revolt issue 1 final - to indict him or any of the other officers involved in the...

REVOLT! We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breatheFrantz Fanon In This Issue Martin Luther King Day Justice for 2 killed in East LA! Mao Zedong on Black Liberation More... It Doesnt Stop Until We Stop It After Daniel Pantaleo, a white New York City Police Department officer, killed an African American, Eric Garner, by choking him to death on July 17 in Tompkinsville, Staten Island, a New York City grand jury on Dec. 3 refused to indict him or any of the other officers involved in the murder. But we are not surprised. We are not surprised by the New York City grand jurys decision – similar to the Ferguson grand jury which also refused to indict officer Darren Wil- son in the killing of Mike Brown. It stands as an affirmation that the U.S. is a white supremacist country, whose principal character is that of being a prison house of nations. It stands as an affirmation of this countrys legacy of national oppression when it sends in an overwhelmingly white police force like an occupying army into its internal colonies/oppressed nations (communities of color). It stands as cemented proof, for those that needed it, of this countrys legacy as an imperialist, white supremacist, settler- colonial state. Protests have erupted in response all across the country, many of which are continuing from the Ferguson and Mike Brown solidarity movements. More and more, people—the masses—are rising up in coordinated and spontaneous actions in cities throughout the U.S., from the East Coast (New York) to the Midwest (Kansas City) to the West Coast (Los Angeles, Oakland and Portland). And, still, more and more people are echoing some of Eric Garners final words of resistance against the racist police, It stops today,to which we say, yes, of course, and let s add to that: This doesnt stop until we stop it!Continued on page 3 A publication of the Red Guards-Los Angeles (New Communist Party-Liaison Committee) January 20, 2015 Issue 1

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“We revolt simply

because, for many

reasons, we can

no longer breathe”

―Frantz Fanon

In This Issue

Martin Luther King


Justice for 2 killed in

East LA!

Mao Zedong on Black



It Doesn’t Stop Until We Stop It

After Daniel Pantaleo, a white New York City Police Department officer, killed an African American, Eric Garner, by choking him to death on July 17 in Tompkinsville, Staten Island, a New York City grand jury on Dec. 3 refused to indict him or any of the other officers involved in the murder.

But we are not surprised.

We are not surprised by the New York City grand jury’s decision – similar to the Ferguson grand jury which also refused to indict officer Darren Wil-son in the killing of Mike Brown. It stands as an affirmation that the U.S. is a white supremacist country, whose principal character is that of being a prison house of nations. It stands as an affirmation of this country’s legacy of national oppression when it sends in an overwhelmingly white police force like an occupying army into its internal colonies/oppressed nations (communities of color). It stands as cemented proof, for those that needed it, of this country’s legacy as an imperialist, white supremacist, settler-colonial state.

Protests have erupted in response all across the country, many of which are continuing from the Ferguson and Mike Brown solidarity movements. More and more, people—the masses—are rising up in coordinated and spontaneous actions in cities throughout the U.S., from the East Coast (New York) to the Midwest (Kansas City) to the West Coast (Los Angeles, Oakland and Portland). And, still, more and more people are echoing some of Eric Garner’s final words of resistance against the racist police, “It stops today,” to which we say, yes, of course, and let’s add to that: “This doesn’t stop until we stop it!” Continued on page 3

A publication of the Red Guards-Los Angeles (New Communist Party-Liaison Committee)

January 20,


Issue 1

All over the world, and including the United

States, oppressed and exploited people con-

tinue to be brutalized and gun downed by law

enforcement under the guise of protecting and

serving our communities.

But in Boyle Heights, East Los Angeles,

South Los Angeles, Ferguson and elsewhere

oppressed nationalities (people of color) and

our allies are rising up. Our communities are

internal colonies within the U.S. Euro-

American capitalist-imperialist state. We are

organizing and resisting their violence, the

brutality of the Los Angeles Police Depart-

ment and the County Sheriff’s Department.

On Nov. 16, Eduardo Bermudez and Ricardo

Avelar-Lara were shot to death by the Los An-

geles County Sheriff’s Department, under the

justification that they were armed. Later on, it

was proven that the supposed gun in question

was a fake gun, a BB gun.

Red Guards – Los Angeles, a Marxist-

Leninist-Maoist organization based in Boyle

Heights under the leadership of oppressed

nationalities, stands in solidarity with the

families of both Eduardo Bermudez and Ri-

cardo Avelar-Lara and our communities who

are organizing for justice.

We understand that the police and sheriffs

are a violently antagonistic force in Los An-

geles, especially South and East Los Ange-

les. And it is for that very reason that we

urge our communities to organize against the

repressive state apparatus and begin the for-

mation of self-sufficient peoples’ organizations

that can be held directly accountable to the

masses within our communities.

The police and sheriffs want us kettled in our

internal colonies, afraid and controlled. But we

are many, they are few. We are strong, they

are weak. We are revolutionaries, they are the


Solidarity with the families and people of Fer-

guson, South LA and East LA!

Long live a world without killer sheriffs and


Down with the state, up with the people!

To help the families with burial expenses,

please go to:

Page 2

¡Eduardo Bermudez and Ricardo Avelar-Lara,


A statement from Red Guards–Los Angeles (New Communist Party-LC)

Page 3

Continued from page 1...

But, still, many think activism starts and ends with a hashtag, with a non-profit coalition, with a city-permitted demonstration.

But we think differently. We recognize the ne-cessity of putting an end to the tragically long list of names of black and brown lives taken by the capitalist-imperialist state.

Let it be clearly understood now: the capitalist-imperialist state is waging a war, particularly against its internal colonies/oppressed na-tions. They want us kettled in, powerless and utterly dominated. They want us dead or con-trolled. Not only does the U.S. need its con-sumers, it also needs its surplus reserve of cheap labor, largely made up of people of Af-rican Americans, Chicanos and immigrants/migrants from oppressed nations around the world.

The state has its armed forces; this is referred to as the repressive state apparatus (RSA). The RSA is one side of state power; the other is its ideological state apparatus (ISA). The RSA is a section of the capitalist state that maintains the relations of capitalist production and white supremacy through the use of orga-nized force: the army, the justice department, congress, police, courts, prisons etc. The ISA justifies and tries to legitimize the white su-premacist and capitalist order through ideolo-gy – in schools, in the media, etc. The NYPD

is part of the repressive state apparatus that maintains the order of white supremacist capi-talism through organized violence. The NYPD protects the interests and property of the capi-talist class along with their allies in the finan-cial capital of the world, by repressing working class people and oppressed nationalities so as to keep us ready to be exploited.

We cannot afford to treat these killings as in-dividual phenomena, as particularities in an otherwise smooth and frictionless existence; we exist to resist. The killings of black and brown people will not stop without calculated and protracted confrontation.

The state and its repressive and ideological state apparatuses will not tire. They must be completely and mercilessly destroyed, and this can only be done with a well-coordinated and disciplined mass movement. For this, we say, we understand, that we need a concen-trated effort carried out by the masses that are committed for proletarian revolution, for a Peoples’ War—this is what we call for a com-munist party. It doesn’t exist, but it must. And that’s why we exist.

The New Communist Party (Liaison Commit-tee) exists simply and only for the sincerest reason to build proletarian revolution and communism. As we attempt to build the party, a new party, an authentic communist party, we encourage all oppressed and exploited people in this country to organize Cop Watch-

Dare to Struggle! Dare to Win! -Red Guards-Austin

Page 4

On Burning Houses:

A Report Back From the Militarized

Martin Luther King Day Parade in

South Los Angeles.

"We have fought hard and long for integra-

tion, as I believe we should have, and I know

that we will win. But I've come to believe

we're integrating into a burning house."

As the Red Guards approached the Martin Lu-

ther King day parade in South Los Angeles, we

found a group of 30 armed police officers

mounted on motorcycles flying back and forth in

complex formations with sirens wailing. This car-

ried on for almost half an hour as we asked our-

selves, “what could this be besides a display of

military might?”

As the parade approached, we were disappoint-

ed to find that it was conducted in a way to ex-

clude participation of the masses and to provide

a platform for the police, ROTC, city council, and

the military to co-opt the legacy of Martin Luther

King Jr. and turn it into a nationalistic celebration

of imperialist exploitation and oppression.

Despite their dishonest attempts at showing the

diversity of their white supremacist institutions,

the masses were not fooled. Several people

watching the parade chimed in by shouting

“Fuck the pigs!” and other anti-establishment

phrases. We know the cops, city council, and

military don’t represent the interests of the work-

ing class, especially those members of the work-

ing class who experience national oppression

and racist violence by these institutions.

The ruling class and their cronies in the state

know that there is a deep anger among the op-

pressed nations in the United States and they

actively sought to contain that anger by outright

excluding the masses from the parade. They are

afraid of the masses protesting and fighting back

against their oppression. They are afraid of op-

pressed people reviving the militant legacy of

Martin Luther King Jr.

es, to organize self-defense organizations, to organize for self-preservation and survival and continue to build mass organizations that seek to make revolution against the capitalist-imperialist bourgeoisie.

Revolutionaries from past history have come to several universal truths. Among them Chair-man Mao Zedong understood this all too well during the Chinese Revolution of 1949 and then again during the Great Proletarian Cultur-al Revolution of 1966-1976 with the dictum: “Without a People’s Army, the people have nothing.”

Let us struggle, let us win, let us make revolu-tion!

Page 5

The Radical Legacy of Dr. King

As Dr. King grew older, his confidence in capi-

talist “democracy” had greatly diminished. He

had begun to view white moderates affiliated

with the Democratic Party as the “great stum-

bling block to freedom. He grew contemptuous

towards those who were “more devoted to order

than to justice” or who told him to put off his

struggle for the liberation of black America until

a better time. He started to publicly make con-

nection between poverty, racism, and the geno-

cidal imperialist war in Vietnam. Dr. King began

to recognize the exploitative and oppressive na-

ture of the capitalist system wherein African-

Americans were sharply exploited and discrimi-

nated against in order to enrich a predominantly

white privileged few and the need to fight not

only against discrimination and Klan-style racist

violence, but all of bourgeois society.

In the months leading up to his death in 1968,

Dr. King began to organize a “Poor People’s

Campaign” demanding the right to work and a

livable income for the poor of all communities in

the US.

Although his conception of the Poor People’s

campaign had its ideological and strategic short-

comings, it was an attempt to highlight the deep

interconnectedness off class struggle and na-

tional liberation.

Let the House Burn! Fight for Revolu-


White liberals showed their true colors as Dr.

King moved further to the left. They abandoned

and demonized him. After his death, they co-

opted his struggles and image in order to justify

their attempts to divert the anger of the masses

into channels that don’t threaten the system of

capitalist white supremacy.

There is no room for the emancipation of black

people in capitalist America. The United States

would have never existed without the subjuga-

tion and enslavement of millions of Africans and

to this day, it maintains the status of the black

community as a source of cheap labor and pris-

on fodder. It murders black men, women, and

children with impunity just for existing. It rele-

gates them to crippling systemic unemployment.

American capitalism isn’t broken and it can’t be

salvaged. It was built this way and it can only

exist as a viciously racist social arrangement.

Capitalism requires pools of workers who are

forced to work in substandard conditions for

substandard pay.

The only solution is communist revolution. Only

the complete transformation of all of society can

defeat white supremacy and bring about a

world without poverty, racism and national op-


“During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the op-

pressing classes constantly hounded them, re-

ceived their theories with the most savage malice,

the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous

campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, at-

tempts are made to convert them into harmless

icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow

their names to a certain extent for the “consolation”

of the oppressed classes and with the object of dup-

ing the latter” -Vladimir Lenin

“A New Storm Against

Imperialism” by Mao

Zedong April 19, 1968

Some days ago, Martin Luther King, the Af-

ro-American clergyman, was suddenly as-

sassinated by the U.S. imperialists. Martin

Luther King was an exponent of nonvio-

lence. Nevertheless, the U.S. imperialists

did not on that account show any tolerance

toward him, but used counter-revolutionary

violence and killed him in cold blood. This

has taught the broad masses of the Black

people in the United States a profound les-

son. It has touched off a new storm in their

struggle against violent repression sweep-

ing well over a hundred cities in the United

States, a storm such as has never taken

place before in the history of that country. It

shows that an extremely powerful revolu-

tionary force is latent in the more than twen-

ty million Black Americans.

The storm of Afro-American struggle taking

place within the United States is a striking

manifestation of the comprehensive political

and economic crisis now gripping U.S. im-

perialism. It is dealing a telling blow to U.S.

imperialism, which is beset with difficulties

at home and abroad.

The Afro-American struggle is not only a

struggle waged by the exploited and op-

pressed Black people for freedom and

emancipation, it is also a new clarion call to

all the exploited and oppressed people of

the United States to fight against the barba-

rous rule of the monopoly capitalist class. It

is a tremendous aid and inspiration to the

struggle of the people throughout the world

against U.S. imperialism and to the struggle

of the Vietnamese people against U.S. im-

perialism. On behalf of the Chinese people,

I hereby express resolute support for the

just struggle of the Black people in the Unit-

ed States.

Racial discrimination in the United States is

a product of the colonialist and imperialist

system. The contradiction between the

Black masses in the United States and the

U.S. ruling circles is a class contradiction.

Only by overthrowing the reactionary rule of

the U.S. monopoly capitalist class and de-

stroying the colonialist and imperialist sys-

tem can the Black people in the United

States win complete emancipation. The

Black masses and the masses of white

working people in the United States have

common interests and common objectives

to struggle for. Therefore, the Afro-

American struggle is winning sympathy and

support from increasing numbers of white

working people and progessives in the Unit-

ed States. The struggle of the Black people

in the United States is bound to merge with

the American workers’ movement, and this

will eventually end the criminal rule of the

U.S. monopoly capitalist class.

In 1963, in the “Statement Supporting the

Afro-Americans in Their Just Struggle

Against Racial Discrimination by U.S. Impe-

rialism,” I said that the “the evil system of

colonialism and imperialism arose and

throve with the enslavement of Negroes and

the trade in Negroes, and it will surely come

to its end with the complete emancipation of

Page 6

Page 7

the Black people.” I still maintain this view.

At present, the world revolution has entered

a great new era. The struggle of the Black

people in the United States for emancipa-

tion is a component part of the general

struggle of al the people of the world against

U.S. imperialism, a component part of the

contemporary world revolution. I call on the

workers, peasants, and revolutionary intel-

lectuals of all countries and all who are will-

ing to fight against U.S. imperialism to take

action and extend strong support to the

struggle of the Black people in the United

States! People of the whole world, unite still

more closely and launch a sustained and

vigorous offensive against our common en-

emy, U.S. imperialism, and its accomplices!

It can be said with certainty that the com-

plete collapse of colonialism, imperialism,

and all systems of exploitation, and the

complete emancipation of all the oppressed

peoples and nations of the world are not far


Mao Zedong and African American Revolutionary Robert F Williams

“Only by overthrowing the reac-

tionary rule of the U.S. monopoly

capitalist class and destroying the

colonialist and imperialist system

can the Black people in the United

States win complete emancipa-

tion. “

What is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism?

MLM is the synthesis of the experiences of class

struggle in all countries since the emergence of

the international proletariat more than 160 years

ago. It was forged and expounded mainly by Marx

and Engels, Lenin and Stalin, and Mao. Marxism,

Leninism, and Maoism are three stages in the de-

velopment of proletarian theory, which advanced

through the heroic struggles waged by hundreds

of millions of downtrodden masses and the sum-

ming-up of the historical milestones of the world

proletarian revolution: the Paris Commune

(1871), the October Revolution (1903-1917), the

Chinese Revolution (1921-1949), and the Great

Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China (1966-

1976). It is our ideological guide towards the con-

struction of a communist society in which classes,

sexism, racism and all other forms of oppression

have been abolished!

Why does the Working Class Need a Party? The 21st century has proven to be an era of

revolt. People from India to Ferguson are

standing up and saying enough is enough.

They are getting angry and are taking to the

streets and picking up arms. However, pas-

sion isn’t enough to defeat our enemies. We

need strategy and leadership. A genuine

communist party seeks to play this role by

integrating into the struggles of the masses

for liberation not to take them over , but in-

stead to become the struggles’ most stead-

fast and hardest working fighters and win

over the trust of the most politically advanced

groups and individuals in order to help chan-

nel the masses’ rage towards our only solu-

tion, communist revolution-the complete abo-

lition and transformation of all exploitative so-

cial relations.

History has shown that we can not rely on the

capitalist parties or the state to consider our

interests. They are the representatives of the

rich and will fight tooth and nail to defend this

violent system of exploitation and oppression.

We have been forced to accept fighting for

scraps from the table for too long. The Prole-

tariat needs a revolution and a revolutionary

party to get what is rightfully ours.

We have nothing to lose but our

chains and a world to win!

Page 8

What is La Concha?

La Concha is an au-

tonomous commu-

nity center based

out of Boyle

Heights run by East

LA’s all women of

color bicycle advo-

cacy and communi-

ty building organi-

zation, The Ovarian


It seeks to create a

safe space for or-

ganizations in the

community to or-

ganize out of and to

hold public events.

La Concha gra-

ciously allows Red

Guards-Los Ange-

les to utilize their

space to co-host

monthly movie

screenings with our

comrades in the Ju-

ventud FMLN, a

Slavadoran revolu-

tionary youth or-

ganization with a

branch in Los An-

geles as well as our

weekly study


Check out Ovarian

Psyco-Cycles at:


Study groups are open to all., particularly those who are not familiar with Maoism

Page 9

Red Guards - Los Angeles (RGLA) Mission:

Red Guards - Los Angeles, as a cadre organization, seeks to politically

educate and revolutionize the communities in Los Angeles, especially

in Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles, into rivaling capitalist-

imperialist power structures by forming our own parallel dual power

systems. We seek to create and promote self-determination to op-

pressed communities through all practical means. We will join, pro-

mote and create, where appropriate, mass organizations to effectively

carry out building class consciousness and revolutionary organizing.

RGLA Vision:

We seek the creation of a communist society in the U.S. and the world

through a genuine proletarian revolution under the ideology of Marxism

-Leninism-Maoism, with heightened attention to the dynamic oppres-

sion faced by oppressed nations and nationalities within the U.S. We

understand the U.S. as being a settler-colonialist capitalist-imperialist

empire that houses several oppressed nations and oppressed immi-

grants/migrants that contribute to the wealth of this country. Our ulti-

mate aim is communism, and we seek to welcome oppressed nations

and nationalities into our ranks, as well as nation and class traitors (i.e.

Euro-Americans and others).

Contact Us

Red Guards:

Website: https://


[email protected]

Facebook page: https://





Website: https://




[email protected]

Facebook page: https://


What is the New Communist Party-Liaison Committee? There is no revolutionary party in the US, despite there being parties that claim to be the vanguard of the proletariat in the US. However, there are numerous individuals and organizations throughout the US with whom we share enough ideological unity as Marxist-Leninist-Maoists to engage in building a party together. Thus, we have taken up the task of forming the Liaison Committee for a New Communist Party to engage these forces and begin taking the steps to unite.

The liaison committee functions by overseeing the establishment of branches and collectives in different cities, states and regions of the US. Each branch engages in doing political work among the masses (organizing workers, students, women, etc.) on the basis of building up for proletarian revolution. The different branches and collectives are not just doing mass work but engage in political and ideological struggle to put us on the path of building a strong, democratic cen-tralist pre-party formation. As ideological unity is built in the Liaison Committee, and more collectives and branches join, we will reach a stage where can declare an organizing committee in which the infra-structure for the Communist Party will start to be built.

The purpose of the NCP-LC is to be this liaison between these

branches and collectives, to develop unity in practice and theory,

and to advance the study, propagation, and leadership among the

masses of communist politics guided by MLM until which time the

quantitative and qualitative conditions exist where a Party can be


How can people get involved?

By contacting a branch if they are in the areas they cover, or the na-tional liaison if they are not. Generally membership is only after a rigorous process of vetting for ideological and practical reasons, but all branches engage in mass work that allows supporters to partici-pate under the guidance of MLM.

On the other hand, we are always looking for collectives with proven

work among the masses as part of uniting the advanced. New

branches should spring everywhere – and the quickest way to be-

come part of the NCP-LC is to develop your own independent col-

lective and mass organization and join together as a group. We are

not a Party, not even a pre-Party, but a liaison committee, intended

to create liaisons among Maoist collectives. We are not an eclectic

formation, however – the points of unity are explicitly MLM – so

while fraternal relations are possible with communist, anarchist,

and other left forces, we are not a wider regroupment effort of the

left, but a Maoist pole making an honest attempt at the party building


Page 10