rill - · memorandum to council/committee ill palmerston north city council appendix a...

MEMORANDUM TO COUNCIL/COMMITTEE rill PALMERSTON NORTH CITY COUNCIL TO DATE OF MEETING FROM DATE SUBJECT PC11 and V11A Hearings Panel 12 March 2014 Michael Duindam 11 March 2014 MINOR AMENDMENTS TO PLANNING PROVISIONS FOR THE INSTITUTIONAL ZONE == Council Officers were advised by the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council on 5 March 2014 that some of the recommendations in the analysis of their submission were not carried through to the planning provisions contained in Appendix 1 of the S.42A report. Minor amendments to the proposed planning provisions are proposed to address this error. The minor amendments relate to: 1. Reference to the Hazardous Substances Objectives and Policies in the introduction text for the Objectives and Policies of the Institutional Zone. 2. Referring to the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council, rather than Horizons Regional Council. 3. Inclusion of the word 'transportation' in the explanation text of Objective 2. Council Officers were also advised by the New Zealand Defence Force that some changes had not come through to the planning provisions. Minor amendments are also proposed to address this error. The minor amendments relate to: 1. Deleting performance standard 19.4.3(d) 2. Reference to minor and extended temporary military training activities in rules 19.4.3 and 19.5.2 3. Addition of clarification text for rule 19.5.2(i), regarding amenity being affected by Minor or Extended Temporary Military Training Activities. An updated version of the affected pages of Appendix 1 of the S.42A report, encompassing the minor amendments, is attached to this memo as Appendix A. The minor amendments are highlighted in yellow. Both the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council and New Zealand Defence Force are supportive of the PPC11 and V11A provided the minor amendments are made, as requested. All of the requests are supported by Council officers. Neither of the submitters deems it necessary to attend the hearing. Instead, they have lodged statements, to be tabled at the hearing, outlining in detail the reasons for their requests for minor amendments and general comments on the plan change and variation. OMS 1093072 Page 11

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PC11 and V11A Hearings Panel

12 March 2014

Michael Duindam

11 March 2014



Council Officers were advised by the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council on 5 March 2014 that someof the recommendations in the analysis of their submission were not carried through to the planningprovisions contained in Appendix 1 of the S.42A report.

Minor amendments to the proposed planning provisions are proposed to address this error. The minoramendments relate to:

1. Reference to the Hazardous Substances Objectives and Policies in the introduction text for theObjectives and Policies of the Institutional Zone.

2. Referring to the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council, rather than Horizons Regional Council.

3. Inclusion of the word 'transportation' in the explanation text of Objective 2.

Council Officers were also advised by the New Zealand Defence Force that some changes had notcome through to the planning provisions. Minor amendments are also proposed to address this error.The minor amendments relate to:

1. Deleting performance standard 19.4.3(d)

2. Reference to minor and extended temporary military training activities in rules 19.4.3 and 19.5.2

3. Addition of clarification text for rule 19.5.2(i), regarding amenity being affected by Minor orExtended Temporary Military Training Activities.

An updated version of the affected pages of Appendix 1 of the S.42A report, encompassing the minoramendments, is attached to this memo as Appendix A. The minor amendments are highlighted inyellow.

Both the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council and New Zealand Defence Force are supportive of thePPC11 and V11A provided the minor amendments are made, as requested. All of the requests aresupported by Council officers. Neither of the submitters deems it necessary to attend the hearing.Instead, they have lodged statements, to be tabled at the hearing, outlining in detail the reasons for theirrequests for minor amendments and general comments on the plan change and variation.

OMS 1093072 Page 11


Recommendation(s) to Hearings Committee


• That the proposed minor amendments in Appendix A be accepted


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DMS1093072 Page I 3


19.3 Objectives and Policies

Within the broad framework of the City View objectives in section 2 and the Hazardous Substancesobjectives .. and· policies in section 14 the following specific objectives and policies Aave-lleeRideAlified apply to the Institutional Zone:

Objective 1

To promote the efficient use of the physical resources witIlifI of the Institutional Zone.


1.1 To provide for reeogAise the institutional Aature of activities located within thisg InstitutionalZone.

1.2 To enable future growth and development of institutional activities.

1.3 To enable the establishment of complementary activities within the Institutional Zone wherethese are ancillary to an institutional activity.

1.4 To avoid. remedy or mitigate the impacts of institutions on the roading network.

1.5 To encourage the development and use of Campus Development Plans for institutions. andthe integrated development and management of their facilities.

1.6 To encourage modes of transport to and from institutional sites which minimise adverseeffects on the environment.

1.7 To avoid remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of institutional activities including ancillarvactivities. on the City's infrastructure and physical resources.


The activities located within Ihe Institutional Zone are major contributors to Ihe well-being of Ihe Cily and itsenvirons. Through adopting a /lexible approach to the establishmenl ofhealth, education and applied researchand development related activities within this Zone, the Council considers that it wilt enable the associatedinstitutions and any joint venture partnerships that may emerge in the future to be more responsive to futurepotiticat, economic or technological change.

lt is important to preserve the Institutional Zone's primarv function as a place where education. health. researchand devetopment activities occur, and onlv allow activities whicl) are trutv ancillarv to and compatible withinstitutional activity. Incompatible activities (such as non-ancillary residential development! have the potential toresult in reverse sensitivity effects on institutional activities, which could limit existing activities. and the futureexpansion and use of remaining land in this specialised sector,

Council discourages Within the Institutional Zone a duolication of activities (for examole of retailing offices andrelated commercial activitie$)-!.O-<ln extent that would undennine the func!ion of activities in the

Council supports the development of Campus Development Plans for institutions and actively encourages theiradoption. Massey Universitv. for example. currently regutates its development through the provisions of its owncomprehensive campus development plan.

In addition to the primary role that the Manawatu-Wanganui [.I@!iUlIlS Regional Council assumes in relation topublic transport. the Council is also intent on encouraging the use of alternative modes of transport commutingto and from the institutional sites in order to minimise potential safetv conflicts. congestion and effects onenvironmental values that may be associated wilh such movements.

OMS 1093072 Page 14


Objective 2


To protect the amenity values of the Institutional Zone and neighbouring residential and ruralareas.


2.1 To avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of noise generated by activities located withinthe Institutional Zone.

2.2 To avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of bUilding development or redevelopmentwhich either fronts onto, or is adjacent to, an arterial road, residential area or rural area.

2.3 To avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse environmental effects of institutional activities onneighbouring residential and rural areas, or on other activities within the Institutional Zone.

2.4 To enoourage-modes of transport to and from institutional sites whish minimise adverseeffesls on the environmeflh

2.a1 To manage the size and placement of signs where these adjoin a residential area or arelocated on a road frontage.


Given the variable nature of the institutional activities included within this Zone 1heiJg/J, Council seeks to ensurethat adequate safeguards are in place to minimise the adverse impacts that may be generated by theseactivities or associated development on adjacent institutions, or on the amenities of neighbouring residentialand rural areas.

The range of effects identifiedinclud(j the impact of new development on adjacent residential and rural areas;noise; signs; storage, use, transooriation and disposal of hazardous substances; parking provision; andlocation of access and egress points

Council also recognises that there are other facets of these institutional activities which could have adverseimpacts beyond the Zone boundary, in pariicular the discharge of contaminants to air, land and water.Although Council is concerned to ensure that the adverse impacts associated with such discharf!(j~ are, as faras pp~sible, avoid(jd, the primary responsibility for management of these matters rests with the Manawatu­Wanqanlli i<IfJ~Regional Council.

!R-aefiilioR Ie Ihe pRma!}' rote /tIat /tie MaRawalu WaRfJ8Rui RegifJRal CelJflG# assumes iR fe/aUoR 10 pOO.\'6IraRsport, /tie COlmg,i'is also iRleRI OR eRGOUrafjiRy /tie use 0.' a/lematil'e II1900S of kaRsport GOmmuUR!'He-aRfifrem /tIe-iRslitulioRa/ sites iR order Ie minimise poteRUal safely GORfliGls, GORfJ8s~'eR aRe effeGis OReRV-iFORmellfa/ aRd-ameRity \'8lues that may he assog,'alee wi/tl woo movemenl&

OMS 1093072 Page I 5


• R Minor and Extended Temporary Military Training Activities

Minor and Extended Temporary ami Entelulea Military Training Activities are a PermittedActivity, provided the following Performance GGnditions Standards are complied with.

Performance GGnditions Standards

(a) Buildings and Structures

(i) Any buildings and/or structures erected must be in compliance with performance condition (i)and (ii) of Rule 12.6.2; and

(ii) Any buildings erected in associated with the +elfll'l0F8FY Military Training Activity must beremoved at the conclusion of the activity unless they are in compliance with Rule 12.6.2.

(b) Excavations and Alterations to Landform

Where the activity involves any excavations or alterations to landform, the ground shall be reinstatedto a condition as close as practicable to its state prior to the disturbance.

(c) Hazardous Substances

Compliance with the requirements of Section 14 - Hazardous Substances of this District Plan.

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Note to Plan Users: Also refer to Rule 23.7.1 - Radiofrequency Field Exposure

19. Rules: Controlled Activities

• R 19.12.1 Site Access

Site Access is a Controlled Activity with regard to:

• The Safe and Efficient Operation of the Roading Networks

In determining whether to grant consent and what conditions if any to impose, Council will, inaddition to the City View objectives in section 2 and the Institutional Zone objectives and policies,assess any application in terms of the following further policy.

(a) To avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects of access points to the site on the safe and

DMS 1093072 Page I 6


efficient operation of the roading network.



As many of these institutions also adjoin Major Arterial. er Minor Arterial or pfiRGipal madL'/8]'8 collector roadsand quieter local roads on residential streets, any new access and egress points will be assessed to ensurethat they are located and fonned wilh safety in mind.

• R 19.7§.2 Minor and Extended Temporary Qlullii@:!Rehul Military TrainingActivities which do not comply with the Performance Conditions and ExtendedMilitary Training Activities

Minor and· Extended Temporary allll E;ntelllleEl Military Training Activities which do notcomply with the Performance CORElitions Standards of Rule 19.6.3, allll E;ntellllell TemperaI')'Military Traillill!! ,G.llti·smes are Controlled Activities.

In determining wRe#ler te §rElFlI geFlseFlI aFlIl what conditions to impose, if any, Council will, inaddition to the City View objectives in section 2 and the Institutional Zone Objectives and Policies,assess any application in terms of the following further j30lieies assessment criteria:

(al To avoid, remedy or miti§ate any adverse effellts of the aetivity oR-the amenity and/oreharaeter o~e surreunding area, partieularly with regard to any adjaeent or nearby-flropeFtiesHSeG-fer residential purpose&.

(bl To avoid, remedy or mitigate the e1feets of additional traffie generated on-the safe and effieientoperation of-tlJe reading nel\vefk,

Assessment Criteria

Ii) The extent to which amenity in surroundinq areas, particularly adjoining sites in the ResidentialZone are adversely affected by the Minor or Extended Temporarv Militarv Training Activity.

Iii) Whether additional traffic generated by the Minor or Extended Temporarv or Ii!JEteFldW MilitarvTraining Activity adversely affects the safe and efficient operation of the roading network.


The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) may need to carry out temporary military training activities which donot meet the perfonnance conditions for Pennitted Activities. In this case, it is important to ensure that anyadverse effects of training activities on the environment are avoided, remedied or mitigated.

DMS1093072 Page I 7