rgu green times

RGU GREEN TIMES issue 1 february 2012

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Rgu Green Times - Issue 1 February 2012


Page 1: RGU Green Times

RGU GREEN TIMESissue 1 • february 2012

Page 2: RGU Green Times




Climate Change WeekAs part of the national Climate Change Week, representatives from the University’s Sustainability Groups will be in ABS atrium on 13th & 14th March 2012 and in FHSC atrium on 15th March 2012, to promote environmental and sustainable issues. There will be information available on many areas including Energy Saving, Recycling and Green Travel.

On all three days, there will be an eco-driving simulator on site, which will give staff and students the opportunity to test their sustainable driving skills. Come along and challenge your friends/colleagues, to see who is the best driver!

RGU GO GREEN DAYOn Thursday 9th February, representatives from the University’s Sustainability Groups were in ABS atrium to promote the University’s sustainability initiatives in conjunction with Go Green Week.

Hundreds of staff and students took the opportunity to complete the annual Travel Survey questionnaire, which is used to assess and improve transport to and from the University.

The RGU Environmental Sustainability Working Group oversees the University’s strategic plan on Environmental Sustainability.

There are a series of working subgroups that have been set up to deal with specific aspects of the University’s environmental sustainability planning. These are as follows:

• Energy Sustainability

• Green Travel Group

• Waste Management

• Environmental Management and Systems Auditing

• Fair Trade Status and Procurement

Representatives from the sustainability groups are keen to spread the word on the University’s sustainability initiatives, and are frequently seen at events such as Freshers Fayre.

If you are interested in joining any of the sustainability groups (staff and students welcome), then please contact [email protected]

RGU Sustainability Team

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Recycled paper to be trialled by departmentsCertain University departments are currently trialling using recycled unbleached paper instead of using the pure white paper that is normally used.

Approval to trial the paper was given by Professor Peter Robertson, chair of the University’s Environmental Sustainability Working Group, and will be coordinated by the University’s Waste Management Subgroup. Subject to trial, it is intended to use this throughout the whole University. Many public sector bodies are already using or trialling this paper.

The recycled paper has many environmental advantages over the other paper. It is manufactured from 100% recovered fibre. As it is unbleached is does not use brightening agents that are harmful to ecology and health. If the whole University used this paper it is estimated that there would be a reduction of 27,600 kg of CO2 annually used in the process.

Should you have any queries on the trial and the paper please contact Ian Webster [email protected] or Leon Mouat [email protected]


Woolmanhill Energy Challenge 2011/12 Congratulation to flat 25 who have won Phase 1 of the Woolmanhill Energy Challenge 2011/12. Flat 25 have won £25 of Amazon vouchers per resident. Runners up were flat 101 who will receive £10 per person.

Phase 2 of the challenge starts on 30th January 2012 and the good news for those in the lower reaches of the league table are that everyone starts from zero, so everyone has the same chances to win in phase two. There will also be a prize for the overall winner over the two phases.

Well done to everyone and good luck for phase two. If you require any hints or tips on energy efficiency to help get your flat into that winning position please contact Bryan McAlpine at [email protected]

To reward all residents taking part in the challenge we will be having a prize giving at the Union on Friday the 13th April 2012, 6pm to 8pm. Free Cocktails and food will be available with prizes being awarded to the best performing flats over the 2 phases. We hope to see you all there.


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Earth Hour 2012‘Earth Hour’ saw millions of people across the globe turn off the lights between 8.30-9.30pm on Saturday 26th March 2011. The University joined organisations from London to Sydney, Toronto to Singapore to close its Faculty of Health and Social Care, for the hour in an attempt to save energy.

On the 31st March 2012 we aim to continue to support this great event by hosting a “Cocktails by Candlelight” night at the Student Union on the 31st March 2012 between 8.30pm and 9.30pm. We would be delighted if you would join us to support climate change in this global event.

For more information please contact [email protected] or visit the earth hour website www.earthhour.org

Energy Performance Severe winter months, boiler exchanges at Woolmanhill and the upgrade of catering areas have made 2011 a very difficult year to reduce Energy consumption across campus however we have managed to do just that with the support of you.

Over 1.5 Million Kwh or 320 tonnes of CO2 have been reduced compared with 2010. This is a fantastic achievement and I would like to thank you for your support and comments throughout the Year.

Our commitment in 2012 will be to continue to reduce energy across campus and with the support of staff, students and visitors I am confident that this can be achieved.

For further information please contact [email protected]