review of books and articles

R3VE?TIs CF BOOKS AND AElTlCLES A., L. Russell, Associate Editor Easlick, K. A. , ed, Dental caries: as evaluated at the UnivcrsLty of Richigan workshop. 1948. 234 p. Elechanism and present control technics St. Louis, Mosby, There are no superlatives left for this one; these findings trill be the point of dtA-parture for students of the dental caries prxess for ,-ears to sornc, well indewd and ed.ft4, plus the Ihutson technic €or topical sodium fiuoride treztTu'r t (Am, Dent. A, J., 36:37-9 Jan. 1948) in a single stui-dily-bouid volume. Here is the whJle conference, SyI;lposium on dental caries by the US subsection on dentistry. Am. Dent. A. J. 9 37:379-443, Oct, ly@, Here's another heiidy p2"k;ige of data on dental cakies, with Kesel, Earrison, filii?..ns 'Hemmens, Elvehjem, Jay, Fosdick, Gruebbel, Zskridg9, Arl;o.Ld, md Fulton coEtributing. report was held ctx :o Ihe November issue, where you will find it on pages 530-411, public health dentistry, Is there an answer? (Stephanls 3.1;on lays down a d-irect challenge to Sydow, P, F., and Kopel, 'H. I.$., eds. in dent is try. Ann Arbor, Overbeck, 1948, 130 p, Growth, development and health problems Questions and answers d-eveloped in the classes of that well known martinet ard putter-of-.straws-on-camels'-backs, K. A. Easlick? and quite up to the Zaslick standard. tion is in the form of direct quotations from authoritative writers, with a minimm of padding and a maximum of meat, The ample bibliography is in correct form. The informa- Roberts, 3. F., Bibby, B. G., and Wellock, W. I). fluoride mouthwash on dental caries. The effect of'an acidulated J, Dent. Res., 27:497-500, Aug, 1948. After one year 183 6th gade Massachusetts children who had uGed twice weekly, a mouthvash containing .01 per cent sodium fluoride acidulated to a pii of 4,O were compared & t h 169 control children who had used a similar mouthwash, except for fluoride content. The jncidence of new carious teeth was slightly but sigxificantly higher in the study children.

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R3VE?TIs CF BOOKS AND AElTlCLES A., L. R u s s e l l , Associate Editor

Easlick, K. A. , ed, Dental car ies : as evaluated a t the UnivcrsLty of Richigan workshop. 1948. 234 p.

Elechanism and present control technics St. Louis, Mosby,

There a r e no superlatives l e f t for t h i s one; these findings t r i l l be the point of dtA-parture for students o f the dental car ies p r x e s s f o r ,-ears t o sornc, well indewd and e d . f t 4 , p lus the Ihutson technic € o r topical sodium fiuoride treztTu'r t (Am, Dent. A, J. , 36:37-9 Jan. 1948) i n a single stui-dily-bouid volume.

Here i s the whJle conference,

SyI;lposium on dental car ies by the U S subsection on dentistry. Am. Dent. A . J. 9 37:379-443, Oct, ly@,

Here's another heiidy p2"k;ige of data on dental cakies, with Kesel, Earrison, f i l i i ? . . n s 'Hemmens, Elvehjem, Jay, Fosdick, Gruebbel, Zskridg9, Arl;o.Ld, m d Fulton coEtributing. report w a s held c t x :o Ihe November i ssue , where you w i l l find i t on pages 530-411, public heal th dent is t ry , Is there an answer?


3.1;on lays down a d-irect challenge t o

Sydow, P, F., and Kopel, 'H. I.$., eds. i n dent i s try. Ann Arbor, Overbeck, 1948, 130 p,

Growth, development and health problems

Questions and answers d-eveloped i n the classes of tha t well known martinet ard putter-of-.straws-on-camels'-backs, K. A. Easlick? and quite up t o the Zaslick standard. t ion i s i n the form of d i r ec t quotations from authori ta t ive wri ters , with a minimm of padding and a maximum of meat, The ample bibliography i s i n correct form.

The informa-

Roberts, 3. F., Bibby, B. G., and Wellock, W. I). f luoride mouthwash on dental caries.

The e f fec t o f ' an acidulated J, Dent. Res., 27:497-500, Aug, 1948.

After one year 183 6th g a d e Massachusetts children who had uGed twice weekly, a mouthvash containing .01 per cent sodium f luoride acidulated t o a pii of 4,O were compared & t h 169 control children who had used a similar mouthwash, except f o r f luoride content. The jncidence of new carious tee th was s l igh t ly but s igxif icant ly higher i n the study children.


Z'aber, H. 8.' Shall f T u o r i d ? be added to p b l i c water supplies?' Water t3 Sewage Works, 9:': 3?3--40G, 3,) t o 1948.

Pluorination is r-LixT,x:scd: zapably: from t h e viewpoint o f the public heal th eng:neer, the decigion t o f luorinate o r not i s one which can be m d e only by the indi.vidual comunity.

Taber concludes that as o f now

Kitchin, P. C; and Rohinson, H. B. G. J, Dent. Bes. , 27:501-.6, Bug, 1948.

Eaw abrasive need a dent i f r ice be?

IVhat toothpaste should I use, Doctor? The authors conclude that most commercial dent i f r ices a re more abrasive than necessary t o remove stain i n a ser ies o f t e s t s stainers. '1


Federal Security Agency, Pzblic Bealth Service. t o sodim f luoride a l opPi2 'hearth furnaces, Gopernment Pr in t ing Office, 1948.

Health o f workers exposed Vashington, United States

(Public Health Bullet in IV f 64 p; No. 299) .

There a re so many items of in te res t i n this report that no abstract can do i t jus t ice . No physical changes were found which could be a t t r ibu ted t o f luoride exposure. In the mouth the outstanding hard t issue abnormality wao premature a t t r i t i o n o f occluding tooth surfaces. The incidence o f dental car ies w a s not unlike that found i n cemented tungsten carbide workers.

Dale, P. P., and IJlcCauley, E, B. exposed t 6 d i lu t e and anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, 37: 131-40, A x . 1948,

Dental conditions i n workers chronically Am, Dent, A. J , ,

Some bone changes were reaorted i n 40 adul t s following prolonged eqosu re t o f luoride fumes. This study has been c i ted a s evidence tha t exposure t o such fwnes lessens the incidence of dental car ies but the demonstra- t ion is not clear-cut,

The reported differences i n D € P r a t e s obviously date back t o the t ine these men were children, Data on the dental condition of the men at the time they entered t h i s employ- ment a re wanting.



Johnson, L: W. The dark side o f sanitation. U. S . Fav, Inst . Proc., '&:1217-23, Oct. 1948,

The elimination of one healt'? hazard may create a new pro'blem more forc.13zLbla t b i a thc old. This report deals with the a f te rns th c f lowered death r a t e s i n United S ta tes dependencies but i t s lessons can be anplied i n dental public health, that d-ontal manprjwcr needs w i l l be lessened when dental car ies i s brought uxdar. control? Johnson would Frobably warn us t o take l i t t l e fo r granted i n t h i s and similar areas.

Are we correct i n o u r assumption

Sognnaes, 3. 3'. rodents during tooth development.

Cpries-concluctive e f fec t of a purif ied d i e t {{hen fed to Am. Dent. A, J., 37:676-92, Dec. 1948.

Caries developed i n hamsters, rats, and mice fed a pur i f ied , high-sucrose d i e t durirLg ihe period of tooth development and a f t e r eruption of teeth. Caries developed a t a higher r a t e i f , i n a f l d i t i o n i the mothe;. had been gtven the sucrose d i e t during the prenatal period, and a t a s t i l l highcr r a t e i f the mather had been given the sucrose d i e t before as well as during the prenatal period. The samples are ra ther small but the implications o f th i s one a re interesting.

Newman, V. A. reference t o the i r habi ts of c i t r u s f r u i t consumption. 48: 638-9, Sept .-oc t . 1948.

Shulman, E. H., and Robinson; H. 13. G. ' Salivary c i t r a t e content and erosion o f the teeth. J. Dent. Res., 27:541&, Aug, 1948.

Dental observations o f native Puerta Ricans with speciai Xav, Med. Rul.,

Beither o f these studies supports the hypothesis that erosion of teeth is due t o decalcif icat ion by the c i t r a t e ion.

Goodfriend, D. 3. Am. Dent. A. J., 37:511-8, Bov. 1948.

A prac t ica l method of prevention of dental caries,

"It i s evident," says the author, " tha t applications o f f luorine o r chemicals t o the teeth o r the ingestion o f them i n drinking water o r i n the forn o f t ab l e t s i s not a prac t ica l method o f prevention of caries." Prac t ica l methods, he s a y s , are thorough cleaning, the prevention of acid formation, and the neutral izat ion o f acids. H i s solution: a lkyl a ry l sulfonate mouthwash.

a bow carbohydrate d i e t p lus a urea and sodium