review article open and minimal approaches to pancreatic...

Review Article Open and Minimal Approaches to Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Ricky H. Bhogal , Stephanos Pericleous , and Aamir Z. Khan Department of Surgery, The Royal Marsden Hospital, London. SW3 6JJ., UK Correspondence should be addressed to Ricky H. Bhogal; [email protected] Received 31 May 2019; Accepted 1 November 2019; Published 27 May 2020 Academic Editor: Jan Bures Copyright © 2020 Ricky H. Bhogal et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Surgical options and approaches to pancreatic cancer are changing in the current era. Neoadjuvant treatment strategies for pancreatic cancer combined with the increased use of minimal access surgical techniques mean that the modern pancreatic surgeon requires mastering a number of surgical approaches with to optimally manage patients. Whilst traditional open surgery remains the most frequent approach for surgery, the specic steps during surgery may need to be modied in light of the aforementioned neoadjuvant treatments. Robotic and laparoscopic approaches to pancreatic resection are feasible, but these surgical methods remain in their infancy. In this review article, we summarise the current surgical approaches to pancreatic cancer and how these are adapted to the minimal access setting with discussion of the patient outcome data. 1. Introduction Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the leading causes of death with 432,242 deaths per year and 458,918 new cases recorded per year according to GLOBOCAN 2018 [1]. Despite signicant progress in the detection and management of PDAC, the 5-year survival is still reported at a disappointing 9% [2]. Surgical resection is the only treat- ment option that oers the prospect of long-term remission; however, only approximately 20% of those patients present- ing PDAC are eligible for resection [3]. Surgery for PDAC has evolved since Allen Whipple reported the rst surgical series in 1935 [4] with recent studies reporting an improved 5-year survival of 30% [5]. Despite this progress in improv- ing patient outcome following surgery for PDAC, the mod- ern pancreatic surgeon is faced with a number of new challenges that can involve modications to the traditional surgical approach. These include the advent of neoadjuvant regimens to PDAC such as those in the current ESPAC-5 trial [6]. In addition, surgical advancements in minimal access and robotic surgery have added further techniques to the pancreatic surgeons armamentarium. In this review, we summarise the current surgical approaches available for the pancreatic surgeon when planning surgery for patients with PDAC. 2. Current Era of Pancreatic Surgery for PDAC Approximately 65% of PDAC is located in the pancreatic head with 15% in the body or tail and multifocal disease accounting for the remaining cases [5]. Indeed, an inferior survival is noted in patients with PDAC located in the body and tail relative to the pancreatic head [6], and as discussed below, this may be accounted for by the extent of lymphadenectomy performed in distal pancreatectomy. Therefore, after appropriate preoperative staging and investigations, patients with PDAC are generally eligible for one of three operations: Whipple/pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD), total pancreatectomy with or without splenectomy, or distal pancreatectomy with or without splenectomy (DP). PPPD in contrast to the classical Whipple procedure retains the distal stomach and pylorus with the aim of decreasing the postoperative incidence of delayed gastric emptying, marginal ulcera- tions, and bile reux gastritis, but the data to support this surgical approach is lacking [7]. In the modern era, all sur- gical approaches to the pancreas can be performed via the open, laparoscopic, or robotic routes. For instance, PDAC limited to the pancreatic head with no vascular involve- ment would be suitable of Whipple/PPPD whilst multifo- cal disease would be suitable for total pancreatectomy Hindawi Gastroenterology Research and Practice Volume 2020, Article ID 4162657, 12 pages

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Page 1: Review Article Open and Minimal Approaches to Pancreatic 31, 2019  · Surgical options and approaches to pancreatic cancer

Review ArticleOpen and Minimal Approaches to Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

Ricky H. Bhogal , Stephanos Pericleous , and Aamir Z. Khan

Department of Surgery, The Royal Marsden Hospital, London. SW3 6JJ., UK

Correspondence should be addressed to Ricky H. Bhogal; [email protected]

Received 31 May 2019; Accepted 1 November 2019; Published 27 May 2020

Academic Editor: Jan Bures

Copyright © 2020 Ricky H. Bhogal et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Surgical options and approaches to pancreatic cancer are changing in the current era. Neoadjuvant treatment strategies forpancreatic cancer combined with the increased use of minimal access surgical techniques mean that the modern pancreaticsurgeon requires mastering a number of surgical approaches with to optimally manage patients. Whilst traditional open surgeryremains the most frequent approach for surgery, the specific steps during surgery may need to be modified in light of theaforementioned neoadjuvant treatments. Robotic and laparoscopic approaches to pancreatic resection are feasible, but thesesurgical methods remain in their infancy. In this review article, we summarise the current surgical approaches to pancreaticcancer and how these are adapted to the minimal access setting with discussion of the patient outcome data.

1. Introduction

Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the leadingcauses of death with 432,242 deaths per year and 458,918new cases recorded per year according to GLOBOCAN2018 [1]. Despite significant progress in the detection andmanagement of PDAC, the 5-year survival is still reportedat a disappointing 9% [2]. Surgical resection is the only treat-ment option that offers the prospect of long-term remission;however, only approximately 20% of those patients present-ing PDAC are eligible for resection [3]. Surgery for PDAChas evolved since Allen Whipple reported the first surgicalseries in 1935 [4] with recent studies reporting an improved5-year survival of 30% [5]. Despite this progress in improv-ing patient outcome following surgery for PDAC, the mod-ern pancreatic surgeon is faced with a number of newchallenges that can involve modifications to the traditionalsurgical approach. These include the advent of neoadjuvantregimens to PDAC such as those in the current ESPAC-5trial [6]. In addition, surgical advancements in minimalaccess and robotic surgery have added further techniquesto the pancreatic surgeon’s armamentarium. In this review,we summarise the current surgical approaches available forthe pancreatic surgeon when planning surgery for patientswith PDAC.

2. Current Era of Pancreatic Surgery for PDAC

Approximately 65% of PDAC is located in the pancreatichead with 15% in the body or tail and multifocal diseaseaccounting for the remaining cases [5]. Indeed, an inferiorsurvival is noted in patients with PDAC located in thebody and tail relative to the pancreatic head [6], and asdiscussed below, this may be accounted for by the extentof lymphadenectomy performed in distal pancreatectomy.Therefore, after appropriate preoperative staging andinvestigations, patients with PDAC are generally eligiblefor one of three operations: Whipple/pylorus preservingpancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD), total pancreatectomywith or without splenectomy, or distal pancreatectomywith or without splenectomy (DP). PPPD in contrast tothe classical Whipple procedure retains the distal stomachand pylorus with the aim of decreasing the postoperativeincidence of delayed gastric emptying, marginal ulcera-tions, and bile reflux gastritis, but the data to support thissurgical approach is lacking [7]. In the modern era, all sur-gical approaches to the pancreas can be performed via theopen, laparoscopic, or robotic routes. For instance, PDAClimited to the pancreatic head with no vascular involve-ment would be suitable of Whipple/PPPD whilst multifo-cal disease would be suitable for total pancreatectomy

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with splenectomy. There are now guidelines available onmany aspects pertaining to pancreatic surgery for PDACincluding the definition of standard lymphadenectomy, con-sensus statements of borderline resectable PDAC, andextended pancreatic resections, and the reader is referred here( for a furtherdetailed information.

These international standardized nomenclatures forpancreatic surgery have allowed some degree of harmonisa-tion in surgical approaches to PDAC and in time will alsoallow surgical data globally to be interpreted appropriately[8]. This is particularly important in an era of increaseduse of preoperative chemotherapy and/or chemoradiother-apy for PDAC in the presence of locally advanced disease(see below). The use of the neoadjuvant regimens means thatthe modern pancreatic surgeon must be prepared to adaptsurgical approaches to achieve oncological pancreatic resec-tions. To highlight this currently, patients with early-stagePDAC and no vascular involvement can be offered roboticpancreatic PPPD/Whipple (RPD) [9], whilst those surgeonsfurther along the learning curve with laparoscopic approachescan offer laparoscopic PPPD/Whipple (LPD) with concomi-tant vascular resection [10] whilst patients receiving neoadju-vant chemoradiation will generally have open pancreaticresection [11].

As eluded to above, vascular involvement of either thesuperior mesenteric vein (SMV) and/or artery add an extralayer of complexity to surgical resection for PDAC. Thesepatients are referred to as having “borderline resectable pan-creatic cancer” (see below). Generally, these patients havelimited vascular involvement with predominantly SMVinvolvement. A recent systematic review concluded that theportal vein and/or SMV resection combined with pancrea-tectomy is a safe and feasible, enabling an increased numberof patients to undergo curative resection and improvingpatient survival [12]. However, in contrast, a recent meta-analysis suggests that patients undergoing vein resection aspart of pancreatic resection have a higher R1 rate, lower sur-vival, and the surgery was deemed not cost-effective [13],although a UK nationwide study has demonstrated that pan-creatic resection combined with vein resection is superior tosurgical bypass [14]. However, these data must be inter-preted with caution; as surgical units comprising both hepa-tobiliary/transplant units, there is an increased likelihood ofperforming vascular resection due to the availability ofcadaveric vein for portal vein/SMV reconstruction [15].Whether cadaveric vein is used or another suitable conduit,the literature does support the use of vascular resection,especially venous resection, in PDAC to improve patientsurvival especially when neoadjuvant regimens have beenutilized [16].

In summary, although international guidelines are avail-able for the management of patients with PDAC, the optimalsurgical approach in an era of increasing availability of surgi-cal approaches and evolving neoadjuvant regimes means thatconstant reevaluation is required to ensure that patientsreceive optimal management. In the following section, wediscuss the current surgical strategies available for the man-agement of patient with PDAC.

3. Open Pancreatic Surgery with NoVascular Involvement

All patients with PDAC should have appropriate preopera-tive work-up with cross-sectional imaging and multidisci-plinary team discussion prior to surgery. At present, mostpancreatic surgeries are performed by surgeons specialisingin hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery at centralized tertiaryreferral centers, although data demonstrates that there is amarked global variation in the specialty of surgeons carryingout pancreatic surgery [17]. As discussed above, conven-tional Whipple or PPPD is considered for PDAC limited tothe pancreatic head. In those patients with tumours confinedto the pancreatic neck, a central pancreatectomy can be con-sidered and if such tumours are extending toward the body/-neck, then subtotal pancreatectomy can be performed inorder to preserve pancreatic function [18].

A standard protocol for open pancreatic resection has notyet been internationally agreed. Therefore, in manyinstances, open pancreatic resection is performed based uponsurgeon preference and patient factors. The generic oncolog-ical principles of resection, however, remain those of safedissection, and appropriate and diligent lymphadenectomyto obtain an R0 resection. Surgeons may elect to performWhipple/PPPD via a midline laparotomy or rooftop incision.The falciform ligament is divided and mobilised ensuringthat it remains intact (see later). For patients in whom vascu-lar resection is contemplated, the authors suggest a midlineincision to enable the Cattell-Braasch manoeuvre to be per-formed (Figure 1). A thorough examination of the peritonealcavity and liver is performed to exclude metastatic diseasewhich would preclude resection. This may involve intraoper-ative ultrasound with some evidence to suggest that it mayselect out a small proportion of patients with liver metastasis[19]. After inspection of the peritoneal cavity, the surgeonmay elect to perform a Cattel-Braasch manoeuvre and thenadopt an “artery-first approach” (discussed below) or alter-natively, the SMVmay be approached by opening the gastro-colic ligament and dissecting it free from the inferiorpancreatic border. In patients with disease limited to the pan-creatic head, the Cattell-Braasch manoeuvre, which involvesdissection along the right-sided white line of Toldt and thenacross the small bowel mesenteric root, allows the colon andsmall bowel to be retracted into the left upper quadrant andfacilitates exposure of the SMV as it passes over the third partof the duodenum.

The complete extended Kocherization of the duodenumallows skeletonization of the inferior vena cava (IVC) and leftrenal vein. By using the superior border of the left renal vein asan anatomical landmark, the root of the SMA can be dissectedfree and neurectomy around the SMA can then be performed[20]. The Cattel-Braasch manoeuvre can be extended to theligament of Treitz and with careful dissection the ligamentcan be fully mobilised and peritoneal cavity entered lateralto the ligament of Treitz. In the absence of neoadjuvant treat-ment, previous pancreatitis, or previous upper abdominalsurgery, the Cattel-Braasch manoeuvre is achieved with min-imal blood loss and economy of effort. As eluded to above,the Cattel-Braasch is recommended when the “artery-first

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approach” is being considered for resection [20]. Theapproach is discussed in detail below. In the conventionalsurgical approach, following Kocherization of the duode-num and skeletonization of the IVC and left renal vein,again the ligament of Treitz can be fully mobilised. Thegastrocolic ligament can be opened widely with an energydevice preserving the gastric arcade. The SMV can beidentified by tracing the middle colic vein to the SMV atthe lower pancreatic border. The retropancreatic tunnelcan be developed at the inferior border of the pancreas.It is the author’s view that if resistance is encounteredhere to suggest a portal vein/SMV involvement, then aCattel-Braasch manoeuvre be performed at this point toaid vein reconstruction should it be required (see below).

Following this, attention turns to dissection of the hepa-toduodenal ligament. If the gallbladder is present, a cholecys-tectomy is performed with ligation and division of the cysticartery. The dissection is commenced at the base of segment 4of the liver, and the peritoneum opened here. The left, right,and hepatic arteries are skeletonised with ligation of the rightgastric artery. Portal lymphadenectomy is completed, and thegastoduodenal artery (GDA) is dissected free. The GDA isclamped to ensure adequate flow in the common hepaticartery and exclude retrograde flow to the hepatic vasculaturevia the SMA because of coeliac artery stenosis. If adequateflow is present in the hepatic artery, then the GDA is ligatedand divided. The common hepatic artery lymph node can beresected en bloc at this point. In general, coeliac and SMAlymphadenectomy are only performed if there is clear evi-dence of lymphadenopathy. This clearly has an impact uponpatient morbidity and survival after pancreatic surgery. Ofnote, extended lymphadenectomy offers no survival benefitto patients but increases surgical complications [21]. In ourunit, CT-PET is performed on all patients considered forpancreatic surgery and may be able to inform on the utilityof this dissection [22]. During the dissection of hepatoduode-nal ligament, care must be taken to avoid injury to accessoryvessels and preoperative imaging in the form triple-phase CT

may assist the surgeon in this phase of the operation [23](Figure 2). At this point, the retropancreatic tunnel can becompleted and a nylon tape passed behind the pancreasand in front of the portal vein/SMV.

The stomach (classical Whipple) or duodenums (PPPD)are now divided with surgical stapling devices followed by thestapling and division of the jejunum. If the duodenum andpylorus have been compromised by a tumour and/or inflam-mation, then a classical Whipple is performed. The jejunalmesentery is divided using an appropriate energy deviceensuring no injury occurs to the inferior mesenteric vessels.The jejunum can then be delivered under the superior mes-enteric vessels and into the surgical field. Once this has beenachieved, the pancreatic neck can be divided with either aknife or diathermy. This now allows the uncinate process ofthe pancreas to be dissected free from the SMV using

SMA at the originfrom the aorta

SMA at the originfrom the aorta

Caval vein

Figure 1: The Cattell-Braasch manoeuvre. The right colon, small bowel mesentery root, and duodenum (Kocherization) are mobilised fromright to the left quadrant to allow exposure of the retroperitoneal structures and major vasculature. With completion of the Cattel-Braaschmanoeuvre, the root of the SMA can be dissected free and SMA isolated from the tumour. (Taken from

Figure 2: Preoperative CT triple phase may identify the anomalousanatomy shown here where the right hepatic artery originates fromthe SMA (red sloop) and left hepatic artery from the left gastricartery (blue sloop). The above patient had received neoadjuvantchemoradiation, and therefore, normal anatomical planes are notpresent and preoperative imaging can assist in safe dissection.

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ligatures and/or clips to control small venous tributaries. Theinferior (IPDA) and superior (SPDA) pancreaticoduodenalarteries are also controlled and divided during this phase ofresection. The remaining retroportal lymphadenectomy iscompleted with the skeletonisation of the lateral border ofthe SMA. This latter dissection has already been performedif the posterior artery-first approach has been utilised. Theend result at the conclusion of the resection will appearsimilar to Figure 2.

Following pancreatic resection, the reconstructive phaseof surgery commences and begins with pancreatic resection.There is little clinical evidence to support pancreatico-jejunostomy (PJ) over pancreatico-gastrotomy (PG) recon-struction, but a recent meta-analysis clearly demonstratedthat most surgeons’ preference is to perform a P-J anastomo-sis [24]. This area is controversial as the PJ anastomosis canbe performed using a variety of methods. The PANasta Trialis attempting to clarify this area although it is only evaluatingduct-to-mucosa PJ anastomosis techniques (Cattell andBlumgart techniques) and not other methods of pancreaticanastomosis such as the dunking method that is the preferredmethod for, at least, the authors on this manuscript [25].There is emerging evidence that pancreatic duct diametercombined with gland texture can predict the incidence ofpostoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) in addition to thePJ anastomosis technique used [26]. In addition, the authorsuse a pancreatic stenting during reconstruction routinelywith a reported benefit in reduced pancreatic fistula inci-dence [27] (Figure 3).

Following this, end-to-side, single-layer, interrupted, orsingle-layer continuous hepaticojejunostomy with or withoutstenting is performed using the same jejunal loop. The deci-sion as to the mode of reconstruction is usually dependentupon the bile duct caliber. It is the author’s preference toperform a double-layer, continuous, hand-sewn antecolicgastrojejunostomy or duodenojejunostomy, with a nasogas-tric tube placed in the stomach and a feeding nasojejunal tubein the efferent jejunal limb of the anastomosis for postopera-tive nutrition. The authors advocate encircling the earliermobilised falciform ligament around the pancreatic anasto-mosis to reduce the risk of GDA pseudoaneurysm. The

postoperative management of pancreatic resections is outsidethe scope of this manuscript, but the reader is referred torecent excellent review article [28].

In a recent single center study, Picozzi et al. reported a5-year survival of patients with resected PDAC of 32% andoverall survival of 34% [29]. Whilst these results areencouraging, they still far short of the survival rates forother resected cancers. As noted in the above study, 50%of the patients developed systemic disease after resectionfor PDAC [29]. To address this, many groups are asses-sing the role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in setting ofresectable PDAC such as the NorPACT-1 Trial [30] withrecent meta-analysis demonstrating that multiagent neoad-juvant chemotherapy is associated with improved survivalin patients undergoing pancreatic resection [31]. Althoughas suggested by Heinrich et al., despite supporting evi-dence of the treatment effect neoadjuvant therapy, it hasnot proven superior to surgery in randomised trials forresectable PDAC with most available data based uponsmall phase II trials [32]. To add further weight to this lat-ter point, Zhan et al. recent meta-analysis of both resect-able, borderline resectable, and locally advanced PDACsuggested that whilst it may offer benefit to the patientsin the latter two groups, it should be used with cautionin patient with resectable PDAC as it was not shown tobe beneficial [33]. Much of this discordant surgical datamay in part be due to the type of chemotherapy used asUnno et al. demonstrate that a combination of gemcitabineand S1 in resectable PDAC significantly improved overallsurvival (36.7 months versus 26.6 months (upfront surgery)[34]. This area of PDAC management is likely to remain afertile area of research especially as more sophisticated che-motherapy agents are developed and the results of theNorPACT-1 may demonstrate that neoadjuvant chemother-apy is beneficial in resectable PDAC in a randomised trialsetting. The results of such trials are eagerly awaited.

4. Artery-First Approach toPancreatic Resection

The artery-first technique for pancreatic resection has beenexcellently summarised by Sanjay et al. [35]. Most pancreaticsurgeons are trained or prefer the approach originallydescribed by Marzano et al. and is referred to as the “poste-rior approach” [36] (Figure 4).

Following Cattell-Braasch manoeuvre that has beendetailed above, the root of the SMA is dissected and exposedwhere it passes in front of the left renal vein in front of theabdominal aorta. The perineural and perivascular tissue canbe carefully divided dissecting away from the abdominalaorta, posterior to the pancreatic head aiming towards theduodenum. As this dissection continues, tissue between theSMA and uncinated process are progressively divided toexpose the lateral border of the portal vein/SMV. Thisallows a relatively easy access to the IPDA and SPDAfor ligation. Data demonstrate that this dissection enablesassessment of vascular involvement and also allow safedissection of accessory/replaced right hepatic artery(Figure 2) whilst also reducing blood loss during surgery

Figure 3: Postoperative CT demonstrating a single layerpancreaticojejunostomy using a dunking technique performedover a pancreatic duct stent.

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[37–39]. Aside from this approach, the medial uncinateapproach, inferior infracolic approach, the left posteriorapproach, inferior supracolic approach, and superiorapproach have also been described [35].

The decision to perform total pancreatectomy may havebeen made preoperatively because of the presence of mul-tifocal disease or, in some instance, be made intraopera-tively because of vascular involvement thereby performedto ensure oncological clearance (see below). Additionally,positive resection margins on frozen sections sent duringsurgery may necessitate total pancreatectomy. The operativeapproach for total pancreatectomy is as described above.Dependent upon surgeon preference, an artery-first approachcan be utilised or a more conventional approach be adopted.We recommend posterior artery-first approach when per-forming a total pancreatectomy as this firstly allows skeletoni-sation of the SMA and without pancreatic neck division, as ina Whipple/PPPD, allows division for the retropancreatic tis-sue and mobilisation of the uncinate process ensuring thatthe correct plane posterior to the pancreatic body and tail isentered. Following the division of this tissue, the tortuoussplenic artery is dissected free and controlled with a sloopuntil division, followed by isolation of the splenic vein. Shortgastric vessels can be controlled with a suitable energy deviceand the stomach reflected cranially. By adopting the artery-first approach, the SMA now lies outside the dissection planeand adrenal gland alongwithGerota’s fascia is used as the pos-terior extent of resection of the left side of the abdomen. Atthis point, the splenic artery, splenic vein, and the inferiormesenteric vein can be ligated. The spleen is included in theresection for oncological reasons, and thus, the splenorenalligament is divided and drawn medially to meet the planedeveloped by the dissection posterior to the pancreatic bodyand tail. The duodenum/stomach and jejunum are mobilisedand transected as described above followed by en bloc resec-tion of the pancreas, duodenum, spleen, and the peripancrea-tic lymph nodes. Total pancreatectomy eliminates the need

for a pancreatic reconstruction anastomosis but causes iatro-genic diabetes mellitus, which maybe brittle, and exocrineinsufficiency [40]. However, in selected cases, total pancrea-tectomy can ensure R0 resections with comparable patientoutcome to Whipple/PPPD [41].

5. Pancreatic Resection in the Presence ofVascular Involvement

As eluded to above, pancreatic surgery is evolving with surgi-cal approaches being modified in patients who have receivedneoadjuvant treatment [42–44]. These preoperative regimensare principally being used for patients with borderline resect-able or locally advanced PDAC [45], although the use ofthese strategies is attracting growing attention in patientswith resectable disease, too [42], as discussed above [30].There are multiple definitions of borderline resectable andlocally advanced PDAC from many learned global societies(Table 1).

Surgery after neoadjuvant regimens for PDAC presentschallenges to the pancreatic surgeon. Preoperative radiationespecially causes localised inflammation that changes thesurgical field by inducing adhesions particularly betweenthe tumour and adjacent organs such the colon, stomach,and IVC. A particular concern for the surgeon is adherencebetween the tumour and the portal vein/SMV. Clearly, if thiscannot be dissected freely, then vein resection needs to beconsidered. The radiation field will also encompass the portahepatitis which results in fibrosis with again the loss ofnormal tissue planes as demonstrated in Figures 2 and 4.Whilst possible via a rooftop incision, a midline incision withCattel-Braasch manoeuvre as described above is consideredthe optimal approach in patients where vein resection islikely to be needed. The posterior artery-first approachdescribed above can be difficult to achieve due to inflamma-tion and/or fibrosis present at the root of the mesentery.There is merit in pursuing this approach as if the SMA canbe dissected freely and mobilised away from the tumour, thenresectability of the tumour has been proved and a vein resec-tion can be carried out then if needed.Whether this approachis adopted or not, the pancreas must be dissected freely fromthe splenic vein to the left of the portal vein/SMV junction tofacilitate safe division of the pancreas to the left of the pan-creatic neck. Prior to pancreatic division, adequate venousclearance is required to enable safe clamping of the veinsprior to vein resection. The portal vein is dissected free up toits bifurcation into the left and right portal veins and the SMVdissected free to its first order branches, although if a safe planecan be cleared above the SMV branches, this maybe satisfactoryfor vein clamping. Once this has been achieved, the patient isheparinized with an unfractionated heparin bolus. The alreadyslooped portal vein, splenic vein, and SMV are all clamped withappropriate vascular clamps. The pancreas is divided, followedby division of the SMV and portal and splenic vein (ifrequired), and then the surgical specimen is removed. Theadvantage of having previously mobilised the mesentery usingthe Cattell-Braasch manoeuvre in this scenario is that if acomplete vein resection is required, a defect of up to 4 cmcan be reconstructed using an end-to-end venous anastomosis

Figure 4: The posterior artery-first approach for the pancreaticcancer. The pancreatic resection has been completed. The bluesloop is encircling the SMA and the green sloop the portal vein.All the retropancreatic tissues have been divided prior topancreatic neck division. Gerota’s fascia is apparent, and theyellow sloop is displacing the common hepatic artery. This patienthad also received neoadjuvant chemoradiation.

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thus precluding the need for interposition venous graft(Figure 5(d)), meaning that pancreatic resection with full-veinreconstruction can be safely performed outside transplantationunits [46].

In most patients with venous involvement, a wedge of theportal vein or SMV can be performed if a small portion of thepancreatic head mass is inseparable from a vein by applying aSatinsky vascular clamp to the appropriate area of the veinand closuring the defect with fine Prolene sutures(Figure 5(b)). For segmental resections of the portal vein orthe SMV longer than 4 cm, end-to-end anastomosis can beperformed with the use of a vascular conduit for reconstruc-tion (Figure 5). Appropriate conduits include autologousvein (left renal vein, great saphenous vein, or internal jugularvein (Figure 5(d)), cryopreserved cadaveric vein or artificialgortex grafts (Figure 5(f)), although vein grafts have anincreased risk of late venous thrombosis [47–49]. The anasto-mosis is usually preformed using a continuous single layer6/0 Prolene suture with an appropriate growth factor. Theremainder of the operation including reconstruction iscompleted as detailed above.

The first randomised controlled trial using neoadjuvantregimens for borderline resectable PDAC has demonstratedthat patients in the neoadjuvant arm derive such a significantsurvival benefit that the trial was closed early [50]. In thistrial, a resection rate of 63% was reported following neoadju-vant chemoradiation, although vascular reconstruction rateswere not reported. Although in a recent study from John

Hopkins Institute, the need for vein resection was reportedas 49% in patients undergoing pancreatic resection followingneoadjuvant treatment [51]. In addition, Dhir et al.’s recentmeta-analysis of 5520 patients with resected PDAC demon-strated neoadjuvant treatment increases in R0 resection ratesand has equivalent survival in the resectable versus border-line resectable PDAC cohorts after surgery [52]. Althougharterial resection and reconstruction has been reported inpatients with PDAC, this is currently not favoured becauseof the high risk of patient mortality [53]. In summary, the lit-erature suggests that pancreatic resection with or withoutvein resection in locally advanced and borderline resectablePDAC following neoadjuvant treatment appears safe andderives survival benefit for the patient.

6. Minimally Invasive PancreaticResections for PDAC

Minimally invasive pancreatic surgery for PDAC (eitherlaparoscopic or robotic) aims to give the same oncologicaloutcomes as open surgery but negate the need for a largeabdominal incision.Whilst surgeons have a longer experiencewith laparoscopic pancreatic resection, robotic platforms aregaining momentum as a viable option for patients requiringpancreatic resections. Robotic platforms, in addition, offertechnical advances that aid in the performance complexsurgical procedures such as Whipple/PPPD. Indeed, withthe use of such facets as 3-D viewing and EndoWrist

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 5: Surgical methods for vein reconstruction after vein resection for PDAC. (Taken from Glebova et al., J Vasc Surg 622: 424-443).

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technology, encouraging early results have been reportedwithrobotic Whipple/PPPD [11]. The procedure of robotic pan-creaticoduodenectomy (RPD) remains in its infancy, and astandard stepwise approach to this surgery is not welldescribed in the literature. Similarly, laparoscopic pancreati-coduodenectomy (LPD) is performed globally but a standardapproach remains to be agreed internationally. In general, foreither RPD or LPD, the patient is placed in a supine positionwith reverse Trendelenburg positioning. For LPD, between 5and 6 trocars can be used, but for RPD 4, robotic arms canbe used on the platform with two assistant ports [54]. Theplacement for robotic PPPD is demonstrated in Figure 6.

For both RPD and LPD, the peritoneal cavity is generallyaccessed using an open (Hassan) technique as indicated inFigure 6. The abdominal cavity is insufflated with CO2 gas,and as in open surgery, the presence of metastatic disease isexcluded. The remaining working ports are then inserted.Variations on the port placement arrangement demonstratedin Figure 6 are common. As for many upper abdominal sur-gical procedures, a liver retractor is placed and the liverretracted in a cranial direction. Although intuitively theapproach to minimal access is markedly different to opensurgery, once the liver is retracted, the ligament of Treitz isidentified and a marker suture is placed 70-80 cm distal tothe duodenal-jejunal flexure. This is a critical step as oncepancreatic resection is completed, it may become extremelydifficult to assess the optimal position for the gastrojeju-nostomy, and this suture aids in this decision-making pro-cess. The patient is now manoeuvred into a steep head-upposition with the right side up in order to allow the smallbowel to migrate to the lower abdominal cavity. This isakin to the position of patients undergoing bariatric surgery.If a RPD is being performed, then the robotic platformis docked and remaining instruments are docked to therobot arms.

In contrast to the open approach described above inLPD/RPD, the greater omentum is opened below the gas-troepiploic pedicle to gain access to the lesser sac and hencethe pancreas. The greater curvature omentum is mobilisedby employing a minimal access energy device. The trans-verse colon and hepatic flexure can now be mobilised, andthe colonic mesentery is dissected off Gerota’s fascia allow-ing the surgeon access to the duodenum and pancreatichead. Once this point in the dissection has been reached,Kocherization can be performed with skeletonisation ofthe IVC and left renal vein. Akin to the open approach,the ligament of Treitz can be fully mobilised. The duode-num and jejunum can be divided with a suitable staplingdevice, and the jejunum can be transposed to the right sideof the abdomen. Clearly, this is a committal step, andhence, most experience with the minimal access approachinvolves PDAC that does not compromise the major vascu-lature or pancreatic neck. A cholecystectomy can be per-formed and the common bile duct divided. The hilarlymphadenectomy can be completed with attendant careto the hepatic artery. It remains to be demonstrated thatthese approaches provide similar lymphadenectomy to openapproach. The next phase of the dissection is similar to theopen approach with GDA division and completion of theretropancreatic tunnel that is fashioned from the inferiorpancreatic border to the superior aspect. A nylon tape canbe passed and an assistant port used to retract the pancreastowards the abdominal wall with the pancreas divided withdiathermy. In an analogous manner to open surgery, theuncinate process, venous tributaries, and IPDA/SPDA arecontrolled with a combination of energy devices and metal-lic clips. The surgical specimen can now be placed in asterile bag.

The proximal jejunum is transferred to the supracoliccompartment lateral to the middle colic vessels through amesocolic defect. As with the open approach, there are anumber of methods for minimal access reconstruction of thepancreatic remnant with or without a stent. Most minimalaccess pancreatic surgeons perform the hepaticojejunostomyusing self-locking V-Loc sutures. The gastrojejunostomy canbe fashioned using sutured or stapled methods. Abdominaldrainage is as per open surgery.

Although not based upon randomised data, retrospectiveseries suggests that there is an advantage to performing min-imal access pancreatic surgery in the form of RPD [55]. It isreported that once a surgeon has completed the learningphase of RPD, total operative time, in-patient stay, and esti-mated blood loss can be lower than those in open surgeryand at least equivalent to LPD [56]. In addition, the rates ofPOPF and other serious complications following RPD werereported at lower frequencies [56]. In studies that have com-pared RPD to open Whipple/PPPD in a prospective manner,RPD was reported to have a longer operative time but fasterreturn-to-functional recovery [57]. Importantly, the twogroups had similar reported rates of surgical morbiditiesand mortality, R0 resection rates, and overall and disease-free survival. Furthermore, recent analysis of RPD versusLPD demonstrated that R0 resection rates of 100% withacceptable postoperative complications [58].

Figure 6: A 12mm port is placed two fingerbreadths below and tothe right of the umbilicus, two robotic ports are placed in the rightupper quadrant, a port is placed in the right lower quadrant, aport in the left lower quadrant, and a port in the anterior axillaryline on the left side of the abdomen.

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Laparoscopic and robotic total pancreatectomy remainsin their infancy, although there are an increasing numbersof single surgeon reports. This is likely because many of theas-yet unresolved challenges with open pancreatic surgery,such as the optimal mode of pancreatic reconstruction, arenot addressed by the minimal access approach. Indeed, min-imally invasive pancreatic resection for borderline resectabledisease is not yet recommended and open surgery remainsthe standard approach here.

7. Minimally Invasive PPPD withVascular Involvement

There are very few reports of successful minimal access resec-tion of PDAC in the presence of vascular involvement. Aswith open surgery in patients with vascular involvement,the preferred approach would be an artery-first approach toprove resectability. However, without tactile feedback, inthe case of robotic surgery and potentially limited views withlaparoscopic surgery, such cases are technically demandingand hence not commonly performed. In such patients, mostsurgeons will opt to perform open surgery. The exception tothis is if venous involvement is limited and resection can beachieved with primary vein repair, but again, if this featurewas evident on preoperative imaging or noted intraopera-tively, most surgeons would adopt an open approach.

8. Distal Pancreatectomy andSplenectomy (DPS)

For PDAC that is located in the pancreatic body and tail,minimally invasive DPS is now accepted as the standard ofcare [59]. A number of factors have contributed to the surgi-cal community adopting this practice. Principally, the lack ofa pancreatic anastomosis means that the procedure is associ-ated with reduced levels of morbidity and mortality and addi-tionally, the learning curve for the procedure is of lessermagnitude than the operations discussed above [60]. Whilstthe laparoscopic DPS is practiced by most surgeons whenindicated, robotic DPS is being increasingly performed butfurther oncological data is required before it rivals laparo-scopic DPS as the standard of care [61].

Minimal access DPS can be performed through a varietyof closely aligned methods. Generally, whether performed bythe laparoscopic or robotic approach, 4 to 5 port trocars areplaced in a semicircular fashion centered on a periumbilicaloptical port. Similar to minimal access Whipple surgery, aliver retractor is used to reflect the left lobe cranially. The gas-trocolic ligament is opened with an energy device, while pre-serving the gastroepiploic vessels. Once this is achieved, theliver retractor is repositioned to retract the stomach and leftlobe of the liver cranially allowing access to the pancreatic tailand spleen. Although intraoperative imaging can be used tolocate the tumour, lesions in the pancreatic body or tail areusually macroscopically visible. In the conventionalapproach, the inferior border of the pancreas is defined withadequate mobilisation such that the splenic vein can be visua-lised allowing the dissection to continue posterior to it. Withan adequate plane developed, the superior border of the

pancreas is defined with isolation and control of the splenicartery. At this point, it is safe to pass a nylon tape aroundthe pancreatic body/tail. Fine vessels entering the posteriorpancreas can usually be controlled with an appropriateenergy device. The splenic artery and vein can be dividedafter application of surgical clips or Hem-o-loc® clips. Thepancreas can then be divided with a stapling device, thespleen is then mobilised in a similar manner to that describedabove for total pancreatectomy with splenectomy, and theDPS is resected en bloc.

Despite this well-described surgical approach, the patientsurvival after DPS for PDAC is poor [62]. To improve onthese disappointing patient outcomes, the radical antegrademodular pancreaticosplenectomy (RAMPS) was developedby Strasberg et al. The premise of this procedure being thatthe DPS described above does not provide an adequate orradical lymphadenectomy. Thus, although the initialapproach is similar between DPS and RAMPS, once the sur-geon enters the plane posterior to the pancreas in theRAMPS, the plane is carried deeper to include Gerota’s fasciaand the adjacent lymph nodes ensuring a more radicallymphadenectomy. The RAMPS can then entail resection ofthe left adrenal gland (posterior RAMPS) or not (anteriorRAMPS) [63]. A key feature of the RAMPS procedure isthe additional lymphadenectomy along the coeliac trunk.There is limited data as to the oncological outcomes forpatients following RAMPS for PDAC, the anatomical logicalof the approach are undoubtedly sound. Indeed, a recentmeta-analysis demonstrated that minimally invasive DPShad comparable 5-year survival to open surgery with signifi-cantly lower positive margin rates, shorter in-patient hospitalstay, less blood loss, and lower patient morbidity and mortal-ity [64]. As discussed above, the data on RAMPS is limited byanalysis of retrospective data which demonstrate that there isno increase in POPF, complications, and mortality but a sig-nificantly improved R0 rate and number of lymph nodesresected [65]. Although as Cao et al. state further, trial dataare needed before confirmation of the survival benefits ofRAMPS which can be assessed although the authors statethat based upon their meta-analysis, RAMPS is an oncologi-cally superior procedure [66]. Finally, the use of roboticDPS/RAMPS for PDAC may allow further advances in theradicality of dissection and regional lymphadenectomyalthough robust data on this is required [67].

9. Summary

Many surgical approaches are available when planning resec-tion of PDAC. In general, when vascular resection and recon-struction are required, the open approach appears mostfeasible whilst in those patients with early disease, the mini-mal access/robotic approach appear to offer improved patientmetrics without apparent comprise on oncological outcomes.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors have no conflict of interests to declare regardingthe publication of this manuscript.

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