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Vessel Logistics & Crew Transfer 25 th September 2013 Chris Lawson Director CDM/Health & Safety Consultancy

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Vessel Logistics & Crew Transfer

25th September 2013

Chris Lawson Director CDM/Health & Safety Consultancy

Windfarm Logistics

What are the challenges ahead?

What are we familiar with?

What is different?

Deep water

• Data availability & collation• Vessel selection and availability• Foundation solution• Construction methodology• Diving limitations/Use of ROVs

Far shore

• Turbine size & efficiency• Technological advancement• Transit time• Vessel capability & availability• Port Facility/Place of Safety• Working Windows/Stand-down• Operational Maintenance

Anchor pattern

Photo courtesy of Osprey Ltd

Supply-chain logistics

Offshore crane barge

400te Jack-up Crane, c £130k/day, Options agreement, 3 months

Comparable Onshore Facility

350te Mobile Crane, c £6-7k/day, CPA Hire Contract, 2 weeks

Guidance for the Selection of Jack-ups

Crew Transfer

Photo courtesy of Uptime

Incident TypesAs a guide; incident analysis taken over a period of some years by the HSE indicates that the main hazards faced during transfer of personnel by carrier include:

• Persons inadvertantly falling from the carrier. • Lack of lateral impact protection for personnel. • Severe vertical impact on landing carriers. • Lack of dropped object protection. • Immersion or being placed in the sea. • Hazards faced by personnel when accessing/egressing the carrier. • Hazards faced when recovering personnel from restricted spaces such as those found in utility legs etc.

• Environmental hazards such as sea state, wind speed and direction, visibility, fog/mist etc.

Strategy to Reduce Risk

Hierarchy for risk mitigation

• Walk to Work – Gangway/Bridge• Man riding equipment• Personnel Lift• Stairs with landings• Ladder with fall restraint facility• Rope access/Work positioning

Walk to Work – Structure to Structure

Walk to Work – Vessel to Structure

Photo courtesy of Uptime


Vertical Ladders – Vessel to Structure

Photo courtesy of Windcat Workboats

Freeboard differential – Vessel to Vessel

Vertical Access – Tower

Photo courtesy of Avante

Man Basket – Vessel to Vessel/Structure

Photo courtesy of Sparrows Offshore Group

Consider the foreseeable risk

Emergency Response

Proportionate, Fit for purpose, Maintained, Practiced




Chris Lawson Tel: +44 (0)7920 841232

Email: [email protected]

Vessel Logistics and Crew Transfer