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Revision Pack – Grade 9

Term 2

Study the following for your exam:

1. Chapter 2 and 3.

2. The revision pack.

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Chapter 2

Questions and brief Answers

1. Why was the League of Nations set up in 1919?

Because Wilson wanted it more than anything else.

2. What Treaty set up the League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles

3. What were the four aims of the League of Nations?

Stop Wars, Improve people's lives and jobs, Disarmament, Enforce the Treaty of Versailles

4. What happened when Wilson went back home to America?

The Senate refused to join the League or ratify the Treaty of Versailles

5. Why did the Americans not want to join the League of Nations?

Many Americans were German immigrants and hated the Treaty of Versailles

Americans did not want to get involved in European affairs because it might involve Americans dying in a war.

Americans did not want to get involved in European affairs because it might cost money

Many Americans were anti-British and hated the British Empire (the American revolution had been to get out of the British Empire)

6. How many countries joined the League of Nations in 1919?


7. How many members did the League have in the 1930s?


8. Name three powerful countries which were not members of the League.

USA, USSR, Germany

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9. Why was Russia not a member of the League?

A Communist country, hated Britain and France

10. Why was Germany not a member of the League?

Not allowed to join by the Treaty of Versailles

11. Who were the four main members of the League?





12. What four powers did the League have to enforce its decisions? Explain them.





13. What did the League NOT have which made it hard for it to enforce its decisions?

An army

14. What were the eight main parts of the League’s organisation?




Court of International Justice

Health Committee

International Labour Organisation

Refugees Commission

Mandates Commission

Slavery Commission

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15. How many times a year did the League’s ‘Assembly’ meet?

once a year

16. How many times a year did the ‘Council’ meet?

4-5 times a year, and when necessary

17. What did the ‘Court of International Justice’ do?

settled small disputes

18. What did the ‘Health Committee’ of the League do?

tried to improve the health of the people of the world

19. What did the ‘Slavery Committee’ of the League do?

Tried to free all slaves

20. What did the ‘Refugee Committee’ of the League do?

tried to get refugees home, or into camps

21. What was the job of the Secretariat’?

To organise the work of the committees, and liaise between them

22. Which two countries were involved in the Corfu dispute of 1923?

Italy and Greece

23. Who was the leader of Italy?


24. Which two countries were involved in the Bulgaria incident of 1925?

Bulgaria and Greece

25. How many prisoners of war did the League get home?

Half a million

26. In which country did the League set up a refugee camp?


27. Which two diseases did the League try to destroy?

leprosy and malaria

28. How did the League try to say no to drugs?

Closed down 4 Swiss drugs companies

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29. How many slaves did the League set free?


30. Which two countries did the League send economics experts to?

Austria and Hungary

31. What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact promise in 1928?

To abolish war

32. How did Britain and France make Germany pay reparations in 1921?

Invaded the Ruhr

33. What did the League try to arrange at its disarmament conference?

All nations to reduce their weapons

34. Why did the Disarmament Conference of 1931 fail?

Hitler demanded equality with the other countries

35. Which country broke the Treaty of Versailles by attacking Russia in 1920?


36. What did the League’s ‘International Labour Organisation’ try to do?

48-hour week

37. Which country invaded Manchuria in 1931?


38. What was the ‘economic depression’ of the 1930s?

Wall Street (the US Stock Market) crashed

USA called in loans

Factories closed down

People out of work/ starved

39. Why didn’t France and Britain try to force Japan to leave Manchuria?

Did not want to go to war

40. Which country did Italy invade in 1935?


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41. What did Britain and France secretly agree with Italy?

to let Italy have Abyssinia

42. What effect did the League’s failures in Manchuria and Abyssinia have?

Destroyed confidence in it

Many countries left

43. List seven reasons the League failed.

Weak, America, Structure/ organisation, Dictators, Unsuccessful, Members, 'Big Bullies'

Chapter 3

Questions and brief Answers

1. What were the 3 aims of Hitler’s Foreign Policy?

a. To abolish the Treaty of Versailles, To expand German territory, To defeat Communism

2. What was Lebensraum?

a. 'Living space' - room for the growing German population, especially in eastern Europe.

3. What was Anschluss?

a. 'Union' - specifically between Germany and Austria

4. What were the six steps to war, 1935–1939?

a. Rearmament (1933 onwards)

b. Rhineland (7 March 1936)

c. Austria (11 March 1938)

d. Sudetenland (1 October 1938)

e. Czechoslovakia (15 March 1939)

f. Poland (1 September 1939)

5. What is conscription?

a. Calling up men to join the army.

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6. What date did Hitler introduce conscription in Germany?

a. 1935.

7. When did Hitler reoccupy the Rhineland?

a. 7 March 1936

8. How many soldiers did Hitler’s army have when he reoccupied the Rhineland, and what were their orders?

a. 22,000; they had orders to retreat if the French tried to stop them.

9. What did Chamberlain give Hitler at Munich?

a. The Sudetenland - the Czechs were not consulted.

10. What was the date of the Munich agreement?

a. 29 September 1938

11. When did Hitler invade Poland?

a. 1 September 1939

12. When did Britain declare war on Germany?

a. 3 September 1939

13. What was ‘appeasement’?

a. Giving a bully what he wants - ie, buying peace by giving Hitler everything he wanted.

14. Give an example of someone who agreed with Chamberlain’s policy.

a. The Daily Express, Most of the British people, The French premier Daladier

15. Give an example of someone who disagreed with Chamberlain’s policy.

a. Winston Churchill

16. What date did Hitler invade Austria?

a. 11 March 1938

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17. During the Sudeten crisis, Chamberlain met Hitler on three occasions – where, and when?

a. Berchtesgaden (15 September 1938)

b. Bad Godesberg (22 September 1938)

c. Munich (29 September 1938)

18. Why did Chamberlain decide not to help Czecholsovakia?

a. it was 'a far away country' - 'You only have to look at the map to see that nothing we could do could possibly save Czechoslovakia'

b. it was a quarrel 'between peoples of whom we know nothing'

c. 'War is a fearful thing, and we must be very clear before we embark on it that it is really the great issues which are at stake'.

d. 'I am myself a man of peace to the depths of my soul'.

19. There are 19 reasons why Chamberlain appeased Hitler; can you remember 10 of them?

a. Approval

b. Britain was weak

c. Communism

d. Democracy

e. Empire

f. France

g. German propaganda

h. Home

i. 1st World War

j. Justice

k. Kost

l. League of Nations

m. Morality

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n. Neville Chamberlain

o. Out of sight, out of mind

p. Peace Movement

q. Quit

r. Remote

s. Spanish Civil War

20. What did Chamberlain call the Munich agreement?

a. 'Peace for our time.'

21. What did Churchill call it?

a. 'A total defeat'.

22. When did Hitler march into the Sudetenland?

a. 1 October 1938

23. When did Hitler invade the rest of Czechoslovakia?

a. 15 March 1939

24. What was Kristallnacht, and why did it turn British people away from appeasement?

a. Nazi attacks on the Jews (8 November 1938) - it showed that Hitler was a monster.

25. What was the ‘National register’, which was set up in December 1938?

a. A register of who would do what if there was a war

26. What were Londoners given in January to prepare them for war?

a. Anderson air-raid shelters

27. What did the Civil Defense Act of April 1939 say?

a. It made plans to evacuate women and children to the countryside.

28. What was the act which introduced conscription in England, and what date was it passed?

a. The Military Training Act (1 May 1939)

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29. What was the name of the alliance between Mussolini and Hitler?

a. Pact of Steel (22 May 1939)

30. What was the date of the Nazi-Soviet Pact?

a. 23 August 1939

31. Give four reasons why Britain did not manage to make an alliance with Russia?

a. Suspicion

b. Choice

c. Appeasement

d. Britain delayed

32. Give four reasons why Germany did manage to make an alliance with Russia?

a. Time to prepare for war

b. Hope to gain

c. Unhappy with Britain

d. Germany

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Section B: Comment on the following source:

Source A:

This cartoon by the British cartoonist David Low appeared in the Evening Standard newspaper on 9 September 1938.

Hitler on the left, in front of a Nazi flag, waving a sheet of paper marked 'The Idea. All Germans everywhere are mine'. Behind him stands a long line of ghostly figures, each carrying a placard marked 'Polish Germans - Crisis', 'Hungarian Germans - Crisis' etc with 'British Germans' and 'U. S. A. Germans' further down the line.

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Source B:

This cartoon was drawn by the British cartoonist Bernard Partridge for the satirical magazine Punch in February 1938. It shows Hitler as a poacher, stealing Austria. Mussolini is shown as a bad game-keeper, failing to stop him; ‘I never heard a shot, Adolf’’, he is saying.

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Good Luck !!!

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