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Thought for the book taken from the

Message delivered on March 29, 2015

Dawsonville, Georgia U.S.A.

©2015 by Ben Howard

All rights reserved. This book cannot be sold,

nor in any way be used for the soliciting of funds.

All scripture quotations are taken from

the King James Version Bible

Published by the Sound Of Liberty

7286 Hwy 53W, Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 U.S.A.

[email protected]



We are going to read several places in the Word of God today.

And I’m going to start reading in Chapter 10 of the Book of

Romans, just one verse to begin with. I want to take a little

thought and entitle it, Revelational Faith for Hearing the Promised

Word for You. Now when speaking of the revelational faith, the

Word for this faith has got to be in you first. See, the Word is the

seed; and it’s got to be in you first before it can be quickened.

The ministry brings it to your mind, and then it is quickened to

you by the Holy Ghost. Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and

Sadducees in the Book of John 8:43; He asked them, “Why do ye

not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.”

In other words, they could hear the natural Word, but they

weren’t getting the spiritual meaning of it. In John 6:53, it says,

“Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye

eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in

you.” But they thought He was talking about His physical body.

He said, “He that eateth me hath everlasting life.” He is the

Word; “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with

God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) So from that

standpoint, it takes a spiritual ear to hear the Word of God. And

anything that God is doing, or has promised to do, has a season

that it will happen in. And until that season arrives there is no

‘revelational faith’ to put life in that part of the Word, because it

would be out of season.

In the Book of Luke 8:11 it tells us, “Now the parable is this: The

seed is the Word of God.” And that seed has got to be in you

already. We find in John 8:37, Jesus saying, “I know that ye are

Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 2

in you.” Then in Matthew, Chapter 13, Jesus went out of the

house and sat by the seaside, and a great multitude were

gathered unto Him, so that he went into a ship and sat, and the

whole multitude stood on the shore. And He spoke many things

unto them in parables. And upon hearing this, His disciples

came and asked Him, “Why do you speak in parables?” He

answered and said unto them, “Because it is given unto you to

know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is

not given.” So I say to you, “If there is a desire in you, and a

want to, then that want to is from the Lord; He put that within

you. You were born with it. There are people born with the seed

of God in them and that is predestination. The Word of God

teaches us that “Whom He did foreknow, them He also did

predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son.”

So anytime God has a promise, as the time cycle rolls around

for that promise to be fulfilled, then the inspiration for it comes

and it will strike God’s true ministers and they will begin to

bring that Word to the people. That is why we separate from

denominations, because they are still preaching what they were

taught five hundred years ago when coming out of the Dark

Ages; and they haven’t changed. But the Word of God is a

constant moving force. The Bible says, “If we walk in the light,”

and in walking you are moving—“If we walk in the light as He

is in the light we have fellowship one with the other and the

blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.” So that is what

we are looking at today. But before we read the Word, let’s just

bow our heads in a word of prayer.

Heavenly Father, we come to you, Lord, with praise in our hearts,

thanking you for giving us this day and for the beautiful weather, the

nice sunshine; it just makes us feel good physically, Lord. We

appreciate it and we thank you for it. And Lord, we thank you for the

healing that you have granted to your people as we have seen and have

received testimonies. And we thank you for blessing the many, many

people with the good Word of God. We also thank you for the letters

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 3

we received, Lord, on the books, cd’s, and the website. We know, Lord,

that you are your own interpreter when you bring it to pass. So we

just pray for the anointing of God, that we’ll be right under the spout

of the anointing and that you will anoint our lips to say words that will

be of an edifying nature and help to your people. We ask this in Jesus

Christ’s wonderful name. Amen.

First, I want to get this one verse here in Romans 10:17. It is a

simple verse. It says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing

by the word of God.” Now in order to have faith in the Word, it

has to be timely Word. And we have to recognize the promise

that God made for the day that we are in; and there’s where God

will quicken a faith. Most everybody says, “I believe the Bible; I

believe in Jesus,” and things of that nature; and they do, but in a

very natural way. But when it comes down to the specifics of

what God is doing, then that’s where we have to move by

revelation of the Word of God. And that’s what we want. So

“faith cometh by hearing” means it will be preached to you; it

will be taught to you; it will be timely; and it will be what you

need for the time you are living in. We have now arrived at the

sounding of the last trumpet that will raise the dead and

translate the living, and this is something that we have

automatically moved into without struggling. So faith cometh

by hearing; just think about those words for a moment. Faith is

something that is an unstoppable force. It cannot be stopped,

and what God said would be is here.

When we look back in time, we can see the great deliverance

revivals that have taken place. I have been in A.E. Allen’s

meetings where there were perhaps ten thousand people. I saw

all the shouting and many healings taking place. Also, I’ve been

in Oral Roberts’ meetings. And nearly every time those men

preached, they preached on faith, saying, “You’ve got to believe

God. God will heal you. He is healing His people. There’s a

healing in the land.” And healing is still taking place; it is the

way of God. But now we are looking more and more at the

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 4

promises of God for the total redemption of our body, as now

the body is being glorified, also.

Sometimes it’s a soul that needs healing as well as the body.

In the deliverance revivals the crippled walked, the blind saw.

There was one man that came to Gainesville, Georgia, to a

meeting back in those days when the healing revivals were

going on, and he had a glass eye. Prior to this he couldn’t see

out of the eye and he came up to be prayed for. The preacher

asked him, “What would you have the Lord do for you?” He

said, “I can’t see out of this eye. I need God to heal me.” And

the preacher said, “All right. God gives you back your sight, in

the name of Jesus Christ.” And the man’s sight came back, but

he still had his glass eye. He could take his glass eye out and

cover up the other eye and see just as well. They would get him

to read different things with the other eye covered up, and he

could read just as well with the glass eye in or out. And that was

a great miracle. Those things were taking place because the

healing revival was on and no one could stop it! And when a

preacher put up a tent or would have a healing meeting, people

would come out; because that was the message, “God is a healer.

By His stripes you were healed.” And each service it was

preached along those lines, because that was what was taking

place. It produced faith. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing

by the Word of God.” So they began to receive it.

Well, faith is still here, healing is still here; but at that time that

was the main thing God was putting emphasis on. So as we

moved on in the Word of God, there were other things in God’s

Word that He wanted to teach us; and He began to lead us

deeper and deeper in revelation. And now we have gotten to

the place in God’s Word where we get to the final phase of

redemption. I preached this many times, and you’ve heard me

say it—“We are not redeemed unless and until our body is

redeemed.” Now as we read in Romans, Chapter 8, we hear

Paul saying, “We wait for the adoption to wit the redemption of

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 5

the body.” See, the body has to be redeemed also, and not just

the soul. That’s why Jesus Christ died in His physical body—so

that He could redeem our bodies. And He came that we might

have life and have it more abundantly. And now our gospel has

come into its cycle and its season. So we’ve got to look in the

Word of God to see if we are in that season to produce our

glorified bodies; because we have to have something to base our

faith on and it has got to be solid. We can’t have faith just

because we want something to take place. I could say, “Lord, I

would like to have five new houses. One in this state and one in

that state. And I want a big condo on the beach. And I’d like,

Lord, for you to give me a yacht. And also, Lord, give me a plane

so I can move around good.” See, I’ve got no faith for that and

no basis to claim it. And God will not quicken such a faith as

that. Only if we ask according to His will, will He do it. But He

gives the whole body a certain faith for a certain thing, and in

this case it is faith to be translated and raptured. We have come

into this faith in this last day (which God has promised to we

which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord) that says

that we will not die but we shall be changed in a moment, in the

twinkling of an eye. Now that is the hour that we have come

into—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye we shall be

changed! But before any of that takes place, the dead will be

raised and together we will be caught up with them to meet the

Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. So these

are the things that we are looking at in the Word and are

believing God for. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, and 1 Corinthians


Now I want to go to the Book of Hebrews. There are many

scriptures that I want to read in this book. There is a chapter that

we usually call the faith chapter. It talks here more about faith

than any chapter in the Bible. Now faith is something that we

have in a measure, but the Word tells us to grow in grace and in

the knowledge of God. And in order to grow we have to fertilize

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 6

our faith by the Word of God for our day. Because we (as a seed

of God) had the Word placed within us at the time God

predestinated us and created our spirit to glorify Him.

God has a wonderful plan for His people. He started

introducing this marvelous plan by sending Jesus into the

temple to offer this plan of God to the Pharisees and religious

leaders, and some of them even came out and listened to Him.

And there were a few of them that even became believers in

Him; for they saw Him raise the dead, heal the sick, and even

walk on water. But most of the religious began to say certain

things like, “Who is this? Abraham is our father.” They would

say, “We follow Moses, the one that God sent unto us. We fellow

God. Who are you?” And Jesus said unto them, “If you knew

who God was, you would know who I am.” And as He began

to bring these things out, there were some there that believed,

but the religious leaders went about to kill Him. And He said,

“You do this because my Word has no place in you.”

Now you could be in a bad shape in this world, but the worst

shape that anyone could possibly be in is to be a person where

the Word has no place in them. In other words, they can hear

the Word and it really doesn’t do anything for them, while other

people hear the Word of God and it takes root. Jesus gave a

parable about sowing seed; “some seed falls on stony places and

it springs up and quickly withers away when the sun comes up.”

This He said as He gave many different parables. “Some are

sown among the thorns.” You’ve got to get out from among the

thorns. The thorns will choke the Word to the point that it will

cause our faith not to grow. And Jesus said, “These are they that

when tribulation and trials come because of the Word, they fall

away.” God wants somebody that will look at the promise and

believe it. But first it has to be in you. And the preaching of the

Word of God will quicken that seed and bring it forth into

perfect faith, this hybrid stuff won’t do that. The reason being is

because the life was already in the seed, and it will come forth in

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 7

its season. Putting it in the ground didn’t put life in it. The life

was already there; it just took the soil and moisture and warmth

to cause it to come up out of the earth. And nothing can stop it

from coming up. There is something calling those seeds in the

soil. And that’s the way it is with the Word of God. If there is

something in us, and it’s planted in good soil, it will come forth.

Now learn the parable of a little tree: One day, a man decided

he wanted to plant an orange tree. He went out and bought a

little tree and brought it home and planted it. But he planted it

in the shade where it couldn’t get sufficient sunlight. And every

now and then when he would walk by, he would give it some

water. He went about his daily life, not paying much attention

to the little tree. But once in a while, when he walked by, he

would think to himself, “I didn’t get a very good tree; it’s not

growing a bit and it looks like it is about to die. It will never

have any oranges on it!” One day, a wise man came by and

started a conversation with the man. The wise man began

asking him about his little tree. The man told him, “I brought it

home and planted it, but it’s not growing a bit; in fact it looks

about ready to die. I’ve got no use for it. It’s not going to give

me any oranges.” The wise man said, “Well, if you don’t want

it, then sell it to me. I will take the little tree home and see what

I can do with it.” So, the wise man took the little tree home and

planted it in a place where its roots could grow deep, and also a

place where there was plenty of sunlight. Oh, how he loved the

little tree. He went faithfully every day to see to her needs. He

turned the soil and kept the weeds pulled from around her. He

gave her just enough water each day to keep her roots moist.

And as he did all of this, he lovingly talked to the little tree. Time

went by, and the little tree began to grow. She grew and grew.

First white blossoms appeared; then oranges sprang forth. The

wise man went out and rejoiced over his little tree that had

grown so much and was finally producing. Then one afternoon,

the man that owned the little tree first saw the wise man, and he

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 8

said, “You’re the man I sold the little tree to, aren’t you? Is that

little tree still alive?” The wise man shook his head, “Yes, she is

alive and well. Do you want to come and see her?” So the wise

man took him to see his little tree. The man was amazed at how

tall and majestic the little tree had grown, and she was filled with

the most luscious fruit he had ever seen. The man asked, “How

did you get it to grow like this?” The wise man answered, “I

brought the little tree home and planted her in a place where she

could get all the sunlight she needed and where her roots could

sink deep, and I gave her plenty of room to grow. I made sure

she was in a place where there was plenty of light, and gave her

just enough water each day to keep her moist.” The man, with

a puzzled expression on his face asked, “Are you sure that’s all

you did?” The wise man replied with shining eyes, “Yes, but

what made the difference was love and faith.”

That’s why it is important to hear the Word of God; faith

cometh by hearing. And Paul said, “Forsaking not the

assembling of yourselves together.” That’s what we do, we come

to hear the Word of God and let it grow. We just don’t hear it

and let it wash away. We talk about it. We thank God for it. We

testify about it. One of the things that the apostles did, starting

in the Book of Acts, they testified about Jesus Christ being raised

from the dead and that He had come back as the Holy Ghost;

they gave witness of the resurrection. Everywhere they went

they were telling, “He is risen! He is risen! He is risen!” And

some said, “He is risen! We saw Him! We ate with Him! We

were sitting there in the room, and suddenly He appeared (the

doors being shut) and He sat with us and He ate! He said,

‘Children, do you have any meat?’ And we sat out fish and

honey and He ate it and talked to us about the Kingdom of God;

then suddenly He was gone!” They testified about it. They

talked about it. That was the message in that hour—“He is risen!

He is risen!” Now each time that God has sent a truth, there was

a people that testified about it, talked about it; it was a large part

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 9

of their conversation because that was what was within them.


Many times, Jesus talked about a seed, and we know that Jesus

Christ was the seed of God. And that means He sprang forth

from God. That seed was planted in the soil of the womb of a

virgin named Mary and it grew and came forth. John, Chapter

One, says that He was the Word made manifest; He’s the Word

made flesh. See, the Word comes forth and nothing can stop it.

We can’t speed it up. We can’t slow it down. Because the Word

of God speaks and the Word is always right, so faith cometh by

hearing and hearing by the revealed Word. Now we have

certain promises for this end time that are not promises for

another age. It’s our promises. We lay claim on them and we

believe God for them and we proclaim them!

Now I want to read here in this faith chapter. I want you to

notice how many times the Word talks about faith in Hebrews,

Chapter 11. I’m getting to some promises that God has for us in

our day. I will begin reading in Verse One. There are two things

in Verse One that is very important in order for us to have real

faith. It says, “Now faith is the substance.” I want you to notice

that word substance. You can’t see it. You can’t feel it. You can’t

taste it. It’s not reachable by any of the senses of the body; but it

is a substance. It’s just like radar. It’s not anything you can see,

but it is just as real; it’s a substance. It’s just like the telephone.

They’ve got satellites many miles above us up there. And this

Word, as we go on the website, it flashes anywhere in the world

through the air. It’s a substance, see. There’s no wires;

especially going up to the satellites. It hits the satellites and

comes back down to any place in the world. We see the children

(not only the children but also the adults today), every one of

them have their little phones. I guess if you took their phones

away from them they couldn’t breathe. They’ve got it in their

hands at all times. Well, what they are sending is going

somewhere. It’s a substance that causes that to go to whoever

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 10

they’re sending a message to. See, faith is just as real. It’s not

something that we see with a natural eye, but it is something that

we see with our spiritual eye. We see it right here in the Word.

So faith is a substance. Now we’ve got a substance. When we’re

talking about faith we’re not talking about something that

doesn’t exist. It is a substance. Now that is one of the things I

want us to see about faith. Another thing is, “Now faith is the

substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Amen,

we have the evidence. Glory to God!

Today there is a people that believe God. It’s evidence. We’ve

got faith. We believe it. We talk about it. And don’t try to

change us. We’ve got that substance in our hearts and the

evidence is coming out! I think about Jesus; He could, just by

faith, set aside the law of gravity. That’s the way He did when

He walked on the water. And that same faith came into Philip

down on the desert when he went and preached to the eunuch

there; then suddenly he was caught up in the Spirit and he was

seen over in another town preaching. Instead of taking an

airplane ride, he took a plain air ride! That’s a substance of faith.

This thing is just as real as it can be. And some people say, “I’m

not going to believe something unless I see or feel it.” Well, then

they can’t even be saved, because we accept God by faith. By

faith we believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins; and there

cannot be one doubt in our minds about it. And we believe that

the stripes were put on His body for our healing, and His

chastisement for our peace. That’s the reason we’ve got peace

like a river and joy like a fountain; we’ve got faith in what

happened at Calvary. And it is a substance—and there is

evidence of it. Just stay around a few days and you will see!

Now everything has come to pass just like God said it would up

to this time, and the rest will be right in line and nothing can

stop it.

Now watch the next verse here. Verse 2, “For by it the elders

obtained a good report.” Now watch the word faith again. Verse

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 11

3, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the

word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things

which do appear.” In other words, the worlds were created just

by Word spoken by faith. See, faith is the substance that created

this world. We can see on television scientists that want to go to

Mars and try to figure out how this thing happened, and why

there is a planet out here, and why the moon comes around and

goes into different quarters. They try to figure out how it all

takes place. See, all of that is nonsense. The earth is part of

God’s spoken Word, and it cannot be destroyed (He will purify

it, but not destroy it); it is eternal. God’s creation is made by the

Word. The worlds were framed by the Word of God. It is part

of the Word and it is eternal. That’s why when we read

Revelation, Chapter 22, we find that we go into the eternal age

that will never end, and we will still be on the earth. It can’t be

destroyed. It is indestructible. It is the Word of God. Just like

water; it is indestructible. If you freeze it, it gets solid. If you

boil it, it goes up in steam and comes right back down. It just

keeps coming back. It is eternal. And Jesus said, “Out of your

belly shall flow rivers of living water.” That’s this living water

that is flowing forth today. It is real. It’s not an imaginary thing.

It’s a substance. Now faith is a substance and it will translate

these bodies. And that is what God is quickening the Word to

as we come more and more up to this time, and you can’t help

but believe God! There are groups today that say, “We need to

do this (or that) to get rapturing faith.” No, all we need to do is

hear the Word of God and realize the time and season that we

are living in; and we know it is time for it and we can’t help but

believe it. All right. Now the worlds were framed by what? The

Word of God; so they’re part of the Word. And it will be here

throughout eternity; for the Word of God is eternal.

In the days of Noah, when God spoke to Noah to build an ark

He told him, “It’s going to rain.” Now think about that. The

first couple of thousand years here on this earth it hadn’t rained

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 12

and the seas didn’t exist. And the way God watered the earth—

a mist would go up. That’s what it talks about in Genesis; a mist

would go up from the earth and water it. No rain. But God told

Noah, “You build an ark because it is going to rain. I’m going

to destroy the whole world, all the wickedness on the face of the

earth. Build an ark for the saving of your household.” Well,

Noah began to preach the Word to his generation (and in his day

a generation was about one hundred and twenty years). Do you

know how many converts he got? Not a one. He didn’t get a

single one. It was only Noah and his family that built the ark as

he preached the gospel. And people would no doubt say,

“There’s no rain up there. Where is the water coming from? If

this world is going to be flooded out, where is it coming from?”

Well, God knew where it was. It was somewhere up in space;

because the fountain of the deep was open (and that is not deep

earth, it is deep space). The water began to fall down to this

earth by the tons, and for forty days and forty nights it rained.

And finally that ark began to rise up and float. And they were

on that ark for over a year before the water began to recede.

That’s where we get the oceans and so on that we have now. But

when we get over into eternity, we read in Revelation, Chapter

21, where John saw a new heaven and a new earth. Verse One

says, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven

and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.”

Leading up to that thousand year period of time, which is the

millennium, all the water will go back to where it was to begin

with. There will be a perfect climate. Everything will be perfect

all over the earth. And there will be no more places where it is

so cold that we can’t stand it or where it is so hot that we can’t

stand it. Those conditions won’t exist when the earth goes back

to its original. The earth is fallen like mankind, but God is a

redeeming God; He’s going to redeem it all back. It’s going to

be a paradise right here on earth.

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 13

Let’s go to Verse 4, “By faith (or revelation) Abel offered unto God

a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that

he was righteous. God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead

yet speaketh.” What’s being said here is what Abel did by faith

when the fall took place in the garden. He knew that the

bloodline had gotten defiled and so he offered the blood

sacrifice. Looking way into the future by revelation, by faith,

that the Lamb of God would be slain on the cross, Abel killed a

little lamb. And God testified that he was righteous. But I want

to move on. Watch every verse here says, “By faith.”

Watch what it says in Verse 5, this is talking about Enoch. Now

here we’re getting into our day. “By faith Enoch was translated

that he should not see death;” And I want to ask you a question.

Do you believe that? He was translated; he didn’t see death.

Neither did Elijah; he was caught up. Some people say,

“Everybody has got to die.” Well, not necessarily. The reason

they say, “Everybody has got to die,” is because of that one law

that says, “It is appointed unto man once to die but after this the

judgment,” not realizing that there is another law that overrides

that law of sin and death. There is a spiritual law that says, “We

which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment, in the

twinkling of an eye and we shall be caught up to meet the Lord

in the air.” So that law is a greater law. The law of life has made

us free from the law of sin and death (Hebrews, Chapter 2). It

says that Jesus tasted death for every man; both spirit and body

in total redemption.

The Bible tells us that there are two kinds of death. There’s the

death of the soul and the death of the body. Now everybody can

see when the body dies. But the Word of God speaks of the

second death; that’s the death of the soul when it will go out of

existence and be as though it never was (after it goes through the

things that God has ordained). Hell is for the destruction of

Satan and his angels, and also for people who have chosen to go

there. Death and hell will give up the dead and they will be cast

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 14

into the lake of fire; and all will be destroyed there. Even in this

enlightened age some still say, “I believe hell is eternal.” The

only way that one could be in hell for eternity is to have God’s

own life, because that is the only source of eternal life that there

is. And if you live for eternity, whether in hell or heaven, you

would have to have God’s life; but you can’t have God’s life and

go to hell. That is the second death according to the Word of

God. It says, “They that believe God will not be hurt by the

second death.” In other words, this ole natural body can die, but

the soul cannot die if you’ve got eternal life. But if you are dead,

“She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.”

Now let’s get on Enoch again here. It says, “By faith Enoch was

translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God

had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony,

that he pleased God.” And what does the Bible say? It says,

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.” And how do we

get faith? Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of

God. This faith is water that is poured on that seed, and the

warm soil will make it come up, and we can’t help but believe


Barbara Jean and I were going to the park to walk the other

week, and all the leaves had fallen off all the bushes and trees

(except those evergreens) and the grass there was just brown.

When winter comes, when the season comes around, nothing

can stop it or change it. There was not a leaf on the trees in the

park. But just the other day when we went back to walk, we saw

little leaves coming back on the trees. Now somebody try to stop

that. There is no way to stop it. It is a law of God that He set in

here and it will do it every year. Likewise, as this spiritual

season comes around there is going to be a people that are

translated; and I am here to tell you that we are in that season.

Yes, we’re in that season. We are the we which are alive and

remain. I had a man tell me the other day, “We’re going through

the tribulation; there is no way to stop it.” Well, I’m not going

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 15

to argue with him; he probably is. He said, “The church will go

through the tribulation.” Well, that may be so, but not the wife

of the Lamb. He said, “That is when Jesus will come back.” I

said, “Yes, that’s when Jesus comes back; but not when Christ

comes back.” Christ is that Spirit that came back and is shown

in Revelation, Chapter 10, as He has come in His fullness as the

Mighty Angel, one foot on sea and one on earth, both legs of this

spiritual coming. And as He has come, we which are alive and

remain have received this Word, and this Word will change us.

Because by one Spirit we were baptized into the body of Christ,

and Jesus Christ died once and death has no more dominion

over Him, and we are members of the body of Christ and death

has no more dominion over us, His wife.

Notice the translation of Enoch—he was a type of the rapture.

Now there are two things that God is showing in this period

before the flood. First, the rapture, and then the tribulation,

because Noah going through the flood is a type of the

tribulation. But before the tribulation began, before the flood

came, there was a man named Enoch. That’s the one we just

read about. By faith he believed God. God dropped a revelation

in his heart, “I’m not going to die; I’m going to be changed. I’m

going to be translated.” And he was translated that he did not

see death. Now do you believe that? That is the point; do you

believe it? Do you believe there was a man just like you and I,

who believed God and was translated? Well, I’m telling you,

there is a people on earth today, and there are no special powers

about them. They may not be educated people as far as

education in the natural realm; for the common people heard

Him gladly. Although it is okay to be educated; what matters is

what’s is in your heart—revelational faith for the move of God

that is now taking place in our day.

Verse 6, “But without faith it is impossible to please him:” See,

Enoch pleased God. How did he please God? By faith. “But

without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 16

must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently

seek him.” Do you believe that He will reward you? He will

reward you according to the faith He has given you. In Bible

days there were some that came to Jesus, and Jesus gave certain

things to them. But there was one that came to Jesus and said,

“I believe, Lord, but help my unbelief.” Not ‘help my unbelief

to grow,’ but ‘help me get rid of this unbelief.’ If you believe

God, walk with God—to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

The carnal mind will say it is not possible. Say, “Lord, I believe;

but I have a little shadow of unbelief. Help me get rid of that

unbelief.” Jesus helped the man and he got what he wanted. But

the point is, He said, “Faith.” He said, “Faith cometh by

hearing.” And there in the Book of 2 Thessalonians 1:3, it says,

“Your faith growth exceedingly.”

It’s just like this: Barbara Jean had some flowers that she

planted in hanging pots on our porch. She had some soil that

already had some fertilizer in it, but she bought a water hose

attachment where you could put a little packet of fertilizer in it

called Miracle Grow, and when you sprayed the water, the

fertilizer would mix with it. She would spray that water on the

flowers and say, “I tell you, this Miracle Grow is good stuff.

Watch those flowers grow!” Everybody that came by our house

were just amazed at them. They said, “I’ve never seen flowers

as big and beautiful as these. How did you get them like this?”

Well, she told them, “I’ve faithfully been spraying a fertilizer

called Miracle Grow on them and it really works. I’ve never

grown flowers like this before!” She was thrilled over her

flowers, and couldn’t believe how good they looked. But when

she took her water hose attachment off to see if she needed to

replace her packet of Miracle grow, she came to find out that she

didn’t have the little label pulled off the packet where the

Miracle Grow could get into the water! She was just putting

plain water on them! So we could say that these flowers were

growing on faith; for when she thought she had added the

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 17

Miracle Grow, they really grew fast. We need to put some

Miracle Grow on our faith. And Miracle Grow is hearing the

Word of God. We are required in this hour to walk in the light

of the Word; and there is a people who are doing that. Yes, we

believe God that we are going to walk out of here and be

changed in a moment and in the twinkling of an eye.

Now watch, again, Verse 6, “But without faith it is impossible to

please him:” Some people have come to me or written to me

saying, “Brother Howard, I want to please God. How do I please

God? I don’t know if I am pleasing God or not.” Well, He sent

a message. He sent a Word. And without faith it is impossible

to please God. That faith pleases God, see. When Enoch

believed God, He was translated. “But without faith it is

impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe

that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

We must believe. We’ve got to put legs on our faith. (And if you

walk in the light you might need faith on your legs to walk in the

light of the gospel!) But this is not something where we just

come to church to hear a little sermon, and say, “Well, I’m going

to church today.” No, it’s something we get in. It is something

we talk about. It is something we tell our neighbors about (if

they’ll hear us). It is something that we just praise God for—

“With our voice we praise Him!” At least He will listen to us;

and He won’t get mad at us for praising Him.

Verse 7, “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as

yet, (There are things not yet seen, but we believe God. We have

been baptized into the body of Christ, and it is just like God said

it would be.) moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his

house;” Now faith is a substance of things hoped for, the

evidence. That was evidence. Noah didn’t say, “I tell you folks,

there is coming a flood and you better get ready.” No, he just

began to cut the timber and he began to build the ark. That is

the kind of faith that God is looking for in us. That is growing

faith. If we believe it and testify about it, then we walk with it,

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 18

and that becomes our very own life; for we are dead, and our

lives are hid with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3) We are dead

to everything around us, but we are alive unto God. In Galatians

2:20-21, it says, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live;

(watch this) yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which

I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who

loved me, and gave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace

of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead

in vain.” But to the wife of the Lamb, faith has come to free us

from the law; to believe God. And that is what we are doing, we

are letting Christ live through us. Is He living in you today?

When somebody looks at you, do they see Christ? Paul said,

“I’m in Christ’s stead.” Now we can say we’re in Jesus’ stead as

the Christ in the earth, the wife of the Lamb.

Again Verse 7 says, “By faith Noah being warned of God of things

not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his

house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the

righteousness which is by faith.” The word faith is used twenty-

four times in this one chapter. “By faith,” showing that

everything has to be by faith. And that faith has to be within us.

And if we do have the faith, it will not be just something we talk

about, but it will be something that will express itself in us. And

that shows forth the substance. Faith is the substance of things

hoped for. It’s the evidence. What evidence of faith do we have?

What God says, are we doing it?

Here’s another one that we talk about a lot, and I love it. Verse

8 says, “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place

which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed: and he went

out, not knowing whither he went.” In other words, God said,

“Go,” and he didn’t say, “Lord, how do I do it?” It’s just like

Peter on the housetop there in Acts, Chapter 10, when the Spirit

told him to go with three men to Caesarea to the house of a

Gentile man named Cornelius, doubting nothing. Believe God

for whatever it is; go with God. That’s the way Abraham went

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 19

out. Verse 9, “By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a

strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs

with him of the same promise:” Now watch, he knew he was

traveling. We’re walking in the light; that’s the reason we don’t

join a denomination; we don’t build a house. We just keep on


See, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob they lived in their tents. They

were herders in the natural. They moved just like the Indians of

this country would do; they moved with the food. They kept

right on moving. So he sojourned. What was he doing? Verse

10, says, “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose

builder and maker is God.” He looked for it. Well, we found it!

Abraham, let me tell you something; the thing you were looking

for, we’ve got it! We are part of it. We are the city of the living

God. The city on a hill cannot be hid. We’re the lights of the

world. And the light of this last trump of God message has come

upon this religious world that is in darkness and they

comprehended it not. But to those that received it, to them He

gave rapturing faith.

I want to get Verse 11. It says, “Through faith also Sara herself

received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when

she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.”

Paul wrote, “It ceased to be with Sarah as with women.” In other

words, she was in menopause. She’s old and there’s no way.

But God said, “Abraham, you and Sarah are going to have a

child.” But many years passed and Abraham was as good as

dead the Word said. And Sarah was past age. But the Word

said it! And do you know what those folks did? Everybody

thought they were crazy, but they believed God anyway! Some

of the women might have said, “Sarah, are you this old and

haven’t gone into menopause yet?” And she would say, “I’m in

menopause.” Then they would say, “Well, you’re saying you’re

going to have a child. Look at Abraham. You’ve both got

rheumatism so bad you have to help each other get into the bed,

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 20

and you’re saying, ‘We’re going to have a child.” She would say,

“Oh, yes; we are going to have a child.” Well, do you know what

happened? One day a man came out of the desert. Actually

there were three of them. Two of them went to Sodom, that’s

when God judged that situation. But one stayed with Abraham

and Sarah, and that man said, “Now Sarah is going to have a

child.” Well, Sarah and Abraham were a hundred years old and

past childbearing age. And Sarah laughed in the tent behind

him. And the man said, “Why did Sarah laugh in her heart?”

And she said, “Oh, I didn’t.” He said, “But you did.” He said,

“But it doesn’t matter anyway. About this time next year the

season is going to come around and you’re going to come out of

menopause.” They became young again. They had that child.

And to show you that they became young again, Abraham was

as good as dead before Isaac was born, but when Isaac got

married forty years later (Sarah passed away just before then)

Abraham took a wife and had six children by her. Abraham was

good as dead before Isaac was born, and forty years later he

married another woman and had children by her; all because of

one thing—Faith! He believed what God said. Now what God

is promising us is not a less miracle to believe—the promise of a

glorified body.

In John, Chapter 11, we read about where Lazarus had died;

he was dead four days and stinking. They sent for Jesus. And

they were crying and carrying on. Mary and Martha (Lazarus’

sisters) both said to Jesus, “Lord, if you would have been here,

our brother wouldn’t have died.” And Jesus said, “He will

resurrect.” They said, “Oh, we know he will resurrect at the time

of the resurrection.” Do you know what Jesus said? He said, “I

am the resurrection.” Then He asked, “Where did you lay him?”

And they took Jesus to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay

upon it. Jesus told them, “Take ye away the stone.” But Martha

said unto Him, “Lord, by this time he stinketh; for he has been

dead four days.” Jesus said unto her, “Did I not tell you that if

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 21

thou would believe, thou should see the glory of God?” Then

they took away the stone from the place where the dead was

laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, “Father, I thank thee

that thou hast heard me. And I know that thou hearest me always: but

because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that

thou hast sent me.” And when He had thus spoken, He cried with

a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” He didn’t doubt one bit.

Then suddenly here came a man out of that cave who had been

dead four days and stinking. Jesus said, “Unwrap him and let

him go.” That is what faith will do. Faith is going to change

these bodies. And faith is going to raise from the dead those that

died in the Lord. They’re going to hear us, and are hearing us;

because the Bible says, “Those that are in the grave will hear the

voice of the Son of God and come forth.” This is the voice of the

Son of God; because it is the Word! We’re baptized into His

body. They’re going to come forth and we’re going to be

changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye (just like Enoch

was) and caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

Again, Verse 11, “Through faith also, Sara herself received strength

to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age,

because she judged him faithful who had promised.” In other words,

if God made the promise, what can you do? Who is going to

argue with it? Here’s a woman past age and here was a man as

good as dead, and they judged God’s Word faithful.

Circumstances didn’t mean a thing. And anytime we look at

circumstances, we’re placing that above our faith in God.

Circumstances don’t mean a thing; it’s what God’s Word says.

And we are part of the Word. In Ephesians, Chapter One, it says

that we were with Him before the world was. That’s when He

put our names in the Book of Life making us just as eternal as

He is. That is eternal life. Somebody might say, “You can lose

eternal life.” No, you can’t. If God gives your soul eternal life,

that’s what it means, eternal. Eternal means, ‘lasting or existing

forever, without end or beginning.’ Somebody might ask,

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 22

“How old are you, Brother Ben?” Well, very shortly I will be 76

years old. But in God I am just as old as God and just as young

as God, because He made me part of Him when He sent the Holy

Spirit into me and quickened that seed that He put in me before

foundation of the world. And here I am today with eternal life!

I can’t die. Those that went by the grave didn’t die; they just

went on ahead. They’re going to get up before we are changed.

So, God gives eternal life.

Watch now. Verse 12, “Therefore sprang there even of one, and

him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and

as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable. These all died in

faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off,

and were persuaded of them, an embraced them, and confessed that they

were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” They held on to it

knowing that they would live again! In the Book of Job 19:26,

we hear Job saying, “And though after my skin worms destroy this

body, yet in my flesh I shall see God.” Whether you go by the way

of the grave or are translated, eternal life is the same. But since

there is a way to go without going through the channels of death,

I believe I will just take that way! There is much more to be said

about this plan, but I’m not going to get to it in this message. But

the seed is the Word of God, which is in us. And we can’t hear

unless we have spiritual ears. This faith comes that way. The

title again, Revelational Faith for Hearing the Promised Word for You.

See it is revelational faith; it’s the Word that God promised for

you. We can’t believe God for something else. We can’t believe

God for what they had in other ages and other times or what

they’re going to have in the tribulation period. But we can

believe God for what He has for us today. Today is the day of

Salvation; now is the accepted time.

Do you love Him with all your heart? Can you believe? And

even if we get a little shadow of doubt, we quietly say, “Lord,

help my unbelief. Take it away. Let my faith grow

exceedingly.” How does it grow exceedingly? By hearing the

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 23

Word of God. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the

Word. And that includes reading the Word and rejoicing in

Him, and knowing that by one Spirit we are baptized into the

body of Christ. He has come back in Revelation, Chapter 10, to

make all this live for us. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing

by the Word. There is a way, as one said, that our faith may be

perfect. And we have that perfect faith, but sometimes it gets

clouded a bit; but Lord, take away those clouds. This message

of the last trumpet of God drives all the clouds away; it drives

all the doubts away where we can look at the light of the Word

and see Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Heavenly Father, we come to you praising your name, thanking you,

Lord, and appreciating you. O God, we just thank you for helping us

to see the faith, for giving us the faith, for letting us know that this is a

reality, this is not imaginary but this is a substance and it is an

evidence that we can have to claim the promises that are lying right

here before us. And there is the promise of eternal life that you have

given to us without going through the channel of death, but to be

changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. I pray you quicken

this faith in each one that hears this Word. We ask it in the name of

the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

2015 Revelational Faith For Hearing The Promised Word For You 24


All sermons by Brother Ben Howard are recorded on Cassette

tape, CD's, DVD's, and Mp3 formats. Also, there is a collection

of published books that are available for download or by

request as well. Please feel free to visit us at our website often

as new materials are constantly being added, or write to our

postal address below.

Sound Of Liberty

7286 Hwy 53W, Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 U.S.A.

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