richmond climax (richmond, ky. : 1897). (richmond, ky.) 1910-11...

t < o t 1 J f I 1 J 1 < 1 U I or t T I I j 1t < J UST ARRIVED 1 i ¬ or i j T I I of I I I DRUG I i Correct as be by dressed of the business word The New Fall Models designed by the Master Tailors Company New L This showing of the I models is of interest to because it not only the cor ¬ styles the toHigh Come Welcome We have just received some very TailorMade Suits for in the New Manish Cloths are shown in all the new shades and are to be seen in our Suit Parlors Come make your selection before they are picked over are the sole agents Queen Quality Fine ladies and Kneelands Fine men These two lines of shoes are the best to be had in any city We are all the new lasts and kinds Come see them our cash prices on all kinda of men women can fit you and save you money IOur Underwear Ment Women and Children ir Complete Every Come our prices and save money are showing all the things in Notions Belts Belt Pius Scarfs Hosiery etc Our shelves counters are creaking and groaning the weight ot things in all kings of winter goods Get the best stylesf COMPANY I Get Well youEOf againIf by female trouble you can get the right remedy to get well Its Cardui This great medicine for women re- lieved cured thousands of ladies suffering like you some female trouble 1 TAKE AR I For Womens Ills Sirs Fannie Ellis Foster Ark suffered agony for years Read her letter about CarduL She writes was sick for nearlydie itl t AT ALL STORES I THIS THE PLACE FOR p Fresh Oysters Ii v R Ice I Corner Main and 5econd Telephone 3 The Imperial Double Disc The Clothes they will worn the best gentlemen social and and made Schloss Bros Baltimore York Boston first new every man and young man gives you rect but opens way Grade Clothes at Moderate Prices and See Them Everyone stylish Ladies They We for Shoes for Wm Shoes for showing Get low shoesfor and childrenwe suit for in Detail get We new Neckwear and under good quickly has from seven IS Money to Loan on Good Farm- Lands The Korthwesteru Matual Life In- surance ¬ Go will loan money at 5 per cent interest on good improved farm lands on Mortgage Apply to J C Chenault Attv 09tf Richmond Ky Mound City Paints may cost a trifle more butI Stockton son 24nly Notice to Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of William Butner deceased will file same with the undersigned proper- ly ¬ verified on or before the 30th day of November 1010 or samo will bo barred William Munday Admr of tho Estate of William Butner Decd For Rent 19JJ Residence on summit and store room on Second street occupied by J B Wal ¬ ker also three rooms over store tf CTFoL For Sale I havo several good building lots for sale located on Lancaster and Brcck Ave Location drainage ect the very best Most desirable for apartment house or living residence Any one in- terested ¬ in purchase please call on the owner Mrs D M Bright or her son Dr Bright U- Farm For Sale ON Thursday Dec JttlO at 10 oclock m I will sell to the highest and best bidder 65 acres of land lying on the Barnes Mill and Schooler turnpike and known as the old Gentry farm This land is well fenced and has good well and ever lasting running water On this land are two tenant houses and one barn about 40 acres is in grass and will grow hemp and tobacco Anyone desiring to look over the place call on the under ¬ sinned Terms made known on day of sale D W Jackson Cottonburg Ky HARROW In the illustration below tho Double Disc is shown in Iho position of turning Note the action oL the Flexible jointed Frame Connection which permits the Harrow to turn practioallyonils own ground The blades do fromIii sameas Double Disc Harrow can be conveniently handled or rondo to do satisfactory work withoutH A rigid frame would cause a severe twisting strain in turning and leave a scries of holes and ridges at the turning points IIarrowT m io56 ind 7 foot sizes suitable foz2 3or 4 horses Itis moderate irrCQ8tte fkH less thwi > oW t twosiB lfl Harrows Jiul rico should nQLbe ihpr prime coflskleratkw EfltetiSief an4 epwity > Jow eow titTho question shou1dbpil the llurrbw do enough tetter w rkiin4i Mi tuiiM0 1ek W M ffeaffdwd investment It certainly will In qualityAof worS better pulverizing mow eeIii i IV iffr mmth gtt ooetcand more In cpacity jit is iho equal of two 5ngfeHrrowi of tlw kiss wl 1tMIl ia the IW11a3 Jab andh easily pay for itself Ip a sIrnsson < u- A1t dIM we lnlrtt9IIII11erHdlI tnPif w gwarante k tj jqi H ft l on t iii > ditioa the of results c Daufliij Strainona i Dtathttage S1fJJ1d Street 7 < J T eiepon oj rC 1J f fjitc c Y ctJ t j < > DR HOAGS Blood and Liver- Restorative I AliTerMeue and Bieei PariSer THE RELIABLE REMEDY for RbeHatka Pile Blood aad Skis Dkeaaes Strenghtens the nerves makes new appetiteMore strength to it than any other rem ¬ edy Dont wait buy a bottle today SOLD BY v Stockton Son Farm Notes t The United States Depart ¬ ment ol Agriculture conduct- ed experiments at Round Hill and McLean Va and at Piketon Ohio that seem to point to a better way of plant- ing ¬ corn Hills of four stalks each placed at one of the four corners of a square of not less than five inches The increased yield over ordinary methods of planting corn at the three places respectively were 3 34 5 and 4 percent The corn was cultivated as easily as ordinary spaced corn and stood up better It is suggested that a planter be made with two shoes for each corn row and a separate tube ftheach kernel so that the corn may be planted ac ¬ cording to the new method as rauidly as it is now planted with present day tools Mr F MHunt on yester- day ¬ sold a bunch of seven two year old mules to Sheriff B G Fox at S105 per head Danville Advocate- In Fleming Messrs Evans Helpedstine delivered 1000 turkeys to the pen last week for which they received 61 700 Simon Weilof Lexington bought 121 head of 1475 pound export cattle from A E Hundley of Danville at 6 cents a pound The cattle are exporters and will be shipped to London England Clifford Cayce of Columbia sold two mules last week for 505 to Mr Smisson of Lynn ville The mules were threeyearolds and very fine ones A special from Midway says McKee Brothers will finish this week digging their second crop of potatoes which amounts to 5000 bushels The crop yielded from 150 to 200 bushels per acre of extra fine tubers The Maysville Bulletin says Thomas Mackey of Moransburg sold a steer that weighed 1720 pounds to Welburn Rees at 7 cents a pound bringing the handsome sum of S12040 That is go ¬ ing some for a single steer rhos McClintockof Millersburg has made the following sales this month To James Oder 2 mules to Fletcher Mann 6 mules to Charlie Martin 9 mules to Charlie Thompson 7mules to Wallace Shannon 2 mules average price 8192 This is decidedly the time and place to buy suits dresses cloaks waists sweaters silk skirts corsets rain coats descriptionDont tunity J B Walker TUBULAR BELL CHIME The Herschede H9l Clock M a feteptece A tubular chime and an arbcle of furniture for toidtty perfect mweaeat iwwes corrccteeaa of time the solid oak or BMKogMjr case Wsk cWc Jieccoofotms1oaOOdtuieaBd the roelo tub Iar chine so Mg the hours aod quarters after the peel of WKtt ton or remiDdetofahe dlJIchoiceindeitn moons phwes m the dial arch We are ckCoof afcg on requert uC8Itpwdeaitaof Gold aod Sfrer Jewdry Ete thCpOdceDMMJupI14 r The Frank Herchde Co Wat Won In the International Horse- Show at Chicago the walk tr canter saddle class was won by Mat S Cohen riding KathleenjSheridan owned by frsRichard Tasker Lowndes Jrj of Danville Ky over a splendid field of fifteen animals including those of Judge Moore of New York and Miss Vera Morris of London Kussell Railey of Ver- sailles Ky was placed second in the combination class on Golden Glow Miss Morris riding her famous gelding Tantalus getting the blue Jumping by the horses of the French English Dutch and American officers was the feature of the even ¬ ing session For Sale Few thousand second hand brick JDKingSon- tf 219 Moberly avenue Price of Meats Drop i Q Housekeepers of Richmond and vicinity are congratulat ¬ ing themselves upon the ad ¬ vent of the long threatened tumble in prices in the local markets in the way of poult- ry ¬ and fresh meats Choice cuts of pork steaks have fallen to loc pound choice rib roasts to 12c steaks 10 to 17o plenty of rabbits at 10 and 15c each chickens 250 to 300 per dozen turneys 14 cents per pound on foot dressed turkeys 22 cents per pound eggs 30 cents per dozen lard in 50 pound cans 14 cents per pound Mission Circle 1 The French Mission Circle will hold its annual bazar on Saturday December 3rd in the basement of the Presbyterian church 3t For Sale 557 acres of fine Bluegrass land all in bluegrass except 50 acres a portion of the Major Harris farm Apply to Mrs a M Clay Paris Ky orT J Curtis Richmond Ky 11241 LOSTAt Madison county stock yards Monday three tented cow white and red spotted weight about 000 Ibs Liberal reward John M Elliott Rico Station Ky Afflicted force The Winchester News says Early in the fall Mr W A Beaty the editor and manager of this paper had his arm broken He was in a hospital for some time He returned home but did not recover the use of his arm and suffered great pain Over two weeks ago he re ¬ turned to the hospital where it was found necessary to re break the arm and wire the bones together He JS still in the hospital A child of our local re ¬ porter Mr John Harding has beenafficted with infanti e paralysis for several months The wife of our book ¬ keeper Mr Carl Robbins has been ill for several weeks and on Monday a surgical operation was performed The fatherof our linotype operator Mr Harry Fitch is dangerously illat Lexing- ton which has to some extent interfered with his service And today Miss Gbldie Perry who takes theTe ¬ spo sibility of doing almost every thing in the office is ill as we believe from overwork ClydeHart who is the right hand man in the mechanical department of the paper is not mentioned as being Under the weather or unable to be at his post of willbe breaksdown1nd machjnery refuses to run himhis Haticfctii MUb Fourth Stowt ti 0W0 tG t7- I J h II T Read This All Who Suffer From Catarrh Sore Throat or Colds Millions of people throughout Amer- ica ¬ have breathed IIYOMEI pronounce it Highome and now own a IIYOMEI Inhaler ado of hard rubber If you own a nYOSIEl Inhaler no matter where you live you can get a bottle of IIYOME at D L Middeltons and druggists everywhere for only 50c Ask for an extra bottle of IIYOMEl Inhalent it is only 50c and with it you can cure a cough or a cold in a day You can get relief from catarrh or stuffed jp head in two minutes and stop hawking and snuffling in a week Just pour a few drops of IIYOMEl into tho inhaler and breathe it in thats all Its to easy and so pleasant and so much more desirable than swallowing nauseating drugs Breathe Hybmei over the inflamed membrane of the noso and throat and its soothing healing action will bo felt immediately If you have not a HYOJIEl Inhaler got acompleto HYOMEI outfit at once This only costs 8100 and with it comes a IIYOMEl Inhaler that will last a life time and ought to be in every family Notice to Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of D J Snowden are requested to file same properly verified on or before Jan 1 1911 or samo will bo barred C C Snowden nov23it p Administrator Great Closing Out Sale Of Fall and Winter Millinery at the new Millinery Store Hobson building Richmond Ky Beginning Friday Nov 18lb 1910 and continuing thirty days Ladies my immense stock of Fall and Winter Hats and Millinery Materials will be placed on sale at rockbottom prices to clean up and closo out stock in 30 days Never has there been such bargains offered in Richmond in Milli ¬ nery as I shall offer you November 18th for 30 days My hats are all boautifu n style and material and finish in mak- ing and design My prices uro at cost and less than cost as I must clean up stock before Xmas 850 hats now 30 French Plumes and imported styles tho very latest 12 dozen Paris shapes re ¬ duced to 1000 and 800 2000 hats for 81000 and 81000 hats down to 600 and less Beautiful finished Silk Ye vat Turbans 8500 and 3 50 Nice Jaunty Street Hats 350 to 250 a good goto meeting hat 200 to 8100 If you dont believe it como and see and bring your money with you or someone elso will get the one you want When we offer bar ¬ gains they sIlO are bargains Every- thing ¬ cleaned up sold and tho windows washed for Christmas Dont miss this chance toget tho real things in hats at delightful bargain prices We will fill orders at same discount prices We havo tho best trimmer in Richmond so peoplo toll us Come try her work for yourself Remember Friday November 18 and continuing 30 days Come before the bargains and best stock aro picked over- Respectfully Mrs Laura Jones Christmas is rapidly approaching and no gift so pleases a lady friend as some article of dainty embroidery or hand work Miss Eva Roberts invites her friends and customers to call and see her exceptionally attractive stock of materials for Christmas work New patterns new materials and new ideasA Big Lot of NoveltiesM- iss Roberts shop is headquarters for lovers of fancy ncedlo work Complete your Christmas shopping by calling on MISS ROBERTS 122 Firststreet Fire Life Accident and HalthInsur- nc3lnthevery best old line CQp nie Wm S Broaddus Agt tf Como to Owen McKee Richmond Ky for dry goods and notions Others do and why not you tf Country sorghum the best over just received at So well McKinneys 2t Dan IL Breck life fire and accident insurance tf Lumber For Sale Dam bills and all kinds rough lumber in oak poplar and p the Tobacco sticks Poplar laths Write J A STEVESS W T HICKS tf Richmond Ky Lost Dog Lost on Irvine pike Saturday a large black and white bird dog with small red spots over body Return to Joe Chcnault Richmond Ky Posted We tho undersigned strictly forbid hunting trapping or any kind of tres passingon our promises and will proso cuto offenders Paralee Fitzpatrick Gco Fitzpatrick Notice All persons having claims against the ostateoft1ie late T S Ballard are here ¬ by notified to present same to cither of the undersigned properly proven on or before December 10th 1910 or same will be forever barred A Ballard 1O Andcrsoi i Executors Administrators Notice Alt persons having claims against the estate of George C DoVore deceased are hereby notified to present same proven as required by law to tho under ¬ signed his Administrator- All persons owing said estate arc re- quested ¬ to call and pay same Union Bank Trust Co- Lexington Ky Administrator of George C DoVore By ER Blackburn Cashier November 1010 4x Hog Raisers Are your hogs worth 5 cents per head Wo guarantee Bourbon Hog Cholera Remedy to keep hogs healthy and free from dis ¬ ease for 5 cents per head per month It cures Cholera kills Worms Stimulates tho Appetite aids Digestion and causes hogs to fatten very rapidly This rome dy is used and endorsed by leading hog raisers throughout the country Como in and let us toll you about it Perrys Drug Store 2t I R PenningtonDentist Office next door to Government build ¬ ing Richmond Ky Mrs Maude Mackey Walk ersHair Dress ing Parlor Come in and have your hair dressed in tho newest style braids and puffs made to order Braids restored to natural color Highest prices paid fcr combings Two doors above Stocktons drug store onMain street Office phono 545 residence 202 6 Mo Betsy I Goodhonife S Betsy is an advanced exponent of comfort economy and good cheer She will endeavor to win a place in the hearts of ovary family in Richmond and to this end she tells of her experiences her ideas of man and woman her theo- ries and of tho many advantages of trading with Lackey Todd The Home of Low Prices and Square Dealing Telephone 62 Opera House Building Every Possible Courtesy consistent with sound finance is extend ¬ ed to customers of tho State Bank Trust Co Small depositors receive equal consideration with thoso whose balances are larger Applications for loans upon acceptable security are treated promptly and confidentially The bank will be glad to have you con ¬ suIt it fn any financial matter State Bank 3 Trust Co Richmond Ky Have Your Christmas Photograph Made Now McG ughey the Photographer Third Street ARE YOU Jr Interested ih Lumber LathShingles Odors B J < SushEk ° 1fs4ee n t 11 i C- JcP U > fi g ToodEdw3rdsLullbeCo = Phons i o i HOT BLAST Globe Air Tight t SOLD BY i Theres Just Girl you may caro to present with a ring Make it as fine a one as your purso will afford At the same time dont pay more than tho ring is worth You wont if you buy it here We chargo only for materials and workmanship at this jew ¬ elry shop nothing for design and Wedding H Engraved Free A Handsome Persian HOT BLAST Burns Slack or Soft Coal WJU out Smoke or Soot Seats double the space heated by any 1 with half the fuel Clean economical The Kind to Buy fort IService I fe A money saver for people p who want a good stove at Iian honest price See it in operationyou will like iiT EXCLUSIVELY W D Buckley God East Main Street One Engagement Rings neat IF MAIN STREET Lamb otherstov C = O = A = T Given Away by MrsJM B8JrlowCo Now on display at Richmond Millinery Cos Store A coupon given with each purchase entitles Everything business but to continue with a new line f This sale is now on and will continue until everything is sold j Exceptional Clothes < aMODERAFE PRICES fl i o I Wr4jx > V > vqv VBU tr prO leJD ofdreslnKL k f well oil iirnited es agerifor 7 ii ADLERS COLLEGIAN CLOTHES > Jl I The styVof t1l JibUies jwell Jinawn They ire 1 ItMJeaders of fssbloiieverywhervs d i e > prCM 1 moderate We have a big vsr1 y0 ° r at < suite aid oyerooats for you toehocue trarn at- rangb < J From15OOto3O The Col1tgiaui brand I a giantee MWJJ dq ri rCome in and 83 thell1 ji III The ROYALHome J S STANIFER Proprietor Cor 2nd anl MMtn p 75 1 4 S g

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Page 1: Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky.) 1910-11 … · 2013-06-06 · iffr mmth gtt ooetcand more In cpacity jit is iho

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Correct asbe by

dressed of thebusiness word

The New Fall Modelsdesigned by theMaster Tailors



This showing of theI models is of interest to

becauseit not only the cor ¬

styles the



We have just received some veryTailorMade Suits for in the New Manish Cloths

are shown in all the new shades and are to be seen in our Suit Parlors Come makeyour selection before they are picked over are the sole agents Queen Quality Fine

ladies and Kneelands Fine men These two lines of shoes arethe best to be had in any city We are all the new lasts and kinds Come seethem our cash prices on all kinda of men women canfit you and save you moneyIOur Underwear Ment Women and Children ir Complete

EveryCome our prices and save money are showing all the things in NotionsBelts Belt Pius Scarfs Hosiery etc Our shelves counters are creakingand groaning the weight ot things in all kings of winter goods Get the beststylesfCOMPANY

I Get WellyouEOfagainIf by female trouble youcan get the right remedy to get well ItsCardui This great medicine for women re-lieved cured thousands of ladies suffering likeyou some female trouble

1 TAKE ARI For Womens Ills

Sirs Fannie Ellis Foster Ark suffered agony foryears Read her letter about CarduL She writes was sick fornearlydieitlt AT ALL STORES


p Fresh Oysters

Ii v R Ice ICorner Main and 5econd Telephone 3

The ImperialDouble Disc

The Clothes theywill worn the best

gentlemensocial and

and made

Schloss Bros


Bostonfirst new

everyman and young man

gives yourect but opens way

Grade Clothes atModerate Prices

and See ThemEveryone


TheyWe for

Shoes for Wm Shoes forshowing

Get low shoesfor and childrenwesuit

forin Detail

get We newNeckwear and

under good





Money to Loan on Good Farm-Lands

The Korthwesteru Matual Life In-surance


Go will loan money at 5 percent interest on good improved farmlands on Mortgage

Apply to J C Chenault Attv09tf Richmond Ky

Mound City Paints may cost atrifle more butI Stockton son


Notice to CreditorsAll persons having claims against the

estate of William Butner deceased willfile same with the undersigned proper-ly


verified on or before the 30th day ofNovember 1010 or samo will bo barred

William Munday Admr of thoEstate of William Butner Decd

For Rent 19JJResidence on summit and store room

on Second street occupied by J B Wal ¬

ker also three rooms over storetf CTFoL

For Sale

I havo several good building lots forsale located on Lancaster and BrcckAve Location drainage ect the verybest Most desirable for apartmenthouse or living residence Any one in-


in purchase please call on theowner Mrs D M Bright or her sonDr Bright U-

FarmFor SaleON

Thursday Dec JttlOat 10 oclock m I will sellto the highest and best bidder65 acres of land lying on theBarnes Mill and Schoolerturnpike and known as the oldGentry farm This land iswell fenced and has good welland ever lasting runningwater On this land are twotenant houses and one barnabout 40 acres is in grass andwill grow hemp and tobaccoAnyone desiring to look overthe place call on the under ¬

sinned Terms made knownon day of sale

D W JacksonCottonburg Ky

HARROWIn the illustration below tho Double Disc is shown in Iho position of turning Note the action oL the Flexiblejointed Frame Connection which permits the Harrow to turn practioallyonils own ground The blades dofromIiisameasDouble Disc Harrow can be conveniently handled or rondo to do satisfactory work withoutH A rigid framewould cause a severe twisting strain in turning and leave a scries of holes and ridges at the turning points

IIarrowTm io56 ind 7 foot sizes suitable foz2 3or 4 horses Itis moderate irrCQ8tte fkH less thwi> oW t twosiB lfl Harrows Jiul rico should nQLbe ihpr prime coflskleratkw EfltetiSief an4 epwity >Jow eow titTho question shou1dbpil the llurrbw do enough tetter wrkiin4i Mi tuiiM0 1ek W

M ffeaffdwd investment It certainly will In qualityAof worS better pulverizing mow eeIii i IViffr mmth gtt ooetcand more In cpacity jit is iho equal of two 5ngfeHrrowi of tlw kiss wl 1tMIl iathe IW11a3 Jab andh easily pay for itself Ip a sIrnsson <

u-A1t dIM we lnlrtt9IIII11erHdlI tnPif w gwarante ktj jqi H ft l on t iii >

ditioa the of resultsc Daufliij Strainona i Dtathttage

S1fJJ1d Street7

< J Teiepon ojrC 1J f

fjitc c Y ctJ tj < >

DR HOAGSBlood and Liver-

Restorative I

AliTerMeue and Bieei PariSer


for RbeHatka Pile Blood

aad Skis Dkeaaes

Strenghtens the nerves makes new

appetiteMorestrength to it than any other rem¬

edy Dont wait buy a bottle todaySOLD BY v

Stockton Son

Farm Notest

The United States Depart ¬

ment ol Agriculture conduct-ed experiments at RoundHill and McLean Va and atPiketon Ohio that seem topoint to a better way of plant-ing


corn Hills of four stalkseach placed at one of the fourcorners of a square of notless than five inches Theincreased yield over ordinarymethods of planting corn atthe three places respectivelywere 3 34 5 and 4 percentThe corn was cultivated aseasily as ordinary spacedcorn and stood up better Itis suggested that a planterbe made with two shoes foreach corn row and a separatetube ftheach kernel so thatthe corn may be planted ac ¬

cording to the new method asrauidly as it is now plantedwith present day tools

Mr F MHunt on yester-day


sold a bunch of seventwo year old mules to SheriffB G Fox at S105 per head

Danville Advocate-

In Fleming Messrs EvansHelpedstine delivered 1000

turkeys to the pen last weekfor which they received 61700

Simon Weilof Lexingtonbought 121 head of 1475pound export cattle from AE Hundley of Danville at 6cents a pound The cattleare exporters and will beshipped to London England

Clifford Cayce of Columbiasold two mules last week for505 to Mr Smisson of

Lynn ville The mules werethreeyearolds and veryfine ones

A special from Midwaysays McKee Brotherswill finish this week diggingtheir second crop of potatoeswhich amounts to 5000bushels The crop yieldedfrom 150 to 200 bushels peracre of extra fine tubers

The Maysville Bulletinsays Thomas Mackey ofMoransburg sold a steerthat weighed 1720 pounds toWelburn Rees at 7 cents apound bringing the handsomesum of S12040 That is go ¬

ing some for a single steer

rhos McClintockofMillersburg has made thefollowing sales this monthTo James Oder 2 mules toFletcher Mann 6 mules toCharlie Martin 9 mules toCharlie Thompson 7mulesto Wallace Shannon 2 mulesaverage price 8192

This is decidedly thetime and place to buysuits dresses cloakswaists sweaters silkskirts corsets rain coats

descriptionDonttunity J B Walker


The Herschede H9l Clock M a fetepteceA tubular chime and an arbcle of furniture fortoidttyperfect mweaeat iwwes corrccteeaa of timethe solid oak or BMKogMjr case Wsk cWcJieccoofotms1oaOOdtuieaBd the roelo

tub Iar chine so Mg the hours aodquarters after the peel of WKtt ton or

remiDdetofahedlJIchoiceindeitnmoons phwes m the dial arch We areckCoofafcg on requert

uC8ItpwdeaitaofGold aod Sfrer Jewdry Ete


The Frank Herchde Co

Wat Won

In the International Horse-Show at Chicago the walktr canter saddle class waswon by Mat S Cohen ridingKathleenjSheridan owned byfrsRichard Tasker

Lowndes Jrj of DanvilleKy over a splendid field offifteen animals includingthose of Judge Moore ofNew York and Miss VeraMorris of London

Kussell Railey of Ver-sailles Ky was placedsecond in the combinationclass on Golden Glow MissMorris riding her famousgelding Tantalus gettingthe blue Jumping by thehorses of the French EnglishDutch and American officerswas the feature of the even ¬

ing session

For SaleFew thousand second hand brick

JDKingSon-tf 219 Moberly avenue

Price of Meats Drop i Q

Housekeepers of Richmondand vicinity are congratulat ¬

ing themselves upon the ad ¬

vent of the long threatenedtumble in prices in the localmarkets in the way of poult-ry


and fresh meats Choicecuts of pork steaks havefallen to loc pound choicerib roasts to 12c steaks 10to 17o plenty of rabbits at10 and 15c each chickens250 to 300 per dozen

turneys 14 cents per poundon foot dressed turkeys 22cents per pound eggs 30cents per dozen lard in 50pound cans 14 cents perpound

Mission Circle 1

The French Mission Circle will holdits annual bazar on Saturday December3rd in the basement of the Presbyterianchurch 3t

For Sale557 acres of fine Bluegrass land all in

bluegrass except 50 acres a portion ofthe Major Harris farm Apply to Mrsa M Clay Paris Ky orT J CurtisRichmond Ky 11241

LOSTAt Madison county stockyards Monday three tented cow whiteand red spotted weight about 000 IbsLiberal reward John M ElliottRico Station Ky

Afflicted force

The Winchester Newssays Early in the fall MrW A Beaty the editor andmanager of this paper hadhis arm broken He was in ahospital for some time Hereturned home but did notrecover the use of his armand suffered great painOver two weeks ago he re ¬

turned to the hospital whereit was found necessary to rebreak the arm and wire thebones together He JS stillin the hospital

A child of our local re¬

porter Mr John Hardinghas beenafficted with infanti eparalysis for several months

The wife of our book ¬

keeper Mr Carl Robbinshas been ill for several weeksand on Monday a surgicaloperation was performed

The fatherof our linotypeoperator Mr Harry Fitchis dangerously illat Lexing-ton which has to some extentinterfered with his service

And today Miss GbldiePerry who takes theTe¬

spo sibility of doing almostevery thing in the office is illas we believe from overwork

ClydeHartwho is the right hand man inthe mechanical departmentof the paper is not mentionedas being Under the weatheror unable to be at his post ofwillbebreaksdown1ndmachjnery refuses to runhimhis

Haticfctii MUb Fourth Stowt ti0W0 tG t7-I



Read ThisAll Who Suffer From Catarrh

Sore Throat or ColdsMillions of people throughout Amer-


have breathed IIYOMEI pronounceit Highome and now own a IIYOMEIInhaler ado of hard rubber

If you own a nYOSIEl Inhaler nomatter where you live you can get abottle of IIYOME at D L Middeltonsand druggists everywhere for only 50c

Ask for an extra bottle of IIYOMElInhalent it is only 50c and with it youcan cure a cough or a cold in a day

You can get relief from catarrh orstuffed jp head in two minutes and stophawking and snuffling in a week

Just pour a few drops of IIYOMEl intotho inhaler and breathe it in thats all

Its to easy and so pleasant and somuch more desirable than swallowingnauseating drugs Breathe Hybmei overthe inflamed membrane of the noso andthroat and its soothing healing actionwill bo felt immediately

If you have not a HYOJIEl Inhalergot acompleto HYOMEI outfit at onceThis only costs 8100 and with it comesa IIYOMEl Inhaler that will last a lifetime and ought to be in every family

Notice to CreditorsAll persons having claims against the

estate of D J Snowden are requested tofile same properly verified on or beforeJan 1 1911 or samo will bo barred

C C Snowdennov23it p Administrator

Great Closing Out SaleOf Fall and Winter Millinery at the

new Millinery Store Hobson buildingRichmond Ky Beginning Friday Nov18lb 1910 and continuing thirty days

Ladies my immense stock of Falland Winter Hats and Millinery Materialswill be placed on sale at rockbottomprices to clean up and closo out stock in30 days Never has there been suchbargains offered in Richmond in Milli ¬

nery as I shall offer you November 18thfor 30 days My hats are all boautifun style and material and finish in mak-ing and design My prices uro at costand less than cost as I must clean upstock before Xmas 850 hats now 30French Plumes and imported styles thovery latest 12 dozen Paris shapes re ¬

duced to 1000 and 800 2000 hatsfor 81000 and 81000 hats down to 600and less Beautiful finished Silk Ye vatTurbans 8500 and 3 50 Nice JauntyStreet Hats 350 to 250 a good gotomeeting hat 200 to 8100 If you dontbelieve it como and see and bring yourmoney with you or someone elso will getthe one you want When we offer bar ¬

gains they sIlO are bargains Every-thing


cleaned up sold and tho windowswashed for Christmas Dont miss thischance toget tho real things in hats atdelightful bargain prices We will fillorders at same discount prices Wehavo tho best trimmer in Richmond sopeoplo toll us Come try her work foryourself

Remember Friday November 18 andcontinuing 30 days Come before thebargains and best stock aro picked over-

RespectfullyMrs Laura Jones

Christmas is rapidly approaching andno gift so pleases a lady friend as somearticle of dainty embroidery or handwork

Miss Eva Robertsinvites her friends and customers to calland see her exceptionally attractivestock of materials for Christmas workNew patterns new materials and new

ideasABig Lot of NoveltiesM-

iss Roberts shop is headquarters forlovers of fancy ncedlo work Completeyour Christmas shopping by calling on

MISS ROBERTS122 Firststreet

Fire Life Accident and HalthInsur-nc3lnthevery best old line CQp nieWm S Broaddus Agt tf

Como to Owen McKee RichmondKy for dry goods and notions Othersdo and why not you tf

Country sorghum the best over justreceived at So well McKinneys 2t

Dan IL Breck life fire and accidentinsurance tf

Lumber For SaleDam bills and all kinds rough lumber

in oak poplar and p the Tobacco sticksPoplar laths Write



tf Richmond Ky

Lost DogLost on Irvine pike Saturday a large

black and white bird dog with smallred spots over body Return to

Joe ChcnaultRichmond Ky

PostedWe tho undersigned strictly forbid

hunting trapping or any kind of trespassingon our promises and will proso

cuto offendersParalee Fitzpatrick

Gco Fitzpatrick

NoticeAll persons having claims against the

ostateoft1ie late T S Ballard are here ¬

by notified to present same to cither of

the undersigned properly proven on orbefore December 10th 1910 or samewill be forever barred

A Ballard1O Andcrsoi i Executors

Administrators NoticeAlt persons having claims against the

estate of George C DoVore deceasedare hereby notified to present sameproven as required by law to tho under ¬

signed his Administrator-All persons owing said estate arc re-


to call and pay sameUnion Bank Trust Co-

Lexington KyAdministrator of George C DoVore

By E R Blackburn CashierNovember 1010 4x

Hog RaisersAre your hogs worth 5 cents per head

Wo guarantee

Bourbon Hog Cholera Remedyto keep hogs healthy and free from dis¬

ease for 5 cents per head per month Itcures Cholera kills Worms Stimulatestho Appetite aids Digestion and causeshogs to fatten very rapidly This romedy is used and endorsed by leading hograisers throughout the country Comoin and let us toll you about it

Perrys Drug Store2t

I R PenningtonDentist

Office next door to Government build ¬

ing Richmond Ky

Mrs Maude Mackey WalkersHair Dress ing Parlor

Come in and have your hair dressedin tho newest style braids and puffsmade to order Braids restored tonatural color Highest prices paid fcrcombings Two doors above Stocktonsdrug store onMain street Office phono545 residence 202 6 Mo

Betsy I


Betsy is an advanced exponent ofcomfort economy and good cheer Shewill endeavor to win a place in thehearts of ovary family in Richmond andto this end she tells of her experiencesher ideas of man and woman her theo-ries and of tho many advantages oftrading with

Lackey ToddThe Home of Low Prices and Square Dealing

Telephone 62 Opera House Building

Every Possible Courtesyconsistent with sound finance is extend ¬

ed to customers of tho State BankTrust Co Small depositors receiveequal consideration with thoso whosebalances are larger Applications forloans upon acceptable security aretreated promptly and confidentiallyThe bank will be glad to have you con¬

suIt it fn any financial matter

State Bank 3 Trust Co

Richmond Ky

Have Your

Christmas PhotographMade Now

McG ughey the PhotographerThird Street


YOUJrInterested ih Lumber LathShingles Odors B


< SushEk°


t 11

i C- JcPU > fi


ToodEdw3rdsLullbeCo =Phons i o


HOTBLAST Globe Air Tight



Theres JustGirl

you may caro to present with a ringMake it as fine a one as your purso willafford At the same time dont paymore than tho ring is worth You wontif you buy it here We chargo only formaterials and workmanship at this jew ¬

elry shop nothing for design

and Wedding H

Engraved Free

A HandsomePersian


Burns Slack

or Soft Coal

WJU out Smoke or Soot

Seats double the spaceheated by any


with half the fuel Cleaneconomical

The Kind to Buy fort


fe A money saver for peoplep who want a good stove atIian honest price See it in

operationyou will like iiTEXCLUSIVELY

W D Buckley GodEast Main Street







C = O = A = TGiven Away by

MrsJM B8JrlowCoNow on display at Richmond

Millinery Cos Store

A coupon given with each purchase entitlesEverythingbusiness but to continue with a new line f

This sale is now on and will continue untileverything is sold


Exceptional Clothes<


IWr4jx>V > vqv VBU tr prO leJD ofdreslnKL k fwell oil iirnited esagerifor7 ii


The styVof t1l JibUies jwell Jinawn They ire 1

ItMJeaders of fssbloiieverywhervs d i e>prCM 1

moderate We have a big vsr1 y0 ° r at <suite aid oyerooats for you toehocue trarn at-rangb <J

From15OOto3OThe Col1tgiaui brand I a giantee MWJJ dq rirCome in and 83 thell1



Cor 2nd anl MMtnp 75



