revista mexicana de ingeniería química

Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química ISSN: 1665-2738 [email protected] Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa México Munguía-Guillén, J.L.; Vernon-Carter, E.J.; De los Reyes-Heredia, J.A.; Viveros-García, T. EFFECT OF SURFACTANT IN THE SYNTHESIS OF CoMo/Al2O3 CATALYSTS OBTAINED BY REVERSE MICROEMULSION FOR DIBENZOTHIOPHENE HYDRODESULFURIZATION Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, vol. 15, núm. 3, 2016, pp. 893-902 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa Distrito Federal, México Available in: How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

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Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química

ISSN: 1665-2738

[email protected]

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Unidad Iztapalapa


Munguía-Guillén, J.L.; Vernon-Carter, E.J.; De los Reyes-Heredia, J.A.; Viveros-García, T.




Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, vol. 15, núm. 3, 2016, pp. 893-902

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa

Distrito Federal, México

Available in:

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Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal

Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

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Vol. 15, No. 3 (2016) 893-902

Catálisis, cinética y reactores Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química


Volumen 8, número 3, 2009 / Volume 8, number 3, 2009

213 Derivation and application of the Stefan-Maxwell equations

(Desarrollo y aplicación de las ecuaciones de Stefan-Maxwell)

Stephen Whitaker

Biotecnología / Biotechnology

245 Modelado de la biodegradación en biorreactores de lodos de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo

intemperizados en suelos y sedimentos

(Biodegradation modeling of sludge bioreactors of total petroleum hydrocarbons weathering in soil

and sediments)

S.A. Medina-Moreno, S. Huerta-Ochoa, C.A. Lucho-Constantino, L. Aguilera-Vázquez, A. Jiménez-

González y M. Gutiérrez-Rojas

259 Crecimiento, sobrevivencia y adaptación de Bifidobacterium infantis a condiciones ácidas

(Growth, survival and adaptation of Bifidobacterium infantis to acidic conditions)

L. Mayorga-Reyes, P. Bustamante-Camilo, A. Gutiérrez-Nava, E. Barranco-Florido y A. Azaola-


265 Statistical approach to optimization of ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the

presence of Valfor® zeolite NaA

(Optimización estadística de la fermentación etanólica de Saccharomyces cerevisiae en presencia de

zeolita Valfor® zeolite NaA)

G. Inei-Shizukawa, H. A. Velasco-Bedrán, G. F. Gutiérrez-López and H. Hernández-Sánchez

Ingeniería de procesos / Process engineering

271 Localización de una planta industrial: Revisión crítica y adecuación de los criterios empleados en

esta decisión

(Plant site selection: Critical review and adequation criteria used in this decision)

J.R. Medina, R.L. Romero y G.A. Pérez




HIDRODESULFURACION DE DIBENZOTIOFENOJ.L. Munguıa-Guillen, E.J. Vernon-Carter, J.A. De los Reyes-Heredia, T. Viveros-Garcıa*

Departamento de Ingenierıa de Procesos e Hidraulica Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Plantel Iztapalapa. San RafaelAtlixco No. 186, Col. Vicentina, Delegacion Iztapalapa, Mexico D.F. 04455.

Received April 10, 2016; Accepted July 19, 2016

AbstractTwo series of microemulsions, water/1- butanol/surfactant (five samples per series) were studied; one series was preparedwith cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB, cationic) and another with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, anionic). For bothseries of microemulsions the effect of the type of surfactant on: the water in oil ratio; droplet size; amount of surfactantrequired and stability of the microemulsions was studied. The microemulsions employing SDS form larger drops, althoughrequire lower amount of surfactant. Microemulsions formed were stable for up to thirty days. Two CoMo/Al2O3 catalystswith the same metal composition were prepared using either surfactant, and were used in the hydrodesulfurization ofdibenzothiophene. The catalyst prepared with CTAB presented a greater surface area and catalytic activity, than thatprepared with SDS in the microemulsions. Product distribution in HDS followed the trend biphenyl > cyclohexylbenzene> bicyclohexyl for both catalysts suggesting the direct desulfurization route. The study suggests that the layer formedby the surfactant and organic agent, around the micelles, plays a role that determines the properties of the catalyst. Theresults allowed to suggest the mechanism of formation of the catalyst prepared by reverse microemulsion using CTAB assurfactant.Keywords: microemulsion, CTAB and SDS surfactants, CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst, hydrodesulfurization.

ResumenSe estudiaron y compararon dos series de microemulsiones agua/butanol/tensoactivo (5 muestras por serie), una conbromuro de cetiltrimetilamonio (BCTA, cationico) y otra con dodecilsulfato sodico (DSS, anionico). Para ambas seriesde microemulsiones se evaluo el efecto del tipo de tensoactivo sobre: la relacion agua/organico requerida para formarla microemulsion; el tamano de gota; cantidad de tensoactivo requerido y la estabilidad de la microemulsion. Lasmicroemulsiones que emplean DSS forman gotas de mayor tamano aun cuando requieren menor cantidad de tensoactivo.Las microemulsiones formadas mostraron alta estabilidad. Se prepararon dos catalizadores de CoMo/Al2O3 de la mismacomposicion metalica, empleando ambos tensoactivos, los cuales fueron usados en la hidrodesulfuracion de dibenzotiofeno.El catalizador preparado con el uso de BCTA presento una mayor area superficial y actividad catalıtica que el preparadocon el uso de DSS en las microemulsiones. Con ambos catalizadores se observo la formacion de productos por la vıade desulfuracion directa, en el siguiente orden: bifenil>ciclohexilbenceno>biciclohexil. El estudio sugiere que la capaformada por el tensoactivo y agente organico, alrededor de las micelas, juega un rol que determina las propiedades delcatalizador. Lo anterior permitio sugerir el mecanismo de formacion del catalizador por microemulsion inversa, utilizandoBCTA como tensoactivo.Palabras clave: microemulsion, tensoactivos BCTA y DSS, catalizador CoMo/Al2O3, hidrodesulfuracion, actividadcatalıtica.

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Publicado por la Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Ingenierıa Quımica A.C. 893

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Munguıa-Guillen et al./ Revista Mexicana de Ingenierıa Quımica Vol. 15, No. 3 (2016) 893-902

1 Introduction

Regulations of sulfur content in diesel fuelshave forced the development of new catalystswith increased activities, using new methods andpreparation techniques, for which Co(Ni)Mo/Al2O3system is the basis, wherein the active phase MoS2promoted by Co or Ni atoms, has been widelyinvestigated (Topsoe et al, 1981; Topsoe et al, 1996).Generally, the method of preparation used is theimpregnation of the support (alumina), with cobalt andmolybdenum species in solution (Choi et al, 2004), ina wide pH range. The studies provide evidence, thatafter impregnation, drying and calcination, for theformation of a monolayer of MoO3 species on thesupport and subsequent deposition of CoO species(Wang et al, 1982; Spanos et al, 1990; Vakros et al,2007; Bergwerff et al, 2008). The main objective isthe formation of highly dispersed active sites (CoMoSphase), to carry out the hydrodesulfurization ofrefractory compounds as dibenzothiophene and 4, 6-dimethyl dibenzothiophene (Topsoe et al, 1996; Choiet al, 2003). To achieve this, various impregnationtechniques have been developed, including the useof different supports (Reardon et al, 1998; Soukupet al, 2015) and the synthesis of nano-sized catalyticparticles (Choi et al, 2004). Recently, it has beenreported the preparation of bimetallic catalysts ofCo(Ni)Mo using the microemulsion technique byprecipitation (Scott et al, 2015). The authors report thecatalysts were less active in the hydrodesulfurizationreaction, in comparison with a reference CoMo/Al2O3catalyst, indicating that one of the reasons forthe lower activity was the high segregation ofthe promoter. Erickson et al (2004) have shownthe potential of the reverse microemulsion methodfor obtaining nanoparticles used in heterogeneouscatalysis. In general, the reverse microemulsiontechnique consists of a system composed of anaqueous phase, an organic phase and a surfactant,wherein the water phase/organic phase ratio, is equalto or less than unity (Guveli et al, 1979; Patist et al,1998). The reverse microemulsions systems have asits main feature, the formation of water nanodroplets,surrounded by a layer of surfactant and dispersed inthe organic phase, these systems being transparent ortranslucent (Sidim & Acar, 2013; Cavazos-Garduno etal, 2014). The concentration of surfactant needed toinitiate micelle formation, is called the critical micelleconcentration (cmc), condition that can generally bedetermined by the electrical conductivity parameter

(Sidim & Acar, 2013). These systems have beenreported to be thermodynamically stable and isotropic(Silas & Kaler, 2001). Microemulsions systems areused in various fields, some of them are in foods,and to synthesize catalytic nanoparticles, the latterare materials obtained with high surface areas andspecific physico-chemical properties. (Wu et al,2001; Flores-Miranda et al, 2015). In addition, it hasbeen made clear that for each nanoparticle synthesis,the selection of the organic phase and surfactantis important because these can affect nanoparticlesmorphology (Pileni, 2003; Eriksson et al, 2004).Some of the surfactants as cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB) cationic surfactant and sodiumdodecyl sulfate (SDS) anionic surfactant, have beenused in reverse microemulsion systems (Guveli et al,1979; Patist et al, 1998; Pileni, 2003; Eriksson et al,2004) and its effect has been observed in nanoparticlessynthesis. Sicard et al (2003) reported that for thesynthesis of alumina the effect of presence of CTABand SDS was compared, and after calcination it wasdetermined that the polar part of SDS ends withinthe network of alumina. On the other hand animprovement in the network structure of aluminawas observed, determining a greater surface areawith the use of CTAB. In other studies, CuO-ZrO2catalyst prepared by reverse microemulsion, used toproduce hydrogen from methanol, it was determinedthat the use of CTAB yielded more uniform and lessagglomerated nanoparticles, compared with SDS fromwhich a higher aggregation of micelles during thepreparation was observed, producing larger particles(Vahidshad et al, 2010). The effect of micelles madewith different surfactants, including SDS and CTAB,used as catalysts for the synthesis of quinoxaline,allowed to determine the catalytic potential in thefollowing order: nonionic> anionic> Brønsted acids>cationic, suggesting that surfactants are better suitedas catalytic aids to promote organic reactions inwater (Kumar et al, 2013). The present workaimed to analyze and compare two sets of reversemicroemulsions, each set with a surfactant of differentionic nature (CTAB and SDS) and the same organicphase (1-butanol). For both sets, a formulation wasselected, to synthesize a CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst withthe same composition in both microemulsions. Thecatalysts were analyzed and compared with differentcharacterization techniques, in order to determinethe effect of surfactants on the properties of thesynthesized materials, and their performance in thedibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization.


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Table 1. Composition of the microemulsions

Series 1 microemulsions Series 2 microemulsions

Water Water 1-Butanol CTAB CTAB Water Water 1-Butanol SDS SDS(wt. %) (ml) (wt. %) (wt. %) (g) (wt. %) (ml) (wt. %) (wt. %) (g)

23.9 8 72.7 3.4 1.1 24.1 8 73.3 2.6 0.830.7 12 62.0 7.3 2.8 31.7 12 64.2 4.1 1.636.4 16 55.2 8.4 3.7 37.8 16 57.3 4.9 2.141.3 20 50.1 8.6 4.2 42.7 20 51.9 5.4 2.545.5 24 46.0 8.5 4.4 47.1 24 47.6 5.3 2.7

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Materials

To prepare reverse microemulsions, Milli-Q purifiedwater formed the disperse phase, while 1-butanol (J.T. Baker, 99% purity) made up the continuous phaseof the microemulsions. Cetyl trimethyl ammoniumbromide (CTAB, CH3(CH2) 15NBr(CH3)3) cationicsurfactant (Sigma-Aldrich) and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, C12H25OSO3Na) anionic surfactant(Sigma-Aldrich), were used as surfactants.

For the catalysts, cobalt nitrate 6-hydrate(Co(NO3)2 6H2O), ammonium heptamolybdatetetrahydrate (AHM, (NH4)6Mo7O24 4H2O) andaluminum nitrate 9-hydrate (Al(NO3)3 9H2O), allwere reagent grade (J. T. Baker) were used.

Butylamine (CH3C3H6NH2) to adjust the pH ofthe microemulsions (Sigma-Aldrich) was used.

2.2 Methods

Two sets of reverse microemulsions (five samplesper set) were prepared, the first series was preparedwith water/n-butanol/CTAB and the second set wasobtained by using water/1-butanol/SDS, as shown inTable 1. Additionally, in Table 1 are shown theamount of water used and the corresponding massfractions. 1-butanol mass fractions correspond to 30ml in each sample. The water/1-butanol mass ratiowas less than unity to ensure the formation of reversemicroemulsions. During microemulsion formation,CTAB and SDS surfactants were added slowly, withcontinuous stirring until the mixture turned fromturbid to transparent. This change was determinedby the critical micelle concentration (cmc), followingthe electric conductivity (k), that was continuouslymonitored with a LabPro Vernier (model CON-BTA),coupled to a conductivity probe with a sensitivityof ±0.001 S/m. Measurements were conducted at aconstant temperature of 25±0.1 °C.

The hydrodynamic diameter of the nanodroplets,was determined by means of dynamic light scattering(DLS) using Malvern Zetasizer Nano (MalvernInstruments Ltd., Malvern, Worcestershire, UK).Measurements were done at constant temperature,25±0.1°C.

To evaluate the stability of microemulsions, theviscosity and droplet size of each system in aninitial time t=0 and subsequently after 30 days wasdetermined. The viscosity was evaluated to shearrates of 60 to 1 × 10−3 s−1, using a rheometer(Physica, model MCR 300, Stuttgart, Germany) witha cylindrical geometry of double-gap at a temperatureof 25 ± 0.01 ° C controlled by a Peltier system.

From each set a microemulsion formulation wasselected to synthesize a CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst. Forthis synthesis, the organic phase was 1-Butanol, theaqueous phase was a saline solution with 9.21 mM ofcobalt (II) species, 23.96 mM of molybdenum (VI)species and 125.52 mM of aluminum (III) species.The CTAB and SDS surfactants in each case wereadded slowly, to obtain the microemulsion systems.Subsequently, microemulsion systems were adjustedto pH 10 using butylamine, to generate the requiredspecies in solution. These microemulsion systemswere allowed to dry for 48 hours. The dried sampleswere calcined with a ramp of 2 ºC / min to 500 ºC,maintaining this temperature for 6 hours with an airflow of 20 ml / min, to obtain catalysts in theiroxide state. Once the catalysts were obtained, werecharacterized as show below.

The nitrogen physisorption analysis was done inan Autosorb 1 gas sorption system (Quantachrome).Samples were outgassed at 204 °C under vacuum forsix hours, the nitrogen physisorption was performed at- 196 °C. The surface area determination, volume andpore diameter was carried out using the BET equationand the BJH method.

The crystalline phases were identified using aSiemens D-500 Kristalloflex Diffractometer, with aCuKα radiation, λ = 0.15406 nm, with primary and 895

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secondary beam monochromator. The equipment wasoperated at 35 kV, 20 mA with a time interval of 1 sand scan rate of 0.03°/s.

The hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene(DBT) was carried out in a batch reactor (Parr) for 6h. The HDS conditions were as follows: weight ofcatalyst 0.2 g, pressure 800 psi, temperature 320 ºC,RPM 1000, solvent 100 mL hexadecane, weight ofDBT 0.3 g. The catalyst was previously sulfided in anH2S (15%)/H2 flow at 400 ºC for two hours. Productsof the HDS reactions were analyzed by GC (PerkinElmer XL Autosystem). HDS kinetic constants kDBTwere calculated assuming pseudo-first order kineticsreferred to DBT concentration (Escobar et al, 2005).

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Synthesis of reverse microemulsions

In this study the effect of two surfactants in theformation of reverse microemulsion and in thesynthesis of catalysts was evaluated. As shown inTable 1, to obtain a microemulsion the mass of eachsurfactant required to disperse a given volume of wateris different. Figure 1 shows that with increasingvolume of water, the surfactant/water ratio reaches amaximun, then decreases. Specifically, for the caseof microemulsions formed with SDS, less surfactant isrequired compared to CTAB to disperse equal watervolumes. This indicates that for the water volumestested, the amount of SDS used is 25% to 40% lowerthan that of CTAB. The behavior described above canbe attributed to the lower cmc and lower aggregationnumber for SDS, compared with for CTAB (Li et al,1996; Li & Kunieda, 2003; Shafiq Ullah, 2007).








5 10 15 20 25







Water (ml)


Fig. 1. Surfactant-water relationship in microemulsionsystems formed with anionic and cationic surfactants.










5 10 15 20 25






er (


Water (ml)


Fig. 2. Hydrodynamic diameter behavior as a functionof water content.

Figure 2 shows the hydrodynamic diameter ofmicelles as a function of water volume. Thehydrodynamic diameter is of the same order ofmagnitude in both series of microemulsions, buta greater hydrodynamic diameter is observed forSDS formulations than for CTAB microemulsions.This behavior is explained by taking into accountthe following: there is a greater contribution ofelectrostatic repulsion between the charged heads ofthe SDS surfactant, as compared to CTAB (Patistet al, 1998; Zakharova et al, 2003). This, in turnproduces that a greater number of molecules of 1-butanol can be transported to the interface (Guveli etal, 1979; Mathew & Juang, 2007), so that alcoholmolecules with different carbon chain behave ascosurfactants. Shiao et al (1997), further reportedthat when organic molecules are transported to theinterface, a marked decrease of the water/organicinterfacial tension occurs, producing an increasein microemulsions stability. In other studies, theauthors comment that the SDS has a carbon chainsmaller, which also allows further migration of 1-butanol molecules to the interface, justifying a loweraggregation number of SDS over the CTAB (Li et al,1996; Feng et al, 2005; Samakande et al, 2008).

With these results, it is possible to select twoappropriate systems, one per series of microemulsionswithin the composition intervals used, to synthesizecatalytic materials within the nanodroplets. Additionalexperiments (not shown here) indicated that whenaqueous phase/organic phase ratio is very close tounity, microemulsions tend to lose their transparentappearance, and bicontinuous microemulsions areformed. Also, in the lower limit of water contentthe droplets are small and may not be appropriatefor the formation of the materials, since this allows


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the precipitation of the solid particles formed insidethe micelles (Pileni, 2003). The selection ofthe appropriate systems ensures the generation ofmicelles with the hydrodynamic diameters capable ofcontaining solid particles.

3.2 Stability of microemulsion systems

In Table 2, viscosity values in an interval of 0 to30 days are shown. In column 1, the water contentcorresponds to the percentages of Table 1. Columns 2and 4 correspond to the microemulsions prepared withSDS, whereas columns 3 and 5 to the microemulsionsprepared with CTAB. As observed, viscosity remainsunchanged in the time interval analyzed. Also,the average droplet size did not change significantly(results not shown). This indicated that the micellesformed at time t = 0 remain stable. Paul et al. (2000)in their review indicate that the viscosity is dependenton the components of the microemulsion and thepreparation conditions. Additionally, for each systemthe fluidity plays an important role, which determinesthe material properties to synthesize. In our case, allof the microemulsions showed Newtonian behavior inthe experimental shear rate interval used, indicatingBrownian free motion of micelles (high mobility).

3.3 Synthesis of CoMo/Al2O3 catalysts

Based on the composition for all microemulsionsgiven above, in Table 3, the percentages in mass ofthe microemulsion systems selected (one per series)are given. As observed, the microemulsions selectedcorrespond to the preparations in the middle range.The selection prevents possible effects on droplet size,

either by the formation of bicontinuous systems (highconcentration of aqueous phase) or by the formationof very small droplets.

The aqueous phase was used to prepare asolution with the precursor salts, later the twomicroemulsion systems were formed, as described.The hydrodynamic diameter of the droplets ofmicroemulsion was 5.3 nm using CTAB and 12.5 nmwith SDS. These values were lower with respect tothe hydrodynamic diameters (10 nm with CTAB and22.7 nm with SDS) observed without the presence ofsalts. The reduction in size of the micelles is dueto the presence of electrolytes in the aqueous phase,which significantly reduce the repulsive forces of thepolar part of the surfactant; a greater packaging isproduced, which results in a decreased hydrodynamicdiameter (Ayyub et al, 1993; Paul & Moulik, 2000).Once formed, both microemulsions were adjustedto pH=10 to obtain the formation of the followingspecies: Co(OH)2, MoO2−

4 and Al(OH)3 inside themicelles. As has been reported, these species areappropriate to prepare active HDS catalysts (Wang &Hall, 1982; Inamura et al, 1997; Parida et al, 2009).

Table 4 shows the nominal composition, surfacearea and pore volume of the calcined materials. Bothmaterials were mesoporous; the catalyst synthesizedwith CTAB resulted with higher surface area thanthat obtained with SDS, with significant differences.Compared to CoMo/Al2O3 catalysts prepared bydiverse impregnation techniques, the surface areasfound are within the range reported for similarmaterials (Papadopoulou et al, 2004; Escobar et al,2005). On the other hand, Perez De la Rosa et al(2004), reported an area of 227 m2/g for a DSD-14industrial catalyst.

Table 2. Viscosities of microemulsion systems

Water Viscosity SDS Viscosity CTAB Viscosity SDS Viscosity CTABml mPa (t = 0 days) mPa (t=0 days) mPa (t=30 days) mPa (t=30 days)

24 8.143 8.169 8.145 8.17120 8.120 8.039 8.122 8.04216 8.019 7.840 8.016 7.83512 7.914 7.568 7.900 7.5638 7.846 7.121 7.850 7.196

Table 3. Microemulsion systems composition for the catalysts synthesis

Microemulsion Water (wt. %) 1-Butanol (wt. %) SDS (wt. %) CTAB (wt. %)

Series 1 36.4 55.2 - 8.4Series 2 37.8 57.3 4.9 - 897

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Table 4. Nominal composition of the catalysts CoMo/Al2O3 (wt. %) and textural properties

Catalysts CoO (wt. %) MoO3 (wt. %) Al2O3 (wt. %) Area BET (m2/g) Pore Vol. (cm3/g)

CoMo/Al2O3 (CTAB) 3.5 14.7 81.8 261 0.41CoMo/Al2O3 (SDS) 3.5 14.7 81.8 124 0.62

Sicard et al (2003) observed the effect of theaddition of surfactants during alumina preparation.They reported that the addition of SDS had an adverseeffect on the alumina properties, obtaining low surfaceareas, but the addition of CTAB produced aluminawith high surface areas.

3.4 X-ray diffraction (XRD)

In Figure 3, the diffractogram of the catalystsynthesized with the microemulsion using CTAB ispresented. The result shows an amorphous material,indicating that the cobalt and molybdenum oxidesare highly dispersed on the Al2O3 support (Harutaet al, 1984). Xin et al (2004), analyzed aluminassynthesized by microemulsion method, using CTABas surfactant, and reported mesostructured alumina,observing a similar XRD pattern to that shown inFigure 3.

In Figure 4, the diffractogram of the catalystsynthesized in the microemulsion formed with SDSis shown. In the diffractogram, the reflections showncorrespond to sodium sulfate, which is still presentafter calcination.

Choi et al (2004) reported a CoMo/Al2O3 catalystprepared by spray pyrolysis to obtain spheres thatconsisted of primary particles of nanometric size.XRD analysis of these samples showed the presence ofmolybdates (MoO4 and Al2(MoO4)3), for all samplescontaining a large amount of MoO3. Sicard et al(2003) reported that during the synthesis of aluminas,the presence of surfactants (CTAB) at basic pH doesnot affect the porosity. However, traces of bromideand sodium ions were detected, showing a directinteraction between the surfactants and alumina. Andin the case of SDS, occlusion of the sulfate group headin the alumina framework was determined. In contrastto Sicard et al. (2003), in our work no bromide ionswere detected and the presence of sulfate ions wasobserved by XRD.

3.5 HDS of DBT

The catalytic activity in terms of DBT conversion isshown in Figure 5 for both catalysts. The catalystprepared with CTAB had a conversion of 93%,whereas for the SDS-prepared catalyst the conversion

was only 24%. The kinetic constants for the initialreaction rate, showed a value of 3.02×10−4 m3/kgmetals, for catalyst synthesized using CTAB, being sixfoldmore active, with respect to catalyst synthesized usingSDS, whose value was 0.54 × 10−4 m3/kgmetals. It isnoticeable the huge difference between both catalystshaving the same formulation. Comparing both itappears as if the SDS-formulated sample deactivatereaching a constant low conversion after 5 hours ofreaction. XRD results suggest that the remainingsulfate present in the catalyst after calcination is thecause of this behavior.


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


CoMo/Al2O3 (CTAB)

Fig. 3. X-ray diffractogram of calcined CoMo/Al2O3catalyst prepared with CTAB


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


nsi t

y (a


Fig. 4. XRD pattern for calcined CoMo/Al2O3prepared with SDS. �: sodium sulfate


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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400






Time (min)


Fig. 5. DBT conversion for the two CoMo/Al2O3catalysts prepared.












0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


ld (

% B


Conversion (XDBT)


Fig. 6. Biphenyl yield as a function of DBTConversion

Products distributions of dibenzothiophenehydrodesulfurization are given in Figures 6, 7 and8, where the yields are presented in terms ofDBT conversion. The products were: biphenyl(BiP), cyclohexylbenzene (CHB) and bicyclohexil(BCH). Higher yields were obtained for the catalystsynthesized using CTAB, due to higher DBTconversion. In both catalysts the main product wasBiP. 81.6 % of DBT was converted to BiP whenusing CTAB and only 18.2 % when the catalysts wasprepared with SDS. Regarding CHB, 8.3 % of theDBT was converted using CTAB, and only 6.0 %when using SDS. The conversion to CHB was verysmall when using both catalysts.

It is well known that the hydrodesulfurizationof DBT occurs following two pathways (Houalla etal, 1980); one pathway is the hydrogenation andthe second pathway, indicates direct desulfurization












0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


ld (

% C



Conversion (XDBT)



Fig. 7. Cyclohexylbenzene yield as a function of DBTConversion.









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


ld (

% B



Conversion (XDBT)



Fig. 8. Bicyclohexyl yield as a function of DBTConversion.

(DSD). DSD involves the breaking of C-S bonds,preserving the aromaticity of the rings to producebiphenyl (BiP) as the first product. Once formed thebiphenyl, the hydrogenation of one of the aromaticrings occurs producing cyclohexylbenzene (CHB).A subsequent hydrogenation of the second ringproduces bicyclohexil (BCH). It is clear that under theconditions used the main product is biphenyl, whichmeans that the hydrogenation steps are slower thanthe elimination of sulphur. Several reports (Houallaet al 1980; Bataille et al 2001) have indicated that incobalt catalysts this pathway is favored for the HDSof DBT. It is also known that in the DSD pathwaythe desulfurization is faster than in the hydrogenationpathway, about three orders of magnitude (Houallaet al, 1980). In this study the results obtainedindicate for both CoMo/Al2O3 catalysts that the directdesulfurization route is followed. 899

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H2H2S +

Biphenyl (BiP)




Cyclohexylbenzene (CHB)

Bicyclohexil (BCH)Slow


Fig. 9. Direct desulfurization route for DBT.


This work compares the microemulsion characteristicsusing two different surfactants, one anionic and onecationic. The amount of surfactant needed to formthe microemulsion and the micelles sizes indicate theinfluence of the ionicity of surfactant, although bothsets are highly stable. Larger droplets are formedwith CTAB suggesting the possibility to manage largerconcentrations of materials precursors and to avoidprecipitation. To synthesize the catalysts a value inthe middle of the region tested was used to prevent theformation of bicontinuous systems or the formation ofvery small droplets. Materials prepared with CTABpresent larger surface areas and greater activity in thehydrodesulfurization of DTB. In fact catalyst preparedwith SDS had a very low activity and after 5 hoursthe catalyst deactivated completely. In agreement withthe literature for CoMo catalysts the preferred route toeliminate sulfur is the direct desulfurization

We have demonstrated that with the use ofreverse microemulsions, complex catalysts such asCoMo/Al2O3 used in hydrodesulfurization can beobtained, and that the surfactant, its ionicity andchemical composition used for the synthesis have atremendous impact in the catalyst performance.

AcknowledgementsWe thank Conacyt for the support through the project“Desarrollo de catalizadores para la quımica fina”. J.L. Munguıa-Guillen acknowledges the PhD grant fromConacyt.

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