riitta lumme-tuomala: leading others

Aalto University Executive Education Leadership for High Potentials Leading others Leadership today, tomorrow and beyond Riitta Lumme-Tuomala, Senior Advisor December 11, 2012

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Riitta Lumme-Tuomala: Leading Others Leadership for High Potentials Program at Aalto EE on December 11, 2012 http://www.aaltoee.fi/leadershipforhighpotentials


Page 1: Riitta Lumme-Tuomala: Leading Others

Aalto University Executive Education

Leadership for High


Leading others

Leadership today,

tomorrow and


Riitta Lumme-Tuomala,

Senior Advisor

December 11, 2012

Page 2: Riitta Lumme-Tuomala: Leading Others

3. The New Leader

1. A peek into the future…


2. Social macrotrends and changes in our business environment

5. MBTI and Leadership

6. Emotional Capitalists?

4. Generationally diverse organizations

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•Separation of capital

and production

•Capital becoming


•Economic power blocs


•Inequality of


•Different forms of





•Profileration of

environmental challenges

•Finding mutual solutions

•Corporate social



•”Media realities”

•Increasing influence of

global media giants

•Emphasis on corporate

communications and



•Increase in productivity

•Global redistribution of


•New forms of production

and markets

New global economy Source: Janne Tienari & Susan Meriläinen

challenges for management…?

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Five Powers Lynda Gratton, ”The Shift”, 2011

• Technology

• Globalization

• Demography and longevity

• Society

• Energy resources

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Enterprise 3.0

Knowledge Sharing

Communication via blogs, wikis, podcasts

Collective decision making

Knowledge creation

Knowledge refinement

New structures

Different Control

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Organisaatio tänään ja huomenna Mikko Vesa 2011

Traditional organization Virtual organization

Criteria for membership Membership in the organization “attached” to a physical person.

Is built on the concept of virtual representatives/avatars.

Resource management Clear decision making and budgeting policies. Reward system.

Challenging due to a large number of different types of targets.

Policies Discipline. Built on social acceptance.

Organizational structure Hierarchical. Important structures vertical.

Dispersed and collegial. Important structures social.

Objectives Activities and tasks are managed top-down. Clear division between planning and implementation.

Result of all activities is a collection of individual strategies. Leadership competence based on communication, not formal organizational power/authority. Mikko Vesa, 2011

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Triple Bottom Line?

TBL evaluates business success

by three factors:

Social performance

Economic Performance and

Environmental Performance

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5 Minds for the Future (Howard Gardner, 2008)

1.The Disciplined Mind

2.The Synthesizing Mind

3.The Creating Mind

4.The Respectful Mind

5.The Ethical Mind

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Formula for Passion





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Organizations committed to

improving the world achieve

more than those

with a vision to just beat the

competition…. Logan, King and Fischer-Wright, 2008

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Kevin Roberts’ Credo (CEO worldwide Saatchi & Saatchi)

1. Ready. Fire! Aim. 2. If it ain’t broke ... Break it! 3. Hire crazies. 4. Ask dumb questions. 5. Pursue failure. 6. Lead, follow ... or get out of the way! 7. Spread confusion. 8. Ditch your office. 9. Read odd stuff. 10. Avoid moderation!

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Different Generations

• Radio Babies/Traditionalists born 1930 – 1945

• Baby Boomers 1945 – 1965

Rock and Roll Generation 1950 - 1965

• Generation X 1965 – 1980

• Generation Y 1980 – 1996

• Generation Z 1996 -

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Today’s Authorities

...This is the first time in human history when children are authorities

on something really important

A youngster’s father may have been an authority on model trains.

Today young people are authorities on the digital revolution that is

changing every institution in society.

Don Tapscott, ”Wikinomics”

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The New Generation Has Arrived!

• Frame

• No hierarchy and bossing around, but a clear framework for work; challenges and responsibilities

• Freedom

• Opportunities to use one’s own brain in relation to tasks and organization

• Feedback

• Giving and receiving feedback, real-time; two way communication is a given

• Friendship

• Being part of a collective; openness and transparency are a must

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The 8 Norms of the Generation Y

1. Freedom

2. Customization

3. Scrutiny

4. Integrity

5. Collaboration

6. Entertainment

7. Speed

8. Innovation

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What do Yers Expect from their Organizations

• Opportunities for Learning and Development

• Collegial Culture and Coaching attitudes

• Continuous Learning and Innovation in Organization DNA

• Socially Responsible Companies

- Respect for Environment

- Care for Employees

- Meaningful Products or Services

- Give back to Local Communities

• Fair payment and rapid

advancement Opportunities

• Cutting Edge Technology

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Source: Urgency to Opportunity, Second Edition,

by Carolyn A. Martin and Bruce Tulgan

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Case 1

According to his status, Y is playing Floorball in

the middle of his working day. Your reaction?

Case 2

An important project is starting, but the most

competent guy is heading to Sodankylä film

festival just when the kick off meeting is due.

What actions will you take?

Case 3

Y is sharing internal training material in Slide

Share. Your reaction?

Case 4

Y gives a top notch presentation and uploads it to

YouTube immediately. Your reaction?

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Discussion: Y Causes Headaches? Case 5

Y is discussing a company project in Twitter. The

discussion gives fruitful new angles to the

project. But?

Case 6

After a fixed term contract you offer Y a

permanent job based on the fact that he has

done an excellent job on a project which is now

to be continued. Y prefers to go to Thailand to

dive for 6 months.

Case 7

You need a partner in a project with international

experience. Y says he knows a couple in

LinkedIn. Is that a good source in your opinion?

Case 8

Y tells you she will change jobs since she is not

satisfied with your company’s environmental

policies. What do you do?

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It is all about People

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Boomer Gen X Gen Y

Training Too much and

I’ll leave

Required to keep


Continuous &


Learning style Facilitated Independent Collaborative &



style Guarded Hub & spoke Collaborative

Problem-solving Horizontal Independent Collaborative

Decision-making Team informed Independent Team decided

Leadership style Get out of the

way Coach Partner

Feedback Once per year Weekly/daily On demand

Technology use Unsure Unable to work

without it

Unfathomable if

not provided

Job changing Sets me back Necessary Part of my daily

routine Source: Lancaster, L.C. and Stillman, D. When Generations Collide: Who They Are. Why They Clash. How to Solve the Generational Puzzle at Work. Wheaton, IL.

Harper Business, 2003.

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Common Ground for Different Generations

1. Flexibility

2. Leaders as coaches

3. Development opportunities

4. Respect

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The House with 16 Rooms

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The Leadership Map

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Leardership Behaviors











Who you are

What you bring

Habits of behaviour


Learning Loop= Increase awareness, find new ways to think,

try new behaviors.

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The Power of Introverts

• www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0KYU2j0TM4

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Alignment Intergity

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The Intuitive Compass (Francis P. Cholle 2011)

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The Intuitive Compass and Organizations (Francis P. Cholle 2011)

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Organized Implementation

Exceptional Sales

Creative Thinking

Value Driven




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”No doubt emotional intelligence is

more rare than book smarts, but my

experience says it is actually more

important in the making of a leader.”

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”Research shows convincingly that

eq is more important than iq in almost

every role and many times more

important in leadership roles.

This finding is accentuated as we move

from the control philosophy of the

industrial age to an empowering

release philosophy of the knowledge

worker age.”

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Some Aspects of Emotional Intelligence and Expression

• Ability to listen without judgment

• Ability to create engagement and interest

• Ability to empathize and view the world from another’s perspective

• Ability to choose words and content of speech sensitively and appropriately

• Ability to connect to another’s core values/purpose

• Ability to have inspiring conversations

• Ability to put another person at ease

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Emotional Capital

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Self Control

Self Confidence


Relationship skills




Self Actualization


Self knowing




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[email protected]

• +358 40 8386113

• RiittaLT