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RIC / SCHOLASTIC ELT Readers 話題の映画、海外の人気ドラマなど、幅広いタイトルが選べます!

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Innovative design


Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Starter level

Scholasticリーダーズ とは

R.I.C. Publications

話題の映画、海外の人気ドラマ、時事問題のドキュメンタリー、オリジナルストーリーなど、幅広いタイトルの中から選べます。レベルは4段階あります。 Headwords(語彙数)、Word counts(単語総数)、 主要構文やページ数に応じて、分けられています。オールカラーページのスタイリッシュなデザインが目を引く注目のシリーズです。

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Fact Files

Fact Fileのページでは、人気俳優へのインタビューや撮影裏話をはじめ、様々な文化・歴史背景など幅広くユニークな記事を取り上げ、マガジンスタイルで紹介しています。

TOEIC 550 英検2級レベル

TOEIC 390 英検準2級レベル

TOEIC 250 英検3級レベル

TOEIC 250 英検4級レベル

People & Places

People & Placesのページでは、登場人物や背景を分かりやすく図解して掲載しており、ストーリーの理解を手助けします。

Activities, audio and extra resources


1500 headwords (story: 10,000 words まで)

1000 headwords (story: 7,000 words まで)

600 headwords (story: 4,000 words まで)

300 headwords (story: 1,500 words まで)


contact us at 03-3788-9201 / [email protected]

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Level 1レベル 1

Starter Levelスターター レベル

STARTER LEVEL: 300 headwords (story: 1,500 words まで)

スターターレベルに含まれる文法構文:単純現在, 現在進行形、未来を表す現在進行形、頻度を表す単純副詞、Let’s など


LEVEL 1: 600 headwords (story: 4,000 words まで)

レベル1に含まれる文法構文:単純過去, 不規則変化をする動詞の過去形、未来形going to、比較級と最上級、would like + 名詞 など

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Level 2 レベル 2

LEVEL 2: 1,000 headwords (story: 7,000 words まで)

Level 2 に含まれる文法構文: 未来形will 、過去進行形、普遍的真実を示す仮定法、限定的関係節、再帰代名詞 など


Level 3レベル 3

LEVEL 3: 1,500 headwords (story: 10,000 words まで)

Level 3 に含まれる文法構文:現在完了継続、過去完了、仮定法現在、仮定法過去、単純現在と受動態、単純間接話法 など

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サンプル・ページ カルチャー・ノート


Starter Level スターター レベル

Book only ¥735 (ISBN: 9781904720546) / Book & CD ¥1,365 (ISBN: 9781904720362)

A manga-style reader about Kaori, a 13 year-old living on a lizard-infested island. When her classmate goes missing, Kaori realises that only she can find him. Kaori’s search uncovers the darker side of her island and forces her to confront the evil forces that control it.

一年中暑く、雨がほとんど降らないルサトラ島。この島には何故かトカゲが氾濫している。そんな島に住む13歳の少女カオリは、突然行方不明になった友達を探しに旅に出る。その島の正体とは? そして、カオリの正体とは? 漫画スタイルで描かれているファンタジー物語。 巻末にある「Fact File」では、様々なファンタジーワールドを紹介。

Book only ¥735 (ISBN: 9781904720539) / Book & CD ¥1,365 (ISBN: 9781904720348)

Junko has come to London for the summer, but feels lonely and isolated. She takes refuge in the daily blog she writes and is delighted when she strikes up a friendship with fellow blogger ‘Slow Boy’. But is he all that he seems?

ナガイ・ジュンコは、語学を勉強するためにロンドンへ。友達が出来ず、寂しさを感じていたジュンコはインターネット・カフェに通い、そこでブログを書き始める。ジュンコのブログに Slow Boyというハンドルネームを持つ男性が出現。『一体、SlowBoyって誰?』と気になる存在に。

Kaori and the Lizard King (カオリとリザードキング)

Blog Love (ブログ・ラブ)

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カルチャー・ノート サンプル・ページ


Robin Hood and his men live as outlaws in Sherwood Forest. They fight corruption and injustice – and they don’t like taxes! So when the taxman pays his annual visit to the Sheriff of Nottingham, the outlaws are less than pleased to see him. Will they help the people of Nottingham get back the money that is rightly theirs, or will the Sheriff win – once again? In easy-to-read photo-story format. Based on an episode from the popular BBC TV series.

大人気の英国BBCドラマ版を画像にセリフを吹き出して挿入した フォト漫画ストーリー。ロビンとその仲間はシャーウッドの森を居城とし、アウトローとして共に住んでいる。ノッティンガム住民の税金を取り戻す為に、ロビン達は圧制を強いる代官に立ち向かう事を決意するが……。巻末には「Robin Hood」メーキングを掲載。

Book only ¥735 (ISBN: 9781904720553) / Book & CD ¥1,365 (ISBN: 9781904720560)

Malcolm’s school is having a picnic afternoon and Malcolm’s parents drag the whole family along. Once there, Francis meets the love of his life, Hal takes control of the barbeque, Reese runs riot and Malcolm – Malcolm just wants out! In easy-to-read photo-story format.

三男坊のマルコムはIQ165を持つ優等生。今日は、家族皆で参加するクレボインクラス・ファミリーピクニックの日。そこでは生徒による“Clever Show”が披露されるのだが、マルコムは兄のフランシスに頼み、ピクニックから逃げ出す計画を……さてピクニックの終末は? フォト漫画ストーリー。

Book only ¥735 (ISBN: 9781905775170 / Book & CD ¥1,365 ( ISBN: 9781905775187)

Robin Hood: The Taxman (ロビンフッド:収税吏のワナ)

Malcolm In The Middle: Krelboyne Picnic ( マルコム・イン・ザ・ミドル)

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Zoey 101: Dance Contest (ゾーイ101:ダンス・コンテスト)

A fantasy comic-strip style reader based on the hit animated TV series from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.



There’s never a dull moment for Zoey and her friends at Pacific Coast Academy. The school dance contest is looming, but Zoey just can’t seem to find the perfect partner. And can Lola use her talent for acting to get a part in the school play and a date with the cute English guy, Simon?


Book only ¥735 (ISBN: 9781905775132) / Book & CD ¥1,365 (ISBN: 9781905775149)

Book only ¥735 (ISBN: 9781905775699) / Book & CD ¥1,365 (ISBN: 9781905775705)

Book only ¥735 (ISBN: 9781905775385) / Book & CD ¥1,365 (ISBN: 9781905775392)

Every night, the Spooky Skaters leave their home in the Land of the Dead and go skat-ing in secret in the local skate park. They do spooky stunts on the ramp and they feel alive! Every day after school, Ben, Leila and their friends hang out at the skate park. Roland and Patty go there too, but they can’t skate and they’re definitely not cool! Then, one night, Roland and Patty meet the Spooky Skaters...

毎夜12時になると“お化けスケーターズ”が公園にスケートを楽しむ為にやって来る。ベン達からス ケートが下手だとからかわれていたローランドとパティだが“お化けスケーターズ”に出会った日から……。漫画スタイル。巻末ではスケートに関する記事を紹介。

Spooky Skaters: The Skate Park After Dark (お化けスケーターズ)

Storm Hawks (ストーム・ホークス)


Starter Level スターター レベル

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サンプル・ページ カルチャー・ノート


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720249) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720355)

Billy Elliot is 11 years old and he’s got problems! His dad is giving him money for boxing lessons but Billy has discovered a talent for ballet, and is secretly attending dance classes. His teacher wants him to audition for a London ballet school, but how will his family react? Based on the award-winning British film.


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720201) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720331)

It’s Halloween at the Hellmouth! Buffy and her friends hire costumes for trick or treat-ing and discover that more than just their appearance has changed...


Billy Elliot (リトル・ダンサー)

Level 1 レベル 1

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Halloween (バッフィ:ハロウィーン)

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カルチャー・ノート サンプル・ページ


‘In Ember, the sky is always dark...’ Hundreds of years ago, the city of Ember was created by the Builders to contain everything needed for human survival. In Ember, the sky is always dark and the only light comes from giant floodlamps. Recently the lights have been failing, and supplies are running low. Will teenagers Lina and Doon be able to decipher the strange ‘Instructions’ they find, and find a way out of Ember?


『エンバー失われた光の物語』 Film Artwork™ & © Walden Media 2008, LLC.

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775453) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781905775460)

Kate is 13 and she is finding that life is never simple. Should she go on a date with the new boy at school, Joe (cool, into music, and gorgeous...) – or Ian (equally gorgeous and great at Maths homework!)? Or should she go on a date at all?

主人公のケイトは多感な年頃の13才。人生迷うことばかり。ケイトが通う学校に新入生のジョーが現れる。カッコ良くて、音楽好きの ジョー。そして、ジョーと同じくらいハンサムだけど、あまりパッとしなく、数学が得意なイアンも気になる……。ボーイフレンドの相手は一体どちらに? 巻末には「デート」に関する記事やクイズなどを掲載。

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720119) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720379)

The City of Ember (エンバー:失われた光の物語)

Date with Disaster! (デイト・ウィズ・ディザスター)

Level 1 レベル 1

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サンプル・ページ カルチャー・ノート

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720096) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720393)

This title combines a scary modern-day ghost story set in London with Fact Files including Creepy Castles, Urban Myths and A Ghost-hunter’s Guide!

ジョッシュは音楽が好きなどこにでもいる男の子。隣家が突然崩壊した日から、謎 の 女 性チュリー・ ターナー が 彼 の 前 に 姿を現 す。 チュリーはジョッシュにしか見えないゴーストだった。一体何の為に ジョッシュの前に現れたのだろうか?チュリーの過去に一体何があったのか? 巻末にはイギリスの ゴーストストーリーを多数収録!

Santiago Muñez has made his mark in the UK Premier league as a top midfielder with Newcastle United. European football now beckons and he finds himself playing alongside stars such as Beckham and Zidane for Real Madrid. But playing in the UEFA Champions League brings pressures that Santiago had never anticipated. Will he have the strength to keep his dream alive?


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720935) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720928)

Goal 2 (ゴール! 2)

Haunted Britain (英国幽霊物語)

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It’s Halloween but DJ doesn’t want to go trick-or-treating. He wants to spy on the house across the road because he’s convinced it’s alive. DJ and his friends discover that the house is eating things and people. When the police don’t believe them, they attempt to solve the mystery of the ‘monster house’ on their own.

12歳の少年DJはハロウィンの日だというのに、Trick-or-Treatingには興味がなかった。それよりも彼は親友のチャウダーと共に向かいに住む怪しい家の真相を探り、その家が、物や人間を食べてしまう生きた家だということを突き止める。ハロウィーン当日、優等生の少女 ジェニーを仲間に加え、3人はモンスターハウスの謎に挑んでいく!

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720881) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720898)

Mr Bean is back – and he’s about to broaden his horizons! Equipped with his new camcorder, Mr Bean sets off on the Eurostar for France after winning a trip to the south of France. Mishap and mayhem ensue as our hero grapples with the food, the language – and the French police! Based on the spring 2007 blockbuster movie!

“お騒がせおじさん”ことミスター ビーン主演の爆笑コメディ。クジでカンヌ旅行に当選したビーン。新品のビデオカメラを持ってロンドンからフランスへバカンスに出かけたものの、異国での言葉の問題や食べ物の問題など、次々とトラブルをばら撒いていくミスタービーンの珍道中―ついにフランス警察官までも出現する事態に!

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775064) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781905775071)

Monster House (モンスターハウス)

Mr Bean’s Holiday (ミスタービーン・カンヌで大迷惑!?)


Level 1 レベル 1


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Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720782) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720799)

In 1989 a meteor shower hit the quiet town of Smallville. With it came a small child from the planet Krypton. Now a teenager, Clark Kent has a lot of questions. Why is he different? Why does he have special powers? Join Clark and his friends as he tries to find answers. Based on the hit TV series.



Bumbling French detective Jacques Clouseau is back! Join him and his equally inept accomplices in this latest hilarious ‘Pink Panther’ story.

間抜けなフランス人警部ジャック・クルーゾーが帰ってきた! 陽気な


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775231) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781905775248)

When Larry Daley gets a job as a night-guard at the Museum of Natural History, he is delighted. But on Larry’s first night at the museum, he discovers something amazing: all the exhibits come to life! He also discov-ers that the old night guards have a secret plan to steal the museum’s most precious items. Can Larry foil their plan? Will he be able to keep his job at the museum?


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775736) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 978190577574)

Night at the Museum (ナイトミュージアム)

The Pink Panther 2 (ピンクパンサー2)

Smallville: Arrival (ヤングスーパーマン)


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Professor X has a team of mutants called the X-Men. The X-Men use their powers for good but their very powerful mutant enemy Magneto has a terrible plan - to change humans into mutants. Will the X-Men be able to stop him?


「X-Men」。DNAの突然変異により、超人的パワーを生まれ持つ”進化した“ミュータント”。プロフェッ サ ー X 率 いるX -メン は 、人 間 を ミュータントに変えようと計画している最強の敵、マグニートと対決する。人類の未来と進化をかけ、新たな戦いが始まる。

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775330) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720690)

X-Men 1 (X-メン 1)

サンプル・ページ カルチャー・ノート

Peter Parker, a very shy and quiet guy, is in love with Mary Jane (MJ) but she already has a boyfriend. One day Peter is bitten by a spider, develops amazing new powers and becomes Spider-Man. But will he use his powers for good? Will he be able to defeat the evil Green Goblin and win MJ’s love?

ピーター・パーカーはずっと思い続けている隣家のメリー・ジェーンに 未 だ に 打ち明 けられ な い、 ちょっと冴えない高校生。彼女には既にボーイフレンドがいた。ある日、ピーターは遺伝子組み換えのクモに噛まれてしまう。そして翌朝目覚めると、驚異的なパワーを持つスパイダーマンとなっていた。

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775620) / Book & CD ¥1,417 (ISBN: 9781904720638)

Spider-Man 1 (スパイダーマン 1)


Level 1 レベル 1


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A team of scientists head to the Antarctic to investigate what seems to be an ancient pyramid under the ice. It is a difficult and dangerous expedition but nothing could have prepared the team for the terror lurk-ing beneath the ice - and the unexpected visitors who are on their way to join them there...


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720904) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720911)

Alien vs. Predator (エイリアン VS プレデター)


Level 2 レベル 2

On January 20th, 2009, Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America. He is the first African-American to be president of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Read about Barack Obama’s life before he became President – his early years in Hawaii and Indonesia, his Kenyan and his American roots, and his decision to run for President.

2009年1月20日、バラク・オバマは第44代アメリカ合衆国大統領になった。アフリカ系アメリカ人として初めて、世界で最もパ ワーを持つ国の大統領となった。バラク・オバマの人生ーハワイやインドネシアでの子供時代、彼の ルーツであるケニアとアメリカ、そして大統領に立候補する決心ーについて読んでみよう。

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775798) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775804)

Barack Obama (バラク・オバマ)NEWFOR2010


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Batman Begins explores the origins of the Batman legend and the Dark Knight’s emergence as a force for good in Gotham City. This is the story of Bruce Wayne grow-ing up and the challenges he has to face.

バットマン伝説の起源とゴッサム・シティの善なる力としてのダーク・ヒーローになるまでを描く。不当な戦い、弱者を餌食にする悪党を倒す手段を見つける為に旅に出たブルース・ウィーンは、ゴッサムに戻って、もう一人の自分の存在に気づく……。それは、町を脅かす悪党と戦う仮面の戦士、バットマン だった。

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720232) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720584)

Batman Begins (バットマン・ビギンズ)


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720225) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720416)

It’s Cultural Exchange Week at Sunnydale High but there’s something strange about Buffy’s exchange partner. Is the beautiful girl from Peru, ‘Ampata Gutiérrez’, all that she seems?


Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Inca Mummy Girl (バッフィ:インカ帝国のミイラ王女)

Level 2 レベル 2

Page 17: RIC / SCHOLASTIC ELT Readers - jbf.cc · RIC / SCHOLASTIC ELT Readers 話題の映画、海外の人気ドラマなど、幅広いタイトルが選べます!

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775361) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775378)

When Andrea lands a job at top fashion magazine Runway, she knows nothing. She’s never heard of Runway before, or its infamous editor, Miranda Priestly. But soon she is wearing heels to work, dealing with the biggest names in fashion, and, most impor-tantly, attending to Miranda’s every demand. It will all be worth it in the end, won’t it...?

一流ファッション誌ランウェイに就職したもののファッションには全く興味が無いアンディは、悪名高い編集長のミランダのアシスタントとして働くことになる。履き慣れないハイヒールを履き、忙しい毎日を送ることになるが、その厳しい要求に徐々に私生活までがメチャメ チャにされ、このままでいいのかと悩み始めることに……。

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720102) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720430)

Ali lives for R&B music and hip-hop, and her one ambition is to be a DJ at a top Lon-don club. It’s not easy though, especially with a sarcastic, younger brother, a nag-ging mother and, worst of all, ‘Da G’ – her biggest DJ rival.

16歳のアリはR&Bやヒップホップが大好きな女の子。彼女の夢は将来ロンドンのトップクラブのDJになること。反対する母親からは口やかましく責めたてられ、弟からは嫌味を言われ、学校1番のDJを自称するDa G.からは嫌がらせを受けたり……。困難を乗り越えながらも、自分の目標に向かって、ひたむきに夢を叶えようする物語。

DJ Ambition (DJアンビション)

The Devil Wears Prada (プラダを着た悪魔)



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サンプル・ページ カルチャー・ノート

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It’s Cameron’s first day at Kings’ School in Kent and he hates it. The in-crowd tease him and he misses his old friends. But when the in-crowd discover Cameron’s talent for football, everything changes... and Cameron has some tough decisions to make.


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720126) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720454)

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775040) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775279)

Roy Eberhardt has just moved to Florida and he’s not impressed. But one day Roy sees a barefoot boy running for his life, and suddenly things become much more interesting. Does this boy know anything about the problems at the new pancake restaurant site? Why does he want to save the little owls that live there? And can Roy do anything to help?


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775309) - no CD available

The In-Crowd (ザ・イン・クラウド)

The Golden Compass (ライラの冒険・黄金の羅針盤)

Hoot (フート)

Lyra Belacqua, and her dæmon, Pan, live in a world that is similar to our own, but also very different. The disappearance of Lyra’s best friend Roger coincides with the arrival of the mysterious Mrs Coulter who takes Lyra to live with her in London. There Lyra uncovers some sinister secrets that take her on a journey far north - to the land of armoured bears and ultimately to the Experimental Station – a place of unspeakable horror...



Level 2 レベル 2


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Famed adventurers Evelyn and Rick O’Connell find themselves back in action when their son, Alex, discovers the tomb of an ancient Emperor in China. The discovery unleashes a chain of events, taking the O’Connell family on another epic adventure of love, tyranny, revenge and magic.


Larry Daley has left his job as a night guard at the Museum of Natural History, and is now a rich businessman. When he hears that his old friends – Teddy Roosevelt and the other exhibits – are being sent to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington for storage, he knows he has to help them...Another exciting story based on the second Night at the Museum movie.


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775675) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775682)

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775750) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775767)

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (ハムナプトラ3:呪われた皇帝の秘宝)

Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian (ナイトミュージアム 2)


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Ryan Atwood is from Chino, L.A. and he’s felt alone all his life. All he wants is a real home and a family. Marissa Cooper is from the O.C. and all she wants is to escape. When Ryan shows up in Newport Beach, both their lives change – forever...


It is the World Cup. Someone has murdered the French football team coach and stolen the priceless Pink Panther diamond. Inspector Dreyfus puts Jacques Clouseau, the most bumbling detective in the world, onto the case. But can Clouseau find the killer and the diamond before Dreyfus? Who will become the ‘Pink Panther detec-tive’ and win France’s highest honour?


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720829) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720836)

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720744) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720751)

The OC: The Outsider (The OC:アウトサイダー)

The Pink Panther (ピンクパンサー)


Robin Hood and his men live as outlaws in Sherwood Forest. They fight cor-ruption and injustice - both of which appear in large measure courtesy of the self-interested Sheriff of Nottingham. When Robin and the outlaws uncover the Sheriff ’s latest scheme to buy Sara-cen slaves, they decide to foil his plans. Will Robin save the slaves, outwit the Sheriff, and win the prestigious silver arrow competition?


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775194) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775200)

Robin Hood: The Silver Arrow and the Slaves (ロビンフッド)

Level 2 レベル 2

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Many years ago Rocky Balboa was the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. Now he runs a restaurant in his home town of Philadelphia. Life seems hard and empty since his wife died. But then the current world champion, Mason Dixon, challenges Rocky to an exhibition match. Is Rocky too old to fight again? Will both men be able to leave the ring with respect?


Following the death of her husband, Mrs Dashwood and her three daughters, Elinor, Marianne and Margaret, are forced to leave their family home and move to a small cottage in Devon. There, Marianne meets and falls in love with the charismatic Mr Willoughby but she is left distraught by his inconsistent behaviour. And whilst consol-ing her younger sister, Elinor is forced to confront her own feelings towards Edward Ferrars, an old family friend...


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775156) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775163)

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775613) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775620)

Rocky Balboa (ロッキー・バルボア)

Sense and Sensibility (分別と多感)


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720645) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720652)

A brilliant scientist, Dr Otto Octavius, has discovered a way to create cheap fusion energy for the world. But during a demonstration, things go terribly wrong and Octavius becomes evil Doc Ock. Spider-Man must stop him before he recreates the reaction and destroys New York. Can he do it and save the girl he loves?

ピーターは、尊敬する科学者オッ トー・オクタビアスと出会う。発明発表の日に実験が失敗し、オクタビアスは病院に運ばれるが、身に付けていた装置のアームが動き出し、医師たちに襲いかかる。彼は怪人「ドック・オク」に変身したのだ。スパイダーマンはニューヨークを救う為、愛するMJを救うため、強敵ドック・オクとの戦いに挑む。

Spider-Man 2 (スパイダーマン 2)

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Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781904720706) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781904720713)

The galaxy-spanning adventure of the epic Star Wars saga continues in The Clone Wars. Join Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and his new Padawan, Ahsoka, in an action-packed struggle between the noble Jedi and the evil Sith.


Follow the life and times of Betty Suarez, the editor’s assistant on MODE fashion magazine. Go behind the scenes at the MODE offices, and find out how the hit TV series Ugly Betty was made. Read inter-views with the stars - and find out how to get on in the fashion world!

ファッション雑誌『モード』の編集アシスタント、ベティ・スアレスの仕事と生活をご紹介。『モード』編集部の裏側へ潜入し、どのようにテレビの人気シリーズ『アグリー・ベ ティ』がつくられているか、のぞいてみましょう。スターたちのインタビューを読んで、ファッション界で出世する方法を見つけましょう!

A mutant has tried to assassinate the President of the USA and now humans hate and fear mutants even more. But who sent the mutant? The X-Men must find the answer and save the world from the evil plans of a govern-ment scientist and their arch-enemy, Magneto.


Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775514) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775521)

Book only ¥829 (ISBN: 9781905775651) / Book & CD ¥1,722 (ISBN: 9781905775668)

Star Wars™: The Clone Wars™ (スターウォーズ:クローン・ウォーズ)

Ugly Betty (アグリー・ベティ)

X-Men 2 (X-メン 2)

Level 2 レベル 2

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Level 3レベル 3

During the eighteenth century, millions of people were taken from Africa and sold as slaves. Great Britain was the most powerful country in the world with an empire built through slavery. William Wilberforce, a young idealistic government minister, cam-paigned tirelessly throughout his political career to abolish the slave trade. With the help of fellow humanitarians, he steered the cause through parliament, enduring countless setbacks before eventual triumph.


Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775286) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775293)

Amazing Grace (アメイジング・グレイス)

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781904720447) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775330)

Limerick, 1934. It’s cold and it’s wet. Frank, his parents and three brothers have just come back from America to start a new life in Ireland. But life in Limerick is even harder than life in New York. A simplified adaptation of Frank McCourt’s moving and humorous memoirs about growing up in 1930’s Ireland.


Angela’s Ashes (アンジェラの灰)

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Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775552) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775569)

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775408) - no CD available

Based on a remarkable documentary film, Black Gold tells the story of one man’s mission to save his 74,000 Ethiopian coffee farmers from Western exploitation. It exposes the truth behind every cappuccino we drink and asks: is it right that the pro-ducers of our coffee often can’t afford clean water or an education for their children?


Batman, Lieutenant Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent join forces to deal with the chaos unleashed on the terrified citizens of Gotham City, by an anarchist mastermind known as ‘the Joker’. Driven to his physical and emotional limits, will Batman overcome his new and formidable rival?


Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781904720218) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781904720492)

Willow finds love on the Internet with ‘Malcolm’. She can’t understand why Buffy and Xander are suspicious of her new boyfriend - until she realises that she’s dating a demon...


Black Gold (おいしいコーヒーの真実)

Batman: The Dark Knight (バットマン:ダークナイト)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I Robot, You Jane (バッフィ:私はロボット、あなたはジェーン)


Level 3レベル 3


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Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781904720256 ) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781904720591)

Life for Patience Philips has changed. When the timid artist for a cosmetics company finds out secrets about her employer, the company thugs attempt to silence her. But a cat with mystical powers brings Patience back to life – as Catwoman! And Catwoman is out for revenge!

シャイで芸術家タイプのペイシェンス・フィリップスの人生が変わる時がきた。化粧品会社で働く彼女はある日、経営者の秘密を偶然にも知ってしまい、危険な陰謀に巻き込まれる。ペイシャンスは猫の強さ、スピード、そして、鋭い感覚を持つ超人的なパワーを持つ人間、 キャットウーマンとして生まれ変 わった……。

When The Dreams fail to win an important talent contest, an aspiring record producer, Curtis, sees their potential and moulds them into the most successful girl group of the 1960s. Soon Curtis realizes that lead-singer, Deena, has the qualities to become a megastar in her own right. But will his plans for Deena blow apart the girls’ friendship? Will his recording business survive?

仲の良い3人でトリオを組んだ 「ドリーメッツ」は、新人オーディ ション・イベントに参加して喝采を浴びるものの、ショー・ビジネスの現実は厳しかった。彼女たちに大きな可能性をみたカーティスは、マネージャーとなり、瞬く間に彼女たちをスターダムへと作り上げていった。彼のレコードビジネスは成功するのだろうか?

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775255) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775262)

Catwoman (キャットウーマン)

Dreamgirls (ドリームガールズ)

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Level 3 レベル 3

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775347) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775354)

It’s 1957 and Indiana Jones, everyone’s favourite explorer, is back! Dr Irina Spalko, a power-hungry Russian scien-tist wants to find the crystal skull – and nothing will stop her. Indy and his new acquaintance, Mutt, travel first to Peru and then to the ‘lost city’ of Akator in the heart of the Amazon. Will they survive the terrible dangers that await them in the kingdom of the crystal skull?


Indiana Jones™ and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (インディ・ジョーンズ:クリスタルスカルの王国)

“Woman. Warrior. Queen.”After the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth I incurs the wrath of Philip of Spain, and prepares to face the onslaught of the Spanish Armada.


A marketing executive from Mickey’s – a fast food US burger chain – discovers that contaminated meat is getting into the burgers, and heads down to Colorado to investigate. What he discovers proves to be more shocking than he could ever have imagined.


Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775491) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775507)

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775538) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775545)

Elizabeth: The Golden Age (エリザベス:ゴールデン・エイジ)

Fast Food Nation (ファーストフード・ネイション)

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Oceanic Flight 815 has crashed on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Forty-eight people have survived, but no one knows where they are. Each day the survivors discover more about the island and themselves. Who recorded the sixteen-year-old radio message that plays over and over again? Are they alone on the island? And will they be able to escape from the island and their own pasts?

シドニーからロサンジェルスに向かっていたオーシャニック航空815便は乱気流に巻き込まれ、墜落してしまう。突如、知れぬ島に取り残されてしまった48人の生存者は島でのサバイバルが始まる。この島にいるのは彼らだけなのか? かれらはこの島から脱出できるのか? そして、生存者たちそれぞれの複雑な過去とは?

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775576) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775583)

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775217) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775712)

Based on James Longley’s award-winning documentary, Iraq in Fragments provides a fas-cinating glimpse of modern-day Iraq the mass media never shows us. It provides a portrait of the war-torn country as seen through the eyes of the people who live there: a young Sunni orphan who works in a Baghdad garage; Shia fundamentalists as they rally for elections; and a family of Kurdish farmers, who have at last found some degree of freedom. Can Iraq remain intact or will it fracture into fragments?

ジェームズ・ロングレー監督のド キュメンタリー作品がベース。マスメディアが決して伝えない現在のイラクの魅力的な一面を見せてくれる。バグダッドの自動車修理工場で働くスンニ派の孤児、選挙に再集結するシーア派原理主義者、そしてようやくいくらかの自由を手にしたクルド族の農民一家など、戦争で引き裂かれた国のありさまを見ることができる。

Iraq in Fragments (イラクのカケラを集めて)

The Lost Chronicles: Part 1 (ロスト:パート1)

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775224) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775729)

The survivors of the Oceanic Flight 815 crash are finding life on the island difficult and dangerous. And every day there are new mysteries... What is inside the strange hatch in the forest? Who are ‘The Others’ and why did they take Claire? And will Michael ever manage to build his boat and bring rescuers to the island?

オーシャニック航 空 8 1 5 便 の 生存 者 たちは、島で の 生 活 に困 難と危 険 を 感じてき た 。毎 日 起こる 不 可 解 な 事 件 ― ジャング ルの 地 面 で 見 つ かっ た 謎 の ハッチ、“The Others”とは一体何者か、なぜクレアは連れ去られたのか? 同じころ、イカダを作り島から脱出したマイケル達は、無事に救助隊をこの島へ連れて来られるのか。

The Lost Chronicles: Part 2 (ロスト:パート2)

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On June 25th, 2009, Michael Jackson died of a heart attack in a hospital in Los Angeles. A child star at the age of ten, Michael Jackson went on to become one of the biggest stars in the world, selling more records than any other singer. But his musical success was increas-ingly overshadowed by a deeply troubled personal life, and the pressures of constant media attention. Read about Michael Jack-son’s journey from child star to ‘King of Pop’ in this revealing story of an extraordinary life.

2009年6月25日、マイケル・ジャクソンは心臓発作のため死亡した。10歳で世界のトップス ターの仲間入りをしたマイケルの全世界売り上げ記録は、未だ塗り替えられていない。しかし、徐々に波乱に満ちた私生活ばかりが注目され、マイケルは精神的に追い詰められていく。キング・オブ・ポップの壮絶な人生が今明かされる。

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775828) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775835)

Michael Jackson (マイケル・ジャクソン)

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781904720843) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781904720850)

Ryan’s back with the Cohens again, but for how long? The connection between him and Marissa gets stronger, while Summer takes a gamble on Seth. Another great story from the first series of The OC!

モデルハウスの件で少年院に入れられてしまったライアンが再び コーエン家に戻って来た。しかしどのくらい居られるのか分らない。マリッサはライアンとの再会を喜ぶが、ルークはライアンに対して強い敵対心を燃やす。カジノ・ナイトの日がやって来た。サマーはたまたま近くにいたセスが息を吹きかけたダイスで賭けに勝って上機嫌。

The OC: The Gamble (The OC:ギャンブル)

Level 3レベル 3



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Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775477) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775484)

Mr and Mrs Bennet have five unmarried daughters, and Mrs Bennet’s chief aim in life is find them husbands. The arrival of Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy, causes much excite-ment amongst the Bennet sisters. But are Bingley, Darcy and the charming officer Wickham all that they first appear to be?Film tie-in edition with Fact Files on Jane Austen, Leisure Time, and Love and Mar-riage in Regency England.

イギリスの片田舎に住むベネット家には娘ばかりが5人。舞踏会で大資産家でハンサムなビング リーに出会ったベネット家の長女 ジェーンは恋に落ちる。一方、次女のエリザベスは無愛想で高慢なビングリーの友人ダーシーに強烈な悪い印象を受けてしまう。それが、これからの二人の行く末を決める運命的な出会いの始まりに……。

“Tradition prepared her. Change will define her.”Great Britain, 1997. The Labour Party are in power for the first time in eighteen years and, for a time, the mood in Great Britain is buoyant. However, as news of the tragic death of Princess Diana rocks the country, Queen Elizabeth II struggles with her reaction and finds herself with difficult personal and professional decisions to make.

「伝統が彼女を訓練した。変化が彼女を定義するだろう」1997年英国。労働党が18年ぶりに政権を握り、国内のムードは明る かった。しかしダイアナ元皇太子妃の悲劇的な事故死のニュースが国を震撼し、女王エリザベス二世は対応に苦慮し、個人的にも公的にも困難な決断を迫られる。

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781904720867) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781904720874)

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775101) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775118)

At last! Marissa and Ryan are finally together … but will the path of true love run smoothly this time? Summer and Anna compete for Seth’s affections – but he just can’t seem to make up his mind. The final story in the Scholastic OC series.

新学期が始まった。サマーは相変わらず冴えないセスを学校では無視しようとするが、密かに彼と転校生のアンナの関係に嫉妬を覚え始める。一方マリッサとライアンの仲は急速に縮まるが、ルークはいまだに彼女を取り戻そうと躍起に なっていた。セスの恋は実るのか?そしてマリッサとライアンの恋の行方は……。

The OC: The Misfits (The OC:ミスフィッツ)

Pride and Prejudice (プライドと偏見)

The Queen (クイーン)

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Level 3 レベル 3

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781905775088 / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781905775095)

At last Peter Parker seems to have found happiness. SpiderMan’s efforts are finally being appreciated by the citizens of New York, and best of all, the beautiful MJ is now Peter’s girlfriend. But everything starts to change when a strange black goo takes over Spider-Man’s suit – and his mind. Will Spider-Man have the strength to fight this new evil and some terrible enemies?


Superman has been gone for five long years. When he finally returns to Earth, everything has changed. Lois Lane, the woman he loves, has moved on and his old enemy has plans to destroy him and the city of Metropolis. Can Super-man save the earth in his most difficult test so far?


In 1985, top mountaineers Joe Simpson and his friend Simon Yates went climbing in the Peruvian Andes. After a series of accidents, Simon was forced to cut the rope which held him and Joe together. At the time, Simon believed that he was sending his friend to his death.An inspiring true story about endurance, courage and friendship in the face of terror and adversity.


Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781904720669) / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781904720676)

Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781904720768 / Book & CD ¥1,764 (ISBN: 9781904720775)

Spider-Man 3 (スパイダーマン 3)

Superman Returns (スーパーマン リターンズ)

Touching the Void (運命を分けたザイル)

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Book only ¥892 (ISBN: 9781904720720) / Book & CD ¥1,764 ( ISBN: 9781904720737)

Follow the fortunes of Becky Sharp, one of English literature’s most colourful heroines, as she uses her wit, charm and ruthless ambition in an attempt to forge a place for herself in high society. With Fact Files on William Thackeray, the Napoleonic Wars, and Young Men in Regency England.

機知、魅力、あくなき野心を駆使して上流社会への進出を目指す英文学で最も興味深いヒロインのひとり、ベッキー・シャープの運命を 追っていきましょう。ウィリアム・ サッカレー、ナポレオン戦争、摂政時代の英国の若者たちについて知ることができるファクト・ファイル付き。

A laboratory has developed a ‘cure’ for mutants. Magneto is furious and gathers a mutant army to attack the laboratory and start a war between humans and mutants. He has a very special weapon, Jean Grey, whose powers are beyond anyone’s imagina-tion. Will the X-Men be able to stop these terrible forces?

ミュータントを人間に変えるという新薬“キュア”が開発される。人間として生きるか、ミュータントであるべきか、究極の選択を迫られたX-Men達。一方、マグニートは開発した研究所を襲撃するために ミュータントを集め、人間対ミュータントの戦争を起こす。X-Menは人類とミュータントの全面戦争を回避することはできるのか?

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