji. A*. .



NELSON H. KILMER, • Architect and Builder

Plans and sped ri on tl oris drawn for a ll kim ls of modern -wood, stono .u r ’hriek hulldlngs. _ For Nvorktnnri9hip and prlcca will refer to a ll for w hom I have dona work in tho Grove and P ark ; Estimates cheerfully glveu.Box 20i& 5 lM t n ii i i i A v e -, 0 « e a n Grove.^

• : • .N e w .Y o r k ,A u g u s t 2 1 , j S9 3 ; .

• G o o d n;oocls,: and your m o n e y hack, if y o u w ant i t ; th a t is th e bread and b u tter o f g o o d sto rck eep ir ig ; • b u t th e ja m — everyljod y lik es ja m -^ is handy lo ca tio n , p leasant sur­roun d in gs, and courtesy .

Y e s , co u rtesy , esp ec ia lly in business.' T h e b o v ’s c lo th es for in stan ce , or y o u r . o w n , don 't pop r ig h t o u t o f our store clear to w h ere you live. Y o u h a v e to c o m e or W rite; and .w e -fe e l all th e m ore k in d ­ly tow ard y o u b ecause y o u h a v e co m c so far or -have ta k en th e , trouble to ■ Write. S o w e m ak e it as p leasant for you as w e can,- and are glad, h o t o n ly th a t w e can serv e-y o u safely , but th a t y o u en jo y it as w e ll as w q. • ' .• P art o f th e e n jo y m e n t is find in g all th e o th e r m e n ’s and b oys’ w earab les— h a t s ,: sh o es , n e g lig e sh irts, and th e rest.

Free deliveries within-ond hundred miles-o'l New York City, excepting C. O. l): packages.

R O G E R S, P E E T & CO.

DANIEL C. COVERT,No. 27 PilBrim Pathw ay,' A sso -.

elation Book Store,

O C E A N _ G R O V E .

G E N E R A L A G E N T.For/ thej 'Ftirehasre,' Sale and. Renting of.: ReaVestate. Also,..-

Property Insured in ftrsi-class companies, >V. :-Improvements made for riou-resideu'tsi . r 1 ; Property, cared for, : • , .Loans ricgotiated arid oolleetionsmado.

:. ^ yComniissioiier of Deeds aiul Npiary Public.P. Ol Box.aiSO. . ’ Correspondence solicRed*

C7 SICKLER, 1 ;Real Estate ‘ . A gent


Commissioner ci Deeds & Notary Public, Cottages and Lots Sold or Rented.

Fire insurance in Reliable Companies. Money to Loan on

OFFIOE—NO. 76. MAIN AVENUE,. Near Avweiatioii Oillce. . •

0 . 3 ^ E .KEAL ESTATE


IN S U R A N C E : A G E N T ,9 5 M A I N A V E N U E , ; ;


A. ALLISON WHITE,; 'Successor to Jarrfea A. GrlDlrig *S: Co.

— O C E A N d R O V E —

PHARMACYP it m a n A v e . , o p p . “ T h e A r l i n g t o n ,” •

O CEAN C R O V E , ti. J .

Drugs. Chemicals, Fnney Goods, Sponces, Patent sAfodieines. Pimrmnccutlcal Preparations, ctc.

Store closed on Suudayt- during eliureh Hervicea..

Maiiv Avenue Drug Store,; O C EA N G R O V E,’ N . J .

Open f ir the winter tnonlhs opposite Ocenn . (irove Entrance Gates.


UATES IN PH ARM ACY.. Pr-iees guaranteed: as-low as tho best Roods

and honest dealing w ill .permit. .

- S T E P H E N 'D . W O O I . t E Y . : ■

GEO. K. IIOUGII, Practical Tailor and Cutter,

' (Late of Philadelphia;) ■ •N : o , a P i i j c r l m P n t l i w n y , n e a r l y o p p ,

. P o s t O f l ic e , O c e n u G r o v o . .:

-Personi. furnishing their own m aterial can have It'made up in the latest style and most satlafac* tory. manner, •. •; r ■; - . vCUTTIN G, CLEA N IN G , R EP A IR IN G , PRESSING

JO S EP H TR A Y IS iZffa!n Street, : Aabnry Park, N. J.

. •; KING’S B R ic k BUILDING.A splendid assortment of

Gold and S liver A m erican and Swlsa W atches.

G o ld a n d S l o e l N i ic c tn c le s . Thcor.eiicai und Practical Repairer of Chron­

ometers and Watches.. >J» S iif lE A b l i T H E T E A K ,



Tinware, House-Furnishing Articles. Cor.;Cciitral aiul Olin Sts.,%;.U v / ;: ‘: x o <;e a n G R O v iE . . ; ‘ .

t h r e eBROADW AY

. S T O R E S

■E l Prince, IVAYK Warren, SS 1 3*d st.

DANIEL D. PEAK,■ .Sncetissor i o G E O . W . E V A N S , '


F irst oillce cast ofthe Association Building. .

General agent for the Sale and Renting of Oceatv Grovo Properties. .

Insurance placed ii i reliable companies at low­est rates. ■ • .

Estimates furnished for all Uiuds of improve­ments. . • . * .. 'collections mado aud loans negotiated. .

C’orr/?N ii«u< Ieuco S o l i c i t o il,



Sanitary Plumbers,:y aad Dealers in .

S TO V12$ a il cl l i A N G E S , .Opposite Post Otliiic; •


H . ; B . B E E G L E , :.OOEAN GROVE,'N. J .

. .NOTARY. : PUBLIC.Commissioner of DerOs' for Pennsylvania aud

the District of Columbia. •

WILLISFOKD DEY,No. 1026 Scventcentli S treot,

D E N V E R ,C O LO R A D O . : .

Real Estate, Loans and In- vcstraents. ;:

^ o iu e apleuilicl 8 p e r cen t, 'm o rtg a g e lo o n ■ ; iii v es tm en ts fo r s a le ; . ■ \ ,

.Correspondence solicited. \ ■ -.. *'

' PORTEIl ■ S Shoe aiul Hat Store

H as Rem oved from P ilg r i 111 P a th w ay, .

O cean G rove, to . ,

630 GOOpilN AVE,;••.••,f -. .- C orner Bontl Street,^.

(Lew is’s ^ e w - ju lck . B u iltlirig ,); J

A S B U R Y P wA E K ’ E t W J I E f E Y .

WASHINGTON W HITE,7 2 0 S la t l i i io n A v c . , o p p . P o s t O flic e .

; ASBURY PA RK , ;N. J«^

Lp.. . M O N EY LO AN ED ON F IR S T 31 OllTO A G E.

Lots for Salo In any part of stato. 'Soverftl Eiho Farm s oa.Easy ^erms.

I have 10 lota at West Grove t h a t ! w ill sell on easy terms to parties wishing, to build. Also somo at'W’ost'Atiljury Park—the finest o n .the tract—a n d : a great, variety of property placcd Withvmo1 for sale and to rent ; -Having a thor­ough knowlJilge of valualioiis througliout tlio State, it w ill pay you to ctilldu'ino.

N. H. KILMER,Oontractor, Carpenter

A N D B U IL D E R .Plans and specifications furnished, nud esti­

mates made'an a ll kinds of carpenter work.

Jobbing of all kinds atte/.dccHo.

5 Pitman Ave. ^>Vb.

T. FRANK APPLEBY,R eal E sta te

•If-i'y-}": • • 'Reirioycii to ' -■ ;

• j i . ;. 01 M AIN; AYENXJE;Asbury Park and Oceiin Grovo Bank Duildlng, v OCEAN G RO VE. . , /

: Now open in’pharge of RO B'T.E. MAYO;. : V v'*V-:‘ : A ll kinds of • ’ .’ V .'


J O H N M . D E Y ,{Permanently residing at Ocean Grovo,) '

ARCHITECT AND BUILDER.Is ahvays ready to furnish plans and cstiiiiates ol cottages In every size.and stylo; : .

Fo r good workmanship aud satisfactory terms,- ho refers to a ll for whom he has erected cottages, both in Ocean Grovo and A 6bury Park,duriug tho past lifteen year«,:■ > '■ v-.-

Cor. Benson, and Jliiln Avc.’, .’ Ocean Grovo


Funeral Directorand Embalmer.


Flowers of nny tlesign at short notice.

Parlors and Office—No. 17 Main St.,A SBU RY P A R K , N. J . -

Also Superintendent of Mt. Prospect Cemetery

t e e l S t a t e s - H o t e l .Oornor Main and Beacli Avenues and Olin St., Ocean Grove. ,

L ocation- u n su rp a sse d ;. ex tcm -lv o o u tlo o k f o t h 'O e a : a e c o m in o d a tlo n s g re a tly e n la r g e d : new an-* lex .c o n ta iu iiig HO room «. T h e ch o ic e F arijlly H otel o f O cean G rove.

: ; ^ . : v . . : • . >V IL L IA M .0R R , .P ro p rie to r. •

THEOcean Pathway, hcar’thc Surf.

1. OCEAN G RO V E, N. J. ■> .

Open May 1 to.Oct. 1..

A Strictly Flvfit-class , 1 , ■ .

; ■ Fam ily Hotel.

■. F ‘»r Tprms»t Etc:, A iUlrws

Enlarged anti Improved. *

Choice rooms en-suiteorslnglo


T H E LXLLAGAARD,Aliliotb Avenue near .the Ocean, Ocean Grove, N. J . .'

Enlarged io fifty elecant rooms. Accommodations superior lu overy respect. Only a fow step9 to surf and hoi>ea water baths witli electric and massago treatment at all hours. Table first-class*

MISS >i. A. EA R LS , Proprietor. (Box 2071.) MISS L IZ Z IE M. D. EARI>S, Jianager,/

Hr n b y C. Wmaoa. Preatdent. Geo . W. E vans, vico-Prosident. e d m k id e . Dayton , Ca hlor


’ ' . v ; . j ' - v - Y - ' OROANrzKn J a n o a r y , 1889, ' ?*-.V-v.*•C A P I T A L , $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 : ; S U R P L U S ; 8 2 S , O p O

Tfansacts a general Banking jlusiuess, Igsiies Fortugii and Domestic Drafts.- j ; . Prompt attention given Jo a ll matteis-ontr tinted to us.; . . . •

C O U E C T T I O K S W A R K A N D P K O W P T I . y A C K K O W I .E D G L D .: d i r E C T O R S iv:-;. -■ - v " ' v-- - '• .




•N. K .B U C 1 1ANON. .O; C . CLAYTO N . . . n }t, \ W.-.iTKTRinR,T, F R A N K A P P LE B Y . •

FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HSBIIRV PARK.Capital, $100,000 | tocatsd'in Moataouih Building I Surplus, 870,

Ocean Grovo Office—Association Building, ‘

Prompt and careful attention glvoti to all'buslness ontrusted to our caro. Now York, Brooklyn .and Philadelphia directories for tho use of tho nubile on file a t the office.

' O F F IC E R S : : ; • " : .Geo. F. Kroehl, Pres. . O. H. Brow n, 1st V ico Proa, . Albert C . Tw ining, CaBblor

M. L. Bamman, 2d Vico Pres. • .M. V . D acer, Asa’t Cashier* " • ; '

D IR R O TO R S: .Isaao C. Kennedy, ' Bruce S. Kcator, M. D., Chas. A . Atkins* Chas. A . Young,W. II. llecglo, M. L . Bamman, Geo. F . Kroehl, John L . Coffin,Milan Rosa, - Oliver II. Brown, • Albort C. Tw ining, Sherman B. Ovlatt.

D. C. Covert, Dr. Sam'l Johnson.. YO UR B U SIN ESS .FA V O R S R E S P E C T F U L L Y SO LIC IT E D .




Trimmed Hatsand Bonnets

In lalcst styles. Hats preyed. Feathers curled Crepe restored.


PA R IS Human Hair Store,

611 Cookman & 612 Mattison Avs., ASBURY PARK.

, : Large assortment of Httman H air Works. Nat • Ural \Vater Curls guaranteed.

Ladies’ H air Cutting, Shampooing, H air Dress* Ing and Curling by professional Frenoh artlflts.

My Circassian Toniquo for tho growth of th o hair and for removing dandruff and. a ll ' com­plaints of tho scalii and hair, has been highly *e*- commended by tho best reB idcnts of Aiibury Park park, and Ocean Grovo. • v •: -N ohum bug.Success in a ll cases., :•. Ladies and gentlemen consultation freo; , . •. ;My Veloutiuo for the face needs only a tylal to bo preferred' to, a ll others la- the market. Freo ; trJal.toall,. '-v-

PROF. M M E. E . G R IS0N .

Page 5: REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST.26, 1893.VOL, XIX. No, 34. Rest in the Lord- ;. • l’suiin

'. C ircu latio n of. B est A d v ertis in gT h is Numboi- I I t I-h A |V | i f L J f | \ / I-h I 1 / V I I-h ^ Medium in

lOOO... J ... .. . . . . ■ .

O cean G rove/..


111 k

Hoard W alks anil Pavilions on llic Ocean Front Destroyed by tlie W aves. ;


A Perfect H urricane Rages Along th e New Je rsey C oast Leaving W reck

and Ruin In its P ath . People

Driven from th e ir Homes.

The; easterly storm - tlmt Imd been threatening for several days culminated on Wednesday night, and from II P. M.

• to 6 o’clock the followingmorning the wind blew, a hurricane; from the north­east, accompanied by rain wiiich a t inter­vals fell in. torrents. .Not for twenty years hns so' severe a storm visited this portion of the Now Jersey coast, and the terrific sea th a t followed has left a train of ruin and destruction in its track that will take weeks of labor and. thousands upon thousands of dollars to repair.

. _ Tiio whole beach front From Liliagore’s on the south, to Deal I^ike on the north, is at intervals a scene of devastation hard to picture. Pieces of timber, chairs, planks ami debris of all description line the sand and the ocean drive from one end of the beach to the other.

Oceaii Grove seems to have suffered much more damage than Asbury Park'. From the Eriibury Avenue Fishing Tier to Lillagore’e tho boardwalk is almost en­tirely destroyed, a portion of it, about one hundred feet in length, having been carried bodily back to the drive fifty feet away. Other portions of the walk north of the fishing pier have been undermined or broken and the piling in agrcat nmm* places have been carried away or loosened and will have to be replaced.

Liliagore’s pavilion received a greater amount of damage than any other point. Tlie wbole place is a scene of destruction and ruin. The terrific force of the waves carried away almost tho entire floor and floor timbers o f his immense pavilion, and all of his restaurant appliances and fixtures, chairs, tables, etc., together with soda water fountain and stock of goods in the candy department were swept away,;’ while the wind played havoc and demolished the roof, portions ot which were lifted up bodily and carried over in tlie swimming pool. Fortunately the newer portioni-i of his establishment including the building for hot and. cold baths nnd office, were not disturbed, but

• as it is, counting the loss of business to­gether with the descruction of property,

. he will be a sufferer, to the time- of some• $0,000 to $8,000. . ;

Workmen were immediately employed to repair damages sufficiently to enable business to oo resumed, and a day or two will sec things again in operation in1 as good shape as circumstances will admit.

Joseph Ross is also a heavy loser by the storm. The floors of bis pavilion being twisted and piled up in every imaginable

• shape with the portion cast of tho candy booths carried away entirely. I t .was feared that somo of the candy booths would go also but they- wi tl istood the strain, although the waves dashed past them , and up against the front line of bathing houses w ith terrific force. ‘ The damage to Mr, Ross will.approximate $5000. Acting with his usual energy a force of men were put a t work repairing floors and a few hours saw .business again in full operation... The boardwalk between Ross’ pavilion and . the Wesley Lako sluiceway, was humped up and broken to some extent.

The loss a t Asbury Park is not as seri­ous as might have been, although Mr. Bradley’s notice that “ I t costs $10,000

• per annum to keep the boardwalk In re-• pair;” will need to be amended to read

$2 0 ,0 0 0 .• The floor of tho Asbury . avenue pavil­

ion was broken up in a good ninny places and Borriiiger’s cigar and fancy goods storo was pretty thoroughly drenched.

At intervals all along the. boardwalk damage has occurred .and when the whole is footed up itvwi)l co^t. a considerable amount of money to repair.

The ocean front was not the only point that snflercd from the huricane, howev­er. The disposition of people to take their summer outing in tents, has proba: bly received a serious setback, and a good many would not live 111 a canvas cottage again for love or money. Thu colony of tents on W esley. Lake, back of Ross’, bathing establishment, had a rough night of it. Fortunately, substantial wooden buildings with two or three rooms were connected with each tent allowing a place of refuge when the canvas part was no longer habitable. Some of them had the sides blown out, others the fronts or tops Blit or torn and in many cases the entire fly was carried away, while the howling wind and drenching rain drove the occu­pants into the frame portion of their es­tablishment for -refuge and shelter. These people however were fortunate in having some . place of shelter available. On Stockton and Franklin avenues, near Pilgrim Pathway, tiiere are a largo num­ber of fnmilies'.occupying tents where no

..'p erm anen t..k itchens are provided. Along about one o’clock these tents began to go down, and up to pieces, unable longer to withstand!the force of the gale. Altogether some twenty or niore families were thrown out : into the darkness and min forced to seek, shelter of any kind and wherever it could bo found, while,the howling of the wiful, the oreakingof tim ­bers taftl the Jiapphig of loose canvas,

made a season of terror and confusion that the enforced participants will never, for­get.

The following is a list of parties who with their families were thrown out of a house and home by the destruction of their tents:

Mrs. - E . . F. Drake, of Millers Falls, Mass., had her tent blown completely down, and clothing soaked so thoroughly . th a t . she wus. obliged to call on her friends for temporary, wearing apparel.

General J. Madison Drake of the Eliza­beth, N. J., Daily leader, came off with­out much damage outside of an involun­tary wetting, but his ten t withstood the tempest.

Mrs. Emma Trotter of Philadelphia, was left without a habitation and returned to her liorne in the city* . .

- Mrs. G. W. Jacobus and Mrs. Spencer Thomas of Newark, were,so badly demor­alized that they-w ent houie with 'vivid recollections of the night of August 23., Mrs. C. Quicksell of Haverstraw, N. Y. / with her family got a severe drenching, as did J. H. Bosch o f Newark, and con?: eluded to bring their season’s outing to an abrupt termination. , '. /)

Tlie tent occupied J By AV il 1 i am Matthews of Philadelphia, at the corner of Clark and Pennsylvania avenues, was; a total wreck, aiid lie. concluded more . comfort was attainable at; •'.short notice at; home and acted accordingly. . : ;.;; ■■ ■■■/. S. Z. Earles o f Rutherford, Ni J», found his tent a total wrcJek. und went hom e..,

John Cook,, the one-armed painter, had ii lively experience. The tent posts gave way and they had to get; out with the small children under their arms, and fin­ally found refuge in the* Lawrence cot­tage.- '

Mrs. Householder of Camden, .and. S. Fusey of Germantown, whose tents were located on Franklin avemie were obliged to return home as their places were totally flat and could not be repaired'quickly . Mrs. vReiley of Newark sustained a good deal of damage but will stick it out until repairs can be made. '

The rear tent o f Mrs. Gard on Stockton avenue, was blown out, but the front one stood the . siege.

Th6 handsome tent of Joseph Summers corner of Clark and New Jersey avenues, and occupied by Mrs. Challenger of New Castle, Del., wus demolished.

Mr. Jones of Harlem, occupied a tent on Stockton avenue which was sadly damaged.

J . l i . Patimll wiis obliged to move out on account.of damage to canvas.

The tents of Mrs. Blakely of Philadel­phia, and L. Lewis of Elizabeth, lay flat on the ground and the. occupants were forced^o seek quarters elsewhere.

James Matthews of Philadelphia, S. N. Benner of Germantown, and J- Thomp­son of Newark, were wrecked, but aro re­pairing damages.

Mr/Drew of New York, a t the corner of Pilgrim Pathway and Franklin avenue had to go home on account of his teut be­ing a1 complete wreck.

John W hitney of Brooklyn, succeeded in getting another tent put up and will remain.

The places of John M. McMahon of Philadelphia, Miss Frost of Newark, and Mrs. Du teller, were totally destroyed.

Mrs. Jones sat up all night holding an umbrella over her baby.

J. II.. Huxley o f Bnyoime, N. J ., ’ was obliged to go home us his place was totally wrecked.. ,

Mrs. J . E. Alsop of Newark, had the fly of her tent carried away and other damage done, and the place o f Mrs.tSpen- cer Thomas was also totally wrecked. vY\'

3I<*. Schwartz o f Jersey C ityJ p u t ; in most of the niglit in a vain struggle to hold the. center pole of his tent in posi­tion, but it went at last.. The tent of. Mrs. William Brand of Newark, -parted in the middle leaving its occupants to the tender mercies o tth e storm. . - -

Mrs. Bremer a t the, corner of Abbott and New Jersey avenues' had to move hurriedly into the kitchen as tiie tent was demolished.

These names include only those who suffered serious damage or inconvenience, and mishaps of 'slighter proportions are reported from all. over the grounds.

Serious loss followed in most cases, by the.* drenching of clothing, books and household goods, a good many being so badly fixed that it was necessary to bor­row clothing, for the time being.. Among.tho cottages damaged, by the wind, were those o f Rev. W .T. Abbott on Central avemie, and- tire Demo rest House on tlie ocean front, both of which had a portion of the roof carried away.

Thieves at W ork During the C ircus.The recent visit of Barnum and Bailey’s

circus a t Long Branch brought in its train the.usual number of thieves and several houses were ransacked and robbed while the occupants were out to witness the parade. Among them were the residences ofW m. Ii. Sutphen, Thomas W. Hack­man , Tl lomas Reed, Philip Coy lie, Mrs. Charles Edwards,. John Moran,- Frank Vnmlervcer, Lewis Kirby, Miss Clemine Conover and others. . Tho property stolen was valued a t several hundred dol­lars. • -

• Auditorium Fund Sw elling.

On Sunday last Dr. Stokes announced tliat $2,100 Iuid been subscribed for the. hew Auditorium fund since August 13. The entire amount how pledged is some­thing over.?4}>.000.

Fish in g P ie r .Contest.

-The fishing contest held, on the Ocean Gzove Piyr was wmi by Mr. Guyor whose catch amounted to ten lbs. between tho hours of 0 A.. M. and 1 P. M. Tho prifce was. a fine german silver, reel, .

Tlio Fishing Sm ack M ary I Kelly Driven Ashore in the Gale.


The Captain and T hree Seamen S w ept

from the Rigging and Lost, and / the O thers Rescued w ith

Great Difficulty! .

, The terrific storm of Wednesday night did not confine its work of destruction to boardwalks and pavilions, but vessels caught outside of harbor had hard work to live out the storm, and many of them were wrecked-or dismantled.

The fishing smack, flfary K. Kelly, from': New York, was among th e .unfortunates.' Slie had been fishing Oil the rocks off Munnsquan oh Wednesday and had an­chored on the'grounds for tlio night. Tlie terrible sea in addition' to , the hurricane proved too great n strain oh lier cable,

•and about midnight it parted. From that time on it became a fight for life, and the crew made every effort to prevent the schooner going ashore. In the face o f the easterly wind and terrible sea i t . was a vain attempt and about four o’clock she stnick tlie outer bar, opposite . Seventh avenue, Asbury Park, where she . was washed from end to end by the tremen­dous seas. Captain Christopher Grattan - of New York, tho owner of tbe vessel, Charles-Brown the first mate, H arry Bru- der, a seaman, were washed from the rigging and drowned, tho others being unable to give them any assistance. / .The cook/ W alter-— Was caught in the hold of the vessel and Wiis unable to escape. While lying on the:bar the foremast and mainmast went by the board and a little later she was lifted by the seas and thrown bodily on the beach. As soon as she struck the surf four of the men sprang into the water, and although they could not swim they, wero rescued with tlie aid of ropes, and later when the. tide had receded the body o fth e unfortunate cook was taken from tho hold and placed in charge of undertaker Burtis. The other members of th e . crew, Charles . Lossen, Frank Crouse, Charle3 A. Rockland, An­tonio Gliver, Andrew Larnsen and Harry Borden, were taken in hand by sympa­thetic bystanders and taken to the Hotel Columbia • where they were given dry clothing and. breakflust, and a .purse ■amounting to nearly a hundred dollars was raised for their benefit. The vessel was valued at $10,000 and will prove a total loss..-


Notwithstanding the Threatening W eather the Services W ere Largely Attended. .

The weather on Sunday,. August 20, was cool and windy with an easterly storm threatening which finally developed into an afternoon shower. Notwithstand­ing tho weather, however, the meetings at the various places o f worship were largely attended. ’ The W'omcrt’s Foreign Missionary Society, whose meetings began the day before, had charge of tbe various services . and a number of prominent workers .in tho missionary/cause Were present. The morning service in the Auditorium was opened by a prayer from the venerublo Dr. Butler who for a long number of years has been fonnected witli tho M. E. Mission in India, and the ser­mon was delivered by Dr. S. F, Baldwin of t he New York Bureau of Missions. Dr. Baldwin was formerly a missionary to Chiimv

The anniversary exercises of the society were held a t threo o’clock, and Miss C. Cushman delivered the address and the evening sermon was deliver, d by Rev. John Handley formerly of Asbury Park,n . j . . v v : / ; ;

An appeal was made for funds to carry on the. good work aiid nearly twelye hun­dred dollars were raised during the daw

W esley Engine Company’s Benefit.

A benefit entertainment will bo given a t the Park Opera House, Asbuiy Park, Tuesday evening, August 29, for tlie pur­pose of purchasing a hose carriage and harness for Wesley Engine & 1 lose Co.. No. I. A brilliant unity of talented ar­tists, including James J. Corbett, will lend their assistance, and the entertain­ment promises to be an excellent one, and us the a worthy one it should draw a large attendance.: **# A recent arrival a t the Grove is.a

young lady of importance who proposes, to make her home with Sunfpter L. Bee­gle and wife.on Mt. Hennon Way. She reached hero on the 22d,has not yet been named, and her opinions of our city will be formed a n d . expressed somo time in the future. •. _____

A Pastor Installed. .A very interesting service was held a t

the Church of tho Atonement in Asbury Park on Sunday morning last when , its first regular pastor, Rev. N. Douglas Spaeth was formally installed.

The installation seryices were conducted by Rev. A. Spaeth, I). 1)., president ofthe Ministerium of Pennsylvania, assisted by Uev. W. A. Schaeffer, the founder of the Church of the Atonement. The services wero simple and affecting and . the new pastor received a hearty welcome froni the members of his congregation. The church was' handsomely.decorated for the occasion. •


Annual Field Day to be Held at A sbury Park , A ugust j i .

The Grand . Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of New Jersey; has, been in existence for more than thirty- five years, but it is comparatively, o fa recent date that one day in each year was set apart a n d . recognized as Templar Field Day, .when, all the Comma ml erics throughout the jurisdiction assemble at a selected point for dress parade aiid re­view. Ijist year it .was held a t Atlantic City with good success, but when the question as to location came up for con­sideration again this year, Asbury Park was more iii favor than any other point,, and it was decided that 1.H93 Field Day should bo held there on Thursday, Au­gust 31. Thero are now about sixteen hundred Knights Templar iu the State of New Jersey. W ith the membership, divided among, seven teen different Com- manderies. Corson No. 15 of Asbury -Park wliile among tlie youngest in years, hav­ing been organized in 1SS0, ranks sixth in point of membership, and in all other re­spects she equals any comniaiidery in the State. The present officers are, j JX-Bee­gle, .Eminent Commander; John S. Flit-: croft, Generalissimo; W. C. Burroughs, Captain General; N. E. Buehanon, Treas­urer and Charles A. Atkins, Recorder. .

Corson will fuVnish.the escorts to the Grand Commandery and various visiting .comnmnderics during the day. * :.

The headquarters of the Grand Com­mandery, of Corson No, 15, and probably of most of the other .Commanderies wlll be a t the Ocean: H otel.: '}

The various commands .'are/directed to assemble on Asbury aVenue -right resting on Kingsley street a t sharp,Augut 31, at. w h ich^pu t the column will-

ove.,:"i'.;.vi';V j ; I ' h ' i ! / ..The line of paraded will bd io:Ocean dv.-;

enue, to Fourth,- to’ fain to Second, to Grand arid to Asbury ’ayenue[.where in • front of the Oc^an Hotfel/ the lines will be reviewed by the Grand Commander of' New Sersey aud visiting grand officers of New York and Pennsylvania.

Corson No.. 15 has. engaged Vincenz’s band for the day and an extra number of pieces will be secured.for this occasion;

.The officers' o f New Jersey’s Grand Commandery/as a t present constituted are, Warren Dobbs of Jersey C ity ,: Grand Commander; James McCain o f Trenton, Deputy Grand Commander; Edward Mills of Camden, • Grand Generalissimo; Robert Diiigwell of Newark, Grand Captain Geii-V eral; Georgo C. Maddock of Trenton,' Grand Prelate; John E. Rowe of Newark, Grand Senior Warden; Alfred J. Briggs o f l^iverton,Grand:JuTiior: Warden; Freder­ick G. • Wiese of Bordentown, Grand Treasurer; Charles Bechtel, of Trenton, Grand Recorder; John V. Allstrom of Ix>ng Branch, Grand Standard Bearer; AVilliam H. Sobring, of Plainfield, Grand Sword Bearer; Poter McGill, of Lambert- ville,- Grand Warder; Alfred F. Osmond, of Trenton, Grand Captain of Guards.

Ojv former occasions when Field Day has .been held in Asbury Park it has proved to be wpll attended by the mem­bers of the fraternity with thoir wives or sweethearts, and the coming event prom­ises to qclipse all others in-point of num­bers and interest. I t is reported tliatii prominent Philadelphia Commandery will comedown one hundred strong to join in the parade and altogether the day promises to bo a conspicuous success.

C A rtP -r tE E T IN G O RA TORS.

S everal Fast )Il*h on Hand to Conijietc in tlie Various Events.


T he Superb Condition of th e Track

H akes Fast Tim e Possible and Riding Enjoyable to C ontes- .

ta n ts and Spectato rs.

Noted Divines from a ll Parts of the Country

Officiate at the Auditorium . .

The annual Camp Meeting—the great service of the season a t Ocean Grove,, opened on Tuesday morning last*, with eyery indication of proving a greater suc­cess than any o fth e wonderful nicotines' that had preceded’ it. Bishop Walden, I). D.*, L. L. T)., o f Cincinnatti, preached the.opening sermon a t the auditorium at half past ten o’clock to an audience that filled the capacious structure to its .ut- liiost capacity and the sermon in the af­ternoon was delivered by Uev; W. P. C. Strickland,: Presiding elder o f the New Brunswick District, and Rev. Janies Moore, D. D., preached in the even ing.I u addition' to t liese services t here we re the usual special meetings held in the Tabernacle.and Young People’s. Temple, under the leadership of Mr. Yatman ami other*.

(Ip Wednesday the morningr sermon was delivered by Rev. Hugh Johnson D. D, ; of the Metropolitan church of Wash­ington, D. C. Rev. 15. M. Adams of Brooklyn, N. .Y.,, preached a t 3 o’clock, and Rev. Isaac Naylor tlie Yorkshire evangelist in the evening. •

The1 Rev. Dr. (.«. H. Corey, of Washing­ton, officiated at 10:30 on Thui*sduy morning,. followed by Rev. P. ^L Waters, of Dobbs Ferry, a t 3 o’clock., and Rev. \V*H. Ijiwrenco of New York in tho evening. ;■ The fo llowing preachers are listed to speak during the remaining days of tlio meeting: .

Friday—Rev. S/M. Vernon, Philadel­phia; Rev, Isaac Naylor, Rev. Kerr B. Tupper, St. Louis.

Saturday—Rev. I Simmons, Danbury; Rev. Isaac Naylor,’ L. W. Munhall, M. D. Philadelphia.

Sunday—Chancelor C. N. Sims of Syra­cuse University;. Rev. II. A. Cleveland, Indianapolis; Uev. J. L; Sooy, Des Moines.

Monday—President Thomas llanlon, Pennington; Rev. Isaac Navlor, Rev...S. L. Baldwin, New ' York.

Tiiesday—Rev. Dr.■'Bailor, Chancelor. of the American.University, Washington; Rev; David Wills, Philadelphia^

Wednesday—Rev., George :W. Miller, New York; Rev. Thomas L; Ponlson Jamaica. . . : »

The bicycle races under the auspices of the Asbury Park Athletic'Association on Saturday last, were very interesting.' Ow- ingjto limited advertising there w as comr paratively a small attendance, but as the track was in superb condition, the weather favorable and some fast riders on hand, all who went felt well repaid, for the effort.

The first race was the one mile, novice with a gold medal us a prize and was won by N. E. Eckstein of New York in 2:41,3*5 with Samuel Long seeyiid and George IL VunAmbergh third.

The one mile open was well contested and made in 2:37 3-5, with G. M. Wells of Asbury Park first, Paul Grosch second, W. T. Campbell third. The prizes were imported clock and. urn with.a gold watch. for second.

The tliird race was one mile, three minute class, w ith .a gold and a silver watcli as prizes and was run in three heats.

The first heat was won by AlfredSil- vie in 2:30 2-5, with H. H. Mnddox second and 'H . R. Wemple third.' '

Second heat won by F. W. Mosher in 2:444-5, with F. S. Ray second, George, W. Voorhecs third. The first three in on the first heats rode in the final which was won by F W. Mosher in 2:421-5, with N.-S. Roy second and W. R. Wemple third. .

A diamond scarf pin for first and dia” mond cuff buttons for secohd prizes lent interest to the fourth race, a two mile: handicap which was easily won by G. M .: Wells of Asbury Parkin 4:50 25, with W. L. Danner second and' Raymond McDon­ald tliird. . ’

The fifth race was the one mile 2:40 class with 10 entries and was won by Diir? an t McLean in 2:43 2-5,/with E. D. Miller second and William- Howard third. Tiie prizes were diamond culflmttons iuid a moonstone' scarf pin.

The sixth race was a half mile handicap run in three heats, first four to rule in final, the firHt heat being made in 1:002-5,. Ray mond McDonald first, L. E. Covte, second, E. T. Miller third, and W. R. Wempio fourth. Second heat was won by G. II. Thatcher in one 1:10, ■ with- W. C. Roome second, G. M /W ells third and W. L. Ferguson fourth. Good time.was made in the final, being won in 1:08 1-5,* by G. M. Wells of Asbury Park witli Ray­mond MacDonald second .and G. H. Thatcher third. •

The seventh event for Monmouth county'riders developed a nice race be­tween Harry Martin and Harry Maddox of Asbury Park and Fred T rick of Red Bank. Tiie pace was ho t and Frick, seemed to be outclassed, Martin winning in 2:34 with Maddox a close second ami Frick some distance in the rear. The eighth race, a one-mile handicap, was de­signed to be run in four heats but it was reduced to three, the first being' won by O. D Brandt in 2:25 2-5, Alfred Silvio* second, F. L. Ray third and O. F. Grang­er fourth. The second heat was made in 2:20 2-5, G. II. Thatcher first, Raymond McDonald second, W. L. Darmer third, A. R. White.fourth. The final heat was won by W. L. Darmer in 2:20 1-5 with G. H. Thatcher second and F. L. Ray third.

A study of the races will show that the time on all was exceedingly good,: and the-audience and contestants appeared to be perfectly satisfied with the afternoon’s* sport,

B O A T B O Y S I N D IG N A N T .


The Date Set by M r. Bradley for T h e ir AnnualCarn lval ls Not Satisfactory.

On Saturday morning last the boat boys of Wesley Lakt‘ met on the beach to dis­cuss the date for holding the annual lake, earni va li -They fi n ally nan ie« 1 Sat u ltlay', August 2(1, but they failed to take into consideration the fact that.some one else besides themselves*, had anything to do with the afiiiir. Mr. Bradley positively refuses to. allow it to be held on that day, as he says it will interfere with the camp m eeting services; He has named Mon­day, September 4, as a suitable.time.

The boys are highly indignant and positively refuse to hold a carnival a t all if i t bus .to be put off until such a late

.date.. / ' '. ’

Sport a t the Bathing Grounds.

Asbury.Park seems to have had all the .sensations in tlie bathing line this season while Ocean Gfove is left out in the cold. Another free exhibition was given at tho Asbury.avenue bathing grounds on Tues­day afternoon b y . a fair young damsel from Red Bank who had comedown withi he .excursion. She* was dressed in an

.original costumo cut to scant measure and clinging material so that a phmgo or two m the ocean left her in anythuig but a presentable condition. After creating quite an excitement iunong tlie special*»Vs bv her antics she was called down and away by Otlieer Rogers who escorted her to the bath house to don niore appropri­ate clothing.

Pleasant Panellings About the People, Place and Property.

Sheriff Sherman and wife of W hite • Plains, X. V., spent last Sunday a t the Arlington. . ‘ •

W /II. H. Ely a prominent lawyer . •of Tarry town, is stopping at t be A rdmore ‘ on Ocean Pathway.

Mrs. A. Allison White bus ^one to Cairo, X. Y., for the benefit o f it couple o f weeks m ountain-air... ;. ••

.loseph W. Hulse and wife of Phil-. adelphia are in town spend ing a few days of rest and recreation.

*** Mr. and Mrs. John Demorest, well known in Jersey City are spending a few weeks in Ocean Grove.

*** Mre. Nancy McCabe of Freehold, is. Spending a few days at the seashore* for. tlie benefit of her health. .-.

Isaac Naylor a well-known English evangelist is stopping a t tlie Arlington during his stay in the Grove. ' • ; ; :

*** Miss Nettie Tompkins, a teacher in one of the Brooklyn schools is spending • lier summer vacation at tlie GJenwood.

*** Mr. William ( Jranev of Dobbs Ferry Register of Westchester County, N. Y., with his wife is stopping a t .the Arling­ton. • . '■

*** John Osborn went down to Chad- . ; wick’s station on ^Barnegat. Bay one day last week and came back with a. line lot 1 of snipe.. • ; . . .

Hon. Fmnk Terry% member of tlie .; New York Legislature from Saratoga • County, with his wife is located at the Hotel Grand. ,

**# Rev. George W. Babcock, Ph.; D., of the Philadelphia Conference, and sta­tioned at Lansdnle, Pa., is spending a few days at thp Arlington.

*** Mrs. Charles * E. Howland and daughter formerly o f the Arlington.Hotel have been spending a few days a t Mrs. , Hatfield’s on Embury avenue; ' ..

**# A .jolly party composed of A. C. Fields, W. II. Ely, William Graiiev, .- and P)iilij» Dutcher took a fishing trip to , Barnegat Bay on Wednesday fast.

*** The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association^ advertising for estimates on the plans forthe new auditorium which will be received until September 11, a t ’7.30 P .M . .

*** The Misses Stella aud Bessie Col- clough, of the Bower Cottage, have be- • come experts, at floating and the number of pretty, antics they cut in the water at­tract a good deal of attention.

*** Mr! and Mrs. Samuel. R. Hammett,, nee Kahmer, have arrived in the Grove, and are stopping with Mr, R. Kahmer, No. 21' Bath avenue. They are from Knoxville, a beautiful suburb of Pitts-* burgh, Pa. * •*

The .Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. , have taken possession o f their new house at the corner of Whitelield and Heck avenues. The quarters are large and e x - / ceedinglv comfortable and the. boys are ■ more than happy. .

*** • I). M.. Brown of Windsor, N. J . ; is rather late in getting, to the Grove, .but “ better late than'never” *is hismotto'and lie is now pleasant ly sit an tc< i iti Ji is Tabor Way Cottage, ready to enjoy the camp ineeting along with tbe sea air. ■

Frank Tantum and Charles A. Lewis of tlie Board of Fire Commissioners. were appointed a committee on fire wells . and are having a crib put in at the .head of Wesley Ijike, so that the steamers may take suction there in case of necessity;

*** George G. Morrow , of the National, was agreeably surprised on Monday evening by the arrival of a party of Je r­sey City friends, some twenty in number .

.who dropped in to pnrtake of cake and. , cream, having driven up from Brielle, • .where they are*:temporarily residing.

*** Mr. L. van Gilluwe, the Central avenue grocer, delights to see his patrons happy and. during tiie hot weather of the last two weeks ’has ‘been serving High- land Cream frozen, with' collce, fritits, etc.*, to bis many customers.- 11 is a great delicacy anil was highly appreciated/

'*%' Ocean d ro v e ’s law business - is. usually confined to small matters, as her inhabitants are of, a quiet and peaceful- disposition. However, one wants a little- legal advice occasionally and Mr. . David ■ Harvey .will be. glad to impart, it. His - otlice is on the second floor o f the Mon- ; mouth build ing in Asbury Park; . . . ,

Mr. C. C. Clayton to make things, lively is offering a special Hue of bargains - in every department of his large d ry . ■ goodsdnporium during.the ten days of Camp Meeting. .The ladies will find something here '.that will Interest them if they cannot iind it elsewhere, and should take advantage o fth e opportuni­ties lie offers. . .

Mr. Taiihnan Miller, the genial manager of the Ocean Grove branch of the First National Bank, located in thij Association building, finds his time fully occupied in taking care of the business on this side of the luike, .Regular patioiis, as well as slimmer visitors appreciate the accommodations ollered by-this institution and-patronize it accordingly. / •

Mr/ Linford -Lelferson the i»opulai‘ young instructor, iu the mysteries of rid­ing a. wheel is kept pretty b u s y with his : mnherons clients, and the learners track a t the corner of Central and Main aven­ues is a' very popular resort for Indies and children, as • well as gentlemen; Mr. LeU’erson iuis the knack of. teaching .the art quickly, and a number of people under his tuition-have found'two- or- three les­sons all that was required. v :

Page 6: REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST.26, 1893.VOL, XIX. No, 34. Rest in the Lord- ;. • l’suiin


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- l.r.j 2 7<t ,*{ SV »IK)' II rt) Sl»> J* l\»- ~ M / 2 00 \\ 2** 1 00 'St 7 iw 11 »<> 17 lilt :;<) IM; a 00 <1 A0 r, oil 7.*J"» 1J .v» hi 'O -’•» •") 11 0(1

500 800 HI00 V \IK* -1 |M:}»«». I-} «»' NM<>; \ V 00 lo 00 10 IM 2.1 «> M »"* l-» rt».7.ilX> 12 * I")

• • IjOtrnl hn llces, .10 cent* p»*r line; each Inser­tio n ; for th ree.w eek* <tr.mnre, S i p e r een t. ills-

•count. T h ey m ust lu nil ease* lm ve AOv. n t- 1 •Cached. •

TO CO 1UU-S1 •< * N DKNTsi—\Vo shill l be jillUl tO rc- ’ ce tvc Item* o f n ew s m uT c o m m u n ica tio n s on

subjects o f in te rc u t to th is co m m u n ity . W rite •,/on ly o n o n e s id e o i th e sh eet.

Tho full* n a m e iin d a d d re s s o f . t h e w r i te r sh o u ld a c co m p a n y a ll c o m m u n ica tio n s , no t necessarily fo r p u b lic a tio n , h u t as ii g u a ra n te e o f good fu lth . A n o n y m o u s le tte rs w ill n o t be no ticed .

A d d ress n il co m m u n ica tio n s , c ith e r for th e e d ito r ia l o r n ew s d e p a r tm e n ts to tlie

, ' • . E d l to r o f T i i k T imeh ,. . O^ean Grovo, N . J .

SA TU R D A Y , AUGUST .19, 1893*

U n sa fe D w e ll in g P la c e s .

Tl iv- storm of Wednesday ni gl 11 was 11 ic most sevcve of any * that has visitc«I mir

’coast formally yea is, am! tin* damage ro- su 11ing >viU nmou nt to 1 nanv 11 uni«i mIs of dollars. -Tbe-inosi unfor(una(e amip i t i f u l f e a tu re o f t h e s to rm -w :is tin* w h o le -sa le , w r e c k in g o f t e n l s n e a r M ote l to r U ik c w h o r e s o m e .1 w e n t y 1 jy c fan t i tic s , in c l tu l- i n ^ a la lire n u in l> iT o f \y o in o n a n d s m a l l e li i l ih o n .- wi*iv r -r iM e n lv .o x p o s c .l tn t h e t c in p e ^ t irt t lu* u iitM Ie o f I he. t tig ltf ' b y tiu 'l)lo w in ix .« l.n v n ; o r a w tty , o f t h o i r c a n - v a s h o u s i ’s.. S h in y o f t h e m a f t o r l ln u n - iliM 'iiii a rt ui in I d ih i( i« ;h t h e <larUiu*ss a m i s to rm lo r so m e t i th e , f o u n d r e fu g e in t h e

! n c itr lih o rin i; eo tfa jre s , w l i i l e o t i te r s . lu n l- i d ie d a u i l o ro n e lie i l u n * h * rsn c h p ie c e s o f j c a n v a s a s otleroiV a c h a n ty o f s h o lle r , itm l I ih v n c i ie i l t o t h e s k in a w a i te d t l i e notninjjr 1 < »f d a y l i g h t ' lo r re i ie f . Ko rl ii nn t e ly )>ut

few p e o p le s u ffe re d b o d i ly i n ju r y , h u t the ellect of the shock and exposure upon delicate or nervous persons cannot he. foretold.-, ’ .*

Many of the \vrecked tents * belonged to.’private individuals hut the hulk of tiiem were owned l>v the Association. The fact that*these cheap places are pro­vided to meet the requirements of jieople of limited means who''otherwise could not spend their summers ut the sea-shotvs, is recognized, ^till tbe history, of the night ohirlit to suggest the abandonment o f such flimsy places of abode, or t he adop- tion of sueli regulations regarding con struct inn as won hi make them safe places o f habitation. .

T iik w reck in g o f th e f ish ing sm ack M ary TY K e lly d u r in g th e s to rm o f "Wed­nesday n ig h t w ith th e loss o f four lives,

. em phasizes th e necessity for h a v in g th e ■ crew s o f tho. life s av in g s ta tio n s o n d u tv

in sum m er, as w ell a s in w in te r.

A ftiriiiKK w as o rgan ized am o n g th e lon g sh o rem en in 2Cew Y o rk o n M o n d a y

. a n d ab o u t a th o u sa n d m en w en t o u t. T h is .w as in p r o te s to r a red u c tio n in

’ w ages from 30 to 23 c e n ts a n h o u r . T h e ; 31allt>i’y , AVard a n d C lyde lines o f s te a m ­

sh ip s w ere th e p r in c ip a l o n es aftocted.

T hk O liv e r I ro n a n d S tee l C om pany o i P ittsb u rg h h as gone, in to th e h a n d s o f a receiver. T h is w as o n e o f th e g rea tes t concerns o f. th is k in d , in th e co u n try , d o in g a n ;an im a l business o f o v e r l iv e m il­lions o f d o llars . .S tringency o f th e m oney

'm a rk e t w as tl ie cause o f th e su spension .

Tiik m a rc h o f th e h u n g ry an d th i r s ty b rig ad e goes s te a d ily oil. A m ong th e la test rem ovals w as t h a to f Jo lm D a te m a n

’p o stm aste r a t W est M ilton , P a. M r. D al- '.to it.w as tl ie o ldest p o s tm a ste r m c o n tin ­

uous serv ico in th e U n ited .States, a n d is noiv 83 y e a rs o f ago, a tid was ap p o in ted by . P re s id en t A n d rew Jack so n in 1SJ»5. A dem o cra t w a n te d th e position a n d o f course h e h a d o n ly to ex p ress th e w ish to a t ta in th e em l.

O Ik . A .; A. ZiiniiierJiJjin dec lares th a t M tcr th e iiisn lts o tte red h im a t th e M i l ­w aukee m ee t, w h e re h e .w as h issed b y tJ)e peojjle h e w ill n ev e r race in th a t c ity again , a n d if lie e v e r m eets w ith S anger it m ust lie 0 11 som e o th e r track ; W e p re ­sum e th e peo p le o f M ilw aukee feel a d ce p in teres t \ in tl ie perfo rm ances o f S anger

■’ w h o is unq u est ionid jly a 'fast r id e r, 1 m t n e ith e r, t h e in te re s ts o f tl ie m an o r o f tl ie p a s tim e is ad v a n ced b y th e o ile r o f in su lt to a n h o n o rab le y o m p e tito r . '


vTjik p rev a len t id e a .th a t th e In d ia n s o f A m erica :ire in a p o o r co in litio ii Jinan- cially is in a m easu re d ispelled by. th e s ta te m e n t o f l .Io n . W arren”-.Sayiv' 0 / ^Va­bash , In d ia n a . c h a irm a n o f tl ie C h ero k ee

‘ com m ission . 'Sir. S ay re repo rts th a t th e .O&ige In d ia n s a re th e richest jn*oj>le on th e G lobe re jo ic ing in th e possession o f

. J>00 a c re s .o f la n d a n d nearly $7000 iu cash for e v e ry m a n , w om an a n d ch ild be lo n g ­

i n g , t o th e tr ib e .' T h e m oney is d eposited in th e U n ite d S ta tes T reasu ry a tid each .m em ber receives. in teres t a n n u a l Iv.

Is T h e S u s p e n s io n of P e n s io n s I l le g a l .

P resen t a j ipearances ri lu lica te x h a t som e vleculed a c t io n ’w ill b e ta k en to sto p SOc-

: retary. H o k e S m ith s w arfa re o n th e pon- •sions o f o ld so ld iers: I t is c la im ed , th a tth e re is 1 1 0 . a u th o r i ty b y ; law fo r th e w holesale s iispensions h e has b ee n m ak - ingj a n d Colonel Cliarl'es P . /L inertin , o f

- S V a slV is io n , ; is a rran g in g to b r in g th e i uw>Ver befo re tl ie S uprem e C ourt o f th e ' i) is t r ie t *oi C olum bia, iind en d eav o r to .ob ta in ii m a n d am u s to en jo in th e ^eciy - ta rv fro.m ' in a k in g fu r th e r susi»ensions.

;OboU law y ers claim th a t u n d e r th e lawv a p en s io n can l*e stoi*ped o n ly : u p o n evi-

d en c c o f fn m d in jnoO uring it, o r w h ere thO re h a s b ee n a decrease ..or cessation o f

- th e d isab ility ; T iie C om m issioner o f / I’eh s io n s h a s p o w e r to m ake in v estig a ­

tions o f d o u b t ful . ones, a n d a suspension o f th o p e n s io n tn a v follow if. th e resu lts of.

•. th e in v e stig a tio n w arran t' it. S ecre tary S m ith lia* followed 110 su ch 'cb tirse a s th is 'h o w e v e r ,'in th e a d tn in is tra tio n o f h is tie*

’! p firtn ien t. H is ideas ditl'er from th o s e o f .liis.iavdecessoi's reg a rd in g th e deg rees o f d is id iilitv th a t niiist be shown* to e n t it le o n e lo a pension , and*, ac ting on th e snp -

.. po sition t h a t J he. form ei'Secretavy’.s m e tli- : ! ods w ere too libera l, lie a rb itra r ily ' p ro - , ' ceeds to m ido h is w ork , w ithou t reg ard to

o ro in iity .T lie fliiioim i o f m l tape- am i ndUluvitS

• -'nc’cossary '.o ii iw \n v tin., issu ing o f a pcn- sinn .ccrH linU c woulil soom to i » nil iho

' :.-siifogimrtls t lm t w ere neeewiii-.vlio ]>revent th o g o v e rm n e n t be in g impofK'd npo ii, im d

. in m iy even t it w ere b e t te r to jw y a.jier- . 'son n o t en titled to it oecasidtuilly , n ith e r ■ thm i liep riy e a liim ilted o f t l ie ir jt is t dues.

V. M e t W t th e .’in a u g u ra tio n d t th e pro- eeedlngs nm y-b rihg th e S eere tn ry 's . ra id

. iipo ii 't iie .o li lso ld ie rV to a n , abruj:-!' em l.

Hotel Le Chevalier’s Guests G ive » TluslditcF or th e Benefit of th e E n te rp rise .

O ne o f th e m ost en jo y ab le ev e n ts at O cean G rove th is seasoiM vas a jn u s ic a le a t th e H o te l L e C h ev a lie r in b e h a lf o f th e n e w A u d ito riu m , o n F r id a y ev e n in g last

T h e fact th a t th e a ss ig n m e n t o f p a rts fo r th e various p e r fo rn v rs >vas a surprise- to them selves u p to v i t h in n few liourf? o f th e ev e n t m ade th e re su lts m o r e in te r ­e s tin g nnd en te r ta in in g .

T h e follow ing p ro g ram me. w as rendered b y th e guests o f th e house:A'ocal D uet...M rs . I l in e s a n d M iss P alm erK eeitn tion M iss M ay B urns

• S o n g .. .......... ....} rr. .Sprot teH ead ing a le tte r .. ..M rs. J o se p h in e S m ith D uet-V io lin and P iano......M isses Jo h n so n

* am i K iu iyonIn s tn tm e n ta l 6 0 I0 "Mins H elen Cary.S tory.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ke v. A . 31. P alm er

I n th e in te rm iss io n , collection* ta k en by M iss E m m a B ea ttv ..S o n g /.... M iss M in n ie C arvR ec ita tio n ......* ...... M iss M ay B urnsR ea d in g ; .M r. A . L . W ilcoxD uet—-V iolin a n d P iano...M isses Jo h h so n

.and K unyon P aro d y oxi H a m le t's S o lilo q u y ........M iss

H elen F ow ler.S o n g .../ .......................... M rs: P iersonS p e e c h ... . . . . . M r. B arn es o f New Y ork

T lie b r ig h t sy m p a th e tic faces o f th e a u ­d ience seem ed to revel iti s y m p a th y w ith th e effort's o f th e perfo rm ers, -musical and rec ita tiv e , nnd a p leasan t, e v e n in g o f song a n d prose, w as th e u n an im o u s acclam a­tion o f th e d e l ig h te d aud ience,-as th e final good, n ig h t g ree tin g s w e re bein u ox.- ehanged i . * '

, P ennington A ium nl Reunion.

P e n n in g to n S em in a ry is o n e o f X ew Je rs e y ’s p ro m in en t ed u ca tio n a l in s ti tu ­tio n s u n d e r th e d ire c tio n o f th e M etho­d is t c h u rch ; a n d is o n e o f th e m ost popu ­la r as w ell a s . successfu l schoo ls in th e S ta te . A few y ea rs ago th e s tu d en ts .a n d g rad u a tes ot th e in s ti tu tio n o rgan ized th e Seaside A lum ni A ssocia tion a n d its fourth a n n u a l reun ion nnd b an q u e t w as held at E ducational ITall, A sb u ry P ark , on M on­d ay even ing . • ..

T lu i.ofticors e lec ted fo r th e en su in g .y ea r w ere, K. C. S n y d er, P res id en t; G, B.. B u rn w ood, V ice P re s id e n t; Mi's. T .’F ran k A pplol>v, S ecre ta ry am i G.eorge W . M or­row , T re a su re r ..

G e n e ra l. J a m e s F . K usling w as toast h ia stc r/a iid h a p p y ix?s|jonsefj w ere m ade b y Jtid ire K T . Ijo v a ttj I)r. H an lon , B ishop W alden . T . I T. A pp leby , W . G. M oivhead , P ro lle sso r D u n n , \V . F. J o h n ­son iitid* jtev . C harles H .M e A n n e y ., T h e b anque t was se rved .hy .. M orrow , J lay, «N: Co., o f th e N a tio n a l H o te l,. U cean. ( »r«»ve, am i w as h ig h ly appn -c la ted arid en jo y ed . ,

K arls C lover B oot, th e g rea t hl(*fxl P u riiie r , g ives freshness n n d clearness to th e C om plex ion a n d cu res C onstipa tion , L'oc., to o(V..

The C o u n try E d ito r’s Lam .'n t. •Ni • w? t 11 e *.v>, new s,. 1 lew s I.I t ’s i-niuixh to n tve n fellow tlio. blue*.N obody m arried , a n d iioIhk!}- dead ,N obody b ro k en a n u rm o r a head.No»«»dy co)i)e In* to 'tn lk o f tiie '’chip,,**No ode «ot l>oo/.v a n d s ta r te d a scrap,N o o ne got ru n In for ta k in g a ho rn ,N o body b u rled a iid n o b o d y b o rn . ,O h ! fo ra r io t ,a r a c k e t ,a f u s s !Som eone to co m e In a n d k ick u p a m uss, Som ethin'-; to s t i r th e pcacc-taden a ir ,

• Soiik -1 loily 's co m et to p i v c u s a sea re. Som ultody li tm p c d w ith in a n Inch ofhis.lifo S oine ouo. n m oH* w ith a n o th e r m n n ’ij w ife , SoineliiKlyS b a b y got ch o k ed o n a p in ,.Some one lo co m e in iim l }>fty u p Ills d u e s , A n y th in g , a n y th in g , Ju st so Uh nows..


Job Printing1 J. A. W A IN R IG H T ,

A p o e t ic a l g la n c e

At Some of the Business Houses In Ocean Grove,

J . S . P L IT C R O F T & flR O ., Lending Plumbers - Opposite th e P o s i Office.Jf-you w an t io live I a .c o m fort a n d ; hea lth 'Si-e th a t y o u r d ru ln ie io 14 good,F o r I f yo u pet s lek , u u m o n ey up w ealth Cun m ak e u p for It, *ils undei-stood Y o u r ch iJdren a rc a p t to im vo a bad cough I f th e p ipes lire w ro n g In y o u r h o u se T h a t m ay verge 011 n n • 111uos« ■Tlin t m a y ta k e .them otl‘,So It la tlitiG fo r y o u to a ro u se . ■ . •J u s t ca ll on th e m an d h av e e v e ry th in g . fixed On th e J a te s l sc ien tific p la n . .T h cy 'il do u p t iie m u ch c h e a p e r you,Jl find T h a n w ill a n y o th e r m a n . ;O r If you w au t.« h a n d so n io faucet o m a m o n ta l a s wcH ns for use , " ' ’ •TJifry’ll sell y o u o n e Q u ick ly an d p u t it in A t a p rice y o u c a n n o t refuse.

Is' something that one does not generally order until the supply is exhausted • and then the printer is requested to get. it out at Once. We usually are able to-accommo-- date in this respect and with our .supply of new type we can make the work attractive as .well as deliver it promptly. Times office, 48' Main avenue Ocean Grove. •■ The fiMl-:s "will tell you

all about it" during the winter months. Subscribers to the new Auditorium will want to know how. the building progresses, property, owners will \yant to know' of any­thing that occurs .to affect their interests, and summer visitors will want to know about everything that is- going on. No good reason exists why you should not subscribe now and set your conscience and mind at rest.

A big. silver dollar will defray the expense for a year and there is room in our safe for a few m ore of them.

W. it. Beegle, Publisher48 Main Avenue.

^ C O R H '


O p p o s i t e 3 D o p o t , J ± j2 \z - a .x y ‘ 2 P z x r k :.

F O R S H L 9 . .A Desirable Corner House

o r r o s iT K c M u u c i t T w o lots. X ine good-size room s a n d large

a ttic . S ew er w a te r.a n d fu rnace . A ddress mix 2024, O cean G rove.


B I S TC U R E4 * # T H A T

C oughWITH

Shilohs25cts., ^SOota. and 8L00 Bottlo." One cent a doso."nt a. dnsn. CURET h is G r e a t C o n o n C u n E prom ptly curca

Whore a ll others fa ll. Cough*, Croup Sore Throat, H o arscn eu , W hooping Couch and Asthm a. F o r Consumption it nos no r iro i: has cured thousands, and -will c u n s TOO it taken In tim e. Bold b y DrucrglBta on a guar­antee, F o r a Lam e B a ck o r Chest, uao S H IL O H ’8 B E L L A D O N N A P L A S T E R ^ o C .


. .a v e you Catarrh t T h is rem edy ia guaran­teed to cure you4 Price, 50 eta. In je cto r tree.

P r o f c s s i o n n l < C n ra s .

D R . B E E G L S ix,>. is if4 fx 4 vi:xl%

O l 'K . I.Y ( i H O Y i : , V.

( H tick i l o n t < 7 tn !> X. M.,: 12 1<» '1 and ’ « t.i,s I*. M. .

M R S . j . S . B A R IG H T , M. D.,Hoiii«iopathic Pliystciari X Surgeon.

84 MAIN AVENUE,S iro lid J)oor Wi-st ol'N fW Y ork A w m ie ,

- • -* 4 t O C E R N C R O i / E . N . J , #

Ollk-e H ours: 7 lo lo a . m.. 1 ti>:i.:t0,S.:iu to li i». m .

DR. GEO . B . H E R B E R T , l l c a t a l . S i i i ’X 'i'o n ,

O H ice o j jp o s i te D e p o t o v e r t h e A s b u ry P a r k a n d O c e a n G r o v e B a n k , c o r n e r o f M a in S t r e e t a n d M a t t is o n A v e . , A s b u ry P a r k , N - J . ' .H o u r s 9 a . m . t o 5 p . iu . G a s a d m in i s t e r e d . A p p o i n t m e n t s m a d e h y m a i l o r in p e r s o n . .

J A S \ II. S F \T O .\ ,fiiE ia ii'i'iif if® p m m i.1 1>h <n o.sM,riuu:iit u f ck'. roitfUmtl!/ on

hut id. J 'lo u irs u f ifH itt bhurl noti'X,P a r lo r s ' a n d O illce— X o . i 7 M a in S tre e t ,

A S B C Ii’Y P A K K , X . JAlso Superintendent of Mt. Prospect Cemctcr>.

” D A V I D R S R V 6 Y , dr..

C ounsellor a t Law,Monmoutli Building, Asbury Park,

t*om m U'lniit»r o f T>eods o f .Vmr Y ork a n d l \n n > v lv a n lu . AcUn«»wledgements tak en

o f n il S ta tes .

S p c c i n l 3 1 o t i c c s .

FO lt S A L E — A di*simbh» fu rn ish ed co ttage d ire c tly o n th e ocean fro n t. W ill be sold

a t a b a rg a in . IV. II. IJkko i.k , ^ .Main avenue, v j?A N T E D sTyiO^Cjood lU n! K s ta |e~ S w u rlty . VV W m .I I . Beegle, IS .V ain 11 venue , Ucean

G rovo, N^ ______ ^ _____ ;______ ^____j _

R’ OO.MS TO iwICT^Jjirgri a i r y am fhV niif- som ely fu rn ish ed . In q u ir e a t 76 M ain

v e n u e . . _________ •________ •

ROOMS TO LET—A t J l E h ib n ry avenue, p leasan t room s, n ice ly fu rn ish ed u n d good


!j i»

X t e w B r i ° K

O lin ^1*881; a n d p i tm a n i^Venus,

Ocean Qrove.

A full, and, complete line of everything required-to furnish

a house, including Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloth.

S P E C I A L P R I C E S .•\■ *

Bedroom Suits, from #12, up. Folding Beds at $8. ..

1000 Doz. of Rogers’ Plated Ware—Knives, Forks and

Spoons, Triple Plate, at Prices

usually asked.for Single PlatevAn unlimited stock of Gran­

ite Ironware Kitchen Utensils bought at Manufacturers’ Auc ­tion Sale now offered at half price, including extra large

Coffee Pots, for less than the

price of tin ones. ' .'

This Department is fully and completely stocked. E v ­erything new and fresh.

J. A. Wainright.

$ 1 0 0 0 . $ 1 2 0 0 .

T O I .O A X O X .

Bond and Mortgage.XT. H . ItE K G L K , 48 S la in A ve.

S B 2 I T p l T ’SLivery and Boarding Stables,

niTcmr A re . 2 Duor* fviuth Jfitfn .-Ire. OuU-x, OCEAN GUOVE, S . J . ‘

All k inds o f fashlotiable turnoui* to hire* refa):ae(*ommodatlous lorStm w Hldltnr j i a r .*.i; closed raiTla {.'(••* forl'uneml.sand w,.<dilhi«s.

ltm ueh C>illees~\V. Ji. J beg Ur, aud Captain Hal neat’s Tent House.Telephone -Jib. / ! JL E. SEXTON.

B K IO L U V B E U 1 I

L O T S F O R 8 A L E .

T h e recen t m ovem en t a t B rad ley B each

h a v e .u n fo rtu n a te ly led real e s ta te ow n ers

to p u t u p jn ices . This* is to b e reg re tted

nn<l to s tem th is u n h e a lth y cu rre n t, th e

su b sc rib e r w ill sell lo ts on th e b lock w ith

th e “ L ittle C h u rch iti th e AVoods*- fo r

live h u n d re d do llars (£500) to th o se w ho

w ille rc o t co ttag es 'to cost fifteen h u n d re d

d o lla rs . ' AVhoii* am o u n t o f pu rch ase

m oney can rem ain o h m ortgage. V;

'Kiniuire o f ..Charles Kogers, IJraflley

Beach; T; Frank A ppleby, .Asbury Park,

or at- Park Ilall. ’ *

; JA 3f£S A . BltADLEl*.

C . C . C L A Y T O N ’S

D R V C O O D S ^ .

- ^ ^ E M P O R I U M


Forty Thousand Dollars’ worth.of Dry Goods/of all the latest styles and patterns. We offer great specialties in our Mattings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, and our stock of wall paper is of the.finest. . , • • ; ' '

Wealso have a very fine and.a’ very .beautiful line of Lace and Portierre Curtains.

Don’t forget to look over our beautiful line of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Cloth­

ing, before you buy. your spring clothing. .We have a most beautiful line of Men’s, Ladies’, Boys’ and Misses Shoes. We will

make great specialties in our Shoe Department from. May i st, until June i st.

We have the most complete line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Childrens’ Spring Jackets and Cloaks.- . All the very latest styles and

spring shades at very low prices.


< § } o c t e t s a nP l o d l ^ s

c . g o v e b t ,R E A L E S T A T E AN D IN S U R A N C E ,

C o i i i m i s H i o i i e r o i ' D c c t l N a i x l j V o l n r y P u b l i c . i l f o n c y Y i O a n c d o i l B o i u l n u « l M o r i gage.

2 7 P IL G R IM P A T H W A Y , X ear th e A udito rium ,

Box 2138 . ■ O O B i s K G B O Y B , . N , ; J . '

This is the Trade-Mark oft M H N G I L L U M E #

T T ^ ■. f.OlUXOKA COl'KKI’’., a fine blend, fragrant and delicious.'::

' I t KaK flliKEX AXD 1U..VCK, f.u- flavor miexoelleah

^ i T R Y ■’* H i m #

O l i n S t r e e t a n d C e n t r a l A v e .

.•is necessary i'oi- a ll civilized ' H um anity; Y ou m a y do m th ou ^ pears, but; our peai-s are toclispensilile. w itli tliem y o u m ay w alk day after, day and feel no footsore­ness. Tlieir conform ity to your soles’ w an ts is admirable. Our aim is fo r your com fort. Coiner to us a ll w iio have feet t lia t are "weary, and w e -will p u t them in easy going habitations. .A -well dressed foot is h a lf .of th e well-' dressed effect o f any one. Our leather is tough b u t p li­able; Our prices have b e e n 'w h itt le d to su it th e dull tim es. N o w is you r change. -

Cookman Ave., and Bond St., J3 I Asbury Park.

F O R W E R L Y P I t l o R l K P K T H W K Y , O C E K N G R O W B .


Page 7: REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST.26, 1893.VOL, XIX. No, 34. Rest in the Lord- ;. • l’suiin



F a sh io n s L a test Caprices on W h a t to >Vear

B y W ay of O rnam ent. .

'P re tty tlinm om l iieeklnces -linvc fetf- to o n s 'o f oval tn i<«iuois*c.s n'n«l w itl i smjiH d ia m o n d s .:

T h e s lende rest so rt o f credent a lm o st th ree-inches' from tip to tip la 'innde w ith

• pearls.• ' V ‘ , • ‘ * * .. ’ . V

C oral is com ing in to liec* fo r h a t pins. 'S on ic liam lso inc; ones , h av e been seen V i ih ca rved co ra l heads an in c h a n d a l ia lf Ion}'. - ' . # * . '■ ' ■

T h e e v e r ad ju stab le s e rp e n t is coiled at .the h ead s o f som e o f .th e now p in s w ith jew eled ey es; th e se a re m ado v e ry o rn a ­m en ta l. ■ " . ■\ •

T h e re is ‘ a new d em an d fo r in tag lios. T h e m an n ish n ess o f w om en 's a t ti re seem s to requ ire a n in tag lio r in g as a p ro p e r accessory . •

Iio n u m gold lockets w ith s m o o th faces ' an d riased gold edges liav e b ee n b ro u g h t o u t iii n u m b e rs. T h e ce n tre h a s been left sm o o th fo r a .m onogram o r hag som e dev ice in W hich colored s tones o r d ia ­m o n d s a re se t. T h e stones a re n o t se t so lid , b n t a t in te rv a ls /

H O W TO B A T H E .

A Few Practical H ints Regarding' the F irs t Law of Hyglo.

T ow els a n d w ashm gs o f raw s ilk a re am o n g th e lu x u rie s o f th e to ile t. T heso aro used fo r th o face by thoso exqu isito W omen w h o believe th a t ro u g h h a n d lin g m akes th e s k in h a rd a n d coarse.

L in in g th e b a th tu b w ith a s h e e t is a n o th e r e x tra v a g e n t n o tio n , n o t’ how ­ever, con lined to tl ie sy b a rite s : M any d e lica te ly b re d w om en, aw ay from hom e, d is lik e th e idea o f b a th in g in a tu b t l ia t is a t th e serv ice o f an y g uest in th e liotol« D raped w ith a c lean , w h ite sh ee t, th e p u b lic b a th Joses som e o f its h o rro rs , a n d li t t le o r 110 expense is added , a l th o u g h , th e com fort of. th e sensitive w om en is g rea tly -en h a n ced . ,

H a b itu a l use o f bo rax is n o t adv isab le : I t is c leansing h u t i t d ries th e sk in a n d d iscolors th o .hiiir—b leach ing b ro w n h a ir a n d tu rn in g g ray h a ir a n ug ly yellow .

A b a th is coo ling o r s tim u la t in g ac ­co rd ing to th e fric tion ap p lied . A n a u ­th o r i ty o n th is qu estio n g ives tfie follow­in g p re sc r ip tio n fo r a cool o r su m m er b a t li : A d ip in to cool w ater, w h ite soap i f th e sk in needs cleansing , m o p d ry first w ith a sponge a n d th e n w ith a so ft tow el. T h is s o r t o f b a th h as a w ho lesom e effect 0 11 ch ild ren , a n d is p a rticu la rly good for young m o th ers , a n d n u rses w ho n ee d to econom ise th e ir -s tren g th . T h e b a tli ta k en w ith th e fr ic tio n o f flesh b ru sh e s a n d coarse tow els is a s t im u la n t

.a n d sh o u ld b e follow ed b y re s t o r som e lig h t n o u rish m e n t to c o u n te rac t th e e x ­h a u s tiv e resu lts , T h e re a re 7,000,000 pores in th e body , th e se w indow s o f th e resp ira to ry sy stem a re w ide o p en a f te r a . s tim u la tin g p a th , a n d if i t in co n v e n ie n t to go from th e b a th to th e bed th e very' best resu lts w ill b e o b ta ined . A c a tn ap o f five o r te n m in u te s w ill p re v e n t an a t ­ta ck o f cold And g ive th e b o d y th e sensa­tio n o f accum ula ted force. T h e sa n ita ry

; va lue o f th e sponge b a th can Jn ird ly bo exaggera ted . T h e v ita l s ta tis tic s o f th e c ity p rove th a t clean peop le escape tho n in e h u n d re d a n d n in e ty -n in e , ills th a t inco n v en ien ce th e unw ashed . T h c u p p e r e x q u is ite classes live and* d ie , b u t th e u n d e r c ru st classes a re n ev e r w ell.— N ew

■ Voth IVqcUV ’ • ■

S u its to re c o v e r $300,000 fo r v io la tion o f -th e .State Jaw s reg ard in g g am b ling , h a v e bden en te red a g a in s t th e d ire c to rs o f th fe M o u m o u th P a rk R ac ing A ssociation. I f th e claim s a rc su b sta n tia te d i t w ill spo il th e p ro fits o f th is sea so n 's business.

. A lb e rt H ag u e o f T re n to n , X. J . , w h o w ith h is w ife h a s been sp en d in g sonic t im e a t th e H o te l A ib u r to n on Sea View aven u e , d ied su d d en ly on M onday m o rn ­ing last o f h e a rt disease. T iie re had been n o p re m o n ito ry sym p tom s a n d bin sudden d em ise w as a g rea t shock to. h is w ife an d friends: T h e rem ain s w ere ta k en toT re n to n in th e a fte rn o o n b y u n d e rta k e r J a m e s II. S ex ton . • " • • . .

( S u m m er S e r v ic e s n t S t . P a u i^ .TitQ «»Mm1; m o rn in g h e r v l i jc w l l l bo h e ld in

S t. P a u l’s C h u rch d u r in g the. H u m m c ra t 10.:to . A . M .. Tho* E p w o rth League '(service at. <I.W-

: >L ' • U K V .M u /ro x U e i .y k a , Pastor.

M rs. T .. S. 1 law k ins, C’hattanoogJi, .T e n n i, says: Shiloh 's Vitalize? ‘SA V ED M Y LIK K .f I consider. is the bed remedy

[ fo r a 'ilebiltfttird Mfntem t ever v m l ” .F o r D yspepsia , L iver o r K id n ey tro u b le .i t e x ­cels. P rice 75 cents.

•Y ou can g e t a doul»lu v alue fo r y o u r o ld w h ee l 'in ex c h an g e for a p n eu m a tic a t th e

‘ O cean (iro v e B icycle JSm porhim , -IS M ain '•vaentie.—-Atfc, ! • • . " >;

H ig h la n d C re a m a t y a n C iU Iuw e’s .

l l ig h la iid C ream w ill b e se rv ed a t van* G illuw o’s , O cean (Jrove, frozen , in codec, an d w ith f ru it, th is w e e k .- - .l( / r .

- ..H a rd .w o rk to keep a s to ck o f th e ^ f u - ‘ jestic-B icycles 6 n h a n d , so g rea t is tb e de-

nu ind a t th e p opu la r p rice o f $S5. T iiey : com e in .a t d a w n a n d n re so ld before d a rk .

A n y r id e r o f a M ajestic, w ill g ive it a fla tte rin g recom m en d a tio n ,

■"*. : . W . I I . B,*18 M ain A ven u e .—A dr.

. •M isfortune’ Ih liable to conic by accident .or otherwise lo anyone. I f not In 11 nances it nuiy. como w ith un aching looth, u swollen Jaw, or broken. bridge, or artificial, dunturc. We know of no one who can-give more’spcedy.

’ relief than Dr. Wallace, dentist, U2 Heck avenue, one block below Pont.OiHce.—.a<h\

VOICE OF THE PUBLIC.Thctr Ideas and Opinions.Concerning H a ttera p t

v • ' General” Interest. : - :To Ihe -Tim&i:..-.' .•'

v - • i Q c k X s O kovk, A n g itf t‘24, IS #]. .

Mv. lirst .yisit to ; th is god ly city , b y : the . . Hea, w as in lS72, a n d wiis induced by. Hie d esc rip tio n g iv en mi* o f it. b y o n e o f its founders iu id W arm est, friends,.’an d a n n u ­a l ly s ince t h e n i h av e fcpent from* fofir to s ix w eeks; h e re ’ en jo y in g i h e m oral a n d 'religion^ influenced; w h ich • a lip iind ,lie re :. a s n o w h ere else , an d b u ild ing .up th e p h y ­sica l m a il by. te m p era te ly in d u lg in g in. th e b a th iu id )ib cm lly in h a 1 ing its ’ j>ure ai id life g iv in g a ir . .; AVith"moro. o f . . p rid e aiid. in te re s t th a n I can -assure voii,; 1 h av e w atch ed tl i e m arvelous gro w ,tl i o f O cean ■ G rove from a few cottages ail io tig tlie se rag g j'■ tm es, a n d h e re a n d th e re a* tc iit, a t th e tim e o f in y iirs t v isit, to its p re s e n t; g m ndeiu ' a n d g rea tness. T hen , in chief,' i t ivas a, b a r re n waste,.: as cheorle«s ,and; lu i in v itin g .a s 'o n e 'ca ii im ag ine . •Burning:

:8an d s find w ild g rass, w hereo ii: th.e foot o f m a n h a d seldom tro d , w e re ; its ' .princi}ile' a ttrac tiv en e ss . ■ T h e n i t : w as s tree t less, track less, ah iio s t liQuseless a n d snakelens, fo r i t wiis sa id th a t even sntikes cp u ld 'n t liv e h e re . T o -day i t is a beau tifu l c ity o f b ro ad avenues a n d d riv e s, piiVcd an d con^ e re to w alk s ,: m ag n ificen t pitrksj g ran d h o ­te ls a n d e leg an t v illa s—a m ode rn m ’u n i- c ip a lity in d e ed , p e rfec t an d com plete in a l l i t s ap p o in tm e n ts , \y itli e lec tric lights^ •approved ^sew erage, ex ten s iv e ‘w a te r; w orks, lire d e p a rtm e n t a n d u n i fo rm ed police. Y es, I am p ro u d o f O cean G rove and;.its w 'orld-w ide fa iiio ,a n d I ta k e m u c li in te re s t in i t s succchs, for h i a sense I feel t l ia t I a in e n t it le d t o ; th e :d is t in g u is h e d h o n o r o f b e in g recognized as one of! its

• p ioneers. -V, ‘ - *;v- v : ^ |1 ’: > • • •' '.; •• --■' • A s d g re a t .religious, re trea t; sticcessful to a rem ark ab le degree in b a t tlin g w ith s in a n d S a ta n a n d in saVilig '•souls, i t i i a s no riva l, a n d as a d e lig h tfu l su n im e r re­so r t fo r h e a lth an d in n o c e n t te c rea tio n ’, i t is e lev a ted in c h a ra c te r an d to iie a in l; li t t le a n m iracu lous iii resu lts.

H e r e th e w eary soul b u rd en ed w i t h . la- bOrs in th e v in e y a rd o f th e L ord , conies fo r re s t a n d s p ir itu a l recu p e ra tio n ;’ h e re th en lH ic ted : in ; bod y com e ; fo r ' s tr e n g th a n d v ig o r ; h e re th e g re a t d iv in es: o f th e w qrld , g re a t in e n a n d s ta tesm en , em in e n t law ye rs , s ag es .an d ;p o e fs com b, a n d few in d e ed re tu rn fd th e ir ; hom es w ith o u t b e a rin g w ith, th e m th e b lessings a n d b e n ­efits d e a lt b u t : h e re w ith su ch a lav ish h an d - : •''.'.V.'- ,

^ Ia n y b rav e m en a n d nob le w om en gave co n trib u te d o f th e ir s tre n g th a rid : m eans to: m a k e O cean G rove w h a t i t is, a n d m a n y o f th e m a re to ilin g still,- b u t som e h av e ccased th e ir la b o rs a n d h a v e goiie to receive the . c row n o f g lo ry t h a t . aw aits th e red eem ed ;in th e ’ go lden h a lls o f h ea v en . ’ Y ie ld in g to ev e ry , one h is due fo r th e assistance lie. h a s ren d e re d in bu ild iiig u p th is sacred . c ity ; -. Dr:, S tokes, tl ie P re s id e n t o f tl ie A sso c ia tio n ,; tow era head - a n d sh o u ld ers abo v e th e m ’all: W h a t a g ra n d o ld m an h e is! As cease­less a n d tire le ss in ac tio n s in ce th a t tnetn* on ib le d ay in July,- 1801),. w hence d a tes th e h is to ry o f O cean G rove, to th o p res­e n t , us th e e v e r su rg ing s u r f ; o f th e sea th a t b e a ts u p o n its sh o re ; as b rav e in v e r i t y a s a D an ie l; a s n icek a s M oses; as p a t ie n t as J o b a n d w iser th a n a Solom on. W h a t w ould O cean < Jrove ;■ he. w ith o u t h im ? W h o b u t h e could h ave m ade th e new au d ito riu m possible? W h o can fore­cast th e d e s tin y o f O cean G rove w hen h e i s : gone? I f p e rm itted how an x io u s w ill be h is expression* iis le an in g o v e r th e p a rap e ts o f p a ra d ise , h e gazes do w n upo n th is h o ly e ity a n d w atched its m anage- jn e n t a n d d irec tio ib I ’ do n o t - l ik e to critic ise; b u t in th is instiiiice I inust.r, I w as am azed a t th e ev e n in g serv ice o n A u ­di to r iu m day , • w h en D r. S tokes s ta te d th a t h e received a n a n n u a l sa la ry o f on ly iif teen ’h u n d re d • dollars. . I f a n y . o th e r person h a d m a d e th e s ta te m e n t I w ould h a v e required, co rro b o ra tin g ev id en ce b e ­fore be liev in g .it. W h o is Tesjiohsible fo r ti iis n ig g a n lly allow ance? W liy i its. less tlnin- inariy- c o u n te r ju iiipe rs, coaclunen aridy: v a le ts i^ceive. l f h is serv ices .-aro' wOrtlr o n e d o lla r a .y e a r , th e y a re - w o rth tl irec th o u sa n d .of th e m , a n d i f th e y a re n o t w o rth th e ia t te b su m 'th e y : a re n o t w o r th ;a n y th in g ;; th e re fo re som body is 'w ith h o ld in g lif te e iilu u id red (lol.lars ev e ry y e a r from D r, Stokes, t l ia t belongs to 1 i.ini. o r;t!iey ja re a n n u a l 1 y d ep le tiiig th e :; trc'as- u ry o f th e A ssociatioii to tl ia t "am ount w ith o u t considera tion o r :• R r tu r n .G e h - tleiiien: o f th e A ssociation , w li icli h o rii o f th e * d ilem m a a re you perch ed upon? Does som eone say.;.,tlie 'A ssocia tion ;’; ca n ’t a ilb rd to pay m ore? I f s o ,‘I rcu tim l h im o f th e ? -iy .0 0 0 su bsc rip tions in one d a y fo r th e new tem ple , a n d ask h im to go a n d do likew ise fo r D r. S tokes. AlaV, th a t th e fa ir nam e o f Oceaii G rove shou ld th u s be s ta in ed .

A n o th e r m a tte r , a n d a verv im p o rta n t one too, n eed s a tte n tio n . M t\ny p reac h ­e rs an n o u n c e tl ie ir te x ts in a voice .inaud ­ib le to n t le as t h a lf Of th e aud ience . T h is is bad en o u g h , b u t w hen to th a t is added th e fact th a t tl ie lii'st live o r te n m in u te s o f th e ir sei’m ons a re delivered iu a voice o f eq u a lly low volum e, th e in d u c e m e n t to re m a in th ro u g h th e se rm o n is w ell n igh rem oved. T o such e x te n t h a s th is been ca rried th a t in lim iiy in s tances it lias seem ed th a t th e se p reachers w ere ad d ress in g th e cam p stool b a tta llio n o n lv , m uch to th e an n o y an ce o f a la rge m a jo r­ity o f th e listeners,, an d iu som e th e o u tsp o k en p ro te st o f m an y . W ill, good Dr. S tokes see to i f th a t th is excuse g iv en by. so iiiany for n o t rem ain in g in- th e ir sw tts u n til th e close o f the . serv ice is reinoved.

1 no ticed w itli s ince re ; app ro v a l vnu r co ln p lim en ta ry reference to «Mllcer Taii- tu u i in th e la s t issue o f th e Tim Ms. C ap ­ta in F ra n k a lw ays d id in g n ish e s h im se lf ill th e d ischarge*of o llicial d u ty , w h e th e r h e se ts o u t to cap tu io a bu rg la r, d isc ip lin e a h ac k in an o r co llar a coon. A h ,w h e n F ra n k g a th e rs i i r t l i o ’eyildoers, th a t g e n ­ia l g en tlem an a n d u p r ig h t jud g e , G eneral P a tte rso n , does th e rest an d does i t w ell. M ucli o f t h e success o f tJcean G rove is d u e to th e s te r l in g in tegrity ; nnd efficiency o f th e se OUieers. / . * k

G rea t a n d . beau tifu l as O cean G rove is, I be liev e it is s till in its in fancy . T h a t a . g ra n d e r fu t u re • a wa its it ; th a t g rea t or th itm g s m a v ;y ea rly find a su m m e r hom e here , a n d th a t it m a y p ro sp e r exceed ing ly in a ll its te m p o ra l nnu sp iritu a l m a tte rs , is th e e a rn e s t w ish o f

• • : l ' • .Y ours sincerely ;-.V• : ’.V • P . F . T.

“ The^imes” ^otel and ISoarding Rouse l Trecto t/•.

capacity tso.' •• . \ C o rn er o f W ebb and C en tra ! A ven u es,O C S A i T 2 T. T .

T li is i j i i lo l Is locnted n e a r ih e o rra n , b)i)io<dtc the Itch in g p ie r. * f j in re room s, -w ide h u lls . «»-. tcs in u w a ic r, p i* r fw t d ra fim g e w ith ( l ie sen. F ir s t chi***‘n m irn h M rtln lIon s , a nd (e rii» s n io d c m n ,<. Tablt* Hoard. .S ing le in c n ls , d l centH. F o r p n rtlcu la r* ., a p p ly to

l lo x A . L . W IL C O X .


Ko. 7#} •MAf.v-’A;vksv^.;0 (4* ^

M oney ' lo L o a n -on, C ottagesfo r /S e n / o r Sn le . ' /u snr .tn re P/need

"■ ]: iii in b sl R e lia b le Coiripanies,

Broadway, Near the Ocean, OCEAN OROVE, N. J .

. ' ^ r i . . ^ ' n n j ^ o o m i i , p r o p r i e t o r . 1

■ 3D x. S T i i B K ’S H O T E L ,OCEA N G R O V E , N . J .

J500 feet from siirf, 15000 feet o f piazzas, lu x u rio u s hods, tab le first class, a r tes ian wa- ' te r, su n pa rl or, j d an < >,: -per fee t ’ sai 1 it a tio ii, - act -ot 111 nod ates: «»j |(.*n a U; year, ;..‘

; ■ . . A ddress W . H . L . S T A R K S , M y D . , P r o p ’r .

. . .S H B L D O IT :H O " C rS E , : :O C E M fiK O V C , 1%'. .1.

O p en s for th e Season o f ISM J u n e lo th , u n d e r en tire ly new , M anagem ent.' .. All. ap- ■ p o iu tih en ts firs t class.-: Soiid for Illug trated- C ircu lar w ith T erm s. Adf.lress, ,

C H A E R 1 S R O S S , M a n a g e r .

S t . ES lanrxo ,C o rn er ,o f N £ w Y o rk a n d j l ia in A v e n u e s ,

O CEAN G R O V E, N. J .S u p e rio r l io a rd ih g A c c b in m o d a tlo n s . CCn^

t r id L oca tion ., O ne .S quare fro m I ’o^t O llico a nd A u d ito r iu m . ’ 'box 2 0 5 2 . ■' -M rs . iVl. M . CJOMPTON, P rop ’ r .

O C E K N H O U S E; M a in A venue, Ocean G rove . ;A Comfortablo F am ily H otel, near the

Occan, w ith Liboral M anagem ent and Heason- hbifl lUiten, AccominodatJons for J50/ w ith' every Comfort and A ttention to Guests.

T. PR E N T IS , Proprietor.

. L a w r e n c e H o u s e

C orner o f A la in a n d 'C en tra l A v e n u e s ,• CENTRAL LOCATION AND OCCAN VIEW .

A rte s ia n : W a te r ,f P e r fe c t S an ita ry . Ap- -piiattces;f ElfeCtric- l i g h t s , - ■

y H o m e C o in fo rts . •‘tocit'Box 2023. r. ,V •■ ’W *j3.LtO.

. ^JSGKSON HGUSLV ■*Cor. l i c c k A venue a n d P ilg rim I ’athw ny ,

O G E A N G E O m. T h is H o u se is P le a s a n tly 'an d Cen tr a l ly L o c a ted , n e a r ,a i f th e P r in c ip a l P o in ts o f I n te re s t . | O ne M in u te ; to . P o s t ' Office, T e le g ra p li Office - a n d A u d ito riu m a n d T h re e M in u te s ’ W a lk to th e B each. • •

Open f r o m J t in e . i to O ctober / . ; T h e c o m fo rt o f o u r g u e s ts : w ilt be ca re ­

fu lly lo o k e d a f te r , w h e th e r th e y r e - .. m a in b u t a d a y o r th e season . ,. /

■ M RS. J . C. JSCKSON.3Brya ;M aw r Hotel,

Corner , o f . Central . a n d H eck A.reuuee,

• 4 - o e e s n ♦ g r o v g . *

T h is H ouse h a s been Item odeled an d th o ro u g h ly ren o v a ted , a in l is tw o b locks

; fro in th e beacli a tiil c lo se . to th e Post O illce a n d A u d ito riu m . : G ood A ccom :

: .m bda iions a n d ^ Io st Ueafiohablp Term s:

■ «. s. LIKEiV’s,-Proper.. .; • • - p o s t : office box :so w x -.; ;. > ; •■•'•••'

I K e x u x H . e c l y ' l B C o T x s e , •

2 6 W E B B A V E . ,- . O C E A N G R O V E .

One Block fro m ' the Ocatn\ SjiknuVul Sen ' . 1 'iVwjy E lectnc LUjhfii, . 1 ri&Uin Wyler, ?v -•> - am i jieifect'&i n ilary A rh ii iyeme) j/«,1 , :

p. o. .box Sava •; - M rs. V ax N o tk , Prop*r..

XIIE A L A SK A HOUSE,. • ;^T s- 3,0.33.3. B F its a a .a .a . 'J te y o . ■

O he;o’f th e B est Iyocated -H o te ls in O j^an .Grovei P e r te c t S an ita ry S vstenv ; ;r- \

:: A I'tesian’W a te r and .W el 1; .V en tila ted B oom s, \

B ox 2087. ;• :. :N. H ; K IL M E R , Pnop’it;

IVY HOUSE,M ain A ye. b e tw e en C e n tra l a n d B each,

; E s ta b lis h e d . 18 7 6 . ' . .Conifortnbly furnished rooms,’ eteptrlc .liglits, und centrally located, w ith fine ocean view.; ;

. ' V ' ■ M R S; M A R Y E .: S T U L L ’.

• m m y i l l a , ;N O . 6 4 L A K E A V E N U E ,

O C E A N G R O V E , N* J .

■Home B o a rd in g . H o iise i *;O pen a l l th e y e a r. C lose, to th e . O cean a u d

■ C am p M eeting^^GroundS.. . ^F o r pa rticu lars, -inqu ire o r a d d re s s ,. .

•Box j t s .’ A . H i g g i n s .& C o .

• KOWLMD HOUSE,Mt;;Tabai\ PoiHimij, :

. V - ; 's .y o c & y x g r o v e .'■ :C ehtm ily .L 6eate<t, n ea r t l ie A u d lto rlu r n a n d a l l pUices o f in te r e s t .‘ K oom s; a n d B oard 011 M ost K caso iiab ie T e r m s ..; H pecia t . K ates for P t t i n l l l c s . . . :• v x-.n o x 1/77. :} ,; R ev. S. H y A SA Y, P ro p ’ r.


O CE A N G R O V E , N. J .

oox 20,7 J O S E P H W H I T E , P rop 'r.

A m l i e r s t H o u s e .. S p le n d id Ocean View*; ■ : -

P itm n n A ve n u e , Ocean G rove , ;X .T., O ne -im lf b lo c k fro n i the Ocean. ■ T h is House is d e lig h t­f u l l y • R ltim ted. A U in od e rn ; iin p ro vem o n ts . Perfect s a n ita ry s y s tc iu . . P u re ; a rtes ian w a te r , T e rm s reasonable, v ... " v ;: V

W . S. T 0 W N 5 E N D , iJock B o x 2212.

IIOTEIi METiPOtmX f f i I ff iD KfmuCornet’ of. Beach- ami' Cl liftoff A ten tics,.

2 o c k a x g r o y k , :n . J . : -S p le n d id ly L o c a te d , w i t i ll n o i i e 1 b lo c k o f th y '

o co a n , la k e a n d b a th in g g r o u n d s . JKO.IIozSOO,. M R S . H . M . B L A K E .

:X IIE:C H A IiFO]VTE.X o {I O cean; A venue, ubp v e .O eean P iitJi-

U jr ; wiiy; ^■':V- •-:M iks A . M . BECKETr- IV oprietre^!, B ox 22.’}’

: T H E CiilAIJTAlIH UA. -, /■* '. No. 54 B roadw ay . ;;M as; T . T , W fe 1 itman% ;M m M: A; DOwer;

M ANSION HOUSE.C orner N ew Y o He a n d E m b u ry A venues.

■ '): ' w-'Miss’ A ;..B o n s a i . i . . ' ' >: ’; .

-JJiThe e 0V3erettr<fr-No., . 46 Hmbury. A venue*/ ' Ocean 'Grovel% P leasan tly Ibcated W'itliiii tw o n n n u te s’i waliv b f 'tb e Oceaii* a iid cb iiv en ien t to,-: a l l p o in ts b f in te re s t. P rice s from $ 8 to I? 12 ])er w e e k .. r ;:', O '- • =■ -V--:Lock B ox 2i2GO. Mih. K . K A T C 1I.

A T L A ST IC IIO U S E .A It A ppb i 111 ii ie h t s fii^t^ lafts.

. C iL \icfis J . TI. ' •

. ; - & L W. IIIJA fiO lil’S B IT S PAEXOPlS^ o< i:.v.\ (JuovE, iv. jr.

- V / ' J . . " - V : ' - V=v':' S a a co aa . o£ lSS3 .- '--\ : . ;•••• -:r

Dr. g . • Candcc,. lElcctropathic -^h icid'n.. PROPRIETOR AND ACTUARY.

l-Wmvrtn Vin'-VrrnuivM nnO Artitori/atifw <ttui Vifttpitfhic Inidfl'tc, at Waxhiuylnu,t.InnlnaU- o f the. I UtuiMthle JitrrMrut Mrtth'ul -l/vnlth OttO'UC at Cim'inititU, 0 -, notc

. lYoiH'Mor am! Actuary t)f lliv J'Jlrvtrh'al JtwUh Institute, .V. 1*. City.

IVo. aSS IVewl F orly -secom l Street. \ c n Y ork.For the. Te< fitm ent o f all J j im tfir* b*j Electricity fo r f:adir.i a in l Gentlemen.

I h a v e th e p le a su re o f in fo rm in g th e jm b lic tlm t I h av e m ade a rran g e m en ts w ith 1 M r. T . W . L illago re to locate th is seiisim u t h is b a th pa rlo rs , O cean G rove,’X . .I., w here sea w a te r b a th s m ay be g iven w ith ’e lec tric ity for m edical puri>oses.

. M y te stim o n ia ls p rove th a t a ll acu te am i ch ro n ic d iseases a rc success fully trea ted hy th is w onderfu l a g e n t E i.kc tjijc itv , a n d so recognized b y th e best, m edical m e tn if tfie w orld . B y th i s a ll-now erfu l a^ e n t we ure enab led to ren iove rheu tn a tisii, m alaria , ca ta rrj 1, d y s p e p s ia , paralysis, s c ia tic a ,. p rem a tu re decline, in san ity , deafness, a s th ina , P ro lap su s ,U te ria scrofula*. St. V itu s D ance, sp in a l disease, Cancer, k id n e y an d liver, dif-. lieu I tics, d ropsy , huiibago, w h ite sw elling ,-tun io rs, b ro n ch itis , -loss ol' voicc, noise 111 th e heat 1,- h y s te ria , nervousness, sleeplessness,, etc. A lso, nil blood diseases 0 f.w hat- evev iia itie o r Iiow ioiitf s ta n d in g th o ro u g h ly en id ica tcd froiii'"the sy stem . .

7Jr.- Candrt 's X ew Method o f Electric. M a^aye which i* tU juyfar fa u lty H and flw w tije fu r iti rem naliny » nd /»«afthfid.ejlccf oa the haitiau /V worthy o f tU*><t r o o f id '«/-trillion aad contidiratont. ' . ‘ . . . .V ;• O ne o f th o g rea t features a t 3 lr. L illigore’s B ath P arlo rs thi.v season will be th a t

each pen-on ta k in g it p la in b a th w ith o u t electricity ,.' w ill receive a ca rd g iv ing th e te m p era tu re o f t h e w a te r a n d th e n u in b e r o f m in u tes .in ba th ! T h e tcn ip era tu re 6/ S a lt H o t W a te r B a th s to have th e desired to n ic a n d m edical edl'cct s h o u ld be «lirectcd b v a co m p e ten t p h y s ic ian , . H bw 'often d o we nb iice jjersous froni th e ba th s e x h a u s t­e d from im p ro p e r te m p era tu re o f w ate r,.o r t»»0 long in ba tli. T h is is a ll wixmg,. from th e b a th y o u shouU M eel inv igora ted , In ad d itio n to th i s in s tru c tio n in ta k in g th e ip lain b a th a t L illig o re 's B a th P arlo rs th i s season. I sh a ll giVe to those .w ho m ay d e ­s ire , E lec tric B a th s o r E lec tric ity , w ith o u t th e b a th s Us th e ’ case m a y re<[ujre. P rice o f E lec tric ity T ivsitm en ts a t B atli P arlo rs £1.00 each . A t A rlin g to n H otel, 7 to 8 a . in ., 12 to 1, a iid j) t o 7 p. 11 1. Oflice a t '

J * . J V . p i L L & G Q U E ’B p A T K | ^ A I \ I . Q R S ,

D r. II. O. €AIVDEE, A ctu ary . laij)" A tten d an t.P . S.— M v 42-page book o f te stim o n ia ls nnd valuab le In fo rm ation , w ill be g iven

to a n v pei-son* free ov m a k in g ap jiiication a t B a th P a rlo i’S, o r a t ' m y E lectrica l I nstitu- tion*^23 W est'42d S tree t, N ew Y ork C ity . ; , ; •./;>. .

Consultation Free- • ’ /H. O. CANDJ5E, Proprietor.

j i . i b , j o i m s i m ,

. Mas removed, to. tlie

BRICK BUILDINC,Oorner. Oppkniiin Avciiue and . Bond St.

; A s b u r y V a r k . : - .

A ll.; tho designs ami novelties

: ill W atches and Jewelry; ... ..

W R R R E N B R O W N ,


A ti'k ln .d H o f repa irs rece ive j ir o m p t a tte n th 'U . . Oimi-gen m o d e m fc ..

George U, Bennett,' ^ P A I I M T I N G P ^

IN A t L i t S B R A N C H E S .L o c k B o x :2 1 3 2 ; ' • ' V •.

Ocean Grove, N. J.

Succe.ssoi’ to .T A Y L O R A I lY N O , . ..■ i> is,-

T in Roofing;,. C iiittcrin? and R ep a ir in g .

H ot A ir Furnace^, E sti- ln a tcs fxiven on S team and H ot IV .ilc i'.;H ea ters , ■ an d H ot A ir and H ot W a te r C ontl»ination H eaters.

, South Main Street,Opposite Ocean (Irove Gates

A S B U R Y P A R K .

U r O C l C S X r i l t l i .■; Electric Bells, B u ry la rA fo rm s a nd Speak-

big Tubes jm t up. at short n o t T r u n k * and parasols repaired A . V:'

J . B. C LEET O N , 4 7 OUn S tre e t ,

• A . G R A V A T T ,crg +■ vienns * b a k e r y

B rea d , P ie a n d 'F a n cy C ak e, .

.South Main .Street, Opposite JJroadway' fjates, P A E K , 2^ . X.

O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y A T T E N D E O T O .

H. T R U A X it. S O N ,

F W milNTRY MILEO ne CoWs' M ilk for Infanta an d In va lid ? .

Iir>x ' A sb u ry P ark , o r b o x 39;j, Ocfliiil O ro y a M ilk D epot, rjH vrenceave.. b e tw een J rn in m ul Ilroa ilw ay (ju te , O fean 6 m vc. T e lephone C onnection .

J . S . F L IT C R O F T & BRO .,

S A N IT A R Y > P L U M B E R S,—ASH l)B.ll.K|W IN—

S to v e s arid R an g es.Opposite post onicc,

O C E H N G R O iiT E

A. • R. • SHREVES,

B U T C H E R ,7VK.7X I N ••• S T R E E T

Opposite Oreon O r ore School :Uou«e.

B est Q uality o f IV!eat O nly.

John o Qool ,

H O U S E ; i . P S i N T E R , .

gccan Qrove, •$.

F irs t-C lass M a te r ia ls only . L e a d a n d '■

O il used. jV o p a te n t p a in ts to fa d e .

E s tim a te s C h ee rfu lly G iven .

# T H I R T Y -Y E K R S -B X P 0 R IB N C B ;« -

McCabe \ m a ^ e ^ ,

Olin St., n e a r C entral A ve.,

0eean 0roue.

Ifu ltl Truth- ftS p cchilhj. Fiu>]*t Mi-nt M a r -.

kt.t in ^ fo uh in iith CiuaiOf.

\£ I ; S ( ) > II. K IL M E R , A R C H I T E C T A N D B U IL D E R

Ptai»H and spcclllcatlons drawn for all kliuW ofnnMhirn wood, stone or brink hutidin . For worknmiiMhlp and price* will refer to‘all-for ’, n*l)nm I have «lone work In tho Grovo and Park, EstimntcflcheerfullyVlven.i lo x L’(W7. 5 P itm a n A venu e, O cean G ro v e .

’ ' v *

Ladies Love Shoesthat fashionably fit their pretty extremities. Such are those we have. Graceful, strong, cooling to the feet. For the tender and delicate they are specially adapted. A pair of shoes that are not. what they ought to be will produce more misery, disappointment and trouble in a given length of time than, any other article. Ours are the good well formed kind. We. •' ••.; . . ■ . v .. : 1 c.; •

fit' everybody with exceeding alacrity, and price; pleas-; ing popularity. Speech is the- index of the mind, and our shoes are the so-lace of all soles.:-: :

H EN R Y STEINBACHce a jl * P>alace,

flain Street and) Cookman Avenue,

H S B U R Y * PRRK .

Page 8: REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J ... · REV, A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST.26, 1893.VOL, XIX. No, 34. Rest in the Lord- ;. • l’suiin



Notes on A s b u ry ' P a rk 's People and .T h e ir V Doings. ‘ :

'H ie A shu ry P a rk nn il .Helmut; -K hvt- r iivilfciilroad C o m p a n y h as ' com plete*1 tlu* la y in g o f i t s : tvncks* to S h a rk I t tw r nnd

• Svill p ro b ab ly so o n h a w th e ir ivii> in ' op* cm tio n . - v ■

*AVilliainS. Mo Kean of A?*hitry Park : has tiled an application for tho position

o f , Public 1‘rintor- at Washington,. and there is a. probability :of him leeeiyinc the appoint ment,

;; * The hurh easterly, winds o f Sunday■ - last bronchi in a tremendous tide with a

h ea vv w'ji, c u t t in g 'a w a y t h e b each bad ly an d do ing sonic d am ag e to th e o ld fish ing

. pier-in. A sburv P a rk ,

,v . *- 31am* J . 'R o c k a feller o f A sbu ry P a rk m o u rn s th e lo ss o f a V ic to r hiovle. It w a s le f t .s ta n d in g o n th e p iazza in th e ev e n in g a n d in th e m o rn in g w as gone. N o tr a c e o f th e th ie f h a .-been found,

* \Tohn L eonard th e p lu m b er is a lw ays on h a n d to a tte n d to sm all jobs in h is line o f w o rk . I f a power o r .w ater conn ec tio n is n ee d ed a favorable c o n tra c t can b e m ade w ith h im now w h ile w o rk is n o t pressing .

'* Considerable alarm is felt overthe dis- appeiijmnv of P. .1. Sell noil of Asbury

■ Park.-, em ployed b y Charles* Soliw ager &. Co. a s a w indow d re sse r. H e left tow n som e th re e w eeks ago s in ce w h ic h tim e

: lie h a s n o t b ee n h e a rd from , • "V ."* A sb u rv H u rle y h as th e h o n o r o f be ing . th e f ir s t ch ild bo rn in A sb u ry P a rk , b u t

h e ev id en tly does n o t a p p rec ia te th e d is ­tin c tio n . Tie .w as a rre s te d on T uesday n ig h t fo r.heing d ru n k a n d J u s t ic e B orden

. se n t h im to th e co u n ty ja il fo r - th re e '..m ont hs. * • '' /.Tames .1. Corbet I, the pugilist. np-

, jiear.ed at the.Park.Oponrllouse on;Mon-;- (jay ev e n in g in th e p la y ' o f ‘H ien tlem an ilaekl'V .He w as ro u n d ly ap p lau d ed , es-

} p e c ia l ly in th e last a c t ,w h e re som e spar* r in g .was in d u lg ed .in w i th P ro fesso r Mohn D onaldson o f X ew Y o rk . ‘

> ‘W illiam S d v e r , a b a t ii in g m a s te r at th e F o u r th av e n u e b a th in g g ro u n d s res­cued; a y o u n g m an kn o w n a s “ P op” .Ior­dan-from th e w aves on T uesday , ■ .Ion ian

: w as a good sw im m e r b u t v e n tu r in g be*1 y o n d th e b reak e rs h e beenim* ex h a u sted

an d could no t regain t l ie . sh o re w it 1 tout ; assistance. • •. . '

; * T h e c rip p led ch ild re n from tl ie H o m e o f the ,'M ercifu l S av iou r a t A von en joyed

•,a t r e a t a t J l r ; -lirsidlev’s exi>ense on .T ues­d ay . l i e liad a p a ir o f ho rses h it d ie d to the 'C ar o f th e A sh u ry P a rk a n d B elm ar J la ilw ay Co., filled th e . c a r w ith ch ild ren a n d b ro u g h t th e m to A shu ry ' P a rk , re ­g a l in g th e m w ith f ru it an d o th e r nice

- th in g s 'tin th e rou te . . . .* H enry . S te in b ach w itli liis “ Ladies

L o v e Shoes” h a s s u re ly 'fo u n d tlie article , th a t w ill m eet w ith favo r a t th e sea shore- T h e re a re so m a n y o f t h e . d e a r g irls to w horn th e n am e wiU b e n . d raw ing card th a t th e O cean P a lace w ill u n d o u b te d ly

’ he th ronged . fo r th e n e x t few • days , and th e n th e shoes a rc such beau ties , a n d th e boardw alk su c h 'a sp le n d id : p lace to dis*

' p la y th em ./ * Notwithstanding the stringency in

money matters some people, are still look­ing for places for investing their cash mid the SeaShore. Electric Company otters a choice,opportunity. The company ofiers

. six per eent guamnteed Gold Bonds in ; denominations of $f>00. and $1000,. a t par,, with ; interest* , payable • . sem i-an­nually, Tiiere can be mV question as to :

• secu rity as. th e C o m p an y h as ex p e n d ed in r 'c a sh m ore th a n d oub le tlio am o u n t o f th e

B onds issued, a u d e v e ry im provem en t •m ade in A sbury P a rk inc reases th e value o f t h e E lec trlc liaU road p ro p e rty . -See a d v e rtisem e n t in a n o th e r co lum n.

THROUGHOUT TOE STATE.' T he ju ry i u th e -case o f • M rs. M utt ie lY S lm n n o f P r in ce to n , cha rged .w ith : th e

; n u ird e r o f h e r soil b y po ison , ren d ere d a •- ve rd ic t o f llbt g u ilty M onday ,

: }| T h e P h il Lhily H o se C om pany o f L ong . B ran ch held its a n n u a l m id su m m er ball in ti ie O cean-T heatre on W ednesday- o f la s t w eek ; I t w as la rgely a tten d ed .

■ ? (i C on trac ts h av e b e e n signed fo r a ’new > ch u rch for th e .St. L u k e’s M . E . society . a t L ong B m nch . J l .r 'u n d A . B orden o f

S h rew sbu ry h av e th e c o n tra c t, a n d ; t h e ; . ^build ing w ill cost ab o u t $oO.OOO .

■V'.’ij T h re e ac res o f g ro u n d h ave been sc?; cure* 1 a t .Sea 1 1 h t for t h e erec t ion o f a clul > house , .l»y. tin* XeW Je rs e y .Suite U ille. .Vs- f i l ia t io n s ”• T liis w ill b e e rec ted n e a r th e

• S ta te r itie h iiige uiicl w ill .cost abou t £L'l»,• iXiO/ , . v ."- '

j! ThO;Stoio of Benjaniin P.* AVorthley at. U |tie Sil\vr. • was . destroyed I iv lire

; on Wed'nerduy- nl‘ hwt \\veU, u igether .w ith the entire.-stock o f groceries. The' .fire, is ; support•‘V jo be. of - .iheendiarv

;’•:origin.•.:: ; .y'V;v;,;[ A ferioiisJire. o rc in re d a t b )n g .llran c li

p o ii ;AVediie=day n io h i in ^ • T h e lire s ta rted T ow aley ’s' b ak e ry an<l e x ten d ed to

X ro n e r ’s. grocery s to re - ad jo in ing . ;T h e v'ioss is e s tin ia ted .a t c-l-J.OOO pait-nilly in ­

su red . ' .L- '.{| |T lie m a ch in e sh o p s o f th e N ew .Ier- , sev S outli'ern ita il io a d iu 31Unehe?tvr. X , r. j . , h av e s fu u do w n fo r 'a n in d e f in ite ' per- ViovL ' T hese sh o p s 'w e re ti ie p rin c ip a l sup- ’/ p o r t o f th e tow n a n d th e o u tlo o k fp r th e

fu tu re is d iscouraging . • • . ‘ •;

• ‘ .Malls* F o r Ocean O rovo,; • • >*AU.S Ct.OSV. FOU

S,*\r S*«»r|t a m i th e En.«t,—iWO, H'.:W A.M. I-M*»* x:V. ii.iiU'.M, .

■ Kor l’hllaih'lphta AVosl mul • smith.—»W0, a . m .. :l.w . iu h m v m .. > \» r A n h u ry P a rk .— a .m .. l*J.aiiai..u.(hl i *,m ,.

MAILS AllltlVK ri:«»'l N ow Y o rk a n d th e K«M—7,::«», !••.:>» A , M., ;U0,

t 'n m i P h lla tU 'l ith lu W iM arut S o u ih .-T .M ,: H i:tii a , m „ a.i.> p. m . . • '. K w nn A s h u ry P a rk .-s .i* ! M., a.ijn, 0.15 )♦, m .

SIlILOH’.^C rH K isso ld on a guaran­tee. It-curc^liicipient Consumption* It is the best C»»iigh t ’ur'e. Only one cent a dose, -o cts.; '0 cts., and $1.00.

L - O p E ^ HOUpE

P A R K Bnngs Ave & Emory-St

A S B U R Y P A R K ,

Oivhostm SVnts, “V . R iUm uv ifhrnO, ,*A\ O iv h i's tm C liv le , "*»v ■ . Ifc ileony, ;l3c.

/ ‘ G n lU 'r > • , 2 V ,

I ? o s m * i ' < i n t - ih e O pcrsi. H onso Ito x O ltlo ea nU «t K h m io n i i r s P n ip >?torp. .


T h e B u r g l a r .


R G y n e 4= F e R D ’sSnccossftil Coincd.v Prama.

J o sh u a S im k in s .Th e (in'll l is t o f nit R u n t t Ploys.

Monday, avitI t;.2 s , .

Tjie ix'ading Sjnging (5ei man Comedian,

Chas. Ellisiii hIsi now Comedy

C o u n t C a s p e r .WKD.XESDAY, AVGUST30.


. Comimny. presenting, tliefunny rural Comedy, : ’•

" H ey Ktil)C! "a n d tl ie F]H’!-t;u-»!ar co tn ic ca n ta ta , •

" Ita in B ea u ■’

■ TirultSlUY,- AUGUST 31.

B o b b ie G-aylor.P E N N S Y L V A N IA RAILR O A D .

O n a n d a fte r J u ly IP, ISM.-.'

T l t A I X S L L A V 1 I I 'C K A N O ltO V E A N D A S K L 'U y

r . u iK —w z c ic b a y s .F o r N o w Y o rk . N e w a rk u tid E liz a b e th , (U *v

*.7.-!-, S.20.(i.-lo. I»JOh. ju „ l. I i l , a nd* ]>. iu .

F o r K a liw a y , m s , «,iu, a . m „ 1.10, a nd

F o r M aU iw an . l5.-lS,, (ji.tft S a tu rd ay o n ly )■ a . in ., 1.1*1, 4Uij, .*,.;50, IMO p . in .

F o r ix n it f H ranch, U.,'51 U.4S, (T.’J ) > Io n d a v o n lv ) 7.11?. 8.20.X4*., U.ltl 10.-1,11.02 11.15 a. m ., 1.10, ■i.4"}, Kj 11 u r t in y on ly ), y.uU.4.2.'i, 5.15J, 5..‘W,u.42,0.lij. U.U.J, 7.H , (7.50 B a tu rd o y o n ly ) , 0.05

P. in .F o r IU h I l^ u ik . OHbV 7.12,8.15 0.10 a; in ., l . io

2.15. II.50, l. i» ; 5.W, y.Ui p . in . . ,F o r P h ila d e lp h ia , (U ro iid S i.) a nd T re n to n , a t'

0.27,7.2'i, ..50,0,12, a. in .; 12..CI, JI.57, o..’S} p .m . F o r C am den, l lu rh i ig jo n u nd U orden totvn , v ia

T re n to n , 7,25, a. 12a. m ., 12.:i:i p. in .F o r C iim den a n d P h ila d e lp h ia , v ia Tom s

K lv e r, U.-12, <s.i:» M o n da y .s .o n ly j a. in ^ -J.52 p .m ; w eeknla vs; - - •

F o r Tom s K lv e r. is la n d J le lc h ts , a nd In te r im 4- i l la te s ta tio n s , 0 .ll!,(8.ia M o n da ys o n ly ) ll. t< , a in . 1.52, 7*1*1 p .m ., w eek-days.

, A h E x c u rs io n is t In ju red ,. .W illiam H e a r th a n ex cu rs io n is t from

■ B elv idere; w as in ju i^ L -q u ite sevurelv on v S a tu rd a y la s t a t t lie ra ilro ad s ta tion ; I le . h a d b o ard ed !lie w ro n g ,tr a in an d .’w hen i h e discovered h is m is ta k e ju m p e d o tfa m l

stru ck h is i ie a d a g a in s t tin? m il. ' D r .• . AVilliamM'U w;i-. railed- w ho d ressed hi;*;

I w o u n d s a n d he. wu^ w\ >\v to le ave fo r hom e ’ : b v ;a ‘la te tra h i. •

rv £ V • : For aBeltnr. Oriycwa> . ■ ' . •;Lit iu rt s a re bei ii g .m ade to im prove tlie

?.dri ve w ay from M o n m o u th B each to ,Sea B rig h t; . ’P riv a te in d iv id u a ls h av e offered

■ to d o n a te i o 0 .0 0 0 i f th e T ow nsliij) Com- . jn iU eo;w ould e x p e n d ^OOQ., additional.- ^ I f th e lawn w ill p e rm it th is will, b e -d o n e

arid ufliWt-cliisS io a d Svill b e eoiis tru e ted. ' b e t w een th e poi i i ts n a m e d . • /'

'. day.-.F o r N ew B ru n s w ic k , v ia M o n m o u th J u n c tio n

0.27,7.501 a .m ., 1-J.:n, 0.57 a n d 5.31 ji.m . rn ,vIN S LKAVK NKW voH K (v ia Dcsbrosses und

C o rtlu n d t S ts ; ferries) . r o l l o c e a n u u o v kA N l* ASUUltV P A llK ,

I A t :l.iK>, 7.:J0, 0*10, lo.aa a 4 m ., 12.10, (1.20Bat u rd n y o i i ly i , 2,:W, .1.10, .*1.1(1,1.20,5.10, a nd 7.0U p. in*,

. S undays, 6.15, IM5 u . m ., 5.15 p .m .

vu n S undays , w i l l s top a t In te rJn keu a n d A v o n Jjj ph iee o f N o r th A s b u ry P ark a iid A s b u ry P a rk to le t o tl jiusxengers.TRAINS LEAVE m ilL A I> K I.I* it lA (K road S t.,)

1*011 A sm *«V 1'AHK—WEEK PAYS.A t 1.U).0/ j0. 8.2/, ILJftia i i i i . . 2.10, a.;itit i.iil», p .m .

a nd (5,m S im m h iy s o n ly ) p . in .. M a rk e t s tre e t W h a rf, v ia Cum den and T re n to n —0.10..7.20, ,lo.W a. in .. 2.y»>. I ', in ., (l,:io 'p, i i i , S al u n la y o n ly ) . Y in Cum den a n d Jam es- b u iv . “ .20 u . m .; 4.i«i p .m ..

F o r .Bid l i m o re a m i W ash I nut on.. .'I.-V, 7.2U,; . s..‘l l . »'.li», 10.i.i*, H J K ii. in ., 12. 0(12.2’.. L im it -

ed. H i i l l in ; Car,'* 1 ,-Hf i. :{.!«. 4.1L (5.10 Cm i- g r t> < ln u a rL im ite d P u llm a n P u t lo r Car< a nd 1 Jln ing Car/«.17; 7.0J.7.4U p .m ., n nd 12.««, n l« h (; weels days. Sundays,. :i.5»», 7,2»». V.ja.11.1s a .m ., 12.J0 l. t l , 7.00,7.40 )». in . ii 'n d 12.0J

• i i l a l l l , • ' • .*AVasIiin(.rt<in o n ly H..Vi )•. in ., d a lly . N o emtehes F o rU a lt im o ie O n ly , 2.02,4.ul, 5.Ur‘,a n d ll, :» ip .)u .• • uvi-k-<I!!>>,• S un d ays 5.US u n d i 1,0(1. p . in .

* ili iu > t;i l> k s O f a l l ’ o th e r tn d n s o f th e s \> - ti*m ni!i.v b.; n b tu iiie d u t th e .tleke t-o IllcO o r s ta tio n s , . . . . . . :

' >1 . K . W i'nul, 'Auti,S. M . P K K V O S T , t.V«7 Mtniou, r.

(S(H \V VO R k & LONG BRANCH r ; R.

T im e.Tah ie , in e i l ly j J u tie 2»,

S ta t io n - . li).. N e w . Y o rk —Cent n i l K a llro a d ot Xyvv .h-rsey, foo t o f L ib e r ty S n v e t. P. i t . J:.;

• tuui. o f C o rtla n d t a u d I.'e?»t>i-o '*^ ,> S tn .e t-;■ N . J . So iu t ie r i i 1 ia U w a y , fo o t o f H e c to r m .

1.1L\ VK NEW- YOUK l*i»K OCEAN OllOVlt. A c. * C e iitn il K . K . o f N . . I . - l . :> i, s. 15,1U..‘1<) l l . ^ J i i . in .

1,:C».‘i l 5 , «.'5.:ju,. l.t»V *.:>>,5.:i». »5.15 p . m . P enn sy lvan ia — 7.;Jn,o.lO, 1, a . in ., 12.1a,

2,:io, ;»,t0; *:}.1<i, 4.20, *,.ia, 7.W1 )>. in .N e w Jersey S ou the rn —u.a " a . in ., l.U), iS u tu r-

dayis o n ly ) , 0.45, •!,;}(», 5.») p : h i. l i ^ V e A S n u u y p a u k r o n n e w y u k k , Ae

C e h in il K . K .o f N . .1 .-0 .I f , ‘ 7^*0. 7.3<), »S.(r2, t».4fl, 10.50, a ..111 ) 12.15, 2.10 J.tO, 7.WX J». in ,

■Pennsylvania—0.4s, 7 .42, 8.45, O.ln, a . in ., I,10,2,45, :L.V», >1.2*1, r*.W, p. m .

N e w Jersey S o u th e rn —O.-J-l, 7.17, S.2%a. in .,’ p . m . T ;

F o r P h lla d e ijd iia a nd T ro n to n , v ia . JJotind Ih t io k R oute—0‘.10. s.(rj, 8.:J0,0.40 u . in ., 12.15,

'-2.10,4.00 p . in ,; •.F o r B e lu u ir , S p r lm ; f - ik e , Mana^juan^-5.5f>,

0.27, fi.42, lU», 7 .2 \ 7..V!, n.12, 0.W, 10,12, 11,0>',• 11: 17, a . III.,-12.31. 1 2 : R 12 57, l. l« , 2.1.1,24',*. IJ *7, 4,21, I Ji J, 5.IO, 5.15, T»,2<,

5,:w,-5..H r..uj,.a.Ov ,-7 ,ia, 7,1^, -7.J2,-•• S .lit, !',<>• I. P , in .: -.M iinasquuii a rid P o in t- P leasant—5..V'.' c.l'J.. a ." .,s .i:;, I0. il*. l l . u i: 1H7. a . m * . 12.:?**,

. • 12Vi7, 1.1S :M:i, H.2S Or.. -1,21. I.::2. t.*.2, / j, |0 .1S 5,.><. 7.i:i, r .b , . 7,:52, ••

• {i.l-t, !>.at,,p. o b " . J . - „ .F o r T r i< l-lH iU ade lph l:i, v ia . S ta O i i l—

*<l 2*. *5i!, 0.t2,'a. in ., 1 UiK 5.:{T!; p : in .F o r K rev iiou 1—7.50 0 .1 2a . m .,1 '^ ! , 0.50,5,Utt p . in ■ ‘ PI.US, p. m .i S a tu rd a y l o n ly ..F o r T o m - K iv c r—<;,12, o.-JR, ll.a?, a . m ., I.S2. 7.W

p . in ., • - •" • • • . •F o r.C a m d e n a m l In te r in w lla to s ta tio n s v ia Sut.

S ho re -Itou te—0. l l ’ n .^ 'in . 4.JC. i». in . . '- •E x p re s s . -K CFUSh . p . k a u a v i n , a . p. a ., v. n . it. tif-y. ,t.. ; .. J , I t . WO.OD, • (r t') i!f

*‘ T h e S ta tu te s re iru la ltiis : Ih e <n>erations o f N a tio n a l B asics are o f sueh w is e eoneeptlon tha t, e on s e lo n tio its lv emMbrmed to b y iM lh v rs n ud fMreotors, n o iu s l I tu t lo n ,o f B a n k in g ap- pniaehoH th e N a tltu ia i; fo rde so rved e o m id o n e e o fa n d b e e u rlty to patrons.*’ .

FIRST NATIONAL BANK,Organized 1't‘bruaiy z$S6. ' •

G K O U G K P . K R O H H I., P re s id e n t, O . I I . B R O W N , V ice P re s id e n t .• A L B H R T C. T W IN IN G , C ash ie r. M A R T IN V . D A G K R , A ss’t C ash ie r.

M a ttis o n A v e . a n d B o n d S t r e e t , A s b u r y P a r k ..• p o r C o n v en ien ce o f O cean G r^ v e jm tro n s : •

Office Ott'tiii (7rare Camp Meeting Association JiniUii*1 , Ocean ’’Grove,- M / .C apital, $ I0 0 ,0 0 0 : Siu*|iln!<, * 7 0 ,0 0 0 .

•T ra n sac ts a g e n e ra l h a n k in g business ,-issues le t te r s o f c re d i t a y a ilab le in th e p r in c ip a l c itie s o f t h e w o rld . F o re ig n an d d o m e stic ex c h a n g e s b o u g h t a n d so ld . C o llec tio n s ca re fu lly m ade a n d p ro m p tly ac co u n te d fo r. •


a . F . hybrid,.SV A V o/or,

Milan How,Jtdm L ; Ctijtio, /). ('. ( bn rty

A Hu rt C. Tit iithifi, Oliver Jf. Jfroin,,.1/. L. J Id hi man, ■ Sherman li. Orialt, ‘ William II. Ht njlv,

■: Jmiae C .-■ K ennedyt Sam a d Johnson, i 'harlct A . Atkin*f . Chavh'* A . Young,. William Jlalhawai/.

Chas. Lew is,~SlTCKSf?OK TO—'


, Lumber,

Doors .S a sh ,. Blinds,

Frames, Mouldings,

!• Hardware, .

1 Paints, :

! Oils, etc. ■

S O t E T ^ K C iE I M ■ S T ,

^ s T o - u . X 3 t 3 P a , r l ^ .' Factory^ D unkirk , N. Y .

. Branch Yard, Spring Lake.


Is th e oldest established line in Ocean Grove and As- burj- Park. Special facilities for th e prom pt and careful handling o fa ll kinds, o f Furniture, Pianos, Boilers and Safes. Shipping-tags furnished free. Storage for a ll k inds of goods. Separate'Compartments. Each individual fur­n ished -with key.

^ J H C O B f S T I L e S ^Offices N o. 702 Mattison Avenuo, Railroad Depot, Asbury Park; Corlies

Avenue, W est Grove; No, 46 Main Avenue, opposite Association Office, Ocean Grove. Post Office Box 0G9, Asbury Park, N. J ,

•3* FOR S H L E -i«- «< Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds,>

I ’riiu-ipnl a in l in te re s t guaian teo d Ity th e S K A SIIO IfE K LECTR1C EA X LW A V Co. o f A sburv P a rk J . W h y p u t y o u r m oiiey in to lo ts w h ich 'b r in g you no in te r­est, a n d oh w h ich you h a v e to pay taxes , s tree t assesm ents a n d o th e r expenses , w h en y ou can p u rc h a s e ' •' ■ '

G uaranteed l»ond»> w h ich w il l jrny you 3 per ccn t. in ­terest ou J a m ia y 1st and 3 per ccnt. on J u ly 1st.

each year, w ith o u t vou r h a v in g to pay out a n y th in g fo r tax es o r o th e r expenses. F o r fu r th e r in fo rm ation call on

The F irs t National Bank.Asbury Park & Ocean Grove Bank.Monmouth T rust and Safe Deposit Co.Mayor Frank L. T en Broeck.

Milan Ross.T. Frank Appleby.Seashore Electric Railway Co. W. II. Beegle.

T I L T O N ,

C en tral = t i v e r y » a a d - B oardin g -• Stables,MONROE AND COOKMAN AVENUE, Opp. Met ■% •,

ASBURY PARK, N. J.F ifty N ew Stalls and Several B oxStalls ' fo i Boarders. Prices Reasonable.- 6 jo$

Care and Accommodations.' Telephone Connection. .


A few wheels, slightly worn; way down in price.

If you want a new one you can't beat the Majestic or Royal Limited.

Good track for use of beginners, lessons, fifty cents each. Tandem aiid Wheels to rent.

H B e e g l e ^

4 8 M a i n A v e . , O c e a n G r o v e .

B r a d l e yEACH.-'

T his tra c t liy.*? b etw een Ocoan (.irove ou

tlio ■‘N orth a n d A von o n th e S o u th . I t Iuih a frontage o f o n e m ile o n th e O cean. T h e s tree ts ru n a t r ig h t ' ang les to th e sea,. } Iu eh o f th e p ro p erty is s till in th e h an d s o f o n e pen-on,' w ho is n o t a se ller a t th e p re se n t tim e, b u t w h o h a s a id ed ad jo in ­ing ow ners in m a p p in g o u t a n d g rad in g

th e ir lands on th e b e s t ' possib le p la n to p rep a re for th e oncom ing h o s ts o f o u r g rea t, c ities, to w hom N ew J e rs e y coast m ust, a lw ays b e a sanitarium .^

T h e fo llow ing j»ei*sons a re p ro p e rty

ow nere a t B rad ley B eacli a n d a re offering d esirab le p lo ts and lo ts fo r s a le : .

I to b e r t liu tte r .T ab na tee r B ros. • , .

T>r. H :S . K im n o n th .

' AVilliatn 15, H radnor. /. i l l ’s. A, SVlh in ley , (th ro u g h T , F ra n k

A pjilehy , agen t), an d o th e rs . -

A faps 'o f th e se jiroperties can n o d o u b t be fu rn ish ed b y C h arles Kegel's,- t h e real es ta te agent. :

B rad ley Beacli is now in co rp o m ted a n d th e se a re th e officers o f th e Jlo rough :

M A Y O IL— B en jam in B en n e tt.COUNC’J LM KX.—A lfred IL Y nrnall,

P e te r i ‘o lhnd, AVilliain G ifford a n d J e r ­om e R. 3 Iuddoll. •

C L E IlK ,— Adilis-oii H u tch in so n , ASSESSOR.—T 'm n k H erb e rt.

CO LLECTO R.— 'W illiam W ’ T ju rabee . C031 M ISSIO N ER S O F ' A P P E A L .—

R o b ert rc te rso n , 'W illiam J . I ’a v n te r a n d

AVillirim F lood. 'P O U N D K E E P E R .—C harles M urphy .-..


PIO N EER R E A L E S T A T E AGT.M ain St; C o rner F if th A venue.

B E A D L E Y - B E A C H , - jST. - J .


P a lm ate er b ro th e rs , L u m b e r Dealers. ,Jam es A . B ra d le y .

A : A . Tatylor, M ason n n d B u ild e r.

p E T E R PO LA N D , . * /


B rad ley B each , N ew Je rsev .


B l T C n E R ,

B rad ley B each, N ew Je rsey .

^ p i . .G R I F F I N ,

T E . W I S T E U ,

B rad ley Bejtcii. ' r: N ew J e rs e v ;

^ J IA K T IlO G E H S ,.

. Civil. Engineer a iid Surveyo r,F if th A ve., a n d M ain S t.; B rad ley B each.

ST \VI>ST HU A I.» L E Y . B E A C H IS L o ­cated th e hirKC N ig h t S l i l r t F a c to ry

o fS T E IX E lt »t SON. T h in fa c to ry em p loyes th ree h u n d r e d hnm ln. I I is w ith o u t d o u b t the fa c to ry o f th e k in d In th e U n ite d S ta tes. • . • •

Bl tA W .K V I IK A l i ' l l K C H O . - T l i is Is a m o n th ly im p e r p u b lis h e d , p r in c ip a l ly in

th e in te re iit o f th e B n id le y iSeaeh C h u rch . I t Is a n e li'h t-page p a p e ra n d is co nd ucte d w ith m u ch s k i l l a nd c u ltu re . . Hev. A lb e r t S w ift Is th e e d ito r m u l p ub lish e r*

< p i !E E X T E N S IV E P C M r iN G S T A T IO N L o f th e Ocean G ro ve A r te s ia n W a t t r

W o rks , a lso the la r jje E le c tr ic L ig h t B h in t be* lo n g in g to th e name c o rp o m tio u , u re in ' t h e J io rough o f I ln u llc y . IJeach.-

T r a n w t v i* A U K a .vH c o .m p a n y — r m ^ jC o n ijM iiiy w i l l 011 M a y 1st be a b le to fu r ­

n is h gas to the stores o r coth iges u t B n u lie y Jii-ach. O illce A s b u ry P a rk .

^ p H K E X T E N S IV E F l lE IG H T S T A T IO N O F i th e P e n n sy lva n ia a nd Lon g B m n c h R a il*

roads Is a t W e s t B ra d le y Beach. F ro m th is dep o t Occun G rove, A s b u ry P a rk a n d B ra d le y Beach g e t . th e ir .m erchandise. T h e business done a t ih lH -.s ta tlon is .do u b le t l ia t a t X>)ng B m n c h . . . . . . . .

BI IA D L K V U E A C ll SCHO O L, D IS T IU C T .P r in c ip a l—M iss H u iiu n l.

, T n ic h e ii i—Mlfcs IJe iia rd , M isri E m ily - H a rr is ;T w o D epa rtm en ts^ . In te rm e d ia te im d P ri*

m n ry . A b o u t ll6 s c h o la rs .

C T IlG D I.S T E P IS C O P A L C lIU U C H ,■1*1. * ( L it t le C h u rch in Die W oods.)

B R A D L E Y B E A C II , N . J.■ I<kv. A k iiL 'iiT S w i f t , •' •* Pasto r. .

Sierviccs—1 0 iW A .il. a iiU LJW I*. M, ...S unday-schoo l 2.30J»,x . -

Xilf-A* IV . RAIll'O .Y , ’•

CAEmTBR and BUILDERCorlies Avenue Near Church,


West Qrove, New. Jersey.

Post Office Address, Box 2 0 9 0 , Ocean O rove.

P ro m p t.a tte n tio n g iv e n to o rders fo r s m a ll '

lobs n n d repa irs .

tlie Wonder ofthe Age!The Knoll Double rlctiori Rubbing,.and'

Suction Washer. .T W O M A C H IN E S I N O N E . V

Washes H s h ir ts a t a t im e . . Seven on each side. O n ly tw o years n k l. (R00 S old . F iv o d is t in c t opem tionH m ade l»>* one m otto tt-.of th o lever, a nu ye t a ch l id can opem t e I I .

P ric e ,- $10 , L a r g e S iz e , $12.— M.\NUFA(.-rcnr.i> h v —

Clcctoa & Co;, Occan Orove A ge ate ‘Wanted;.

Q Q x a '

B O E D E l T ' ’ S :- F O R —

Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Furna­

ces and House Fur-

• ■ n ishingG oods.

Jobbing P iynip lln A ttend v i ta , -

' Tin Hoofing q

NO.. 150 MAIN STREET, -iflSBURY P1RK N. J.i-

, $7000 $3000^\ra n te d o n B ond a n d M ortgage. G ilt

E dge S ecu rity . S ix p e r ce n t, w ith In su ra n c e to Cover,

W. H. B E EG LE,48 M A IN A V E ., •' O CEA N G R O V E,

3V 3 S .

g o te lv ^ in d R e s ta u r a n t ,7 0 9 M ATTISON AVENUE,

( A S B U B Y P A R K , N . J .C o n ifo rU ib ly F u rn is h e d R oom s b y th e D a y o r

. . W e e k .Regular Din tier from 1 1 to j,jo . Cents.

P o x S a l e .T e n t a nd llrs t-c la ss p la t fo rm w ith tw o room s a tta che d . T e n t 11x1(1, k itc h e n , 12xW, w ith stdc s loop, back ro o m , 12x10. A l l in good o rder. In q u ire o n the prem ises, -17 C la rk A venue, Ocean G rove . ' l!f>july-U,

G O O D R I C F I ’SA S B U R Y P A R K a n d O C E A N G R O V E

Q F F X C E S ?

X o. SO. J feck A re .\ Ocean Grove andB ailroad Depot,. Anbury Park.

J . D. B E E G L E ,B u ccm o R to W, H', JONC8 4 CO.,



A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .


MARCUS: D- LEROY,:Successor to L . M . T A Y L O R ,


( B © A I ,9 W « 0 © I > A B B '

M ain O fiice—-M attiso ti A venue, op p o site

th e F ir s t N a tio n a l B an k , A slm rv P a rk . O cean G rove B ran c h a t S ti le s ’ E x p re ss


“ U p p e r [ L k i h g u C o a l a S p k c i a l t y . ”



Ya r d — So u t h Main St r e e t .N e ar B ro ad w a y G ates o f Ocean Grove.


C o a l A l w a y s S l» c l lc rc « l .


P L U M B E ROpposite Occau Crozi'iiftiiu Avc. Calcs.

E sfh m itia on- Scwei- nm l JV uter C om iet't- ions r to m p t iy l-'un iisliu il. IJow-

: 'Prices and Gooci Work. -