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Page 1: Revised List of Ruling Princes, - · Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Gilgit Agency. PWUSHED BY THE
Page 2: Revised List of Ruling Princes, - · Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Gilgit Agency. PWUSHED BY THE
Page 3: Revised List of Ruling Princes, - · Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Gilgit Agency. PWUSHED BY THE

Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State

and the Gilgit Agency.



Page 4: Revised List of Ruling Princes, - · Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Gilgit Agency. PWUSHED BY THE

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Page 5: Revised List of Ruling Princes, - · Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Gilgit Agency. PWUSHED BY THE


Abdlissamad Khan, Sahibzada, Sir, Kt'., C.I.E.

Afzal Rhan . Aiyash Khan , Allah Dad Khan, Raja . Ali Akbar Khan, Rnja . Ali Dad . Ali Mad,ad Ali Sher Khan, Raja . Amin Chand, Wazir . Attar Singh, Sirdar . Ayy anger, Oopalaqwami, N.,

Dewan Bahadur, C.S.I.. C.I.E. . Azam Khan, Mehtar Jab .

B Babur Khan, Jemadar . Badshah, Gushpur . Bahadur Amen Shah Ataliq . Bakhtawar Shah, Wazir . Bala Kak Dar. Pandit. . Barisalji, Kaviraj . . Bell, .R. S., Mr. Hijil . Bishen Daw, Dewan, Rai Baha-

dur, Major General, C.S.I., C.I.E. 0

Chilis Khan . Clutterbuck, Peter, Sir. Kt., C.I.E.I

C.B.E.. I.F.S. (Retrl.) . D

Dhanpat Rai Ji, Dewan . F

Feroz Chand, Waeir . 0

ahufran . Ghulanl Daetgir, Mehtar Jao . Ghulam FIuseain Ji, Rai . Ghulam Raza .

Abbas Khan, Gushpur . . 22

Abdullah Khan, Raja . 16 Abdul Matin . . 24 Abdul Qayoom, Sheikh, Khan

Bahadur, B.A., LL.B. . l3

Habibullah Khan . Hari Singh J i Bahadur, S b s .

Maharaja, Maharajadhiraj. Raj- rajeshwar, His Highnew, G.c.s.I., Q.c.I.E., K.c.v.o., A.D.C. .

I Inayat Ali

J JafarKhan, Raja . Jaffaq . Jagat Dev Singh Ji, Raja . Jagat P r m d , Mr., C.I.E. . Jai Chand Ji, Rajkumar . Jamal Khan . Jamali Shah, Syed, Pir . Jam~hed K h m . Janak Singh Ji, Bahadur. R.B.,

Maj. Genl., C.I.E. . Janki Neth, Wazir . Jauhar Ali, Week . Jigmat. Dadrll, Raja' .

K Kak. Ramphandre, Rei Baha-

dur, B.A. Kalander Khan . Kartar Singh Ji, Thokur, Rao

Bahedur Khejoor Singh Ji, Tl~akur, Ser-

dar Bahadur. Major G0nenbl . Khan Bahadur, Gudipur - Khoja Mir Khuda Yar . Khueru Jung. Nawab, Major ae-

nerd, C.I.E. . Kiehen La1 Kiohlu, Pandit, Rai

Behedur L

Laohman Sineh Ji,,Rej.

11 23 20 16 16

Haasan Khan, Raja . Haveli Rarn. Lala . Hira Singh Ji, Kunwar, Capt.ain Holn . Hassain Ali Khan, Raja .

Page 6: Revised List of Ruling Princes, - · Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Gilgit Agency. PWUSHED BY THE

Mahbub Ali Khan, Subedar Major, Khan Sahib .

Mir Baz Khan, Raja, Khan Sahib Malik Shah, Wazir . Mardan Ali Khan, Ji, Raja . Mohammad Afzal Khan . Mohammad Afzal Khan, Raja . Mohammad Anwar Khan . Mohamad Feroc-ud-Din Khan,

Sultan . Mohammad Ghazan Khan, Mir . Mohammad Khan . Mohamad Akbar Khan, Mian . Mohammad Akbar Khan . Mohammad Akbar Khan, Wazir . Mohamad Ali Shah, Raja . Muhammad Ayub Khan, Raja . Mohamrnad Iqbal, Rai . Mohamad Mutwali Khan,

Sultan . Moharnmad Na6s Khan, Guehpur Mohammad Rafi, I . Mohammad Rafi, I1 . Mohammad Taman Shah . Mohammad Ta--il Shah . Mohammad Wazir Khan, Mehtar

Jao . Mohammad Yakut Shah . Mokand Ram Fotedar, Pandit . Muhibbatullah Beg ,

Murad Khan, Raja, Khan Baha- dur

Mustafa Aman . Afuzzaf~r Ali . Muzzafar-ud-Din Shah .


Ram Chand Ji, Raja . Ratan Chand Rawlley, Dr.

I 8 Sadan Shah .

Nadilo . . 22 Nadir Aman, hlehtar Jao . . 25

Nail) Khan , 26

Naqshbandi, Nr~r Shah, Khwaja 16

Naqsh bandi, Salam Shah, Khwaja . . 15

Na~ir Ali Khan,' Raja . 12 Nasir-ud-Din Shah , . 25 Nichant Chand Ji, Thakur . . 10

P Phul Chant1 Moga, Lala , . 11

R Itahmatullah Khan Ji, Sultan . 12 Raj I3hirn Sc n . . 17

Said Ali . Saiyidain, K.G., Mr. ,

Sansar Singh Ji, Thakur, Colonel

Sarbuland Ali Shah . Scott, Henry Lawrence,

Brigadier, C.B., D.S.O., M.C.. P.S.C. .

Shah Alam, Mehtar Jao . Shah Gul . Shah Nawaz, Shahzada . Shah Rais Khan, Gushpur . Shah Sikandar Khan, Mir, Sir,

K.B.E., C.I.E. Shah Yusuf Ali Khan, Subedar . Shah Zaman Khan, Raja . Shukrullah Beg, Ex-Wazir . Shameher Singh Ji, T h h . Shameher Singh Ji, Thakur, Capt. Sham Sunder La1 Dar, Pandit,

Rai Sahib, B.A. . Shaukat Ali Khan . Sher Ali Khan, Raja . Shertullah . Sobha Singh Ji, Thakur, Colonel Sonam Namgyal, 13,aja . Sultan Ali . Sultan Asghar . Sultan Ghazi Khan, Mehtar Jao Sultan Mahmud . Sultan Murad Khan, Mehtar Jao Sultan Wali Khan, Mothar Jao . Syed Huasain, Agha, K.B. .

rn A

Tangir Shah, Gushpur . . 22 Toj Ram, Wazir . . 13 Tirath Chand Ji, Rajkumar . 10 Tyabji, S.B., Mr. . . 17

V Vishveshwar Nath Razdan,

Pandit . . 13

W Waliullah . . 27 Wilayat Khan .

z Zafar Khan, Subodar . 21 Zamurrad Khan, Subedar . . 23 Zarparast, Wazir . . 20

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Jammu and Kashmlr.

1. Beef hietory of Ka8hmir.-Upto the 14th century, Kaehmir was subject to a ~ e r i e s of Buddhist and Hindu dynasties, whose an~ltrle ore related in the celebrated versified Sanskrit chronicle known as the H ~ j a - tclrltilgini the original manuscripts of which were discovered irt Srinngar by Buhler in 1877, and have since been translated by Stein. It was during thie epoch that the really old remains of Kasl~mir a t places like Ielam- abad, 13ijbehara, Pandrattiln, the Takht-i-Sulaiman, Yattan and llnrtand, weid const.ructed. A local dyilasty of Mohamlnadans then established theniselves until Akbar's invasion in 1587, when K'ushmir became an appanage of the Delhi throne, and remained for about two hundred years the summer residence of the Moghul Emperors, the chlef traces of whom are to be found in the Hari Parbat Fort, the pleaeure gardens of Shalemar, Nishat, Achabal and Verinag, and last but not least, the magnificient Chen:~r tree which abounds everywhere. I n 1752 K ~ s h m i r again chang- ed masters and passed from the then feeble control of the Delhi Court i n t ~ the powerful and cruel grasp of Ahmad Shah Abdali of Afghanistan, thz ;trch-disturber of the peace of India in his day; :lnd for the next 67 years, until seized by Ranjit Singh in 1819, was held for the Pclt1hnns by Gcvernors more or less independent of their King.

2. Brief histay Of Jammu.-Reigning about this time in Jnmmu, and owiilg great sway in the surrounding mountain region, wns Ihnj i t Deo, a Dogrn Chief of Rajput descent. H e died in 1780; and the quarrel for the buccaession gave Sikh power the opportunity of turning Jtlninlu and the neighbr.uring hill tracts into u dependellcy. Three gre:~t-grtllirl-nepl~e~vs of Ranjit Deo, by name Gulab Singh, Dhynn Singh and Suchet Singh, took service a t the Silth Coiirt and rose to great fnvour; and in 1818 Maharaja Railjit Singh conferred the principality of Jammu on Gulnb Singl~, thaw of Bhimber and Chibill, which included Pooncl~, on lllljnn Singh and that of Ramnagar on Suchet Singh, as feoffs. Sucliet Si~igll and Dhyan were I<ille[l :rbout 1843. T l ~ c latter 11;1d three sons, Hirtl Sinqh. Jawahir Singh and Moti Singh. Hir t~ Sing11 uppet~rs to hi~ve succeeded to his father's estate, but after his death in 18.14 the Lallore C>overun~t.nt confiscated it.

3. I11 1846 at the close of the first Silrll IVar by tlie victov of the British a t Sobraon, Gulob Singh appeared on the sccne ns nletli:~tor bebweeii the English. and the Sikhs; and under the nt.gotintio1ls which follomeJ t h ~ Sikh Mahal-aja had, in nildition to a 1t1rge forfeit of ttlrritory in the I'unjab. to pay wore of rupees as n war indexnriit~. This he could not lnslnnge and in lieu thereof ceded all his hill territories from tha Berm river to the Indus including Kashrnir and Jammu. But Lord Hardinge, Governor-General, considered the occupntioll of t l ~ e whole of thiv territory inadvieable, as it would so largely increase the extet~t of our frontier. and the military establishment for guarding it, nnd create new and coilflicting interests, while the districts in question, with the

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exception of the comparatively small vale of Kashmir, were for the moat part unproductive slid unlikely to pa?. the cost of occupation and manage- ment. On the other hand, the ceded tract comprised the whole of the hereditary possessions of Gulab Singh, who being naturally ewer to obtaiu an indefeasible title to them, came forward and offered to pay the

indenlnity, if constituted independent ruler of Jammu and Kashmir. It ~ , , z ; recognised that the transfer of these provinces to Gulab Sin& would materially weaken the Sikh power, secure the war indemnity, and form a pleasing recompense to Gulab Singh, whom the British wished 9, reward for his conduct and services. Hence a separate treaty embody- ing tile arrangement was concluded with Gulab Singh a t Amritsar on 16th March li.146; from which date the history of the Jammu and Kashmir State as n political entity commences. The treaty put Gulah Singh, as Msharaj2, in possession of all the hill country between the Indus and fhe Ravi, including Kashmir, Jammu, Ladakh and Gilgit; but excluding Lahoul, Kt~lu and some other districts, which for strategical purposes, it myas considered advisable to retain and for which a remission of 25 lrrlchs was made from the crore demanded, leaving 75 lakhs as the final amount to bt:- paid tp Gulab Singh. Gulab Singh had some difficulty in obtaining .actual possession of the province of Kashmir. The last Governor appoint- e d by tht: Sikhs made for a time a successful resistance; and i t was not until the e r~d of 1846 that the Maharaja Gulab Singh was established i n Kaehrl~ir with the aid of British troops.

4. Poonch.-Poonch was included in the transfer of the hilly country to Gulab Singh in 1846. Subsequently Maharaja Gulab Singh appears to have granted Chibal, Poonch and other ilaqas to Jowahir Singh and Moti Singh. In 1884 a dispute having occurred between the brothers and Gulab Singh, Sir F. Currie effected a settlement whereby the Maha . raja granted the two Mians, as they were then styled, the title of "Raja" and certain other concessions. Vide Aitchison's Treaties, Volume XI, 4th edition. The Rajas were, as nephews of the Maharaja, jointly to presezlt the Maharaja with one horse with gold trappings or Rs. 700 iu cash ailnually and they were not to commit any important act in their territory without the advice of and without consulting the Maharaja. The twl, liajas, however, subsequently quarrelled, and in 1852 the Board of lldlninistration for the affairs of the Punjab brought about a settle- ment whereby the whole of Poonch was given to Moti Singh, his share oi the joint tribute of Rs. 700 paid by the Rajas to the Maharaja being fixed a t cne.third of that sum. Moti Singh held Poonch until his death in 1892. In 1859 the bitter animosity which existed between Jowahir Singh and his uncle Gulab Singh reached such a crisis that the British Govclrn~ne~t interfered, and approved an arrangement whereby Jowahir Singh renounced all clairn to his possessions in the Kashmir State in return for a cash allowance. Jowahir Singh died u~ithout issue in 1860.

5. The Maharaja Gulab Sing11 died in August 1857, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Ranbir Singh. The change of rulers happened a t a clitica! t'ime, but both the dying Maharaja and his successor proved tbeinselves stnunch friends of the British Government in the troubles of 1857. The Maharaja Ranbir Singh w;~s invested with the G.C.S.I . , and, on the occaeion of the Delhi Assemblage of 1877, the title of "Indar Mahindar B ~ h a d u r Sipar-i-Saltanat" was conferred on him and he was gazettcti a General in the British Army, and created a Councillor of the E l n p r e ~ ~ . Iniportant incidents during his rule were the Commercial

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. Treatv of 1870, the E'nrkand lllission in 1873-74, and the meat famine id 1877-79. The Maharaja Ranbir Singh was the recipient of one of ' Lord Canning i Adoption Sani~ds, but tniling Adoption the sucresaiun Ipasaes under the Dnstur-ul-Amal or will of hlaharoja Ranbir Singh, which i is held vory sacred in the State, strictly in t l i i l male. f

ti. hfirllnrajn R:lnbir Sing11 died in 1885 leaving three sons. I'ratsp ) Singh. tirho was born in 1850, acceded to the Gndi in 1885 nnd died in ./ 1925; Hnm Singll, who died in 1899; and Amar Sing11 who died iu INN. I binharaja Prutap Singh was gazetted a Colonel in the British Army

in 1880, a Major-Oenertll in 1896 uild n Lieutencl~lt-Oenerd iu 1916 end created G.C.S.I. in 1892, G.C.l.E. in 1811 and G.B.E. in 1918. For services in the Great War the late Maharaja was granted tt personal salute of 21 guns on 1st January 1918 and a per~nanent salute of 21 guns on 1st January 19'21. He attended the Delhi Darbnrs of 1903 and 1911.

I A scn and heir was born to the Mnhirraju in Xovenlber 1004 hut died in July 1905.

Up to 1905 the administration of the Statc was carried on by a Council consisting of Maharaja Pratap Singh as President, his brother Raja Sir Amnr Singh, K.C.S.I., as Vice-President, and two officexs from the British ~ervice. I n August 1905 the Council was abolished and its nd-

! ministrative powers were thereafter directly esercised by the Maharaja ; who was assisted by his brother Raja Sir Arnar Singh as Chief Minister. { 'and by t,hree other Ministers. In January 1922 the Maharaja instituted ' an Executive Council consisting of himself as President, Raja Sir Hari- : singh, his nephew, as Senior and Foreign Member of Council and three : 0thf.r members.

: 7. The present ruler, His Righness Rajrajeshwnr Maharajadhiraj Maharaja Shree Harisingh J i Bnhndur. G .C.S.l., G.C.I.E., K.C.V.O, ,

I. A.D.C., nephew of the late Maharaja and only son of the late Raja Sir Am,~r Siilgh was born in September 1895 and acceded to the Gndi, on the 23rd September 1%5, on the death of the late Mnhnrajn. His High- negs was made an Honorary Captain nnd appointed K.C.I.E., in January 1918, K C.V.O. on the 17th March 1922 on the occnsion of the visit of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to India, G.C.I.E. on the 1st January 1929 and G.C.S.I. on the 1st January 1933. H e was gazetted a Colonel in the British Army in 1926, appointed Aide-de-camp to His Impcrial Majesty the K5ng Emperor in 1931 and Major-General in 1935. A 6on and heir, Tuvraj Shree Karansingh J i Bahadur, was born to His Highness on 9th March 1931.

8. On the outbrealc of war in 1914, bhe Knshmir Stnte Forces were coneiderably increased. Each of the two battalions mobilised for over- seas service, w a s brought up to u strength of 1,070, n strong depot wns estnhlished and an extra battalion of Infnritry created. The I<nshmir State Farces consisting of one Mountain Battery arid two Infantry battalions distinguished themselves in East Africa and Palestine and won the admiration of the General Officers Commanding these Fronts. I n the war with Afghanistan (1919) the Kashmir forces again rendered considerable assistance to the British Gover~~ment . One battalion of Infantry was despatched to the North-West Frontier Province and a Mountain Battery t o North-East Persia. The corps of Gilgit Scouts gave ueaful nssietance in the War with Afghanistan (1919) by guarding soms

Page 10: Revised List of Ruling Princes, - · Revised List of Ruling Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personages of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Gilgit Agency. PWUSHED BY THE

of the Northern Pa.sses leading into the Gilgit Agency and Chitre], Companies of these Scouts were sent to Chitral to assist the forc operating there. Besides these campaigns t,he State Forcee took in various frontier expeditions, e.g. , Hunza (1888), Clhitral (1895), A etc., and rendered valuable servlces on each occasion. The Army was re-organised on "A" Class basis in 192283 and clilssified as 1st Line Troops. I

9. Improvements effected in the State in the course of the last a years include (a) the extension of the Railway system to Jammu (Tawi); (b) the construction of a motor-road to Kohnla near Murree, from Sri. nagnr, snd of a similar road to Abbottabad from Dome1 as well as of Bauihal and other roads (c) the adoption of u regular accounts system; (d) the introduction of an improved revenue sjsteln; (e) t h ~ inat~guration of an improved customs and Excise administration; (f) the introduc- tion of compulsory primary education in Municipal towns and the esta- blibhrnent of Colleges a t Srinagar and Jammu for boys and girls; (g) construction of extensive irrigation works; (h) Hydro-Electric Installa- tione at J a ~ n m u and a t Mahora on the Jhelum river; (i) the establishment of Silk Factories a t Srinagar and Jammu; (j) development of industriea and agriculture; (k) expansion of the cooperative credit movement; (1) establishment of up-to-date Hospitals at Jammu and Srinagar and provicrinn of medical relief throughout the State; (m) introduction of local self Government in important cities and towns; (n) establishment of a representative Assembly (0) extension of telephone service; (p) establishment of a High Court. The question of extending the rail- wag tc Akhnoor is a t present under consideration. I

10. The financial condition of the State has been st,eadily improving, thd a ~ ~ n u a l revenue having risen from 50 lakhs in 1891 to Rs. 2,43,45,000 1 in 1935. i



1. The Chief of Poonch is the most important Jagirdar or Feudatory of H ~ R Highness the Maharaja of K'ashmir, to whom he is related by descent from a common ancestor, Kishor Singh, a Dogra Rajput, as shown in the genealogical tree at the end of this narrative.

2. The early history of the Poonch Ilaqn has been given above. On the death of liajn. Moti Singh in 1892 he was succceded by the late Chief, Hajn Sir Baldeo Singll, K.C.I.E. The naja was appointed to be n Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire on the 1st January 1909. For services in connection with the Great War, the late Raja was granted a personal salute of 9 guns on the 1st January 1918, and nrns gazetted the Ho~iorary rank of Major in the Army in April 1916 as a reward for assistance given to Government in connection with recruiting for the Indian Army. H e was succeeded on his death in September 1918 by his eldest son Raja Sukh Deo Singh.

3. Raja Sukh Deo Singh died in 1928 and was succeeded by hie next bl-other Raja Jagat Deo Singh who exercises administrative powers in the Ilaqa subject to the control of the parent State the conditions of which are laid down in a "Patta". I s a hereditary Double Tazimi Sardar.

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One son born April 1925. King's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935. Inoome of Jrgir Re. 0,60,000 annually. Presents tribute of Rs. a91 annually to His Highness.

I n November 1806 the Government of India gave their consent to the adoption by the Maharaja of Kashmir of the second son of the Raja of Pocmch merely for religious purposes and on the distinct undertaking that the adoption would not interfere with the right of succeseion of the late Raja 6ir Amer Singh and his Bon Raja Sir Hsrisingh to the gadi of the Jammu and Kashmir State.

4. There is a flourishing market in the Poonch Ilaqs. A good mix- foot road for pack transport has been construoted from the town to U n on the Jhelum river; and a similar road to Rewalpindi with a suspension bridge over the Jhelum a t Lachmau Petan. Other important trache l e d to Gulmarg, Tosh Maidan and Jhelum.

6 Raja Sukhdeo Bingh wse made an Honorary Lieutenant on tlu 24th February 1928.

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Qenealogical Table oi the Ruling Family oi jammu and Xaahmit.

Mian Kishore Singh. 1

r I --- -

Gulab Singh. I

Dhyan Singh (of Poonch) 1

Supbet Singh.

I I I i

r I 1 I Oodum Singh. Ranbir Singh Renbir Singh Hira Jawahir Singh.

I Moti Singh.

a1iu-s (Maharaja Sohan Singh. of Jam mu

and Kashmir.)

I I Pratap Singh Ram ki ngh. Amar Singh.

(Maharaja of Jamrnu I and Ktlahmir). I

~ a r d i n ~ h (the present

Maharaja of Jammu and


I Karan Siash. I


I I Sukh Deo Singh Jagat Deo Singh Padam DAO Singh. Chattar DLO Singh. (Raja of Poonch, (the present

now dead). R a j a of Poonchj.


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1. a u n z a and Nagir are two small States situated to the extreme north- west of Kashmir. They are divided by the Hunza river; towards the north they extend to the mountainous region which adjoins the junction of the Hindu Kush and Mustagh ranges; towards the south they border o n Gik i t ; and on the west Hunza is separated from Ashkuman and Yasill b.? a range of mountains, while the Mustagh range trending south- ward shuts Nagir off from Baltistan on the east.

2. The inhabitants of Hunza and Nagir come from one stock and Veal; the same language, but there has always been in the past, and in a lesser degree, there is still n considerable amount of ill-feeling between the two comnlunities. The people of Hunza are hlaulais ( i . e . , the follow- ers of His Highness the Agha Khan) while the people of Nagir are Shias.

3. The fort of Chalt and its connected villages, lying between Hunza and Nagir and Gilgit, were long a sou;ce of contention between the two States, but in 1877 the Nagir Chief, with the assistance of the Kashmir l h r b a r , succeeded in obtaining possession of the disputed tract. From tha t date up to 1886, Chaprot and Chalt were held by Nagir and Kashmir troops. I n 1886, when General Sir William Lockhart (then Colonel Lockhart) visited Hunza, the Tham of Hunza refused to allow his mission t o proceed unless he would promise to restore these places to Hunza. Colorlel Lockhart induced the Nagir ruler to remove the Nngir portion of tha garrison, which were furnished by Kashmir troops up to 1906 since when no troops have been quartered in either of these States.

4. I n 1886 Ghaznn Khan, the Tham of Hunza, was murdered by his son, Safdar Ali, who after his accession, professed his submission to the Maharaja of Kashmir. I11 1888, however, the two States combined, succeeded in ejecting the Kashmir garrison from Chaprot and Chalt and even threatended Gilgit. Finally, however, Chaprot, and in August of $he same year Chalt were reoccupied by Kashmir troops.

5. On the re-establishment of the British Agency a t Gilgit in 1889, the Agent Colonel Durand, visited Hunza and Nagir, and the Chiefs bound tliemselves to accept his control, to permit free passages to officers deputed to visit their countries, and to put an end to raiding on the Yarkund road and elsewhere. Subject to these conditions the Government of India sanc- tioned for the Chiefs yearly subsidies of Rs. 2,000 each, in addition to *hose already paid by the Kashmir Darbar. Shortly afterwards, in ~ c t o b e r 1889, an increase of Rs. 500 a year was granted to the Hunza Chief's subsidy, conditional on his good behaviour.

ti. The Chiefs, however, failed to act up to their engagements, and their attitude continued to be unsatisfactory. I n May 1891, a combined force from Hunza and Nagir threatened the Chalt fort, but dispersed on the arrival of reinforcements from Gilgit.

7. I n November 1891, the Chiefs were informed that i t was necessa1.g t3 make roads to Chalts and on into their country. They refused to agree, insulted the British Agent's messenger, and assembled their tribesmen in strong positions, blocking the paths into their valley. Their positions, however. were carried af ter sharp fighting, and Nagir and Hunza were occupied. Tham Zafar Zahid Khan of Nagir, who had been acting under the ascendelicy of his eldest son, Uzr Khan, a t once submitted. Tham Safclnr Ali of Hunza and his Wazir, Dadu, fled to Chinese Turkistan,

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Irhere the former is still detained under serveillance by the Chinese authori.[ tian. Raja Uzr Khan of Nagir was deported to Kashmir, where he diedl in 1922. The subsidies paid to both Chiefs by the Government of India a F . ~ b? the Wshmjr State were withdrawn. A military force was main.! tained in Hunza and a Political Oficer was left there to supervise the/

of the State. This arrangement continued till 1897, when the; crarrison was replaced by the Hunza and Nagir levies and the permanent b

Political Officer was withdrawn. On the 15th September 1892, Muhammad Nazi:% Khan, a halfbrother of Safdar Ali, was formetly installed as Them of Bunza by the British Agent in the presence of two Chinese Envoys, whu:, ;ittended the Darbar as honoured guests of the Government of India. Tham Zafar Zahid Khan was reinstated' by the Kashmir Darbar, with thof approve1 of the Government of India, as Chief of Nagir, his installation taking place on the 22nd September 1892. Sanads approved by the G o ~ r i n m e n t of India, were granted by the Maharaja of Kashmir to both Chiefs.

8. At the commencement of 1895, subsidies, amounting to Rs. 4,000 each were renewea to the Chiefs, half the amount being granted by the Government of India, and the other half being paid by the Kashmir Dorhar.

9 In the same year both Chiefs loyally assisted in the operations for the relief of the British garrison in Chitral and were suitably rewarded.

10. Tham Muhammad Nazim Khan of Hunza and Raja Sikandar Khan of Xngir attended the Coronation Darbar a t Delhi on the 1st January 1903, on which date they were both made Companions of the Indian Empire.

11. I n 1904, Tham Zafar Zahid Khan of Nagir, who had long beell bed-l.idden, (lied and was succeeded bv his son, Raja Sir Sikantlilr Khan. The latter was formally installed as Tham of Nagir in June 1905 b3- the Politicnl r\gei!t. Both Chiefs are now generally referred to under the title of 'Mir' and not 'Tham'. The Hunzn Chief, in view of his claim to thc l<:~sI,:tm and Taghdumbash districts, which are situated to the north of the Hindu Kush watershed, has been permitted to continue to keep up an exchange of presents with the Chinese authorities ill K:~shgilr. As regards Rnskam. the Chinese authorities have acknou,leclged the right of H~iilza to cultivate the tract, and in 1899 a $mall contingent of Silnx:l peol~le started cultivating it. Subsequently these .;et,t!ors were forcil)l,v ejected by the Chinese, hu t they were :\gain replftceri Ly IIuriz:~ in 1914 :rnd have since that date c o ~ ~ t i i l ~ ~ e r l to cr~lt i~rate the land without il~terference on the part of the ('hillese nutlloritles.

I3,lii H u ~ ~ z a and Nagir are au tonomo~~s its r P i l their internal afl'airs, but both acknowledge tlie suzerainty of His Highlless the Maharajtr :)f Ka~hrriir, to whom they pay a tribute of r1omin;tl v:tlue. Uoth furnish two Conlpanies of 80 men each to the Gilgit (:orps of Scouts, iuid each Chief has a Body Gu:ird of 11 men (one Havildnr and 10 Levies) amled with Snider rifles presented b j Government. The two chiefs attended the Coron:rtion Darbar a t Delhi in December 1911. Mir Sir R4uhammad Nazim Khan was created a K.C.I .E. in June 1921 and Mir Shah Sikaridar Khan received the title of K . R . E . on the 1st January 19.23. Mir Sir Alohammad Nazim Khan, K.C.S.I., K.C.I .E. , of Hunz:~, died on 22nd July 1938 a t the age of 72. His eldest son Mohamrnacl Ghazan Khan, born about 1895, has succeeded him as hiir of Hunza, &fir hiohammad

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Ghazan Khan's son end heir, Mohammad Ali Khan, died. on the 9th April 1923, leaving a son, named Shaukat Ali, born 1920, who is the heir of the Chief of Nagir.

Raja Jagat Dev Singh J i of P0onch.-Born 16 January 1905. Second son of the late Raja Sir Baldev Singh Sahib, K.C.I.E., of Yoonch Succeecled to the Poonch Illaqa in 1928 on the death of his elder brother, Raja Sukhdev Sing11 J i , and exercises administrative powers in the Illaqa slrhject to the control of the Parent State. Is a herediliiry Double Tazimi Sardar. One son born April 1925. King's Silver Jubilee in 1935. Incorne of Jagir Rs. 9,50,000 annua!ly. Presents tribute of Re. 231 annually to His Highness.

Raja Ram Chand J i of Chenani.-Rajput Chandail (Ant-hal). Born on 6th February 1903.

Is an important Jagirdar of the State and is the eldest son of t,he late Raja Kidar Chand J i of Chenani who was married to the daughter of the late Raja Sir Ram Singh Sahib, K.C.B.. uncle of the present Maho- a . I s a hereditary Double Tazimi Sardar and occupies the second place in the Darbar below the Raja of Poonch. Enjoys practically the 3ame rights and privileges which are exercised by the Raja of Poonch, so far as administrative matters are concerned.

Raja Lachman Singh Ji.-Is a Jagirdar of Ramkot and related to the Ruling family. Holds a Jagir of Rs. 4,805 in the State.

Captaln Thakore Shamaher Singh J i of Soha1.-Hindu Rajput. Born in 1883. I s the son of Thalcur Lachman Singh of Sohal. Appointed Jernadar in the State Army in 1903. Retired frorn service as a Captain. Succeeded to the Jagir and the hereditary honour of the Double Tazimi Sardar of his younger brother late Thakur Puran Singh J i who was adopted by his nephew General Thakur Jagat Singh of Sohal.


Rao Bahadur Thakur Kartar Singh Ji.-Hindu. Born 19th September 1853. Joined State service in April 1909 and servrd as Jlunsiff, Silb- .Tudge and City Magistrate and Special Judge till 1926. Appolntecl Gov- ernor of Jammu in April 1929 and State Secretary ill Febrw~ry 1930. Acted ;IS hlernbx of the Cabinet during His Highness' absence in Europe in 1030 and officiated as Finance and De~elopment hlinister for six mollths ar.d as Home Minither for a short period in 1931. Appointed as Depirty Revenue Minister in 1031. Specially selecated for appointnlent ns Governor and District Magistrate of Kashlnir P r o v ~ w e during the poli- tical disturbances. Appointecl Offg. Reveillie Minister from 28th April 1032 to 27th August 1932 after which he was nppoint.jc1 as perinanent Finance Minister. Proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement cn 2-4th Janu:~ry 1938.

I s one of the biggest landlorcls and Jagirdars of the State, and belongs t o a respectable family of Rajputs of Jnmmu whose menibers h:\ve londer- cd clistinguished services to the Kashmir Cfovernment in the pclst.

Was created single Tnzimi Sardnr in 1926 and double hereditary Tazimi Sardar in 1927. Was gazetted Rao Bahndur in 1932. Rendered valuable services in cwnnertion with the Great War in recognitmu of which he was granted Sanitds arid Badges by Government. Was awarded the King's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935.

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m l h m u Jai Ohmd Ji.-Is the younger brother of Rajkumar Rs& chRnd Ji of Chenani and is a Jagirdar. Enjoys herediterg Double Tarim.

~ ~ l k u m u Tirath 0-d Ji.-Hindu-Rajput. Born 011 4th Decemb* 1911.

youngest son of the late Raja Kidar Chandji of CLenani Jagir. Was qanted a jagir of Rs. 3,000 in Tehsil Udhampur with n hereditary d ~ u b l ~ 0

Tasim in 1930. Appointed Lieutenant in Kashmir Body Guard Cavalry in 1928; promoted Captain in 1935.

Thakore Nichant Chand Ji.-Hindu. Katoch Rajp l~ t of Kangra. 130m

in 1903. ls a first class Jagirdar holding a jagir of 11s. 10,000 and a hereditary Double Tszimi Sardar. I s connected with tile Ruling Family of Kashmir. Was appointed Assistant Controller of Kushmir Reception Department in 1929; Deputy Controller, in the same gear; and Controller in 1939. Was appointed Corntroller, Reception Department, Jammu and Kashmir in 1931.

Amlarded the King's Silver Jubilee Medal in 19.35.

Rai Bahadur Major-General Thakur Janaksingh Ji Bahadur , C ,I.E .- Hindu Rajput. Born in August 1876. Belongs to a respectable family of Katoch Rajputs of Kangra. Joined State service in 1901 as Naih Tehsildar. Transferred to the Kashmir Imperial Troopb as D. A . Q. M. G . in 1902. Worked as Brigade-Rfajor, 1st Kashmir Imperial Service Brigade from 1909 to 1910. Seconded for settlement training and remained in the Hevenue Department upto the end of 1915. Appointed as Military Secre- tary to the Commander-in-Chief in 1915 and transferred to t,he command of the 2nd Kashmir Rifles. , Appointed Revenue Memi~er of the Jammu and Kashmir State Council in 1922 and President, Army Council in Octo- ner 1925 with the rank of Major-General. Granted (1) Order of British I ~ d i a second class with the title of Bahadur on 17th April 1920, (2) C. I. E.-June 1927, (3) Rai Rahadur-June 1923, (4) Afghan War Medal-1919, ( 5 ) C. I. E. in 1927; (6) a hereditary jagir of Ra. 3.500 p. a- with the title of "Thakur" on the occasion of the birth of the Heir Apparent Yuvraj Shri Karan Singhji in March 1931. Iietired from State service in June 1932. IS a hereditary Double Tazimi Sardar.

Sultan Mohamad M ~ t w a l i Khan.-Illaqadar of Kathai in the Muzafl;lr- abad District and one of the biggest Jagirclars of the State. Did valuable work in connection with the Great War. Created 3, Double Tazimi Sardar in 1925 on the occasion of the Rajtilak of Maharaja Shri Harisingh Ji Hahadur. Rendered valuable service during the last disturbances ~u the State.

Granted the ,King's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935. Ts Honorary Magi~t~rate in his Jagir.

Sultan Mohamad Perm-ud-Din Khan.-Muslim. Illaqadar of Dopatta in the ATr~znff:~rahad District. Did useful work in the Great War. in the matter of recruiting. Created a single Tazimi Snrdar cn the :~ccasion of the Rajti1:lk of hl:lhariija Shri FI:lrisinghji Bahadur Member of the State Subject Definition Cornlnittre and the Glancy Com~nission on Con- stit1utional Refonrls in the State. Rendered valuable services to Govern- ment during the last political disturbances. A member of the Jnmmu and Kashmir Prujn Sabhn; Honorary Mngistratt, in his Illaqn.

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Granted a hereditary Double Tazim in 1934. Awarded a silver Jubilee Medal in 1935.

~ 8 1 . ~ a d m Mi Khan Ji.-Jagirdar with Double Tazim personal,

Relongs to the Chib Rajput family of Bhimber. His brother Raja Farman Ali Khan, C.I.E., served as a General in the State Amly.

~ e w m Bshllduq N. Glapabswami Ayyangar; C.s . r . , 0.I.E.- Hindu. Born 31st March 1882. Educated a t the W,et;le.:, Presidency and Law Colleges in Madras; Assistant Professor, Pachiayappa's College, 1904;. 9eputy Collector, 1905 ; Collector and District Magistrate, 1920; Registrsr- General of Panchayats and Inspector of Local Bodies, 1921-28; Member, Indian Legislative Assembly, 1927; Inspector of Municipal Councils and Local Boards, 1929-30; Collector and District Magistrate, Anantpur, 1930-32, Secretary to the Madras Government, P. W. D., 1932-34, Member, Board of Revenue 1935 to March 1937; President, Indian Officers Association, Madras, 1935-37; Prime Minister of the Jammu and Kashmir State since 1937. Was gazetted C. S. I. on 12th May 1937.

Major-General Nawab Khusru Jung, C.1.E.-Muslinl. Born UII 20th November 1891 in Hyderabad. Comes of a distinguislie(1 family of Hyderabad (Deccan). His father Col. Nawab Sir Afsar-ul-Malik, K.C.S .I., M.V.O., A.-D.-C., was Commander-in-Chief of His Esaltecl Highness the Kizam's State Forces. Was educated in England and Jlapo College, Ajmer. Joined the Imperial Cadet Corps, Dehra Dun. On n,om!)letion of his education, His Exalted Highness the Nizam of Hvderabad appoint- ed him in the State Army and on his Personal Staff where he served for some years.

Was appointed Private Secretary to General Raja (now Maharajaj Sir Harisinghji Rahadur in 1920. Served as Guardian to His Highness of Cooch Behar and his brother from 1923 to 1927. I n 1928 rejoined Rashmir State service and was appointed Personal Secretary to His l z g h - ness Appointed Minister-in-Waiting to His Highness on 6th August 1031, and Hazur Minister in 1938.

Sahibzada Sin Abdussamad Khan, Kt., C.1.E .-W I [slim. Bokn in 1974. Connected with the Ruling House of Rampur, the present Huler of that State being his son-in-law. Was Head of the ddn~inistration of Rampur State for nearly 30 years. Attended the liound Table Conference In London in 1931 and represented the Indian States a t the Imperial (.,'on- ference, Ottawa in 1932 and a t the session of the League of Nations a t Geneva in 1933. Was appointed Home Minister of the Jammu and Kashmir State on 1st May 1937.

Lala Phul Chand Moga.-Jain. Born on 27th Septambcr 1885. Edu- cated mostly in the United Provinces. After graduatinq in law in 1906 started practice at the Bar a t Allahabad. Joined the Provincial Judicial Service of t'he United Provinces in 1912 as Munsiff. Wns nppointed Sub- ordinate Judge and Assistant Sessions Judge in 1924. Appointed Deputy Legal Remembrancer to the United Provinces Governrnrnt in 1927 and Daputy Secretary in the Judicial Department in addition to his duties as Deputy Legal Remembrancer in 1931. Created Rni Enhadur in 1032. Appointed Legal Remernllrancer and Judicial Secretttry to the United provinces Government in 1!136. Confirmed as District and Sessions =Judge in 1938. Appointed Law oud Revenue Minister in the Jamnlu and Kash- mir State in November 1998.

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Has written two standard books 011 law, Fir., the Law and Pleadings ~ ~ i t i ~ h India and the Indian Conve).ancr1. grviraj Buisal Ji.-Born on 1st January 1911. IS the eldest Son of

id^^ J j , Charan of the State. Holds a h.lllati of Rs- 3,015 F. a. 4 a hereditary Double Tazimi Sardar- 4

Nasir 1111 m a n , Illaqadar, Khap1u.--Mohammedan. (shia.) Comes of the old Raja family of Khaplu. Holds 3 lagir d about RR. 12,000 P. a. Was pallted to his forefathers in recognition of the ioyal services rendered by them to the Kashmir Government. 1s a Tazillli

Sardar. -ja Mohamad mi shah, nsqadar, skardu.-Mohalnmedm (Shia).

B~~~ on 10th Ziaulhaj 1321 Hijri. Belongs to the family of old Rajas of Skardu. Safedposh and Illaqadan. The value of his Jagir-abollt

R ~ . 7,500, was granted to his forefathers for loyalty to the C+overnment. Raja Mi Sher Khan of Kharmang.-Mohammadan (Shia). Born on

4th AEsuj S. 1946. Belongs to the family of old I.(~~:IS cf Kharlnnng. Holds a Jagir of Rs. 9,632 per annum which was gr:lldecl to his fore- fathers for loyalty to Governmsnt. Created Rereditaly Single Tazimi Sardar.

Raja Jigmat Dadu1.-Bhudhist of Ladakh. Born 111 199A. I s the son of Raja Sanam Namgyal, a Jagirdar of Ladakh. Was nonlinatcd as a member of the State Praja Sabha in 1938. Holds a Jagir of Ijs. 5,009 from the State.

Thakur Shamsher Singh Ji.-Hindu. Belongs to a very respectable [anlily of Rajpuis. His great grand-father Raja Jai Singlr J i was granted village Aialliori in Samba Tehsil as Jagir by Mahataj.2 Gnlab Singhji besides other easements in lieu of which Thakur Shan l sh~r Singh Ji is now in receipt of an allowance of Rs. 2?C annually from the State. H e was granted a further Jagir of Rs. 4,121 in Udhampur Tehsii and the rank of Tazimi Sardar in 1925.

Was granted the King's Silver Jubilr. > Medal in 1935. Sultan Rahmatullah Khan Ji.-Borr 1 a 1873. Illacl:~tltl~. of liahori in

the RIuzaffarabad District. Created a 7 I: imi Sardar in 1925 on the occa- sion of the l<:~jtilali of the 11resent hI:11 il xja Shri Hari Sinqllli H:~I~:lclur. Rendered valuable s en icc to C+overullle~ 4 t during tile ];,st political disturb. nnce, in the State.

Rai Ghulam Hussain J i of Bhajwa1.- Muslim. Born in 1907. ]jelongs to the . J n ~ l l fol21il) of Ril~puts. A jngirdar oi Ulla~~fre] jn _ \ l j r p u y .

r i ('reiited a 1ii~i111i S:ar(l:ir in 1925 011 the occasion of tile linjtil;ilr of ~ f a h i ~ l . c ~ ~ t i Shri Huri Si~~glij i Bahndur. RcI1dered \-cL]uable service to G ~ ~ - erllmt.llt during the last political di.sturbnllcrs in the St:,te.

An.ardetl tile King'b Silver Jul~ilee i\led;+l i n 1935.

sardar Bahadur, Major-Generd, Th : Khajoor Singh Ji,-ljn jpnt. J;lmn:ll. Joined State alllitar) servica in Sovenrbrr 1 0 ~ ~ 1 ; prornut,,d t o tll( r~lnk of S11l)~-dilr in IR(3:3, ;\I;I~oI. in 1893, ~ , t . - ~ ~ l , , ~ , ~ l ill 1903 i,lld I 1 1914. 0. I . . 1 1 - 1898, 0. n. 1. clilss,.. ' 1 , S i l ~ e r 11trl;il 1lrlit.f ] clIILP ~ ) ~ ~ , ~ ~ b Frontipr-l"7-98, s 1 1 8 0 - ~ i l s l l l n i r s t i l t e ~ ~ d : , ] , jjelirf of

(J3m'1'11)-1R95, Silver IZIad;ll r\fghunistlln s.-I~. -~.-1:,lg, ( ~ o r o , , i , ~ oi the late V1I silver MedalJune 1802, ~ ~ i , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b i l ~ ~ ~ , ~ , j ~ l

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Killg George V-Mag 1935. Was granted the title of Sardar Bahadur in December 1911 in recognition of his services in the Stat- Forces.

wiIs granted a jagir of Rs. 3,500 Y. A. with hereditary single Tazim the title of Thahur on the occasion of the birth of Yuvraj Shri

~Karansingh J i in 1931. Khan Bahadur Agha Syed Hussain.--IVIuslim (Shin). Born in 1876.

Son of Agha Syed Ali Razvi. Joined State service in 1895. Was made a Tehsildar in 1898. Appointed Settlement officer in 1901, and carried out the first Settlement of Lodakh. Was deputed to Haltistan in 1902 in coimection with the Baltistan Settlement Commission. Worked as Assist-

ant Governor for Gulmarg during 1908 and 1908. Held charge of the Udhampur Wszarat from 1909 to 1913. Served as Setilement Officer, Kashmir, Governor of Kashmir , Judge, High Court and Revenue Commis- sioner and Home and Judicial Minister till 1931.

was grallted the title of Khan Sahib in June 1918 and lihall Bahndur in Jallu:lry 1931 and a hereditary jagir of R6. 3,000 p.a. with the lota1 title of '"J'hakur" with hereditary single Tazim. Retired from service in August 1931.

W a i r ~ e j am.-Hindu. Born on 10th Februarg 1896. Joined State service on 15th November 1920. A~~pointed as General

.Treasurer ill March 1926 on the demise of his adoptive father, late Miazir Sobha Ram. Granted a jagir and single Tazim by His Highness on 1st October 1934 and the King's Silver Jubilee, Medal in 1985.

Pandit Vishveshwar Nath Ra~dan.-Kashmiri Brahman. Born in 1878. Succeedecl to the Gaddi of Sri Dhuni Sahib in .Qiladar (Gujrat) jn 1892, where he maintains a Pathshala and a charitable institution. Held the ofice of Municipal Commissioner, Kashmir, for over 30 years. Was createcl Tazimi Sardar on 1st October 1934. Enja?;s the privilege of exemption from attendance in civil courts and paymellt of octroi and customs duties in the State for a fixed value.

Dewan Dhanpat m i Ji.-Jagirdar and Tazimi Sardar. His great grandfather, Dewan Jawala Sahai, was the first Madar-ul-Maham of the State. His uncle Dewan Bahadur Dewan Amar Naih, C.I.E., was the Chief Minister of the State until 1917. De~van Dhanpat Rai Ji worked Wazir Wasarat, Governor and Sessions Judge until recently.

Khan Bahadur Sheikh Abdul Qayoom, B.A., LL.B.hIusl in1. Born in 1891. Joined State Service in May 1913. Appointed as Head Quar- ters Assistant to Governor, Jammu, iq November 2916 and Wmir WrczarHt in hfaJ' 1921. Appointed Foreign Secretary to His Hiollness fin 5th outo- ber 19%. Held the :~ppointments of Sesaions Judge, Jammu, etc. until

1929 when he was appointed s Judge of the High Collrt ilnd I(e- CO1nn~issio~~el'. Ofticiiltrd ;Is H o n ~ c l\Iinicter in >Inr& 1932. \VaJ

a ~ ~ o i l l t e d Chief Justice on 26th ?\'ovemller 1936.

Gazetted as Khan Bnhadur in 1925 and awarded ihe King's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935.

Oolonel Thakur Sansar Sin@ Ji.-Hindu. Rajput Jamwal.

Joined the State Armv in 1896. Welit to Eas t Africil in eoni~ec~t~ion with thc Great War in 1014 with the 3rd Knshmir Rifles, wliere he served for over three years with great cliatinetion. While serving a t the front wan

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P romoted to the rank of Major and held command of the 3rd Kashmir Ridee, for 2 years. wall four medals, one being the 'Croix de Guerre' from t,he Flench Government. On return from East Africa was promoted Lielltr. nant-Colonel and appoi1lted Deputy Quarter Master-Genera!. Jammu, Kashmir Army. Served as Colonel Commandant, Kashmir, Gilgit Jalnmu *reas for sir years. Retired as a Colonel after 34 years service.

Created Tazirni Sardsr in 1932. Worked as a menlber of the Glancy Commission on Constitutional Reforms in the State. IS a member

the Trustees of Dhandevi Fund as well as of Sri Pratilp Memorial Rajput School Trust. Is the President of the Jammu and Jcashn~ir Bajpit Krhatriya Amar Sabha and a State Councillor of the Jammu and I<nshmir

a p t a h gunwar E!ra Singb Ji.-Hindu. Born in November 1891. rs the son of the late Rao Sahib Trilok Singh Ji, maternal uncle to

the Maharaja of Panna. Educated at the Mayo Coliege Ajmer and late Imperial Cadets Corps, Dehra Dun. Was granted a King's Commission while serving in the Great War in 1914. Twice received mention in Des- ~atcl les by the Field Afarshal Coinnlanding British Forces in France and later on recommended for a special reward. Held posts of Minister in Tcnna and Bharatpur. Entered State service in June 1931 as Military Secretary to His Highness. Worked as Personal Asslstaul to the Prime Minister for some time. Was appointed Political Secretary to Govern- ment in 1932 which post he continued to hold till September 1937 when he was appointed as officiating Inspector General of Customs and Excice.

Granted single Tazim by His Highness on the Dussehra Darbar in 1933 in recognition of his loyal services. Awarded tho Kinq's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935.

Colonel Thi~kur Sobha Singh Ji.-Was created a Tazinli Sardwr on Hie Highness' Raj Tilak.

Dewan Bishan Dasa, C. S.I., C.I.E., Major-General, Rai Bahadur.- Comes of a respectable family of Khenchi (Chauhan) Rajputs. Born in January 1865. Was appointed A.-D.-C. to the late Raja Sir limn Singh Ji, K.C.B., in 1892 with the rank of Rfajor and served as his Private Secre- t:wy till 1 9 0 when he was appointed Military Secr2tnry to the late Raja Sir Amar Singh J i Bahadur, K.C. S.I . , Commander-in-Chief, State Forces. Awarded Royal Victorian Medal in 1905 and created Rai Bahadur in 1911. Appointed guardian to Raja (now His Highness J'laha1-:t:a) Sir Hari Singhji Bahadur for a short time. Appointed Home Minister in 1914; Revenue Minieter in 1919 and Chief Minister in 1921 which post he held till April 1922 when he retired from service. Was created a C. I. E. in 1915 lrnd C. S. I . in 1921.

Was created Tazimi Sardar in 1936.

Pandit Kiehen La1 Kichlu, Rai Bahadur.-Hindu. Eorn In May 1885. Entered State service in October 1904. Appointed Additional Sessions Judge in November 1932. Officiating Sessions Judge in December 1936. Confirmed as Sessions Judge on 26th August 1936. Appointed n Judge of the Bigh Court and Revenue Commissioner in 1936. Appointed Presi- dent, Praja Sabha on 13th November 1937.

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Wasir Jmki Nath.-Rajput. Born on 8th Deoember 1805. Belongs to the Wazir family whose members have been cervinq the State and its Eulers for five generations. After graduating fkou~ the Punjab Univer- sity, went to England for higher studies in Law. Was called to the Bar from the Middle Temple and took the degree of Bachelor of Laws of Lqndon University. On return from England, was enrolled as an Advo- cate of the Lahore High Court. I n 1933, was selected to tue 11 member of the Staff of the University Law College, Lahore as ti pnrt time Lecturer. Was appointed a Judge of the High Court,of Judicature in the Jammu and Kushmir State on 2nd December 1936.

Eai Sahib P m d i t Sham Sunder La1 Dam, B.A.-Kashmiri Pandit. Born on 20th March 1897. An important Jagirdar of Kashmir, :tnd a scion of an ancient family which hns played an importtint role in the history of Kashmir. Great-grandson of Pt. Bir Bal llar who wns pnrtly instrumental in securing the Sikh conquest of Kashmir. During the Dogra rille the family has held important administrative posts in the State. Joined State service in 1921 as Motamid Darbnr and was appointed Motamid Ala in 1922. Appointed Director, Devasthans and State Property in British India in 1929; Director, Visitors Bureau in 1932 and Rural T)evelopment and Panchayat Officer on 1st November 1937. Gazetted Rai Sahib in 1927 and granted the King's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935.

Pandit Bala Kak Dw.-Kashmiri Brahman. Darn in 1889. -4n important Jagirdar of Kashmir representing the innin liue of the ~incienl. family. Son of Pandit Vidha La1 Dar, Privnte S,?cretnry to His late Highness the Maharaja Sir Pratap Singh J i Ba'uadur. Joined State ser- vice as Naib Tehsildar in 1908. Held the officas of Tehsildar, Treasury Officer, Special Flood Relief Officer, Assistant Settlement Officer and Wazir Wnzarat till 1934, when he was retired on pension Was granted n life- annuity of Rs. 250 p. a. in recognition of the services rendered by him during the disturbances in Kashmir in 1931.

K h : Salam Shah Naq8hbandi.-hluslim. Born on 12th October 188Cl. Comes of the family of Khwaja Mohamnd Yusaf-a hereditary Ruler of Tashkend (Turkistan). Joined State service in 1901 ns Nnib Tehsildnr. Worked as W a z ~ r Wazarat, Assistant to t,he Goverr~or of Knshniir nnd Treasury Officer. Was granted a Mukarrari of Rs. 250 in recognition cf the services rendered by him during the disturbances in Iittshmir in 1031. Retired from service in 1936.

Raja Sher Ali Khan.-Muslim. Born in 1893. l3eloi1,os to the Sultan fanlily of Muzaffarabad. 1s a Jagirdar of Handmarfi, Rnshmir. Render- ed assistance to State officers in recruitment for the Great War. Was granted a Khillat in recognition of the services rendered by him duriug the disturbances in 1931. I s an Honorary Magistrate in Tehsil Handwarn.

Rai Mohammad Iqbal of Bharakh.-Muslim. Born in 1913. 1s t.1

Jagirdar and belongs to n respectable and well-known clnss of J a r d Rajputs of Bharakh, who have been loyal to the Stata blnce the reign of Maharaja Gulab Singh. Rendered valuable assistance in recruiting in the tbe Great War.

Raja Mohammad Afzal Khan of Namb1a.-hluslim. Born in 1907. Is the Jagirdar of Nambla and belongs to the class of I I a t n l ~ l Rajas of Uri Tehsil. His forefathers have been loyal to the Rulers of Kashmir cnd have rendered valuable services to the State after it came into the po8sea- s i ~ n of Mah~ra j a Gulab Singh.

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Mhmm.d Ahm man of x.ngri.-Muslim. Born in 1847. la Jagirder of Ksngri in ~ h i ~ b ~ ~ Tehdl. Belongs to the


Xsjputs, wllo have been very faithful to the Rulers of Knshmir :lad rendered meritol.juus to the State. Was %warded a Iihillat md a

silver L,,ateh for services r~nd t rcd during the Great War. grunted a I<hillat of ~ s . 50 in remgnition of the ~crvices rendered

by him during the disturbances in tbe State in lgY1. M1.h ~d g h a n of rnM.-Muslim. Born ill 1w2. nelongs to

a family of chit, Rajputs of Mirpur Illaqa. Is the Jagjrdar of Labri in

lllirpur ~ ~ h ~ i l . as forefathers have rendered meritorious services to the state in the of Chilas and Gilgit. Waa granted cash Mukar- rnrj of ns. 300 p. a. for life in 1935 in recognition of the services rel~dered by him during the disturbances in the State in 1981.

Raja Sonam Namwal of Ladakh.-Buddihist. Born in 1865. Father of the present Jagirdar of Stoke.

Raja Abdulla Khan of Ladakh.-Mohammedfin (Shia). 13cIongs to the old Raja. family of Rondu. Holds a jagir of about Rs. 5,000 p. a. "~hich was granted to his forefathers in recognition of loyal scrv;ccs render. ed to the State.

Raja Muhammad Ayub Khan of Mueaffarabad.-Muslim. Born in 1867. Cornes of the Bliumia family of Rahori Jagirdars in Muzaffarabad,

Raja Ali Akbar Khan of 'IJri.--Muslim. Born in 1882. Comes of the Iihakhe family of Uri. Helped in recruiting during the Great War.

m w a j a N U ~ Shah Naq~hbandi.-Muslim. Born on 13th October 1860. Comes of the respectable Naqshbandi family. I<hwaja Abdur Rahim u7aa the firet descendant who left his country and came lifle in Kashmir. a Jflgirdar. Joined State service as Naib Tehsildar. Worked as Tehsildar, I{ecruiting Officer with the designation of Assistant Secretary 10 the Re- crlliting Board, Shali Bench m c e r , Kashmir and a r Wazarat, lietired from State service on 17th October 1936,

Raja Shah Zaman m a n of Ud.-Muslim. Born in 1887. Comes of the f:l1nil.Y of Hatma] Jagirdars of Uri. His forefather:; katlve very valuable services to the State a t the time of t,he oonqllegt of Chitral alwl Gilgit.

Ratan chmd Rawlley.-Hindli. Born on 14 t I1 Jano:ir!, 1894. Was in the l'unjab (Indi:l), Scotland and Lon&>n. Joined the Statis-

tical De~ar~mel l ' . Uinistrv of T"ooc~, the ImperiiJ Institllte, I.ondon in 1918. Acte(1 as Assistant Trade Commissioner if) tlls Government of India in London in 1819 and assisted the War Trade D*p;,rtment in several investigations.

Served a s Director of Industries; Registrar, Joint Stock Companies; and Registr;~r, Trade Unions to the Ptinjab Government from 1926 to 1'130; hIrmt)er of the Cornml~nicntionn Board and Secretary of the Joint Dr~v(~lol) lnen~ Donrrl (Agrieolture and Industries) and Member of the Senate of the Punjab University from 1928 to 1030. Wag norninrctetl member of tllle I'unjilh Le~islnt ive b o ~ ~ n c i l in 1928. Served aa member of the punjab Forest l h a r d , hfiinaging Committee of the Hnilev ('ollegs of Comm.r(ye and t l l p Economi(a Enqnirien Ronrd. Acted Secretary, Indian D e l e k ti(ln rind Advinrr to the Government of T n d i ~ Delegates to the 11th Triter- n:ltiol~nl Lnbour Conference, League of Nations, Geneva in May-June 1928.

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Was appointed Director of Industries sad C 'o~~~~ae reo in the J ~ r n m u t c d I'hehrnir State in 1939.

Lala Havali Ram--Hindu. Born in IR!M). Joille4 Gtnte aervice in 191.1. H a s held successively the ofires of PoIjIi,. I'ro.;ectltor. Govrruulenb Advocate, Legal Eemcnlbrnncc~r, Secrctt~ry to I J i l \ i r J I r~nhrr , Spereti\ry to H o n ~ c Alil~ister, Generill Secruti~ry to ( ;ov~r~l~l lent n11,l in r~ow Scsaiona Judgth, J iu~ l l~ lu . A~vilrded the King's Silver Jullilee 3Ied;,I in 1935.

Rsj Bhiln Sen.-Hindu. Thnli~clun liojput. Born ~~~~~~b~~ 189a Is sccon(1 son of HR] B i j n y n Sindl Ji of ~ ~ ~ ~ d i , ~ ~ ~ i ~ , ~ i snrdnr

i(oi;'h Stilte, liejputnnil. Was edilcatpd ;,t ~ 1 , ~ hlsvo chiefa. ~ ~ ) , l ~ ~ ~ , Ajnler. Was appointed Attnch6 to tllc Agent to tht. G ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ (:t,llerill i r ~ Iiajl)ui:lll:l ill 1014, kvhich lpost he held till it wag brouXllt u,,der r e ~ u c t i o I l in 1 5 Joined the Kotah State Po;ice in the snrne year unr\erwt,nt tr:linilY 8s a T)eputv Superintendent, Police, nt, the Police 'Yraining gchool, Mor:ldabncI. Servecl in the Kot:th State Police till & I ~ ~ , 1933, ,,.hen he resigned and joined the Kashmir State service as Controller, Shiknrkhnn;\, in Julv 1033.

Kak, Ramchandra, B.A., Rai Bahad~r.-Hindu. Born in June 1893. Joinell scrvice us Archfeological Probationer in August 1014. for trni:litl:: in the Archoeo10,oicnl Survey of Indin in 1917. .ippointec\ Sllper- intendent of the Arch~ological Department nnd Curator of t,he Sri Pratap Sing11 Aluseum in 1919. Wrote a number of Monogrnphs on the Art, Archteolopy and History of Kashmir, chief among which is the "Ancient Monulnc!nta of Kashmir". Appointed Assistant Private Secretury to His Highness the Maharaja Bahndur in 1926, Director of the Archeolofical ~ n r l Department in 1928; Foreign and Politicnl Secretary in 1929 ant1 I~ispector-General, Customs and Zxcise in 1932 ; Chief Secretary. Deputed l o Rnpland on behalf of His Highness' Government to nttend the Second and TFiird Round Table Conference on Indian Constitutional Reforrns in 1931 and 1932, and to give evidence before the Joint Select C'ornr~lit te~ of Parliament on Indian Con~titutional Reform in 1933. Awarded the King's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935.

Sir Peter Olutterbuck, Xt., C.I.E., O.B.E., I.F.s. (Retd,).-British. Born on 28th October 1868. After retirement fronr aervice Rs Tn~pector- Gcneral of Forests with the Government of India, joined State aervice on 1st February 1933, as Chief Conservnvor ot Forests which post he lloldr a t prcserlt.

Mr. 8. B. Tyabji.-Born on 6th November 1883. Educated in st. X t ~ v i r r ' ~ College, Rombag, and Royal Indian Engineering ColleP. England- Joined tha Bomhav Public Works Dep~r tmen t as Aeaistnnt Engineer in 1907, served in vahous Districts in the Presidency aa ~ 4 s ~ b t n n t find then as Exeeutire Engineer in R m d s and Buildings snd Construction cf the Nira Right, Bank Canal and on the mnnsgement of irrigation. Renderen

during the riot0 in Ahmedabad in 1918. Was spT"'ildpd chairman of the Adon Por t Truat in 1928 and of the Aden Settl('lnent lor few

Was posted as Buperintending Engineer. 40uthern Cirole* Ralgaunl in 1994 and later superintending Engineer. so r them Circ'es in BombRy. Was Chief Engineer. Public Work* D ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * in the Jnmrnu and Kashmir State on 15th June 19%.

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Wazir I'6rns Ohand.-Thakur Rajput. Born in 1898. Comes of the well-lmo\*.n family of Wazirs Lakhpat and Zorawar. Joined State Service as Sctt81elllent Tehsildar. Was promoted to the post of Hcsdquartere Assistai:t to the Governor of Jammu. Appointed as Wazir-i-Wazarat in 1919, Seltlement Officer, Jammu, in 1924 and Revenue Secreti:iry in 1926. Wne appointed Registrar, Co-operative Societies, after receiving training in British Ilidia. Was on deputation as Wazir of Poorlch for nearly four years. I a now enlploped as Registrar, Co-operative Departmen$.

Awnrded the Xing's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935.

Mr. Jagat Prasad, C.1.E.--Jainee. Born on 16th May 1879. TIcld the post of Accountant-General, Posts and Telegraphs, and officiating Deputy Auditor-General in India before appointment in the State. Was appointed Accoiintant8-Genera1 and Commissioner of Stamps in the Stnte on 15th >far.-h 3935. Was given the status of Auditor-General of the State on 2nd October 1936. I s in addition the Head of the Income-Tax Department of the State.

Mr. R. S. Bell.-English. Born on 8th October 1883. Joined the Indian Pedice in the United Provinces in November 19% and retired \vith the rank of Deput-y Inspector-General of Police in August 193.7. Served as Director-Gei~cral of Police, Udaipur, from January to end of July 1938. Was appoi~lted Inspector-General of Police in the Jammu and kashrnir Stat:: on 6th August 1938.

Mr. K. O. Saiyidain.-Muslim. Born in 1903. I s the son of the l ~ t e Ho~~ourahle Xhwaja Ghulam Saqalain, a member of the United Provinces Legislative Council. Was educated mostly in the United Provinces. Was appointed Reader in Education, Aligarh Muslim University in 1926, Frofes- sor of Educhtion and Pt.incipa,l, Training Cbllege, Aligrirh, in 1929 and Preeident, 'IIini ted Provinces, Muslim Educational Conference, in 1936. I s President of the Teachers Training and Experimental Education Elections of the All-Iudia Educational IneYtutions in India. Was t~ppointed Director of Education in the Jalnmu ahd Icashmir State in 1938.

6. Attar Bingh.-Sikh. Born in 1689. Entered Gtnte Service in 1913. Was appointed Tehsildar in 1918 and Wazir, Private Domuins of His High- ness in 1328. Was appointed Director, Private Domains of His Highness in 1929. licrerted to State service on trhe assimilation of the Private Domains of His Highness with the State, Was appointed Governor of Kashmir in 1932, which post he held for two and a half years, after which he was appointed Director, Land Records. Was granted a life Mukarrari of RK. I50 per annum in recognition of the services rendered by hinl during the disturbances in 1931.

Wazir Amin Ohand.-Hindu Rajput. Born on 1st August 1901. Collies of the \vcl!-known family of Wazirs Lakhpat and Zorawar. Enjoys tho here- ditary lionour of handling Chanwar in State Darbnrs and processions.

Joined State service as Officer Incharge, Toshakhttnn in March 1921. w f i ~ appointed Deputy Controller of Reception and Cererrlollinl in Novem- ber, 1920, ~ n d posted as Ceremonial Officer in November 1938. W R ~ IPro- mated t/, the post of Controller Mahallfat and Ceremonial in Ootober 1936. l e n l ~ o in cbnrge of Government Garages, Toshakhanas and Stables.

Baaclia Henry Lawrence SC&, a,*., D.B.o., It.o., ~ . l . a . - ~ r i t i s h . Bbrn on 8th April 1882. Was commissioned ns 2nd Lieutennht, 1st Batis- lion h e Uorsetshire Regiment in January 1802. Wra tran~fe*ed to the

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Indiall h r l l J ' in 1903 and posted to the 1st Gurkha Rifles. Wag prolnoted Brevet Lieut.-colonel in 1919. Worked as Instructor, Sellior Oficer's Sullool, Beigilum, 1921-23 and was transferred to Command the 16t Bn., 4th 1'1-inre ot Wales Own Gurkha Rifles in 1927. Was promoted Colonel in 1928 and appointed Assistant Adjutant[ and Qunrternltlster General, Wsnirist:ln IJistrict in 1920. Was appointed to coml~nnd the -A)~)bnln Rrigitde Area as temporary Brigadier in 1930. Commanded Kohnt Drigade frorrl 1932 up to 1935. Created C. B. in 1933, and appointed A.-D.-C. to His hlnjesty King George V in 1934. Awarded the Militnry Cross in 1915, I)istingrlishccl Service Order in 1917, Bar to Distinguished Service Order in 1920. Mentioned nine times in Despatches. Retired froin iiritish Indian Beyvice in 1935. Was appointed Chief of the Militnry Staff of the Jamr. u a ~ l d Kashmir Forces in 1936.

P. Moklnd Ram FDtdd.~, 8 . 8 ~ . (Agri.) M.Sc. (Horti-OaUf.), F.R.R.S:, Y.B.8.6., ~~.s .H .s . -~ indu . Born on d a y 1894. Joinrd the State A&- cu!ture Department in 1913. Deputed for training to America unil I t ~ l l y in Agriculture, Horticulture, Entomology and Floriculture. Al~poi~it~ed Assistant Director of Agriculture) on return from Europe in 1930 nnd has been norkin:: as Director of Agriculture since 1932. .Is a llieniber of the Mar~I ie t in~ Roard of the State and has been representing Hie Highness' Goveri~rrlcnt on important meetings of the Im..enal Council of Agriculturnl Resea~zh. Awarded the King's Silver Jubilee Medal in 1935.

A s l t ~ , Raja sassan Khan.-B. circ. 1895. R a j ~ of Astola. Soil of t h e late Raja Shah Sultan, titular Rnja of Astor. Shah Sultan's sieter iq n~arried to Mir Sir Mohammnd &aim Khan. K.C.I.E., lnte hfir of Hunza, before which she wab married to Gauri Tham, brother of RIir Sir Sik:~nclar Khan, K.B.E. , C.I.E., present Mir of Nagir.

Hassan Khan has the villages of Rnttu and Harchrl in Jngir 8nrl owns other 'Muafi' lands. His grsnclfrtt,her R:~ja Rfihaclur Khnn who d ied in 1900 relldered valuable services and was considered the premier Chief in t h e Agency.

a l l y a t Khan.-B. circ. 1898. Brother of Rnja Hassan K h m (q. v . ) . At p r e ~ t n t errlploged as a ilfoharrir in t'he Gilgit Agency.

a h u l a m Raza.-B, circ. 1896. Son of the late Rnjn Rahndur Khnn of Astor and iincle of Raja of Haasnn Khnn (q.v.) . Formerly Police Inspec- tor at Ador but was dismissed. I s married to n. Chitrali wornan, who is a aister-in-law of Khnn Bnhndur Raja hlurad Khan, late Governor of Kuh ahiznr .


Ddir MohammM a h a r m Khan.-B, circ. 1895. E]dcst s?n of the lute

Mir Sir Mohrnnrnad Nnzim Khan, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., Succ~tded his father in 1038.

Has 3 sons and one daughter by a daughter of the late Shnhandn Lnis (MRu~R~ Pir of Chitral) whom he married in 1910. 6he died in December 1917 nnd has since remained unmarried.

(1) J8mal Xha.-B. circ. 1910. Eldeat aod of Mir hlohnl~ltnad Ghnzan man, ir married to e daughter of Mir Sir Shah Siknndn: Khnn, K.H.E., C.I.E.. Mir of Nagar. Wae subednr in the Gilgit Corps of Scouts from

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wllirh posltjou he retired in 1936. He is now Mir's Secretary and receives 1/;3 share of the Hunza Waziri allowance of Rs. 600 per annum.

(2) Jamshed Khan.-B. circ. 1912. Second son of Mir Mohanlmad GIlazan 1<Ilan. Holds the post of Jenladar in the Gilgit Corps of Scouts.

(3) Aiyash Khan.-3rd son of hlir Moha~nmad Ghazan Khan. Holds the post of Jemadar in the Gilgit Corps of Scouts.

Gushpur Mohammad NaAs Khan.--B. circ. 1864. Son of Mir Ghazan KIlau, dnd elder half-brother of late hIir Mohainmad Nasinl Khan, IC.C.S.J., K.C.J.E., h1arried (1) a daughter of one Ali-Gauhar, and (2) u aister of; the late I<han Baliadur IVnzir Hulnayun Beg, by whom he has three ~011s

of n.l ic~~~l the two elder are Kaikhisrau Khan, b. circ. 1898, and Shahadat Khan, b. circ. 1898. Accolnpanied the Hunza Levies as far as Gupis dur- ing the Chitral Campaign in 1895. In December 1896 was al'cused of plot- tiug against the late Mir, but it appears. that he was merely the tool of certain agents of Raja Safdar Ali Khan. As a punishment, the late Mir sent him to live at Khudabad in Gujhal, where he still is.

Muzzafar A1i.-B. circ. 1584, son of the late Ex-Mir Raja Safdnr Ali Khan, half brother of the late Mir. H e is living in exile a t Yarkand.

Ex-Wazir Shukrullah Beg.-B. circ. 1883. Eldest son of the late Xhm Bnl~adur Wazir Humayun Beg. Succeeded his father in 1916 ae Waxir of Ilunza. One of his daughters was married to late Cushpur hloham~nad Ghani Khan, the late Mir of Runza's son by a Zamindnr wife. He is in receipt of Sub-levy leader's pay of Rs. 300 per annum and of 113 share of the Hunza Waziri allowance of Rs. 600 per annlirn since he wae dismissed by the late Mir from the post of Wazir in 1937.

His jounger brother Inayatullah Beg, born circ. 1886, was School- master, Hunza, for some years.

Muhibbatullah Beg.-Eldest son of the late Raza Beg has been Subedar in the Hurlza Companies of Scouts, since 1913.

Wazir Zarparast.-Wazir of Hunza. B. circ. 1861. Son of Murad, I s marr id to a sister of t'he late Khan Bahadur Wazir Humayun I3eg and ie a m:in of sollle standing and influence with the Mir. He is now in receipt of 113 share of the Hunza Waziri allowance of Rs. 600 per tinuurn.

Mohammad Rafl, I.-13. circ., 1973. Son of the late Sangi Khan and brotllcr of the late Trangfa Kalbi. I s Havildar of the Mir's Bodyguard.

Mohammad Rafl, 11.-13. circ. 1878. Son of Teghuil by a sister of the I:lte Khan Unhaclur Wazir Humayun Beg and nephew of Wazir Z;rrparaet (q. v.). w a s Sub-Leader of the Hunza Levies under the old Levy system. Was appointed a Jemadar in the Scouts Corps in 1913, and was promoted Subednr in 1916 and has since been retired.


Mir Sir Shah Sikandu Khan, K.B.E., 0.I.E.-B. circ. 1867. Son of the late Mir Znfar Zahid Khan by his fourth wife, a dnughter of Mir Ghazan Khan of llullza. Installed aa Mir in 1905. Created 8 C. I. E. in 1903,

n K . 13. E. on 1st January 1923. Prior to the events of 1891 ha was placed by his h the r in Ch@prot as

Governor. In 1890 Raja Uzr Khan (q. r.) murdered hie brother, and

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Sikandi~r Iihan, fearing that he would share the same fate. iled to Gilgit. After the Hunza-Nagir Expedition he was placed in h'sgir as the rerognised heir *to his father.

A strict Shiah but not bigotted. Mnrrilatl (I) a sister of Khan Sahib Raja Mir Bnz J(hun now Governor

of Yasin by ~vilorn be has five sons now living.-Mahbub Ali, b. circ. 1901: Zafar Khan, b. circ. 1908; IIuzuffar-ud-Din Shah. b. cire. 1912 (married to a din~ghter of late Mir Sir Mohammed Nazim Khan, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., in 1934); Mohammad Babur Khan, b. circ., 1917, and SIohammod Karim Khan, b circ., 1919 (betrothed to a daughter of Khan S,~hib l b j a hlir Baz Ichnn, Governor of Yasin in November 1934). (2) A daughter of Icnshmiri Mulleh bg whom he has one son, born in 1912. He has a large fanlily of durlghters fl-0111 his first mentioned wife.

Khan.-B- circ. 1920. Son of late Subedar bxajor hlohatl,- *lad Ali Khan and grandson and heir to Mir Shah Sikaodor ~ h ~ ~ , K.B.E., C.l.E., Mir of Nagir. H e is now studying in the Church blission society School, Srinngar.

Khan Sahib Subedar Major Mahbub Ali K h a n . B . circ. 1901. Sepond son of Mir Shah Sikandar Khan, K.B.E., C.I.E., Mir of Nagir, Appointed Subedar-PIajor of the 2 Nagir conlpanies of the Gilgit Corps of scouts in 1923. He lliftrried the widow of his late brother hfohitlrllnad Ali I<llnn in 1924. TOG^ as second wife, a daughter of late Khan Sahib Raja Moham- mad R:lhi~rl I<han of Gupis in 1929 by whom a son T;IS born to hirn early in I . TVas made Khan Sahib in 1937.

Subedar Zafar Khan.-B. circ. 1908. Second survivi i~~ son of Mir Sir Sl~al i Siltondar Klian, K.B.E., C.I.E., Appointed Raja Orderly Cllilns in August 1932 which post he vacated in 1934. Appointed Subedar in the Gilgit Scouts in 1934.

Muzaffar-Ud-Din Shah.-B. circ. 1912. Third surviving soil of Mir Sir Shah Sikandar Khan, K.B.E., C.I.E,, of Nagir. Granted f of the Waziri allowance, viz., Rs. 150 per annum after the death of W ~ z i r Tnifoor of Nagir and Rs. 117 per annum as sub-levy Leader's pay.

Jemadar Babur Khan.-B. circ. 1917. Fourth surviving son of Mir Sir Shuh Sikandar Khan, K.B.E., C.I.E., Was appoi~lted Jema- dar in the Gilgit Scouts in 1934.

Wazir Malik Shah.-B. circ. 1887. Son of late m'azir Taifoor. Ap- pointed Wnzir from the dote of death of hia father but granted f of the Waziri allowance, vix., Rs. 150 plus Rs. 117 as Sub-Levy Leader's pay p ~ r - annurn. Has been a Jelnadar in the Gilgit Scouts from 1913 to 1922.

Inayat A1i.-The surviving son of the late Trangfa &war%, b. circ. 1903. H e is Trangfa of Nagir in place of his father.

Sultan A 1 l . B . circ. 1865. Is leader of a strong faction o~posed to thet of ex-Wnair Klluda Aman (q. v.). Was with Mir Sir S k h Sikandar Khan. K.B.E., C.I.E., when the latter was Governor of Cbeprot ~ r i o r to 1091, and later him to Gilgit and returned with him to Nf%ir. A lse-lonp friend and staunch supporter of the Mir, and foster-fnther of sllhih subedllr Major Mahbub Ali Khan, the Mir'e uecond son. 1s one of

the men in Nagir. Was leader of Nagir Levies under the formor system, .nd has rendered excellent services Oovernment. Ha was Sube* dar in the Nagir Company of Scouts which post he vacated in 1934 owing to age. His son, Snrwar who held the poet of Jemndnr in one

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af the Nagir Conlpanies of Scouts was co~~lpu l sor i l~ retired. In January

1923 mas appointed Wazir of Chaprot. He is in receipt of a subsidy of Rs. 2 W per annum and Sub-Levy Leader's allowance 11s. GO per nnnuln.

Men of importance who are adherents of Mir Sk Shah Sikandar Khan, X.B.E., C.I.E.

3afIaq.-B. circ. 1869. Trangfa of Nagir

~o10.-13. circ. 1868. Trangfa of Hopar. Adherents of Khuda Aman, Wazir of Nagir.

&adilo.-E. circ. 1860. Trangfa of H9a . r .

Ali MBd8d.-B. circ. 1880. Wazir Khuda Arnan's cousin. Was ap- pointed Havildar in Kagir Scouts in June 1917 but has ceased to hold the appointrner, t.

Sultan Mahmud of Ni1t.-B. circ. 1888. Son of Ijahratn Ali of Nilt. Married a daughter of Khan Bahadur Raja Murad Khan, ex-Governor, Gupis.

Gushpur Badshah.-Second surviving son of the late Raja Mohemnlnd Khan. Married in the Nomal Raja's family.

Ouilhpu, Abbas I b a n . - ~ o u n ~ e r brother of Gushpur Radshah. Married the daughter of hlir Shah Sikandar Khan.

Gushpur Tangir Shah.-Second younger brother 09 Gushpur 13ad~hah. Was Jemadar in the Gilgit Corps of Scouta. Married Dhe eister of Hs j i Hassan Khan, Rala of Astor.

Sultan Asghar.-The eldest son of the late Raja Khisro Khan of Chalt. Married tllc sister of Gushpur Ghauri Tham Khan of Pieuin.

He hr~s 4 younger brothers-Sultah Ibtahim (Married the widowed daughtcr of l l i r Sir hlohammad Nazim Khan), Sultan Firoz, Sultan Ismail and Yasub-ud-Din.

khan Bahadur Raja Mohammad &war Khan, Gwerrror of Punia1.- R. circ!. 1896. Eldest legitimate son of Mohammad Akbar Khan, ex-Raja of Puniol (q. v.), and nephew of the late Khan Bahedur Raja Sifat. Baha- dur. Ap~oiirted Governor and Jagirdar of Punial in 1913. Was given full powers in 1917. Married a daughter of Mir Sir Shah Rilrandar Khan, K.B.E., C.T.E., in January 1918, by whom he has two wns . The eldest Naeir-ud-Din Shah Is betrothed to a daughter of the late l f i r of Hunza. Took ae second wife, a daughter of the late Khan 13nhndur Eaja Sifnt Rahndl~r in 1998.

Appointed Subedar of Punial eonvpany of Scoute in 1914, which poet he vacated in 1917. ~e was made ~ h a n Sahib in 1920 and a Khan Bahadur in 1924.

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subedar Zamurrad Kh.nng-Second son of Raja Moham,?lnd Akbnr Khan. B. (:ire. 1004. Subedar in the Gilgit Scouts since 1920. He rnarrid a daughter of the late Khan Bahadur Raja Sifat Bahadur in 19%.

Bushpur Khan Bahaur.-Ia the eldest surviving son of late Khm Daha- dllr Raja Sifat Bahadur, C.I.E.

wazir J2uhar Ali.-B. circ. 1879. Son of BakhtsKar Ilambardar of Sher Kills. 1s not hereditary Wazir of Punial but belongs to the zemindHr class. father was a foster relation of ex-Jagirdar Raja Mohemrnad Akbar Khan, who made him Lambardar of Sher Killa \\hen he in power. t ~ u t when Khan Bahadur Raja Sifat Bahadur, C . I .E . , Raja Mohammad Akbar Khan as Acting Governor during the minorit? of Raja Mohammad Anwar Khan, the heir to the Jagir, he removed BakhtAannr fro111 the post. When Raja. Mohammad Anwar Khan became Governor anrl ihe p b t of Wazir fell vacant the Governor made Jauhar A l i hie Wazir.

Habibullah Khan.-B. circ. 1877. Son of late Raja Afiat Khan, and half-brother of Khan Sahib Raja Mir Baz Khan (q. v . ) . H e \tras Havildar of the Civil-Levies und& the former system, but was oelieved to have been

with his brother Sher Ghazi (q. v.), in the murder of "Bulbul" a t GakVoh in ]9M), and was turned out and kept in disgrace until forgiven in 19'13.

Afxal Khan.-B. circ. 1878. Son of late Raja Langer Khan of Punial, and brother of Gushpur Wali Mohammad Khan (q. v . ) .

FIas acted as Levy Leader in Chilas. Later he bolted to Derel, and toolr service with the late Raja Pukhtun Wdi . Returned to ~ u n i a l in 1911, and is now under orders to reside permanently s t Bir!$. A lnan of

bad charaoter. I

N.B.-There are a number of other descendants of the Rurushe familt, (the ruling family of Punial) with many foster relations. These are, horv- (ever, otherwise unimportant.


Kh&n Sahib Raja Mu Bax Khan Governor of Yasin.-R. circ. 1878. SOH of late IJlnja Afiat Khan. Also receives the revenue uf Galruch village. I n 1917 he succeeded Raja Mohammad Anwar Khan as Subeclar of the Punittl Company of the Corps of Scouts in which capacity he went to Chitral in command of his company and rendered gooti service. He was made Khan Sahib in 1920 and appointed Wazir of Chilna in the beginning of 1921 ulhich post he resigned in 1923. Was re-appointed Subednr of t he Punial Company of Scouts in 1923 which post he tinally vnctlted in lR2G ~ v f e p he was reapponited Wazir of Chilas. Lnter in the snme year he was appointed Governor of Ishkomnn vice the late &fir Ali Mardan Shah. Was appointed Governor of Yasin in June 1934 vice Khan R a h ~ d u r Raja Shah Abdur Rahman Khan deceased.

Mehtar Jao Bhulm De8tgir.-The widow of the lqte Jihnn Bnhadur Raja S h n l ~ ttbdur Rahman Khan, Governor of Yasin having died the Mehtar Jno only surviving son from the Rani of the late Governor, mas renloved to Gupie to remain under the guardianship of his uncle the late Khan Gahib Rajn Mohammad Rahim Khan, Governor of Kuh-Ghiznr. H e i b IIO* readin$ in the middle School, Cfilgit.

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Mehtar Jao Mohammad Wazir Khan.-Eldest son but of common pare~ltage on his mother's side, of the late I<han Naharlllr Raja. Shah Ahdur R;~lin;an Iihi111. H e was appointed as Raja Orclerly. C'hilas in October 1934.

Subedar Shah Yusuf Ali Khan.-Is the second son of late Khan Bnhndur Raja Sh:in Abclur Rehman Khan, late Governor of Ynsin. fro111 a :l:iinindnr wife. Is a Subednr in the Gjlgit Scouts since October 1933.

Ghufran.--B. circ. 1875. Holds the post of Rilbi Hakiln of Salgan, and has soir;t: influence. I s a foster relation of h9eht:ur Jao Shall ?bdur Rah~nan Khan. Kot very reliable. H e held the post of Ataliq and WRR

disn~issecl in 1936 for misbehaviour. Mohammad Tawil Shah.-B. circ. 1870. A brother of lute Mohammad

Zunvil Sha11 the late Ataliq of Yasin and maternal i~nc le of Raja Shah dbdur I<:~hlilan Khan.

Bahadur Aman Shah Ataliq.-Is a son of Mohanl rn~d Zawil Shah, forrt~er Ata?iy-of Yasin. Was appointed Ataliq in 1936 in place of Ghufran clisoilssed.

Shshzacla Shah Nawaz.--B. circ. 1869. Known as "T~ulbul". Son of thp Ixte Sayid Abdul Hamid whom he succeeded a s h9aul:ly Pir. Now residillg a t Beltit.

Abdul Matin.-B. circ. 1888. Son of Shahzada Lais of Arltali in Chitrnl a.ho was the most influential of the Mulai Pirs, and whom h e has sti(!(~t~(~decl as Pir. On his father's death he fled t'o Afghan Wakhan and s!lbsequcntl+v to Russian Wakhan.

Mustafa Aman.-B. Circ. 1864. Khushwakht. Son of Rahim Aman. Heaides a t Rundar. I s well acquainted with Tangir.

Raja Euasain Ali Khan, Governor of Kuh-Ghizar .-, Alins Baba Jan. . c . 4 Eldest son of Khan Bahadur Raja hlurad I<h:111, late Governor of Kuii-Ghizar. H e married a daughter of the late Khan Haha- dur Raja Sifnt Rnhndur, C.I.E. Was Subedar in the Gilgit Company of Scouts. Vacated the post on his appointnlent as Governor of Ishkomnn in June 1934 vice Khan Sahib Raja Mir Baz Khan transferred to Yasin.

Mehtar Jao Azam Khan.-Second son from zamindsr, wife of the laic Khan Snliib Raja &Iohammad Rahim Khan. H e is Subeclar in the Gilgit Corps of Scouts.

Mehtar Jso Sultan Ghaxi Khan.-Third son of the lilte l iaja lJ€ohanl- mad R;ihi-11 Khan bv the sister of the Governor of Punial. I s Jemadar in the Gilgik Corps of Scouts.

Mehtar Jao Shah Alam.-B. circ. 1894. Khushwaqt Eon of Mohaq- mad Wuli and nephew of Gnuhar Aman and Raja Pukhtlin Wali of Tringir. His gr;indfather waR Mir Wali, some time M e h t ~ r of Yasin, the murderer of JI:~y\~iird. Aspired t o the Governorship of Pasin a-hcn Shah Abdur R ~ h t l l n n was deported. Lived with his elder brother, Radnhuh, a t 6omal. I n 1014, theg intrigued against Raja Mursd Khan, Governor of Kuh-Ghizar* and were renioved to Nornnl. Thence they fled to Tongir in 1917 where they ought to establish thernselvea in the rajaahip left vacmt by the death of Rojn Pukhtun Wali. They were, however, turned out by the

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peo1)le and wandered in Swat where Badshah died early in 1919. In 1g21 Shah Alam came from Dir, where he had been lirirlp, and estilblished hi~tlself in Xhili, where the people espoused his cause with that of PuLhtuo Wsli's 8011, Fnm~nors , as heirs to Pukhtun Wnli in Tongir. I n dulv 1922 with the help of the Khilirvnls and a contingent of t i shal; Alurn made an i~t tempt on Tnngir, but failed. This attempt had the r>ffieot of precil) the late Raja Sifat Bnhndur '~ entrv into Tongir.

Shah Alam lives in Khilli (Kandin) I -

Mehtra Jao Sultan Wali Khan.-B. cirr. 1W5. K h u d l \ ~ n ~ ~ t , con of Mehtar Jnr. Gauhar Aman and a nephew of Raja Pukhtull Wi~li W a n . Lives a t Sornal.

Mohammad Y a u t Shah--Son of late Hnkim Laghal Rl~ah. Appointed Hakirn of Ghizar in 1938.

Mohammad &bar man.--Son of the late Wazir Gul;lb sllnh. \\las Jemadar of the Ghizar Company of the Scouts from 1926 to 1931 \vhich post he resigned on his appointment as Wazir of Kull-Ghiznr in 1931 vice his deceased father.

Mohammad Taman Shah.-B. circ. 1879. Younger brother of Laghal Shah (q. v . ) , over whom he has considerable influence. Was leader 3f the old Fighting Levies in Ghizar. Can generally be relied upon to do good work. Appc~inted Jemadar of the Ghizar companv of Scouts in 1914, and promoted Subedar, vice Mehtar Jao Bndshah, ill 1916.

ShertuUah.-B. circ. 1874. Son of Rahimat Ullah. -4 foster relation of MeEtar Jao Badshah (q. v . ) , and has such influence mer hiin. LIbscond- ed with IvIehtar J ao Badshah and Shah Alam and is since living in Yaghislnn with the latker.

Mehtar Jao Sultan Murad Khan--4overnor of 1shkoman.--Eldest 6oII

of the isle Khan Sahib Raja Mohammad Rahim Khan, born in 1912. Since the deaLh of his father in 1938 has been in charge of lhh-Ghiznr nffairs, before his appointment in the present post.

Mehtar Jao Nadir Aman.-B. circ. 1880. Son of Sh8hidlll Aman rind firfit cousil~ or the late Shahidul Ajam, Governor of Y a ~ i n , of cc~mmon parentace on his mother's side. Accompanied Shnhid.11 Ajnln to Ynsin.

Nssir-ud-Din Shah.-B. circ. 1860. Youngest brother of hlir Ali Mnrdan Shah. Commonly known as "Dumak". Soon nfter the death of his brother. Mir Ali Mardan Shah, he returned to Wakhan, their originnl horne wherc he has since settled.

Sadan Sh&.-Son of the late Wnzir Shah Faqir. Appoi1)tctl as Wnzir

of Ishlto~aan ill 1928.

Sarbulland Ali Shah.-B. circ. 1835. Second brother of Mir Ali Mnrdon

Shah. Formerl" resident in Znn gin the Russian Wnkhnn, but for the last 2 yenrs hna heen allowed by the Afghan Government to reside in Afgllnn territory.

Sayid Pir Jamali Shah.-B. circ. 1915. Son of the lnte Pir Jalnli Shnh, the leading Blsulai Pir of the Agency. Is married to n dlulghter of Khnn 3ahib Raja Mir Baz Khan, Governor of Yasin.

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-fa Jafw =an.--.B. circ. 1908. Raja of Gilgit, son of the late Gushpur l inrinl Khan who predeceased his father, Khan Ushadur Raje Ali Dncl I i l i a ~ , at Karbala in 1908. H e married s daughter of the late Raja %amid Khan of Nonlal in 1931.

Gushpur Shah Rais Khur.-B. circ. 1894, the 3rd and eldest surviving son of the late Khan Bahadur Raja Ali Dad Khan. was Subedar of the Gilgit Company of the Sc0ut.s. H e resigned tho posh in 1931 (in order to join t l ~ s Regular Army of H. H. the Mahara1.a of Jammu and Kashmir as Subcdar) and rejoined the Gilgit Corps of Scouts as Subedar of the Gilgit Conlpany in 1934 vice Subedar Hussain Ali Khan transferred to Ishko11,nn as Governor of thatr District. Dismissed in 1937.

Khan Bahadgr Raja Murad Xh-.-B. circ. 1860. Son ~f Jafar Ali Khan, w11cke father, Raja Moha~l~mad Ali Khan, rendered very valuable services to the Kashmir Government, and fell while fighting on the Kashmir sida against Hunza-Nagar in 1891. A s~nal l jagir and 1:inded property and certain allowancee were conferred upon the family by the Kashmir State.

Raja hlurad Khan was first Levy Leader of the Gilgit Fighting Levies, qnd proceeded with the latter to Chilas in 1093; and in 1895 he xvns pre- sent in the Chitral Fort during the siege of Chitral and rendered very valuable services. Has done good work for Government on mgny occs- eions .

In 1911, after the disposita$on of Tvfehtar Jao Shah Abdur R:ihman, Uovernor. of Tasin, was placed in charge of Ghizar and Kuh, and was later oonfintted j11 this appointment when those districts were scparated fro111 Yasin in 1912.

Jjnja hfurad Khan is descended from the Skardu lines of Rajas. Married (1) a sister of Bahram Ali of Nilt (Nagir) (q. v.), by whom

he 11ns two soils. The eldest Hussaiil Ali alias Baba Khan is at presellt the Governor of Ishkoman. (2) A daughter of Abdul liamid, a Maulai Pir of Tasin. (3) A nroinan of humble birth of Chitrsl.

The title of lchan Sahib n-as conferred on him in 1905, and that of Khan Bahadur in 1913.

Retired on pensioll from 1st August 1932 and lives a t Bargu. Chilis Khan Raja sf Nomal.-B. circ. 1889. Son of the late Raja

Kaltltll Khan. Held the appointment of Police Inspector, Gilgit', but n7as turned out in September 1917 on suspicion of conllivillg nt the flight to 11;~rel of hfehtar Jaos Badshah and Shah Alam. Formerly acted as levy lenclcr in Chilas. Held the post of IVazir of Chilas from 1923 to 1926.

Naib Xhan.-B. about 1885. Half brother of Khan Bahadur Raja Murad Khan (q. v.).

Mohammad Aizal Khan.-B. circ. 1889. The J-ouagest and 2nd son of the late Khan Bahadur Raja Ali Dad Khan of Gilgit.

ghuda Yat.-B. circ. 1886. Second son of the late Tihan Sahib Shah Mirza (q. v . ) . Formerly served as Havildar in the Gilgit Civil Levies for about 6 years, and subsequently acted as Raja orderly t o the Political Agent. Appointed Jen lnd~r in the Gilgit Corps of scout$ on 1st Jaoutlrv 1917 subsequently made Subedar of the company which post he held till earlv 1925 when he meiped.

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Hohammad Khan.-B. eirc. 1870. Son of Rozi Khan of Astor. Was titular Wazir of Gilgit, in which appointment he succeeded Ghulam Haider 011 the lrtler's deportation to Kaehmir in 1891. Was oifici~l Iuterpreter to the Court of the Wazir-i-Wazarat but has now retired on pension.

Wazir Bakhtawar Shah.-B. circ. 1876. I s the eldest sol1 of the late Khan SihiE U7azir Shah hlirza. H e is a Muafidar and receive8 a Bhoota ollo\vance from the Kaehmir Government.

Wirzir Mohammad Akbar Khan.-B. circ. 1886. Is the eldest eurviv- ing sc\n of the late Wazir Ghulam Haider. He was in Kashnlir Govern- nierlt service (Muharir Ghalat) but retired in 1936. Re is in receipt of a

fro111 the Kashmir Governmenb and lives in Danjor.


Wakiin1lah.-B. circ. 1877. Yashkun of Batogah. His influence i s aornewhat decreasing among the young lambardars of Eatogah.

Kalrndar Khsn.-Has become too old and in his place hie son Salamdar is ;low doing Lanlbardari work. Salamdar has no influence in the ilaka.

Biji1.-B. circ. 1882. Shin of Gichi and Chilas. An ex-Jemadar of th:: C'hilns !evies. Head of a Shin faction opposed to Dulli l~ambardar of Butognh.

Ali Dad.--B. circ. 1882. Shin of Thor. Head of the Shins 0~poet.d to Akbar's party. Has enmity with Naqa Malik of Jalkot. Has con- siderable influence in Thor.

Said Ali.-Succeeded his father Sang Ali of Thor 8s Lambardar of Gor. Seemlo a promising youngman.

Khoja &fir.-An ex-Jemadar of levied. I s a Lamtardnr of l'aloi and has co~lsicierable influence on Bunnar Jirga. :

Shah Gul.-Js by Chilasia as faithful servant of the Govern- ment. Owring to his straightforwardness on Jirga work most of the Chilasi8 have become hie enemies.

Q I P L L 8 6 Ra. in Et;:hmir-18-9.3L)-200.

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Revised List of Ruling. Princes, Chiefs and Leading Personage of the Jammu and Kashmir State and the Qilgit Agency.

Corrigendum No. 1

The,folTbwing amendments may kihdly be made to the publication cited a.bove :-

(1) On page 8 (bottom) and page 9 (top) it is stated "Mir Mohammad Ghazan Khan's son and heir, Mohammad Ali Khan, died on the 9th April 1923, leaving a son named Shaukat Ali born 1920, who is the heir to the Chief of Nagir ". For this please substitzde- " Mir Mohammed Ghazan Khan's son and heir is Jamal Khan, born 1910. Mir Sir Shah Sikandar Khan, K.B.E., C.I.E. died on 17th March 1940; and was succeeded by his grandson Shaukat Ali Khan. "

(2) On page 19 under the heading " Hunza " last line but one, kindly insert the words " the late " before " Mir Sir Shah Sikandar Khan ".

(3) Onpage 20 (bottom), under the heading " Nagir ", kindly add- (' Died on the 17th March 1940 " after the words " 1st January 1923 " against '( Mir Sir Shah Sikandar Khan ".

(4) On pages 21 and 22, for " Mir Sir Shah Sikandar Khan " or (' Sikandar Khan "-kindly read " the late Mir Sir Shah Sikandar Khan ".

(5) On page 21:, against Shaukat Ali Khan-kindly delete the words " Re is now studying in the Church Mission Society School, Srinagar " and add " Succeeded his grandfather in 1940 as the Chief of Nagir ".

GlPD-83- 10 ,Resident in Kashrni-6-%40-200 Pn'ce anna I or IU.