revelation 1

Christ’s Story: The Final Chapter A Study on the Book of Revelation Revelation #1

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Recorded 10/14/2012 Sycamore Reformed Presbyterian Church By Barry York


  • 1. Christs Story: The Final ChapterA Study on the Book of Revelation Revelation #1

2. Lesson 1 on the Book of RevelationThe Blessing of Reading & Understanding the BookBlessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy,and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.-Revelation 1:3 3. Mammoth Cave in Kentucky 4. Mammoth Cave in Kentucky 5. Monastery of St. John 6. Mammoth Cave in Kentucky 7. 8. John tells us who the books primaryaudience was (1:4; 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14).The seven churches of Asia! 9. John tells us who the books primaryaudience was (1:4; 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14).The seven churches of Asia! From Acts and other epistles we know theywere undergoing persecution by the Jewsand the Roman Empire (2:9, 13; 3:9; seealso Acts 19:9). Book written to encouragethem. One of the keys to interpret this book is tohear Jesus explain to the churches thesymbols or mysteries. For example in 1:20,He tells them what the lampstands andstars represent. Jesus also tells them the timing of theevents is soon, near, & at hand (1:1 ,3;3:11; 22:6). Like any other book, must notlose its original context. 10. 3rd Principle: Read Revelation as a Book of Prophecy 11. 3rd Principle: Read Revelation as a Book of Prophecy The book is called the words of thisprophecy. Must read it like we would bookssuch as Ezekiel or Daniel. Thus read it differently that Johns gospel orepistles. He uses the language of theprophets. Cries against immorality & idolatry (2:14;17:1-2) Uses symbols and imagery of Old Testament~250 times (4:1-7) Borrows language & ideas from otherprophets (20:8). Prosecutes the unfaithful with a covenantlawsuit. For instance, structure of Revelationwith its four, seven-fold judgments calls tomind Leviticus 26:18,21,24,28.