rit the tf - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7b8g8fgd38/data/0890.pdfstore price go-cdidnt...

I u tr t y t- s f ART DOG smoked la Pipe in Court and Proved His Own if ershlp Dxiilotnvt llowii Dlnpntrli r rIt inducing a dog to smoke a pipe a trick which she claimed taught it Mrs Charles Larch V convinced Judge Higzo that she was owner of tho dog and thus settled 3i a knotty problem regarded owner- ship f tt that gave the Judge almost as l t f 1 pre1JPlexed Harvey and Mrs Lurch the two wo men who were wrangling heartedly over title to the canine I cant make heads or tails out of your ex- cited t talk and I have half a notion to do us Solomon did with tho baby I caimed by two mothers to testyour t I loyalty of this fice and thus convince myself which has its interests most r at heartBut I toll you lies mine said Miss Harvey His name ill Baron Von Schuenhaus and hes register- ed ¬ on the national fox terrier regis ¬ s try 1 guess I know what Im talk- ing ¬ s i about She doesnt know what shes i1 talking about broke in Mrs Larch She had me arrested here for steal ing my own dog I tell you his name is Patrick and he was brought I over from Ireland by a friend of mine and given me last Fourth of 1 IJuly > Hell do all kings of tricks far me said Miss Harvey I guess 1 that ought to show the Judge whose dog he is Oh I suppose so retorted Mrs tLarch with fine sarcasm well Ill show the judge a trick hell do for J me that he wont do for you nor any other Woman With that Mrs Larch pulled forth I u clay pipe from the folds of her T waist borrowed tobacco from the i Court Bailitr and then coolly light ¬ ed tho pipe herself Giving it two or three good puffs as a starter she inserted it between the fox terriers teeth and the dog commenced to r puff like a veteran One look at the volume of smoke- S that poured from the dogs mouth 1was suflioicnt to couvince Judge Hinze That will do said he Its all very plain to me that Mrs Larch I either ownes that dog or had it long enough to acquire title by operation I I thcBlatuto of limitations and of easements I therefore awardcus ¬ I l tody of Patrick to her and dismiss the charge of larceny against her ITho Diamond Curo news from Paris is that they have discovered a diamondcure for consumption If you fear con ¬ sumption or pneumonia it will taketv i T McGee of Vanleer Tenn I t R had a cough for fourteen years I Nothing helped me until I took Dr 1 i j Kings New Discovery for Consump gaveI quicki i I At L Wayne Griffin Bros drug- store jii price 50c and 100 guarant- y teed Trial bottle free 4 I An Eden Ultimatum Eve Theres no use talking Adam I cant take care of the children and do the housework too Youve got to get a girl Adam with resignationOh Very well I suppose this is where I Use another rib WVNTED by Chicago wholesale and mail orderhouse assistant man- ager ¬ r man or woman for this coun ¬ ty and adjoining territory Salary a 20 and expense paid weekly ex pence money advanced Work ipleasant position permanent No requiredJ I Tile Highest Railway Bridge A notable engineering work is now being executed in France nild i viaduct Vauriat This structure known completedq the world thelevilof the railroads ryaylrly tiik nrF4tltxt rl < x3i1a Eminent Doctors Praise Its Ingredients Wo refer to that boon to weak nervous Buffering women known nUr Ilcrcos favorite Prescription I Dr IMoonoof tho Mltorlnl Stall of Tar lrECTIC MEIIICAi fovnw says of Unicorn root neumuMmtlaicn which la ono of chief IngrullciWt of tho Fa vorito 1rescrihtinn- A remedy which InrariablflhcU as a titer Ino Invlirorntor makiflrur normal ae tUlty of the < tic system IIo continues In llolonlaswiliavi1 a imMllca went which moro fully anff ere tho alovu puriXKutii than allU uther tilt ifhfch Inm acquainted In thi trcatnivilluf discaiws po- euliar ¬ to women It Is nrldt f thai a caw le ooun which doom nut prunrul kitm Indication for thin remedial agent Or FIfo further following arc njrjonif tho leading Indications for llrlonla 1iMcnm root laln or aching In the hack with lfucorrhtrai atonic weak condltloni of tho n reductive or ana of women mental dcpmvJon and Ir ¬ ritability associate with cljrunljilscas iof Uiu reproductlro organs of trom n constant JnaatJon of In thu rgion the kid- neys mcnorrlinirlfi llotxllniR du to a weak cued condition of tho nurtxlucllvo system amenorrhuia suwirossod of nlnt monthly periods J from or Inlnlr an abnormal condltUm of tliu IlriUlYu organs and anromlc thin Mood lialut drawing M nsatlon In the ostremo tower part of the abdomen If momo or Irifcof Urn fclwvij symptoms aro present 116 Invalid woman cnn do better thnri taro Dr PhrrV 1uvorlto Prescription ono of tiro Icatmp Insniil puts of IsUnlcornriLorllilonlas and tho inuilcat proi ortiii of which It must faithfully repnssviits Of Golden Seal root noter prominent orllltlunrol nett Mullcal Collect Ch IIKO says It la on important rem la in disunion of thuwomk lit all eatarrhn udIthni and cultural liUfecblvmiMiU h useful 1rof John M Pcudd 4 M D lath of Cincinnati says of bid S al root In rclll op to Its gen fd 1It8 tin tllIl system flays it iw nlCtllr1I WIt IIrllth then to much utntrat titian I i of iilntim It- t untfxr all l regarded ax ae louii u Ctulln all debilitated stales trof llartholow Mm of Jofforson Z1tlllcal Collet aay II o olden Seal Valuablo In etc rine llii where menor rhirla HIUnjf and roll ttv UjMncnor rhuia painful munvtruatC I I scrptonfaithnfully ¬ cnxllonts cures taIIC they are recommended being 434 feet 7 incllla above the bed of the stream Theil are two gran ¬ ite masonry tower jjtera which are founded on solid rQ k and rise to a height of 303 fCt These piers standing alone hove the appearance of large Chimney their function is to support the three steel spans which have the pnusual lengths of 472 feet 6 fnchesifor the center span and 378 fe t for ach of the flanking spans The Intwr connect with ma ¬ sonry approach pans formed by cir cular arches This bridge differs from other structures in the use of masonry iristeall of steel for the crfn ter towers ani the use of lattice girdierdeck siyinsins lead of the arch construction of either masonry or steel a favori c method of crossing such a valley I Bent ttor Doublo I knew noone for four weeks when I with typhoid and troupe kidney writes Mrs Annie Hunter of Pittsburg Pa and when I gotletter although I had ono of the bist doctors I could get I was bent Double and had to rest my hands dn my knees when I walk ¬ ed From this terrible affliction I was rescuwl Electric Bitters which restored my health and strength fInd now I can walk as straight as ever They are simply wonderful Guaranteed to cute stomach liver and kidney disorders at Z Wayne Griflin Bros drug store price GO- cDidnt Warn the Cow A Kansas lawyer tells of a visit he had from an farmer The farmer wanted a big suit for damages brought against a railroad company because his old brindle cow had been run over during the night On questioning him the lawyer couldnt find a single peg upon which ho could legitimately hang a case Well he said I kinder thought ye could fetch it on the sign bein down They wint no sign LookOut for theCars so I thought mebbe ye could get em on that Forcoa to Starve B F Leek of Concord Ky says For 20 years I suffered agonies with a sore on my upper lipso pain ¬ ful sometimes that I could not eat After vainly trying everything else I cured it with Bucklens Arnica Salve Its great for burns cuts andwounds AfZ Wayne Griffin Bros drug store Only 25cJ Her Contribution Visiting Philanthropist Good morning mad m I am collecting for the Drunkards Home Mrs McGu re Shure Im glad of it sorif ye omes around tonight yez can take ny husband H rf A SurprllBo Party A Pleasant surprise party may be byI Kings New Lif Pills They are a most womlerful remedy affording sure relief and liure for > headache dizziness and pnstipatipn 25c at 2 Wavneir aeug stored r I h jyS rI 4ef VICTORY SURE If Tobacco Growers Will Stand Firm This Time Says Sec ¬ retary Sharp To the local Unions of the A S of E of Ohio county I am very de ¬ sirous of getting a full and complete list of locals with name andaddress of President and Secretary of each Also number of members bothregu ¬ lar and special Please give seper atelySecretaries will please attend to this at once send by letter or crad We would also insist that ev ¬ ery local send delegates to the Coun ¬ ty Union which meets in regular ses ¬ sion at Hartford Friday January 5th 190G This will be a very important meeting then lets begin the years work with a rousing big meeting of our county union Points wishing to be organized will please report to me at once as we wish to complete the work of organizing before the close of the year v A word to tobacco growers let me admonish you to stand firm in your support of the pooling plan this time and victory is ours dont be decoyed off by the price being offered by buyers and thereby lend your influ cnce to the effort they are making to disrupt the organization in the order that we will be compelled to old conditionsI Tobacco is being pooled rapidly at Fordsville there has been a big rush in the past ten days F M SAAB Sec A reasonable amount of food thoroughly digested and properly assimilated will always increase the strength If your stomach is a lit ¬ tle off Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you cat and enable the digestive organ to assimilate and transform all foods into tissue buil ¬ ding blood Kodol relieves Sour Stomach Belching HeartBurns and all forms of Indigestien Palatable and strengthening Sold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro The Very Latest Jag A new method of acquiring quick and cheap jag has been discovered here and is extremely popular with the lower classes because of the ease and economy with which a lovely still can be procured The man who would forget his woes fills the palm of his left hand with aqua vita a strong corn brandy takes one long whiff at the mixture and instantly his whole nervous sys ¬ tem is paralyzed and he is transpor ImPDVOriSnoa Soil Impoverished soil like impov- erished ¬ blood needs a proper fertilizer A chemist by analyz- ing the soil can tell you what fertilizer to use for different products If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell jou what you tired to fertilize it and give it the rich red corpuscles that are lacking in it It may be you need a tonic but more likely you need concentrated fat food and fat is the element lacking in your system There is no fat food that is so easily digested and assimi ¬ lated a- sScotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will nourish and strengthen tho body when milk and cream fail to do it Scotts Emulsion is always the same jalwl1Ys palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any cause either in children or adults We will send you m sample free rleture label fa on the wrapper of every bottle of Ems ¬ Mon you buy SCOTT BOVINE CHEMISTS 409 Pearl SL New YOlk COcnnd 100 AH Druggists t1 Ater A ted in the field of Elysian bliss He has all the effect of a night against the mahogany with none of the trou ¬ ble or dangers of barroom brawls He remains almost unconscious for several minutes and afterward en ¬ joys a sleepy fatigue a lassitude like that superinduced by the use of opinm Nose drinking has become a real vice and its prevalence is having a terrible effect upon the habitues Indigestion is easily overcome by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure because this remedy digests what you eat and gives the stomach rest allows it to recuperate and grow strong again Kodol relieves Indi ¬ gestion Belching of Gas Sour Sto ¬ mach Heart Burns etc and enables the digestive organs to transform all foods into the kind of rich red blood that makes health and stren ¬ gth Sold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro REWARD IS OFFERED For the Capture of a Suspicious Looking Charac- ter ¬ Owe i lioro Meenetigtr A suspicious looking character has been about the streets of IOwensboro for the last few days He is about six feet four inches in height and rather heavy set He is wanted by the policeand 150 reward will be paid for his capture dead or alive After being chased out of the Planters House several times he persisted in coming back and Mana ¬ ger Wilson had to finally call upon the police for protection Officer Callahan put on the case and at last reports frem headquarters has sue ¬ ceeded in locating his man but says it will take a large forceto capture him People in general are notified to lock their doors and take any other step necessary to insure protection against any dangers that might come from such a character being at a large The officer has proposed to make the capture at the Grand theatre at the performance of A Night in Bo ¬ hemia on January 18 The soothing and comforting effect of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve when applied to Piles sores cuts etc boils subdues pain almost in- stantly This Salve draws out the in actsI blood through the diseased parts per- mitting ¬ or aidin g Nature to perma ¬ nently remove the trouble entirely Sold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro The Unreasonable Child Millionair FatherWhats that child blubbering about NurseHes disappointed over his giftsMillionaire FatherWhat And I put two ounces of radium in his stocking Perfection can only be attained in the physical by allowing Nature to appropriate and not dissipate her own resources Cathartics gripe weakendissipate while DeWitts Little Early Risers simply expel all putrid matter and bile thus allow ¬ ing the liver to assume normal acti ¬ vity Good for the complexion Sold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro When Man is Strongest The lifting power of youth of 17 years is 280pounds in his twentieth year this inceases to 320 pounrds in the thirtieth year andthirtyfirst year it reaches its height h65 pounds At I the end of the thirtyfirst year the strength begins to decline very slow ¬ ly at first By the fortieth year it has decreased eight pounds and this himinution continues ata slightly increasing rate until the fiftieth year is reached when the figure is 330 pounds After this period the strength fails more rapidly un ¬ til the weakness of old age is reached It is not possible to give statistics of the decline of strength after the fif ¬ tieth year as it varies to a large ex ¬ tent in different individuals f No Time For Sleep- A Doniphan County farmer who is known for working his men long hours recently hired an Irishman A day or so later the farmer said he bedI mo account said Pat Jf its jist I the sanuLto yez yez can cutout buy I in a neap bet and can thradc the ould Wan for a lanthern l J tslmilating Promotes Digc3lionChecrfur nessandfestConlalnsneither0piumMorplune l WOT NARC OTIC M Aperfccl StomachDiarrhocaWorms ness nnd Loss o F SLEEP FacSumlo Signature or foSSf NEW YORK Vii I For Infants and Children The Kind You Have ghtik Bears Signature ofv In- Ose Over OTAU ONT CLUBBING RATES TIE REPUBLICAN and Louisville Herald125IJ- E REPUBLICAN and Louisville Daily Horald30Qir- UE REPUBLICAN and CourierJournal 150 THE REPUBLICAN and St Louis GlobeDemocrat 175 TILE REPUBLICAN and Home and Farm 125 TIE REPUBLICAN and Lippencotts and Coamoplitan 325 TIrE REPUBLICAN and TwiceaWeek Owensboro Inquirer 175 Tim REPUBLICAN and Daily Owensboro Inquirer 370 TIlE REPUBLICAN and TwiceaWcek Oboro Messenger 175 TIE REPUBLICAN and National Magazinem1GO Address all orders to THE REPUBLICAN WINTER TERM Beglns January 2nd corning OUR SUCCESS willfind ItOU ENROLLMENTH- as increased 250 per centover that of last year THIS SPEAKS system speedOnly The timeIF SsdlerRowe system of actual business practice The combined rdfor hearing from you- OWENSBORO BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 2Owantaboro Kentucky I 1r IlkrJla Ifou Uillt 1oJnI Beautiful threecolor Aluminum Hanger nil be foe warded foe rots stamps J 8TBTEN8 ARMS AND TOOL CO rOBo CmcnrEK PALLS MASS US Subscribe for THE HARTFOKD REPUBLI GAV 100 rit xulil advance v CASTORIA AWay tf 3 i ° For Thirty Year- sCASTORIA ma NOW yuN Crty OUR It ¬ ¬ ¬ la la 4o 4 I I h a a v A 1 i Low One Wy Colonist Rates Vin I Big Four Route To I CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON OREGON IDAHOMONTANA UTAH and Intermediate territory Tlckotn on BRio Mch Ito May IB I For full information and particu- lars as to rates tickets etc call on agents Biir Fear Route or a dress the undersigned J WlltliKN H VXCJf q F CT AI OIDrlDDlltqJ la- yJ rlTII tmn5roaeat t 1tlle I- tf o jHJ Art g + 1A

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Page 1: rIt The tf - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7b8g8fgd38/data/0890.pdfstore price GO-cDidnt Warn the Cow A Kansas lawyer tells of a visit he had from an farmer The farmer wanted

Iu tr t y t-



smoked la Pipe in Court and

Proved His Own

if ershlp

Dxiilotnvt llowii Dlnpntrli

r rIt inducing a dog to smoke a pipe

a trick which she claimed

taught it Mrs Charles LarchV convinced Judge Higzo that she was

owner of tho dog and thus settled3i a knotty problem regarded owner-

shipf tt that gave the Judge almost as




pre1JPlexedHarvey and Mrs Lurch the two women who were wrangling heartedlyover title to the canine I cantmake heads or tails out of your ex-

citedt talk and I have half a notionto do us Solomon did with tho baby

I caimed by two mothers to testyourt I loyalty of this fice and thus convince

myself which has its interests mostr at

heartButI toll you lies mine said

Miss Harvey His name ill BaronVon Schuenhaus and hes register-ed


on the national fox terrier regis¬


try 1 guess I know what Im talk-


si about

She doesnt know what shesi1 talking about broke in Mrs Larch

She had me arrested here for stealing my own dog I tell you hisname is Patrick and he was brought

I over from Ireland by a friend ofmine and given me last Fourth of

1 IJuly >

Hell do all kings of tricks farme said Miss Harvey I guess

1 that ought to show the Judge whosedog he is

Oh I suppose so retorted MrstLarch with fine sarcasm well Ill

show the judge a trick hell do for

J me that he wont do for you nor anyother Woman

With that Mrs Larch pulled forthI

u clay pipe from the folds of herT waist borrowed tobacco from thei Court Bailitr and then coolly light ¬

ed tho pipe herself Giving it twoor three good puffs as a starter sheinserted it between the fox terriersteeth and the dog commenced to

r puff like a veteranOne look at the volume of smoke-

S that poured from the dogs mouth1was suflioicnt to couvince Judge

HinzeThat will do said he Its all

very plain to me that Mrs LarchI either ownes that dog or had it long

enough to acquire title by operationI

I thcBlatuto of limitations and ofeasements I therefore awardcus ¬

I l tody of Patrick to her and dismissthe charge of larceny against her

ITho Diamond Curonews from Paris is that

they have discovered a diamondcurefor consumption If you fear con ¬

sumption or pneumonia it willtaketvi T McGee of Vanleer Tenn It R had a cough for fourteen years

I Nothing helped me until I took Dr1 ij Kings New Discovery for ConsumpgaveIquickii I At L Wayne Griffin Bros drug-

storejii price 50c and 100 guarant-y teed Trial bottle free

4 I An Eden UltimatumEve Theres no use talking Adam

I cant take care of the children anddo the housework too Youve gotto get a girl

Adam with resignationOhVery well I suppose this is whereI Use another rib

WVNTED by Chicago wholesaleand mail orderhouse assistant man-ager


man or woman for this coun ¬

ty and adjoining territory Salary

a 20 and expense paid weekly expence money advanced Work

ipleasant position permanent No

requiredJI Tile Highest Railway Bridge

A notable engineering work isnow being executed in France nild

i viaductVauriat This structure knowncompletedqthe world thelevilof the railroads

ryaylrly tiik nrF4tltxt rl < x3i1a

Eminent Doctors Praise Its Ingredients

Wo refer to that boon to weak nervousBuffering women known nUr Ilcrcosfavorite Prescription I

Dr IMoonoof tho Mltorlnl Stallof Tar lrECTIC MEIIICAi fovnw saysof Unicorn root neumuMmtlaicn whichla ono of chief IngrullciWt of tho Favorito 1rescrihtinn-

A remedy which InrariablflhcU as a titerIno Invlirorntor makiflrur normal aetUlty of the < tic systemIIo continues In llolonlaswiliavi1 a imMllcawent which moro fully anff ere tho alovupuriXKutii than allU uther tilt ifhfch Inmacquainted In thi trcatnivilluf discaiws po-


to women It Is nrldtf thai a caw leooun which doom nut prunrul kitm Indicationfor thin remedial agent Or FIfo further

following arc njrjonif tho leadingIndications for llrlonla 1iMcnm root lalnor aching In the hack with lfucorrhtraiatonic weak condltloni of tho n reductiveor ana of women mental dcpmvJon and Ir¬

ritability associate with cljrunljilscas iofUiu reproductlro organs of trom n constantJnaatJon of In thu rgion the kid-neys mcnorrlinirlfi llotxllniR du to a weakcued condition of tho nurtxlucllvo systemamenorrhuia suwirossod of nlnt monthlyperiods J from or Inlnlr anabnormal condltUm of tliu IlriUlYu organsand anromlc thin Mood lialut drawingM nsatlon In the ostremo tower part of theabdomen

If momo or Irifcof Urn fclwvij symptomsaro present 116 Invalid woman cnn dobetter thnri taro Dr PhrrV 1uvorltoPrescription ono of tiro Icatmp Insniilputs of IsUnlcornriLorllilonlasand tho inuilcat proi ortiii of which Itmust faithfully repnssviits

Of Golden Seal root noter prominent

orllltlunrolnett Mullcal Collect Ch IIKO saysIt la on important rem la in disunion of

thuwomk lit all eatarrhn udIthniand cultural liUfecblvmiMiU h useful

1rof John M Pcudd 4 M D lath ofCincinnati says of bid S al root

In rclll op to Its gen fd 1It8 tin tllIlsystem flays it iw nlCtllr1I WIt IIrllththen to much utntrat titian I i of iilntim It-

t untfxrall l regarded ax ae louii u Ctullnall debilitated stales

trof llartholow Mm of JofforsonZ1tlllcal Collet aay II o olden Seal

Valuablo In etc rine llii where menorrhirla HIUnjf and roll ttv UjMncnorrhuia painful munvtruatC I I

scrptonfaithnfully ¬

cnxllonts cures taIICthey are recommended

being 434 feet 7 incllla above the bedof the stream Theil are two gran ¬

ite masonry tower jjtera which arefounded on solid rQ k and rise to aheight of 303 fCt These piersstanding alone hove the appearanceof large Chimney their function isto support the three steel spanswhich have the pnusual lengths of472 feet 6 fnchesifor the center spanand 378 fe t for ach of the flankingspans The Intwr connect with ma ¬

sonry approach pans formed by circular arches This bridge differsfrom other structures in the use ofmasonry iristeall of steel for the crfn

ter towers ani the use of latticegirdierdeck siyinsins lead of the archconstruction of either masonry orsteel a favori c method of crossingsuch a valley I

Bent ttor DoubloI knew noone for four weeks

when I with typhoid andtroupekidney writes Mrs AnnieHunter of Pittsburg Pa andwhen I gotletter although I hadono of the bist doctors I could getI was bent Double and had to restmy hands dn my knees when I walk ¬

ed From this terrible affliction I

was rescuwl Electric Bitterswhich restored my health andstrength fInd now I can walk asstraight as ever They are simplywonderful Guaranteed to cutestomach liver and kidney disordersat Z Wayne Griflin Bros drugstore price GO-

cDidnt Warn the CowA Kansas lawyer tells of a visit he

had from an farmerThe farmer wanted a big suit for

damages brought against a railroadcompany because his old brindle cowhad been run over during the nightOn questioning him the lawyercouldnt find a single peg uponwhich ho could legitimately hang acase

Well he said I kinderthought ye could fetch it on the signbein down They wint no signLookOut for theCars so I thought

mebbe ye could get em on that

Forcoa to StarveB F Leek of Concord Ky says

For 20 years I suffered agonieswith a sore on my upper lipso pain ¬

ful sometimes that I could not eatAfter vainly trying everything elseI cured it with Bucklens ArnicaSalve Its great for burns cutsandwounds AfZ Wayne GriffinBros drug store Only 25cJ

Her ContributionVisiting Philanthropist Good

morning mad m I am collecting forthe Drunkards Home

Mrs McGu re Shure Im glad ofit sorif ye omes around tonightyez can take ny husband

H rf

A SurprllBo PartyA Pleasant surprise party may bebyIKings New Lif Pills They are a

most womlerful remedy affordingsure relief and liure for > headachedizziness and pnstipatipn 25c at2 Wavneir aeugstored r I

h jyS rI 4ef


If Tobacco Growers Will StandFirm This Time Says Sec¬

retary Sharp

To the local Unions of the A S

of E of Ohio county I am very de¬

sirous of getting a full and completelist of locals with name andaddressof President and Secretary of eachAlso number of members bothregu ¬

lar and special Please give seper

atelySecretarieswill please attend to

this at once send by letter orcrad We would also insist that ev ¬

ery local send delegates to the Coun ¬

ty Union which meets in regular ses¬

sion at Hartford Friday January 5th190G This will be a very importantmeeting then lets begin the yearswork with a rousing big meeting ofour county union Points wishingto be organized will please report tome at once as we wish to completethe work of organizing before theclose of the year v

A word to tobacco growers let meadmonish you to stand firm in yoursupport of the pooling plan this timeand victory is ours dont be decoyedoff by the price being offered bybuyers and thereby lend your influcnce to the effort they are makingto disrupt the organization in theorder that we will be compelled toold conditionsITobacco is being pooled rapidly atFordsville there has been a big rushin the past ten days


A reasonable amount of foodthoroughly digested and properlyassimilated will always increase thestrength If your stomach is a lit¬

tle off Kodol Dyspepsia Cure willdigest what you cat and enable thedigestive organ to assimilate andtransform all foods into tissue buil¬

ding blood Kodol relieves SourStomach Belching HeartBurns andall forms of Indigestien Palatableand strengthening Sold by ZWayne Griffin Bro

The Very Latest JagA new method of acquiring quick

and cheap jag has been discoveredhere and is extremely popular withthe lower classes because of the easeand economy with which a lovelystill can be procured

The man who would forget hiswoes fills the palm of his left handwith aqua vita a strong corn brandytakes one long whiff at the mixtureand instantly his whole nervous sys ¬

tem is paralyzed and he is transpor

ImPDVOriSnoa Soil

Impoverished soil like impov-erished


blood needs a properfertilizer A chemist by analyz-ing the soil can tell you whatfertilizer to use for differentproducts

If your blood is impoverishedyour doctor will tell jou whatyou tired to fertilize it and giveit the rich red corpuscles thatare lacking in it It may be youneed a tonic but more likely youneed concentrated fat foodand fat is the element lackingin your system

There is no fat food that isso easily digested and assimi ¬

lated a-

sScotts Emulsionof Cod Liver Oil

It will nourish and strengthentho body when milk and creamfail to do it Scotts Emulsionis always the same jalwl1Yspalatable and always beneficialwhere the body is wasting fromany cause either in childrenor adults

We will send you m sample free

rleturelabel fa on the wrapperof every bottle of Ems¬

Mon you buy



409 Pearl SL New YOlk

COcnnd 100AH Druggists

t1 Ater A

ted in the field of Elysian bliss Hehas all the effect of a night againstthe mahogany with none of the trou ¬

ble or dangers of barroom brawlsHe remains almost unconscious forseveral minutes and afterward en ¬

joys a sleepy fatigue a lassitude likethat superinduced by the use ofopinm

Nose drinking has become a realvice and its prevalence is having aterrible effect upon the habitues

Indigestion is easily overcome bythe use of Kodol Dyspepsia Curebecause this remedy digests whatyou eat and gives the stomach rest

allows it to recuperate and growstrong again Kodol relieves Indi ¬

gestion Belching of Gas Sour Sto ¬

mach Heart Burns etc and enablesthe digestive organs to transformall foods into the kind of rich redblood that makes health and stren ¬

gth Sold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro


For the Capture of a Suspicious

Looking Charac-



Owe i lioro MeenetigtrA suspicious looking character has

been about the streets ofIOwensboro for the last few daysHe is about six feet four inches inheight and rather heavy set He is

wanted by the policeand 150 rewardwill be paid for his capture dead oralive After being chased out of thePlanters House several times hepersisted in coming back and Mana ¬

ger Wilson had to finally call uponthe police for protection OfficerCallahan put on the case and at lastreports frem headquarters has sue ¬

ceeded in locating his man but saysit will take a large forceto capturehim People in general are notifiedto lock their doors and take any otherstep necessary to insure protectionagainst any dangers that mightcome from such a character being ata large

The officer has proposed to makethe capture at the Grand theatre atthe performance of A Night in Bo ¬

hemia on January 18

The soothing and comfortingeffect of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvewhen applied to Piles sores cutsetc boils subdues pain almost in-

stantly This Salve draws out the inactsIblood through the diseased parts per-mitting


or aidin g Nature to perma ¬

nently remove the trouble entirelySold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro

The Unreasonable ChildMillionair FatherWhats that

child blubbering aboutNurseHes disappointed over his

giftsMillionaireFatherWhat And

I put two ounces of radium in hisstocking

Perfection can only be attained in

the physical by allowing Nature toappropriate and not dissipate herown resources Cathartics gripeweakendissipate while DeWittsLittle Early Risers simply expel allputrid matter and bile thus allow ¬

ing the liver to assume normal acti ¬

vity Good for the complexionSold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro

When Man is StrongestThe lifting power of youth of 17

years is 280pounds in his twentiethyear this inceases to 320 pounrds inthe thirtieth year andthirtyfirst yearit reaches its height h65 pounds At

I the end of the thirtyfirst year thestrength begins to decline very slow ¬

ly at first By the fortieth year ithas decreased eight pounds and thishiminution continues ata slightlyincreasing rate until the fiftiethyear is reached when the figure is330 pounds After this period thestrength fails more rapidly un¬

til the weakness of old age is reachedIt is not possible to give statistics ofthe decline of strength after the fif¬

tieth year as it varies to a large ex ¬

tent in different individualsfNo Time For Sleep-A Doniphan County farmer who is

known for working his men longhours recently hired an IrishmanA day or so later the farmer said hebedImo account said Pat Jf its jist

I the sanuLto yez yez can cutout buyI in a neap bet and can thradc theould Wan for a lanthern


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