riddhi hrm project report[1]

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  • 7/31/2019 Riddhi HRM Project Report[1]


    Project Report


    Training & Development

  • 7/31/2019 Riddhi HRM Project Report[1]




    Once in a month induction takes place. Either its on the first week of every

    month or on the last week of every month

    Induction goes for minimum 3 days for staff level.

    Movement the newly recruited employee has joint the company training

    department gets the intimation and a schedule is prepared for newly joint

    recruiters induction.

    It is a role of an HR professional to see to it that induction is properly

    carried out and is been practiced in the right manner.

    After induction process is completed a small multiple choice questions test

    is conducted which will help the HR department to get the feed back and

    also for the audit purpose.

  • 7/31/2019 Riddhi HRM Project Report[1]



    The appraisal form is basically to identify the training needs of the employees

    by his immediate supervisor. His overall development is rated to boost his

    morale and identify his competencies.

    In this form the nature of work done by the employee is filled by the


    The training acquired is mentioned along with training required.

    There are 12 parameters for which the employee is rated. They are

    -Job Knowledge

    -Goal/Result Accomplishment

    -Work Discipline

    -Reality Sense in dealings

    -Mechanical Aptitude

    -Problem Solving Capacity

    -Creativity and functional imagination

    -Quality Conscious

    -Achievement through Compliance

    -Team Working

    -Communication Skills

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    Leadership Potential

    The employee is rated as outstanding, Highly Effective, Good (Competent) or

    Poor (Needs slight improvement).

    So after understanding the process of appraisal the summary of appraisal,

    health status, leave etc of all the employees was prepared by me and was

    given to ER department.

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    Training is an essential factor in the success of a business. A company that has

    well-trained personnel has the potential of becoming a champion in its field.

    There is a need for people who can effectively develop and deliver training

    material. Your knowledge and skills in this area can help you advance your

    career or improve your business. Also, the development and delivery of

    training can be a satisfying profession, especially when you see the results of

    your work. Training is an important task, and it should be done with excellence

    in mind. Training is defined as learning that is provided in order to improve

    performance on the present job. A person's performance is improved by

    showing her how to master a new or established technology. The technology

    may be a piece of heavy machinery, a computer, a procedure for creating a

    product, or a method of providing a service.

    Goal of training

    The goal of training a person is to impart a skill. In other words, the desiredoutcome of the training process is that the learner is sufficiently skilled in

    performing a task such that he or she can pass a competency test proving that



    There are hard skills such as learning to perform a task, and there are soft

    skills such as learning to deal with other people.

    To learn a skill, you need to remember facts and the steps to follow. Then you

    need to be able to apply that knowledge and have the physical and/or mental

    coordination to perform the task. The learner does not necessarily have to

    understand the principles of the subject matter in order to be skilled at

    performing the required tasks.

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    Achieving outcomes

    The following simplified process should result in the achievement of the

    desired outcomes of training:

    1. Communicate knowledge and information

    2. Reinforce through exercises

    3. Test to verify outcome

    Earlier it was stated that there are four inputs to a system: people, material,

    technology, and time. There are four inputs necessary in every system to

    produce a product or service:

    o People: The workers making up a group and linked by a common


    o Material: The raw products which go into the system.

    o Technology: The technique for achieving a practical purpose or goal.

    o Time: The measured period during which an action or process begins

    and ends.










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    Training is mainly concerned with the meeting of two of these inputs -- people

    and technology. That is, having people learn to master a given technology.

    Training is part of Human Resource Development (HRD). A human

    resource department is concerned with all aspects of the employees, such as

    pay, benefits, equal opportunity, and of course training. HRD is concerned with

    training, development, and education.

    HRD programs are divided into three main categories: Training,

    Development, and Education. Although some organizations lump all

    learning under "Training" or "Training and Development," dividing it into three

    distinct categories makes the desired goals and objects more meaningful andprecise.

    Training is the acquisition of technology which permits employees to perform

    their present job to standards. It improves human performance on the job the

    employee is presently doing or is being hired to do. Also, it is given when new

    technology in introduced into the workplace.

    Education is training people to do a different job. It is often given to people

    who have been identified as being promotable, being considered for a new job

    either lateral or upwards, or to increase their potential. Unlike training, which

    can be fully evaluated immediately upon the learners returning to work,

    education can only be completely evaluated when the learners move on to

    their future jobs or tasks. We can test them on what they learned while in

    training, but we cannot be fully satisfied with the evaluation until we see how

    well they perform their new jobs.

    Development is training people to acquire new horizons, technologies, or

    viewpoints. It enables leaders to guide their organizations onto new

    expectations by being proactive rather than reactive. It enables workers to

    create better products, faster services, and more competitive organizations. It

    is learning for growth of the individual, but not related to a specific present or

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    future job. Unlike training and education, which can be completely evaluated,

    development cannot always be fully evaluated. This does not mean that we

    should abandon development programs, as helping people to grow and

    develop is what keeps an organization in the cutting edge of competitiveenvironments. Development can be considered the forefront of what many

    now call the Learning Organization.

    Development involves changes in an organism that are systematic, organized,

    and successive and are thought to serve an adaptive function Training could

    be compared this metaphor - if I miss one meal in a day, then I will not be able

    to work as effectively due to a lack of nutrition. While development would be

    compared to this metaphor - if I do not eat, then I will starve to death. The

    survival of the organization requires development throughout the ranks in

    order to survive, while training makes the organization more effective and

    efficient in its day-to-day operations.

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    Self awareness program.

    Orientation to all the group businesses.

    Skills and knowledge up gradation program.

    Variety of projects.

    On-the-job training.

    The Instructional System Development model comprises of five stages:


    1. ANALYSIS This phase consist of training need assessment, job

    analysis, and target audience analysis.

    2. PLANNING This phase consist of setting goal of the learning

    outcome, instructional objectives that measures behavior of a participant

    after the training, types of training material, media selection, methods of

    evaluating the trainee, trainer and the training program, strategies to

    impart knowledge i.e. selection of content, sequencing of content, etc.

    3. DEVELOPMENT This phase translates design decisions into training

    material. It consists of developing course material for the trainer including

    handouts, workbooks, visual aids, demonstration props, etc, course

    material for the trainee including handouts of summary.

    4. EXECUTION This phase focuses on logistical arrangements, such as

    arranging speakers, equipments, benches, podium, food facilities, cooling,

    lighting, parking, and other training accessories.

    5. EVALUATION The purpose of this phase is to make sure that the

    training program has achieved its aim in terms of subsequent work

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    performance. This phase consists of identifying strengths and weaknesses

    and making necessary amendments to any of the previous stage in order

    to remedy or improve failure practices.

    The training model is a continuous process that lasts throughout the

    training program. It also highlights that feedback is an important phase

    throughout the entire training program. In this model, the output of one

    phase is an input to the next phase.

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    Training Needs Identification helps the organization to determine the type and

    scope of training required to effectively carry out the different jobs in the

    company. The training needs of employees are determined through the

    performance assessment process. For new hires, it is determined through the

    recruitment and selection process.

    Training is classified in two categories-On the job Training and off the job



    OJT is the responsibility of, and carried out by, the respective departments. On

    the job training is usually required for new hires and recently transferred

    employees. Sometimes OJT need flows in from Performance Appraisal also.


    The Department Manager/direct Supervisor determines the job-specific training

    required after discussion with the new hire/transferred person.

    The Department Training Coordinator (DTC) then prepares the OJT plan for the


    The DTC also maintains records of completed OJTs for each employee.


    Apart from OJT, Off-The-job training is a key element in the development of the


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    During Performance Management and Feedback process, the training needs

    are identified.

    Direct Supervisor identifies Training needs in consultation with his subordinate

    on Performance Appraisal Form

    From the above forms Training Coordinator HR compiles the training needs


    After the review, Training Coordinator HR prepares annual/six

    monthly/quarterly training Plan.

    Training coordinator HR will circulate training plan to DTCs.

    Training Execution

    Computer Based Training

    In House Training

    External Training


    For all the trainings Feedback sheet is filled up by the participants. Training for

    more than 8 hours is evaluated by the immediate supervisor of trainee, 4-5

    months after training is over.

    When organization has invested in some training, how do we know if it has a

    success? Our gut feeling might be that skills and practice have improved. But

    in what ways and by how much has it improved, and did organization get value

    of money? Answer of these questions can be given by doing evaluation.

  • 7/31/2019 Riddhi HRM Project Report[1]


    The evaluation of training forms the remaining part of the training cycle which

    starts with the identification of training needs, establishing objectives and

    continues through to the design and delivery of the training course itself.

    It is the function of evaluation to assess whether the learning objectives

    originally identified have been satisfied and any deficiency rectified. Evaluation

    is the analysis and comparison of actual progress versus prior plans, oriented

    toward improving plans for future implementation. It is part of a continuing

    management process consisting of planning, implementation and evaluation;

    ideally with each following the other in a continuous cycle until successful

    completion of the activity. Evaluation process must start before training has

    begun and continue throughout the whole learning process.

    Functions of evaluation: There are basically two functions of


    Qualitative evaluations is an assessment process how well did we do?

    Quantitative evaluation is an assessment process that answers the question

    How much did we do?

    Principles of Training Evaluation:

    Training need should be identified and reviewed concurrently with the

    business and personal development plan process.

    There should be correlation to the needs of the business and the individual.

    Organizational, group and individual level training need should be identified

    and evaluated.

    Techniques of evaluation should be appropriate.

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    The evaluation function should be in place before the training takes place.

    The outcome of evaluation should be used to inform the business and

    training process.

    Why Evaluation of Training:

    Training cost can be significant in any business. Most organizations are

    prepared to incur these cost because they expect that their business to benefit

    from employees development and progress. Whether business has benefited

    can be assessed by evaluation training.

    The Trainee wants to confirm that the course has met personal expectations

    and satisfied any learning objectives set by the T & D department at the

    beginning of the programme.

    The Trainer concern is to ensure that the training that has been provided is

    effective or not.

    Training and Development want to know whether the course has made the

    best use of the resources available.

    The Line manager will be seeking reassurance that the time hat trainee has

    spent in attending training results in to value and how deficiency in knowledge

    and skill redressed.

    The problem for many organizations is not so much why training should be

    evaluated but how. Most of the organizations overlook evaluation because

    financial benefits are difficult to describe in concrete terms.

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    Organizing and directing skills are the most active skills. An HR officer needs to

    coordinate among different departments as well as direct the newly joint


    At every step care is been taken that the person which needs to be procured

    for the organization is an investment made by the company and so utmost

    care is take to procure right number of person, right kind of person &

    at right time


    1. Communication Skills

    2. Interpersonal Skills

    3. Listening skills

    4. Flexibility

    5. Sincerity

    6. Time Management

    7. Self Discipline

    8. Decision Making

    9. Communication

    10. Responsibility

    11. Time Management

    12. Coordinating

    13. Planning

    14. Organizing

    15. Directing

  • 7/31/2019 Riddhi HRM Project Report[1]



    Manpower planning enables a department to project its short to long term

    needs on the basis of its departmental plans so that it can adjust its manpower

    requirements to meet changing priorities. The more changing the environment

    the department is in, the more the department needs manpower planning to


    the number of recruits required in a specified timeframe and the

    availability of talent early indications of potential recruitment or retention difficulties

    surpluses or deficiencies in certain ranks or grades

    availability of suitable qualified and experienced successors

    Key elements of Man Power Planning also include Successive Planning.


    The selection of a candidate with the right combination of education, work

    experience, attitude, and creativity will not only increase the quality and

    stability of the workforce, it will also play a large role in bringing

    management strategies and planning to fruition. I was a silent observer

    when the selection of the TDS took place.

    The Recruitment and Selection process promotes successful hiring decisions

    that can truly impact the success of a department or faculty.

    HR officer would initiate the interview by giving introduction of the

    interviewing panel

    HR officer would explain the interviewee his roles and responsibilities, job

    description, his reporting officer, etc

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    HR Officer would then ask the professional and personal background of an

    employee in detail

    Minimum 1 technical people which included the immediate reporting officer

    and 1 HR personnel would form an interviewing panel

    The steps for selecting the TDS were as follow:

    They need to appear for lingo Test.

    Then they would draw the casting.

    The group discussion was the third round of the test.

    TDS are shortlisted from the above three test and they are called for the

    further interviews.