revision year 10 rs

Create a 4*4 key word grid for specialist language linked to your topic of Animal Rights (Year 9)

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Create a 4*4 key word grid for specialist language linked to your

topic of Animal Rights (Year 9)

Mock exam revision

Learning intentions:

• To revise and consolidateyear 9 units of work for mock exam on Thursday the 6th of February.

Success criteria:

• Improve your knowledge on animal rights and prejudice

• Practice using specialist language

• Become more aware of examination techniques

In the exam…

One topic is on one page …

YOU MUST ANSWER ALLQUESTIONS ON THE PAGE for the topic you have chosen.

You will need to repeat this 4 times…

You need to know…

1. Different ideas about the status of animals.

2. Animal rights and protecting those rights.

3. The issue of animal extinction and preservation of endangered animals.

4. How we use and abuse animals in the modern world.

5. Issues surrounding farming and slaughter of animals.

6. Attitudes of diet.

Task 1 – Animal rights

• Each table/group will be given a section that they need to complete on your worksheets.

• You’ll be given 5 minutes to complete your section.

• Each person on your table will be given a number. All 1s need to sit together, 2s, etc to teach each other your notes.

5 minutes

Teach each other what you


10 minutes

Rules:• No copying from each other’s sheets – peer teach!• Make sure you complete your sheets


Fill in the cloze activity of key teachings for Religion and Animal Rights.

Extension: Find two teachings from the Bible

and the Qur’an to help support these ideas from the textbook.

Christian Biblical quotes

‘"A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel." (Proverbs 12:10)

“Rise, Peter, kill, and eat” (Acts 10:9-13).

When Cain and Abel offered gifts to the Lord, Abel gave the Lord the fat he cut off the hides of his flock whereas Cain gave the Lord a fruit and vegetable tray – and we know how that story ended….

Stewardship – This is world is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants (Leviticus 25:23)

Deuteronomy 25:4“You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain.”

Luke 12:6“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight.”

Key animal rights teachingsChristians believe that God created the world,

and put humans in charge of it (dominion). Christians have a duty to care for all creation

(stewardship).Muslims believe that Allah has appointed them as

khalifas (stewards or trustees) over the world, so they must care for the world and treat it with respect.

Any Muslim who is cruel to an animal has to answer to Allah on Judgement Day.

Muslims believe that animals should not be caged, they do not eat pork and animals must be killed in a harmless way (halal slaughter).

Explain religious attitudes to experiments on animals. Use religious beliefs and teachings in your answer….


Animal experiments are experiments carried out using a…………… as the test subject, such as testing cosmetic toxicity or new d…………. Most Christians believe that God created the w………… This means that the animals belong to God and Christians might say that animal experiments are c……… and disrespects God. Some Christians believe the R……….. Look after the needs of their animals. This means that to be in God’s grace you must not harm animals and experiments on animals could be seen as a bad s………………. Some Christians believe that God gave humans d………… This means that humans are s……. To animals and as long as the experiments b…… humans such as insulin then experimenting on animals will acceptable.

4*4 Key word grid for Prejudice

Religion and Prejudice – For this you must revise….

• Key terms (Prejudice. Discrimination. Scapegoat. Stereotype. Positive discrimination)

• Causes of prejudice/ ignorance/stereotyping/scapegoating

• Types of prejudice e.g. racism/sexism/religion/disability

• Tolerance/justice/harmony (religious ideas)

• Christian and Muslim views towards prejudice and discrimination

• Positive discrimination

• Different responses (Anthony walkers mum/ Laws against discrimination)

• (Martin Luther King/ Ghandi/ Desmond Tutu)

• Key quotes and religious teachings

Task 2 – Prejudice and discrimination

• Same task as before! 5 minutes to complete your section, then 10 minutes to teach others what you have learnt.

5 minutes 10 minutes


Fill in the cloze activity of key teachings for Religion and Prejudice.

Extension: Find two teachings from the Bible and the Qur’an to help

support these ideas from the textbook.

Key Prejudice religious teachings

Christians believe that God created men and women in his own image, and all people are equal.

The Good Samaritan; ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’.

Muslims believe that Allah created all people equal, whatever their race, gender or background.

Equality is shown on Hajj, when all people dress in white.

Women are equal to men, but have different roles.

Match the KEY RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS! Both Christians and Muslims believe in….




Living in peace with others.Understanding others even if theyAre different

Accepting other people and valuing Them even if they are different. LettingPeople have their own beliefs/ ideas. It is about respect

People are treated equally and in a fairWay regardless of their race/ religion / gender etc

Exam style questions….

What is stereotyping (1)

Give two reasons why religious believers are against stereotyping (2)

Explain the attitudes of religious believers to racism (6)

‘Religious believers have not done enough to fight racism’ ( 6)

Give two causes of racism (2)

Why might some religious believers support positive discrimination (3)

Religious believers should help victims of prejudice’ (3)

Describe the work of one religious believer who has fought prejudice (4)

‘Religious prejudice is the worst type of prejudice’ (6)


Using the sheets and your notes, revise all units for your mock exam.

Mock: 6th Feb.

Do you remember?

• How to answer a 2 mark question?

• How to answer a 3 mark question?

• How to answer a 4 mark question?

• How to answer a 5 mark question?

• How to answer a 6 mark question?


Draw the religious teaching that you think is the most important to revise.

Show your partner – do they know what it is?