rln 11-15-12 edition

bama won every battleground state except North Carolina, despite a massive spending edge—to- talling hundreds of millions of dollars—held by outside pro-Romney groups funded by the likes of Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers and organized by operatives like Karl Rove. Half a dozen or so election forecasters who aggregate state level polls accurately predicted the outcome well in advance--Florida was the only state that gave some of them headaches--but none predicted it 10 years in advance the way Judis and Teixeira did. The growth of Democratic dominance and voter partici- pation among Latinos and Asian Americans is a big part of these results, but so is the intensification of black participation and the durability of the gender gap. All of these were actu- ally invigorated by GOP attacks. Obama won blacks 93 to 6, Hispanics 71 to 27, Asian-Americans 73 to 26, Women 55 to 44, and younger than 30 voters 60 to 37. The last two catego- ries only supported Obama, however, because of the minor- ity vote. Young and/or female white voters were significantly less pro-Romney than their older and/or male counterparts, but still gave him an edge. This not only mattered for the popular vote, it helped shift some states out of the “battleground” category into the Demo- crats’ base of safe states (most dramatically, New Mexico), while turning some former safe red states into battlegrounds. Virginia and North Carolina hadn’t been won by a Democrat since 1964 and 1976 respectively, before Obama took both A Historic Election Foretold By Paul Rosenberg, Senior Editor In 2002, John Judis and Ruy Teixeira wrote a book, The Emerging Democratic Major- ity, predicting the broad outlines of a demographic shift that would inexorably favor Demo- crats in the long run. On Election Day, Nov. 6, their prediction was confirmed. President Barack Obama won re-election with just 39 percent of the white vote, but still won by a com- fortable margin—more than three million votes and counting, with 332 electoral votes. O Harbor Turns Bluer Republicans Outnumbered 2 to 1, Says L.A. County Registrar’s Report By Terelle Jerricks, Managing Editor ith the 2012 election turnout hovering around 50 percent in Los Angeles County, this year’s election didn’t reach anywhere near the historic highs of 2008, when turn- out exceeded 80 percent in most cities. While there weren’t many surprises in the Harbor during this election cycle, there were still quite a few noteworthy happenings. The 47th Congressional District race between Long Beach Councilman Gary DeLong and State Assembly- man and longtime Long Beach political figure, Alan Lo- wenthal looked more like an avalanche than a landslide, with Lowenthal garnering almost 60 percent of the vote to DeLong’s 34.27 percent district wide. Representative-elect Lowenthal is going to experi- ence a culture-shock of sorts when he gets to Washing- ton D.C., he will be in the minority party for the first time. Lowenthal said he was excited and hoped that the American people’s message to support President Barack Obama got through. “I think that that message was sent loud and clear,” Lowenthal said. “That was why the President was re- elected. I hope that the Congress works with the Presi- dent and I’m fully prepared to support and work with the President.” Lowenthal said that this is the first time since Recon- struction that gridlock has been this particularly bad. He hopes that ends. “We are going to see very quickly, whether the lame- duck session is able to deal with the debt ceiling and the sequestration issues,” Lowenthal said. “We’ll get a clearer picture by the end of December whether this Con- gress and the leadership really want to compromise and work with the President.” The 44th Congressional race between Rep. Janice Hahn and Rep. Laura Richardson felt like a foregone conclusion after Hahn trounced Richardson by 60 to 40 percent margin in the primary. In some ways, it was foregone conclusion given that Hahn won by the same margin in the Nov. 6 general election. Hahn won every W A Deeper Shade of Blue/ to p. 6 Historic Election/ to p. 7 RPV City Council Joins the Rancho LPG Fight p. 2 Parking Meter Gripes Abound, Even After Their Removal p. 2 Circus Vargas Comes to Town p. 11 CRAFTED at POLA Builds a Community p. 15

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Red to Blue: A Historic Election Foretold, Harbor Turns Bluer: Republicans Outnumbered 2 to 1 Says L.A. County Registrar, RPV City Council Joins the Rancho LPG Fight



The Local Publication You Actually Read Novem

ber 16 - 29, 2012

bama won every battleground state except North Carolina, despite a massive spending edge—to-talling hundreds of millions of dollars—held by outside pro-Romney groups funded by the likes of Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers and

organized by operatives like Karl Rove. Half a dozen or so election forecasters who aggregate state level polls accurately predicted the outcome well in advance--Florida was the only state that gave some of them headaches--but none predicted it 10 years in advance the way Judis and Teixeira did.

The growth of Democratic dominance and voter partici-pation among Latinos and Asian Americans is a big part of these results, but so is the intensification of black participation and the durability of the gender gap. All of these were actu-

ally invigorated by GOP attacks. Obama won blacks 93 to 6, Hispanics 71 to 27, Asian-Americans 73 to 26, Women 55 to 44, and younger than 30 voters 60 to 37. The last two catego-ries only supported Obama, however, because of the minor-ity vote. Young and/or female white voters were significantly less pro-Romney than their older and/or male counterparts, but still gave him an edge.

This not only mattered for the popular vote, it helped shift some states out of the “battleground” category into the Demo-crats’ base of safe states (most dramatically, New Mexico), while turning some former safe red states into battlegrounds. Virginia and North Carolina hadn’t been won by a Democrat since 1964 and 1976 respectively, before Obama took both

A Historic Election ForetoldBy Paul Rosenberg, Senior Editor

In 2002, John Judis and Ruy Teixeira wrote a book, The Emerging Democratic Major-ity, predicting the broad outlines of a demographic shift that would inexorably favor Demo-crats in the long run. On Election Day, Nov. 6, their prediction was confirmed. President Barack Obama won re-election with just 39 percent of the white vote, but still won by a com-fortable margin—more than three million votes and counting, with 332 electoral votes.


Harbor Turns BluerRepublicans Outnumbered 2 to 1, Says L.A. County Registrar’s ReportBy Terelle Jerricks, Managing Editor

ith the 2012 election turnout hovering around 50 percent in Los Angeles County, this year’s election didn’t reach anywhere near the historic highs of 2008, when turn-out exceeded 80 percent in most cities.

While there weren’t many surprises in the Harbor during this election cycle, there were still quite a few noteworthy happenings.

The 47th Congressional District race between Long Beach Councilman Gary DeLong and State Assembly-man and longtime Long Beach political figure, Alan Lo-wenthal looked more like an avalanche than a landslide, with Lowenthal garnering almost 60 percent of the vote to DeLong’s 34.27 percent district wide.

Representative-elect Lowenthal is going to experi-ence a culture-shock of sorts when he gets to Washing-ton D.C., he will be in the minority party for the first time. Lowenthal said he was excited and hoped that the American people’s message to support President Barack Obama got through.

“I think that that message was sent loud and clear,” Lowenthal said. “That was why the President was re-elected. I hope that the Congress works with the Presi-dent and I’m fully prepared to support and work with the President.”

Lowenthal said that this is the first time since Recon-struction that gridlock has been this particularly bad. He hopes that ends.

“We are going to see very quickly, whether the lame-duck session is able to deal with the debt ceiling and the sequestration issues,” Lowenthal said. “We’ll get a clearer picture by the end of December whether this Con-gress and the leadership really want to compromise and work with the President.”

The 44th Congressional race between Rep. Janice Hahn and Rep. Laura Richardson felt like a foregone conclusion after Hahn trounced Richardson by 60 to 40 percent margin in the primary. In some ways, it was foregone conclusion given that Hahn won by the same margin in the Nov. 6 general election. Hahn won every


A Deeper Shade of Blue/ to p. 6

Historic Election/ to p. 7

RPV City Council Joins the Rancho LPG Fight p. 2

Parking Meter Gripes Abound, Even After Their Removal p. 2

Circus Vargas Comes to Town p. 11

CRAFTED at POLA Builds a Community p. 15




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It’s time to dig deeper for more park-ing meter change. That’s “change,” as in “get rid of the meters!” At least that’s what many business owners on Sixth Street, be-tween Centre and Pacific, are saying.

“I’ve been in business for 23 years and the meters are killing us,” said Carla Or-tega, owner of Our Creations. “I opened my business in 1990 and I’m ready to close down because we are dying. We are

suffering because of the economy, but on top of that, they’re making it worse with these meters around. Ob-viously, that is not helping.”

Elizabeth Bryant, former owner of two stores, said she had to close one of them, thanks to the meters.

“They have caused a lot of busi-nesses to go out of business,” Bry-ant said. “My antique store, of 24 years, was definitely affected. I had to close that in May…When they installed the parking meters, 75 per-cent of my customers did not come back. The only reason people come here to Threads of Time is (because) I have one of the best vintage cloth-ing stores anywhere.”

Meanwhile, even Threads of Time has lost sales thanks to the me-ters. Bryant said that when custom-ers are at the checkout counter and see a meter maid approach their ve-hicle, they run out to intercede, un-successfully. When they come back, they’re flustered.

“I’ll be in the middle of writing up a purchase and they’ll say, ‘I’m sorry I can’t afford that now,” Bry-ant said.

“People freak-out about the

meters,” said Dirk Vandeberg, owner of Guitar Safari. “They (customers) want to be able to hang out and window shop and have fun. Sixth Street, if anything in this whole town, should offer that kind of situation. Because it is old town San Pedro. We’ve lost the old town feeling and the window-shopping feeling of this town by having those meters.”

amazing BBQ.” Posted Yelper Dottie D. of Compton.

This past month, when more than 600 parking meters were removed from San Pedro and Wilmington, Sixth Street was not on the list, thanks to a comprehensive study that determined it was one of the streets that collected the most city revenue.

“We had a lot of conflicting opin-ions about the parking meter issue and we addressed it,” said Dennis

Business Owners Want More Meter ChangeBy Tami Jackson, Contributing Community Reporter

continued on following page

In a surprise announcement fold-ed into their third-quarter earnings report, Plains All American Pipeline revealed that they have abandoned their plans for a fuel terminal on Pier 400.

The announcement came after years of planning, a prolonged envi-ronmental impact report process and intensive lobbying of local public opinion.

Roy I. Lamoreaux, director of in-vestor relations, said the cost of aban-doning the project made up the bulk of “non-cash impairment charges to-taling $125 million,” in a conference call discussion of the report.

Sources said that the Port of Los Angeles was informed just a few days before Plains went public. It’s assumed that Plains scrapped its plans for lack of a partner to replace Valero, who dropped out of their original agreement, though nothing that specific was mentioned in their public discussion.

The surprise announcement stirred speculation among activ-ists trying to get the Plains-owned

Rancho San Pedro LPG facility closed or relocated, but Port of-ficials have previously denied any connection between the two. Whether or not they know every-thing Plains has had in mind, sev-eral developments since our most recent report on the subject further erode Plains’ legitimacy.

First, a still poorly understood leak occurred at the Rancho facil-ity on Oct. 17.

“We got 37 complaints, includ-ing four schools,” said Air Quality Management District spokesman Sam Atwood.

Complaints came from Tor-rance to Wilmington, San Pedro and Rancho Palos Verdes.

“Our inspectors did isolate it to Rancho holdings and issued a public nuisance violation,” he added.

Atwood did not expect further details to be released until after a settlement had been reached with Rancho, as it usually happens with such violations. The uncertainty shrouding the incident is indica-

tive of the larger problem Rancho posses, community activists claim.

Second, at an Oct. 16 city coun-cil meeting, Rancho Palos Verdes decided to become more actively involved, though stopping short of taking a lead role in legal or regu-latory actions. Plains did not acquit itself well at this meeting, where they repeated their past pattern of presenting confused and misleading testimony.

RPV City Councilwoman Susan Brooks, got a taste of Plains unnec-essary obfuscation when she asked if Rancho had insurance that would cover damage to the community—“lives, property, homes.”

Rancho representative Ron Con-row replied, “It’s a cascading, it’s kinda pyramid type insurance and it’s multi-tiered.” Then he read from a prepared statement that Rancho was insured through Plains with “in-surance that covers its entire asset footprint”—meaning Rancho’s own property, not damage to the com-munity.

Plains Pulls Out of Pier 400, Remains at Rancho By Paul Rosenberg, Senior Editor

Plains Remains at Rancho/ to p. 4

Downtown San Pedro merchant Tedy Bean, who purchased the Tobacco Leaf on 6th Street in Sep-tember, believes parking meters are a good thing. Photo: Tami Jackson, Contributing Photographer

Vandeberg said the parking meters on Sixth are more than un-fair to businesses there when cus-tomers can shop Gaffey and other streets without paying to park.

Beyond worrying that meters could drive business away, Por-ky’s BBQ has faced the potential for customers to leave negative reviews on Yelp.“Collect your meter change and gas up the ride, it’s time to trek to Porky’s for some


The Local Publication You Actually Read Novem

ber 16 - 29, 2012Community Announcements:

Harbor Area Gleason, a spokesman for Councilman Joe Bus-caino’s office. “Some people wanted the parking meters removed altogether. Some wanted the parking meters to remain to encourage (custom-er) turnover.”

Whether or not the meters are regarded as a blessing or a curse seems to have something to do with how long business owners want to en-courage customers to shop. Businesses that make a quicker sales seemed to like the meters.

“I think the meters are a good thing for the city,” said Tedy Bean, who purchased Tobacco Leaf one month ago. “The city can earn money to clean up the street.”

Bean, who is from Huntington Beach, bought a city pass and parks in back of his store instead of paying the meter. He said he’s used to dealing with parking issues.

“If people would pay attention, the meters will work for them,” he said.

Ann Gushá, owner of Williams Book Store, is also not entirely convinced the meters should be removed.

“If they take the meters out, then they’re go-ing to have to really enforce the two-hour park-ing,” Gushá said.

She said that years ago, when business was booming, “The city put hoods over the meters so people would not have to pay during December. We came to work and the first day there was no parking available on the street for customers be-cause employees from other stores parked there all day long.”

Yet, the businesses that want to encourage longer browsing and leisure time for shoppers

insist street parking is never a problem.“When you can shoot a gun up and down the

street and not hit a single car, I don’t think you have to worry about turnover too much,” Bryant said.

The Los Angeles Department of Transpor-

tation decided on Nov. 8 to reduce the parking meter rates from $1 to 75 cents or 50 cents an hour, depending on where demands is highest in downtown San Pedro. That means meter rates everywhere but on 6th Street, between Mesa and Centre streets, will be 50 cents.

from previous page

Downtown Meters

Story PiratesStory Pirates create outlandish sketches and

mini-musicals using stories submitted by chil-dren. Whether it’s following the adventures of a superhero baby or reminiscing about disposable rain ponchos at a baseball game, the songs and stories explode with energy. The Torrance Cultural Arts Foundation presents from their Guest Artists Series, Story Pirates, playing on Nov. 17 inside the James Armstrong Theatre at 2 p.m. Tickets are $20 and $18.Details: (310) 781-7171; www.storypirates.orgVenue: James Armstrong TheatreLocation: 3330 Civic Center Drive, Torrance

43rd Annual Holiday Arts and Crafts FaireFind hand-crafted treasures, make-it-and-take-

it craft tables for kids, door prizes, food booths and an opportunity drawing at the annual Holiday Arts and Crafts Faire running on Nov. 17 and 18, from 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. in the Torrance Cultural Arts Center. Admission is free.Details: (310) 547-5097; www.torrancecrafts-mensguild.orgVenue: Torrance Cultural Arts CenterLocation: 3330 Civic Center Drive, Torrance

CSPNC Board MeetingThe Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council

meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 19, at the Cabrillo Marina Community Room.Venue: Cabrillo Marina Community RoomLocation: 224 Whaler’s Walk, San Pedro

Volunteers NeededPalos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy

Outdoor Volunteer Workday at White Point Nature Preserve is from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Dec. 1. Plant natives and beautify the demonstration garden surrounding the Nature Education Center. Details: (310) 541-7613.

NWSPNC Seeks to Fill Vacant Board SeatThe Northwest San Pedro Neighborhood

Council is seeking to fill one vacant board seat for the term ending June 30, 2014. Anyone who is a stakeholder, at least 16 years of age and lives, or owns property within the boundaries of the NWSPNC, City of Los Angeles, is eligible to apply for the vacated Census Tract 2964 At Large board position.

The boundaries of Census Tract 2964 are roughly north to Upland Street Peck Park area, and south to Seventh Street. Bandini Street east, and west beyond Western Avenue to the Los An-geles City boundaries.

Applications for this position should be re-ceived no later than Nov. 30. The Selection to fill the board seat will be made Dec. 10, at the regu-lar meeting at the Peck Park Auditorium. Details: nwsanpedro.org.

Community Announcements/to p. 6




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A simple “no” would have sufficed. Third, retired industry consultant Connie

Rutter has gotten to the bottom of a key public safety dispute—the reason for Rancho’s unreal-istically optimistic claim that a worst-case ex-plosion would only affect a half-mile radius (0.8

square miles), rather than the 3-mile radius (28 square miles) that Rutter has calculated. This vast discrepancy turns out to be the product of prolonged and intensive industry opposition to Environmental Protection Agency rule-making, which ultimately produced an industry-friendly regulatory standard—the EPA’s “offset conse-quence analysis”—that bears no relationship to the laws of physics.

Fourth, on Aug. 29, former EPA Chief Chris-tine Todd Whitman wrote a New York Times op-ed, “The Chemical Threat to America,” address-ing the broader context of regulatory failure that Rutter’s research documents, calling attention to the public safety threats involved. She pointed out that, “Hundreds of chemical plants and other facilities maintain large stockpiles of dangerous substances and are in or near major American cit-ies like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.”

Fifth, with months more of inaction, it now seems clear that Rancho’s earlier announcement of a safety drill, originally supposed to take place in April, was nothing more than public relations ruse, intended to deflect public scrutiny.

Of all these developments, Rutter’s research into the origins of the half-mile radius estimate arguably cuts the deepest, as it shows how spe-cial interest political gamesmanship on the mac-ro level of American politics dovetails with the micro-level gamesmanship that got the deeply-flawed facility built in the first place, which Los Angeles Times reporter Larry Prior first uncov-ered back in 1977.

“It really all started with the Bhopal disaster”

in 1984, Rutter told Random Lengths. Congress generally finds it easier to pass new

regulatory laws by amending existing laws as they come up for refunding or re-authorization, and this process figured into this story twice, Rutter explained. First was the 1986 Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act, via a section called the Emergency Procedures and Commu-nity Right To Know Act.

“The first go-round all they talked about was toxics,” Rutter said. “And their whole purpose in doing that—the community right to know—was to bring pressure on entities to bring the risk down, to reduce the risks.”

The second go-round came with the 1990 re-authorization of the Clean Air Act, when flam-mables were covered as well, but it took six long years for the EPA to generate rules enforcing the new law—and three more years for those rules to become final.

“The first go-round they told them how to calculate their effect. Then they got sued. This was the [initial] EPA regulations that came out of the Clean Air Act,” Rutter said. “They were sued by the API [American Petroleum Institute], they were also sued by some other entities. All the suits had to do with ‘Don’t finger us! Point some place else!’”

“In May of ‘99, the EPA came out with their final rule,” Rutter continued, “in which they had settled with the API, and essentially said—this is my description—It doesn’t really matter how you calculate. You can either do the calculation which I did, which gives you three miles, which was in their [EPA’s] guidance, which came out in April of ‘99—so this is all last-minute stuff—you can ei-ther use that guidance, or you can do air modeling. And if you do air modeling then you—if you’ve got an impound basin, you can calculate how much would be released within 10 minutes.’”

In short, the model that Rancho is using is one that the industry as a whole was happy to accept in dropping its lawsuit. It has nothing to do with the laws of physics—particularly since LPGs vaporize quickly at normal temperatures, rapidly expanding beyond the bounds of a ba-sin which might make sense for a stable liquid compound. “It’s not very realistic,” Rutter said of such scenarios.

For example, in his testimony before the Ran-cho Palos Verdes City Council, another Rancho representative, Dan Kelly, said, “If you had a release you would have some vaporization and eventually that vapor cloud when it got to the proper concentration of air and gas and an igni-tion source would ignite and it would flash or blast and then you would have a fire that would go back to the impound basin or the pool [inter-ruption] you would have a pool fire at our facil-ity. And it would [pause] the vapors would no longer leave the facility they would burn before they left the facility.”

“For Dan to imply that the vapors won’t leave the site before or after they’re ignited is bogus, since, of course, they will,” Rutter said, when asked to comment. “They’ll burn there of course, but they’ll also burn off-site.”

The EPA standard has another problem, Rut-

Plains Remains at Rancho LPGfrom p. 2

Retired energy industry consultant Connie Rutter has provided the research and intellectual heft in anti-Rancho LPG movement. Photo: Terelle Jer-ricks, Managing Editor.

continued on following page


The Local Publication You Actually Read Novem

ber 16 - 29, 2012

Los Angeles Companies to Pay for Clean Air Act ViolationsLOS ANGELES—On Nov. 8, All Power America LLC and Maxtrade LLC have agreed to pay a com-bined total of $140,000 for violating the Clean Air Act by importing electric generators and rec-reational vehicles into the Port of Long Beach without proper emission controls.

All Power America, based in Chino, will pay $60,000 and Maxtrade based in El Monte will pay $80,000. In addition to the penalties, the companies were required to export the non-compliant generators and recreational vehicles out of the country. The Environmental Protection Agency discovered the violations during inspec-tions conducted at POLB between 2009 and 2012.

In 2011, All Power imported 80 generators into POLB with the intention to sell. EPA inspec-tors found that the generators lacked the re-quired catalytic converters. During 2009 and 2012, Maxtrade imported a combined total of 2,481 off-highway motorcycles and all-terrain ve-hicles into POLB with the intention to sell. EPA in-spectors found that the vehicles violated federal law by using improper carburetors and catalytic converters.

Catalytic converters are designed to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. Equipment or vehicles that operate without proper emissions controls can emit excess hydrocarbons and nitro-gen oxides, which can contribute to ambient con-centrations of ozone, which is associated with a wide range of health effects such as chronic bronchitis, and aggravation of asthma.

All Power, which has been in business in California since 2007, sells electrical equip-ment, specializing in generators. Maxtrade has been operating in California since 2005, selling and importing recreational vehicles such as dirt bikes, ATVs, and go-karts.

These enforcement actions are part of an ongoing effort by EPA to ensure that imported vehicles and equipment comply with the Clean Air Act’s requirements. The Clean Air Act prohib-its the importation or sale of any new engines or vehicles unless they are certified by EPA to meet federal emissions standards.

Civic Light Opera of South Bay Cities Postpones Residency at Warner GrandSAN PEDRO—In a Nov. 9 press release, Los An-geles’ Department of Cultural Affairs reported that the Civic Light Opera of South Bay Cities had to postpone its residency at the Warner Grand Theatre in San Pedro.

Executive Director and Producer James A Blackman III delivered the news to Cultural Af-fairs on Nov. 7, citing ongoing financial difficul-ties. The postponement is indefinite.

The residency was to begin with the open-ing production in Civic Light Opera of South Bay Cities’ 2012-2013 season, a 2002 musical of Thoroughly Modern Millie, based on the 1967 movie, scheduled to run from Nov. 21 through Dec. 2. Cultural Affairs officials will seek alter-nate programming to fill in the theater’s calendar of events.

Controller Greuel: Housing Authority is Plagued with Loose Management ControlsLOS ANGELES—City Controller Wendy Greuel released the second phase of her audit of the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles on Nov. 8, revealing that the department is still fraught with waste and loose management con-trols, a year after HACLA board and president was cleared out and replaced.

Greuel’s audit of HACLA’s finances also re-veals:

• HACLA’s Finance Department does not have the capacity to evaluate financial opera-

News Briefs/ to p. 7

Now that America has voted and another na-tional election cycle has passed, Carson is pre-paring for its own election cycle to begin.

Three council seats are being contested in the next city elections, scheduled for March 5, 2013. Filing period opened Nov. 13 and will close Dec. 10. Incumbents Jim Dear, Mike Gipson, and Ju-lie Ruiz-Raber all say they intend to run for re-election.

In Dear’s case, he will be seeking his third full term as mayor, although he has served on the council since 2001. Voters selected him in April 2004 to serve out the term of Daryl Sweeney, who resigned in 2003. Dear went on to win his first full term as mayor in 2005 and was re-elect-ed in 2009.

Carson, which has long been roiled by per-sonality conflicts and political feuds continues to be divided by issues such as the proper naming of buildings and streets and the mute button dur-ing public comment. However, Dear said that he believes the biggest issue of his re-election cam-paign will be Carson’s continued progress from a bedroom city to a destination community.

The field of candidates is expected to include at least one challenger, Charlotte Brimmer. She is a planning commissioner who has resided in Carson for more than 20 years. Her son, Justin, ran for the Los Angeles City Council in 2011.

She echoed Dear’s talking point of transform-ing Carson into a destination city.

“I’ll bring added energy…with my urban planning background,” she said, responding to why she is challenging the incumbent. “Change is needed.”

Gipson, on the other hand, maintained, “It’s not a good time to change.”

He’s running for his third term, he added,

because, “I’ve been a leader on the city council, working to reduce unemployment, attract and maintain a fund[ing] balance…making sure the city stays solvent.”

He also cited a number of other issues he plans to run on including housing and public safety.

Ruiz-Raber, who also is running for her third term, said she considers the most important cam-paign issues to be jobs, the economy and improv-ing services.

Return of Appointed Mayor is a Possibility

When Carson was founded, the mayor’s posi-tion was rotated between city council members. In response to a successful ballot measure, Car-son began electing its mayors in 1994. How-ever, at the Nov. 7 council meeting, a majority of Gipson, Ruiz-Raber, and Lula Davis-Holmes approved a resolution to go back to the former system. The proposed measure will appear on the 2013 city ballot. According to the city clerk’s of-fice, if it passes it will go into effect in 2017.

“We need to revisit it, let the people decide,” said Ruiz-Raber.

Gipson agreed, saying voters should make a decision about going back to rotating the mayor.

“They want to spend $13,000 of taxpayers’ money wasted on a ballot measure only three people want,” Dear countered. “It’s an effort to disenfranchise voters and their right to choose a mayor so three council members can play musi-cal chairs.”

ter pointed out, “It’s essentially unenforceable. If the EPA is not going to tell you exactly what model to use or what formula to use, then any number you tell them is OK.”

Things have gotten even worse, Rutter add-ed, given how the threat of a terrorist attack has been used to try to beat back the public’s right to know. At the same time that government has dragged its heels in protecting communities from that very threat, as Todd Whitman pointed out in her editorial.

This is why Rancho San Pedro is not “mere-ly” a local problem, but a manifestation of failed national environmental protection law. This is why local activists hoped that our new con-gressional representatives—including Maxine Waters, whose district now comes close to the Ranch facility—will treat this problem with the seriousness it deserves.

“In the face of Katrina, in the face of San Bru-no, in the face of what’s happening on the East Coast [after Hurricane Sandy]... all this stuff ev-erybody has known,” homeowner activist Janet Gunter shakes her head. “Everybody keeps turn-ing the other way, because it’s far more difficult to deal with these realities than it is to ignore them.”

Filing Period Opens for Carson Elections,Ballot Measure to Appoint Mayor By Lyn Jensen, Carson Reporter

from previous page


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ILWU insurance welcome


in my lower right abdomen. I called my regular physician and she told me to go directly to the emergency

room. The doctors at the local hospital ran multiple tests and discovered that I had a large dermoid cyst twisted around my right ovary, which was cutting off circulation. My doc-tor scheduled surgery to have it removed and I am recovering quite well. I am very grateful for the pre-diagnosis by Dr. Lina’s staff, which helped save my life.

—Toni Ledesma

“This illustrates the theory of channels and collaterals, one of the impor-tant components in the system of traditional Chinese medicine. It includes the physiological functions and pathological changes of the channels and collater-als and their interrelationship with the zang and fu organs. Channels and col-laterals is an essential theory in guiding clinical practice of Chinese medicine, especially in acupuncture treatment.”

—Dr. Lina, Beijing Healthcare




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Victorian Christmas at Banning Museum

This year’s Victorian Christmas is shaping up to be the best ever! In addition to the traditional house tour and trolley ride to the Drum Barracks, this year, a blacksmith, a wreath-making demon-stration, a Queen Victoria re-enactor, local food and even handmade craft vendors from Crafted at the Port of Los Angeles is being added to the event.Details: (310) 548-7777Venue: The Banning MuseumLocation: 401 E. “M” St., Wilmington

Join the NWSP Digital Neighborhood Watch The Northwest San Pedro Digital Neighbor-

hood Watch group, recently created by Council-man Joe Buscaino, is open to anyone wishing to be a member.

It will serve as a weapon against residential property crime. Anyone in the group may post and add information to quickly and efficiently com-municate with fellow neighbors and business owners. Council District 15 staff and Los Angeles Police Department senior lead officers are mem-bers of the group. Details: www.facebook.com/groups/410091359044659

Community Announcements:

Harbor Areafrom p. 3

precinct and every city in the district except for Compton, where Richardson garnered 47.42 per-cent to Hahn’s 44.60 percent. Voter turnout was a just a couple of points lower than the 44th Con-gressional District overall at 45.28 percent.

The 66th Assembly District was only one of a few contests statewide in which both parties thought they could win. The race pitted perennial Republican candidate Craig Huey against Tor-rance school board member and Democrat Albert Muratsuchi. Though each candidate raised more than a $1 million, Huey was not able win any precincts outside of the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

How the Harbor Area VotedOverall, with 53.05 percent voting, San Pe-

dro residents, at 64.63 percent, re-elected the president, with 31.24 percent favoring Republi-can candidate Mitt Romney.

Broken down further, with precinct covering the South Shores neighborhood 55.37percent of residents turned out to vote, choosing to reelect Obama by 60.46 percent to Romney’s 35.25 per-cent.

In precincts cover-ing the neighborhoods in Northwest San Pedro, 55.43 percent turned out to vote. They also re-elected the president at 61.43percent.

Precincts covering neighborhoods in Central San Pedro was the only place in San Pedro where turnout dipped below 50 percent with 48.92 per-cent turning out to vote. It was also in Central San Pedro that Obama got the highest percentage of votes with 72.12 percent.

In Los Angeles as a whole, with 51.13 percent

Presidential Election: How the Harbor Area VotedLos Angeles Registration Ballots Cast OBAMA Romney 1,695,570 866,957 648,919 183,834 51.13% 74.85% 21.20%Carson 51,220 27,521 21,768 4,993 53.73% 79.10% 18.14%San Pedro 36,231 19,220 12,422 6,005 53.05% 64.63% 31.24%South Shores 13,391 7,415 4,483 2,614 55.37% 60.46% 35.25%No West San Pedro 9,695 5,374 3,301 1,853 55.43% 61.43% 34.48%Central San Pedro 13,145 6,431 4,638 1,538 48.92% 72.12% 23.92%Torrance 80,404 44,348 22,270 20,239 55.16% 50.22% 45.64%Lomita 10,946 4,385 2,377 1,821 40.06% 54.21% 41.53%Long Beach 232,660 107,974 73,403 30,364 46.41% 67.98% 28.12%Rolling Hills 1,491 902 209 657 60.50% 23.17% 72.84%Rolling Hills Est. 5,823 3,498 1,315 2,049 60.07% 37.59% 58.58%Rancho PV 28,036 16,161 6,983 8,579 57.64% 43.21% 53.08%Palos Verdes Est. 10,015 6,156 2,203 3,752 61.47% 35.79% 60.95%

A Deeper Shade of Bluefrom p. 1

voting, Obama garnered 74.85 percent to Rom-ney’s 21.20 percent.

Torrance mirroring similar numbers as in 2008 but with a lower turnout, 55.16 percent turned out to vote, choosing Obama over Rom-ney by 50.22 percent to 45.65 percent.

Lomita had perhaps the lowest voter turnout in the Harbor Area with only 40.06 percent vot-ing. Even so, Obama took the city 54.21 percent to Romney’s 41.43 percent.

Voting turnout in Carson didn’t reach 2008 highs, but with 53.73 percent turnout, Obama garnered 79.10 percent of the vote—albeit with several thousand fewer votes.

Long Beach, with turnout dipping below 50 percent at 46.41percent, overwhelmingly sup-ported the president at 67.98 percent to Rom-ney’s 28.12 percent.

Cities in the Palos Verdes Peninsula for the most part stuck to the same patterns as 2008 with all of them voting for Romney. Voter turnout in all of those cities hovered around 60 percent. In 2008, Rancho Palos Verdes with 86 percent voter turnout was closely split between Sen. John Mc-Cain and then-Sen. Barack Obama at 49.58 per-cent to 46.82 percent. This time around, Obama garnered only 43.21 percent to Romney’s 53.08 percent.

Assistant Editor Zamná Ávila contributed to this article.

Torrance School Board member Al Muratsuchi defeated perennial Republican candidate Craig Huey in a hotly contested race for the 66th As-sembly District. Photo Courtesy of Ben Higa.

Representative-elect Alan Lowenthal celebrated his victory with his son, Su-perior Court Judge Daniel Lowenthal on Election Night. He defeated Long Beach City Councilman Gary DeLong for the 47th Congressional District. Photo: Diana Lejins, Contributing Photographer.


The Local Publication You Actually Read Novem

ber 16 - 29, 2012

tions or to identify control weaknesses that may result in fraud, abuse or financial performance weaknesses.

• HACLA lacks a long-term strategic financial plan.

• No inventories of fixed assets have been performed in at least 7 years.

HACLA immediately released a statement after Greuel’s report, agreeing with her findings while noting they were already working on rectify-ing the problems cited.

HACLA President and CEO Doug Guthrie suc-ceeded Rudy Montiel, who left the agency’s top job with a million dollar parachute after board and staff misuse of agency funds were uncov-ered in an investigative report.

Councilman Buscaino Face Two Challengers for City Council Seat

Candidates James T. Law and Mark Anthony Contreras filed papers this past week announc-ing their intent to run against Councilman Joe Buscaino for the 15th City Council District in the March 5 Los Angeles City Council race. Both can-didates ran for the seat in 2011 when Congress-woman Janice Hahn vacated the seat to run for Congress.

Candidates must either pay a $300 filing fee and file a petition for nomination bearing at least, 500 valid signatures with the City Clerk or file a petition for nomination bearing at minimum 1,000 valid signatures. All three candidates have until Dec. 5 to file a completed nominating petition.

Neither Law or Contreras secured enough signatures to make it onto the ballot in the 2011 council race.

from p. 5

in 2008. Even in a much tougher year this time, he held onto Virginia and made North Carolina extremely close. Arizona should become a swing state within one or two more cycles, with Texas probably a decade behind that.

Yet, Democrats could still be in long-term trouble if they don’t shed self-defeating conser-vative ideas. Case in point: the fear of govern-ment spending kept the size of the stimulus to roughly half of what economists said was needed to produce a healthy recovery, which would have made Obama’s re-election a cakewalk. Even af-ter this election, Obama continues to obsess over a “grand bargain” with the GOP, offering $2.50 in spending cuts for every $1 in new revenue—a formula that President Ronald Reagan would have drooled over, and that threatens real, long-term harm to Democratic voters in particular. Thus, the Democrats big test in the long run is whether they can grow their thinking fast enough to fill their shoes. In this respect, the belated, but ultimately impassioned and inspiring push-back against voter suppression efforts--producing long lines of dedicated voters in states like Florida and Ohio—was a hopeful sign pointing in the right direction.

Voters faced a bewildering array of efforts to prevent them from voting, from photo-iden-tification laws—most struck down or postponed, but misleading messaging often hid this fact—to sharp cut-backs in voter registration and early vot-ing, to lines so long that some voters didn’t get to cast their ballots until after midnight. But on the presidential level, all these efforts fell short. The only battleground state Obama lost was North Carolina, which followed pollster’s prediction of a narrow Romney win, just as Obama won all the rest, where he led in the polls.

There were long lines all across the county, particularly in battleground states and particular-ly in minority neighborhoods. In addition, hun-dreds of thousands of votes remained uncounted days after the election ended. But there was also a wide array of specific barriers, harassment and

intimidation as well. Illustrative examples in-clude:

• In Forest Park, Ohio, a predominantly black suburb outside Cincinnati, voters were forced to cast provisional ballots because records incor-rectly showed they already submitted an absen-

from p. 1

Historic Election

From Red to Blue/ to p. 17

Rep. Janice Hahn was joined by her family in San Pedro as she delivered her acceptance speech, Nov. 6, after defeating Rep. Laura Richardson for the newly redrawn 44th Congressional District. Photo: Terelle Jerricks, Managing Editor.

Janice Hahn Victorious in 44th Congressional District




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“A newspaper is not just for reporting the news as it is, but to make people mad enough to do some-

thing about it.”

Columnists/ReportersLyn Jensen CarsonB. Noel Barr Music DudeJohn Farrell Curtain CallGretchen Williams EntréeAndrea Serna Arts WriterMalina Paris Culture WriterKevin Walker Community NewsTami Jackson Community News

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Managing EditorTerelle [email protected] EditorZamná Á[email protected]

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Calendar [email protected]

PhotographersTerelle Jerricks, Slobodan Dimitrov, Diana Lejins, Betty Guevarra

CartoonistsAnn Cleaves, Andy Singer, Matt Wuerker

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—Mark TwainVol. XXXIII : No. 23

Published every two weeks for the Harbor Area communi-ties of San Pedro, RPV, Lomita, Harbor City, Wilmington, Carson and Long Beach. Distributed at over 350 locations throughout the seven cities of the Harbor Area.www.randomlengthsnews.com

Contributors Danny Simon, Arthur R. Vinsel

Twenty-one years ago, on Nov. 7, 1991, America was jolted with the news that basketball legend Magic Johnson had contracted HIV and would immediately retire from the sport.

Almost immediately, Johnson began taking the antiretroviral drug AZT, and his health quick-ly improved.

Just three months later, Johnson returned to basketball to play in the 1992 All Star Game, where his performance earned him the MVP award.

Johnson’s fans and supporters were delighted by his triumphant return. And through Johnson’s experience, mainstream America began to un-derstand that HIV infection was no longer an automatic death sentence, but a largely treatable, chronic condition.

We are fortunate that during the past two de-cades there has been great progress in the treat-ment and care of people living with HIV and AIDS. With early detection and increasingly-effective treatments, Johnson’s story is now just one of many high-profile examples of how people can manage their HIV and live long, pro-ductive lives.

But while proper treatment for people with HIV has become much more available and effec-tive, only 25 percent of Americans with HIV are receiving it.

At the same time, people born after AIDS first emerged in 1981 are now most at risk of becom-ing infected with HIV. This sad fact highlights how important awareness and education is as we mark World AIDS Day Dec. 1.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV infection rates are increas-ing for Americans between 13 and 30, and most of the new HIV infections reported in this coun-try involve people younger than 30.

It is so important to ensure that all people —especially young people—are aware and edu-cated about HIV/AIDS prevention and the avail-ability of effective treatments.

Let World AIDS Day remind us that about 56,000 Americans become infected with HIV each year, and that more than 14,000 Americans with AIDS die each year. The CDC estimates that nearly 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV, and that about one in five don’t know they have the virus.

Regularly testing people of most at risk for HIV—and then providing antiretroviral drugs for HIV/AIDS patients—dramatically reduces the number of new infections.

Preventing HIV is not complicated. If you’re sexually active, get tested. Don’t use IV drugs or share needles. Abstain or practice safer sex.

Only 25 Percent with HIV are Receiving Effective TreatmentBy Sam Ho, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, UnitedHealthcare

Mitt Romney’s defeat was as stunning to his party as it was to many Democrats that presumed the election would be stolen by Karl Rove and David Koch with unregulated millions of “money-is speech” political action committee mon-ey. The Red Party, as the GOP have now come to be known, have their own problems to deal with in the wake of President Ba-rack Obama’s victory—not the least of which is the question of what to do with political opera-tives like Rove, who looked like a snake-oil salesman in the face of 20-something-year-old statisti-cians using higher math and data analysis as an effective campaign tool. In fact, it was a game changer.

Before the gay rights movement adopted the rainbow as their color symbol, Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition adopted it for the civil rights leader’s 1988 presidential run. If this election was a victory, it was one made up of this ethnic rainbow. This is both a triumph and a challenge for the Democratic party, which for most of my lifetime has been beset with more factional bick-ering than strict party loyalty. Some might liken being a Democratic leader to walking a group of cats on a leash. Occasionally you win, but only if the cats cooperate.

The simplistic concept of breaking party de-mographics down by race and ethnicity is only a

mask for the real and more common thing that divides Americans. Class. A fact in America which we don’t like to admit. Race is used as a mask in most discussions of class in our country, and that has been the case since the very beginning. Only once in a great while does somebody reminds us of this fact, like noted leftist historian Carey McWilliams or Mike Davis. Even reading Howard Zinn’s The People’s History of the United States, would be enlightening for Random Lengths News readers like Arthur Schaper who con-tinue to rail against my editorials (He’s got a good rant in our letters column this week).

My main point is that while the national and state Democratic apparatus are gloating about their recent victories and the Republi-cans are in disarray, now is actually the time to reconsider what exactly the Democratic

Party stands for. Contrary to my critics, I would argue for a return to the fundamentals of liberal economics enunciated by Franklin Roosevelt in

his 1944 State of the Union speech on “the Second Bill of Rights,” in which he argued that:

“Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.” He pro-posed the following list of priori-ties and rights: the right to a useful and remunerative job…The right to a good education. The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere

of freedom from unfair competition and domina-tion by monopolies…

And on the rights of security:The right to adequate protection from the

economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment. The right to adequate medi-cal care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health. The right of every family to a decent home. The right to earn enough to provide ad-equate food, clothing and recreation.

The Romney-ites would call these “entitle-ments” for the 47 percent, while they themselves enjoy the benefits of all of these rights by privi-lege of class. I, however, argue that these are the rights of every citizen who lives in the wealthi-est nation in the world. Romney was right in his criticism of Obama. He hasn’t done enough to “fix the economy.” And it is true the leaders of the liberal party have not done enough to extend the Second Bill of Rights to this generation of Americans. Even Obamacare is a sad compro-mise on the original intent of FDR’s “adequate medical care” promise. Only Medicare and Med-icaid achieved this a generation ago.

The reason why I didn’t vote for Romney is that he would have rolled back most, if not all, of the social-rights achieved over the last 100 years. And he would have done so for the sole purpose of generating a profit for the corporate class at the expense of the working and middle classes.

That ideology along with Romney’s faith in hedge-fund-fueled free enterprise has suffered an ignoble defeat.

Now the Democrats just need to remember who they are and whom they truly represent.

It’s Not as Simple as Red and BlueThe idea of a “rainbow coalition” is not a new oneBy James Preston Allen, Publisher

continued on following page


The Local Publication You Actually Read Novem

ber 16 - 29, 2012

RANDOMLettersResponse to At Length: Down to the Wire

Mr. Allen contends that a re-elected President Obama will con-tinue the “successful” policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Unem-ployment topped off at 25 percent during the Roosevelt years—and he wants President Obama to im-plement those “regressive” poli-cies further? Someone seems to be betraying a “religious faith” in progressive policies.

Allen also suggests that Presi-dent Obama is more suited for the “nuances” of governing. Romney was a centrist governor in liberal Massachusetts, balancing budgets without tax increases while work-ing with a supermajority Demo-cratic legislature. After ramming an unnecessary entitlement on this country, followed by a failed stim-ulus, Obama refused to lead on en-titlement reform or spending cuts.

Allen further charges that our representatives are supposed to represent the “people”—and that is precisely what they have done. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mc-Connell wanted to make Obama a

“one-term” president in order to re-peal ObamaCare, a law which “the people” did not want. On another note, every member of Congress takes an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, not “the people.” Perhaps it’s time that Congress re-linquished their terrible misman-agement of entitlements and return these programs and our money back to the states or to “the people.”

So, the election is over, and President Obama was reelected.Yet no matter what, I elect not to be discouraged. Romney wanted to rescind the sequestration of our military and revise our nation’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. I want out troops to come home. Romney was not “free market” enough, offering cut tax rates and eliminate loopholes, yet refused to specify which ones. Romney want-ed immigrants to “self-deport.”

Instead of attacking immi-grants, our government must di-minish the welfare state, a byprod-uct of “FDR’s successful policies,” and encourage legal immigration with streamlined naturalization. Then amnesty with real border control will function perfectly.

To his credit, Obama offered waivers for “No Child Left Be-hind,” meaning more children will not be left behind in poor public education programs. Obama also deported more illegal immigrants combined than previous presidents, from Eisenhower to Bush II. Per-haps Obama Part II will be better than Romney, accomplishing re-form with a re-divided Congress.

Arthur Christopher SchaperTorrance

Dear Mr. Schaper,I guess the election results re-

ally hasn’t sunk in for you yet. What I’d like to direct you to read is not Ayn Rand or Milton Friedman, which you seem well versed in, but a standard American dictionary so that you can accurately differenti-ate between “progressive” and “regressive” policies and taxes. The difference between these two political forces seem to confuse many folks on the right side who tend to get their definitions all con-torted trying to explain concepts that either add to the advancement of the collective human condition or that work against it.

This election, if nothing else, has staunched the regressive tide of neo-con ideology promoted by Karl Rove among others. It is time for people such as you to stop com-plaining about “liberalism” and to either pitch in to fix what’s broken or to get out of the way so we don’t trip over you.

James P. AllenPublisher

Veterans Day at the USS Iowa

In the early morning, the sun crept evenly over the waters of

San Pedro and played against the hull of the USS Iowa; as Veterans made their ways to the parking lots which were soon to be filled with white tent-like structures and visitors for the coming day known across the nation as Veterans Day. In the dawning light, people began their preparations for the musical presentations, and aligned their tables and flyers for the coming crowds. And the crowds came.

The tour of the now famous USS Iowa, Battleship was the cen-terpiece and overpowering back-drop for the gathering and once all was in place; the crowds came.

In the middle of the great day, were people from all walks of life; civilians with their children in awe of the man-made-war-wagon, and Veterans from the wars with know-ing smiles to one-another and a somber and quiet respect for those who were not with us, and many stopped on the main deck of the USS Iowa and read the names of the 47 who lost their lives in a mo-ment at sea; and a few wept.

And the crowds came to see it all.

In the background, I walked among the crowds, and I wondered, to myself and in looking around the grounds from my vantage point a few decks up on the battleship; “I wonder if they know, I wonder if they will ever know.”

For, I was a young man caught in the middle of the Vietnam War and we were promised full medical benefits for life while we served and after we ‘got out.’

Today, the fabric of America has unraveled. The promises aren’t being fulfilled. The dentist told me I’d have to pay for my dental work out of my own pocket. The Veterans Administration Dentist wouldn’t see me; until I agreed to pay for the service out of my own pocket..

And, I wondered, “If I were an illegal immigrant and needed den-tal work…the community I live in provides the dental services for free for all who need the dental work.

And I wondered…“If the people only knew…what it’s like to put our lives in harms way…and have our country turn its back on us…just as they did when we came home.. from Vietnam…and were spat upon. . but this time.. it’s different.. I’m old now…and I feel different about my country.

And the crowds came…and I wondered.

Sean GrahamSan Pedro

Fishermen Risk Life and Limb Fishing in Long Beach Harbor

While fishing for lobster the night of October 19 in the Long Beach Harbor with my friend on my little 16-foot skiff we were ap-proached by a Long Beach Police boat. The officer on board told us, in an angry tone, that fishing was illegal anywhere in the port and that

he had warned us the night before of that fact. His claim was false. However, we told him politely that we would remove our gear and de-part. While we were removing our gear the officer caused his boat to collide with ours and as a result, I lost a very expensive rod and reel overboard.

When we finished retrieving our gear we told the officer that we were leaving. He then drove his boat about 40 yards away, aimed it directly at us and proceeded at full throttle to ram us. At the last second he veered off and caused a wake wave large enough to capsize us. Luckily, I was able to avoid capsize by quickly handling my

boat. We were terrified by this action. His boat was many times the size and power of ours! And, the officer’s reckless and lawless action could have resulted in trag-edy.

The regulation preventing fish-ing in the port is based on security against terrorism. Fishing is not an act of terrorism and is instead one of the freedoms we, as licensed fishermen and women, should en-joy. To this date, there have been no acts of terrorism in the port and none likely to happen. Can’t the police determine the difference be-tween fishermen and terrorists? Do the police have to treat fishermen like criminals and threaten their

lives? It is a shame that we should give up so much freedom because of the fear this country bears.

Mike Shannon Avalon

We, The People of Los Angeles

Twelve years ago, the voters of Los Angeles approved a new city charter.

According to its preamble, the new charter was proposed, in part, “to establish a responsive effective and accountable government.”

The charter adopted in 1999 did make it possible for city gov-

COMMUNITY ALERTSewage Outfall Site Under Royal Palms

Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County has released their environmental impact report for a proposed sewage outfall system that includes digging a new 6.9 mile tunnel that would run under Figueroa Street, Harbor Regional Park, North Gaffey, Capitol Drive, Western and Dodson to Royal Palms.

The final EIR is available at www.ClearwaterProgram.org. The Sanitation District’s board of directors will consider cer-tification of the final EIR and approval of the Clearwater Pro-gram at their board meeting at 1:30 p.m., Nov. 28.Venue: Sanitation Districts of LA CountyLocation: 1955 Workman Mill Road, Whittier

With preventive care, patients and their health care provid-ers can fight and manage this disease and slow its spread.

As was the case with Magic Johnson and other courageous Americans 20 years ago, we can’t allow today’s more effective treat-ments to make us complacent or ambivalent, or to lessen our resolve to find a cure and an AIDS-free generation.

To learn more or to find a place near you to get tested, visit www.actagainstaids.org.

AIDS Gapfrom previous page

More Letters/ to p. 10




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ernment to achieve these goals. It provided for an independent board of civil service commissioners and it vested that board with rule-mak-ing, enforcement and oversight powers.

But incredibly, all 3 mayors who’ve served under this new char-ter have rejected the civil service system the voters approved. They degraded the Civil Service Board and usurped its powers. And, they did that with the back door support of both the personnel department and the city council’s Personnel Committee.

As its now administered, the mayor’s civil service system treats city residents like very big mush-room farm; it keeps them in the

dark about happenings downtown. It turns the civil service system into a collection of individual depart-ments, each one of which is man-aged by and accountable to a may-oral appointee. City departments are now expected to be virtually independent; they are not subject to oversight by the Board of Civil Service Commissioners.

To be charitable, one could as-sume that the mayors liberated city agencies form the board’s over-sight for the purpose of enhancing service to the public. But based on the facts, one could frame a less-than-charitable assumption. All 3 mayors did downsize the role of the Civil Service Commission. And, that did give them virtually

full control of the civil service sys-tem. Thus, degrading the board may have been little more than a naked power-grab.

Angelinos should know that, with the Board of Civil Service Commissioners stifled, there’s no one in City Service who’s autho-rized to enforce the rules, no one to investigate rule violations and no one to oversee employment prac-tices. That leaves the city vulner-able to costly legal challenges. But it also forces department to accept marginal job performances from employees.

Moreover, Angelinos should know that stifling the board leaves city government without anyone who’s authorized to promulgate civil service rules.

Samuel Sperling Monterey Park

RANDOMLettersfrom p. 9


ber 16 – 29, 2012Shop Local. Support The Com

munity You Live In.



ber 16 – 29, 2012Shop Local. Support the Com

munity You Live In.


by: Zamná Avila, Assisant Editor

Circus Vargas to page 16.

Life As A CirCus Performer is As NormAL As sCrAmbLed eggs ANd HAm

Lights off. The spotlight focuses on a man standing before a crowd filled with anticipation with a dark ring encircling the center stage behind him.

“We are not bound by gravity. We are only bound by our imagination,” said Circus Vargas’ ringmaster and creative director Kevin Venardos, as he introduced a mesmerizing lyra and chiffon routine at a recent show in Torrance.

A young man, distinguished by his black costume, is surrounded by dancers wearing white. Soon, a young woman

—also wearing black—joins him at center stage. Without words the couple recount an entangled love story, complete with an epic enchantment.

The two acrobats hoist themselves up into the air using chiffon fabric as a tether and harness as they twirl, dance and fly in what seems to be a courting ritual.

Choreographed against “Adagio For Tron,” from the Tron: Legacy soundtrack, adding a sentiment of romance in the air, intermixing a sense of conflict and turmoil toward the middle of the performance. At one point, the young man takes off flying above the circus ring, until the music eases into the final resolution of the performance. Essentially, it is an aerial ballet that combines the Shakespearean play, Midsummer’s Night Dream with a courting tale of Peter Pan.

Expect acts such this one and more Dec. 6 through

10 in San Pedro’s Ports O’Call Village, when about 50 people who make the Circus Vargas shows possible will be encouraging audiences to hurry, step right up, and witness all the fun at the “big tent.”

While most circuses have become extravaganzas at exorbitant prices, Circus Vargas has maintained a pervasive sense of the innocence and novelty of yesteryear in each of its 2-hour performances.

“It’s an intimate theatrical setting,” Venardos explained. “This is for families to come and enjoy. (So) that grandma and mom and dad, and the kids, can all enjoy the show together; on some different level, perhaps, but that they do it together.”

In addition to being the ambassador of the circus, Venardos is key in putting together ideas for music, production numbers, acts costumes, touring and overall design of the show, all while preparing for the following year’s show.

“The art of the circus is not only in the skill that each of those performers possess, but in artfully arranging all of these elements so they flow seamlessly from one thing to the next,” Venardos said. “It’s

Kevin Venardos sings, dances and makes people laugh as the ringmaster and creative director of Circus Vargas. Photo Courtesy of Circus Vargas.



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by: Christine Rodriguez, Contributing Writer

Root Vegetable Soup

Ah..., the turning of the seasons when cooks become chefs, when the produce becomes heartier and when the home is filled with the aroma of warming spices that stimulates and excites the senses.

I absolutely love the fall and winter because it signals the time when I bring out the crockpot and

the dutch oven roaster. The recipe I will be sharing with you is a root vegetable soup. Not only is it very easy to make, but it is also very nutritious and inexpensive. It can be the main course or served as a compliment to your meal.

Root vegetables, just as the name implies they grow into the soil and become rooted. In ayurvedic teachings — ayurveda is a 5,000 year

A Holiday dish That sticks to Your bones

Continued on next page.


ber 16 – 29, 2012Shop Local. Support The Com

munity You Live In.


from previous page.

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310-832-6474309 W. 7th St., San Pedro

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old East Indian, organized system of medicine that uses whole foods, herbs and spices as a form of holistic healing — to consume root vegetables is to increase your ability to become “rooted” in your mind and in your heart. Thus, you will be better apt to make solid decisions because you will have a greater understanding of the “root” of the problem.

Rooting also refers to building from the foundation up as in creating a more stabilized home and begin nesting. So, now, let’s get into the actual root vegetables we will be using for this recipe and their benefits to your health.

Turnips are a great source of sulfur, a purifying element. Because turnips are a great source of sulfur, and sulfur is a purifying element and has an alkalyzing nature, it (turnips) rid the body of toxins. Turnips are helpful for indigestion and sinus problems.

Parsnips are greatly used in the eastern traditions in brewing teas used for coughs and colds. Parsnips are also beneficial in the treatment of headaches and arthritis.

Last, but certainly not least, is ginger. I grew to love this root as a child. My grandmother always had fresh ginger tea brewing for us on a cold, rainy day. It has this beautiful fragrant aroma with a hint of spice. It made me feel like a grown up for some reason, maybe it was the distinguishing look of the ginger root. Try adding some to steamed organic apple juice for an afternoon delight. So, ginger helps to breakdown high-protein food such as meats, (by the way the Chinese always combine the right ingredients together like adding ginger to almost all beef dishes) and it is widely used in the

west for nausea, motion sickness and menstrual cramps. Ginger is warming in thermal nature and can also be used in the treatment of bronchitis.

Now, lets make some soup shall we?

Ingredients:1 large turnip, chopped1 large parsnip, chopped1 large potato, chopped (yukon gold has a buttery flavor)3 carrots, chopped1 medium onion, chopped2 tablespoon of olive oil1-½ quarts of vegetable stock2 tablespoons of fresh grated ginger root2 tablespoons of chopped fresh dill1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice1 tablespoon of salt 1 tablespoon of freshly ground pepper

Directions:1. Place the turnips, potatoes, parsnips, carrots

and onion in a baking pan and drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Place in a pre-heated 400-degree oven for 25 to 30 minutes until tender all the way through.

2. Bring broth to a boil and reduce to a low simmer.

3. Blend vegetables along with raw ginger and enough broth (1/2 cup or so) to puree until smooth.

4. Add puree into simmering broth.5. Garnish with fresh dill and a squeeze of

lemon juice. Serve with your favorite bread. Serves six people.



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Big Nick’s PizzaTradition, variety

and fast delivery; you get it all at Big Nick’s Pizza. The best selection of Italian specialties include hear ty calzones, an array of pastas and of course, our amazing selection of signature pizzas,

each piled high with the freshest toppings. Like wings or greens? We also offer an excellent selection of appetizers, salads, beer and wine. Call for fast delivery. Hours: 10 a.m.-11 p.m. Sun.-Thurs., 10 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 1110 N. Gaffey St., San Pedro • (310) 732-5800

BEacH ciTY gRiLLA c u l i n a r y

adventure—no passport required. Famous for Cajun sweet potato fries, garlic French fries, fresh fish, shrimp, salads, vegetarian, Cajun and Caribbean specials . Tr y the

awesome desserts created by Chef Larry Hodgson. Celebrating 25 years. Open for Lunch: Tues.-Sat. 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. and dinner: 5-8 p.m. Closed Sun. and Mon. 376 W. 6th St., San Pedro. (310) 833-6345.

BoaRdwaLk gRiLLC a s u a l

w a t e r f r o n t dining at i ts finest! Famous fo r s labs o f Chicago-style baby back ribs, f i sh -n -ch ips ,

rich clam chowder, cold beer on tap and wine. Full lunch menu also includes salads, sandwiches and burgers. Indoor and outdoor patio dining available. Proudly pouring Starbucks coffee. Open 7 days a week. Free Parking. 1199 Nagoya Way, LA Harbor - Berth 77, San Pedro • (310) 519-7551

BuoNo’s auTHENTic PizzERiaA San Pedro

landmark for over 40 years, famous for exceptional award-winning pizza baked in b r i c k o v e n s . B u o n o ’ s a l s o o f fe rs c lass ic

Italian dishes and sauces based on tried-and-true family recipes and hand-selected ingredients that are prepared fresh. You can dine-in or take-out. Delivery and catering are also provided. Additionally, there are two locations in Long Beach. Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Fri. and Sat. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. 1432 S. Gaffey St., San Pedro • (310) 547-0655 www.buonospizza.com

caTaLiNa BisTRo & ExPREss gRiLLThe soaring span of the V i n c e n t T h o m a s Bridge above and bustling vessel traffic on the Main

Channel alongside, Catalina Bistro and Express Grill in the new Catalina Express terminal is the most exciting place to eat

in the Harbor. The Grill is a wonderful surprise of great coffee and great food. The Bistro and accompanying bar have made the terminal a go-to place for drinks and food with a view at the outdoor tables with umbrellas. From 1/3lb Angus Burgers, homemade soups daily and clam chowder on Fridays you can’t go wrong. Join us for breakfast and lunch daily and dinners on Friday & Saturday nights. Catalina Sea & Air Terminal, Berth 95, San Pedro 310-707-2440

THE cHowdER BaRgEL.A. Harbor’s

famous floating r e s t a u r a n t , su r rounded by boats in Leeward Bay Marina. Dine inside by our fire place, or outside on our deck. This unique spot serves great sandwiches, burgers, f ish & chips, wings and of

course, the BEST clam chowder anywhere! Try our sourdough bread bowl and daily specials. Wine and beer on tap or by the bottle, featuring our 34oz Captains Mug! The new owners have kept the “funkiness” of the old barge, and stepped it up several notches. Watch the games on our big screen TVs, utilize our WiFi and enjoy our XM tunes. THE place for your next party. Hours: Mon, Tues 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Wed, Thurs 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Fri, Sat, Sun 9 a.m.–8 p.m. 611 N. Henry Ford, (at Anaheim) Leeward Bay Marina, Wilmington • (310) 830-7937 • www.ChowderBarge.com

iRoN ciTY TavERNIron City fea-tures a newly renovated din-ing room and wonderfully re-stored bar in a modern setting. The most com-

fortable gastropub in San Pedro, Iron City offers casual dining for lunch and dinner with food service at the bar. Catch all sporting events on seven 50” screens in surround sound and listen to your favorite tunes on our internet jukebox. (Iron City is a supporter of the Black & Gold.) Iron City features authentic Philly cheese steaks, various hot sandwiches and burgers, calamari steaks and a variety of Italian pasta dishes. Hours:10:30 a.m.-2a.m. 7 days a week. Happy hour from 4-6 p.m. featuring 1/2 priced appetiz-ers and drink specials. Free parking in rear. 589 W. 9th St., San Pedro • (310) 547-4766

MisHi’s sTRudEL BakERY Mishi’s is a fragrant landmark on 7th Street, where it is possible to find Nirvana by following your nose. The enticing aroma of baking strudel is impossible to resist, and the darling café is warm and welcoming like your favorite auntie’s house.

Aniko and Mishi have expanded the menu to include homemade goulash soup and a variety of sweet and savory Hungarian strudels, crepes and pastas. The best indulgence is taking a frozen strudel home to bake in your own kitchen and create that heavenly aroma at your house. Mishi’s Strudel Bakery and Café, 309 W.7th St., St., San Pedro • (310) 832-6474 www.mishisstrudel.com

Niko’s PizzERiaD o w n t o w n

S a n P e d r o ’ s newest restaurant features a ful l Italian menu, as well as pizza, and a beer and wine bar. We carry a wide selection of

beers on tap and by the bottle. Watch sporting events on plasma TV screens throughout the restaurant. Delivery service to all of San Pedro, Port locations, and hotels. 399 W. 6th St., San Pedro (at the corner of Mesa and 6th sts.) • (310) 241-1400

PoRTs o’caLL waTERFRoNT diNiNgSince 1961 we’ve

extended a hearty welcome to visitors from every corner of the globe. Delight in an awe-inspiring view of the dynamic LA Harbor while enjoying exquisite Coastal

California Cuisine and Varietals. Relax in the Plank Bar or Outdoor Patio for the best Happy Hour on the Waterfront. With the Award-Winning Sunday Champagne Brunch, receive the first SPIRIT CRUISES Harbor Cruise of the day FREE. Open 7 days, lunch and dinner. Free Parking. 1199 Nagoya Way, LA Harbor - Berth 76, San Pedro • (310) 833-3553 www.Portsocalldining.com

saN PEdRo BREwiNg coMPNaY

S P B C h a s a n eclectic menu featuring pastas, steaks, seafood, sandwiches, salads, delicious appetizers, and great BBQ. Handcrafted ales and lagers are made on the premises. A full bar with made-from-scratch margaritas and

a martini menu all add fun to the warm and friendly atmosphere. WIFI bar connected for Web surfing and e-mail—bring your laptop. Hours: From 11:30 a.m., daily. 331 W. 6th St., San Pedro • (310) 831-5663 • www.sanpedrobrewing.com

sPiRiT cRuisEsA n i n s t a n t

party! Complete with all you need t o r e l a x a n d enjoy while the majesty of the harbor slips by.

Our three yachts and seasoned staff provide for an exquisite excursion every time, and “all-inclusive” pricing makes party planning easy! Dinner Cruise features a 3-course meal, full bar, unlimited cocktails and starlight dancing. Offering the ultimate excursion for any occasion. Free Parking. 1199 Nagoya Way, LA Harbor - Berth 77, San Pedro • (310) 548-8080, (562) 495-5884 • www.spiritmarine.com

THiNk caFéThink Café is giving downtown San Pedro

a taste of sophistication for breakfast and lunchtime, and dinner. Located in the heart of downtown on 5th Street, Think Café’ has been a magnet for local s and business types alike for over 15 years. The special secret of Think Café? Dining outside on the patio. Lovely for latte’ in the morning or soup and salad at midday, the patio is a wonderful rendezvous in the evening, perfect for enjoying a selection

To Advertise in Random Lengths News’

Restaurant Guide for the Harbor Area, Call (310) 519–1442.

from the wine list. T h e C a f é ’ a l s o boasts a selection of imported beers. Breakfast at the Café’ runs the gamut from bacon and eggs to eggs Benedict, with a wide variety of dishes to awaken the taste buds. Think Café’s sandwiches

are hard to beat. 302 W. 5th St. Suite 105, San Pedro • (310) 519-3662

TRusELa’sSouthern Italian & California Cuisine • Bob and Josephine Trusela have been awarded the “Most P r o m i s i n g N e w Restaurant 2010” award and three

stars 2011 and 2012, by the Southern California Restaurant Writers Association. Catering avail-able for all ocassions. Hours: Sun. 5 p.m.–Close, Lunch: Tues–Fri 11:30–2:30, Dinner: Tues–Sat 5 p.m.–Closing. 28158 S. Western Ave., San Pedro • (310) 547–0993 www.truselas.com

THE wHaLE & aLESan Pedro’s

British Gastro P u b o f f e r s c o m fo r t a b l e dining in oak paneled setting, featuring English

fish & chips, roast prime rib, sea bass, rack of lamb, beef Wellington, English pies, venison, salmon, swordfish & vegan/vegetarian dishes. Open for lunch & dinner, 7days/wk; great selection of wines; 14 British tap ales, & full bar. Frequent live Music. First Thursday live band & special fixed price menu. Hours: Mon.-Thu. 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Fri. 11:30 a.m.-midnight Sat. & Sun. 1-10 p.m. Bar open late. 327 W. 7th St., San Pedro • (310) 832-0363 • www.whaleandale.com

San Pedro’s Best Guide To—Fine Dining—

Brochure Pick Up Your 2012

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ber 16 – 29, 2012Shop Local. Support The Com

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Four months ago, San Pedro welcomed a new resident in the form of an expansive craft marketplace in Warehouse 10 at the San Pedro Marina.

CRAFTED’s goal was to become the nation’s largest indoor craft marketplace. A huge grand opening weekend hosted 10,000 visitors from across Southern California and brought hope to a local economy depressed by the national economic malaise.

A recent visit to the warehouse marketplace revealed optimistic small business owners and repeat customers stating loyalty to this new venture.

Annette Ciketic, founder of fINdings Gallery, was the first vendor to sign a contract for a booth at CRAFTED. Her stall on a Saturday afternoon was busy selling handmade toys and clothing. fINdings gallery on 6th Street in San Pedro is already well established, using arts and crafts to promote literacy for low-income immigrant families.

“The project at CRAFTED has evolved to include internships for local college students, as well as service learning projects,” Ciketic said.

Irma Ramos, a student in the fashion program at El Camino College, is creating fashion aprons and supplementing her educational expenses through her work at the fINdings booth. All crafters contributing at Ciktetic’s booth receive a 60 percent commission on their work.

Ciketic is an old hand at running a community based non-profit. Donations in high quality materials and funds assist in running her booth. Her business is in the black, but the goal of fINdings is not profit.

Originally begun with a grant from the Los Angeles Police Departments, “Weed and Seed” program, the mission is to foster personal growth that will enrich lives, contribute to their families and benefit society. That spirit of community enrichment is spread throughout Warehouse 10 floor.

Another vendor funding her dreams is Debbie Selva of Jungle Bee. Selva owns East Valley Academy, a small independent private school for low-income students in the San Fernando Valley. Her private school does not receive government funding, and not all students can meet the expenses

for books and tuition. Selva started Jungle Bee to supplement the academy.

“About 80 percent of the income at the booth goes to the school,” she says.

Selva seems to have hit on a popular design in “foot jewelry,” beaded ankle bracelets that wrap around the foot. Each piece of jewelry is priced at $14, which is meant to approximate the price of a textbook. She has also added other wearable art and mosaic wall décor to her inventory.

Amazingly, Selva creates all the pieces herself while she continues to administer the private school. Her husband, an editor for the Los Angeles Times, and her daughter, also a crafter, pitch in to work the booth each weekend at CRAFTED. Occasionally, her project also feeds a hungry family or a veteran.

“Anytime someone buys something from the Jungle Bee, they are literally putting food on a young person’s plate, or they are buying a book” Selva says. “I chose $14 for my ankle bracelets, because that is how much their workbooks are at school.”

The enThusiasm from vendors conTinues

Gus Lopez, a local San Pedro resident and tug boat operator, runs Knotical. Lopez crafts a variety of items using the techniques he has practiced for years tying sailors knots.

His website, knoticalart.com reads: “I learned everything about rigging, working with different types of rope, knot tying, wire rope splicing, chipping rust, painting, and the basics of navigating out at sea. With lots of practice I quickly became very good at tying different types of knots.”

Now he uses this skill to create bracelets, key chains, dog leashes, door mats and decorative items with his rope and his knots tying skill. Gus is beginning to receive orders for custom work. He showed us an elegant oversized doormat, made from 250 feet of rope, recently ordered by a local interior designer. San Pedro businesses also place orders for nautical wall art and his repeat customers keep him optimistic.

“I’m covering my expenses, but I know the holidays are coming and we’re going to stick it

out,” he said. Sharon Fain, outreach and media manager for

CRAFTED, is busy working on the strategic plan for CRAFTED. The original projection for micro-businesses at CRAFTED was 500. That number has been adjusted as time goes on. A few of the original plans have not panned out. Capturing tourists from cruise ships has not worked, as the cruise ship industry has been affected by the economy and a drop in tourism to Mexico.

CRAFTED started with 70 booths and that number has remained. A recruitment phase is now being launched.

“It’s probably not sustainable to have 500 artists working. There is probably not enough of a pool of local (artisans),” Fain said.

They are offering a renewal rent offer to the current vendors and are hosting mixers for prospective vendors.

CRAFTED has benefited from the national crafting craze. The maga-website Etsy has triggered a global movement. Crafters everywhere are gathering for communal crafting events promoted by Etsy. CRAFTED hosted more than 1,000 people on the Worldwide Etsy Crafting Night. The San Pedro event was the second largest crafting night in the country.

In November, on the day after “Black Friday,” CRAFTED is hosting a holiday kick-off event called Small Business Saturday.

“Our push that day is community oriented,” Fain said. “On that day we will provide materials for people to come and make ornaments for the San Pedro Christmas tree.”

The San Pedro City Ballet will present two performances of the Nutcracker Ballet and Santa will be there to kick off the holiday season. Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Harbor Service Center.

Fain tells us she is aware that the $5 parking fee has been controversial. They tested an annual free parking pass for locals and the offer will be made again at the holidays.

arTisT caLL! Fain is aware of the fine artists working in San

Pedro and is requesting submissions from the local fine arts community. Empty stalls are available for local artists to display appropriate work at CRAFTED, at no cost to the artist. She is currently showing Joyce Dallal’s 10-feet tall toy filled wire sculpture. Artists are encouraged to contact her at [email protected].

Many more success stories exist within the walls of Crafted. It is worth the time to visit yourself and see the community that has sprung up in the port.

venue: CRAFTED at the Port of L.A.Location: 110 22nd St., San Pedro CA 90731details: craftedportla.com

Crafted Crafts a Communityby: Andrea Serna, Contributing Arts Writer

NovEMBER 16dw3 at the chophouseDW3 is back at the Chophouse after performing sold-out shows in support of Hurricane Sandy victims at Spaghatini’s. They’ll bring the soul and rhythm and blues hits you know and love as well as their own original tracks. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Cover is $10.details: (310) 684-1753venue: 7th Street ChophouseLocation: 465 W. 7th St., San Pedro

american Monster + Redhot BurlesqueThe American Monster Burlesque and Blues Show might be a little rough around the edges or maybe even a little out of control at times but always an amazingly fun jaw dropping good time. It happens when you throw together a group of very talented musicians and dancers, then turn them loose without a safety net. Cover is $10.details: (562) 239-3700venue: Harvelle’sLocation: 201 E. Broadway, Long Beach

The delirians Reggae band The Delirians will make groove until you lose your mind, starting at 10 p.m. Nov. 16. Cover is $3. details: (310) 831-5663venue: San Pedro Brewing Co. Location: 331 W. 6th St., San Pedro

NovEMBER 17daversa Big BandDaversa is a versatile and respected performer, composer, arranger, producer, bandleader and educator. He took an immediate interest in music at an early age, first through piano and voice, and later with trumpet and electronic valve instrument. Suggested donation is $30. details: (800) 403-3447venue: Alvas Showroom Location: 1417 W. 8th St., San Pedro

dennis Jones BandCalled a trailblazing maverick, Jones and original songs sets have the ability to bring the heat. Cover is $10. details: (562) 239-3700venue: Harvelle’sLocation: 201 E. Broadway, Long Beach

Panic Movement Panic Movement is an amalgamation of individual band member influences such as The Beatles, Sonic Youth, Killing Joke, Joy Division, The Kinks and the Electric Light Orchestra. The show starts at 9 p.m.venue: The Nugget Location: 474 W. Anaheim St., Long Beach

coldwater canyonColdwater Canyon was formed in the spring of 2006 and quickly became the premier Country band in the Los Angeles area. They have developed a reputation for high energy performances and

Entertainment Calendar continued on page 16.

Jessica Escobar pictured at CRAFTED with stocking caps from fINdings Art Center. Photo by Terelle Jerricks.



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a collaborative effort. To make any show happen requires the collaborative efforts of many different people. I don’t have all of the skills but I know when something is right or where I want it to be and I can sense when something is not there yet.”

Venardos, who joined Circus Vargas in August 2011, never imagined a life with a circus. Before the circus, his passion was musical theater.

A native of New York, he grew up loving Broadway and the stage. He thought traditional theater was where he was headed.

When he was 22, and a year-and-a-half out of college, he went to an open casting call for the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. They were looking for a ringmaster.

“I didn’t have any idea what a ringmaster did; I knew that he sang,” said Venardos, who earned a bachelors in fine arts at Ithaca College. “Landing that job transformed my whole life and what I thought it was going to be.”

It was at the Ringling Bros. Circus that he met The Flying Tabares, the trapeze group who now owns Circus Vargas. They purchased the circus about seven years ago and years later invited Venardos to guide the artistic elements of the show.

Despite some challenges there are many advantages to life in the circus.

“I love that no matter how rotten the last week may have been, we move on to a new city,” he said. It always moves on [and] we keep moving forward… You start to really grow as an artist when you start to live in that constant environment of doing.”

For 36-year-old Leo Garcia the circus is a just another way of life, not too much unlike any other life.

“We have scrambled eggs and ham, and French toast the way everybody else does,” Garcia said.

busy nights at the local honky tonks. The show starts at 9 p.m.details: (562) 630-3007venue: Cowboy CountryLocation: 3321 E. South St., Long Beach

awolRock band, Awol, is coming and plan on rocking the place out, starting at 10 p.m. Nov. 17, at the San Pedro Brewing Co. Cover is $3. details: (310) 831-5663venue: San Pedro Brewing Co. Location: 331 W. 6th St., San Pedro

November 18street corner RenaissanceStreet Corner Renaissance has defied the odds to do what many thought was either crazy or impossible. The group’s founder, Maurice Kitchen, was an accomplished but frustrated 25-year veteran of the insurance industry when he decided to quit his job and form a professional a cappella doo wop group with Torre Brannon Reese, a community youth advocate and founder of a successful mentoring program. details: (800) 403-3447venue: Alvas Showroom Location: 1417 W. 8th St., San Pedro

November 19Funk JamHarvelle’s Funk Jam! is the place to be every week. Cover is $5 and it starts at 9 p.m.details: (562) 239-3700venue: Harvelle’sLocation: 201 E. Broadway, Long Beach

November 22Live Band karaoke with steel Rod Come test your chops at Chophouse’s Thursday night. details: (310) 684-1753venue: 7th Street ChophouseLocation: 465 W. 7th St., San Pedro

November 23Joel gaines Jazz multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Joel Gaines will be back at the Chophouse to deliver the latest cuts and standards fans love. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Cover is $10. details: (310) 684-1753venue: 7th Street ChophouseLocation: 465 W. 7th St., San Pedro

November 24Brian augerA jazz pianist, bandleader, session musician and Hammond B3 player, Auger has incorporated jazz, early British pop, rhythm and blues, soul music and rock. Suggested donation is $20. details: (800) 403-3447venue: Alvas Showroom Location: 1417 W. 8th St., San Pedro

November 25kevin o’Neil group featuring candi sosaO’Neal’s voice as an entertainer speaks freely on his bass, through his compositions and his deceptively embracing singing. Candi Sosa is power and tenderness. In her art, she commands the “Voice of The Tiger” as she can soothe or excite at will. Kevin & Candi love sharing moments and music together. Their sound is without boundaries. Kevin hails from Los Angeles and Candi from Havana, Cuba. Suggested donation is $20. details: (800) 403-3447venue: Alvas Showroom Location: 1417 W. 8th St., San Pedro

November 30The vitalitiesReggae band, the Vitalities will be at the Brewing Company, starting at 10 p.m. Nov. 30. Cover is $3.details: (310) 831-5663venue: San Pedro Brewing Co. Location: 331 W. 6th St., San Pedro

december 1Next N LineRock band Next N Line is set to deliver some flavor in your ear on this night starting at 10 p.m. Dec. 1. Cover is $3.details: (310) 831-5663venue: San Pedro Brewing Co. Location: 331 W. 6th St., San Pedro

Preparing Thanksgiving dinner for the whole family year after year can be a real chore, not to mention irritating when distant relatives you never see show up on your step with their own take-home containers.

Here are a few Harbor Area restaurants Random Lengths recommends to shirk off your workload.

The Skyroom in Long Beach is the place to be. At the top floor of the historic Breakers Hotel, its dining room offers 360-degree city views,

vintage Art Deco decor, white tablecloths, and custom china. There’s a three-course meal to be had, featuring a choice of sweet potato soup, roasted bell peppers, and garlic tarragon or a seasonal garden salad with gala apples, fennel, cumquats, roasted walnuts and champagne vinaigrette.

The second course includes the traditional holiday turkey with sundried tomatoes, cornbread, cranberries, figs, sausage-stuffing, cumquats, jalapeño peppers, garlic and mashed

potatoes. Then there’s the seafood option such as the

tiger shrimp pasta option with homemade black fettuccine, roasted garlic sauce, and shrimp or the broiled Scottish salmon, with sweet potato au gratin, ginger and persimmon reduction.

There’s also the lobster risotto option, with wild mushrooms, butternut squash, saffron, and Parmesan- Reggiano.

And, for dessert, homemade pecan pie and gelato or pumpkin crème caramel. At $49.00 per person, that’s a deal.

The Skyroom will be open from 2 to 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving for three-course meal with a plethora of choices.details: (562) 983-2703; www.theskyroom.comvenue: The SkyroomLocation: 40 S. Locust Avenue Long Beach

Ports O Call Restaurant will be hosting a buffet style brunch and dinner on Thanksgiving. Brunch will be from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and dinner from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Cost is $35 per person. For children between the ages of 7 to 12 pay $14. Toddlers between the age of 3 to 6 cost $6. Salad, fajita stations, roast beef, pork ribs, turkey, ham and seafood are part of the deal. The last seating of the day is at 6 p.m.details: (310) 833-3553venue: Ports O’Call RestaurantLocation: 1199 Nagoya Way, San Pedro

“We wake up in the morning. We put our kids in school and we have breakfast like everybody else. (It’s) just an average life.”

Garcia, along with his wife, Getti, and his 10-year-old son, Maximus are the stars of the Motorcycle Globe of Death act. This family of circus performers race motorcycles inside a 13-foot diameter spherical cage.

Maximus, who has been performing since the age of 4, has the world’s record as the youngest performer to do the motorcycle act.

“I remember being 10 or 11 years old and already knowing 100 percent (that) I wanted to do it forever,” said Garcia, a sixth-generation circus performer. “When I had the opportunity … to take a different path … I didn’t want to do anything else. I was born in the environment.”

Garcia is also the human rocket act. He gets shot out of a canon 40 feet into the air and 70 feet across the arena.

One of the nicest things about Circus Vargas is that it is family-owned and operated, Garcia said. The overall environment of the show is very family-friendly, as opposed to some of the newer shows that could be a little more risqué.

“As a family person that I am, it’s really nice to be in a show where family is the first thing … to the overall show,” said Garcia, who also has a 3-year-old son. “Out of the many shows that I’ve been fortunate, with my family, to perform in, this is one of the most beautiful--under the big top-- the way circus was originally meant to be. As a performer you are proud to be part of the show too.”

Another perk for both audience and performers is the standard meet-and-greet that they do with its audience at the end of each show. And, while gone are the days of animals being part of the circus experience, song, dance, clowns and flying acrobats allow the show to hold its own without missing a beat.

“At the end of the day there is plenty of incredible human acts to fill a 2-hour show and no one is going to be disappointed,” Venardos said.

from page 11.

Circus Vargas

Calendar from page 15. Harbor Area Restaurants Give a Cooking Hand

by: Terelle Jerricks, Managing Editor

Leo Garcia prepares to launch himself 40 feet into the air and 70 feet across the arena as the Human Rocket performer of Circus Vargas. Photo Courtesy of Leo Garcia.


The Local Publication You Actually Read Novem

ber 16 - 29, 2012

tee ballot.• In Colorado, police harnessed Latino

canvassers during the week leading up to election day.

• In Florida, 46 voters were challenged by one Tea Party activist in Miami-Dade County, and 77 were challenged in the Tam-pa area by another. The voters were forced to cast provisional ballots, which aren’t counted until 10 days after the election and have high rejection rates.

Still, the end result of all this voter sup-pression and obstruction was failure at the presidential level. Republicans were far more successful with a less recognized ap-proach to thwarting voters’ will in races for the House of Representatives—partisan re-districting. ThinkProgress reported a Demo-cratic popular vote margin of 50.3 percent to 49.7 percent—a 6-point swing from 2010. “This discrepancy between popular votes and seat counts is the largest since 1950,” wrote Sam Wang at the Princeton Election

where the postindustrial economy thrives. The results bear this out as well. Obama won all 10 of the top states with the high-est percentage of college graduates in the over 25 age group. Romney won 9 of the bottom ten states. What’s more, the coun-ties Obama won are tightly clustered and more densely populated, matching the ideopolis thesis.

The long-running World Values Sur-vey strongly indicates that post-industrial-ism has a distinctive values thrust towards greater openness, gender equity, and qual-ity concerns, such as environmentalism and participatory democracy, all summed up under the heading of “post-material-ism”. This correlates well with bringing five new women into the Senate—for a record 20 female members—as well as the sharp reversal in voting on gay mar-riage initiatives, which saw a string of 32 consecutive defeats end dramatically, with three gay marriage initiatives pass-

from p. 7

From Red to Blue

Consortium website. He concluded that the “structural unfairness” due to redistricting could be as high as 5 percent of the popular vote. “That is incredible,” he wrote. “Clear-ly nonpartisan redistricting reform would be in our democracy’s best interests.”

Nick Baumann, of Mother Jones maga-zine,. Compiled the following list of close states, Obama vote margins and House seat margins:State Obama Vote GOP VoteNorth Carolina -1.2% 9-4% Florida +0.5 (provisional) 17-10 Ohio +2 12-4 Virginia +3 8-3Pennsylvania +5 13-5 Wisconsin +6 5-3 Michigan +8 9-5

The total for all these states—which Obama carried by an aggregate average of around 2 to 3 percent—was 73-34, better than 2 to 1 Republican. If these states had split their delegations 50-50, Democrats would have gained another 20 seats and retaken the House.

In addition to the growth of minorities, Judis and Teixeira pointed to increased col-lege education and the transition from an industrial to a post-industrial economy as trends producing more Democratic voters. They coined the word “ideopolis” for areas

ing (Maine, Maryland and Washington) and one ban going down to defeat (in Min-nesota). It also correlates with the shifting ground on marijuana prohibition, where progress is advancing, albeit unevenly. Medical marijuana was approved in Mas-sachusetts, the 17th state to approve it, but defeated in Arkansas, while state-regulated sales were approved in Washington, but defeated in Oregon, and Colorado legal-ized possession under one ounce.

Finally, two key figures embody much of the hope and promise on which the future of a possible Democratic majority depends. Tammy Baldwin, a well-estab-lished House progressive, has become the first openly lesbian senator. She has a strong labor record that is not just re-flected in her voting, but her passionate advocacy. She’ll be joined by Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard professor with an Oakie twang, whose politics recall former House Speaker and Senator Fred Harris, humorist Will Rogers, and the ghost of Tom Joad. The party’s future may well depend on the ability of women leaders like them to fuse the materialist working class politics of the Democrats’ past glory with the post-materialist politics embod-ied in their very presence. With any luck, one or both of them will run for President some day.

About 1,000 attendees arrived to honor America’s veterans of wars past and present at the USS Iowa on Nov. 10. Veterans span wars going back to World War II. The free event featured live music from The Swing of Things, Rock for Vets and The Riptides band. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and City Councilman Joe Buscaino pledge that the Veterans Appreciation Day will be-come an annual event.

Pictured, right, with the mayor and City Attorney Carmen Trutanich is Gene Dick, survivor of the USS Oklahoma when the battleship was sunk in the at-tack on Pearl Harbor during World War II. Photos: Betty Guevara.

Honoring America’s Veterans on USS Iowa

First Lady Michelle Obama, First Daughters Sasha and Malia join re-elected President Barack Obama on stage Nov. 6 in Chicago.




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ber 16 - 29, 2012

Fictitious Business name Statement

File no. 2012183675The following person is doing busi-ness as: tommys Famous Burg-ers of San pedro, 1141 S. Gaffey Street, San Pedro, CA, 90731, Los Angeles County. Registered own-ers: Angelo Bacoulis, 17842 Arvida Dr., Grenada Hills, CA 91344. This Business is conducted by a husband and wife. The date registrant started to transact business under the ficti-tious business name or names listed above: January 1, 2000. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Angelo Bacoulis, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on September 13, 2012. Notice--In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section 17920. A fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920 were to expire 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see section 1411 ET SEQ., Business and Profes-sions code).Original filing: 09/20/12,10/4/12, 10/18/12, 11/01/2012

Fictitious Business name Statement

File no. 2012177138The following person is doing busi-ness as: B & d treasures, 719 S. Pacific Ave., San Pedro, CA, 90731, Los Angeles County. Registered

owners: Brandi Rayann Barnard, 772 10th Street, Apt. #4, San Pedro, CA 90731. This Business is conducted by an individual. The date registrant started to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above: NA. I declare that all in-formation in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Brandi Rayann Barnard, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on September 4, 2012. Notice--In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section 17920. A fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920 were to expire 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see section 1411 ET SEQ., Business and Profes-sions code).Original filing: 09/20/12,10/4/12, 10/18/12, 11/01/2012

Fictitious Business name Statement

File no. 2012198587The following person is doing business as: “life’s grand” Kids dance, Art, music, 415 W. 6th Street, San Pedro, CA, 90731, Los Angeles County. Reg-istered owner(s): Lorena Maese, 3653 Stephen M. White Dr., San Pedro, CA 90731. This Business is conducted by an individual. The date registrant started to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above: Oct. 1, 2012. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Lorena Maese, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on October 4, 2012. Notice--In Accordance with subdivision (a) of section 17920. A fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920 were to expire 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FILINGSof the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see section 1411 ET SEQ., Business and Profes-sions code).Original filing: 10/18/12, 11/01/2012, 11/15/12, 11/29/12

Fictitious Business name Statement

File no. 2012214724The following person is doing busi-ness as: Beadwork by Cgm, 1063 W.11th St., San Pedro, CA 90731, Los Angeles County. Registered owners: Carmen Guevara Moen, 1063 W.11th St., San Pedro, CA 90731 Charles David Moen, 1063 W.11th St., San Pedro, CA 90731. This Business is conducted by a husband and wife. The date registrant started to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above: N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A regis-trant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Carmen Moen, Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on October 29, 2012. Notice--In Accor-dance with subdivision (a) of section 17920. A fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920 were to expire 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in

the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name

in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see section 1411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions code).Original filing: 11/01/2012, 11/15/12, 11/29/12, 12/13/12




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