revista de l’eoi mollet del vallÈs curs 2014-2015 2014-2015/revista eoi mollet fi de curs...


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Page 1: REVISTA DE L’EOI MOLLET DEL VALLÈS CURS 2014-2015 2014-2015/revista EOI Mollet fi de curs 2015.pdf · This activity deals with unraveling the language and jargon used by (mainly


CURS 2014-2015

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Article by Aurea Martínez (C1 student)


The language of headlines by Simon Mellulle

Activities by Susen Ahluwalia

Christmas party

Cakes and savouries contest

El Banc d’aliments

Saint George’s day

Photo contest



Les danses bretonnes

Jeux de théâtre pour la pratique du français

Fête de Noël

Concours de gâteaux

La Chandeleur

Le Saint-Georges

Les contes de Catherine Favret

La francophonie : Burkina Fasso

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English Department

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Article by Aurea Martínez (C1 student)

In today’s global world, the importance of being able to effectively communicate in other languages is undeniable. English has become the most widely used language in the world and speaking it fluently is a must to compete in a scientific or corporate environment.

Aware of the importance English has gained, parents send their kids to language schools or even abroad to improve this ability. However, in spite of the efforts put forth so that the new generations have a better level of English than their ancestors, its knowledge is still a weakness in our country.

Learning a language properly requires much dedication. In fact, it should be considered a lifelong learning process. Languages are richer than we usually think. We would be amazed of how many words we don’t know or simply avoid using in our own mother tongue. Knowing and regularly using every existent word in a language is impossible, but converting it into our target brings us closer to achieve it.

Attending an EOI is a great way to keep on learning a language at an affordable price. Teachers are highly qualified and lessons are well organized. It gives you the opportunity of staying in touch with the language once you are already an adult. This way you can keep on practicing and improving your reading, writing, listening and of course speaking skills. Five hours of class every week make EOI courses intensive enough to learn at a quick pace. And the wide range of activities teachers use will assure boredom won’t ever be a problem.

I got my advanced English degree (fifth level) several years ago. By that time the C1 course didn’t exist, so at that point, I sadly had to suspend my learning.

My goal is to eventually achieve a level of English proficiency even better than in Spanish. That’s why when I received a call from my EOI to offer me the chance to continue my formal training in English, I enthusiastically replied: “Yes, of course. Count me in. I’ll be there! “I knew it would be a great opportunity for me.

The lessons for the C1 course mainly comprise writing, watching videos and discussing different topics with our classmates. At this level, the teacher doesn’t directly teach grammar in the class, but its instruction is implicit in the activities mentioned above.

I feel that in the last few months I have improved my English much more than in the last few years. I have realized I still have a lot to learn, but this course has helped me identify my flaws and has encouraged me to keep on working on my own. It has taught me that reading the adequate books, watching TV and writing stories are all the tricks I’ll need in order to continue my lifelong English learning.

I hope that by reading this short essay you have felt the urge to improve your language skills. I strongly encourage you to continue learning no matter how old you are or how well you think you already communicate. There is always room for improvement and perfection has yet to be achieved.

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During this course our students have done some cultural activities.

British Newspaper Headlines by Simon Mellulle


This activity deals with unraveling the language and jargon used by (mainly tabloid)

British publishers in their newspapers – both online and print versions. Students will

get to understand how headlines are formed and will get some idea of cultural, social

and political references.


- Students to learn the main ways in which headlines are formed

- Get an insight into the British broadsheet and tabloid press

- Learn about some aspects of British culture, society and politics through main news stories


Introductory Presentation:

Students will be shown a short presentation outlining the main aspects of the British press and the nature of headlines.

The main activity:

- The main newspapers in the UK.

- Main differences between tabloids and broadsheets

- An example and explanation of various types of head

- Line formations, with the original headline and photo (if available). Types include: noun strings, mixed verb tenses, doing away with auxiliaries, wordplay, rhymes, exaggerated meanings and noun phrases.

Work Out The Headline

Final stage to engage student participation where they will attempt to give a full version of a headline and the gist of the story/event

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Activities by Susen Ahluwalia

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Our winners and their recipes


1st prize

TARTA SACHER Judit Monfort, 1A francès

Ingredients (para un molde de 16 cm) 60 gr. de almendra molida 3 huevos 50 gr. de harina 75gr. de chocolate 70% 50 gr. de azúcar glass 5gr. de levadura química 50 gr. de azúcar normal una pizca de sal 50 gr. de mantequilla (t. ambiente) 1cta. De vainilla azucarada y mermelada Para la cobertura: 125 gr de chocolate al 70% 125 gr. de nata 35% 25 gr. de mantequilla.


Bizcocho: derretir 75gr de chocolate al micro. Luego mezclamos el azúcar glass y la

mantequilla en la batidora. Incorporamos el chocolate derretido y seguimos batiendo. Separar las yemas de las claras (que las reservamos), y añadimos las yemas en la mezcla una a una, y añadir la vainilla y las almendras y volver a mezclar. Montar las claras durante 5min, y cuando estén casi montadas añadir el azúcar normal y seguir montando 2min más. Ahora incorporamos las claras poco a poco con movimientos envolventes (sin batir). Luego se tamiza la levadura, la harina y la sal, y las incorporamos poco a poco. Se unta el molde con mantequilla y se echa la mezcla. Se deja en reposo mientras que precalentamos el horno (150ºC). Una vez precalentado, se mete en el horno durante 1h aprox. Una vez frío lo desmoldamos y lo partimos por la mitad y lo rellenamos de la mermelada que más nos guste. Volvemos a cerrar el bizcocho y preparamos la cobertura.

Cobertura: Ponemos la nata a hervir y en el primer hervor la retiramos y añadimos el

chocolate troceado. Removemos con una varilla hasta que se haya fundido el chocolate. Añadimos la mantequilla y removemos de nuevo. Ponemos el bizcocho sobre una rejilla y una bandeja debajo para que recoja el chocolate que vaya cayendo. Se vierte despacio sobre la tarta, extendiéndolo por toda.

Cuando ya esté fría la metemos en la nevera (minimo 2h).

Yummy, yummy!

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2nd prize

GÂTEAU AU THON Lluis Puig, 1A français

Ingredients Une laitue. - Trois boîtes de thon. - 400 g de sauce de tomate. - 500 g d’olives dénoyautées. - Une boîte de poivrons rouges du “piquillo”. - Deux œufs durs. - 800 g de mayonnaise. - 1 kg de pain de mie.


Broyer tous les ingrédients, sauf 400 g d’olives dénoyautées et 600 g de mayonnaise, ajouter du sel, et après, dans un moule, mettre une couche de pain de mie et, ensuite, une couche du mélange antérieur, et faire des couches jusqu’à remplir le moule. La dernière couche de pain de mie on la couvre de mayonnaise. Ensuite, couper en quarts ou broyer les olives dénoyautées pour décorer.

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3rd prize RECIPE of coca de recapte Marta Bautista 3A English

Recipe Coca de recapte


DOUGH 30 gr of baker’s yeast 500gr bread flour 1 glass of cold water 100 gr of extra virgin oil

FILLING 3 roasted peppers 2 roasted aubergine 1 onion 1 tomato 500 gr of sausage

ELABORATION Mix the ingredients from the dough and let it rest half an hour. Knead and stretch the dough. Put up the dough vegetables and sausage and put in the oven at 200 degrees half an hour in the oven. It can be served cold or hot.

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Xmas time, days of solidarity.

EOI de Mollet del Vallès and its students have collaborated with the local Banc d’Aliments to help people who need assistance.

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THE 1st and 2nd PRIZE

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Le mercredi 19 novembre, 17h-18h30 / 18h30-20h

Dans la salle de conférences!

Venez tous et toutes danser les danses bretonnes !!!

Découvrez la culture et les traditions de cette région

fantastique et celtique qu’est la Bretagne.

Tous les étudiants de français y sont invités.

VENEZ NOMBREUX !!!!!!!!!!!

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Vous êtes tous et toutes invités à la fête de Noël les prochains

LUNDI 22 DE 17H30 À 20H00


MARDI 23 DE 17H30 À 20H00

À la Salle de conférences!

Il y aura un concours de recettes sucrées et salées avec des PRIX!!!


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Concours du meilleur gâteau de Noël

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1st prize RECETTE DE

Montse Alejo 1A English

You need:

Pastry dough ( you can buy dough , but it must be fresh)

A variety of fresh fruit (tangerine, strawberry, kiwi ...)



1 egg


Stretch the pastry dough with a rolling pin

Cut a strip (1'5cm. more o less) on the four sides

Paint it with beaten egg and fold inwards

Make holes (with a fork) in all the centre of the pastry dough. So it doesn't rise

Paint all the centre with beaten egg and cook in the over until brown (the over must be pre- heated)

For the cream you need:

1/2 litre of milk

100 grams of powdered sugar

3 yolks

1 teaspoon of butter

20 grams of corn flour (maicena)

Boil the half of the milk with a bit of cinnamon then add the skin of half a lemon, for 2 or 3 minutes and wait until it cools

Mix the rest of the milk with powdered sugar and the corn flour and add the yolks

Put it in the cold boiled milk (cold) and filter

Boil slowly, continually stirring until the cream become dense

Wait until cold cover with film paper and keep it in the fridge

Put the cream on the pastry

Cover it to keep the taste and to colour use the fresh fruit, thinly cut on the cream

Paint it with a little jelly and keep it in the fridge and enjoy your meal!!!!!!!

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2nd prize


Ingredients Pâte brisée “ La Cuisinier” 400 gr. chocolat noir Lait de coco 80 gr. Noix de coco râpée


Préchaufer à 180° le four.

Déposer la pâte brisée dans le moule graissé en veillant à ce que les bords de la pâte recouvrent les bords du moule.

Mettre au four pendant dix minutes et laisser refroidir.

Faire boullir le lait de coco avec le chocolat noir.

Remplir le moule avec le mélange et laisser refroidir le gâteau au réfrigérateur deux heures.

Avant de servir verser sur le gâteu la noix de coco râpée.



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3rd prix RECETTE DE GÂTEAU AU CHOCOLAT NOIR Araceli Córdoba 3A Français

Ingrédients (1 mesure=1 verre de yaourt)

- 1 yaourt nature - 1 verre d’huile - 1 verre de jus d’orange - 2 verres du sucre - 3 verres de la farine (de pâtisserie) - 3 œufs - râpure de 2 oranges - 1 enveloppe de la levure en poudre - un peu du sel - 1 tablette du chocolat noir (sans lait)


Séparer les blancs et les jeunes d’œufs. Battre les jaunes d’œuf.

Dans un grand bol (bol 1) mélanger le yaourt, la râpure des oranges, le verre d’huile et le verre de jus d’orange. Réserver.

Dans un autre bol mélanger bien la farine, le sucre, un peu du sel et la levure. Réserver.

Puis battre les blancs en neige et mélangez-les doucement avec les jaunes d’œufs. Puis, versez les œufs battus dans le bol avec le yaourt. Versez maintenant le contenu du deuxième bol et mélanger lentement tous les ingrédients dans le même récipient.

Recouvrir un moule avec papier du four, versez la mélange sûr le moule (or aussi on peut beurrer le moule et étaler de la farine).

Mettre le moule au four 15 minutes à 190º (feu fort) et après 25 minutes à 170º (feu douce). Après 40 minutes laissez-le refroidir quelques minutes et mettre-le dans un plat.

Faire chauffer le chocolat au bain-marie.

Versez le chocolat sûr le gâteau, laissez refroidir quelques minutes autrefois, et voilà ! Nous avons un délicieux gâteau d’orange au chocolat !

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Mardi 3 et mercredi 4 février 2015, de 17h00 à 20h30

on fête la Chandeleur !!!

En signe de prospérité,

et pour oublier le froid et l’hiver,


alors venez nombreux en salle des conférences


faire et déguster ces petits délices !!!

À la chandeleur, comme chaque année on fait des crêpes!

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La Saint Georges


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Les contes de Catherine Favret

le lundi 27 avril 17h15-18h15 (niveaux 1 et 2) 18h45-19h45 (niveaux 1 et 2)

le mardi 28 avril

17h15-18h15 (niveaux 1 et 3) 18h45-19h45 (niveaux 3, 4 et 5)

dans la salle de conférences

Venez vous plonger dans le monde de rêves de Catherine Favret !

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Djeha et les brochettes:

“- Combien est-ce qu’est une brochette?

- 3 dinards”

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