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29/05/2017 Riding The Wave of Emotional Intelligence Presented By: Garth S. Johns June 2017

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Riding The Wave of Emotional Intelligence

Presented By:

Garth S. Johns

June 2017

Oh, What Talented People We Have

• Finance – look after our budgets and bills

• Engineers – design our roads

• Planners – plan our communities

• Police and Fire – keep us safe

• Politicians – do whatever they do

But these are all functions. Nothing is

accomplished without our staff and volunteers


IQ – What Is It?

• Measures things and concepts

• The ability to think logically, solve problems or

use your abilities in hypothetical situations

• However, it has nothing to do with creativity or

emotional intelligence

• IQ is what it is – moods and circumstances such

as health or access to information may have a

slight impact but otherwise, it doesn’t change for

any of us


EIQ (generally referred to as EQ)

• Is how we connect with people and it can be improved

• “it’s a set of skills that enables us to make our way in a

complex world – the personal, social and survival

aspects of overall intelligence, the elusive common

sense and sensitivity that are essential to effective daily


• Street smarts

• Ability to read political and social environment

• Grasp what others need, unruffled by stress, engaging

• The kind of person others want to be around – are you

that kind of person?The EQ Edge – Steven Stein and Howard Book


What Is EI?

“Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize

and understand emotions in yourself and others,

and your ability to use this awareness to manage

your behaviour and relationships”

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 – Bradberry and Greaves


What EI is Not!!

• Emotional intelligence is not the flagrant

disregard or inhibition of your emotions but

rather the effective management of same

• Our first response to various stimuli will always

be an emotional one – people are like that

• Emotional response – assessment of the

situation – choose an appropriate behaviour

This is what managing our emotions is all about –

trying to use positive thinking and an optimistic



Leaders With Low EQ

• Sound off even if it won’t help

• Brush people off when bothered

• Deny that emotions impact their thinking

• Get defensive when challenged

• Focus only on tasks and ignore the person

• Are oblivious to unspoken tension

Travis Bradberry


Leaders With High EQ

• Only speak when doing it helps the situation

• Keep lines of communication open even when


• Recognize when other people are affecting their

emotional state

• Are open to feedback

• Show others they care about them

• Accurately pick up on the mood of a room

Travis Bradberry


EI Generally Speaking is:

• Knowing yourself

• Managing your emotions

• Understanding others

• Managing relationships


Do You Know Yourself?

• Feelings are key

• Do you know what your “hot button” issues are?

• It’s ok to be sad, happy or upset

• Are you comfortable in your own skin?

• Be yourself, not somebody else

• What are your strengths and weaknesses?

• What are your personal values?


How Well Do You Manage Yourself?

• Do you set goals? Follow through?

• Learn something every day

• Emotional triggers – what are they?

• Work/life balance

• Take care of your body, your mind and your


• Diet, exercise, vacation etc.


Behavioural Self Control

“Anyone can become angry – that is easy. But to be angry with the

right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose,

and in the right way – that is not easy”. Aristotle

“He who blows his top loses all his thinking matter”- Chinese proverb

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to

remake the world as in being able to remake ourselves” – Mahatma



How Well Do You Know Others?

• Remember, we are not human resources or human


• Everyone is unique in their personality, skills, abilities,

experiences, challenges etc.

• Be kinder than necessary…….

• Respect and empathy

• What are the strengths and weaknesses of your staff?

• What is the organizational culture? and politics?


How Well Do You Manage


• Communications

• Teamwork

• A role of a good leader is to make everybody

else better – do you do that?

• Do you inspire others?

• What about servant leadership?

• How do you manage change and conflict?




IQ and EQ

• “IQ, EQ and personality, assessed together, is

the best way to get a picture of the whole


• The “whole person” that organizations now want

is not just a manager but a leader – anybody

can be a manager but leadership is totally


Emotional Intelligence 2.0 – Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves


How Do I Improve My EIQ?

• Positive thinking

• Improve people skills

• Practice good leadership behaviours


Positive Thinking

• Doesn’t deny the existence of difficult emotions but

rather remaining positive when difficulties arise

• Practice positive self-talk

• Cultivate an open mind and look for positive outcomes

• Be grateful – remember all the good things in life

• Associate with positive people

• Engage in “flow” activities

• Laugh a lot


Management vs. Leadership

• Management is a series of job functions

– Planning

– Organizing

– Implementing

– Delegating

– Controlling

– Measuring


Leadership and People Skills

• Leadership is all about inspiring others to

greater heights of personal growth or

professional development

• Creating a culture that is like a fertile garden in

which people grow and thrive

• Empower and engage their staff so everyone

comes to work with “shining eyes”

• The conductor of the orchestra


CAO Requirements in 1995

• University degree

• 5 – 10 years of relevant experience

• Post graduate studies in public/business admin

• Ability to manage people and change

• Knowledge of local government, legislation etc.

• Public relations skills

• What’s missing?


CAO Requirements 2013 - 2016

• Degree in business or public admin

• 10 years related experience

• Same requirements as 1995 (called

competencies but…..)

• Well developed interpersonal, communication

and leadership skills

• Visionary, strategic planning, decision making,

conflict resolution etc.


AMCTO Competencies

CMO competencies now look to aspects such as:

• Initiative

• Visioning

• Creativity and innovation

• Change management

• Empowering and engaging others

• Integrity

• Broad leadership skills


Common Sense Leadership

• Being a professional

• Enjoy what you do

• Be nice

• Act ethically and with integrity

• Respect time

• Communicate

• A customer focus


Common Sense Leadership cont’d

• Support one another

• Scan the horizon

• Have fun, be nice but make decisions

• Exude energy and enthusiasm

“Be a good manager but more important, be a

great leader”


Apply Good Emotional Intelligence

• Street smarts

• Common sense

• To intuitively grasp what others need and want

• Identify strengths and weaknesses of others

• Unruffled by stress

• The sort of person others want to be around

• As a leader, you need to inspire others

Are you this kind of person?


Leadership Behaviours That Reflect

Good Emotional Intelligence

• Being approachable

• Being a mentor to staff

• Being visionary

• Being a good communicator

• Having a passion for your work

• Being consistent

• Promoting learning and development of all

• Having integrity

• Being calm at all times

• Good common sense


How Do We Learn?

“The only way to avoid mistakes is to gain

experience; the only way to gain experience is to

make mistakes”


Coach, Don’t Command

• “you don’t have to be sick to get better” – Ian Hill

• Coaching principles apply – no longer command

and control

• Staff need to know their parameters and then, let

them go

• Don’t micromanage – its inefficient and shows a

lack of trust

• You are a trainer, a counsellor, a mentor, a

facilitator and a sounding board


Shining Eyes

• Ben Zander – An Art of Possibility

• How do you want yourself and staff to be at


• Do you have “shining eyes”?

• What about your staff?

• How do we motivate and inspire them?


When They Are At Work…….

• How do you want them to behave?

• How should they appear?

• Are they engaged? What does that look like?

• How can you inspire them?

• How can they inspire you?

• What’s your own EQ?



Let’s Remember the following:

• Know your people intimately

• Be an outstanding role model

• Set high standards and high expectations

• Set goals for yourself, your team and each staff

• Develop plans that align with your goals

• Give feedback

• Empower your staff – let them know their

boundaries and then, let them go

• When problems occur, deal with them

Any Questions?

If you have any questions after the session, please

feel free to contact Garth at:

[email protected]

I will address specifics even if they arise a week or

two after today’s session.
