revista bilingvă a colegiului naţional „simion bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from...


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Page 1: Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion Bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from ―Simion Bărnuṭiu‖ National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by two teachers,

Anul XII/Editia 21

Nr.24/Decembrie 2017





Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion


Şimleu Silvaniei, Sălaj, România

Page 2: Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion Bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from ―Simion Bărnuṭiu‖ National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by two teachers,
Page 3: Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion Bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from ―Simion Bărnuṭiu‖ National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by two teachers,

Table of Contents


Proiectul R.O.S.E. – o oportunitate pentru studierea limbilor străine...................................................... 5

R.O.S.E. project – an effective tool of studying foreign languages ........................................................... 9


A lovely trip to Vienna and Budapest .................................................................................................... 10

Visiting budapest and vienna with “student” ........................................................................... 11


Sports and lifestyle ................................................................................................................................ 14

The importance of foreign languages in personal development .......................................................... 15

Flowers say... ........................................................................................................................................ 17

L’importance du bénévolat .................................................................................................................. 21


Fashion inspiration .............................................................................................................................. 22


“Báthory Fest” ..................................................................................................................................... 23

Romanian Christmas Traditions ........................................................................................................... 24

Le bal des “Blancs becs” ...................................................................................................................... 26


Les femmes sont l'avenir .................................................................................................................... 28

Malte : est-elle le pays le plus étrange d'Europe? .............................................................................. 31

Les hommes d’état français ................................................................................................................ 32

Page 4: Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion Bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from ―Simion Bărnuṭiu‖ National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by two teachers,
Page 5: Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion Bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from ―Simion Bărnuṭiu‖ National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by two teachers,

“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Education Éducation


Proiectul R.O.S.E. – o oportunitate pentru studierea

limbilor străine

Autor: prof. Camelia-Elena Sârbe

Lansat de câțiva ani, proiectul

R.O.S.E, proiect privind învățământul

secundar își propune:„să contribuie la

reducerea abandonului în învățământul

secundar și terțiar și la creșterea ratei de

promovare a examenului de bacalaureat.

Proiectul este finanțat printr-un împrumut de

200 de milioane de euro acordat de Banca

Internațională pentru Reconstrucție și

Dezvoltare și va fi implementat de către

Ministerul Educației Naționale pe o perioadă

de 7 ani, între 2015 și 2022.” Acestea sunt

datele generale furnizate de site-ul

Ministerului Educației Naționale (MEN),

prin Unitatea de Management al Proiectelor

cu Finanțare Externă (UMPFE).

Într-adevăr acest tip de proiecte

vizează reducerea abandonului școlar,

creșterea ratei de promovabilitate la

bacalaureat dar și încurajarea elevilor să-și

continue studiile la nivel universitar și să își

dezvolte motivația de a studia permanent, să

se dezvolte personal, devenind responsabili

de propriul parcurs educațional.

În această dimensiune de dezvoltare

personală se pot încadra și cursurile de limbi

străine. Ele îşi propun să dezvolte în

principal competenţe necesare elevilor

pentru trecerea cu succes a examenului de

competenţe lingvistice la bacalaureat,

continuării studiilor la nivel universitar și

accesării unor burse de studiu în străinătate,

dar şi a integrării cu succes a elevilor în

societate. Cursurile pot fi organizate la

limbile: engleză, franceză, germană, în

funcţie de interesul elevilor, iar metodele

folosite vor fi unele active, centrate pe elev.

În cadrul acestora elevii îşi vor dezvolta

competenţele de a comunica în mod corect

într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională, de a

completa anumite documente şi a se

prezenta la un interviu, de a dezvolta o

gândire critică și a-şi prezenta liber propriile

opinii, de a lucra în echipă pentru redactarea

de materiale informative, de a se descurca în

diferite contexte concrete de comunicare, de

a cunoaşte și respecta aspecte din cultura şi

civilizaţia unor popoare europene cu care

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Education Éducation


vin în contact. Este recomandat ca grupele

să nu depășească 10-12 elevi pentru ca

activitățile de învățare să fie eficiente, iar

resursele materiale să fie cât mai diverse,

atractive pentru elevi și care să imprime

activității didactice un aspect modern, activ-

participativ. Se pot utiliza fotocopii ale unor

documente din mass- media, documente

autentice din mediul online, blog pedagogic

( accesibile cu ajutorul laptopurilor a video

proiectorului/ tablei interactive, a boxelor

portabile, stikurilor, DVDurilor),

calculatorul/laptpoul (în vederea participării

la forumuri de discuție online), fişe de lucru,

manuale alternative special concepute pentru

examenele de certificare lingvistică sau

culegeri de exerciții. În ce privește nivelul

ales spre a fi atins, acesta depinde de punctul

de plecare al elevilor. Se pot alege cursuri

pentru debutanți, în cazul în care elevii nu

au mai studiat limba străină respectivă sau

unul pentru avansați.

În cadrul acestor activități cadrele

didactice au rolul de a dignostica problemele

elevilor la disciplina respectivă, de a stabili

obiectivele activităţilor atât pe termen lung

cât și pe termen scurt, de a stabili

conţinuturile ce vor fi abordate, metodele

cele mai eficiente și mijloacele necesare

pentru fiecare activitate în parte, de a adapta

în permanenţă activitatea didactică la

evoluţia elevilor și a remedia eventualele

disfuncţionalităţi, de a stimula creativitatea

elevilor şi gândirea critică prin activităţi

pragmatice. Ele vor avea avantajul de a

beneficia de toate mijloacele moderne

necesare deoarece acest tip de proiect

vizează și achiziționarea de bunuri necesare

desfășurării optime a activității pedagogice.

Page 7: Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion Bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from ―Simion Bărnuṭiu‖ National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by two teachers,

“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Education Éducation


"I like it, because I can learn new things in english.I want to learn the english language,and I

want to learn new words.And here I can understand the language good. "

(Gal Krisztian )

"I like to speak English but I don't know very well and I want to learn in order to speak it


(Nagy Karola, X-E)

"I am coming to the after school programme because I want to study English more, I want to

develop my vocabulary."

(Totos Zsuzsana, X-E)

"I want to study English, because I want to improve my vocabulary.It's the best language and

popular and in the future will help me two develop myself."

(Zuzsa Alexandra, X-F)

"I am Puscas Ionela and I am 16 years old. I want to study English more because I want to

improve my knowledge of English."

(Pușcaș Ionela, X-E)

"I am coming to the after school programme because I want to study English more."

(Miklos Kinga, X-E)

"My expectations are learning to speak very well this language."

(Torkos Daria, X-E)

Page 8: Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion Bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from ―Simion Bărnuṭiu‖ National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by two teachers,

“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Education Éducation


"I want to come here because I like learning new things and aslo I want to improve my English

speaking skills. This is a way to relax, a way of being closer to my friends."

(Damsa Adela, X-E)

"I would study more. I like learning new things and aslo. I'm delighted with this programme. I

learned a lot."

(Hurban Bogdan, X-E)

"My name is Vasile. I come to these courses to get better results and get a college degree."

(Seute Vasile, X-E)

"Even if it's tiring, I come because it helps me to practise English at other level."

(Jurcau Alina, X-E)

"I decided to come at these courses starting at 2 o'clock as I want to develop myself. Despite

the fact that it's tiring, I'm doing this for my future to become a police agent."

(Sumalan Albertina, X-E)

“Coucou ! Je m’appelle Denise, j’ai quinze ans et je suis en IXe E. Pourquoi je veux faire un

cours de français? Parce que j’aime le français et j’espère qu’un jour, je deviendrai médecin en


Bien sûr, j’ai une amie française qui m’aide à parler couramment français. Une autre raison est

que je veux obtenir le certificat de compétences linguistiques au français. Je parle mieux le

français que l’anglais. “

(Denisa, la IXe E)

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Education Éducation




School year: 2017-2018, the 1st Semester

Nadira Paduran, 9th A form – I like this project because I have the

opportunity to study English so as to catch up with the knowledge of my

classmates, to get better grades. It’s fun, it’s very entertaining, we use

modern techniques such as: wiki spaces exercises and homework, online

dictionaries, handouts with vocabulary and grammar. I love it!

Anemona Vedinaṣ, 9th A form – It’s a great project because it offers me

the chance to study English with my colleagues who are at the same level with me at English and

I don’t feel embarrassed if I make mistakes. We love this course because it’s taught by using

unconventional methods – games, role play and the intensive use of the Internet is what I like


Nicoleta Rad, 9th A form – I really enjoy my English classes when

we meet together in the R.O.S.E. project because it’s a stress free

course, we don’t get marks in the catalogue! Of course, our teacher

has tested as at the very beginning with an “Initial test” but I wasn’t

scared, she told us that it’s important to know where we start from –

the level of knowledge we had at the beginning. It’s great !

Szilagyi Reka, 9th A form – I like the English classes that we have after school in the R.O.S.E.

project because I am with my friends and because we can find out many things related to the

English culture. Each class is very entertaining and interactive.

Sergiu Pop, 9th A form – I enjoy this project very much because I have the chance to deepen

my shallow knowledge of English. I have great fun during the classes, they are more relaxing,

we learn a lot of new things, we learn them by playing some games, our teacher gives us a

specific task and each students should give his/her answer, we learn from each other. It’s cool !

Daniana Rus , 9th A form – I feel lucky to be part of this project ! It’s awesome! We enjoy

ourselves during the classes, we learn everything BECAUSE we want to! It’s not a matter of

marks, we just want to learn English and this is our chance to do so! I hope I will make the

progresses I expect from myself!

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Entertainment Divertissement


A lovely trip to Vienna and Budapest

By George Pop, 10th Form

In this article I am going to tell you how the trip was, how I felt during the trip, how I

ended up knowing some people better than I did before and the main objectives that we visited.

I’m going to start by telling you how the trip was. The road was long, it was exhausting

for the most part, but we managed to be happy, to enjoy the trip even despite this minus, since

travelling by bus can be tiring sometimes. I think that we travelled with great people among us

and that made the bus part enjoyable in some way.

Secondly, I’m going to tell you how I felt during the trip. I felt good, it was one of the

most successful trips that I’ve ever been part of. I ended up knowing some people better and I

also met some new people, especially the guide, the person I admired the most in this trip.

On the first day, we visited the Christmas Fair from Budapest and we took a walk through

Budapest, doing some shopping and other interesting stuff.

On the second day, we were in Vienna, where we visited the Schonbrunn Palace, and the

“Heindl” Chocolate museum. Later on, we visited the Christmas Fair, which was our main

destination. This Christmas fair, is one of the top 5 in the World, and I can definitely tell you that

it was magnificent.

On our third day, we were again in Budapest, we visited the Mátyás Cathedral and we

were on a boat on the Danube River.

Here are some of the photos we have taken in Budapest and Vienna:

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Entertainment Divertissement




By Prof.Gabriela Domuṭa

Why “STUDENT LINES”? Because the company is designed for students who like

travelling, who want to improve their English and see the landmarks of Europe.

14 students from “Simion Bărnuṭiu” National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by

two teachers, Prof.Sorina Haiduc and Prof.Gabriela Domuṭa have visited the Christmas Markets

in Budapest and Vienna between the 30th of November and the 2nd of December, 2017.

We had the chance of travel with this company which is a professional one with great

organizers and an amazing guide. In Budapest, we visited Matthias Church with its majestic

dimensions and ornate style which is a landmark of Buda’s Castle District. We walked on

Andrassy Avenue – the city’s main shopping district, an elegant street flanked by Neo-

Renaissance mansions with cafés, restaurants, museums and theatres. The most impressive

landmark of this famous avenue is The Hungarian State Opera House – a masterpiece of

architecture. We have also visited The Fisherman’s Bastion named for the guild of fishermen

that once defended Buda’s Medieval riverbank. The bonus offered by “Student Lines” Company

was a free boat cruise on the Danube River. We could admire the House of Parliament which is

an iconic site of Budapest, then we passed below the Chain Bridge, a wonder of modern world,

completed in 1849, it was the first bridge to span the city’s Danube river, eventually uniting

Buda and Pest as one city.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Entertainment Divertissement


After visiting the Christmas Market in Budapest we headed to Austria. We’ve been provided a

3* hotel accomodation and we enjoyed our staying in Mosonmogyarovar.

Vienna was another challenge for us because there were so many places worth visiting.

We started with Schönbrunn Palace taking The Imperial Tour which included 22 magnificent

interiors of Schönbrunn palace. We visited the west wing of the palace where we could see the

apartments of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth as well as the imposing state rooms

in the central wing.

This tour has given us a picture of the different stylistic eras of the imperial monarchy and the

lives of the palace´s inhabitants, the private apartments of Franz Joseph and Sissi.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Entertainment Divertissement


After leaving behind this

exqusite museum, we wanted to

make our day „sweeter” and we

decided to visit Heindl Museum of

Chocolate an Austrian family

company which was founded by

Walter Heindl and his wife Maria

in 1953. Later, in 1987 the sons

Walter, confectioner, and Andreas, master patissier, took over the company and established

the first Heindl-shop in Vienna. Great successes were made in Japan and EU-wide with its

“Sissi Taler”, “Mozart Kugeln” and “Nasch Herzerl” as well as with different gift boxes.

The philosophy of the company Heindl is: “With tradition and innovation in the future!”

The day ended in the magnificent Christmas Market from the city centre RATHAUPLATZ – one

of the most beautiful in Europe. It dates back in 1700s and since then it has become more and

more spectacular especiallly at night with the City Hall in the background. There is an ice

skating and a ferris wheel for children and adults, too. The stalls, the food and the whole

atmosphere of the event is hard to put into words. It's fun to wander hut to hut and view the

selection of food, candy, crafts, wine, clothing, soaps, leather goods, toys, games, puzzles,

ornaments, Christmas decorations, handmade knives, etc. all these recommend it to anyone in

Vienna during the Christmas season.

We came home on December 2nd very happy and spiritually enriched by the beauties we have

seen during the three days trip in Austria and Hungary, promising to ourselves that we will take

advantage of the services provided by Student Lines in the future, maybe the next summer a trip

to the U.K.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Life Vie


Sports and lifestyle

By Alina Popa, 12th C form

Whenever I think about the meaning of

a healthy lifestyle Ralph Waldo Emerson’s

quote comes to mind “The first wealth is

health”. I believe that the greatest gift you

can give your family and the world is a

healthy you and to enjoy the glow of good

health, you must exercise.

Of course, doing that instead of sitting in

bed all day with a big box of doughnuts in

your lap might be a bit difficult, but not

impossible. Just consider all the advantages

of exercising, how it can improve your

health, your self-esteem and even change

your future.

We, as young-adults, often look up to

celebrities and their awesome careers,

looks and lifestyle, but what we do not

realize is the amount of work they put into

looking that way and maintaining their

healthy lifestyle.

Let’s take a Victoria’s Secret Angel for

example. As a model, she always has to be

in shape as to keep her

body ready for the runway and for all those

photo shoots. The best way to do that is by

practicing different sports and so, creating a

healthy lifestyle and a better future for


Time and health are two precious assets

that we don't recognize and appreciate

until they have been depleted. The medical

literature tells us that the most effective

ways to reduce the risk of heart disease,

cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and

many more problems are through healthy

diet and exercise. Our bodies have evolved

to move, yet we now use the energy in oil

instead of muscles to do our work.

In conclusion, I believe that, instead of

seeing sports and exercise in general as a

burden, a labour, we should view it as our

path to a healthy lifestyle and a brighter


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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Life Vie


The importance of foreign languages in personal development

By Raul Pop, 10th C form

Learning a foreign language is more than just a boost to your CV or a handy skill for

travelling.Speaking another language has multiple personal development benefits such as

developing our minds into thinking in multiple ways, into broadening horizons and even for

future health benefits

The first and the most common benefit in learning another language is the possibility of

travelling in different countries where the learnt language is spoken, therefore learning a

foreign language expands your horizons and it

even gives you the chance to work for a foreign

company. Moreover, being fluent in different

languages gives you far more chances in getting

into a good university and even a better job.

Once we expand our boundaries through other

languages, we start learning about other cultures

by their music, films, literature and even by

making connections with people from all over

the world as interacting with a real person is the

best way of learning about their cultural behaviours.

Throughout the last decade plenty of studies have been made on whether being

bilingual is a helpful skill for young children or not. It has been proven that children who get

to deal with two languages deal problems in two different ways of thinking therefore being

bilingual from an early age generally develops a high cognitive intelligence, which does help

in solving everyday problems situations. Being bilingual can also develop your multitasking

abilities as your brain gets used to think from two different perspectives.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Life Vie


One of the most underrated benefits of learning a foreign language is the maintenance

of a healthy mind and memory. It has been shown that learning another language delays the

onset of dementia and other brain and memory related diseases. Getting to learn to speak in

other dialects challenges your memory as getting to memorise such a variety of words and

phrases is putting our mind to work while keeping it fresh.

A surprising benefit of learning foreign languages is improving your writing and

speaking skills in your native language. It might seem foolish but once you learn a new

vocabulary in an unknown language you get to learn words and phrases in your native

language that you weren’t aware of. Also translating different texts develops your fluency in

both the languages involved.

No matter in what type of domain you work in, being fluent in foreign languages helps

you in keeping you mind trained and fresh as well as ready to perform at its best no matter

what difficult situation you might encounter throughout your career andlife in general.

Therefore, everybody should start learning at least one foreign language for all its benefits and

new opportunities it could offer.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Life Vie


Flowers say... By Andra Chiș, 12th A form

Everyone loves flowers, isn’t it so?

They are so beautiful, so delicate, they

make everything they come in contact with

more lively and colorful and they usually

have a pleasant scent as well. Flowers can

be found everywhere in our everyday life,

whether it is a floral arrangament or

bouquet, a garden, a room or even as a

pattern on clothes or on the walls. They

follow us throughout our

lives, from the cradle to the

grave ;they are conspicuously

present on birthdays,

funerals, graduation,

weddings, etc. forming an

integral part of our lives.

We reiceive and give

gladly such simple yet special

gifts that are flowers... but

have we ever thought that

each flower has its unique

meaning, that each conveys something

else? Most people are not aware of this

when gifting or receiving them , hence

missing their underlying message.

Since antiquity, flower symbolism

has been a significant part of cultures

around the world. Flowers accompany us

in every major event in life--birth,

marriage, holidays, graduations, illness,

and finally death. Flowers have been

grown in decorative gardens and used as

adornment for centuries on virtually every

continent on earth. Finding the right flower

to give to someone your love is an art.

Ancient Roots of Flower


Flower symbolism began with

many ancient religions. Many flowers were

originally linked to ancient deities

including Venus, Diana, Jupiter and

Apollo. During the Renaissance, nature

was viewed as a reflection of the divine.

Flower symbolism was included in much

of the religious art of the day

and medieval gardens were

often created with both the

symbolic meaning of flowers

and spiritual symbolism in

mind. (See article on Mary

Gardens.) Flower symbols

were used in the religious art

of the Middle Ages and

Renaissance, and reached the

highest level of development

in the Victorian era.

Victorian Language of Flowers

Although the legendary

associations and religious meanings of

flower symbolism have existed for

centuries, the use of the symbolic meaning

of flowers to represent emotions was

developed to a high degree during

Victorian times. Due to the strict protocol

of the times, emotions, wishes and

thoughts were not openly expressed

between men and women. Instead, an

elaborate language based on flower

symbolism was developed. Gifts of either

single flowers or bouquets conveyed clear

messages to the recipient.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Life Vie


During the Victorian era, flowers

adorned nearly everything--hair, clothing,

jewelry, home decor, china plates,

stationary, wallpaper, furniture and more.

Even the scents of flowers had their own

meanings in the language of flowers. For

example, a scented handkerchief might be

given in place of actual flowers.

With the increasing complexity of

flower symbolism, handbooks were written

to guide the understanding of the symbolic

meaning of flowers. The first book written

on flower symbolism in modern times was

Le Language des Fleurs by Madame

Charlotte de la Tour in 1819.

Flowers are still used today to

convey feelings in a more general way than

in Victorian times. Many florists provide

information on the language of flowers to

encourage the practice of helping modern

gift-givers to "say it with flowers." The

flower symbolism for many flowers has

been obscured by time and may remain

only as a few key phrases or words.

Flowers have been given as gifts for

special occasions and to celebrate holidays

throughout history.

The beauty and feminine quality of

flowers also inspired the tradition of

naming girls after flower names. This

tradition has existed in many cultures

throughout history and continues today.

Popular girls' names related to flowers

include Rose, Daisy, Lily, Holly, Violet,

Heather, Fern, Jasmine, Myrtle, and


Aconite =Misanthropy, poisoned


Adonis' Flower=Loving memory

Almond tree flower =Hope

Amaranth=Immortality, eternal life,




Aster=Loyalty, fidelity, wisdom,

good thoughts, power, light

Baby’s breath=Happiness

Begonia=Shyness, innocence,

loyalty in love

Black Tulip =Elegance,

sophistication, also known as the

Queen of the Night

Bromeliad=Inspiration, resistance

Burdock=Inopportune, boring


Calla Lily=Sophistication, beauty

Calliopsis=Always happy


Champagne Rose=Respect,


Christmas Rose (Helleborus

niger)= Peace, tranquility


Coltsfoot=Mother’s love, concern

Columbine=Innocence, spirituality

Coral Rose=Enthusiasm, desire

Crown Imperial= Majestic, power

Daffodil =Egotism, introvert,

vanity, lie, formality

Daisy =Innocence, virginity,

innocent love, gentleness

Dandelion =Fidelity, joy

Dark geranium=Sadness


Dogwood= Durability

Dwarf Morning Glory=Feminine,


Edelweiss= Boldness, noble


Elderberry flower=Humility,



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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Life Vie


Forget-me-nots=Sincere love,

fidelity, memories


Freesia=Welcome, protection, calm


Gardenia=Secret Love

Geranium= Surpassing hardships

Gerbera =Energy, joy, noble love

Gladiola=Sincerity, strength of


Goldenrod= Good fortune

Heliconia= Fertility, tropical charm

Heliotropes=Devotion, eternal love

Hibiscus=Delicate beauty

Hollyhocks=Ambition, fecundity

Hyacinth=Delicacy, humility

Hydrangea=Coldness, indifference,



Iris =Faith, wisdom, value,


Jasmine= Love, delicate beauty,



Light-rose colored Rose


Lily=Marriage, sweetness,

innocence, purity, nobility

Lily of the valley=Purity, humility,

loving person


elegance, romance, loving


Lobelia=Distinction, splendor

Lotus=Mystery, truth, spiritual


Magnolia=Love of nature,

sympathy, dignity, splendorous



Mini Carnation=Subtlety,

perfection, gallantry

Musk Rose=Capricious beauty

Oleander=Beauty, grace

Orange Lily=Hate, disdain, pride

Orange tree flower=Purity,

innocence, eternal love

Orchid=Beauty, luxury, perfection,

spiritual purity, refinement,


Pansy=Meditation, memories,


Passion fruit flower =Faith, piety

Peach flower=Generosity, hope of

being bride

Peony=Life, happy wedding

Peruvian Lily=Happiness,



Pink Erica=Good luck



=Fertility, resurrection, eternal

dream, imagination

Primula=Balance, objectivity,

support, youth, young love

Purple carnation=Antipathy, whim

Purple Erica=Admiration, beauty,


Purple Hyacinth=Apology, lament

Red camellia=Recognition

Red carnation=Lively love,


Red chrysanthemum=I love, I love


Red Dahlia=Scorching eyes

Red geranium=Consolation

Red Jasmine=Joy

Red rose=Admiration, charity,

marriage, desire, intense love,


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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Life Vie


Red tulip=Declaration of love,

eternal love, irreversible love,

perfect love

Rose and white Rose=Eternal love

Rose azalea=Love of nature


Rose camellia=Greatness of spirit

Rose carnation=Preference

Rose Dahlia=Delicacy, subtlety

Rose geranium=Preference

Rose mini carnation=Affection

Rose-colored Rose=Friendship,

tenderness, gratitude, sweetness,


Rosemary=Persistence, fidelity,


Roses=Passion, romanticism, love,


Saffron=Light, grandeur, wisdom.

Salvia=I’m thinking of you

Sea Lavender=Lasting beauty

Stripped carnation=I can’t be with


Sunflower=Dignity, glory, homage,


Sweet pea=Departure, thanks for an

adorable time

Tiger Lily=Richness, pride

Tuberose=Dangerous pleasures

Tulip=Love, prosperity, hope

Violet=Loyalty, modesty,

simplicity, sympathy

Wallflower=Adversity, friendship

Water Lily=Persuasion, eloquence

White and red Rose=Unity

White azalea=Romance

White calla lily=Innocence, purity,


White camellia=Perfect beauty

White carnation=Pure love, naiveté,

innocence, talent

White chrysanthemum=Truth,


White Erica=Protection

White Hyacinth=Beauty, prayer

White Jasmine=Friendship, joy

White Lily=Majestic, purity,


White or rose acacia=Constance,


White rose=Love of God, abstract

thought, purity, silence, virginity,


Wisteria=Poetry, youth


Yellow Acacia=Represents a secret

love (lover)

Yellow and orange Rose=Thoughts

of love

Yellow carnation=Disdain

Yellow carnation=Disdain,


Yellow chrysanthemum=Fragile

love, disprized love

Yellow Dahlia =Reciprocal union

Yellow Hyacinth=Jealousy

Yellow Jasmine=Modesty, shyness

Yellow poppy=Health, success

Yellow rose=Jealousy, distrust,

infidelity, lover’s rose OR

Friendship, sweetness and

tenderness (controversial, depends

on the author)

Yellow tulip=Hopeless love


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L’importance du bénévolat

Par Moldovan Roxana, la 12e A

Mon opinion est qu'il est très important pour nous, les jeunes, d’être volontaires dans

différents organisations.

La participation à des activités sociales tant que bénévoles est un élément remarquable pour la

qualité de vie et le développement durable sur le plan individuel ainsi que sur le plan social.

Nos bonnes actions favorisent l’interaction sociale et assurent un équilibre dans la vie des

personnes. Il peut aussi offrir un certain nombre d’avantages concrets, comme de

l’information, l’accès à des biens et à des services, des contacts pour leur offrir ainsi qu’un

soutien émotionnel.

Je peux dire que le volontariat est un plus pour

notre avenir et implicitement pour notre carrière.

Je suis volontaire à “Le Centre National

d’Information et de Promotion Touristique”, où

j’ai appris à socialiser, j’étais guide touristique

pour une journée et la chose la plus important est

que j’ai beaucoup appris sur notre ville et

implicitement sur notre histoire. Sinon, j’ai eu

l’opportunité d’interagir avec des personnes

importantes dans la ville. Probablement vous avez

entendu parler de “Bathory Fest“. Je faisais partie de l'organisation de l'événement, et je l'ai

présenté. C’est rare et beau. Maintenant, j’ai un diplôme de volontaire et je suis content parce

que je sais que c’est utile pour moi.

Je vous conseille d’être volontaires parce qu'il est une chose très importante pour vous et c’est

une expérience constructive.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Fashion Mode


By Boșca Dana, 11thA

Women want to be always in fashion

and therefore they inform themselves all the

time about all the new tendencies. In this

season we find once again the Americans

influences, folds, the red colour prevails,

double denim and the return of polka-dots in

trends. After you’ll read this article, you’ll

know exactly what changes you have to

make in your wardrobe and what you have

to adjust in it.

Maybe you think that flowers aren’t

a good choice for the cold season, but it’s

quite the opposite. All designers took out

collections with floral prints for their

autumn-winter collections. Flowers are used

very often for evening elegant dresses, for

cardigans or just as flower brooches.

Double denim: American tendencies

are in the top in this season and for that,

designers have been created the most

novelty carriages wholly made of jeans.

These carriages create a more masculine

look and they are suited for any kind of

event. You can adopt denim carriages for

any event or for a walk in the park.

All the famous designers have in

their collections red pieces of clothing, in all

its shades; from a pink tinted to dark red.

You might think that in the autumn and

winter you should only wear dark colours,

but it’s not always the case. The shades of

red are always in fashion and you can never

fail in being trendy if you wear red.

The black leather will give you a hot

look and a more confident air. You should

wear especially trousers or jackets made

from this material.

It looks like polka-dots are in fashion

again. It is very important to keep in mind

that you can exaggerate easily with them

and you have to be careful because only the

black and white combination is the most


` In this season you should also wear

very much oversized windbreaker jackets or

anything combined with fur, which should

make you feel as comfortable and as warm

as possible.


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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Holidays Vacances


“Báthory Fest” By Roxana Moldovan, 12th A form

This large-scale cultural and historical manifestation was held in the second edition and

took place between September 20th and 24th, 2017, organized by the City Hall and the Şimleu

Silvaniei Local Council, in partnership with CNIPT Şimleu Silvaniei and other collaborators

from over the country and from abroad.

The festival was a new concept through which we wanted to bring to light the history of this place,

the city and the city itself. This is why this year, we have come up with new proposals, in association with

"Báthory" Foundation in Şimleu, "Silvan Art" from Şimleu Silvaniei, "Hussar" Association from Poland,

Association of Tourist Information Centers Professionals from Romania, A.D.I. Sălaj Plus.

This year we invited three cities in Hungary, twinned with Șimleu Silvaniei - Szarvas, Albertirsa and

Nyirbátor. So on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday there were activities for our guests from Hungary, and

Saturday and Sunday for the town of Şimleu Silvaniei, organized together with the City Hall and the

Information Center.

“This activity must be regarded as a local nationalist activity. Báthory gathered together at

least three nations: the Romanian nation, here was born; the Hungarian nation, where these

connections exist, there are these links our city has with cities where the Báthory family made

history, for example, the city of Nyirbátor and, not least, the Polish nation, Poland, where

Báthory was the most beloved king. I'm glad our city will become a regional capital, historically,

in September.”(These were the words of Mayor Septimiu Cătălin Ţurcaş, at a press conference).

From my point of view, it was an interesting and extraordinary manifestation for our

country because it was a good time to promote one of the most important goals around us. This

festival will increase from year to year, and the Șimleu will take its place on the touristic map of

the county, as it is worth it.

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Romanian Christmas Traditions By Diana Muntean, 12th A form

` It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas...`. Indeed is that time of the year again when our

cozy sweaters keep us warm and the spirit of holiday brings the first snowflakes upon our small

town. Romanian holiday season starts officially on November 30, on Saint Andrew's day and ends

on January 7, with the celebration of Saint John, Christmas being a major annual celebration on

24th/25th of December and as a Christian country, we celebrate Christmas in our traditions:

1. THE 7 WEEK ADVENT – it is practiced in anticipation of Jesus Christ’s birth and it starts on

November 14th yearly and ends up on Christmas Day. Any kind of products obtained from

animal sources are prohibited and also on Wednesdays and on Fridays, oil among other

products is not to be eaten. There are forty days of advent (nine of them being exceptions) and

The Christmas Eve should be a day of total abstinence to thank God for sending The Savior.

2. SAINT NICHOLAS - At the beginning of December, the Christmas lights are turned on all over

the streets. The same night, Saint Nicholas (Moş Nicolae) comes and gives children

presents. Children receive their gifts early in the morning of December 6th. Traditionally, the

gifts are put in their laced-up boots. Children are usually given sweets or books; if they have

been naughty, they get wooden sticks.

3. ROMANIAN CHRISTMAS CAROLS - There is a special

genre of music, related to Christmas carols but with

more traditional / Christian lyrics named ‘Colinde’. In the

traditional Romanian rural society, the preparations usually start

a few days or even weeks before Christmas. The village youth

would begin to form groups in different places and designate a

leader in order to practice singing in unison. Then, on Christmas

Eve, the groups would go to different houses, dressed in traditional Romanian clothes and begin

to sing. In some villages, they go first to the mayor's house, followed by the teacher's house and

the families would then invite them into the house, and give them different small gifts such as

nuts, dried fruits and pretzels.

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4. ROMANIAN CHRISTMAS TRADITIONAL FOOD - The slaughter of a pig is so closely

associated with Christmas in Romania and the custom says that the bigger the pig, the happier

that family will be on the next year. During Christmas, Romanians bake or buy various special

dishes, including desserts and sweets. Romanians most usually bake sponge cakes (Cozonac);

Other Christmas dishes include Piftie (made from pork) and also Sarmale (Cabbage rolls), On

the Christmas Eve night, after going to church, Romanian families gather up at the Christmas

Table saying a prayer and eating while waiting for carol singers.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College Holidays Vacances


Le bal des “Blancs becs”

Par Denisa Biriș, la XIe C

Comme chaque année, Colegiul Național “Simion Barnutiu” a organisé un bal pour

pour les élèves de la IXe pour les faire se connaître mieux, pour révéler leurs personnalités, pour

nous montrer leurs qualités et pour lier des amitiés avec leurs collègues de lycée.

Quelque temps avant la date du grand spectacle, les étudiants du 11e C ayant parmi eux un

professeur exceptionnel, Camélia Sârbe, avec nombreuses années de formation, ont commencé

les préparations. Ils ont cherché les élèves de la IX e prêts à s’affirmer.

Ainsi, les participants ont été: Adela Lupou, Alin Moale, Camelia Megheșan, Ianku Mondek,

Cristiana Man, David Imre, Pușcaș Adelin, Roxana Rad, Alex Panc, Maria Zmole, Raluca

Drăgan et Raul Drăgan.

Les organisateurs ont décidé la date et l’heure du

bal: le 20 octobre, à 17:00 h. Ils sont montés sur la

scène de la Maison de la Culture de la ville Șimleu

Silvaniei. Habillés élégamment et avec des

émotions en poitrines, les blancs becs ont passé

par différents défis. Le jury a été composé par

deux professeurs: Delia Purghe – professeur de

langue roumaine et Alin Mierea – professeur de

religion orthodoxe et certains membres de la

classe 11e C: Diana Ungur-la dirigeante du jury,

Iulia Haiduc, Noemi Tönkö, Andreea Roșan,

Sabrina Trif et Marian Mihalcsak.

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Les gagnants, choisis à l’aide du jury et du public, ont été tous les participants. Mais Cristiana

Man et David Imre se sont remarqués pour leurs compétences et leurs talents. Ils ont gagné les

titres de” Miss et Mister Boboc 2017”. Les autres ont remporté d'autres prix et cadeaux: Maria

Zmole – Miss Charisme, Alex Panc- Mister Charisme, Camélia Megheșan-Miss Élégance, Ianku

Mondek-Mister Élégance, Roxana Rad-Miss Spontanéité, Puscas Adelin-Mister Spontanéité,

Raluca Dragan-Miss Popularité et Raul Drăgan-Mister Popularité. Tous les participants ont dit

qu’ils s`étaient entis très bien avec leurs collègues plus âgés, mais aussi avec le grand public.

Une autre chose à dire est le thème du bal: une croisière à travers de différents pays. Le décor

et les présentateurs-Denisa Ember et Titus Pătălau- ont été vanté par les spectateurs.

La scène a représenté le bord du navire et les autres collègues ont représenté l’équipage du

navire. L’opinion du public a été connue immédiatement après le spectacle: “C'était trop court,

mais c’était mémorable”,” C'était très beau de tous les points de vue” – ont dit les spectateurs.

L’équipe de la classe souhaite remercier le professeur principal, Camelia Sârbe, et les

professeurs pour leur soutien dans la réalisation de ce spectacle.

Félicitations à tous les participants !!!!

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College World Monde


Les femmes sont l'avenir

Par Larisa Drăgan, la XIIe A

En 2017, l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes n’existait dans aucun pays. Les luttes

des féministes ont permis de faire bouger les choses et les conquêtes sont loin d’être

négligeables. Mais naître femme entraîne une propension à ce que nos devoirs soient plus

nombreux que nos droits ! Dès lors, ne convient-il pas de s’interroger sur cette injustice qui dure

au fil des siècles ? L’égalité, par essence, n’accepte aucune

domination, aucune soumission, aucune exploitation.

L’émancipation des femmes est avant tout une émancipation

humaine. En ce sens, chacune de nos revendications sociales est à

même de déstabiliser l’ordre établi pour ouvrir vers la

transformation profonde de la société.

Les femmes veulent être actrices de leur vie. Elles

revendiquent de s’investir dans leur carrière, d’avoir des enfants

ou pas, de se marier ou pas. Elles revendiquent d’en finir avec une

société qui les empêche de devenir ingénieures, sportives ou

artisanes. Elles revendiquent de vivre à l’abri des violences, des

insultes, des viols auxquels elles sont trop souvent confrontées

dans la famille, dans l’entreprise ou dans l’espace public. Elles

revendiquent d’être rémunérées pour leur travail, représentées

dans les institutions démocratiques, respectées dans leur

quotidien à égalité avec les hommes.

La Journée Internationale de la Femme est célébrée depuis 1911 pour revendiquer le droit de

vote des femmes, le droit au travail et la fin des discriminations au travail. Ce n’est qu’en 1977

que les Nations Unies officialisent la journée, invitant tous les pays de la planète à célébrer une

journée pour les droits des femmes.

Nous avons une liste de 10 femmes qui ont joué un rôle dans l’Histoire, afin de rendre le monde

un endroit meilleur.

Le symbol du féminisme

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College World Monde


#1 – Marie Curie était une physicienne et chimiste polonaise célèbre pour ses

travaux sur la radioactivité et deux fois vainqueur du prix Nobel. Cette

physicienne d'exception a également été la première femme à enseigner dans

la prestigieuse université de la Sorbonne.

#2 – Margaret Hamilton était une informaticienne et mathématicienne. Elle

fut directrice du département génie logiciel du MIT Instrumentation

Laboratory qui conçut le système embarqué du programme Apollo.

#3 – Malala Yousafzai est une militante pakistanaise des droits des femmes.

En 2014, âgée de 17 ans, elle obtient le Prix Nobel de la paix avec l’Indien

Kailash Satyarthi, ce qui fait d’elle la plus jeune lauréate de l’histoire de ce


#4 – Kathrine Switzer est célèbre pour avoir été la première femme

à courir le marathon de Boston. Elle participa à la course en 1967,

cinq ans avant que les femmes ne soient officiellement autorisées à

concourir. Jock Semple, l’un des organisateurs officiels de la course,

tenta de la retirer de la course.

#5 – Valentina Terechkova reste la première femme à effectuer un vol dans

l’espace le 16 juin 1963. La cosmonaute russe ayant effectué ce vol alors

qu'elle n'avait que 26 ans, reste d’ailleurs à ce jour la seule femme au monde

à avoir effectué un voyage dans l'espace en solitaire, sans coéquipier.

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#6 – Amelia Earhart est célèbre notamment pour avoir été, en juin

1928, la première femme à traverser l’océan Atlantique en avion.

#7 – Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu, l’une des premières femmes

ingénieures au monde.

#8 - Florence Nightingale, la première infirmière. Envoyée à l'étranger

pour soigner les soldats britanniques dans les années 1950, la jeune

infirmière a contribué à une révision fondamentale des soins apportés aux

soldats, et a fait de ses missions une profession à part entière.

#9 – Sarmiza Bilcescu devient la première doctoresse en droit dans le

monde, est la première femme à suivre régulièrement les cours de la faculté

de droit de Paris, elle obtient sa licence en droit le 17 juin 1887 avant de

soutenir sa thèse de droit le 12 juin 1890 ayant pour titre « De la condition

légale de la mère ».

#10 - Nadia Comaneci, le prix de la perfection, gymnaste roumaine qui a

retenu le souffle et l'attention de millions de téléspectateurs lorsqu'en 1976,

à 14 ans, elle décroche la note inédite de 10 ! Elle est la première de

l'histoire olympique à obtenir cette note parfaite, toutes disciplines

confondues. Une performance extraordinaire qui se reproduira pour elle à

sept reprises, et qui lui vaudra le surnom de “Lolita olympique”.

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College World Monde


La Valette, la capitale de la Malte, a été

fondée en 1566 et est entourée par les plus

grandes fortifications du monde.

Malte : est-elle le pays le plus étrange d'Europe?

Par Adrian Pop, la 12e A

En Malte, tout est différent: langue, gastronomie, culture, transports - l'archipel est un

joyau de la Méditerranée et une preuve d'une longue histoire.

Le Maltais - la langue parlée en Malte, Gozo et dans les îles Camino - est très facile, si

vous connaissez l'arabe, le turc, l'italien, l'anglais et un peu de français (bien sûr). Sur une

surface de seulement 316 Km² 400.000 personnes y vivent et il y a 350 églises magnifiques,

certainement il y a un mélange intéressant d’influences.

Au fil du temps, l'île a attiré l'intérêt de nombreuses civilisations telles les Phéniciens,

Carthaginois, Romains, Byzantins, Arabes, Normands, Castillans, des Chevaliers Hospitaliers, les

Français et les Britanniques, qui ont tous régné sur l'île dans le passé, et tous y ont laissé leur


Et c'est ainsi que l'un des pays les plus étranges d'Europe – qui a un langage unique,

dérivé de l'arabe , mais écrit avec des caractères latins, , où on conduit sur la côte gauche de la

route comme les Britanniques, avec une cuisine comme celle italienne ou celle britannique,

avec des autobus achetés des dépôts britanniques anciens et peints dans toutes les couleurs,

avec des forteresses et beaucoup d'églises et où l'Église Catholique est très puissante – encore

plus forte que celle d'Irlande.

Il est possible qu'il n'y ait pas

un autre lieu dans le monde comme

Malte ... si petit, mais si riche de point

de vue historique, ayant des

monuments de toutes les époques -

de l'âge de pierre au passé récent.

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Les hommes d’état français Autrefois et maintenant

Par Andra Chiș, la 12e A

Nicolas Sarkozy

Nicolas Sarkozy marque la vie politique d’une empreinte

indélébile depuis plusieurs années.

Né le 28 janvier 1955, à Paris, Nicolas Sarkozy, de

son nom complet Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa, est le fils de Pál

(Paul) Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa, un Hongrois ayant immigré

en France, et d’Andrée Mallah, une Française d’origine


Avec une maîtrise de droit privé et un DEA en

sciences politiques, le jeune Nicolas Sarkozy obtient son

certificat d'aptitude à la profession d'avocat au début des

années 1980 et il travaille dans son propre cabinet jusqu'à la fin des années 1980 tout en menant

une carrière politique.

La passion de la politique finit par le rattraper, et il s’engage d’abord en 1977 au sein du

RPR pendant ses études. C’est en 1982 qu’il épouse sa première femme, Marie-Dominique

Culioli, avec laquelle il a deux enfants, Pierre et Jean. L’année suivante signe son premier succès

électoral: il devient maire de Neuilly-sur-Seine à l’âge de 28 ans. Parallèlement, il s’investit

auprès des cadres de son parti, et gravit les échelons.

En 1988, il devient député des Hauts-de-Seine et très vite, de plus hautes responsabilités

lui sont confiées. Tour à tour porte-parole du gouvernement, ministre du Budget et ministre de la

Communication, Nicolas Sarkozy approche le pouvoir de près.

C’est d’ailleurs en 1996 qu’il divorce et épouse Cécilia Ciganer-Albéniz, l’ex-femme de

Jacques Martin, dont il est tombé éperdument amoureux. Ensemble, ils donnent naissance à


L'année 1997 signe un coup d’arrêt brutal à sa carrière. En soutenant Édouard Balladur,

l’homme s’est attiré les foudres de Jacques Chirac alors élu à la présidence. Il lui faudra attendre

2002 pour retrouver le gouvernement comme ministre de l’Intérieur ce qui représente, une étape

décisive dans sa carrière politique. . Apôtre d'une idéologie dite "sécuritaire" et de la tolérance

zéro, il s'inspire du style de l'ancien maire de New-York Rudolph Giuliani et met en place une

législation pénale davantage répressive pour la petite délinquance.

En 2004, il est élu président de l’UMP, et il retrouve le pouvoir en 2005 en tant que ministre de

l’état, de l’Industrie, de l’Économie et des Finances.

Son image d'homme d'action dope sa popularité et il est élu président de la République

française en 2007, fonction dont il avait rêvé depuis son enfance. Pourtant, la crise économique

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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College World Monde


et son style réputé trop "bling-bling" pour les électeurs conservateurs de droite vont fortement le

mettre à mal dans les sondages.

Il est également le premier président en exercice à divorcer. Il se marie pour la troisième

fois avec l’ex-mannequin devenue chanteuse, Carla Bruni, avec laquelle il a une fille, Giulia, née

en octobre 2011.

Il cède sa place à François Hollande le 15 mai 2012 mais après son départ de la

présidence, il siège pendant quelques mois au Conseil constitutionnel, dont il est membre de

droit et à vie. Il effectue son retour en politique en 2014, en reprenant la présidence de l'UMP,

qu'il décide de renommer Les Républicains. Il quitte la tête du parti en 2016 pour se présenter au

primaire présidentiel ouvert de la droite ; éliminé au premier tour de ce scrutin, il se met en

retrait de la vie publique.

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron, né le 21 décembre 1977

à Amiens, est le fils d'un couple de médecins.

Son père est neurologue, sa mère pédiatre, et

tous deux sont professeurs au CHU

d'Amiens. Aîné de la fratrie, il à un frère et

une sœur, il passe une grande partie de son

enfance chez sa grand-mère adorée, directrice

de collège élevée par des parents illettrés.

Il suit sa scolarité chez les Jésuites de

la Providence à Amiens. Elève brillant – il est lauréat du Concours général de français à 16 ans –

il se passionne également pour la musique et décroche le troisième Prix de piano du

Conservatoire d'Amiens. En terminale, il arrive au lycée Henri-IV à Paris. Diplômé de Sciences

Politiques de Paris, il entame ensuite un cursus universitaire à Nanterre. En 1999, il est assistant

du philosophe Paul Ricœur et participe à la rédaction de l'un de ses derniers ouvrages, La

mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli publié aux éditions du Seuil en 2000. Après une maîtrise de

philosophie sur Machiavel, il rédige son mémoire de DEA sur l'Intérêt général, lecture et

principes de la philosophie du droit de Hegel.

En 2002, il se dirige vers la haute fonction publique et intègre l'ENA – promotion

Léopold Seder Senghor – d'où il sort diplômé en 2004. Il débute sa carrière à l'Inspection des

Finances, d'abord inspecteur adjoint en avril 2004, il devient inspecteur des Finances en octobre

2005. En juin 2007, il est chargé de mission auprès du chef de service de l'Inspection générale

des finances. En 2008, changement de cap, la banque Rothschild l'engage à l’âge de 30 ans. Son

ascension au sein de la banque d'affaires est fulgurante, il en devient associé-gérant en décembre


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“SIMION BĂRNUȚIU” National College World Monde


Membre du Parti socialiste entre 2006 et 2009, il accepte en mai 2012 la proposition de

François Hollande, rencontré en 2007 lors d'un dîner chez Jacques Attali, de rejoindre l'Elysée en

tant que secrétaire général adjoint de la présidence puis le 26 août 2014, il est nommé Ministre

de l'Economie, de l'Industrie et du Numérique dans le deuxième gouvernement de Manuel Valls.

Le 30 août 2016, il démissionne de sa fonction de ministre de l'Économie pour se

consacrer à son mouvement politique, « En marche ! » (Un parti social-libéral, classé au centre

sur l'échiquier politique et qui rejet toute forme de conservatisme, en promouvant le

progressisme), qu'il a fondé en avril 2016. Quelques semaines plus tard, le 16 novembre, il

annonce officiellement sa candidature à l'élection présidentielle 2017 Le 23 avril 2017, lors du

premier tour de l'élection présidentielle, il arrive en tête des suffrages avec 24 % des voix.

Le 7 mai 2017, il remporte l'élection présidentielle avec plus de 66% des suffrages, et

devient le plus jeune Président de la République française. Lors de son entrée en fonction, il est,

à 39 ans, le plus jeune président français de l'histoire, le plus jeune dirigeant du G20 et le plus

jeune chef d’État élu démocratiquement, exception faite du micro-État de Saint-Marin. Son parti

obtient la majorité absolue à l'Assemblée nationale à l'issue des élections législatives de juin


Côté vie privée, Emmanuel Macron est marié depuis octobre 2007 à Brigitte Trogneux,

professeur de français de vingt-quatre ans son aînée, rencontrée en classe de première au lycée

La Providence d'Amiens lors d'un atelier théâtre. Son épouse a trois enfants nés d'une précédente


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Page 36: Revista bilingvă a Colegiului Naţional „Simion Bărnuţiu“ Şimleu ......14 students from ―Simion Bărnuṭiu‖ National College, Simleu Silvaniei accompanied by two teachers,

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“O nouă șansă spre universitate”